October - Temple Beth Tzedek


October - Temple Beth Tzedek
621 Getzville Road • Buffalo, NY 14226 • (716) 838-3232
Tishrei – Cheshvan 5775
October 2014
Project Beit Tefillah:
Moving Forward
On September 17th, by overwhelming majority votes,
the membership of Temple Beth Tzedek made two significant
decisions to move forward with Project Beit Tefillah. The first
was to approve the concept of selling our building and land for
the sum of $7 million - $6 million to be paid at the time of the
sale and the remaining $1 million in the form of a life
insurance policy with the synagogue to be the named
beneficiary on the policy. The next step will be the preparation
of a contract of sale to be voted on by the congregation and
then submitted for approval by the State of New York. This
sum is well above the market value of the property and is
expected to be sufficient to allow Temple Beth Tzedek to move
to a new location that would better suit our needs for decades
to come, without the need for any mandatory building
assessment. A new, smaller building would reduce our annual
budget deficit because it would be more cost-effective to
operate, while being more accessible and accommodating to
our members and better suited to our programmatic needs. It
is anticipated that additional funds will be raised by dedicating
spaces in a new building – while recognizing those who
dedicated spaces in our predecessor buildings. The goal is to
build an endowment that could repay our accumulated deficit
and generate sufficient earnings to close future budget
The second decision was to move forward with a
nonbinding letter of intent to purchase a five acre parcel of land
in the northeast corner of the Westwood Country Club as part
of the redevelopment of that site. The purchase price for the
parcel would be $500,000, plus an additional $100,000 to
cover the synagogue’s share of installing a storm water system.
The synagogue would also be responsible for a proportional
share of maintaining landscaping and signage. The plan is for
Westwood to be redeveloped into a mixed-use community that
would include single family homes, patio homes, condos,
senior housing, rental apartments, retail and a hotel, in
addition to the Westwood clubhouse – which would continue
to serve as a catering facility. There would also be a new
north/south street running between Maple and Sheridan.
More information about Westwood can be found at
www.westwoodamherst.com. It is hoped that construction
will take place during the Spring/Summer of 2016. This would
be after the close of the sale on our property. The buyer of our
property would allow us to stay here while our new building is
constructed. Because the Westwood project requires rezoning
and site plan approval from the Town of Amherst, we will
continue to explore alternate sites in case those approvals
cannot be obtained in a timely basis.
Temple Beth Tzedek, Temple Beth Zion, and Congregation Shir Shalom, with generous support from the
Kadimah School of Buffalo and the Jewish Federation of
Buffalo, are proud to present the Maccabeats in their
first-ever Western New York appearance:
Sunday, October 26, at 2 p.m.
Lippa Family Auditorium
Temple Beth Tzedek
Often traveling with little more than the shirts on
their backs and the ties on their necks, the Maccabeats
have entertained and inspired hundreds of audiences
worldwide, from Alabama to (New) Zealand and everywhere in between. Using nothing more than the unadulterated human voice, a clean-cut presentation and a little
Jewish humor, this unique group of singers is able to
connect with fans of all backgrounds and ages.
Though the Maccabeats aren’t your grandfather’s
synagogue choir, their ideology and identity play an
important part in what they do. Strongly committed to
the philosophy of Torah u-Madda, the integration of
traditional and secular wisdom, the Maccabeats perform
an eclectic array of Jewish, American and Israeli songs.
Advance purchase by 10/23: $18 adult and $10
child/student under 18 years of age. Payment must be
made with reservation in order to receive special pricing.
To take advantage of advance-purchase pricing, call the
synagogue office at 838-3232.
Payment at door: $20 adult and $12 child/student
under 18 years of age.
Well, here's where we have come, so
far. We have traveled on our journey
through the year 5774, we have
observed our ancient rituals of
reflection of our actions in the year
past, remembrance of our loved ones
passed and repentance for our human
shortcomings. In addition to all this,
we have seen our new merged
successful year in becoming one with each other and one
with our creator.
Temple Beth Tzedek has taken many more steps this past
year to be the Conservative Jewish presence that Greater
Buffalo needs and has come to expect. Rabbi Netter has
been the “go to person,” being asked to speak at many
venues and represent Jewish Buffalo at many events held
by the greater community at large. Our facility has been
requested and made available for intra-Jewish events
such as Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Hashoah. As I spoke
about a few days ago on Rosh Hashana, it is our
synagogue that is being looked to, to provide the kashrut
and customary rituals needed in order to keep our
ancient and admired culture alive.
Much of this is not only because of the work of dedicated
clergy and temple leaders, but because of all of you, our
temple members who demanded this be done, and taken
the necessary steps to see it happen. This past month, our
congregation met, discussed openly and respectfully,
debated and decided through vote, to continue on our
quest for building a new facility. It was a step, not yet to
commit us to doing so, but to facilitate being open to the
idea, should opportunities continue to present
themselves. I promise you, the open discussions will
continue all along the process. If things fall into place,
we will be afforded the opportunity to enjoy a long
Conservative Jewish life, worshipping in a facility that
will allow for future needs and demands. If
circumstances don’t present themselves favorably, we will
consider it as being B’Shert and pursue a path to
continuity some other way.
In any scenario, we will travel life’s journey together,
supporting each other along the way. We can start by
partaking in another ritual coming up. Please come and
experience Sukkot in our synagogue sukkah. We will not
only be fulfilling God’s commandment to “dwell in
booths” during this season, but we can spend some very
valuable time doing so together, as a family. What better
way to experience your journey?
I thank you all for being part of my journey.
See you in the sukkah!
2 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar
“NEW” Selection of Judaic Items for all occasions
Shofarot • Tallitot
Menorahs • Tallis Clips
Kipot •Electric Yahrzeit Lights
Havdalah Candles • Honey Dishes
Shabbat Candlesticks • Mezuzot
Jewelry and Much More
Sundays - 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Tuesdays - 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Or by appointment – Call Kim at 838-3232
Happy and Healthy New Year
to All of Our Customers,
Friends & Family
Carolyn, Bobbie, Myra, Kim & Linda
Shirlee Gluckstein
on the birth
of her great-granddaughter,
Morgan Sara Greene
Susan & Mark Richheimer
October 25
Bar Mitzvah of their son
Jordan Richheimer
Temple Beth Tzedek Sisterhood
& Social Action
cordially invites you
to a brunch and discussion on
Women's Health
and Ovarian Cancer
(answers to questions
you are embarrassed to ask)
Sunday, October 19, 2014
in the Lippa Family Auditorium
Kathleen Maxian - President of the
WNY Ovarian Cancer Project
Dr. Katherine Morrison - Founder of
the Birthing Center of Buffalo
Dr. Kirsten Moysich, PhD - Professor
of Oncology at Roswell Park
Torah Fund Pin Alert
Through an error in the casting of the current
Torah Fund 5775 Campaign pin, “Mishpachah,”
some of these pins have begun to discolor. The
jeweler is replacing all of the pins at no cost to
Women’s League or to Torah Fund. If you have one
of these lovely pins, we ask that you wear and enjoy
your pin during the holidays, but then whoever
wishes a replacement must return the pin to Kim in
the Temple Office (with the box if you still have it!),
and we will return them to the New York office. We
will notify you as soon as the new ones are received,
and we apologize for any inconvenience this has
We thank you for your cooperation,
The Beth Tzedek Torah Fund Committee
Hear the Shofar!
Brunch will be at 9:30 a.m. followed by
Cost: $10
We all look to The Shofar, our monthly Temple Beth
Tzedek newsletter for information about current issues
and happenings in our TBT community—The Shofar
helps to keep us well-informed and connected. In
addition to the traditional paper and ink printed as well as
the environmentally friendly on-line versions of our
monthly newsletter, Temple Beth Tzedek continues to
make available audio-recordings of The Shofar, for any
member upon request.
Blood pressure screenings
will be available upon request
It must be acknowledged with great appreciation that
Rachel Anderson has been the voice of The Shofar during
the summer of 2014. She recorded the June, July and
August editions of The Shofar with her distinguished
British accent. Todah Rabah! Yasher Koach!
Reservations required by October 14
Jane Leve 688-6731
Linda Steinhorn 634-6330
Please let us know if you too would like to participate
in making audio-recordings of the newsletter. New
volunteers are always welcome and your participation
would be appreciated.
Contact the TBT office (716-838-3232) or Sharla
Bleichfeld (716-688-5296) to volunteer to make
recordings or to request an audio-recording of The Shofar
for yourself or for someone that you know would want
Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 3
What the Heck Is Kesher Anyway???
Our opening program in September was a delightful
evening as we enjoyed the wonderful stories told by StoriesGalorious storytellers, Rebecca and Rachel Oshlag, Thank you to
our chairs for the evening, Sheila Trossman and Elaine Baren.
We are off to a busy year. Once again, our flower lady,
Gloria Fenston, has helped us make our holidays special with
the beautiful flowers she secures for us at this special time of
year. This is a labor of love for Gloria and we appreciate all her
hard work. Yasher Koach, Gloria.
As we are busy cooking, cleaning, even davening, our
membership has found a few minutes to pay their dues and
THANK YOU ALL who have already done so.
Our program on Sunday, October 19, will be very exciting
and informative. We are co-sponsoring the program with our
TBT Social Action Committee. We
have three outstanding women who
will speak on Women’s Health
Issues. They are Kathleen Maxian,
President of the Western NY Ovarian Cancer Project, Kirsten
Moysich, PhD., Professor of Oncology at Roswell Park
Cancer Institute and Dr. Katherine Morrison, founder of the
Birthing Center of Buffalo. There will be presentations from
each of the women and ample time for questions and answers.
This program is open to the community and men are welcome
to attend. Refreshments will be available throughout the
morning. The program will run from 9:30 – 1:00. I urge you
to google the names of our speakers and read about their many
accomplishments. A flyer will be coming with details about
RSVPs. Please watch for it in the mail.
A reminder that rummage workers are needed as well as
rummage. Please call Carolyn Kershanbaum, 632-5924, to
volunteer or for more information.
We have been notified by Torah Fund that there is a problem
with the Mishpocha pin. Our TF committee will be contacting you and/or making announcements about returning the
pins after Yom Tov. They are ALL being replaced by the manufacturer but will not be done until after Simchat Torah. The
committee will be in touch with everyone who has received a
pin as soon as all the information is made available from the
Torah Fund office. The pins will be collected in the synagogue,
sent back to CA and new ones will be sent as replacements.
This is a national problem and will be resolved but it may take
a little time.
Save the dates: Sunday, April 26, 2015 – Monday, April
27, 2015 – International Northeast Regional Conference will
be held in DeWitt, NY at Congregation Beth Shalom-Chevra
Shas. Region conference is being chaired by our own, Ilene
Scheib. Much more information will follow but mark your
calendar now. Open to all Sisterhood members.
As we approach Sukkot and Simchat Torah, I want to
wish everyone Chag Sameach and look forward to seeing you
all in shul.
Rusty Zackheim
Sisterhood President
4 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar
Kesher, literally means connection. At Temple Beth
Tzedek, it is one way we connect with our temple family.
Although we cannot meet all the needs of all the members of
our congregation all of the time, we do our best to meet some
of the needs of some of the people some of the time. We are
able to do so much because we are fortunate to have many
volunteers who help out in a variety of ways.
Twenty-nine people offered to help deliver High Holiday
packages to 130 members in September. Eighteen people
spent part of a Sunday baking challahs to be included in the
gift bags. Four wonderful folks send out birthday, get well,
and sympathy cards to members who are in our thoughts.
Twelve drivers volunteer to take a turn at delivering meals
prepared in our kitchen to shiva homes and homes of people
who have been ill. A small handful of volunteers make
hospital visits or phone calls to check up on ailing members
and to offer help or just to say Shabbat Shalom.
As many as 25 members and their children take a turn (or
many turns) at attending our monthly mincha at Weinberg
Sunday program. They help to bring residents down to the
chapel to attend mincha services which are led by Rabbi
Netter and Cantor Spindler. They serve snacks, kibbitz a bit
and help residents back to their rooms.
Our Outstretched Arm subcommittee, co-chaired by
Lynne Birnholz and Sharla Bleicheld, plans and executes five
programs each year for Jewish adults with special needs. They
are planned around Succot, Hanukkah, Purim, Passover and
Shavuot. There is always an education component, related to
the holiday as well as a light lunch for everyone. When
possible, Gesher students participate in the celebration.
Participants travel from near (Maple Rd) and far (Springville!)
to join with us. Volunteers help prepare and serve lunch and
visit with our special guests. Talented musicians and
storytellers, who are members of TBT, add to the special days.
Scores of people make donations to the Glickstein Kesher
fund to help support our many outreach programs. Gifts to
support particular programs are always welcomed, as are
general gifts to the Glickstein Fund.
So, how do YOU fit into this picture? If any of the
activities sound interesting to you, you only need to show up.
Each event is publicized in our Shabbat flyer and in a series of
emails. Check out the temple calendar and website too.
Kesher events are listed there. We invite you to come join us
and help make a connection with your TBT family.
Questions? Call Irv Sellers or Jan Presser, Kesher co-chairs.
Sunday,November 9 at 7:30 pm. Please join Rabbi
Netter and the program committee as we present "Judaism
and Sexuality." The Rabbi will offer insight and information on aspects of sexuality from the Torah and Talmud.
There will be an opportunity for discussion and questions
on this fascinating part of our lives. Refreshments will be
served also! Don't miss this important evening.
Temple Beth Tzedek’s fourth annual Shabbaton at
Beaver Hollow was held this year from August 22nd to
24th, and it was a great success. Eighty people attended,
ranging in age from three to 82 years old. The hardworking Shabbaton committee organized a fabulous
weekend. Most services, meals, and discussions were held
outside in a pavilion overlooking the lake. Havdallah was
held on the beach. The beautiful sights and sounds of
nature surrounding us significantly enhanced the spirituality of the whole weekend. We were so fortunate that the
predicted rain did not show up to force us inside.
Cantor Spindler led the group in davening, with participation by many attendees. Rabbi Netter engaged everyone in three thought-provoking discussion sessions
throughout the weekend based on the theme, “Would
you believe…?” We learned so much from Rabbi Netter
and from each other. Both Cantor Spindler and Rabbi
Netter worked tirelessly to make it a most meaningful
Shabbaton for all who attended.
Andy Symons led the group in song before the start
of Shabbat, after almost everyone had arrived. He also
led us in a sing-along around a bonfire after Havdallah.
Everyone enjoyed s’mores, singing, and great conversation under the stars. Lori and Brittany Morrison
brilliantly kept 24 kids, ages three to 17, engaged
throughout the weekend. On Friday afternoon, they
started with a great activity for all participants, decorating Shabbat candle holders. They kept the kids busy
with organized programming that was related to the
theme of the weekend and fun for everyone. They made
great use of the beautiful grounds of Beaver Hollow,
leading the kids on a hike on Saturday afternoon and
taking them boating on Sunday morning.
I would like to thank the 2014 Shabbaton Committee for all of their hard work and dedication to another
great event, even if they were not all able to share in the
fruits of their labor. The committee included Fern Bernstein, Leah Blum, Judy Davis, Joseph Enis, Janet Gunner,
Stuart Fischman, David Grayck, Lori Morrison, Rabbi
Netter, Harvey Sanders, Herb Scheer, Ina Scheer, Sharon
Serota, Barbara Sitrin, Leona Spindler, Bobbie Vishner,
Allan Werbow, and Myra Werbow. We are working on
Shabbaton 2015, which will be held again at Beaver
Hollow, from August 28th to 30th. We would love for
anyone interested to join the committee. Please plan to
join us at the Shabbaton next year!
- Lisa Wallenfels, TBT Shabbaton Chair
Mel Brothman and Carol Davis will be honored during
services on Simhat Torah this year on Friday, October 17.
Dr. Melvin Brothman, our Chatan Torah, has been a Buffalonian and a member of our Temple and its predecessor congregations almost all of his life. A graduate of Bennett High, UB
Pharmacy, and UB Medical School, he interned at the University
of Illinois at Chicago and served as a medical officer in the US
Navy. After an orthopedic residency at Buffalo General Hospital,
Mel was in private practice as an orthopedic surgeon and consultant for 48 years, retiring in 2014.
Mel and the former Elaine Schrutt have been married 56
years. Their family includes four children and six grandchildren.
Mel and Elaine have been active members and generous donors
to Temple Beth Tzedek.
Carol Davis, our Kallah B’reishit, is another member who
has lived her entire life in Buffalo. Carol and her late husband,
Irwin, ran an electrical contracting and lighting management
business from 1961 to 1999. Carol and Irwin were parents of
three daughters, including our prominent members, Sharon
Kostiner and Lisa Wallenfels, and grandparents of seven.
Carol has been an active volunteer in many Temple activities and committees, including Gesher, Friends of Night People,
Social Action, Adult Education, Shabbaton, Library, and challah
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Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 5
6 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar
Rosh Hashanah is over and we look
forward to the rest of the holidays.
We hope you noticed many of
the women in the Congregation
wearing the new Torah Fund
pin. It is our gift to anyone
who performs the mitzvah of
donating $180. or more to the
Campaign. It is a Tree of Life
w i t h
the theme name (Mispacha) below it.
Women’s League kept this theme because family is so
important in everyone’s lives.
The world is still not at peace and our beloved Israel
is “smack” in the middle. You can do your part to
perpetuate Conservative Judaism by contributing to
the scholarship fund that is subsidized by the
Each year we have goals to meet to ensure that we
can provide for the educational environment and
scholarship funds, and the spiritual needs of our
students, who are in the programs of the Jewish
Theological Seminary. We look to all of you to meet
the challenge of sharing this information with others
telling what contributing to Torah Fund each year can
mean to so many. Whether you become Patrons,
Guardians, Benefactors, or give chai, every dollar
counts and is needed!
Todah Rabah for taking on this challenge! We
know that you will learn and grow because of your
commitment to this year’s Torah Fund Campaign.
Chag Sameach,
Sheila, Edna, Elaine, Gloria, Bobbie, Judy, Marcia,
The Torah Fund Committee
Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 7
Contributions are gratefully acknowledged for the following:
Rose Abraham
Morris Altman
Sally Bader
Lois Bagel
Gertrude Baron
George Benson
Lillian Benson
Blanche Bernstein
Roza Beyder
Marci Birzon
Ruth Block
Morris Brooks
Sam Brotz
Harry Bruck
Benjamin Cantor
Herb Cantor
Hilda Capell
Siegfried Capell
Frances Chertoff
Edith Cohen
Jack Cohen
Samuel Cohen
Stanley Cohen
Evelyn Davis
Sareve Dukat
Sara Eisen
Milton Engel
Jeanette Erenstoft
Edith Fenston
Stephen Feig
Meyer Fish
Libby Friedland
Michel Gebelev
Morris Gendler
Irving Gorsky
Cantor Charles Gudovitz
Tillie Gudovitz
Arthur Guterman
Irene Hoffman
8 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar
Pearl Hoffman
Stephen Hoffman
William Hoffman
Tolic Jankielowicz
Louis Judelsohn
Gary Kahn
Samuel Katz
Zinaida Kazhdan
Samuel Kershanbaum
Thomas Knipfing
William Kolkowicz
Barbara Kramer
Abraham Kurland
Hilda Kurland
Bryant Kurtzman
Beatrice Levine
Sara Lifshits
Rose Lipman
Lillian Lipsitz
Larry Macoff
Sheila Macoff
Sarah Mann
Tyrus McLanahan
Bernard Meizlik
Meyer Mesch
Morris Mesch
Albert Miller
Ruth Miller
Vivian Miller
Warren Mitofsky
Philip Niles
William Norman
Ruth Oshlag
Joseph Paul
Beatrice Pincus
Minnie Platt
Abraham Polak
Ida Polak
Jennie Presser
Harry Rachlin
Milton Reingold
Pauline Reingold
Maurice Rickler
Miriam Brotz Rosenberg
Herbert Ross
Judy Schatz
Fannette Schwartz
Jack Segal
Matthew Segarnick
Joseph Serure
Fred Shalwitz, M.D.
Harry Shalwitz
Lena Shalwitz
Janie Shumaker
Sharon Silbiger
Bertha Silverberg
Atta Rae Sitrin
Gabriel M. Sitrin
Benjamin Smith
Mollie Smith
Sanford Snapp
Edward Sorotsky
David Sultz
James Thayer
Gloria Vlosky
Kenneth Wagner
Renee Wahrman
Dorothy Wallach
Joyce Weiner
Baruch Weisbrot
Sidney Williams
Ethel Wilson
Bernard Winer
Daniel R. Winer
Joan Wolfgang
Bernard Yachnin
Charlotte Zeckleman
Bernard Zeldner
Lillian Ziff
Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund
In honor of:
Brett & Hayley Bernstein
Becoming B'nai Mitzvot
Ellen & Alan Bernstein
Ellen & Alan Bernstein's Grandchildren
Becoming B'Nai Mitzvot
Arnold Zimmer & Peggy Kulick
Anne Bernstein Memorial Fund
In memory of:
Harlan Abbey
Mimi Brownstein Balsom
& Herschel Balsom
Roaine Balsom
Herschel & Mimi Balsom
Robert Miller
Ellen & Alan Bernstein
Edith & Joel Cohen Memorial Fund
In memory of:
Robert Case
Rhonda & Michael Wise
Edith & Joel Cohen Memorial Fund
In observance of the yahrzeit of:
Marjorie Laufer
Leonard & Rita Weiss
Ida Simon
Marlene Simon
William Simon
Marlene Simon
Irwin Davis Memorial Fund
In honor of:
Edith & Arthur Block's Special Anniversary
Evie Berman
Gert Bacol & Bernie Engel
Carol Davis
Irwin Davis Memorial Fund
In memory of:
Robert Case
Ilene Levine
Ilene Scheib
The Kostiner Family
Education Fund
In honor of:
Speedy Recovery of Linda Boxer
Armand & Lori Morrison
Support of Jewish Education
Jeanne & Robyn�Jane Johnson
Engagement of
Moshe Netter & Desiree Khoury
Armand & Lori Morrison
Birth of
Noam Lev Yonas
Armand & Lori Morrison
Harvey & Nancy Schiller's
65th Wedding Anniversary
Jane Leve
Rella Corris
Sam Korus
Steve & Fern Bernstein
Parents, Rae & Max Zegler
Lilly Pleskow
Husband, Bernard A. Pleskow
Lilly Pleskow
Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund
In memory of:
Arnold Snyder
Sheila & Joel Bernstein
Marriage of Rachel Williams
Armand & Lori Morrison
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Larry & Shirley Magil
Education Fund
In memory of:
Robert Case
Armand & Lori Morrison
Family, Friends & Executive Board
Laurie & Brian Rothschild
Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund
In honor of:
Speedy Recovery of Linda Boxer
Jan Presser
Robert (Bobby) Miller
Rosalie Rosenband
Roz & Harvey Podolsky
Appreciation of Aliyah in Memory of Leon
Zeeberg's Family
Beverly Schiller
Illene Cooper
Rosalie Rosenband
Speedy Recovery of David Manny
Jan Presser
Harold Wise
Laurie & Brian Rothschild
Lilli Silbiger
Speedy Recovery of Karen Tunis�Manny
Jan Presser
Floral Fund
In memory of:
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Gert Schwab
Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund
In honor of:
Get Well Wishes for Linda Boxer
Shirley & Larry Magil
Albert Brunn's 90th Birthday
Larry & Shirley Magil
Avy Sterman's Birthday
Joel, Sheila & Sarah Bernstein
Jerry Frank Memorial Garden Fund
In observance of the yahrzeit of:
Tante, Pearl Fine
Lilly Pleskow
Jerome Frank
Beth Salzman
Brother, Manuel Zegler
Lilly Pleskow
Speedy Recovery of Linda Boxer
Ilene Levine
Harvey & Nancy Schiller's 65th Wedding
Joel & Sheila Bernstein
Sandi Ida Miesik Glickstein Kesher Fund
In memory of:
Robert Case
Jan Presser
Fern & Steve Bernstein
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Ilene Scheib
Illene Cooper
Eileen & Arnold Markowitz
Asher Wolfe
Rachel Anderson
Mark L. Josephson Torah Fund
In honor of:
Edith & Arthur Block's Special Anniverary
Esther Brownstein
Sister, Rose Zegler Cohen
Lilly Pleskow
Mark L. Josephson Torah Fund
In observance of the yahrzeit of:
Albert Brownstein
Esther Brownstein & David Brownstein
Max & Rebecca Pleskow
Lilly Pleskow
Ida Brownstein
Esther Brownstein & David Brownstein
Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 9
Mark Josephson
Sidney Josephson
Mark L. Josephson Torah Fund
In memory of:
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Bea Wohlfeld
Klein - Amdur Library Fund
In memory of:
Robert Case
Tinka Lendner
Alving & Joyce Mintz
Special Birthday of Marilyn Wagner
Judy & Bob Alessi
Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund
In memory of:
In Observance of the Yahrzeit of
Jacob Gelman
Marlene Simon
Asher Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Schiller
Rabbi Isaac Klein Scholar in Residence
Endowment Fund – In memory of:
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Helen Ablove
Frances & Nathan Kornmehl Memorial Fund
In honor of:
Frances & Nathan Kornmehl's Grandson Jason
Kornmehl Graduating from Law School
Bernard & Jill Kornmehl
Frances & Nathan Kornmehl Memorial Fund
In observance of the yahrzeit of:
Frances Kornmhel
Jill & Bernard Kornmehl
Richard S. Kulick Memorial Fund
In observance of the yahrzeit of:
Brother, Richard Kulick
Cookie Weil
Richard Kulick
Peggy & Deborah Kulick and
Jennifer Rosenbaum
Klein - Amdur Library Fund
In honor of:
Edith & Arthur Block's
Special Anniversary
Marcia Valente
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Elaine & Mel Brothman
Lippa Family Auditorium Maintenance Fund
In honor of:
In Appreciation of TBT
Warren Lippa
Hy Scheff's Special Birthday
Barbara & Jack Yellen
Lippa Family Auditorium Maintenance Fund
In memory of:
Robert Miller
Barbara & Jack Yellen
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Bea Kaiser
Birth of Noam Lev Yonas
Stacey & Aaron Dem
Janice & Harold Gelfand
Barbara & Michael Sitrin
Appreciation of Rabbi Netter
Virginia Kurtzman & Family
Ed & Carin Case
Engagement of Moshe Netter & Desiree Khoury
Barbara & Michael Sitrin
Speedy Recovery of Elinor Weiss
Judy & Eric Davis
Pulpit Fund
In memory of:
Harlan Abbey
Howard & Helene Smallen
Arlene Kintzel�Handel
Janet Harris
Sally and William Malkinson Scholarship Fund
– In honor of:
Barbara Ginsberg's Special Birthday
Betty Miller & Family
Henrietta Steinberg Music Fund
In honor of:
Appreciation of Cantor Spindler
Virginia Kurtzman & Family
Ritual Fund
In honor of:
Special Birthday of Hy Scheff
Joseph & Renee Mintz
Ritual Fund
In memory of:
Roaine Balsom
The Thier Family
Pulpit Fund
In honor of:
Good Health of Roberta Freedman
Sandy Perlmuter
Receiving an Aliyah
Ruthie Merlin
Speedy Recovery of Linda Boxer
Judy & Eric Davis
High Holiday Subcommittee
Judith Epstein
Larry Levin's 75th Birthday
Sheila & Jeffrey Carrel
Birth of Mona & Fred Lewis' Granddaughter
Jane Leve
10 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar
Appreciation of Rabbi Netter
Carol Davis
Bob Miller
Elaine & Mel Brothman
Kassirer Family Minyan Room Fund
In honor of:
Special Anniversary of Art & Edie Block
Judy & Bob Alessi
Rabbi Netter and Family
for All the Joys in their Lives
Judy & Eric Davis
Alan Raines Library Fund
In memory of:
Larry & Jane Glazer
Leonard & Cheryl Franco
Sam Maislin
Leonard & Cheryl Franco
Birth of Dr. & Mrs. Fred Lewis' Two
Phyllis Sigel
Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund
In honor of:
Harvey & Nancy Schiller's 65th Wedding
Phyllis Sigel
Bruce S. Rein Memorial Fund
In observance of the yahrzeit of:
Sam Cohen
Lenore Rein
Synagogue Renovation Fund
In honor of:
Speedy Recovery of Bernadine Strauss
Cookie & Larry Levin
Synagogue Renovation Fund
In memory of:
Mildred Haniford
Cookie & Larry Levin
In Appreciation of
the Kindness of Johnny C's
Beverly & Melvyn Mesnekoff
Receiving an Aliyah Honoring the Yahrzeit of
Yetta Goldberg
Shepard Goldberg
Bernard Jay
Louise J. Boyar
Milton Kaplan
Roz & Harvey Podolsky
Siegbert "Siggy" Speier
Lenore Marx
Birth of Madelynn Delehanty
Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus
Arlene Kintzel�Handel
Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus
Birth of Chana Ruth Timoner
Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus
Jewel Williams
Jeff & Becky Oshlag
Hy Scheff's 85th Birthday
Jerry & Gloria Birzon
Asher Wolfe
Janet Gunner & Glenn Pincus
Marriage of Sandra & Joseph Scheff's
Penny & Charles Shuman
Shirley & Cyrus Trossman Museum Fund
In observance of the yahrzeit of:
J. George Weinrub
Sheila Trossman
Hy Scheff's 85th Birthday
Bea & Bob Saffer
Fred & Donna Hirsh
Marilyn & Barry Singer
Shirley G. Trossman
Sheila Trossman
Harvey & Nancy Schiller's 65th Wedding
Irving & Marilyn Sultz
Elaine & Jerry Schweitzer
Barbara Sitrin
Receiving the Keter Torah Award
Laurence & Linda Boxer
Temple Fund
In memory of:
Robert Case
Laurence & Linda Boxer
The Werbow Family Fund
In honor of:
Speedy Recovery of Linda Boxer
Myra & Allan Werbow
Albert Brunn's 90th Birthday
Myra & Allan Werbow
Continued Good Health of Harold Gelfand
Myra & Allan Werbow
Get Well Wishes for Jeanette Levin
Allan & Myra Werbow
Continued Good Health of Jim Steinhorn
Myra & Allan Werbow
Isabelle Mankoff
Mother of Pamela Cohen
Mother of Howard Mankoff
Sister of Pearl Kaminker
Sister of Marilyn Bergstein
Mindy Gewurz Ludwig
Sister of Andy Gewurz
Sister of Bennett Gewurz
Daughter of Ruth & Eric Gewurz
Mother of Jordan, Kari & Brian
Arlene Kintzel-Handel
Mother of Deb Sereno
Harlan Abbey
Father of Jeffrey Abbey
Father of Steven Abbey
Father of Heidi Helfman
Robert Case
Father of Ed Case
Father of Susan Vemari
Father of David Case
Siggy Speier
Brother of Ruth Norman
Brother of Hannah Fink
Brother of Irma Meyer
Father of Cheryl Stein
Father of Charles Speier
Ezrat Nashim
Women from the Jewish Community are invited to join us in
“Ezrat Nashim” which translates to
Women’s Court. We will hold our
next program in the sukkah at
Temple Beth Tzedek, weather
permitting, on Sunday October 12th
at 7:30 pm.
Ellen Lippa will lead us in brief
Torah study with a presentation
entitled “The Festival of Sukkot.”
The Honorable Lisa Bloch
Rodwin, Erie Family Court Judge,
will present for us: “Behind the
Scenes in Family Court, What Really
goes on Behind the Court Room
The Social Action committee of
Temple Beth Tzedek decided to put
together a quarterly program that
would appeal to women helping
women, and launched our first
program on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz.
We had representation from three
local synagogues. Our goal is to
bring awareness of social injustices as
they pertain to women. The format
of our program is a section to study
Torah, and a presentation followed
by discussion.
As events unfold, locally, nationally or globally, we will try to address
the issues at these forums in the hope
that collectively we can bring about a
change. If Tikkun Olam, repairing
the world, resonates with you please
join us on Sunday October 12th at
7:30 pm in the sukkah, weather
Refreshments will be served.
Admission is $5.00. Call our temple
office at 838-3232 before October
2nd to make reservations. This will
help us in ordering the correct
amount of refreshments.
William Steinhurst
Father of Sarah Coutu
Son of Hyman & Josephine Steinhurst
Husband of Susan Steinhurst
Asher Wolfe
Father of Gil Wolfe
Father of Devra Lehmann
Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar - 11
Non-Profit Org.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Permit No. 2434
Amherst, New York
Cantor Emeritus
Executive Director
Executive Director Emeritus
Education Director
Chairman of the Board
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Perry Netter
Mark Spindler
Gerald DeBruin
Joseph Enis
Allan Werbow
Einav Symons
Janet Gunner
Leon Komm
Jonathan Dandes
Lisa Davidson
Judith Davis
Lisa Wallenfels
Edward Case
Alan Goldstein
Mailing Address
621 Getzville Road
Buffalo, NY 14226
Sunday Shaharit Service 8:30 am
Weekday Shaharit Service 7:30 am
Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv Service 6 pm
Saturday Shabbat Service 9 am
Daily Ma'ariv Sunday through Friday 6 pm
Saturday Minha followed by S’eudah Shlisheet, Ma’ariv & Havdalah
PUBLICATION NOTE: The Shofar is published monthly by
Temple Beth Tzedek in Amherst, N.Y. All articles and other materials
submitted to the Shofar are the property of the Shofar and the
Shofar Editorial Board, which is responsible for and oversees the
publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all
materials submitted for publication in the Shofar, in accordance
with the highest standards of professional publishing and consistent
with Temple Beth Tzedek’s Mission. All decisions about inclusion
and layout of materials submitted for publication in the Shofar
shall be made by the Editorial Board alone. The Shofar Editorial
Board consists of: Lisa Davidson, Barbara Sitrin, Joe and Rusty
Zackheim, and Joseph Enis.
October 4 - 5:00 pm
October 11 - 6:00 pm
October 18 - 6:00 pm
October 25 - 5:45 pm
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
11 Tishrei
12 Tishrei
Gesher in Session
Social Action Committee
10 am
18 Tishrei
Gesher in Session
Library Committee 9:30 am
Talmud Class 9:30 am
Publicity Committee10:30 am
Outstretched Arm Program
10:30 am
Sukkah Hop
Ezrat Nashim 7:30 pm
25 Tishrei
Gesher in Session
Talmud Class 9:30 am
Sisterhood General Meeting
9:30 am
Weinberg Mincha 3:30 pm
2 Cheshvan
7 Tishrei Tishrei2
Membership Committee
7:30 pm
House Committee
7:30 pm
13 Tishrei
14 Tishrei
Gesher in Session
19 Tishrei
Education Committee
7:30 pm
26 Tishrei
Investment Committee
7 pm
3 Cheshvan
Gesher in Session
Macabeats Concert
2 pm
12 - Temple Beth Tzedek - Shofar
20 Tishrei
21 Tishrei
Rabbi's Class
10 am
Gesher in Session
Board Meeting
7:30 pm
Hoshanah Rabbah
2127 Tishrei
22 28 Tishrei
Rabbi's Class
10 am
Gesher in Session
Sisterhood Board Meeting
7 pm
Talmud Class
1:30 pm
3 - 7 pm
Adult Ed Program
7:30 pm
4 Cheshvan
Rabbi's Class
10 am
Gesher in Session
Officers Meeting
7:30 pm
5 Cheshvan
Talmud Class
1:30 pm
Personnel Committee
7:30 pm
8 Tishrei 5775
Refaenu Service
7:30 pm
9 Tishrei
Kol Nidre
Candle Lighting 6:34 pm
15 Tishrei
Sukkot I
Sukkot II
Candle Lighting 6:22 pm
22 Tishrei
Shemini Atzeret
29 Tishrei
Nahamu session
3 pm
Youth Education Committee
7:30 pm
6 Cheshvan
16 Tishrei
23 Tishrei
10 Tishrei
Yom Kippur
End of Shabbat 7:34 pm
1117 Tishrei
Sukkot III
Jr. Congregation
End of Shabbat 7:22 pm
24 Tishrei
Simchat Torah
Candle Lighting 6:14 pm
Jr. Congregation
Tot Shabbat
End of Shabbat 7:11 pm
30 Tishrei
Candle Lighting 6:00 pm
7 Cheshvan
Candle Lighting 5:50 pm
1 Cheshvan
Jr. Congregation
Bat Mitzvah of
Jordan Richheimer
End of Shabbat 7 pm