2013 - Human Response Network


2013 - Human Response Network
All Together Now
A Newsletter for families, agencies,
providers, and businesses in Trinity County.
Summer 2013
Summer Time is
Family Fun Time!
1. Have a game night
2. Read a book together
3. Go on a hike
4. Play in the water
5. Make a craft together
6. Record family stories
7. Hold a scavenger hunt
8. Wash the car
9. Pick wild blackberries
10. Camp in the backyard or living room
It’s Not Too Late!
To register your 3 or 4 year old
for preschool
Lewiston Preschool
starts August 20th
Alps View Preschool (Weaverville)
starts August 20th
Call now! Human Response Network
623-2024 or 800-358-5251
Medi-Cal Members: Want to Stop Smoking?
Get a FREE $20 gift card when you call the
California Smokers’ Helpline: 1-800-NO-BUTTS (1-800-662-8887)
Here’s how:
1. Call the Smokers’ Helpline at 1-800-662-8887.
2. Have your Medi-Cal ID ready.
3. Ask for the $20 gift card.*
4. Talk to a friendly person to create a free “stop smoking” plan. *Made possible by a grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under the Medicaid Incentives for Prevention
of Chronic Diseases program. Some conditions apply. One gift card per person. While supplies last. Medi-Cal Managed Care
plans may offer additional tobacco cessation services.
Product Watch - Recalls to Look For
Pottery Barn Kids Sweet Lambie Bumpers
Troxel Flexible Flyer Swing Sets
Graco Classic Wood Highchairs
IDM Group CareBears Pacifier
Feels Real Baby Dolls by Lakeshore Learning
Mutsy USA EVO Strollers
Fisher-Price Rock ‘N Play Infant Sleepers
Dream On Me Bath Seats
Target Home Bunny Sippy Cup
Circo 17” Children’s Travel Cases
Go to: http://www.cpsc.gov for more information on recalled products
Paper Plate Fish
Round paper plates, felt pens or crayons to color it in, or
construction paper pieces to add different shapes, glue,
plastic wiggly eyes (optional), and scissors.
1. Cut a triangle shape to form a mouth from the paper
plate, this piece is used for the tail; allow child to glue
it on to the paper plate.
2. Allow the child to color the fish in with felt pens,
crayons, or decorate it with colored construction
paper, and glue.
3. Next draw an eye or glue on a wiggly eye.
4. Now each child has their own unique, beautiful fish!
FREE Lending Library
Are you looking for books,
videos, DVD's,
family games, or toys?
Come in and see what's new at the
Human Response Network
Lending Library.
Trinity County has a current
standard on how to help a child,
youth, and an adult get through the
aftermath of being sexually
assaulted. Read the policy online at:
Click on Programs, choose Sexual
Assault Victim Services, and go to the
red text: Trinity County Sexual Assault
Response Team to open the document,
or stop by HRN's office to read a copy.
Need Help With
Child Care Costs?
If your family income is at or below the
amount listed we may be able to
pay all or part of your child care costs.
Family Size
President- Amy Armstrong (Served 6 yrs.) Vice President- Pat Frost (Served 8 yrs.)
Secretary/Treasurer- Don Williams (Served 15 yrs.)
Members- Candice Levengood (Served 12 yrs.), Julie Lacitignola (Served 1 yr.),
and Susan Molyneux (Served 10 yrs.)
Audrey Graham,
Youth Center
Coordinator receives
her 10 year
Employee Recognition.
Brandy Bickle, Child Care Specialist,
receives her 10 year Anniversary
certificate from Julie Barcellona.
Teen Dating Violence Prevention-ista's
Fifteen Trinity High School students are spreading awareness that
can save teens pain and suffering. It's about what an unhealthy
relationship consists of and how to build respectful,
caring relationships that don't include intimidation, coersion,
or violence. Sponsored by a grant from
California Department of Public Health, these young women
and men are deciding for themselves how to create the
communities they want to live their lives in - free from violence.
Margie Lee presents
Alsah Bundi, Program Director with
her 25 year Employee Recognition.
Make Meal Time Fun!
Include your children in preparation.
This will encourage them to eat what is
served and teach skills. Even young children
can wash the produce, mix ingredients, and
get items from the refrigerator or cupboard. Older youth can
read the recipes and measure ingredients.
Make dinner conversation enjoyable. This is a great
opportunity to have quality time with your children. Tell one of
your favorite stories, ask them to share the best thing about
their day, or ask a fun question like, “If you were given a million dollars what would you do?”
Angela Berglund, Service Provider
receives her 5 year Anniversary
statue from Mary St. John.
Don’t run a restaurant. Make one meal, but offer options as
to how to have it served; for example, "Do you want gravy on
your potatoes, or your hamburger with or without a bun?"
P.O. Box 2370/111 Mountain View
Weaverville, CA 96093
(530) 623-2024/Fax 623-6343
e-mail: [email protected]
Non Profit Org
US Postage
Permit #1
Palo Cedro CA 96073
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The Importance of Being a Father
Studies prove that healthy father-child relationships help children flourish when it comes to coping and adapting,
solving problems, staying in school, and developing longer lasting relationships.
It starts with getting involved:
Start early. From the moment you know that you will be a father, you can be involved in your child’s life. If
possible, go with your child’s mother to doctor’s appointments, where you will be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat
and ask questions.
Be ready for change. Having a child brings financial, lifestyle, and other adjustments. Raising children is
expensive- there’s no doubt about it! However, there are ways you can prepare for this. Find out from other
fathers what some of the costs are that you can expect. Start saving as soon as you know you are having a baby.
Even if you are separated from your child’s mother, you should help support your child.
Take on specific tasks. A good way of bonding with your child, beginning early on, is to decide
on a few things that you will do with your child. For example, you can give your child a bath,
read to your child, or be part of the bedtime routine. You can choose one day a week to pick your
child up from school, or be the one to take your child to certain activities.
Get involved. Whether you are a working father or you stay at home, whether you live with or
apart from your child, know what is going on in your child's life. Attend school events, know
your child's activities and whereabouts, and help with homework. Be the ‘good guy’ and the
Thank You
‘bad guy’- be around for the fun times, but also participate in disciplining your child and teaching
your child responsibilities and values.
Help HRN Help Trinity County
Human Response Network is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency that relies on public support in
order to provide meaningful community programs.
Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Mail to: Human Response Network P.O. Box 2370, Weaverville, CA 96093
Please visit our web site: www.humanresponsenetwork.org
for information about the Endowment Fund.
Children's Strength Challenge
Wheaties or no Wheaties, every kid can display superhuman strength with this simple trick...
How to play:
~ Kids, boast to an adult that you can hold your fists together and he/she
won't be able to pull them apart.
~ Pretend to eat a can of spinach, like Popeye, then put your fists
together as shown. Next, tell the adult to grasp your arms above the
elbows and try to pull your fists apart. As he/she grunts and sweats,
feel free to gloat about being the family's new strong-man/strong-woman.
~How it works: The muscle group you are using to push your fists
together has more leverage and thus is inherently stronger than the muscle
group your opponent is using to pull them apart. So go ahead and
challenge your body-building cousin.
Pea Wee Kiwi Popsicles
Ingredients: 4 kiwis, peeled and chopped; 1/2 cup orange, apple or pineapple juice;
3/4 cup frozen peas; Dixie cups
1. Place the kiwis, juice, and peas in a food processor or blender and puree until smooth.
2. Evenly distribute kiwi puree in each cup.
3. Insert a popsicle stick or plastic spoon into the center of the mixture, to serve as a handle.
4. Freeze pops for 4-6 hours or until frozen through.
Makes 6 popsicles. These can also be made in popsicle molds.
Every day without fail since 1980 the 24 HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE (530) 623-HELP
has been there for you. Help us if you can: Volunteer/Donate/Support
It’s Your Community, It's Your Business!
Learn about dating, domestic & sexual violence and how it impacts women, children, & men.
Human Response Network Report Card
June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013
Food Assistance
Fuel Assistance
Utility Assistance
Rent Assistance/ Eviction Prevention
Dry Goods Assistance
Homeless Sheltered
Parent Education Provided
Children's School Shoes
Weaverville Youth Center Attendance
Hayfork Youth Center Attendance
Children Enrolled in HRN Preschools
Child Care Payment Assistance
Domestic Violence Victims Assisted
Sexual Assault Victims Assisted
Calls from Crisis Line (623-HELP)
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Someone who enjoys being with children.
Do you or someone you know
fit this description?
Why not consider becoming a
Licensed Child Care Provider?
Be your own boss!
Share in the growth of children!
Stay at home and earn money!
Weaverville: 623-2024 Hayfork 628-4565
Number Served
439 households
1,497 individuals
44 households
12 households
160 households
72 households
86 households
223 Trinity County children
102 youth monthly average
41 youth monthly average
40 students
120 households
187 Trinity County residents
60 Trinity County residents
145 calls
304 tax returns filed
Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Poster Contest 2013
Karlie Elliot of Hayfork was the
Grand Prize winner, second year running.

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