3rd Sunday of Year C 2016


3rd Sunday of Year C 2016
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy,
hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve:
to thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this vale of tears.
Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us,
and after this our exile, show unto us
the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus,
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.
[email protected]
St. Ignatius’
Ellen Donnelly; Michael Clark; Rachel Neal, Josie Delaney; John Rooney
Patrick Larkin; Catherine Nolan; Morag Baron; Thomas Burnett; Hugh & Mary Starrs;
James & Polly Lennon; Peter Casey; James & Mary Gallacher; Ella McTear;
James Charlton & Maureen Casey; Thomas Carroll; Eddie Pearson; James McCormack
Nellie McCulloch & Betty McCafferty; Joseph snr & Joseph jnr Bradley
74 young street
Please Pray For
SICK Margaret Bachiller, John Colquhoun, J im Traynor; Hugh Devine, Maria
Walker; Maureen Boyle; John Hunter, Simon Logan, Ellen Madden, John O’Donnell
Les Mathew, Cathie McAleavey; Cathie McConnachie, Brian Nolan, Rachel McGhee,
Ellen Brown; Robert Houston; Harry Docherty; Jane Cameron; Alec Kirson; George
O’Hara; David Govan; Silvio Clemente; Mary Cairney; William Campbell; Anna
McStay; Margaret Hackett; John Kerr; Gordon Law; Linda Quinn; Ashley Law; Frank
Slavin; Jim Simmons, Maria Findlay, James Burns, Tony Perkins; Ann Knight; Rosemary Wotherspoon; Teresa Clark; Mandy Dobbie; John McKenna; Joe Friary; Sr Mary
Inglis; Margaret Russell; Esther McKillop; Chrissie Rafferty; Barry Duncan, Kevin
Duffy; Sandra McGuire; Bill Grey; Marie Laird; Sara Porcelli;Gordon Roberts; Fiona
McCormick; Fiona McCall, Margaret Craigwell Charles Quinn; June Byrne, Rena
McGarvey, Santuccia Cence; Lynne Waters; Thomas McCaw;Stephen Mullen Children:
Laila Hunt, Connor Simpson, Zak Matthew Thomson; Peter Convery; Corran Davidson; Megan Macauley; Jade Law; Chloe Docherty; Caoimhe Lamb
Please turn
off mobile
phones and
chewing gum
3rd Sunday of Year C
23rd/24th January 2016
Lord, teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you
as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight
and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labour and not to ask
for reward,
save that of knowing that I do
your will.
SUNDAY MASSES: Vigil: 5:30 pm (Sat), 10 am, 12 noon 6pm
WEEKDAY: Mon-Fri 9:30am; Sat 10am Thurs Exposition till 4pm
CONFESSIONS: Saturday 9:30am and after the Vigil Mass
Church open till 1pm Mon; Fri; till 4pm Tues, Wed, Thurs
Prayer at the sending out of the Eucharistic Ministers
to the sick and housebound
Priest: Almighty and loving Father, as we have received your Son in this Holy
Eucharist, we ask you to hear our prayer for our brothers and sisters:
Give your healing, Lord, to those who are sick and housebound.
May those who take the Body of Christ to them
also be a loving sign of our prayers and thoughts.
Keep us united with them in all their sufferings
so that we will grow together as one community
with the presence of Christ among us.
Parish Priest Fr. Gerard Maguiness
Charity no.
Pastor Emeritus: Mgr Michael Conway
SCO 11041
Website: www.saintignatiuswishaw.org.uk
Next week is Catholic Education
Sunday. We will welcome the participation of St Ignatius Primary at the Enrolment Mass for Confirmation at 10am
and St Aidan’s High at the 12noon
Mass. 2nd collection for the Catholic
Education service
A wee reminder to bow your head just
before receiving Holy Communion
Enrolment for Confirmation
Confirmation will be celebrated on
Mon 29th Feb. P6 & P7 pupils uplift
an enrolment form from Fr Gerry
Enrolment 10am Mass Sun 31st Jan
Catholic Education Week
31st Jan-6th Feb
Learning to be Merciful
Annual Education Mass in Cathedral
Wed 27th Jan at 7:30pm All welcome
If you are planning to get married this
year and have not contacted Fr.
Gerry, please do so to confirm the date
of your wedding and marriage course
dates [email protected]
Feasts this Week
Mon 25th The Conversion of St Paul
Tues 26th Sts Timothy & Titus
Wed 27th
St Angela Merici
Thurs 28th St Thomas Aquinas
Annual Parish Quiz Night
19th February
Tickets on sale Now
£5 Adults £2.50 kidsRaffle for latest
Kindle Fire £2.50 or £4 for 2 tickets
Fundraising for Ave Maria Parish To
give online thro shopping you have to
register on Give as you live. Search for
Saint Ignatius’ and then register. 1.5%
of purchases goes to us.
St Margaret Adoption Society Boxes
please take the box to support their work
Western Catholic Calendars on sale in
stall– times of all Masses in diocese £3
ABBA Mamma Mia Wed 4th Jan 2017
at Edin Playhouse Ticket rear stall plus
bus £41 List at back of Church
A few spaces still available
First Holy Communion Pupils can uplift
Workbooks after Masses next Sunday
Diocesan Lourdes trip 1st-8th July
tel 263045 for more info
Breathing Space phone service for
anyone feeling low anxious or stressed.
If you require emotional support tel:
0800838587 or www.breathingspace.scot
Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Poland
with Fr Krzysztof 21-28th Sept tel
351921 for more info
RCIA meet on Monday at 7pm
Last Week’s Collection £1620
2nd for Hall Extension £781
No winner New Lotto Total £3826
Many thanks for your generosity
Donations for flowers most
welcome. Box at Our Lady’s Altar
Facebook for parish now at
St. Ignatius’ RC Church 1052 likes
Have a look and comment!
Wishaw Hospital Chaplain Fr Michael
Brown; for emergency/visit please ask
nurse to contact chaplain or call 264448
SVDP Tel: 07840142894 for help.
Furniture Collection 07773731123 Or
GIFT AID– please use white envelope in porch for 2nd collection.
Loyola Centre: booking and enquiries tel: 07939606107 10am-2pm Mon-Fri, Bingo Sunday 7:15pm; Tea Room Mon– Fri after Mass Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Mon 5:45
Reflection on the Sacred Scripture: The litur gy for today juxtaposes the intr oductory verses of Luke’s gospel and a passage from the beginning of Jesus Galilean ministry that encapsulates and sets the tone for the whole gospel. If we had no other part of
Luke’s gospel than these twelve verses, we would know a great deal about the gospel
and about its author’s intentions. From the first four verses, we know that Luke is not
an eyewitness to the life and ministry of Jesus but is endeavouring to provide an orderly
account on the basis of reliable eyewitness accounts handed down to the community by
“servants” or ministers of the word. We know that Luke’s is one of many and not just
four gospels. We also learn that the gospel is carefully researched and addressed to a
person of influence called Theophilus, a name that means lover of God or beloved of
God. We might guess that Theophilus is Luke’s patron, someone who provides the necessary funds to produce this work, and possibly the early equivalent of an RCIA candidate. We know from the grammatical construction that the author is male. And most
importantly, we know that Luke sets out to place on a firm foundation the teaching that
Theophilus has received about Jesus. The word translated as “truth” (asphaleia) in our
lectionary can also means certainty or assurance. Luke wants the gospel message to be
well grounded. When we turn to Luke 4:14-21, we find a dramatic scene set in the Nazareth synagogue. This programmatic scene sets the tone for the whole gospel. Luke’s
gospel story is about the release that comes from the gracious and expansive love of
God mediated through God’s anointed and Spirit-filled prophet. Every significant event
in Luke is powered by the Spirit of God. This event is no exception. The Spirit-filled
Jesus searches out and proclaims a passage from the prophet Isaiah, a combination of
Isaiah 61:1-2 and 58:9. He then points to his own mission as a fulfilment of the Isaian
prophecy. Jesus thus presents himself as the Spirit-filled anointed one of God who
brings good news to the destitute or homeless poor, release to captives, sight to the
blind, and freedom for the oppressed. The Greek word translated as “oppressed” literally
means “shattered”. It evokes images of asylum seekers in detention centres and of the
hundreds of thousands displaced by war. It evokes the pain of the Earth itself and the
other-than-human inhabitants of our planet suffering the effects of climate change and
ecological destruction. If the gospel message is to be well-grounded in our times, the
“destitute” and “shattered” of our Earth community must find the “release” of which the
gospel speaks.
1) You are reading this.
2) You are human.
3) You can’t say the letter ”P” without separating your lips.
4) You just attempted to do it.
6) You are laughing at yourself.
7) You have a smile on your face and you skipped No. 5.
8) You just checked to see if there is a No. 5.
9) You laugh at this because you are a fun loving person & everyone does it too.
10) You are probably going to send this to see who else falls for it.