Keys, Ancel


Keys, Ancel
T, t??0
Dr. Henry Blrckbura
lattttut de rudteltc rsctdo ct pravoutiw
e Univrnity dc Gouow
Ruo dr Cra*otlt ltr
l?0$ Gcnrvr, $sttrrrlood
Dcar Henry:
Thank you for advtce rbout cv;nt!
lqtr of lntcrrtiourl go[4gt*on.
rt Rorrt. etc. Obvionrly lrou rnr
ln the
AIoo, thrnk you fol thc lcttor to t'rlGdbcrg which wan ycry wall crprsttod.
llc sonrt voluatcrr to rcconrider, I am :u!G, rad I would trCIt proporc to mk hltn.
So I havs revilod thr ml. rlightly to couform tc the formrt of thr ARCHIVE$ of
INTERNAL I{EDICINE rnd roat gff to Chicrgo tb rcqpirqd throc copicl. Ws
ahrll lao.
Enclorsd ir a photocopy of our rbrtract I proparcd in rerpouac to you stgisg. t do not proporc to ettcnd thc aarctiag but llrnry Trylor could prctott th.
rar"tGll,..l tf it it roloctcd for thc progrlmr
t prctumc you hrvo
rogeivcd copicr of vrrieul srGms, I hrvr put togcthcr
btely, Tho multlpla logi;tic irl fruitIul. I am srush Urtcr3ttGd to rtr shat wo
gst for print-out ia thc acrt drya aud wctkr. 1f,Ie lre elmott rGldy rl,th thc fisat
ual;rrir doekr for Albrnlr Framlngh*m, Chlcrgo Strrnlor tnd Cbicrge Paul.
Er*ct comperiloa rltb &r rsllrord mcn rad the intern*tionrl eohortr arry aot be
po.rlblo but rrlrttvr rttat rnd rlrh prcdictroar rhanld bc porttbtc. Chlcrgo
$trrrtcr i€cnrt to bavc ra uaduly hlgh nto sf trhsrdtt incidlucr.
I'csclsro r pbotoeopy ef r lcttrr from Grorgc Lrmd. Cra 1rou rrrpou! to
him ggfit*r? t e*o urrilrlo to ba il rt thc ard of &c tidi ;orh, rry rrrlviEg la
Hun5rry .bost Frbrurry 30.
hrvr nsr rre.iwd all mrtcrirh from Cmtr u rrtt u from lvloEtrgiorgie
red CrsvrJcorr for thr l0-Jfitr prliod. .I my [111[ thoujb I balirvr thrrr rlmrlu
r blt of ;ork obreling to mrke rurG thrt ao onr bu bffi loli, Ahmradrr br
bCrr b[.y oa th*t loorc rt !&ntcgtorjio lrtrly. I ftill brvr p tinrl l0-rrH BrDrtrllty raeordl trom CrortXr er fialtrd.
lsra thrt I bryr fiarlly lrcrivrd rord thrt ny rroml
rpplisrtioa for thr tntmrtlonrl ptotrfm *ill br trr*drd, puhrpr ;ttb r{mr
.lfa!fi do{ril}"d t}viltona frcm tha rcqumtrd budSrt tunt. Ard I tfthlr t}rt
thr rrrrrd ;ill ba for thsrr ntbrr tLra tbo r.Ccrltrd lln yrtrr. Sttlln th*t till
bo glrd to
Dr. Hcary Bhckbtrrn
Dccrsnb;r T,
*lmott *lt thc Job nolr thrt thr PI, {80 sroary fer Smblr bm bmn 3rmtad
f 970
lr*n Frratt rnd othcrt lr* nrthia3 te got rn rpplictttro! ia for r Jolnt
rndcrvor on CHD. I grthrt tbat r put of yons rdrry *tll br in tho budgrt, thmgh
It i! rti[ nat slur to rrra j,urt vhlt ttr rpplicrttoa 1r to Ee?.r. It tr rgrmd tbrt
th* foeqt rhotrld bc oa B.s lt rhtgh rirlc st CHD ud thrt tbc ruem lipidr rhoeld
br attaskcd {lrt rith diat, dOiag dru;r rhcre.indtsrtrir ld ftartly g vtrg Bnehrrfd
thr fuilrrrcl. I frwr, incLuding trilrtrn.Bt of B. t. th thc rrngr of ld0- l$f ryrtoltc.
Eut I rlfa bopo it 1r Gl.rr ttst I s*snpt hrr; ury rnor. thrE rn rdrirory rolr ta thi
proporod prggrrrn
fu ref crl.r it i. rugglrtcd tbrt r litr virit mry bc'la thr o{ftEg, porhrpt
tn lvtrrsb rad tbrt you thould br on hrnd. I fcrr yarr nb&rtlcrl sitl iEcludr leort
cor,rmtrting thra I rould preteribo. psdhttem ttruy Tr$tor rndlor lvrn rill bc
1l toue.h *lth ytu loag in advrnec.
sUhtr to fou end Nctlie,
Aaecl Kc1n, Dirrctor
€(.! Dr. Trylor
Your herdrrrtttta l*tcr Jurt crrnG tn. t cmnot eourmrat on thr crloritt m,ttt.r
rlthout rating *brt ir oficrcd rr cvldrrcr. Trrmeliercl it pcrbrpr thr bcrt-leuowu
autritionitt iD Frrnsc hrt tg my kaorlodgc hrl ocvor bld contret rith rithcr cpldcmlologtcrl rtudicr or tho CHD probltm.
Ii[r do aot hrvc rny tyrtcr$8tic Govtrllc of triglycorldct for rly of thr
follow-up ttgdie.. Thc oaly mrtsrlrlr of thrt rort thrt I kast :bsut lrtl
U Dnvtd Bro*arl .Albrny date *hic,h frllrd tc chow aay rtgatficraer for
.Grurn trl$yccridcr iadcpandcnt of cbolcrhro! (1965 Nov $agbsd J.DtrIl, l,!1, 9(?1.
tl FrrmiBghrm drta (Kenrsl tt rl. 196{ Ann. I&t. Mcd, 6-t, 688) rhl*h dcdt
wtth ehotoctarol, plorphofipidr rnd faur clurrr o{ lipoprotciur end frilad to rbory
th.t iacid.nco brd rrlrtioarbipr with othor lipidr not o*ptaincd by chotcrtlrol.
t.polt of Rorenmaa qg tL (lg?0 J.
Dir. il., l?ll
oa tho
Scrtqrn Collrborrtiv. Study trom vhiah I raclolc photocopier sf tso plger. Ths
rnrlyrtr of tbc drtr 1l v.ry poor but thG rulIcttiee,ir thrt trigl5Tecrida laal iadapcadrnt of eholartsrol ir uElmpertrat for ontry rfGt undlr t0 but Lt ir impoftrat rt oldr
Al te tuclelc, bI notr ,aB rhould hrvc rscclvcd my mrmo rhteb rtll br
b IiIUTRITION TODAT. t oacloro raothor capy ior y.or*r cmyca[;aG.,
Dr* Hury
Ddecrnh;r ?, l??S
Ar to dirt for prcwnttonn borr opintoa lr rottd rg:lnrt hi3h pofy-uatahmt.d
fetty reid lrvrh in tbr dtrt. Wc r*irucrtc rh*p rcrtrlctio[ on .rtarltra rith rrrch
rcplrscrrrcat stth eors, rnallwcr or othcr oif (gS! prlm or eocooutl er ir sroful fsr
coohlng rad flrror" U on thrt dtat thcn tr a rherp rirc in tcrum tri.glyo*ido, rdd
moro o11 rnd rrduar errbohydntot. Thr obcro rhonld bc rducod, of Go$rtlr 46,prciatly lf tbcy hrw ht3h t.rqm llptdr. Commoalf thc tri,glycoridcr frll thrrply
wlth woight reductloR.
A. K*