Burger Challenge Rules Burger Challenge Rules


Burger Challenge Rules Burger Challenge Rules
Route 66 " King of the Road"
Burger Challenge Rules
The Cookin' From Scratch "Road Crew" reserves the right to make changes as necessary to make the
Challenge as fair and possible for all Challengers.
Meal includes:
66 oz. Burger w/Bun and (9) pieces of American cheese
1.5 lbs. fresh cut french fries
Pickles slices
Lettuce, Tomato and Onion
Challenge Rules:
1. Entire meal must be eaten within 66 minutes. If any of the meal is left uneaten........YOU ARE DISQUALIFIED!!
2. You must sit at our designated table we have provided for you.
3. You are allowed to eliminate two of the three set-up items (lettuce, tomato, onion), but a member of the
"Road Crew" will substitute those items for equal amount (by weight) with fries.
4. You can check your Burger before time begins to make sure it tastes correct and is done. A member of the
"Road Crew" will begin the time when you signal your approval. You need to make sure you are ready before
you signal, because time will not stop once it has started.
5. Once time has started, you are not allowed to stand, or leave your designated seating area. No one else is
allowed in your area, or to touch your food.
6. NO one is allowed to help you with your food in anyway, or you will be disqualified.
7. If you become ill, the challenge is over and you are disqualified. Arrangement have been made to provide
containers in the event you become ill.
8. You must pay in full, for the Route 66 "King of the Road" Challenge up front; if you win the Challenge, you
will be refunded 100% of your money.
9. If you do not win the Challenge, you are not allowed to share leftovers with anyone else in the restaurant.
10. If you do not win the Challenge, you are allowed to take the leftovers home with you.
11. A member of the "Road Crew" will judge if you have completed the Challenge correctly and if you are
Challenger (you) assumes all responsibilities and understands they have voluntarily entered into this Challenge. Challenger understands
that Cookin' From Scratch/Ozark Oil Co. L.L.C. and all of its sponsors shall not be held liable for any situations, in anyway. Challenger (you)
understands that Cookin' From Scratch/Ozark Oil Co. L.L.C. may use their name, photo, or likeliness for promotional situations and events
and Challenger (you) agrees and allows the said, mentioned above company to do so with no monitary, nor owed entitlements.