March, 23, 2016 Edition


March, 23, 2016 Edition
Upcoming Events
Midweek Musings:
March 23, 2016 edition
Published the second and fourth Wednesday of the month
”He is not here; he has risen!”
4/17/2016 – Leadership Event
(Ocean City)
4/23-24/2016 – Presbyterian
Women Retreat
5/1/2016 – Leadership Event (E)
5/21/2016 – 832nd Meeting of
View Presbytery calendar:
~ Luke 24:6
New Castle Presbytery
Midweek Contents
Comm. Announcements . . . 17
Daily Bible Guide . . . . . . . . . . 5
God’s Yes to our No!
Employment Opportunities . 12
Way back when I was first out of seminary I had one of
those calls we now refer to as a “bundled” arrangement.
Half time I served as an associate pastor in a local
church….part time as
the camp director for
the presbytery…and
part time as a chaplain
in an all-boys boarding
school in the
Shenandoah Valley.
The boarding school
was an older long
established institution
filled with kids whose parents served in the state
department and for multi-national companies. Some,
obviously, had been warehoused. Visits from family
members were quite rare. Among the student body were
Christians of every persuasion as well as Sikhs, Jews, Muslims
and “other” adherents. When I was asked to preach the
“required” Easter sermon I wondered how to share this
Health Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Healthy Boundaries . . . . . . . . 8
Interfaith Peacemaker . . . . . 14
Interfaith Resource Center . . 14
LUMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Midweek Musings . . . . . . . . . . 4
Mission Advocate . . . . . . . . . . 7
Parliamentarian Paragraph . 10
PCUSA Mission Commitment . 3
Photo Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Related Organizations. . . . . . 20
SAVE THE DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Share the Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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pivotal story of our faith in
ways that might embrace the
whole school.
“God’s Yes to our No” was the
title of the sermon that
emerged from my study and
prayers and the sweat of my
brow. Reading the events of
the last week in the life of Jesus is to rehearse one long
liturgy of denial and rejection. Those who once professed
allegiance and love melted away amidst the threat of
arrest and unnamed tortures. In the end Jesus is alone. Yes
there are soldiers and onlookers and even a few of the
beloved nearby but the cross is the place which we have
come to think of as the place of ultimate aloneness and
ultimate abandonment.
Yet, even in this
terror Jesus does
not denounce us.
Forgive them he
cries. For me these
words stir the heart
of God and ring
across the universe
and within the
heart of every
person. Forgiveness
is the YES of God. It is the hope which God holds for the
world in spite of the thousands of ways we violate the
image of God in one another… in spite of the ways we say
No to mercy and caring and justice and peace in this
world. I don’t believe FORGIVENESS is magic or formulary. I
believe it to be the deepest and boldest and most
wonderful truth of life. I believe it makes possible the
reconciliation that resurrects the good and godly and the
holy within us.
Easter is nothing less than God’s YES to the creation ….to
you and to me and to the world without end! Amen!
One Lord, one faith, one
baptism! Glory to God!
Children from Community PC
and Dios Con Nosotros
congregations sharing Sunday
morning worship at Community
PC on Palm Sunday.
Cameroonian Moderator
Visits St. Andrews PC
Former NCP Moderator, George
Hall and Rev. John Paderson,
St. Andrews
James L. Moseley, Executive Presbyter
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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Mission Beach Retreat – Our Commitment
Great Mission Retreat! Now to follow through
with the enthusiasm generated at the
Presbytery Mission Retreat to support PCUSA
Mission Co-Workers.
Discuss the Mission Commitment Challenge
with your church session or appropriate
mission committee. Those who did not
attend the retreat are encouraged to
Presbytery Mission Goal:
How it Works: Recognition Banner
1. Discuss the Mission Commitment Challenge with your church session or appropriate
mission committee. (click here to obtain a copy on our website).
2. Mail or email the completed Commitment Card to the Presbytery Office (1102 W.
Church Road, Newark, DE 19711 or email Donna Scully at [email protected]).
3. Your church's name will be included on the banner created to recognize those that
have signed the Mission Commitment Card.
4. Deadline date to send in your church's mission commitment information is MAY 15th.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the
Presbytery office at (302) 366-0595.
Peace and blessings,
Terry Dykstra, NCP Mission Advocate
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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From NCP Moderator and Limestone PC Co-Pastor, Bruce Gillette
Saving Lives on Easter and Beyond
Sometimes, something you do can save another person’s life. One of my
seminary professors, Dr. Richard Armstrong, made this point in his book, Faithful
Witnesses: “It was 7:30 a.m. on May 9, 1980, in heavy rain, dense fog, and zero
visibility. Coming into Tampa Bay from the Gulf of Mexico, a piloted freighter hit a center support of
the Sunshine Skyway Bridge crossing the bay. The entire middle section of the bridge collapsed,
taking with it three cars and a busload of people, most of them on their way to work. Thirty-five
people were killed or drowned as they plunged into the fog-shrouded waters.”
“Moments later, a young history teacher, on his first job out of
college, was ascending the bridge for his 8 a.m. class at
Bradenton High School. Just before reaching the collapsed
portion at the top of the bridge, he was about to pass a stopped
car with an elderly man frantically waving his left arm out the
window. The young teacher was already late. When he saw the
stopped car— evidently needing help, he decided to step on the
gas. This dreary morning he really had no time to help. Besides, he
would get drenched just getting out of his car to ask.”
“But suddenly he was overwhelmed by remembering the sermon on
the good Samaritan he had heard two weeks before. The young
teacher put on his brakes, got out in the rain to ask the man if he
needed help. ‘The bridge is out!’ shouted to man. Another invisible
few car lengths and the young teacher would have gone over the
Armstrong concludes: “The Good Samaritan parable—who is my
neighbor?— probably saved this man’s life. And he had heard it
recently because the woman he was dating had asked him to go to
church with her. The pastor had made Jesus’ story come alive, and
the teacher had been moved to respond as a Good Samaritan” (p.
While the results of our invitations to church may not always be so
dramatic, our efforts to invite family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors to church can
make a real difference in their lives. Martha Grace Reese has written several books about
evangelism, based on her research through the Lilly Foundation. She observes that many churches—
and many church members and leaders—have trouble with evangelism because they have been
bothered by “pushy” people in the past. Yet evangelism— sharing the Good News—is so central to
who we are as Christians.
This Easter and the Sundays that follow, we are celebrating nothing less than God’s victory over death
in Jesus Christ. That is news worth sharing! For a good summary of what a difference Easter can
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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make, see the hymn, “O God, In Raising Jesus”. Armstrong has a helpful
definition of evangelism that says how we can share this great news without
being pushy – “Evangelism is reaching out to others in Christian love, identifying
with them, caring for them, listening to them, and sharing faith with them in
such a way that they will freely respond and want to commit themselves to
trust, love, and obey God as a disciple of Jesus Christ, and a member of his
servant community, the church." (Service Evangelism by Richard Armstrong, p.
Reese points out that people who begin coming to a church may be going
through life changes—a move, a divorce, the birth and baptism of a child, or
the death of a family member. They are often searching—not just for friendship and activities, but for
real meaning in their lives.
But here is the most important thing: Over 60% of people attending church started to do so because
someone invited them. Someone said, “Hey, this Sunday we are celebrating Easter at our church with
a wonderful sermon, Easter hymns and the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus. Would you like to join me
as my guest?” Or, “I know you’ve been going through a rough time lately. How about I pick you up
for worship this Sunday, and we can go together?” Or, “The children and youth at our church are
doing a special song on April 10th. Would you like to bring your kids to see it? We’ve a church that
really cares about children and youth” (click “children” and “youth” for 50 practical ways to care
and attract children and youth to your church).
Reese also points out that visitors return to church because of how they are
welcomed. We are reminded of the song: “The church is not a building, the church
is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place; the church is a people.” We are
the people who can invite people anytime and greet visitors on Sundays. We are
the ones who can help them feel that they belong. We are the ones who can let
them know that the church is a place where we find meaning in our lives, and they
can come to know God’s love here, too.
What do you say to someone who comes to church on Easter and you don’t know them? “Our
church is big enough, I don’t know everyone, my name is____, what’s yours? An inactive, charter
member will take no offense, but might have if you had asked if they were visiting. A first-time visitor is
being told they look like they already belong in your church, a great message that helps them feel at
The gospel literally saves lives, now and in the future. Who will you invite to church this Easter Sunday
or the next Sunday? How many people that you don’t know will you try to greet at church? Such
efforts are the best gifts that we can give our risen Lord, along with our giving generously to our One
Great Hour of Sharing Offering that literally saves lives throughout the USA and overseas.
May God bless you, your loved ones and your congregation with a joyful Easter!
Grace and Peace, Bruce Gillette
PS: Bruce completed the three-year Academy for Church Growth training and would be happy to meet for free with
sessions that would like to explore ways their church can grow. He edits a daily devotional written by our Presbytery’s
many gifted leaders that is filled with their great insights about the Bible, faith and life today.
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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A wonderful way to spend part of each day in 2016 is in
reading the Bible, God’s love story for us and for all of
creation. To join the Presbytery, access our Daily Bible Guide
2016 webpage here. To view devotionals:
February 28-March 5, Acts 10-13
March 6-12, Acts 14-17
March 13-19, Acts 14-17
March 20-26, Acts 22-26
Please Help Presbytery Moderator, Bruce Gillette, with Our
Presbytery’s Devotions for the Daily Bible Reading Guide
I am very grateful for the many volunteers who have already written 70 (!)
devotions that have been wonderful blessings to our churches and
individuals. I am pleased to hear stories about how much people are enjoying
this spiritual practice for daily reading of the Bible.
I would be very grateful to you if you would drop me an email at [email protected]
volunteering to write one of the devotions in the next couple of weeks (especially if you are not
preaching during Holy Week, a plea to those in specialized ministries and retirees). The devotions
are no more than 300 words (two paragraphs) including a simple two- sentence prayer. You can
see what others have written for devotions that are posted on our Presbytery web site along with
the Daily Bible Reading Guide to see what texts go with each day.
Please share this Daily Bible Reading Guide with your church, family and friends as an option for
them; it may be especially useful to start during Holy Week or after Easter. We try to post the
coming week’s readings on the Presbytery website on Thursday for the following week. That way,
churches can print off copies for those who do not use a computer. Thank you for your prayers for
everyone who is part of our Presbytery daily Bible reading program—both writers and readers.
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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Orders are being accepted for 2016/2017 Planning
Calendars via the following methods:
 Call Donna @ 366-0595
 E-mail [email protected]
Calendars should be available in mid to late May with
the following delivery options:
 Pick-up at the May 21st Presbytery meeting
 Pick-up at the Presbytery Office
 USPS mail (your order will incur additional charges based on current USPS mailing rates).
Ordering in bulk provides a group rate and reduced cost for all. To guarantee a $9.50 per copy rate, please
place your order no later than Friday, April 8th.
MISSION ADVOCATE, New Castle Presbytery
Terry Lee Dykstra
push congress to act on the South Sudan impending genocide. Start a letter
writing campaign in your church (click here for more details).
High-level international pressure
on the government and the
rebels to implement their peace
accord would be useful. And it
would help if the American
public called on elected
officials to do more: The late
Senator Paul Simon once said
that if each member of
Congress had received letters
from 100 people protesting the
Rwanda genocide, that would
have been enough to push
Washington to act.
Blessings and peace, Terry
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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Healthy Boundaries Training
An email was recently sent to all teaching
elders within New Castle Presbytery who are
required to participate in healthy boundaries
training. Currently scheduled dates and
locations for the Beyond Basics New Castle
Presbytery training have been identified for 2016 as follows:
Monday, April 4th, 2016
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Head of Christiana P.C.
1100 W. Church Road
Newark, DE 19711
Monday, May 9th, 2016
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
101 S. Walnut Street
Milford, DE 19963-0712
Stewards of Children (ongoing)
$20.00 registration fee
Register online:
$20.00 registration fee
Register online:
Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 (Limestone PC)
$10.00 registration fee
Contact the church office (302) 994-5646 or
email [email protected] to register or
for more information.
$10.00 registration fee payable during
registration process OR
**Upon class completion, submission of a
certificate of completion must be submitted
to the NCP office to register compliance.
Registration for the above classes is now open on-line at: where payment via credit card or "request for invoice" is available. You may also register
online and mail your check directly to the Presbytery office (1102 W. Church Road, Newark, DE 19711).
Compliance can alternatively be met by participating in the online Stewards of Children course. A link is
available on the above captioned registration page for this offering. Alternatively, compliance can be
met by scheduling participation within an adjoining Presbytery. Please contact the Presbytery office for
prior approval.
If your compliance is overdue, schedule now! If you are a new member of New Castle Presbytery and did
not previously participate in a basics class (within your previous Presbytery, in seminary, etc.), a full Basics
class will be required. Please contact the Presbytery office to discuss scheduling opportunities.
We encourage you to register early and mark your calendars now. Please contact Donna Scully
([email protected] or by phone at (302) 366-0595) should you have any questions.
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 8 of 20
Called to Lives of Love and Service
New Castle Presbytery
Leadership Event for Ordered Ministries
“Ordered ministries are gifts to the church so that the
whole people of God may flourish”
For the South:
Sunday, April 17th, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, Ocean City, MD
Prior to the event, First Presbyterian Church invites you to lunch at noon followed by
a 1:00 p.m. Healing Service
For the North:
Sunday, May 1st, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Elkton Presbyterian Church
209 E. Main Street, Elkton, MD
Workshop Offerings include:
Elder Training: Here I am Lord … Now What?
Clerk Training: Keeping Good Order, Preserving Good Will
The Pastor as Coach: Motivating and Growing Ministry Teams
“ENGAGE” – P.C.U.S.A. Church Curriculum for Faith Sharing and More!
Navigating Changes in Pastoral Leadership
The Work and Witness of Trustees
An informational flyer will be emailed to all Presbytery distributions in the next week
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 9 of 20
Reverend James R. Bennett, III served the New Castle Presbytery as
Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church and as a member of
various Presbytery committees, including the Committee on Ministry,
Committee on Nominations, Mission, Council and the Hayloft. Rev.
Bennett passed on to the church triumphant this month at his home
in Bradenton, Florida. Obituary information will be forthcoming with memorial services scheduled
for May 14th, 11:00 a.m. at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, DE.
With NCP Parlimentarian, Rev. Laurie HIller
Did you know?
The motion for the "Previous Question"
(sometimes called "calling the question")
cannot be shouted out of order.
The person who wants to Move to end debate must be recognized
by the moderator to make the motion. It must be seconded and
receive a 2/3 majority vote. It cannot be shouted out to interrupt
Presbyterian Church of the Covenant is looking for another church to
share their subscription of These Days. Minimum order is 50 and we
use only about 25-30. Subscription cost is $247.50. We are renewing
for the 2016-17 year and would love to share the devotions and the
cost! If interested, please contact Nancy in the PCOCPS office at
764-9007/[email protected].
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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PCUSA Mission Agency
Let us give thanks …
Here are just a few of our PCUSA
World Mission Co-workers. Do you
recognize any of them? Maybe
you or your church support them,
or maybe you’d like to learn
Get “up to date” and stay in
touch by visiting the PCUSA
Mission Agency website by
clicking here.
Need Mission Resources?
Contact Elizabeth Little
[email protected]
(980) 224-8000 (office)
(502) 333-8954 (cell)
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 11 of 20
Update from Lumos/Presbyterian Campus Ministry at UD
Are there any high school seniors in your church,
planning to attend the University of Delaware in the
Make sure they mark their calendars for May 1,
2016 for an afternoon with Lumos – Presbyterian
Campus Ministry at UD!
Join current UD students for snacks, a panel
discussion, and a tour of campus from 3:30pm6:00pm! Hear from and ask questions of current
students who are active in Lumos as well as
residents in the campus ministry house about…
-What it’s like to be a student at UD?
-Sustaining your faith in college
-Campus ministry
-Living in the campus ministry house
-And any other questions you may have about
UD or Lumos
We can’t wait to meet you and welcome you to the University of Delaware and Lumos!
RSVP here:
If you have questions or want more information, contact one of the
campus pastors: Rev. Nona Holy ([email protected]) or
Rev. Caitlan Gartland ([email protected])
Check us out on Facebook:
Or our website:
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 12 of 20
Health Ministry
Can you name one type of bleeding
disorder? Can you list three common
symptoms experienced by a patient
with a bleeding disorder? And have
you taken the Red Tie Challenge yet this
Support the National Hemophilia
Foundation’s first Red Tie Challenge to
kick off the first “Bleeding Disorder
Awareness Month” by donning your
favorite red tie (in any fashion), making
a video, and posting it on social media.
Learn more by visiting our Health Ministry
page this month (click here) to learn
more about the Red Tie Challenge and
various bleeding disorders that may
affect our neighbors and friends.
Stephanie Scully,
Contact me at
[email protected]
Have you “missed out” on previous Health Ministry topics like Dental Health, Radon Action, Global
Health Issues, Hospice and Palliative Care, Domestic Violence, Afib Awareness and more? Visit our
Health Ministry library by clicking here.
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 13 of 20
Tom Davis
Dear brothers and sisters in New Castle Presbytery and residing in Delaware,
Volunteers deeply devoted to a good work in our
small state often are unaware of similar efforts
elsewhere in Delaware. Perhaps we would be able
to achieve more by staying better in touch with each
To that end I am keeping a Delaware interfaith
calendar at my blog, Interfaith Reflections. You'll find
it on the Interfaith Calendar
If you would like to make a public invitation on that calendar to an upcoming interfaith event,
email me at: [email protected]. Please include the date and time and address of the event, a
brief description of the event, and a contact person's email or phone number for more details.
I recently posted about Delaware Interfaith News. You might want to read that uplifting report!
Peace, Tom
Stewardship – What are we missing? (April 23, 2016, 8:30a-3:00p)
Discover a holistic way to understand the resources God has provided
$10 suggested donation for materials and snacks. Please bring brown bad
lunch to share.
Contact Sr. Barbara Jean Brown for more details: [email protected] or
(302) 477-0910
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 14 of 20
Couple Says “I do” at Rehab Center
(Delaware Online, shared by Doug Gerdts,
First & Central PC)
Roman Suri couldn't wait to get married. Literally. His fiance
Francis is battling stage four lung cancer. They had planned
on having a small wedding with a Justice of the Peace
before Francis underwent a major lung surgery. But she fell ill
with pneumonia about three weeks ago, one day before
the ceremony.
The pneumonia wasn't just a setback to Francis' health; their
marriage license was about to expire -- again. The couple
had already received one extension and couldn't afford
They needed a wedding quick, Roman said. After being
turned down by many churches, he turned his pleas to First
and Central Presbyterian Church on North Market Street in
downtown Wilmington. This time, Kaci Clark-Porter, an
associate pastor at First and Central, was the person for the job.
"We take for granted people who need to be married for one reason or another," Clark-Porter said.
"It's kind of moments like that where the institution of marriage comes to life and you are reminded of
why it is so vital … for community."
Roman and Francis were married in front of family, friends and staff in the lobby of Genesis
Healthcare, a rehab facility in Wilmington, at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Bags of potato chips and soda
made for a modest reception meal. Since it is located downtown, First and Central often gets
requests from people walking in off the street. But this is probably the strangest, Clark-Porter said.
"Sometimes we can help and sometimes we can't. It was nice to be able to help them," she said.
Roman, 31, and Francis, 57, have had a whirlwind romance over the last five months. Roman had
been working at his uncle's 7-Eleven store when Francis came through the door in tears. She had just
received news that doctors found a tumor in her brain. The tumor had metastasized from lung
cancer. "I supported her. And met and followed up from that," Roman said while picking up some of
her favorite foods, olives and salad, from Wilmington's Italian Market on Thursday. On Wednesday,
their wedding day, Roman was bursting with energy. Clark-Porter said he kept trying to put the ring
on Francis' finger before it was time for the official exchange.
"It felt very genuine and authentic," she said, adding that he had no qualms about wiping his
bride's runny nose during the ceremony. Clark-Porter gave the bride a prayer shawl as a gift, but the
couple got a surprise wedding present, as well. After being hospitalized and spending time in a
rehab center over the last three weeks, Francis could finally go home.
"She's doing good and we made it," Roman said.
Jen Rini can be reached at (302) 324-2386 or [email protected]. Follow @JenRini on Twitter.
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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Like water flowing under ice,
love finds its meandering way.
It will not sit still.
It cannot be dammed or
but it can be followed.
Today I will watch for it
I shall seek and it will find me.
Photo of gutter ice that has been
partially thawed and
then refrozen, fractured and
rearranged, repeatedly
Photo prayer 2016 by Danny N. Schweers
We are offering a special, short-term, deeply discounted subscription on this
year's GA-themed magazines. In the past, this offer has only been available to commissioners and
delegates, but this year, we are making it available to anyone interested in following along with
the GA actions. Click here for more information.
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 16 of 20
(Submit your information and provide the link to your flyer on your webpage/Facebook for inclusion
in subsequent editions. Click on each event for additional information)
Life is full of interesting things … embrace, celebrate and share!
8:30 a.m.
Christiana Presbyterian Church
15 N. Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE
All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast
$5 for all ages, $3 for ages 4-10 and
free for ages 3 and under
6:30 a.m.
6:30 a.m. and
11:00 a.m.
Also, free Egg Hunts starting at 10:00
a.m. and pictures with the Easter
Bunny (bring your camera)
Riverfront Church, Easter Sunrise
Riverfront’s Justison Landing Park
All are Welcome (in partnership with
Red Clay Creek, Calvary and Church
of the Covenant Presbyterian
Elkton Presbyterian Church, Easter
Sunrise Service and Worship Service
Sunrise service led by the youth and
praise team, while worship at 11:00
a.m. will be traditional with trumpet
and adult choir. No 8:45 a.m. service
this week.
The sanctuary will be open for prayer
during Holy Week on Maundy
Thursday, Good Friday and Saturday
from 12-1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m. Please
come and pray during that time.
Free Diabetes and Pre-diabetes Selfmanagement Program,
“I came that they may have life,
and have it abundantly.”
~John 10:10
Limestone Presbyterian Church
This 6-week program will meet at 5:30p for
2-1/2 hours on Wednesdays starting March
30th. For program overview, click here.
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
Page 17 of 20
9:00 a.m.
3:00-5:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
The Academy for Christian Learning of
First Presbyterian Church (Newark) is
hosting a 5-week lecture presented by
Dr. Rudi Matthee.
This lecture is open to the public with a
$10.00 fee for First Pres member, $15.00
for Non-members and $5.00 for
students. Questions? Contact FCP
Newark office at (302) 731-5644.
Faith and Psychotherapy:
Complimentary approaches in assisting
individuals and families suffering from
addiction. Workshop for Clergy offering
by the Delaware Council on Gambling
Problems. More information, email
[email protected] or call (302655-3261)
Responding to the “New Normal”: How
Giving is Impacted by Changes in Society
Workshop, Westminster Presbyterian
Church, West Chester, PA
“Christian Creations” Paint Party
Christiana Presbyterian Church
15 N. Old Baltimore Pike, Newark, DE
$30.00 per person
Reservations and payment due by
April 1st. Contact Kae Lynn Freel @
(302) 737-7013 or call the church at
(302) 368-0515
Ocean View Presbyterian Church,
Spring Mission Fair
The Mission Advocacy Team invites
you to a spring mission fair after
worship. Representatives from Pyle
Center, Milford Housing, Water4,
Meeting Ground and several other
local and international organizations
will be present. Enjoy coffee and
Syrian food. All are welcome!
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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10:00 a.m.noon
Pathways to Clergy Renewal
The Middletown Center of Bryn Mawr
Presbyterian Church cordially invites
clergy of all faiths to a series of
interactive conversations.
Cost: $20
More info:
7:30 p.m.
Peace Drums Performance
Cab Calloway School of the Arts,
Wilmington, DE (Additional
performances in Newark, Abington
and Philadelphia). For more info, click
Capital Ringers 2016 Spring Concert
Bach to Rock!
See them at on May 7th at 3:00 p.m. at
Limestone PC and at 7:00 p.m. at the
Smyrna Opera House
Visit for full
Presbyterian Women in New Castle
Presbytery Annual Retreat
Dunes Manor Hotel, Ocean City, MD
HOCPC: Triple Crown Trail Festival
Although traditionally for runner, this
community event is also for family walk
and includes food (including Kilby
Cream Moo Mobile) and entertainment
(The Juggling Hoffmans).
White Clay Creek State Park, Newark,
More info:
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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New Castle Presbytery
1102 W. Church Road
Newark, DE 19711–2506
(302) 366-0595 office ● (302) 366-0714 fax
Hours: Monday-Thursday
8:30 am—4:30pm
Friday (Office closed: administrative staff via email)
Rev. James L. Moseley, Executive Presbyter
· Rev. Jacqueline E. Taylor, Assoc. Executive
Presbyter and Director, Speer Trust
Bob Schminkey, Stated Clerk
· Donna L. Scully, Office Manager
Officers (2016)
· Bruce
Gillette , Moderator
· Winnie Wagner, Vice Moderator
· Julius Jackson , Chair of Council
NCP Resource Personnel
Rev. Tom Davis, Interfaith Peacemaker
· Rev. Doug Gerdts, Treasurer
· Rev. Nona Holy, Campus (PCM) Minister
- Rev. Caitlan Gartland, PCM Pastoral
Emma Blair, Bookkeeper
· Terry Dykstra, Mission Advocate
· Pam Ruarke, Disaster Recovery Coordinator
· Helen Locklear, Board Of Pensions Regional
Related Organizations
The Speer Trust
· Presbyterian Church (USA)
· Synod of the Mid-Atlantic PC(USA)
· Administrative Personnel Association
Lumos/Presbyterian Campus Ministry
· Interfaith Resource Center
· Meeting Ground Inc.
· New Hope Pastoral Counseling
· Pacem In Terris
· PCUSA Investment & Loan Program
- Pilgrimage Ministries
· Presbyterian Foundation
· Presbyterian Men
· Presbyterian Women
· Teledavis
· Westminster Village
Midweek submissions: [email protected]
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