Read more stories of transformation in our Easter Newsletter


Read more stories of transformation in our Easter Newsletter
AT $1.96
per meal,
a lot
more than
you think!
New hope brings new life
and joy at the Mission’s
Naomi Family Residence.
ou can do more good than
you realize when you give
to Union Gospel Mission
this spring. Thanks to our
friends' generosity and our ability
to purchase food efficiently in
bulk, we can provide hot,
nourishing meals at a cost of just
$1.96 each — including a wonderful traditional ham
dinner for Easter! Combined with the gifts of other
donors, your compassionate Easter donation will give
hungry, hurting, and homeless men, women, and
children food, shelter, care, and, best of all, a second
chance at resurrected lives and rebirth in Christ this
spring. Will you return your Easter gift with the
enclosed Easter Meal Ticket in this newsletter today?
Whether fleeing domestic violence,
coping with job loss, dealing with losing
a home, or recovering from alcohol or
drug addiction, women at Union Gospel
Mission's Naomi Family Residence have
reason to rejoice this Easter thanks
to you.
The Easter story of resurrection and
new life is seen daily in the lives of the
women and children who seek and find
renewal here. In the Mission’s warm,
family-oriented apartments in the
residence, approximately 200 women
and children a year experience a true
sense of home and safety. Unlike many
shelters, women in this residential
recovery program are able to have their
children with them, keeping families
together as the women get spiritual
support, counseling, life-skills training,
and education to work toward
independence and self-sufficiency.
Mark your calendars
Homemade Soup — Handmade Bowl
to Help the Homeless Soul!
Tish, a former resident of the
Naomi Family Residence, says, “I
think it meant a lot for my girls to
be here. They loved it. If it weren’t
for being here, they probably wouldn’t
be with me. Child protection would
have taken them from me. I would
have still been high on drugs and using
… The Naomi Family Residence is like
one big happy family.”
Please continue to pray and give
to help us bring transformed lives to
the women and children who live with
us here at Naomi Family Residence.
With your help, we will remain a safe
shelter in life’s storms. ■
To donate online, visit our website:
Stay connected:
him off at Union Gospel Mission. At
first, Bill resisted change. But finally,
he surrendered and opened his heart.
Bill now has a new life. He’s
respected as a leader by other men at
the Christ Recovery Center at the
Mission. Of his drug-filled past, he
says, “It’s amazing I’m still alive. This
is the best program I’ve ever gone
through. All of us are there for each
other. People talk about love, but I'd
never really seen it before I came here.”
“There was no way of fixing
me — no way on earth to
help or cure me.”
Bill says, “This Mission matters a
lot because, at one point, there was no
way of fixing me — no way on earth to
help or cure me.” Bill now helps other
men at the Mission and wants to work
with kids who are troubled like he once
was. Last summer he worked as a bus driver
for the Mission. “I could make bigger
money … but driving the children at the
Mission, making them laugh, making them
happy is worth more.”
“Now I have hope. I didn’t have
hope before. I’m sane, sober, and clean.”
This Easter, many men like Bill
are seeking rebirth and transformation.
Often, the change starts with a decent
meal, a safe bed, and another chance.
Will you give today to make sure we’re
here for them? ■
YES, KEN! Easter is all about fresh starts, and I want to help a struggling person
find a hot meal and another chance in life. Here’s my gift and meal ticket to care
for men, women, and children in need:
$25 to help provide meals and other lifesaving care.
$50 to help provide meals and other lifesaving care.
$100 to help provide meals and other lifesaving care.
$__________ to provide as much lifesaving care as possible.
March 16, Saturday
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
CITY_____________________________ STATE __________ ZIP___________
MARCH 2013 | VOL. 11, N0. 2
A delicious Easter
dinner — for less
than fast food!
Bill says during his youth, “I was
a hell-raiser, a troublemaker.”
Nourish the body and
spirit of a hungry, homeless
person with the comfort of
a wonderful Easter meal for
just $1.96. Please return
the Easter meal ticket in
this mailing and help men,
women, and children in
need this spring!
God is offering new life
to hundreds of men, women,
and children coming through
our Mission programs —
programs that you make
possible when you give.
“I’m sane, sober, and clean.”
Throughout a broken childhood,
chaotic youth, failed military career,
and stints in jail, Bill constantly
turned to alcohol and drugs
for comfort.
Thank you! Please make your tax-deductible check
Go online to
for more
The Naomi Residence was a godsend for
Tish and her children.
(continued from page 1)
“I’m sane, sober, and clean.”
payable to Union Gospel Mission. Mail it with this form in the
enclosed envelope to P.O. Box 64389, St. Paul, MN 55164-0389.
Questions? Call us at 651-228-1800. Give online at
o Y es! I would like to be kept up-to-date on important programs and
efforts by joining the email list.
Here is my email address:
77 Ninth Street East
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Ken Peterson
Executive Director
For more information,
visit us online at:
ill’s drinking was a family tradition that
started with his dad. Either at work or
a bar, Bill's father had little time for
him when he was a boy. His parents’ marriage
ended when he was just 9. When he was 13,
Bill followed in his dad’s footsteps, having his
first beer and then polishing off the entire
six pack.
Bill spent the next few years in and out
of trouble until his mom kicked him out. He
bounced around between friends and relatives
UGM-53873NL_LTR_C.indd 1-3
and even tried enrolling in the National
Guard. But he couldn’t stay clean and was
kicked out. He spent years sleepwalking
through life in a drug-induced fog.
Bill tried to get clean by joining
Alcoholics Anonymous. There, he met the
woman he would later marry. The two
proved to be a dangerous combination —
getting involved in crack cocaine and
destroying their marriage. “We were
crackheads — we spent everything we
made … we were getting into awful things.”
“We were crackheads —
we spent everything we made.”
Bill hit rock bottom when he lost his
mom to cancer. Fortunately, friends dropped
(continued on back page)
1/30/13 10:42 AM
Job Description: UGM-53873NL_LTR_C
Union Gospel Mission
Job #:
Acct. Sup.
Acct. Sup.
D. Hastie
Newsletter: 22” x 11” flat w. flap, 8.5” x 11”, 1sht/4pgs ,
1 preprint, 1 vertical fold then horizontal letterfold,
Prints 2/2=PMS2735, K | PMS2735, K, Full Bleed,
Medium Coverage, 60# White Offset
of the
From cold hard
ground, God brings
resurrected life.
s a child, I loved my clean, fresh,
new Easter clothes — and feeling
the same inside, thanks to God’s
forgiveness. My inside matched my outside!
But change isn’t always so visible at first.
Below hard, cold ground, new life waits
to burst into bloom in spring. When Jesus
was crucified and placed in cold, hard
ground, no one knew life would burst forth
at His Resurrection. Most assumed His
kingdom was over. But not so!
“Except a corn of wheat fall into the
ground and die, it abideth alone: but
if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”
John 12:24 KJV
Resurrected life is possible for those
who are hungry, homeless, addicted — for
all of us — because of the Resurrection.
Like sunlight after a harsh winter, it warms
and softens the hardened soul to bring life
from death.
I’m overjoyed when I see that
transformation on a client’s face who’s been
in our care. Hard hearts soften, faces open
and new life inside starts to show outside
— like my boyhood Easter clothes!
But bringing new life to hurting people
requires willing hands and hearts. Whether
you give $5 or $500, your gift plants a seed
that brings fruit — hope, comfort, and
recovery to people in need. We can hoard
our seeds, or plant them in God's eternal
soil. Please prayerfully plant a seed with an
Easter gift to the Mission today. Thank you!
UGM-53873NL_LTR_C.indd 4-6
Easter means new life, rebirth, and second chances! PLANNED GIVING
Never quite measuring up to his family’s expectations led Kevin to seek
acceptance in a bottle. But only God’s love could heal his wounded spirit.
or Kevin, a successful football
coach's son, winning was
everything. His family was “very
driven — very achievement oriented,”
and had high expectations that he
thought he couldn’t quite meet.
He tried. Popular, playing three sports (gymnastics, track and field, and
diving), he seemed to achieve. But Kevin considered his skills to be mediocre and
didn't feel as if he deserved praise — and rarely got it from his father.
Kevin's upbringing made him shy and insecure — until he found alcohol at
college. When he drank, “I could fit in … it made it easier.” Kevin graduated and
found work with a Fortune 500 company. But stress and pressure got to him, and
he drank more and more.
For years, Kevin dried out and relapsed
again and again, he says, like “a wash, spin,
dry cycle on a washing machine.”
“I’m a riches-to-rags story.
But I’m so OK with that.
It saved my life.”
When his business partner met him
at a bar and found him passed out from
drinking, his career came to an end.
Trouble with the law and the loss of his
mother pushed him to the edge. In
Keeping his promise to his dying mother,
Chris left drugs behind at the Mission.
hris was a good kid from a family
of cops — the last kid you’d
expect to choose drugs. But
when his parents’ marriage fell apart,
so did Chris.
“I was the youngest — I took it
harder.” Chris rebelled, “I picked up
some of the wrong friends … by the time
I figured out, ‘Hey, maybe these aren’t the
best people,’ I already had a bad addiction
to drugs and alcohol.”
Besides peer pressure, why drugs?
“It was a good escape; it just felt good.
Running and hiding from myself —
I didn’t want to be myself then.”
Flunking junior college, Chris
hopped around, working at various
family-owned businesses. He fell in love,
and had two kids. Overwhelmed by
responsibility, his drug use escalated.
“I began using every day,” he says.
Ultimately, his problems wrecked
his relationship.
“I picked up some of the
wrong friends.”
After another relapse, his mom, who
was dying of cancer, asked Chris to enroll
in the Mission's Christ Recovery Center
(CRC), where his uncle had gained his
sobriety. He promised he’d consider it.
He tried another program that was too
lax and he failed. But then Chris
desperation after a suicidal drinking binge,
he called on a friend who led him to
the Mission.
Here, Kevin found the acceptance
he craved all his life. He says, “It’s
amazing. The love from staff … volunteers
— they give you a feeling that you matter.
It’s not a fake thing. It’s real. They give
you something tangible that helps you
change your life.”
He continues, “I’ve lost it all … Yet
I feel like I’m the richest I’ve ever been …
you see God in the people here.”
Chris says,
“I was pretty
good at hiding
my drug use.”
remembered the Mission and his
promise to his dying mother. Soon
he was enrolled in the recovery
center on Snail Lake.
The program was tough for
Chris, but he didn't give up. Now
he’s graduated, and he's excited
about his future. The best part of
the program? “Real friendships —
people who really care.” In his past,
so-called friends took advantage of
him when he was high.
Now Chris is excited by his new job as a resident manager at CRC,
helping other men enter the program. He says, “This job will be like
coming home.”
Chris wants to let them know: “If I can do it, you can do it.”
He says, “Other places beat you down — here, they say, it’s OK — you’re
a human being… this place is doing something right. The spirit of the place,
the love, and fellowship heal people. You can’t manufacture it.”
“Look at me now. I’m here 3 years later, working to help people.”
Chris has come home, full circle. ■
“I thought I could fix myself. If you’re
in a nice fancy rehab, you’re not at the end
of your rope and you don’t change. Here,
you know you’re at the end of yourself and
what you can do.”
About supporting Union Gospel
Mission, Kevin has no doubt: “That money
is going to save people’s lives. It saved my
life. I was hopeless, at the end of my rope.
It’s meant everything to me.” ■
Easter is a time of rebirth
and resurrection. Your
support helps struggling
people like Bill, Kevin,
and Chris find new life —
and often it starts with a
good meal. Please return
the enclosed meal ticket
to provide nourishing
food to the hungry this
Easter season.
IS BACK FOR 2012 AND 2013.
Donors age 70-1/2 are eligible to move up to $100,000
from their IRAs to qualified charities without having to pay
income taxes on the money. There has never been a better time
than now to maximize your gift and accomplish your charitable
giving plan.
I recently had a conversation with a donor who gave a
generous donation to the Mission because her son-in-law came
through the doors of the Christ Recovery Center a number of
years ago, and it changed his life forever. Now this donor is
praying about making a gift using the IRA charitable rollover.
Do you know someone whose life has been changed by the
power of Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Mission? I
invite you to prayerfully consider the possibility of giving a gift
using this unique opportunity that will only last through 2013.
The Development Team is ready to assist you. Call
651-789-7638 to set up a time for a visit or appointment.
Blessings to you!
Pastor Ralph Olsen
Planned Giving Officer
As you or your family transition to
a lighter wardrobe for spring, don’t
forget the men, women, and children
who still face cold days and nights
exposed to the elements on the street.
We’ll gladly accept donations of
warm coats, socks, scarves, gloves,
and travel-size toiletries. Call
651-789-7606 for more information.
1/30/13 10:42 AM
Remember a loved one … honor a friend
Given by In Honor of
83rd birthday........................................ Ms. Patricia B. Winkie
Abby & Claire................................... Kenneth & Michele Alwin
Agnes Langula Siegfried............................... Martha Siegfried
Al and Fayette Ames......................................... Hannah Ames
All Churches............................. Edward A. & Roberta LaValley
All Our Veterans............................................ David McDonald
all who need it......................................................Jacob Cayo
Allan Shulstad.............................................. Lenora C. Keeler
Ann and Pete Brownlee................................. Alvin Greenberg
Ann L. Yates...................................................... William Evans
Anne Brummer.................................... Dan & Denise Reinartz
Ardelle Ehlert Bloedel..................................Elizabeth Watkins
Aunt Nell & Uncle Ed and Uncle Bob...........Catherine DeMars
Barb & Jim & Phil Little.........................................Susan Little
Barb & Ken Jorgenson...............................Mrs. Arthur Aaberg
Becky Babcock........................................Jacqueline Babcock
Becky Saari......................................................... David Shaw
Ben & Kari Anderson...............................Ben & Kari Anderson
Bethel University................................................ Jason Herron
Betty Trent.................................................... Thomas Sullivan
Bob and Bonnie Holewa................Mr. & Mrs. James C. Afdahl
Bob Hintzen........................................................John Hintzen
Bob McG.................................................... Mr. Vernon T. Kidd
Brandon Burich............................................... Robin R. Burich
Brian Keplinger.......................................Kristi & Daniel Haertl
Britta Manning............................................. Michael Manning
Bruce Allyn.......................................................... Mark Meyer
Buck M. Ashton............................................. Cindy M. Streitz
Calvin Floerke.............................Alfred E. & Dorothy Wetterlin
Candance Huberty.............................................Doug Huberty
Carl Arnold Faber......................Rudolph J. & Bonnie M. Faber
Carl Faber.................................Rudolph J. & Bonnie M. Faber
Carl V. Myrick..................................Jeffrey B. & Jennifer Little
Carol Thomas........................................... Joseph O. Spafford
Carson, Addison Webster................................James Webster
Charles Hicks, Tab Hicks,
Ken & Laura Evenson............................................. Lyle Hicks
Charlie K.................................................... Thomas E. Kramer
Cheryl Kuehl-Bjorlin.................................. Donna L. Blomberg
................................................. Gladys & Gordon Kuehl
Christ........................................................Pastor Joe Hannah
Chuck & Virginia Fenrick....................David & Patricia Fenrick
Clarissa Walker................................................... Vann Rogers
Clayton Aaberg..........................................Mrs. Arthur Aaberg
Coder Family..................................................... James Coder
Colleen Seabloom.................................................Tod Jelinski
Corrina Brancio.........................................................Ted Wahl
Craig Olson.................................................. Howard Pennertz
Dale Tollefson......................................................... Mari Boyd
Daniel and James Dwyer................................ Stephen Dwyer
Darin & Carolyn Anderson...............Jerrol & Marilyn Anderson
Darlene.................................................................Jeff Krumm
Daughter’s 43rd birthday................................... Norman Loek
David O.............................................................. Rachel Curtis
Debbie Johnson....................................Mr. Wayne D. Johnson
Diane........................................................ James J. Gillard Sr.
Don Youngquist......................................................Brett Zabel
Dutch Marshall Gillmaster........................ Deborah Gillmaster
Ed Mulvey Sr..................................................Edmund Mulvey
Eileen Harvieux................................................David Harvieux
Elizabeth Hansen.............................................James Hansen
Ellen Dahl......................................Don & Marilyn Grundeman
Erik....................................................Mr. Roger L. Ingebritson
Eugene Amundson............................................. Lindsay Knoll
Evie Snouffer.............................Mr. & Mrs. James E. Snouffer
Floyd & Grace Huisman.................................. Marla Huisman
Frank Leo Jaskulka.....................Louie J. & Carol B. Jaskulka
friend’s birthday...........................................Janet W. Johnson
Gary................................................... Chuck & Claudia Lucas
Gary Johnson...................................................Katie Johnson
Gary Quick........................................................... Gwen Quick
George and Connie Aram..............Mr. & Mrs. James C. Afdahl
Given by In Honor of
George Spratt................................................... George Spratt
Gilbert and Dorothy Neumann.........................Anita Neumann
Glen L. Dawson..............................................Kirsten Dawson
God................................................................Sandra Dussart
Grandchildren.............................................. Curtis R. Fandrey
Greg and Robert...........................Daniel A. & Joan M. Arbach
Gretchen Dodge................................................ Sandra Svitak
Harlan W. Just.............................................. Pamm D. Oliveira
Harley Hacer................................................... Barbara Ritchie
Hillard Stapel......................................... Alan & Connie Stapel
Homeless Veterans..........................................Albert Shoberg
Hopkins Lodge #17 IOOF............................... Wayne Johnson
Isabelle................................................................Tom Higgins
Jacob & Ethan......................... Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Berggren
Jake and Bri....................................................Milton Gardner
James and Curtis Radloff.......................... Mr. Craig L. Radloff
James Kirkpatrick...........................................Karen Francois
Jane and Robert Gefvert......................... Mr. Roger W. Gefvert
Janice Nielsen’s 85th birthday....................Nancy A. Bechtold
..................................................................Paul Nielsen
................................................................... Jeffry Palm
............................................................... Carolyn Olson
.....................................................................Kyle Olson
................................................ Scott P. Nielsen Olson &
Melissa L. Nielsen Olson
Jeanette Hertel............................................. Mr. Glen A. Yakel
Jennifer Schultz.............................................Jennifer Schultz
Jerry L. Shofner............................................. Carol J. Shofner
Jesus............................................................... Joseph Fleury
....................................................................Anne Flynn
.................................................................... Steve Foss
............................................Mr. & Mrs. M. E. Martinson
...................................................Norrec Industries, LLC
............................................................ Melvin A. Petrus
.......................................................... Jennifer Schmidt
Jim and Leone Reed............................................Gerald Reed
John 6:35.........................................Jeff & Elizabeth Hoffman
John Ivancie................................................. Gwen M. Ivancie
John Lyons....................................................... Carol A. Lyons
John Partenteau........................... Richard J. & Nancy Peacha
John Pugh.....................................Michael & Deborah Meade
John Rankin...................................................Jennifer Dreher
Joshua Taves..................................................... Allyssa Taves
Karen Lynn Janovec....................................David MacMullan
Ken Peterson...............................................James V. Toscano
Kenneth Larson’s 70th Birthday.......................... Brian Larson
Kevin Brockway............................... Mr. Thomas G. Brockway
Kevin Flynn...................................................William E. Wilcox
Krista Joy Mayer............................................... Joseph Mayer
Kristina M. Mercer.................Ronald G. & Marlene M. Plumbo
Kurt Klitzke.................................................Carmen Bringgold
Laura Dungan...................................... Nelson & Leslie Soken
Lauren E. Hoffman............................................Peter Hoffman
Lawrence Jante.............................. Sandra Jante Dixon Ligon
Lee and Jackie Myhre.............................Capt. Bradley Jones
Light of Christ Lutheran Church, Delano..............Becky Coyle
Linda Brandt.....................................................Ronald Brandt
Lobsters LLC................................................. Matthew Dodge
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ................................... American
Express Foundation
Lord Jesus Christ.......................................... Esther Johannes
Loyal Kolbrek....................................................Janice Eliason
M M Rus Garrod............................................William Langlois
Mana Morneau........................................................Olga Dale
Mandy.............................................................Marilyn J. Park
Manuela s. Gomez (mother)........... John C. & Mary L. Kunnari
Margaret...................................................... James E. Belling
Margaret Kennedy..................................... James B. Kennedy
Margaret McCurdy...........................................Molly McCurdy
Margaret McFadden.........................................Ellie Jacobson
Marion Harker..................................................Marijean Flom
Matt & Mary Beth Blair................................Ms. Sherry Rakes
Given by
In Memory of
Merle Rychner.................................................. Fanny Daniels
Metro Assemblies Inc........................................... Bob Barnick
Michael Roers................................................... Jane Zercher
Mike Jacobson....................................... Richard A. Jacobson
Mildred Fry............................................................Monica Fry
Mother.................................................Annick M. Fritz-Smead
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Parisi................................Kitty De Laitsch
Mr. Dennis Jacobs............................................. Jim Ellingson
My dad.............................................................. Susan Piazza
My father, Jose Go........................................ Vee & Alisa Trinh
My husband, Archie Anderson..........................Joan Anderson
My Uncle Butch............................................. Carol Olchefske
My wonderful mom and dad...........................Sherri M. Boyer
Nicholas Wiemann........................................ Paul L. Wiemann
Noah Hong.............................................................Sara Hong
Ora Lee Johnson........................................Cherie E. Johnson
Ostlund Family.................................................Stacey Ostlund
Our son.................................................... Triumph Realty, Inc
Parents.................................................. Todd & Nancy Grandt
Parents........................................Thomas A. & Mary J. Tranby
Pastor & Mrs. Lyndon Korhonen............. Jeanine M. Anderson
Patrick Emry & Charlotte Jasewski................... Raymond J. &
Danielle S. Emry
Patrick K. McNeil.........................Patrick K. & Emily P. McNeill
Paul H. Goodhue...............................................John Goodhue
Paul S. Kramer......................... Wayne C. & Phyllis J. Johnson
Paul Schoenecker.....................................Karen Schoenecker
R.A.P....................................................................Jack Palmer
Ralph & Virginia Monte.................................Josephine Farley
Ralph Olsen (for his amazing service)..............Elizabeth Peter
Randy Hayman.................................................. Lora Hayman
Randy Young...........................................................Maria Cuff
.................................................................. Kim Watson
Rebecca James............................................... Vincent James
Rev. Henry J.L. Fry...................................James Cunningham
Rev. Ken Ellingson............................................. Jim Ellingson
Richard E. Cunningham Sr.......................James Cunningham
Richard Solberg.....................................................John Floyd
Rick Villata’s Birthday............................ Mrs. Elizabeth Villalta
Rob Emerson....................................David E. & Mary Monson
Roger N. Olson..........................Mr. & Mrs. William M. Fischer
Ron Skaim...................................................Michael J. Adams
Ron Sternquist..................................................... David Shaw
Ronald Halverson.................................. Gloria Ann Hagestuen
Rose Proctor................................................ Rachel L. Proctor
Rosebud Reservation..................................... Theresa Lumley
Ruth and Emory Nelson........................ Timothy & Karen Hieb
Sarah Nunalee Gates.............................................Jane Gates
Shel Wahl................................................... Denise Kesselring
Shon Laster........................................................Neil Chudgar
St. Paul Church............................................ Jeffrey Broderius
Sue Everhart Johnson &
Chris Johnson’s Anniversary.......................Elisabeth S. Paper
Sushma Katepalli........................................... Suman Muppidi
Sylvia Nelson’s 60th Birthday.......... Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Morrison
Tara George........................................................Chad George
Terrance L. Walker, Sr..................................... Victor T. Walker
The Dankle Family.................................................Ted Dankle
The Good Lord Above Us.............................. Heather R. Brune
the love of Jesus Christ.......................................... Carl Obert
The Men and Women in
the service of our country....................................Katie Sieling
Tim & Dave McHugo............................John & Thanh McHugo
Trisha Garbe.................................................. Benjamin Garbe
Trudy........................................... John P. & Kathryn A. Asmus
Uncle Jim................................................... Nicholas Pegelow
Uncle Tony..........................................................R. T. Gressen
Union Gospel Mission...................................... Daryl Blasberg
Willowbrook Church, Forest Lake, MN............ Timothy Norton
Wynne and Benay..........................................Cynthia Widlund
Given by
Adam..........................................Monica A. Sullivan
Adam J. Stenhaug.............. Gilbert & Martha Thoele
Adeline Zastera............................... Adeline Zastera
Alice Bohne.................... Robert & Georgene Beales
Alice Dahle.....................................Omund R. Dahle
Alice James.....................................Dorothy Wezler
Alice Lucile Bohne..................... Alvin & Alice Bohne
Anna Mae Foote............Arnold R. & Nellie M. Aasen
.............................................Heidi J. Altringer
........................ Ronald F. & Georgiana Andrus
...........................................Anonymous 2012
...............................Robert & Jeanne Cutshall
................................................John Edgerton
......................................Joyce M. Haselmann
...........................................Beverly J. Hawley
.......................Terrence R. & Mary L. Johnson
...................Rosemarie L. & Floyd W. Johnson
........................................Mrs. Marion A. King
............................................ Mary Kirchmaier
................. Dr. B. Michael Manthei D.D.S., P.A.
.................................................Ronald Neveu
.....................................................Len Oleson
...............................Lorraine E. Pommerening
...................................Heather & Jason Printz
...................................................Jenny Rover
.....................................Colleen M. & Dan Taft
.................................Todd & Jennifer Weiland
....................................................John D Wolf
....................................... Capital Appreciation
Arlene........................................... Fred P. Wolfgram
Arlene Antolak.................................... Loretta Moler
Arthur Whitlock..........John A. & Beverly R. Johnson
....................... Kenneth & Bernice Markwardt
In Honor of
Given by In Memory of
In Memory of
......................................... Ms. Beth R. Wilson
.................Arthur G. Whitlock Revocable Trust
..................... Presbyterian Homes & Services
Barry Schlottman..................... Carol N. Schlottman
Ben Nesland....................................Arlene Nesland
Bernice Glassing......................Judy & Roger Felton
Betty Wolfe.................................... James L. Steiner
Bob Samuelson.......... Bruce & Patricia Stresemann
Brad Walton....................................Marlene Walton
Bradley Viss.......................... Albin & Lilly Skogstad
Brano Stankovsky.................. Branislav Stankovsky
Brenden Duffing......................Charles J. Duffing Jr.
Bruce Virgin.....................................Kathleen Virgin
Chad Bonvillian
a/k/a Bronco Bob......................... Debbie Knudslien
Charles Olson.............Emilie L. & Mary Ellen Bubolz
Charlie Smith........................................C. Severson
Chas R. Thielen............................Patricia J. Thielen
Clarissa Walker....................................Vann Rogers
Claudia Bennett.................................... Paula Trafas
Clayton Frisk...................................... Diane J. Frisk
Cordelia M. &
Harris V. Brant......................... Mr. Gaylon H. Brandt
Dad.......................................................Elaine Tohal
Dennis Markus..........................Florence J. Everson
DeWild Nearing......................... Charlaine N. Heltne
Don........................................ Mrs. Elizabeth Villalta
Don Granlund & your
husband Art Nickerson........ Donaleen M. Nickerson
Don Myers.......................................Gloria E. Myers
Don Sheehan........................... Timothy R. Sheehan
Donald B. Holloway.....................Renee J. Holloway
Donald Jansen......................John M. Collier, D.D.S.
Use this special gift to help those in need!
Honorary Gifts
Given by
Dorothy Breed................... Richard N. & Joan Olson
Doug Dethlefsen.................................. David Braun
Doug Raasch..................... Richard N. & Joan Olson
Douglas Olson................................... Roberta Olson
Dr. D.W. Anderson..............................Ann C. Nichols
Dr. Harley Racer............Larry J. & Anne S. M. Klueh
Dr. John W. James............................. David Bennett
...........................Mr. & Mrs. Leonard O. Fritze
..............................................Deborah James
.............................................. John M. James
......................................Mary & Ralph James
........................................Mrs. Virginia James
............................ Dale A. & Janice I. Johnson
...................................................Mary Mogck
...................................................Linda Moore
............................... Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Nordlie
................................................ Harriet A. Sisk
......................................... Marion C. Warwick
......................Chapter BF - P. E. O. Sisterhood
Dr. Raymond Schroeder .......................Joseph A. &
Judith M. Adams
Marjorie (Ritter) Webinger.....................Joseph A. &
Judith M. Adams
Duane Lian...............................................Karla Lian
E. Roer Sjovall............................Veronica M. Sjovall
Ed Swanson.............J. Timothy & Kathryn Swanson
Edward Abas.....................................Joyce M. Abas
...............................................Eloyce J. Shaw
“In memory of my
parents and the love they
shared for each other and
for our family.”
My gift to honor or remember someone I love
I’m sending this gift of $___________ To honor_____________________ In memory of ___________________________
My relationship to the person(s) honored
Please send an acknowledgment card to:
Name ________________________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State______ ZIP__________
City __________________________________ State______ ZIP__________
Email address______________________________________________
If you’d like, please use the back of this card to share a story or memory about the person or people you are honoring.
Detach this card and mail it with your gift to Union Gospel Mission, 77 Ninth Street East, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101.
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Job Description: UGM-53873NL_INS_C
Union Gospel Mission
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Memorial Gifts
In Memory of
Memorial Gifts
Given by In Memory of
Erline Fisher................................ Steven Keuseman
Ernest Reynolds...............................Frank Batkoski
Eugene Hagberg............................Jean A. Hagberg
Eugene W......................................... A. C. Shepherd
Eugene Williams.................Gust U. & Fern B. Brown
.............................. James & Corliss Forstrom
............................................... Barbara Foster
..................................Loren & Janice B. Knott
Evelyn Pettijohn............................Kristofer Pettijohn
Evelyn Yoswa.................... Richard N. & Joan Olson
Father Dale Monnier .................Florence J. Everson
Floyd Olson..................Boyum & Barenscheer PLLP
Fred Dahle......................................Marie R. Luptak
Gary Clark.......................................... Carroll Galvin
Gary Kobilka................ Nicholas A. & Jodi E. Kobilka
Gene Anderson.......... James C. & Betty J. Anderson
Gene Artishon (1947-2012)........John J. Artishon Sr
Gene Hoagland.................................Janet Hoaglan
Gene Kulzer....................... Mrs. Hannah L. Kennedy
George & Louise Lowery....................... Ramon J. &
Yvonne M. Perez
George E. Watts, Jr..........................Brenda Wiggins
Gerald Cohen............... Bob R. & Marcia L. Herbster
Gerald Polkinghorne......................G E Polkinghorne
Gordon Zanke ........................Ben & Mary LaLonde
Greg.............................................Shirley A. Docken
Harold Mithaugen...........................Richard Schieck
Harriet Hanson........................................Ron Baker
Harry Kalinowski, Jr........... Noel D. & Mary Jo Snare
Heather.....................John R. & Barbara A. Callahan
Helen Stockman..................................... Steve Lahr
Herbert Peterson.......... Bob R. & Marcia L. Herbster
Hugo & Olga Hagstrom............................. William &
Judith Hagstrom
My Dad................................................ Paula Trafas
Given by In Memory of
Irene M. Miller..................Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Miller
Jack & Dorothy Anderson...........Esther Christenson
Jack Rogers............................... George D. Hunkins
James Halverson..............................Lonna Hanson
James W. Melius.......... Curtis E. & Arlene C. Conrad
Jane Bond.................... Fern T. & Curtis B. Anderson
Jane Randall................ Bob R. & Marcia L. Herbster
Janet Elizabeth Hoffman.....................Deborah L. &
Jan M. Beaudway
...........................................Jennifer Buechler
..........................Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Dahlen
................................... Mr. Donald R. Hoffman
................................................. Chris Lomoro
........................ Thomas J. & Karen J. Lomoro
........................................ Bruce O. Mikkelson
.....................Kathleen L. & Timothy R. Reuter
........................................... Sidney Tegtmeier
..............................................Gerald R. Wallin
................................William & Virginia Willner
........................................... Marian E. Wolters
Jean M. Pierce................................ David W. Pierce
Jeanine Derricott............................ Wendy Derricott
Jim Blachowski........................... Judy G. Terebayza
Jim Godfrey................................... Ruth M. Stewart
Joann........................................Mr. Ralph G. Boudin
Joe Andrea............................................Alex Andrea
Joe Belstler......................................Patty Patterson
John & Beulah Lundquist....................Lorraine B. &
John Aussey............................... Mrs. Mavis Aussey
John Ivancie.......................................Susan Ivancie
John Jacob Will..................Wayne & Sharon Akland
Dr. John W. James......................... Mary C. Manlove
..................Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Petrowski
.....................................................Fae Warner
Given by
Johnny............................................. John E. Novick
Jon Tommy Healy Sr.......................... Thomas Healy
Jonathon Francis.................. David & Linda Francis
Joseph Akin........................Elizabeth & Craig K. Eul
Joyce A. Gnatzig..........................William H. Gnatzig
Judy Benson......................................Steve Benson
Julie Story............................................Tyrone Story
Karen Fisk.............................................Lois M. Fisk
Katie Lindholm.......................... Mr. Frank Lindholm
Kevin Flynn...................................Virginia L. Belisle
........................................Dianne C. Bertelsen
......................... Michael J. & Karen K. Boland
............................................Renee Buchanan
........................... Michael J. & Robin L. Burns
............................................... Julie Campbell
..................................... Mr. Eugene W. Carroll
..........................Kenneth A. & Karin P. Dayton
....................................................Lisa Graeve
................. Sarah E. & Christopher L. Johnson
............................. Nancy A. & John P. Koonce
........................................ Camila M. Maruska
...........................................Cecelia Skidmore
Kevin Lynchak....................Patrick & Julie Maranda
Kevin Witt.............................................. Ronald Witt
Kirk Abrahams............... Mr. & Mrs. H. D. Abrahams
Larry Thompson................ Richard N. & Joan Olson
Laurel................................................... Cecilia Ries
Laverine Jordan................................Cynthia Gruett
LaVerne & Aletha Pflaum..................... Peter Hueller
Lawrence Peterson......... David L. & Fay P. Kotilinek
Lillian Wilhemy................ Mark A. & Susan M. Hjelle
Lita Morey................Auxiliary Union Gospel Mission
Lorraine & Joe Hippe........ Geraldine & Robert Doerr
Lorraine Risch................... Janet P. & Henry W. Gray
Louise Gross.....................................Tanya L. Foote
will be featured in our honor
Tell us why you give ... remember
roll of special friends of the Mission!
Your gift and the person you wish to
Do you have a story or special remembrance about the person or people you are
honoring with your gift? Please share it with us!
On the other side of this card, write the name of the person you wish to honor and the amount of your gift.
Then detach and mail this card with your gift.
In Memory of
Given by
Lucille Hanayer.......Robert J. & Teresa S. McDowell
Lucille Storm..............................Christine Anderson
Lucille Swanson......................... Theresa K. Marcus
Luther (Luke) Hermanson......Ms. Kathy Hermanson
Marge Lofgren...............................Marlene Krupich
Margie Madsen.................. Brian L. & Sidney Curtis
Marian “Billie” Woekning..................... Donna Miller
Marilyn Hahn........................... Rev. Delwayne Hahn
Marjorie Jorgensen............................... Robert W. &
Marie A. Berglund
.......................................... Roxanne M. Gavin
.............................Betty & Kenneth Hoeschen
........................................I. J. & O. T. Johnson
.......................... Christine L. & Keith G. Jones
.............................................. Mr. Terry Kaiser
.......................................... Jean A. Mickelson
.......................................Margie & Van Moore
.......................Berk-Tel Communications, Inc.
Mark............................................ Barbara J. Harlan
Mark Wright..................Donald C. & Carolyn Nickell
Marty Godfrey................................. Joseph J. Ward
Mary & Herman Doerr...... Geraldine & Robert Doerr
Mary Ann Molitor.................................Joe Osendorf
Mary Bonn.................. Charles D. & Colleen F. Bonn
............................................. Dean K. Stendal
Mary Hovan................................. Mr. John J. Hovan
Mary Jane Gillham-Munyon.......Deborah R. Ladson
Mary Kathryne Jones..................Mr. Glenn L. Jones
Matthew Gillan...................................Allan G. Gillan
Merle Rychner................................. Marie Bezdicek
.....................................Mr. Charles Eumurian
.......................................Mrs. Ethel H. Hoover
Michael.............................................Kathleen Koch
Michael Christian Jensen.............Brenda R. Jensen
Mike.............................................. Joan H. Weglarz
Mike Hayes.........................................Diane Larson
Mike Rombach, Vietnam Veteran.........Barb Schmitt
Mile Wirtz......................... Roger & Marilyn Schmidt
Myrtle Reynolds................................... David Jones
Nony Jahnke.................................... Irene D. Faffler
Pam V. Zeidler.................... Gilbert & Martha Thoele
Patty Christensen...........Larry Christensen Trucking
Paul Hohbein.....................................Taya J. Mantel
Paul P. Phillips................. Ralph E. & Lisa M. Kampa
Paul S. Kramer..................... Mrs. Mary A. Anderson
....................................... Warren J. Bauerfeld
........................ Mark W. & Denise J. Berglund
............................. Howard & Jane Bergstrom
...............................................Thomas Bertini
....................................... Mr. Norlin G. Boyum
................................ Raymond & Janet Braun
.................................................William Burch
.....................................................Terry Capiz
In Memory of
Given by In Memory of
.........................Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Cordes
............................................... Mary J. Drever
.................... Randall G. & Kathleen M. Dwelly
.......................................Judy & Roger Felton
........................................ Barbara L. Johnson
........................Wayne C. & Phyllis J. Johnson
............................ David C. & Louise W. Jones
......................................... Thomas E. Kramer
..........................Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Krech
............Jeannette M. & Timothy J. Kretzmann
............................................. Joseph Leonard
...................................................... S. G. Lofte
.................... Stephen F. & Darlene J. Metzger
................................................Ronald Nelson
...........Richard J. Rinkoff & Julia M. Ferguson
.................................................Lynne Snyder
.....................................Gertrude T. Swanlund
........................ Peter M. & Linda A. Swanlund
............ Sandra L. Tanck & Richard T. Gjertson
...........................................Margaret E. Vogel
................................ Clayton & Persis Warrick
..........................Wallace W. & Claire G. Weber
........................John G. Griep Ins. Agency, Inc.
Parents................. Thomas A. & Pamela Kleeberger
Paul N. Martinson......................Susan N. Martinson
Paul Wellstone.......... Mr. & Mrs. Merton P. Backlund
Peter Newbauer..............Mrs. Mildred E. Newbauer
Peter S. Thomas................... Mrs. Sylvia R. Johnson
Pierce L. Powell.............................. Merrie L. Powell
Raymond Holmquist............... Carrie Ann Holmquist
Raymond Norstrem...........Gary & Virginia Norstrem
R.L. Aken...........................Bonnie J. Bearson-Aken
Rev. William Bearson..........Bonnie J. Bearson-Aken
Rev. William Larson.................Phyllis E. Michaelson
Winifred Larson.......................Phyllis E. Michaelson
Richard (Dick) Stotzheim..................... Rachel Zisler
Richard Gottier Sr........................Richard Gottier, Jr.
Richard Gruber............... Glenn P. & Robin S. Gruber
Richard Hagberg..........................Dolores Anderson
.................................Stephen & Sheila Bakke
....................................................Opal Collins
............................. Ernest E. & Beth J. Cutting
....................................................Carol Dupre
................................................. Joan Fawcett
......................................................Joe Gysler
............................ Calvin D. & Linda K. Horton
....................................... Romona G. Johnson
..................................Arlene & Lloyd A. Laska
.............................................. Beverly J. Long
..................................................Lillian J. May
.............................................. John D. Wesley
Richard Philli..........................................Elva Castro
Robert Clyne................Michael L. & Cindy L. LaRue
Given by
Robert Heyer..................Darrell & Arlene Hammond
Robert L. Gregory........................Margaret H. Geller
Rodney Hutchinson........... Richard N. & Joan Olson
Ronald Halverson.................................. Joyce Frain
................................................... Harv French
..............................................Rosemarie May
............................................ David Thompson
Ronald J. Palmer...........................Diane M. Cibulka
Ronald Nevel....................................Diane M. Nevel
Rosie Krause.....................Robert & Marie Klepinski
Roy Royer......................................... Delores Royer
Russ A. Johnson............................ Betty J. Johnson
Russell F. Johnson............. Mrs. Hannah L. Kennedy
Sam Bater..................................... Toni Pendergrast
Samantha Schaehrer......................James Weinzetl
Sharon..................... Mel N. & Sharon L. Hazelwood
Terry McClellan.....................................Kent Larson
Theresa Tilton...................... Ralph & Robin Hudson
............................. Nancy A. & John P. Koonce
Thomas O’Connell................................. James Ingli
Tony Dreyer...................................... Kristina Bester
Vic Hubal........................................... Betty E. Hubal
Victor Hubal............... Leland B. & Marilyn H. Meyer
Wally C. Ekblad.................. Gilbert & Martha Thoele
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Noreen................ Edward Noreen
Warren Pennig...............................Rachel T. Pennig
Wayne Skare....................... Brenda & Wayne Skare
Wes McCrea.............. Kevin Loney & Norma Herther
Willard Bye.........................................Carol L. Olsen
Winifred M. Olds...........................Richard Stenholtz
For we know that if
the earthly tent we
live in is destroyed,
we have a building
from God, an eternal
house in heaven, not
built by human hands.
— 2 Corinthians 5:1
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1/30/13 10:32 AM