Administrator`s Corner - shiner - nursing and rehabilitation center


Administrator`s Corner - shiner - nursing and rehabilitation center
Administrator’s Corner
September 2016
Admin Corner
Upcoming Events 1
Staff’s Birthdays
Resident of the
Employee of the
Resident Planned
Happy Anniversary 2
Those We Mourn 2
Save The Date
Out & About
Making Memories
Awesome August 5
Care Plans
Grandparents’ Day
are the talented group of experts that work
hard daily to return our residents home
The summer is coming to an end but the heat
healthier and stronger. If your loved one is
sure isn’t letting up! What a wonderful
here for a longer stay, the therapy
summer it’s been but I’m personally glad to
department is here to help them continue on
have all the kids back to school and back in a
as independently as possible and thrive in
routine. A hectic routine, that is, but that’s
their home away from home. This
what we’re used to. Here at the facility, it’s
department is definitely an asset to the
evident that August was the “dog days” since
dedication we have at SNRC to the quality of
things have been a little slower paced and
life of our residents. We are thankful for
reasonably quiet, as far as events go. That’s
Kristy Turner, Director of Rehab, and her
sometimes a nice break for the staff and
residents alike. We’ll be ready to pick up the
For you anxious football fans out there, I
pace as the fall season approaches.
wish you all a fun-filled season. I especially
September is sure to be a busy month. We
wish the St. Paul Cardinals and Shiner
will first celebrate Labor Day. I hope you
Comanches a successful season for football
are able to relax and enjoy the holiday. This
and volleyball. I am a proud football Mom
month we are also looking forward to
of 2 Comanches so I’m looking forward to
recognizing our Environmental Services
quite a bit of fun following the two of them.
staff. This team, lead by supervisor Jackie
Don’t forget to stop in and visit with the
Bludau, does an outstanding job keeping the
residents and share with them what’s going
facility spotless which is one of the most
on in their community. Local school sports,
important reasons our facility is rated the
church events, clubs and organizations are
best in the area. We are grateful for their
just a few of the many things they were
hard work each day and their dedication to
involved with in their younger days.
the well being of our residents. Also to
celebrate in September...I’ve heard that the
As always, I’m anxious to hear how we’re
only thing better than being a parent is being doing so stop by or give me a call anytime.
a grandparent, so lets not forget to wish our
Blessings until next time...
residents a Happy Grandparents Day on
September 11th! Following that we will
recognize our therapy staff during Rehab
Week. This awesome, energetic crew holds Administrator
a high priority within our facility, as these
Tiffany Weiser
Upcoming Events
Grandparent’s Day Social @ 2:30pm
9/14 September Birthday Party @ 2:30pm
9/15 Senior Prom in Hallettsville
9/21 World Alzheimer’s Day “ Making Memories Stick”
Slideshow & Sticky Buns @ 3:30pm
1213 N. Ave B
Shiner, TX 77984
Phone: (361) 594-3353
Fax: (361) 594-2201
Evelyn Novak
9/19 Lillie Krueger
Lah Thrudie Dreyer
9/25 Cleve Murphy
Cynthia Chilek
Please join us on September 14th @ 2:30 p.m. for our
next birthday party. Sponsored by First National Bank
of Shiner.
Staff Birthdays
Heather Patterson
Lois Muehlstein
Lakeshia Seals
Kimberly Roznovsky
Kristal Thompson
Enrique Tovar
Vivian Erickson
Michelle Carrillo
Happy Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Labay celebrated their 57th wedding
anniversary on August 22nd. Please join us in wishing them
many more happy years together!
Resident of the Month
Employee of the Month
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and
friends of Linda Sampleton who passed away recently.
We will truly miss her.
Thank you for your dedication
and commitment to provide the
best care for our residents.
Chicken Fried
Chicken Breast
Potato Salad
Virginia Vincik
Amy Curtis
Cole Slaw
Vivian Erickson
Lemon Pie
Diane Schroeder
Save The Date
Shiner Nursing & Rehab is busy preparing for our 3rd annual Art Auction Gala! The funds raised at
this event go towards the payments, fuel and general maintenance of our newly acquired Activity
Van. We are thrilled to have the added transportation for our residents and thank everyone who
made and continues to make our dream a reality for the residents of SNRC. So, be sure to mark
your calendars and attend our fundraiser gala this year!
Join us on,
November 12, 2016
Shiner Central Station
Doors open w/appetizers & drinks at 6
Rib-eye Steak Dinner at 7
Art Auction begins at 8
Followed by The Scott Taylor Band
Some of our residents working on one of their art projects
Out & About
Our residents enjoyed a delicious trip to Janak’s Country Market in Hallettsville. The food was
delicious and of course the company was great too!
World Alzheimer’s Day
World Alzheimer’s Day is September 21st. So many of our residents
suffer from this disease and the dementia that comes with it. Shiner Nursing & Rehab is dedicated
to making our residents lives the very best they can be in spite of the challenges they face as the
disease progresses. As we continue to learn more about the best ways to communicate and care
for our residents with dementia and Alzheimer’s we’d like you to help us raise awareness of this
day and disease.
We are asking all of our family members and members of the community to send us a
picture of a favorite memory in your life and/or a family member’s life. We will post these pictures
on our Facebook page with the tag line “Making Memories Stick.” We will celebrate with a
slideshow of the these memories and sticky buns at our facility on September 21st at 3:30pm.
Families and members of the community are encouraged to attend, our residents and staff always
love a full house of visitors at our events!
Please send your memories to Becky at [email protected] by Monday,
September 19th. Be sure to include who is in the picture and the memory associated with
it. We will also be selling post-it notes to raise money for the National Alzheimer’s Association at
our “Making Memories Stick” event. Please let us know if you’ll be able to join us on Wednesday,
September 21st and start sending in those memories! Remember to “like” our page on
Facebook so you can see everyone’s memories!
Awesome August
August was a busy and HOT month here at Shiner Nursing & Rehab! The rising temperatures didn’t
stop us from celebrating life, reaching goals and welcoming our neighbors.
At our August Birthday party we only had 1 birthday to celebrate, Mrs. Marie Labay. The party was
sponsored by The United Methodist Church. All their volunteers that came to the party definitely made it a
special party for Mrs. Labay and the rest of our residents. Irene Cerny and Diane Schroeder enter tained
all our guests with music while they enjoyed cake and punch. We’d like to thank Raintree Florist for the
beautiful corsages they always donate to our birthday honorees.
We also hosted all the other area nursing homes for a community bingo. Facilities from all the surrounding areas enjoyed food, fellowship and of course some bingo games in our dining room. Our therapy
department went “Out & About” with a patient to the Praha Picnic! Some of our staff had to tag along to
help bring back the delicious picnic plates and scope out the area for next year’s outing. Plan on joining us
next year for the fun and food in Praha.
Our August birthday honoree Mrs. Labay with our birthday party sponsors from the First
United Methodist Church.
Area Bingo
Praha Picnic
Welcome to our New Residents
Please welcome James Sandelovick, Marie Caka and
Marcus Pustka to the SNRC family. Please stop by and
make them feel welcome.
Up Coming Care Plans
Each week at Shiner Nursing & Rehabilitation, the nursing, dietary, social services and activity department heads
meet to review care plans, either for an initial, quarterly or an annual review. The dates, as well as the residents
who are due for review on those dates, are listed below. They are listed in hopes that family members, residents
and/ or responsible parties, who would like to attend the care plan meeting, can make arrangements to do so. This
is also a time when we encourage loved ones to voice concerns they may have. The care plan reviews are held on
Thursdays between the hours of 2:30 and 4: 00 p.m. Each residents is allowed a 15-minute time frame for review.
If family members or responsible parties have any questions or wish to set up an appointment, please feel free to
call 361-594-3353 and speak to Loretta Bell LVN. This month the following care plans will be reviewed.
September 1
September 8
September 15
September 22
September 29
H. Anderson
E. Gill
M. Patek
F. Rodriguez
M. Hermes
E. Fritsche
T. Vancura
G. Raab
P. Novosad
L. Albrecht
H. Bartos
E. Brosh
W.M. Darilek
M. Brooks
R. Meyer
J. Seidenberger
M. Aschenbeck
***Please make sure that an appointment has been made in advance to secure an opening and ensure that the
time won’t overlap with another scheduled care plan.
Grandparents’ Day is
September 11th! Don’t forget an
extra hug or phone call to these
special people in our lives!
Department Head Team Members
Tiffany Weiser, LNFA—Administrator
Jacquelyn Vinklarek, LVN—Medicare Coordinator
Virginia Vincik, LVN—Training Coordinator
Peggy Mikulenka—Business Manager
Manesha Brooks, FSS—Dietary Supervisor
Mary Caballero—Medical Records
Jim Moyers—Maintenance Supervisor
Diane Schroeder LBSW,MHCA—Social Services
Kadedra Hale, RN—Director of Nurses
Loretta Bell, LVN—Assessment/RUG Nurse
Becky Seibert—Marketing/Admissions
Vivian Erickson—Activity Director
Jackie Bludau—Environmental Services
Kristy Turner, PTA—Director of Rehabilitation
Julia Machart, LVN—Wound Care Nurse
“Dedicated to the Quality of Life”