presentació - Festival de Cinema de Girona
presentació - Festival de Cinema de Girona
PRESENTACIÓ En aquesta secció de cinema EXPERIMENTAL valorem prioritàriament la innovació en el llenguatge visual, la creativitat, la generació d’imatge i el seu tractament, la fotografia, el muntatge..., la capacitat d’emocionar, prescindir d’estructures narratives i, sobretot, la seva personalitat estilística. Encara que desenvolupi una recreació estètica, per naturalesa l’obra té un inherent contingut. El seu discurs no pot estar en contra dels principis bàsics de la llibertat i del desenvolupament natural de la humanitat. L’esdeveniment tindrà lloc en un destacat Centre d’Art de Girona, la FUNDACIÓ VALVI, que acollirà vuitanta obres procedents de cinquanta un països del món. Aquest programa parteix d’una selecció d’entre 783 obres procedents de vuitanta països. dijous UNITED STATES 1’ Direcció ABBEY SACKS Repartiment Susan Sacks Torí ITÀLIA 45’’ Direcció BARBARA BLANC Sinopsi The main part of my short is created by photographing a series of nine paintings on wood made with a technique invented by me. The images of the paintings are in relief and colored with acrylic paints. REGNE UNIT 3’ Direcció THOMAS EDWARD Sinopsi Looking back. Early morning. An anxious passenger. A journey made too many times. Half-asleep. Half-awake. Urban landscapes. Internal structures. Dreams. Memories. The tricks of tired eyes. 06:13 was created using scans of images produced using thermal paper. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Moscou FEDERACIÓ RUSSA 5’ Direcció ANASTASYA BEZRUK Sinopsi The parable of the fish, the sky and a man. Istambul TURQUIA 5’ Direcció DUYGU KARADAN Sinopsi That movie focuses on the degree of sitting on a chair of a woman. Chair symbolizes the “trust” in that movie. In that simple and daily act, some of the cycles are accompany that act and during that time individual experience partial manners. Furthermore, when people watch that movie, they should not forget that, Aletheia means unclosedness and truth Milwakee EE. UU. 1’ Direcció CRIS SIQUIERA Music Fudgy Sinopsi Music video for Milwaukee-based band Fudgy. A glitchy exploration of online boundaries and corporate omnipresence. Singapur SINGAPUR 3’ Direcció PRAKASH Sinopsi From the void of space, a cube structure comes to life JAPÓ 1’ Direcció KAIHEI HASE 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Londres REGNE UNIT 1’ Direcció, guió i producció RAFAEL AFLALO Música Nico Paoliello i Guilherme Saldanha Repartiment Richard House i Ed Perryer Sinopsi Between 1857 and 1862, Billy and Charley produced over 5000 counterfeit antiques in their South London workshop, until they were unmasked by Henry Syer Cuming. Many artifacts still figure in museum collections today TURQUIA 1’ Direcció DUYGU KARADAN Producció Ömer Halit Halifeoğlu Sinopsi Movie about the illusion of life scandal. Kyoto JAPÓ 3’ Direcció HARUKA MIRANI i MICHAEL LYONS Sinopsi An optisonic exploration of a world of primordial shapes created through various chemical treatments of a Super 8 emulsion. The sonic counterpart was made using a generative patch on an analogue synth, with voltage inputs from light sensors on the projection screen - the film itself steering the dynamics of sound synthesis. Cavan IRLANDA 9’ Direcció, guió i producció PAWEL KLESZCZEWSKI i KASIA ZIMNOCH Edició Mariusz Kleszczewski Música Yann Ciennik Sinopsi It is a story about adolescence, passing through life, boundary situations, the life cycle of women. The story is based on the Swedish folk tale "Sagan om lilla älgtjuren Skutt oh prinsessan Tuvstarr". In which we found numerous references to the myths about seasons. ALEMANYA 3’ Direcció MICKAEL LE GOFF Música Robot Koch & Julien Marchal Sinopsi A mesmerizing trip to dancing fluids. Official music video for "Care" by Robot Koch and Julien Marchal. Released on Monkeytown records 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Filadèlfia EE. UU. 1’ Direcció, guió, producció i intèrpret CAIT DAVIS SUÈCIA 15’ Direcció i fotografia PATXI EXEQUIEL i KIANA NAGHSHINEH Producció Christian Zehetmeier Guió i animació Patxi Exequiel Música Marius Kirsten Edició Kiana Naghshineh Sinopsi The moon tells us a story in rhymes about god, Darwin, dinosaurs, monkeys, mankind and far too much chocolate. (Foregin body) Łódź POLÒNIA 7’ Direcció MARTA MAGNUSKA Producció PWSFTviT Edició Ewa Golis Música Patryk Zakrocki So Anna Nowak Sinopsi A foreign body lives its own life. You're not able to get rid of it, it's always with you, you need it. Caress that odd part of yours, don't try to shave its long tousled fur. This is a story about something that's considered to be strange at first but turns out to be the dearest thing to us. About the transformation of inside and outside. Eindhoven PAÏSOS BAIXOS 1’ Direcció MICHELLE VERHOEKS Sinopsi Animació pictòrica i colorista, tot evocant sensualitats organiques, elegants i amb cert to humoristic. Wolverhampton REGNE UNIT 1’ Direcció TOM CHIMIAK Càmera Tom Chimiak i Richard Edmunds So Jacob Alder Sinopsi Colour Melody is a conceptual look at a song's structure being represented by ink. Inspired by the technique of splash photography the aim of the project was to creatively break a song down via a multitude of ink colours. Every instrument has its' own colour 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Curitiba BRAZIL 1’ Direcció FLÁVIO CARVALHO Sinopsi A probe launched. A flyby over "Cthulhu Regio" in Pluto. Data lost. This film was made with digital microscope, processed with ReacTIVision software and realized with databending techniques with stop motion. Toronto CANADÀ 1’ Direcció SIMON FALK Sinopsi A film that is best described as the lovechild of Dance Dance Revolution and Robot Chicken. It is a montage of multiple digitally rendered dancing drag queens, wrapped in various zentai suits with 80’s graphic design motifs – layered onto an assortment of whimsical image sequences. The pastel pastiche painting is focused on intersecting 3D and stop motion animation, digital mark making, dance and fashion illustration. ITÀLIA 4’ Direcció, guió i producció ANTONELLA MIGNONE i CRISTIANO PANEPUCCIA Sinopsi The film takes inspiration from the concept of emotional memory, depicting the encounter of two lovers in a liminal dimension, a place where movements preserve the memory of the past and create a synthesis of the entire action. The work has been created with a mix of body projection, light painting, real time randomization and CGI animation techniques. (Ephimeral) Madrid ESPANYA 3’ Direcció, guió, producció i art PACO PEREGRÍN Co-producció Javier Rey i José Murciano Fotografia Javier Cortés Edició Iñaki San Juan Música Karim Shaker Repartiment Kasia S Sinopsi The film is about the unknown and the imperfect beauty and a wonderful reflection on the passing of time, a metaphor of the ephemeral nature of beauty and life. IRAN 6’ Direcció i producció MOHAMMAD REZA KHERADMANDAN Sinopsi A sniper whom shots children from above a war-torn city. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Beirut LÍBAN 5’ Direcció i guió ELIO TAYEH Producció Wassim Elia i Ghada Tayeh Repartiment Bissan Haidar i Mario Tarchichi Sinopsi "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoings and rightdoings, there’s a field. I’ll meet you there."-Rumi Asma and Abed, fragments of memories. Naked bodies in the darkness of space... dichotomy and separation... an experience. Zagreb CROÀCIA 5’ Direcció, producció i guió PETRA BRNARDIC Sinopsi It is a visual stream of consciousness which depicts dreams, visions and fantasies of a female person, like in a psychedelic trip or Tarot cards. The images are charged with collision of eros and thanatos, beauty and monstruosity, and occult thematics, and they represent different aspects of psyche, various female archetypes and many alter-egoes of one person, like woman as a martyr, a queen, a priestess or a force of nature. (The end) Grosuplje ESLOVÈNIA 2’ Direcció LANA BREGAR Sinopsi The inevitability of death and what happens when we die is one of the most common questions that we ask ourselves in our short life. In the film, which is showing us the end, death or literally inevitability of death in the everyday objects we encounter a silent thought, lying in a corner of the brain. The thought is wondering about life in general, what occurs after death, and considering what is the meaning of life, because our end is actually determined in advance. Macquarie Fields AUSTRALIA 1’ Direcció, producció, guió i interpretació BONNIE CURTIS Sinopsi Fixated explores the interaction between camera and subject, and the perception of sexuality and sensuality, through the eyes of the unconscious mind. Farnham REGNE UNIT 1’ Direcció Samantha Palmer Sinopsi An experimental Animation set in a surreal and slightly sickly world of ice lollies. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL divendres Londres REGNE UNIT 3’ Direcció JACK ALEXANDROFF i JACK SNELLING Repartiment Jack Snelling Sinopsi The film attempts to the relevance of fractal geometry within the universe, and ultimately question their own positions as a result. Using fractals as an experimental visual metaphor, combining hand-drawn animation, stop motion and time-lapse photography, the filmmakers own voices provide the soundtrack. Farnham REGNE UNIT 1’ Direcció HARRIET FRANCIS CROUCHER Sinopsi Based on personal experiences and insights, this film explores one of the last great taboos: mental illness. It examines the realities of mania and psychosis, and the way in which society defines and denigrates people by their disabilities. Volos GRÈCIA 6’ Direcció i producció PANAGIOTIS FILIPPOU Sinopsi A One-Year Timelapse project under Greek Skies. Bogotà COLÒMBIA 4’ Direcció i producció OSCAR ORJUELA Sinopsi Three chairs, three plates, three cups, a dinnertable, three men. All of them want it all. Amsterdam PAÏSOS BAIXOS 1’ Direcció, producció i guió JEROEN TER WELLE Sinopsi A head, that irritates or fascinates, perhaps it is a combination of irritation and fascination. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Ajman EMIRATS ÀRABS 3’ Direcció, producció, guió i repartiment MUHAMMED AWWAD Sinopsi The film is an illustration of war's brutality against children. It is a work that I was inspired to do by Eglantyne Jebb's quote that says "Every war is a war against children". Vilnius LITUÀNIA 2’ Direcció, producció i guió RIMA NARBUNTAITE Fotografia Jan Chmielewski Edició Moritz Neumayr Sinopsi Where is the line between selling things and selling human bodies? Do you really believe there is so much difference between the street market and the society? Have you ever experienced a sexual harassment in public? A short dance film that is trying to present these questions to the audience and find the answers together showing the story of the girl whose the biggest enemy is society. Moscou FEDERACIÓ RUSSA 3’ Direcció, producció i guió ALEXANDRA YAKOVLEVA Repartiment Adrian Aregger, Cristiano Santos i Esther Gooch Sinopsi Short animation based on a popular internet article "How To Get People To Like You" offering a recipe to get a perfect personality merely by following simple social rules. Turku FINLÀNDIA 1’ Direcció i guió HETA OKKONEN Producció Eija Saarinen So Antti Siniranta Sinopsi When the alarm goes off she gets up and starts her day. EE. UU. 5’ Direcció i producció YING-FANG SHEN Música Antonio J. García Sinopsi A tie-dye fabric animation that narrates the beginning of life through a microscope perspective. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Sao Paulo BRAZIL 4’ Direcció, producció i repartiment BEATRIZ BERNARDI Sinopsi 2 'petite morts' for 1 day of the dead. Kentucky EE. UU. 4’ Direcció, producció i guió JOON SUNG Música Dylan Tinlun Chan Sinopsi Derived from the idea of extending the minimalist painting into motion. This piece explores the beauty that transcends time and space with alternative expressions to show how forms can be rearranged to convey different moods and feelings, and reinforces the concept of creativity can be defined as recombining the familiar into the new. The circular forms used here are the result of the distinct learning toward the nature of purified art. The potato eaters REPÚBLICA TXECA 4’ Direcció, guió, animació i edició MARTIN KUKAL Producció Lukáš Gregor Música i so Samuel Jurkovič Sinopsi A homage to Vincent Willem van Gogh, the artist who walked the land of Brabant. How I became you Banja Luka BÒSNIA I HERZEGOVINA 3’ Direcció IVANNA ŽIVKOVIC Producció Darija Buzaković Sinopsi A short film about self-censorship, imposed behavioral norms, opinions and attitudes which ultimately lead to the crucifixion of one’s personality Ourense ESPANYA 4’ Direcció i guió SIMONE SAIBENE Producció Noveolas Producciones S.L. Música Paolo Apollo Negri Sinopsi Kuti Khanti is a visual reflection, in the crater of the Greek island of Nysiros, from a quote from Anton Chekhov “Maybe our universe is in the tooth of some giant”. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Belgrad SÈRBIA 2’ Direcció, producció i guió ANA KRSTIC Repartiment Maja Jakovljevic Sinopsi Film about death, finality and the true meaning of transience. A beautiful woman is a symbol of creation but also she is a cause of sorrow. Maybe her own, maybe someone else's, but she feels deep pain in her thoughts challenged by pervasive guilt which will never leave her thoughts. ain in her thoughts challenged by pervasive guilt which will never leave her thoughts. Bloomington EE. UU. 6’ Direcció MARGARET ORR So Dave Sluberski Sinopsi A journey through the mind of a depressed individual. Cambridge, MA, EE. UU. 13’ Direcció, producció i guió DAPHNA MERO Producció Nick Manley Edició Tomer Rubens Música Henrik Åström Repartiment Andrea Rios, Maki Kitahara i Nathaniel Erb-Stullo Sinopsi A hybrid experimental piece that integrates dance and the choreography of space within the structure of narrative film. The film portrays immigration as a dehumanizing process executed by an indifferent bureaucratic machine. It follows a young immigrant woman, waiting her turn to see the bureaucrat in-charge of her case. Bratislava ESLOVÀQUIA 11’ Direcció i guió MARTA PROKOPOVÁ Producció Erika Paulinská Música Adam Dekan Sinopsi The film presents many philosophical and existentional themes. Through the main character, a personified fox, the film introduces a story about finding yourself in this chaotic, empty age. Singapur SINGAPUR 1’ Direcció CHANG PEI YEE i OON QUIAN YI SHANNON Sinopsi MiMO is a 2D traditional animation created with black ink and color pastels. Inspired by Joan Miro paintings• of lines and colors, MiMO is an abstract piece that explores the art of motion. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Kiev UCRAÏNA 4’ Direcció YURIY MIRON Guió i producció Ola Frick i Carina Johansson Frick Sinopsi Animation and the text is about to be caught in a "Catch 22" position, that you can't create yourself of how much you want and desire. Kolkata ÍNDIA 4’ Direcció i guió DIGANTA DEY Producció Koushik Bhattacharjee Edició Smrijeet Ghosh So i música Kaushik Roy i M.H.R MUSIC Sinopsi There was a country which had no name.All countrymen lived together happily. One Day a ‘Civilized Human’ country came to know about them & also about their petroleum power.They captured the place but another human country attacked on them for that petroleum. Brusel·les BÈLGICA 5’ Direcció ORNELLA MACCHIA Sinopsi A traveller begins an initiatory journey in a dark and dangerous marine setting. Seúl REPÚBLICA DE COREA 3’ Direcció i producció ERICK OH Música FRNK Sinopsi 'O' is a short animated film that illustrates the passage of time and the creation of the universe. Animation and music support each other to guide the audience to follow the progression of life from chaos to control which is beautifully interpreted by artists' own vision. dissabte Yesterday PORTUGAL 4’ Direcció i producció FALCAO LUCAS Música Turvos Sinopsi A journey through introspection. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Kostenetz BULGÀRIA 1’ Direcció i guió STANISLAVA SHTARKOVA Sinopsi Story of two pigs living in the nowadays.. Ciutat de Mèxic MÈXIC 2’ Direcció, producció i guió OSCAR GONZÁLEZ LUNA So Lex Ortega Sinopsi A police notebook was found with notes and fragments from unsolved cases. This is an interpretation of one of the cases, described in detail in the notebook. St. Louis Missouri, fall of 1968. Moscou FEDERACIÓ RUSSA 3’ Direcció i guió NATALIA ALFUTOVA Guió Valeriya Ordinartseva Producció Evguenyi Rastatuev i Maria Koblyakova Repartiment Anastasia Somova Sinopsi This short film is the audio-visual experiment based on the poem "Please Listen" by the great Russian-Soviet poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poem is read by the poet himself (record of 1915) and by the automatic voice of the Google-translator. EE. UUU. 3’ Direcció i guió Joan C. Gratz Producció Gratzfilm Sinopsi Primal Flux is high-relief clay animated directly before the camera. It combines abstract and figurative images to explore the nature of conscious and unconscious communication. Wiener Neustadt ÀUSTRIA 1’ Direcció ELENA SCHWARZ Producció Birgit Klauser Animació René Haller Música Midisparks Sinopsi Film based on the short story “Damentoilette” (“Women´s Toilet”) written by the austrian writer Hubert Hutfless. It is about a man who has some beers with a friend. He hast to use the toilet, but the men´s one is closed, wherefore he has to attend the women´s toilet. There he sees a female pubic hair lying on the toilet seat. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Xangai XINA 5’ Direcció, edició i so LI HUIHUI Sinopsi This film is composed frame-by-frame from 564 scanned prints. Li Huihui used an experimental woodblock print technique to produce abstract shapes with Chinese ink on paper. The final montage portrays a distant universe in which black holes feed on star corpses. The soundtrack is composed with soundscapes recorded inside a WWII flak tower in Hamburg, Germany Isfahan REPÚBLICA ISLÀMICA D’IRAN 4’ Direcció, producció, guió i interpretació MOTAHAREH AHMADPOUR Sinopsi You can see wonderful city... with heart and brain!! Buenos Aires ARGENTINA 2’ Direcció i guió H. GABRIEL RIOS Sinopsi Conceptual realization , about as situations of life is linked with another, where a death generates life and that life is intended to begin another. ANGLATERRA 3’ Direcció MOLLIE HODKINSON i FRANCESCA KEDDENY Repartiment Mollie Hodkinson Sinopsi The film explores the sensual experience of a St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh. It gets to the core of what makes a physical structure effect our emotions, senses and our sense of self. Reflects the nature of the ever-changing opinions received from locals and tourist within the space, it experiments with a variety of visuals. The final visuals are made by milk in water as it felt that it's constant movement and unidentifiable shape reflected the evolving impressions of St Giles'. EE. UU. 2’ Direcció NATALIE ABERNETHY Sinopsi A soundscape paired with abstract video. This is a low quality upload of the piece. A full quality version can be sent upon request. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL København DINAMARCA 1’ Direcció, producció i guió SARA KOPPEL Sinopsi A one minute moment of 60 endangered species. Taipei TAIWAN 4’ Direcció i guió CHEN- YU YANG i CHUN-TIEN CHEN Producció Ru-Yeun Tzeng i Jo-Han Chang Sinopsi It is a city without memories, but a growing maze with construction sites, skyscrapers, advertising billboards that keeps taking over or being taken over their domains. Citizens wander around and eventually get lost in vain, and the Môsîn-á (*) is the only one to lead their way. (*Mô-sîn-á is one kind of ghost in Taiwanese religion). Sharjah EMIRATS ÀRABS UNITS 1’ Direcció, guió i producció MALAK ELGHUEL i REEM ZAGHMOUT Repartment Rana Khodari Sinopsi The film approaches dancing in a different way. It experiments with a digital processed way of showing movements through lines. It explores the digital electronic art form and 3D depth of movement. The colors that are used in the video give the viewers a hint of depth in the virtual space. They also correspond to the digital abstract sound that is used. Roma ITÀLIA 3’ Direcció, guió i producció MARCO BONFANTE Fotografia Mustafà Coja Repartiment aRchimisti ensemble Sinopsi The film was born from an artistic experiment inside Rome's "Museum Laboratory of Mind", where eight instrumentalists, who have already played for the Roman's Synphonic Orchestra, put themselves in relation with the museum's areas that tell the history of the ex psychiatric hospital Santa Maria della Pietà and translate into musical improvisations what the surrounding environment transmits emotionally. EE. UU 1’ Direcció NATALIE ABERNETHY Sinopsi A 3D animation that explores the importance of texture and lighting and how they can transform one of the most simple shapes: a sphere. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Prades FRANÇA 20’ Direcció PETER PETERSEN Sinopsi A fantasy journey through North Catalonia, with Mount Canigou and parts of the pilgrimage road Saint Jacques de Compostelle in particular. All made with some 170.000 individually coloured and treated single images together. . Santiago CHILE 4’ Direcció, guió i producció MARTIN PIZARRO VEGLIA Música Daniel Gonzalez Chung Repartiment Rocio Chavez Sinopsi A lonely hand, wanders around a desolate world, doing cleaning. After a thorough cleaning of the city, he finds on his way home, an strange female hand, who makes discover him: the touch. El Caire EGIPTE 4’ Direcció MOHAMED WAHEED Sinopsi Tanoura is an Egyptian folk dance usually performed in Egyptian Sufi festivals. Quezon City FILIPINES 4’ Direcció AYA NG Sinopsi This experimental music video illustrates of the concept of the perfect number nine. Artist Aya Ng creates selfportraits drawn frame by frame using a continuous line drawing technique, each one symbolizing a number that forms a nine code. Shiraz REPÚBLICA ISLÀMICA D’IRAN 2’ Direcció BAHAREH AHMADI i ALI ZARE GHANATNOWI Guió i producció ALI ZARE GHANATNOWI Edició i so ALI REZA RAHNAMA Sinopsi A young girl who has no hope to continue living is faced with new circumstances. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL Rajka HUNGRIA 2’ Direcció ADAM BAZSO Repartiment Edyta Nowak-Bazso Sinopsi An experiment to achieve a contemplative connection of impressions and images and to explore the universe, which surrounds and fills us. XIPRE 2’ Direcció DEMETRA ENGLEZOU, YIANNA CHRISTOPHOROU i ROXANNA PANUFNIK Sinopsi Thirteen internationally renowned composers were initially commissioned to write short pieces, each inspired by a different chapter of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, to be performed in order so they follow the story's narrative. Jakarta INDONÈSIA 8’ Direcció, guió i producció FRITZ WIDJAJA Repartiment Julian Widjaja Sinopsi An old Indonesian fairy tale, a story of a widow who dreamed of having a child. She struck a deal with a giant and she was given a giant golden fruit. Inside the fruit was a baby girl and name Timun Mas. Little that the girl know, she must be given as an offering to the giant when she was of age. As the time come the widow ask Timun Mas to run to the forest where her battle to change her fate begins. EE. UU. 2’ Direcció AKASHA WINKER Sinopsi Cameraless Animation. París FRANÇA 2’ Direcció FLORIAN ROUZAUD CORNABAS Música LukHash Veu Olga Iwogo Sinopsi Extracted from our urban surroundings, the pieces of a puzzle take differents shapes and a fusion of colors and structures emerge from it. The sound design and the hypnotic voice guide the images through this oneiric universe. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL (Land, rocks and reefs) VENEZUELA 15’ Direcció, producció, guió i animació PATRICIA RINCÓN Sinopsi Short animated romance, adventure, nature and lesbian themes. A love story between the sea and the land, represented by two women in the naturalness of loving samesex equality to human rights and protection of earth. La Rochelle FRANÇA 1’ Direcció i guió MYRIAM FONTAINE Repartiment Bruno Benoist i Sandra L'Hotelier Sinopsi A man. A woman. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL MAPA PAÏSOS SELECCIONATS Paisos seleccionats Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Catalunya, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Republic Czech, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Republic of Islamic Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Suecia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela. Paisos inscrits Alemania, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Corea del Sur, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Republic Czech, Denmark, Catalunya, Egypt, Eslovaquia, Estados Unidos, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italia, Japan, Republic of Korea, , Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, Republic of Moldova, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paises Bajos, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Reino Unido, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Republic of Bolivarian. 28 Girona Film Festival 2016 Secció EXPERIMENTAL