pdf 1 - Exhibitions International


pdf 1 - Exhibitions International
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ART, p. 4 - 28
Ancient Art, p. 4
Cultural History, p. 11
Modern Art, p. 12
Contemporary Art, p. 19
PHOTOGRAPHY, p. 28 - 40
COOKERY, p. 41 - 45
DESIGN, p. 55 - 59
FASHION, p. 61 -65
LIFE STYLE & SPORTS, p. 66 - 68
DIY, p. 69 - 70
GIFTS, p. 71 - 77
GRAPHIC ART & DESIGN, p. 80 - 81
MUSIC, p. 82 - 83
LITERATURE, p. 84 - 85
KIDS, p. 86 - 87
GAMES, p. 88 - 89
CINEMA, p. 90
HERITAGE & HISTORY, p. 91 - 94
Expo: 28/3/15 - 28/06/15,
Rubenshuis, Antwerpen
Hardback | NL ed. 290 x 245 mm | 272 p | 200 col.ill. € 39,95 | March 2015
[BE] Editions Marot
ISBN: 9782930117478
Eng. ed.: Rubens in private: ISBN.9782930117485
Rubens had naar eigen zeggen een hekel
aan het schilderen van portretten. En het
stond in zijn tijd niet hoog aangeschreven in
de kunsttheorie. Maar toch is Rubens een
van de knapste portrettisten van zijn tijd.
Zijn allermooiste en meest intieme
portretten zijn ongetwijfeld de beeltenissen
van zijn familie: zijn beide echtgenotes - de
jong gestorven Isabella en beeldschone
Helena -, zijn kinderen, zijn schoonzussen
en zijn zwagers. En natuurlijk portretteerde
de meester ook zichzelf. Deze werken
werden niet in opdracht maar uit liefde
geschilderd en dienden voor de memorie.
Voor het eerst worden deze verbluffende
kunstwerken gezamenlijk getoond en wel
op de plaats waar zij thuishoren: de
voormalige woning van Rubens in
Rubens privé
De meester portretteert zijn familie
Juist in de grofweg laatste twintig jaar van
zijn carrière vervaardigde Rembrandt
(1606-1669) zijn meest karakteristieke en
gewaagde schilderijen, etsen en
tekeningen. Met het klimmen der jaren, en
ondanks een aantal ingrijpende
tegenslagen in zijn persoonlijke en
professionele leven, kreeg zijn creativiteit
een nieuwe impuls en veranderde hij
radicaal van stijl. Kenmerkend voor zijn late
periode zijn innovatieve expressieve
technieken, onconventionele interpretaties
van traditionele thema's, originele
lichteffecten en invoelende verbeeldingen
van de diepste menselijke emoties en
gedachten. Deze uitgave mag zonder meer
gezien worden als een herwaardering van
zijn late oeuvre, zowel op doek als op
papier, en geeft een invoelend en compleet
beeld van de kenmerken en kwaliteiten van
zijn late werk - het absolute hoogtepunt van
Rembrandts uitzonderlijke talent.
The exhibition will run in London from 15
October 2014 to 18 January 2015 and in
Amsterdam from 12 February to 17 May
Expo: 15/10/2014 - 18/1/2015,
National Gallery, London 12/2/15 - 17/5/2015,
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Hardback | NL ed. 290 x 220 mm | 304 p | 220 col. & bw ill € 49,95 | Oct. 2014
Late Rembrandt
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300521
Du milieu des années 1650 à sa mort en 1669, à 63 ans, Rembrandt
(1606-1669) a créé un ensemble d'oeuvres tout à fait remarquable. Bien loin
d'être affectée par l'âge ou par ses graves problèmes personnels, sa
créativité a bénéficié d'un regain d'énergie dans la quête d'un nouveau
style. Cet ouvrage permet une réappréciation complète des années de
plénitude de Rembrandt, fondée sur sa production sur panneau, sur toile et
sur papier.
Les années de plénitude
Expo: 15/10/2014 18/1/2015, National Gallery,
London and 12/2/15
17/5/2015: Rijksmuseum
Hardback | French ed. | 290 x 220 mm | 304 p | € 49,95 | Oct. 2014
ISBN: 9789462300538
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
Expo: 06/05/2015 13/09/2015, Hôtel de
Caumont, Aix-en-Provence
S.l.d. de: Bozena Anna Kowalczyk
Hardback | French ed. 290 x 240 mm 224 p | 100 col.ill. € 44,95 | May 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300835
L'ouvrage présente la figure de Canaletto et un panorama de son oeuvre,
en suivant les différentes phases de son parcours artistique. Les peintures
et dessins présentés sont choisis parmi les plus remarquables de l'artiste,
pour mettre en évidence de façon claire l'évolution de son goût, ses
réactions face aux évolutions artistiques et culturelles de Venise et à
l'atmosphère de l'Angleterre où il travaille pendant neuf ans.
Le triomphe de la Lumière
Pionnier de la redécouverte de Caravage
(1571 - 1610), Roberto Longhi (Alba, 1890 Florence, 1970) est l'une des figures les
plus fortes de l'histoire de l'art italien du
XXe siècle. Son regard d'expert et
d'historien s'est posé sur les grands
primitifs, comme Giotto (vers 1266/67 1337), Masolino (1383 - vers 1440),
Masaccio (1401 - vers 1428), ou Piero della
Francesca (vers 1415 - 1492), comme sur
Caravage. Esprit ouvert sur son temps,
proche des artistes contemporains tel
Morandi (1890 - 1964), il a permis grâce à
ses études, une lecture renouvelée des
grands moments de la peinture italienne. À
partir d'une sélection de chefs-d'oeuvre, le
musée Jacquemart André célébrera, de
mars à juillet 2015, les passions italiennes
de Roberto Longhi. Le catalogue mettra en
lumière deux axes forts des études Longhi :
les primitifs italiens et Caravage et les
Expo: 27/3/2015 - 20/7/2015,
Musée Jacquemart-André,
S.l.d. Maria Cristina Bandera
Hardback | French ed. 290 x 240 mm | 208 p | 100 col.ill. € 44,95 | March 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300729
De Giotto à Caravage
Les passions de Roberto Longhi
Expo: 10/2/015 - 31/5/2015,
Kon. Musea voor Schone
Kunsten van België, Brussel
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. | 65 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Feb. 2015
[BE] K.M.S.K.B., Brussels
ISBN: 9789077013083
Hoewel Jean Portaels (1818-1895) algemeen wordt erkend als een van de
meest centrale figuren uit de 19de-eeuwse Belgische kunstwereld, werden
heel wat vragen omtrent zijn leven en werk nooit beantwoord en werden
decennia oude misverstanden nooit rechtgezet. Deze thematische
tentoonstelling focust op het begin van Portaels' carrière en schept
duidelijkheid over de Oriëntreizen die de kunstenaar tussen 1845 en 1847
en de roep van de Oriënt 1841-1847
Un grand nombre d'interrogations relatives à Jean Portaels (1818-1895),
figure marquante du monde artistique belge du XIXe siècle, n'ont encore
jamais été élucidées et certains malentendus demeurent. L'originalité de
Portaels est ici démontrée dans une exposition thématique qui se penche
sur les débuts de sa carrière et met en lumière les voyages vers l'Orient
qu'il entreprit entre 1845 et 1847.
À la Renaissance, l'art du portrait a connu
un essor sans précédent. L'individu a
désormais une place dans la société et la
bourgeoisie fortunée souhaite se faire
représenter. FACES THEN vous fera
découvrir 50 portraits du XVIe siècle
réalisés par des maîtres comme Quentin
Metsys, Joos van Cleve ou Joachim
Beuckelaer. Ces peintres ont immortalisé
leurs contemporains dans des toiles d'une
grande beauté et particulièrement
détaillées. Ces portraits, peints dans les
principaux centres des Pays-Bas, font la
synthèse entre réalisme et idéalisation, une
geste esthétique qui leur confère une valeur
Expo : 6/2/2015 - 17/5/2015,
Bozar, Bruxelles
[BE] Uitgeverij Hannibal
ISBN: 9789492081285
Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 160 p | € 25,00 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9789077013090
et l'appel de l'Orient 1841-1847
Till‐Holger Borchert & Koenraad Jonckheere
Hardback | French ed. 310 x 240 mm | 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 49,50 | Feb. 2015
Expo : 10/02 - 31/05/2015,
(Collection des Cahiers des
Musées Royaux )
Portraits de la Renaissance
aux Pays-Bas
[BE] K.M.S.K.B., Brussels
Cahier des Musées Royaux des Beaux‐Arts de Belgique
Tine L. Meganck
Paperback | Eng. ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 28,00 | Dec. 2014
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836629206
Pieter Bruegel the Elder's Fall of the Rebel Angels is the first
comprehensive book on one of the most cherished masterpieces of the
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels. It argues that with his
Fall of the Rebel Angels (1562) Pieter Bruegel (died 1569) turned a
traditional devotional theme into an innovative commentary on his own time,
and situates the painting within the early modern cultures of knowledge and
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Fall of the Rebel Angels. Art,
Knowledge and Politics on the Eve of the Dutch Revolt
Rembrandts Portret van Nicolaes van Bambeeck uit 1641 bewaard in de
Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België te Brussel is het enige
schilderij van de 17de-eeuwse Noord-Nederlandse meester in een Belgische
collectie waarvan de authenticiteit nooit in vraag werd gesteld. Het is
bovendien een van de belangrijkste kunstwerken in de collectie 17de-eeuwse
Hollandse schilderijen van de KMSKB.
Collectie Cahiers van de Kon. Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België, Brussel
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | 65.col..&.bw. ill € 25,00 | March 2015
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836629244
Het portret van Nicolaes van Bambeeck
Le superbe portrait de Nicolaes van Bambeeck daté de 1641 , est l'unique
tableau de Rembrandt incontesté se trouvant dans une collection publique
Elle est la pièce maîtresse de la collection des peintures hollandaises du
XVIIe siècle que possèdent les Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique.
Collection des Cahiers des Musées Royaux
Paperback with flaps | French ed. | 240 x 170 mm | 128 p | € 25,00 | March 2015
ISBN: 9788836629213
Le portrait de Nicolaes van Bambeeck
Ingrid Goddeeris, Noémie Goldman (eds)
Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 240 x 160 mm 247 p | 37 col.ill. € 20,00 | Feb. 2015
[BE] K.M.S.K.B., Brussels
ISBN: 9789077013076
Dit boek bevat onuitgegeven studies die de rol van de animateur d'art in de
ontwikkeling van de kunsten belichten. De animateur d'art neemt actief deel
aan de verdediging van de kunsten en stimuleert de artistieke creatie van
een periode. Het is een sleutelfiguur, die fungeert als een bemiddelaar
tussen de kunsttakken, evenals tussen de verschillende spelers op het
culturele veld. Zijn werk bestaat erin bruggen te bouwen tussen de
kunstenaars en de maatschappij.
Animateur d'art. Dealer, collector, critic,
The animateur d'art and his multiples roles
In de zestiende eeuw groeide Antwerpen
uit tot een internationale
handelsmetropool. Het uitzicht van de
stad veranderde razendsnel. Aan de hand
van stadsgezichten, plattegronden en
historieprenten volgt De stad getekend
het wel en wee van Antwerpen in deze
turbulente periode.
De stad getekend volgt aan de hand van
kaarten en plattegronden de snelle
ontwikkeling van Antwerpen in de zestiende
eeuw. Sommige kaarten hebben een
onderliggende bedoeling: de stad
verheerlijken en haar bijzondere kwaliteiten
in de verf zetten. Historieprenten en kaarten
portretteren de stad tijdens dramatische
gebeurtenissen, zoals de Beeldenstorm en
de Spaanse furie. Ook in vreedzame
voorstellingen zoals Blijde Intredes en
ijsprettaferelen, schetsen kunstenaars een
gedetailleerd portret van de stad.
Expo: 24/04/15 tot 19/07/15,
Plantijn-Moretus Museum,
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 240 x 180 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. € 14,95 | April 2015
ISBN: 9789085866992
De Stad Getekend
La Ville Dessinée - Drawing the City
Het aardoppervlak is 510 miljoen vierkante
kilometer. Al eeuwen proberen mensen
overal ter wereld die grote aarde bevattelijk
te maken op een kleiner formaat: in
Wereldkaarten, van vroeger tot nu, laten
zien wat wij weten over de wereld.
Wereldkaarten zijn spiegels van een
tijdsgeest. In de christelijke middeleeuwen
was Jeruzalem het middelpunt van de
wereldkaarten. De onbekende werelddelen
werden bevolkt met monsters en
fabelachtige figuren. Later verlegden
ontdekkingsreizen de horizon. Oosterse en
westerse kennis ontmoetten elkaar. Globes
zagen het licht. Dankzij de satellietkaarten
van Google lijken we vandaag de hele
wereld te kennen. Maar is dat wel zo?
'De wereld gespiegeld' vertelt de
geschiedenis van het westerse wereldbeeld
aan de hand van unieke kaarten en globes.
De wereld werd elke eeuw verder
ingekleurd, maar werd ook elke eeuw
anders voorgesteld. Enkele hedendaagse
kunstenaars voegen hun spiegeling van de
wereld toe aan dit verhaal.
Expo: 18/4/2015 - 9/8/2015,
MAS, Antwerpen
Jan Parmentier (editor)
Hardback | NL ed. 285 x 210 mm | 176 p |
.throughout. col.ill. € 35,00 | April 2015
[BE] BAI ‐ MAS Books
ISBN: 9789085866923
De Wereld gespiegeld
Wereldkaarten van de Middeleeuwen tot nu
'The World in a Mirror' relates the history of the Western conception of the
world based on unique maps and globes. The world was coloured in a little
more with each passing century; however, it was depicted differently in each
century as well. Several contemporary artists have added to this story their
own mirrors on the world.
The world in a mirror
World maps from the Middle Ages to the present day
Expo: 18/4/2015 - 9/8/2015,
MAS, Antwerpen
Jan Parmentier (editor)
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 285 x 210 mm | 176 p | € 35,00 | April 2015
ISBN: 9789085866930
[BE] BAI ‐ MAS Books
Ahmed Zaki
Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 256 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,00 | May 2015
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542721
Le récit d'Ahmed Zaki (1867-1934), lettré arabe décrit par son biographe
comme « maghrébin d'origine, palestinien de culture, égyptien
d'enracinement », est d'autant plus précieux qu'il permet de faire entendre
une voix non-européenne. Autodidacte, l'homme oeuvra sa vie entière en
Égypte au renouveau des lettres arabes.
L'Univers à Paris
Un lettré égyptien à l'exposition universelle de 1900
The Spanish artist Diego Velázquez (1599 - 1660) was one of the most
important painters of the Golden Age. Taking as its starting point a group of
masterly children's portraits from the high - profile collection of the
Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, this opulent volume shows a
representative cross - section of Velázquez 's oeuvre, which also includes
kitchen still lifes, religious subjects, mythological themes and history
Expo: 28/10/2014 15/2/2015,
Kunsthistorisches Museum,
Edited by Sabine Haag, Sylvia Ferino
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 304 p | 250 col.ill. € 59,95 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9783777423135
Expo: 15/4/2015 19/07/2015, Milan Expo
2015, Palazzo Reale, Milan
A vast catalog dedicated to Leonardo's entire oeuvre on the occasion of the
largest exhibition realized on the genius, symbol of Italian art and creativity,
during Milan Expo 2015.
This volume represents a unique opportunity to admire and understand
Leonardo's extraordinary complexity as an artist, painter, and sketcher, and,
in part, his work as a scientist and technologist. This alluring volume is
meant to illustrate, through 12 sections, some central themes in Leonardo's
entire career.
Leonardo 1452-1519
Pietro C. Marani, Maria Teresa Fiorio
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 350 p | 300 col.ill. € 61,20 | May 2015
[UK] Skira
ISBN: 9788857224732
A visually stunning and thought-provoking exploration of the human
condition seen through ancient Greek eyes, with a particular focus on the
human form.
For over 2000 years the Greeks experimented with representing the human
body in works that range from prehistoric abstract simplicity to the full-blown
realism of the age of Alexander the Great. The ancient Greeks invented the
modern idea of the human body in art as an object of sensory delight and as
a bearer of meaning.
Expo: 26/03/2015 05/07/2015, British Museum,
Edited by Ian Jenkins
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 272 p | 250 col.ill. € 39,95 | March 2015
[UK] British Museum
ISBN: 9780714122878
Defining Beauty
The Body in Ancient Greek Art
What makes the Book of Kells such an extraordinary example of illuminated
manuscript? Why is Durer's self-portrait so iconic? How did Turner's Rain,
Steam, Speed turn the art world on its head? What's so great about Jasper
John's Flag? And who was Whistler's mother, anyway? Art history is filled
with paintings that shocked, intrigued, enraged and mystified their
audiences - paintings that exemplified the period in which they were created
and forever changed the way we think.
Edited by Claudia Stäuble and Julie Kiefer
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm | 288 p | 175 col.ill. € 26,50 | April 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791381534
The Paintings that Revolutionized Art
Heather Thornton‐McRae
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 150 x 150 mm 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 16,20 | May 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291719
The first three titles in the 'Making Sense of.' series are on Buddhism,
Christianity and Islam. Each book features 100 clearly illustrated and
diverse historical works, from paintings, buildings and sculptures to
manuscripts, mandalas and more. The books' layouts are both visually
striking and accessible: each double-page spread features a full-page
colour photograph of either a detail of the work or its context, depending on
the subject, with a second photograph chosen to illustrate its important
Making Sense of
Islamic Art & Architecture
Daniel ben Moishe / Daniel von Weinberger
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 330 x 238 mm 144 p | throughout col.ill. € 29,50 | Jan. 2015
[BE] BAI ‐ MAS Books
ISBN: 9789085866947
Dit boek is gerealiseerd naar aanleiding van de installatie Daniel's Vision in
het MAS voor de afdeling Leven en Dood. Over Goden en Mensen
On the Road
Tussen het leven en de dood
Expo: 23/4/2015 - 2/8/2015,
British Museum, London
Gaye Sculthorpe, John Carty, Howard Morphy ea
Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 220 mm 272 p | 250 col.ill. € 48,95 | April 2015
[UK] British Museum
ISBN: 9780714126944
This extraordinary selection of objects showcases the beauty and
knowledge embodied in works of art and everyday life from Indigenous
Australia. This ground breaking new publication explores the profound
impact and legacy of colonialism, the nature of collecting and the changing
meaning of objects now in the collection of the British Museum.
Indigenous Australia
Enduring Civilisation
Andrew Scull
Hardback | Eng. ed. 234 x 156 mm 448 p | 44 col.ill. € 45,50 | April 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500252123
Beautifully illustrated throughout, Madness in Civilization takes readers from
antiquity to today, painting a vivid and often harrowing portrait of the
different ways that cultures around the world have interpreted and
responded to the seemingly irrational, psychotic, and insane. From the Bible
to Sigmund Freud, from exorcism to mesmerism, from Bedlam to Victorian
asylums, from the theory of humors to modern pharmacology, the book
explores the manifestations and meanings of madness..
Madness in Civilization
A Cultural History of Insanity
Paul Koudounaris
Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 220 mm 208 p | 278 col. & bw ill € 58,95 | March 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517789
Memento Mori takes the reader on a ghoulish but beautiful tour of some of
the worlds more unusual sacred sites and traditions, in which human
remains are displayed for the benefit of the living. From burial caves in
Indonesia festooned with bones, to skulls smoking cigarettes, wearing
beanie hats and sunglasses, and decorated with garlands of flowers in
South America, Paul Koudounaris ventures beyond the grave to find
messages of hope and salvation.
Memento Mori
The Dead Among Us
In 1878, toen hij 25 was, arriveerde Vincent
van Gogh in de Belgische mijnstreek de
Borinage om er als protestants evangelist te
gaan werken. Dit werd echter een
mislukking en na een maandenlange
periode van geestelijk zoeken, besloot hij in
augustus 1880 om kunstenaar te worden.
Deze fascinerende publicatie focust voor
het eerst op Van Goghs periode in de
Borinage en zijn ontwikkeling in de jaren
meteen daarna, toen hij zijn eerste
oorspronkelijke werken schiep. Er zijn
fragmenten opgenomen van de
correspondentie met zijn broer Theo waarin
hij zijn drang om te schetsen beschrijft en
tekeningen die hij maakte naar
meesterwerken van kunstenaars als
Jean-François Millet. Uit de analyse van
Van Goghs werk dat tot stand kwam nadat
hij de Borinage had verlaten, blijkt hoe
motieven die hij daar ontwikkelde eenvoudige huizen, arbeiders, landbouw,
natuur - uitgroeiden tot thema's die steeds
weer terugkeren in zijn latere oeuvre.
Expo: 23/01/2015 - 17/05/2015,
Mons 2015 - BAM, Mons
Sous la direction de Sjraar van Heugten
Hardback | NL ed. 247 x 205 mm | 304 p | 230 col.ill. € 44,95 | Jan. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300668
Van Gogh in de Borinage
De geboorte van een kunstenaar
Fond Mercator/ Fondation Mons 2015
En 1878, Vincent van Gogh, âgé de 25 ans,
arrive dans la région belge du Borinage
pour y travailler comme évangéliste
protestant auprès des communautés
minières rurales. Il échoue dans cette
vocation et, après des mois de remise en
question, décide, en août 1880, de devenir
artiste. Cette passionnante publication est
la première à s'intéresser au séjour de Van
Gogh dans le Borinage et à son
développement artistique dans les années
qui suivent, au cours desquelles il crée ses
première oeuvres originales. Elle inclut des
extraits de la correspondance de Van Gogh
avec son frère Theo, dans laquelle il décrit
son désir de dessiner, ainsi que des
gravures réalisées d'après des oeuvres
d'artistes comme Jean-François Millet.
L'examen de la production de Van Gogh
après son départ du Borinage montre que
les motifs qu'il y a explorés - maisons
rustiques, ouvriers et travaux agricoles,
nature-l'influenceront tout au long de sa
Eng. and Dutch eds available.
Expo: 23/01/2015 - 17/05/2015,
Mons 2015 - BAM, Mons
Sous la direction de Sjraar van Heugten
Hardback | French ed. 247 x 205 mm | 304 p | 230 col.ill. € 44,95 | Jan. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300675
Van Gogh au Borinage
La naissance d'un artiste
Fond Mercator/ Fondation Mons 2015
Fr. ed.: ISBN
9783775739573. Expo:
08/02/2015 - 28/06/2015,
Fondation Beyeler,
Raphael Bouvier, Lukas Gloor & Sam Keller
Hardback | Eng. ed. 316 x 280 mm 216 p | 145 col.ill. € 68,00 | Feb. 2015
[G] Hatje Cantz
A great many willful painters can be assigned to Post-Impressionism who
forged their own artistic paths. Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), like Vincent van
Gogh, is a particularly uncompromising exponent of this current. His quest
for an independent artistic stance and an authentic lifestyle took the former
stockbroker from Paris to Brittany before deciding to travel to Polynesia.
ISBN: 9783775739597
Paul Gauguin
Expo: 11/3/2015 - 21/6/2015,
Städel Museum, Frankfurt
Felix Kramer
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 280 p | 260 col.ill. € 62,95 | March 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791354132
The story of how and why Impressionism came into being is as intriguing as
the artworks themselves. While this volume focuses on the movement's
development primarily through the works of Claude Monet, it also gathers
together some of the most important works by other Impressionist artists of
the 1860s and 1870s. Readers will learn how the upheavals in French
society all contributed to Impressionism.
and the Birth of Impressionism
Expo: 12/2/2015 - 25/5/2015,
National Portrait Gallery,
Richard Ormond and contributors
Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 245 mm 256 p | 135 col.ill. € 64,50 | Jan. 2015
[UK] National Portrait Gallery
ISBN: 9781855145450
John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) was the leading American portrait painter
of his generation. This book showcases his portraits of artists, writers,
actors and musicians, many of whom he knew well. These pictures were
rarely the result of commissions, and Sargent was free to take a more
radical approach to depicting the people he liked and admired than was
possible in his formal portraiture.
Portraits of Artists and Friends
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) en Edvard
Munch (1863-1944) zijn beroemd om hun
emotioneel beladen schilderijen en
tekeningen, hun persoonlijke en
vernieuwende stijl, en hun doornige
levenspad. Zij streefden beiden naar een
moderne uitdrukkingswijze in de kunsten,
door existentiële en universele thema's in
een expressieve picturale taal te
behandelen. Ondanks treffende
overeenkomsten in hun oeuvre en artistieke
streven, en niettegenstaande dat zij dikwijls
in een adem worden genoemd, werden zij
nog nooit in een tentoonstelling naast
elkaar gesteld. Het Van Gogh Museum en
het Munchmuseet bundelden dan ook hun
krachten om deze unieke tentoonstelling en
catalogus te verwezenlijken
Expo: 7/5/2015 - 06/9/2015,
Munch Museet, Oslo ~
24/9/2015 - 17/1/2016, Van
Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
oův de Magne Brutei and Maité VanDijk
Hardback | NL ed. 280 x 245 mm | 256 p | 170 col.ill. € 39,95 | May 2015
Munch - Van Gogh
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300798
Eng. ed: 9 789462300811
Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) et Edvard
Munch (1863-1944) sont connus pour leurs
peintures et leurs dessins chargés
d'émotion, leur style personnel et innovant
ainsi que leur existence tourmentée. Tous
deux ont cherché à moderniser les arts en
traitant des thèmes existentiels et
universels dans un langage pictural
expressif. Malgré des similitudes frappantes
entre leurs ouvres et leurs ambitions
artistiques et le fait qu'ils soient souvent
cités ensemble, personne n'avait jamais
relevé le défi consistant à les confronter
dans une exposition. Le musée Van Gogh
et le musée Munch ont uni leurs forces pour
créer cet événement et ce catalogue
Expo: 7/5/2015 - 06/9/2015,
Munch Museet, Oslo ~
24/9/2015 - 17/1/2016, Van
Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
olv de Magne Brutei and Maité VanDijk
Hardback | French ed. 280 x 245 mm | 256 p | 170 col.ill. € 39,95 | May 2015
Munch - Van Gogh
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300804
Deze catalogus die de tentoonstelling in de
Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België
begeleidt toont de volledige artistieke
carrière van Chagall, van de eerste
schilderijen uit 1908 tot de monumentale
kunstwerken uit de jaren '80.
De voor Chagall belangrijke thema's
worden natuurlijk aangekaart, zoals de
Joodse cultuur, de iconografie van het
Joodse dorp of de volksoverlevering, maar
het boek brengt ook de ontdekking van het
licht naar voren alsook de bewerking van
kleur of specifieke onderwerpen zoals de
18e-eeuwse literatuur - en meer specifiek
La Fontaine - het toneel en de opera. De
nauwkeurig weergegeven originele
poëtische taal van Chagall neemt de
bezoekers mee naar een
verbazingwekkend universum langs zeer
heldere en luchtige kleuren, een getuige
van deze veelvuldige culturen en tradities.
Authors: Marc Chagall, Michel Draguet,
Jean-Claude Marcadé, Marcello
Massenzio, Ambre Gauthier, Ugo Volli,
Paolo Biscottini
Expo: 28/2/2015 - 28/6/2015,
Musea voor Schone Kunsten
van België, Brussel
Marc Chagall, Michel Draguet, Jean‐Claude Marcadé, ...
Hardback | NL ed. 300 x 275 mm | 352 p | 120 col.ill. € 45,00 | Feb. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300859
Retrospectieve 1908-1985
Ce catalogue accompagnant le
rétrospective aux Musées royaux des
Beaux-Arts à Bruxelles montre l'ensemble
de la carrière artistique de Chagall, depuis
les premières peintures en 1908 jusqu'aux
dernières ouvres monumentales des
années '80.Les grands thèmes chers à
l'artiste sont bien sur abordés, comme la
culture juive, l'iconographie du village juif ou
encore la tradition populaire, mais loin de
se limiter à cela, l'exposition met également
en avant la découverte de la lumière et le
traitement de la couleur ou encore sur des
sujets particuliers, comme la littérature du
XVIIe siècle - et spécifiquement La
Fontaine -, le théâtre et l'opéra.
Expo: 28/2/2015 - 28/6/2015,
Musées Royaux des
Beaux-Arts de Belgique,
Marc Chagall, Michel Draguet, ...
Hardback | French ed. 300 x 275 mm | 352 p | 120 col.ill. € 45,00 | Feb. 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300866
Rétrospective 1908-1985
À travers les contributions des directions
des plus grandes collections d'Art Brut
européennes (Prinzhorn Sammlung,
Heidelberg - LAM, Villeneuve d'Ascq Hôpital Sainte-Anne, Paris - Haus der
Künstler, Gugging - Museum Dr. Guislain,
Gand - MADmusée, Liège - art & marges
musée, Bruxelles), cet ouvrage propose
une approche historique et critique de l'Art
Brut et « outsider » ainsi qu'un large choix
d'oeuvres emblématiques et originales. La
première partie du livre, « L'Art Brut hier et
aujourd'hui » retrace l'évolution du (ou des)
« sens » conféré(s) au fil du temps aux
créations issues des marges : de l'art
asilaire défini par les psychiatres
(1921-1980), comme Walter Morgenthaler
& Adolf Wölfli ou Hans Prinzhorn & Karl
Brendel, à l'Art Brut, un terme dû à Jean
Dubuffet (dès 1945) qui va bouleverser l'art
du vingtième siècle, jusqu'aux créations
actuelles, dont la signification dépasse la
seule condition existentielle, mentale ou
sociale, de leurs auteurs.
Expo: Mons 2015, 20/6 6/9/2015, BAM, Mons
Carine Fol (s.l.d.)
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 280 x 220 mm | 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 39,00 | May 2015
[BE] CFC‐Éditions
ISBN: 9782875720122
L'Art Brut en question
Outsider Art in Question (Collection Strates)
The Belgian Surrealists produced some of
the most striking and iconic images of the
20th century. Their work features various
elements of surprise, humor and visually
arresting juxtapositions to incite emotional
responses in viewers. The Discreet Charm
of the Bourgeoisie includes works by such
famed artists as René Magritte, Paul
Delvaux, Marcel Mariën, Jane Graverol,
Rachel Baes, Edouard Mesens and Armand
Expo: 31/1/2015 - 3/5/2015,
Baker Museum, Artis-Naples
Xavier Canonne
Hardback | Eng. ed. 307 x 255 mm | 160 p | 150 col.ill. € 39,00 | Jan. 2015
[BE] Editions Marot
ISBN: 9782930117430
Surrealism in Belgium
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
Expo: 25/9/2014 - 4/1/2015,
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles,
Paris ~ 27/2/2015 - 31/5/2015,
Musée royal de Mariemont
Hardback | French ed. 220 x 155 mm 208 p | 200 col. & bw ill € 25,00 | Oct. 2014
[BE] Lettre Volée (art et photographie)
Une occasion unique de découvrir et de mettre en rapport ces quatre
artistes internationaux majeurs sur les thèmes d'éros et thanatos mais aussi
de l'étrangeté, de la femme et du rêve.
Cet ouvrage se veut une invitation à sonder les limites de notre conscience
à travers l'imaginaire graphique de quatre artistes d'exception. il met en
regard dessins et gravures de Félicien rops (1833-1898), Max Klinger
(1857-1920), Alfred Kubin (1877-1959) et Armand Simon (1906-1981).
ISBN: 9782873174309
L'Ombilic du Rêve
Rops, Klinger, Kubin, Simon
Le portfolio, aussi appelé carton, atlas, ou recueil de planches, sous forme
de feuilles libres introduites par quelques pages de texte et maintenues en
place par des rabats ou des cordons, a longtemps eu les faveurs des
grands créateurs. La publication des portfolios les plus exceptionnels du
début du XXe siècle permet de retracer tant l'histoire de l'édition que celle
de l'architecture, de l'UAM, des arts décoratifs, de la photographie et du
graphisme. Paul Poiret, Lucien Vogel, Bernard Boutet de Monvel..
Francis Lamond, Stéphane‐Jacques Addade, Maurice Culot
Hardback | French ed. 290 x 220 mm | 606 p | 1300 col.ill. € 150,00 | Sept. 2014
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542561
Portfolios modernes Art déco
The Art Nouveau movement became an international phenomenon at the
beginning of the twentieth century that ushered in the era of modernity in
almost every aspect of cultural life. For decades critics have argued that Art
Nouveau was not an artistic period in its own right, but an amalgam of
artists and styles that served as a bridge between neoclassicism and
modernism. In this comprehensive, authoritative and copiously illustrated
book, art historian Norbert Wolf explores Art Nouveau as a logical outgrowth
Norbert Wolf
Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 220 mm | 304 p | 241 col.ill. € 46,95 | April 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791381558
Art Nouveau
(reduced size)
This book is a unique and comprehensive illustrated dictionary of French Art
Nouveau Ceramics. A census conducted in 1901 indicated the existence of
some 209 producers of pottery in France, employing a total of around 5,800
full-time labourers. This great activity stimulated a parallel development in
the arts, including the search for new expressions in art pottery, giving birth
to l'art nouveau, a great and eclectic synthesis of a number of other art
Paul Arthur
Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 230 mm | 352 p | 560 col.ill. € 95,00 | Feb. 2015
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542653
French Art Nouveau Ceramics
An illustrated dictionary
Charlotte Benton, Tim Benton and Ghislaine Wood, eds
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 247 mm 464 p | 400 col.ill. | 50 bw ill.
€ 69,95 | June 2015
[UK] V & A Museum
ISBN: 9781851778331
This authoritative publication brings together leading experts to explore the
sources, varied forms of expression, distinct visual language and global
reach of Art Deco. With its breathtaking illustrations, this lavish volume is
the definitive book on what is, arguably, the most popular style of the
twentieth century.
Art Deco 1910-1939
Expo: 15/4/2015 - 9/8/2015,
Tate Modern, London ~
16/10/2014 - 22/2/2015,
MAMVP, Paris
Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 220 mm 256 p | 250 col.ill. € 47,95 | Nov. 2014
[UK] Tate
ISBN: 9781849763172
Sonia Delaunay (1885 1979) is one of the most important female artists of
the early twentieth century, whose contribution to the European avant-garde
was fundamental.
With over 250 illustrations and ground-breaking essays by prominent
curators and art historians, this publication seeks to throw new light on the
multifaceted work of this prolific artist.
Sonia Delaunay
Hans den Hartog Jager, Véronique Baar en Co Westerik
Hardback | Eng./ NL ed. 270 x 250 mm 208 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,95 | Dec. 2014
[NL] Galerie Fenna De Vries
ISBN: 9789491196980
I04b‐ 20th CENTURY ART
Co Westerik is vooral bekend geworden door zijn schilderijen. Zijn productie
is klein; slechts drie à vier schilderijen per jaar. Bij het maken van een
schilderij gaat Westerik uit van een 'ideeschets'. Deze ideeschetsen zijn
kleine tekeningen, soms maar een paar centimeter lang en breed, van
plotselinge invallen, situaties die een schilderij zouden kunnen worden. In
dit boek heeft Westerik zelf een selectie gemaakt van 100 schilderijen,
waarbij ook zijn ideeschetsen worden getoond.
Co Westerik
Schilderijen - Notities
Hardback | Eng. ed. 200 x 210 mm 540 p € 45,00 | March 2015
ISBN: 9789491775680
This publication initiated by the ZERO foundation in Düsseldorf presents the
result of several years of collaboration by an international group of scholars
composed of art historians from Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
and Switzerland. The texts are based on extensive research in various
archives in Europe and the United States that has brought to light
unpublished material. They reflect the cooperation of the ZERO foundation
with other institutions, foundations, and private archives.
Zero 5. The Artist as Curator
Initiatives in the international ZERO movement, 1957 - 1967
En suite to the highly acclaimed
publications Artempo, In-Finitum,
Academia, TRA, and Antoni Tapiès; the
Axel & May Vervoordt Foundation presents
Proportio. This catalogue devoted to the
eponym exhibition, which will be featured
during this year's Venice Biennale of
Contemporary Art, unravels the universal
quest for proportions tangible through time
in art, science, music and architecture.
Proportio includes newly commissioned
installations by contemporary artists such
as Marina Abramovíc, Anish Kapoor,
Massimo Bartolini, Rei Naito, Michaël
Borremans, Ettore Spaletti, along with
existing masterpieces by Ellsworth Kelly,
Carl André and Sol Lewitt, as well as
antiquities, Old Masters and antique
architectural models.
Expo: Biennial Venice 2015,
Palazzo Fortuno, Venice
Axel Vervoordt, Bernard Lietaer, Giulio d'Alessio, Ludovica Lumer, Spyros Papapetros, Eddie De Wolf, Gira Gratier, Francesco Poli
Hardback | Eng./ It. ed. 300 x 210 mm | 600 p € 45,00 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9789491775833
The Importance of Being... is an exhibition
on contemporary (Belgian) art taking place
in several locations throughout 2015 and
early 2016. The exhibition will feature the
work of artists such as Marcel Broodthaers,
Michaël Borremans, Wim Delvoye, Berlinde
De Bruyckere, Francis Alÿs, Carld De
Keyzer, Jan Fabre, Koen Vanmechelen,
Hans Op de Beeck, and many others.
Special attention is paid to the distinction
between identity and otherness, the notions
of space and time, the shifting boundaries
between the inside and the outside
(exemplified by the concept of the
nomadic), and the role of art in a world
where a great deal of important notions
have come to be under question.
Travelling exhibition
Texts: Hans Theys, ŚƌŝƐƚŽƉŚĞ
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 290 x 230 mm | 400 p | throughout col.ill. € 59,95 | April 2015
[BE] Stockmans ‐ Devos
ISBN: 9789077207260
2 editions: NL/F/E and SP/ Port/Eng. I05 ‐ CONTEMPORARY ART
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, La Habana, Cuba: 13/2/2015 - 26/4/2015
Musea de Arte Contemporaneo, Buenos Aires, Argentina: 4/7/2015 - 12/9/2015
Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: 2/12/2015 - 14/2/2016
Museu de Arte Contemoranea da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil: April to June 2016
The Importance of Being
A Panorama of Belgian Contemporary Art
‐previously announced‐
Preface by Moira Roth. Introduction by
Griselda Pollock
Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 200 mm 608 p € 65,00 | Dec. 2014
ISBN: 9789490693473
In this impressive anthology, internationally acclaimed curator and director
Catherine de Zegher (° 1955, Groningen) compiles 25 influential essays on
women artists. Like many of de Zegher's previous projects and books, it
promotes the feminine principle, showcasing the work of female artists from
across the world. Though her approach to art often has a global reach, de
Zegher directs her attention deeper, to the intimate and the relational, to the
specific work and the distinctive project of each artist.
Catherine de Zegher
Women's Work. Is Never Done
De Belgische kunstenares Berlinde De Bruyckere (geb. 1964) dankt haar
bekendheid in de hedendaagse kunstwereld aan de heel vernieuwende
wijze waarop ze de beeldhouwkunst benadert. Deze publicatie is de eerste
monografie die aan De Bruyckere is gewijd. Ze gunt ons een definitieve en
allesomvattende blik op de verscheidenheid van haar oeuvre van de
voorbije twintig jaar. De werken van De Bruyckere, die hier in meer dan
tweehonderd fraaie illustraties worden belicht, zitten vol bevreemdende
Berlinde De Bruyckere
Expo: 18/10/2014-15/2/2014,
SMAK, Gent 28/2/2015-28/6/2015, Haags
Edited by Angela Mengoni. With texts of Angela Mengoni, Emmanuel Alloa and Gary Carrion‐Murayari
Hardback | NL ed. 300 x 215 mm | 300 p | 250 col.ill. € 64,95 | Sept. 2014
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300378
Expo: 13/3/2015 - 31/5/2015,
M - Museum Leuven
Textes bilingues de Selen Ansen, Eva Wittocx, Peter Buggenhout
Paperback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 280 x 220 mm 392 p | 200 col.ill. € 48,00 | March 2015
[F] Les Editions de l'Amateur
ISBN: 9782859175504
Première monographie de l'artiste belge Peter Buggenhout, qui expose
aujourd'hui dans les plus grands musées du monde. Réalisé en étroite
collaboration avec lui l'ouvrage présente alternativement des pages
consacrées à son oeuvre et d'autres au travers desquelles il souhaite
rendre hommage à un certain nombre d'hommes - artistes, cinéastes,
photographes. - célèbres ou anonymes, dont le parcours et le travail l'ont
influencé, questionné, voire encouragé dans sa pratique artistique.
Peter Buggenhout
We did it before and we will do it again
Expo: 7/02/2015 - 5/10/2015,
PinchukArtCentre, Kiev
2 Vol./Boxed | Eng. ed. 300 x 240 mm 260 p | 110 col.ill. € 89,95 | May 2015
[UK] Skira
ISBN: 9788857223001
This two-volume edition presents an overview of mosaics through which Jan
Fabre has created a great epic on terror in beauty as a reflection on our own
dark being. Jan Fabre has created a monumental new cycle of his mosaics
for the PinchukArtCentre in Kiev. This publication presents the two grand
series-Tribute to Belgian Congo and Tribute to Hieronymus Bosch in Congo,
where the artist again grapples artistically with his country's colonial past.
Jan Fabre
Tribute to Hiëronymus Bosch in Congo (2011-2013). Tribute to
Belgian Congo (2010-2013)
Expo: 5/9/2014 _- 4/1/2015,
Stedelijk, Amsterdam ~
5/2/2015 - 10/05/2015, Tate
Modern, London, travelling
to Fondation Beyeler
Edited by Leontine Coelewij, Kerryn Greenberg, Helen Sainsbury and Theodora Vischer
Paperback | NL ed. 300 x 230 mm 196 p | 200 col.ill. € 25,00 | Oct. 2014
[NL] Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Bij de tentoonstelling is een speciale publicatie verschenen, samengesteld
door de drie curatoren van de tentoonstelling: Leontine Coelewij, Kerryn
Greenberg en Theodora Vischer. De publicatie geeft met een sterke
chronologische opzet een goed beeld van de ontwikkelingen in het oeuvre
van Dumas vanaf de jaren zeventig tot nu. In deze 196 pagina's tellende
catalogus zijn teksten van de kunstenaar zelf opgenomen, een aantal
nieuwe teksten, korte bestaande teksten en interviews en circa 200
afbeeldingen. Vormg
Marlene Dumas
The Image as Burden
ISBN: 9789050061896
Marlene Dumas is well known for her expressive paintings, though few
people know about her remarkable affinity for language. Her texts echo the
concerns of her paintings, interrogating questions of interpretation and
meaning, sexuality, love and death. The artist has a unique voice, writing
philosophically but playfully on art, painting, and language itself. She quotes
from pop culture, art history, philosophy and literature with a light touch.
Expo: 4/2/2015 - 10/5/2015,
Tate Modern, London
Marlene Dumas
Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 155 mm | 256 p | several bw ill. € 23,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Tate
ISBN: 9781849763745
Marlene Dumas
Sweet Nothings. Notes and texts 1982-2014
David Zwirner Gallery
Described by Deborah Solomon in a 2008 New York Times profile as one of
contemporary arts most compelling painters, Marlene Dumas has
continuously explored the complex range of human emotions, often probing
questions of gender, race, sexuality, and economic inequality through her
dramatic and at times haunting figural compositions. Originally published in
2010 on the occasion of Against the Wall, Dumass first solo presentation at
David Zwirner in New York.
Marlene Dumas
Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 245 mm | 68 p | throughout col.ill. € 43,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9781941701003
Marlene Dumas
Against the Wall
Expo : 09/01 - 15/02/2015,
Kunstenplatform, Gent
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 340 x 255 mm 170 p | throughout col.ill. € 45,00 | Jan. 2015
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
ISBN: 9789491775741
Met de expo en het boek 'The Big Escape' toont ze haar werken van de
laatste tien jaar. Die omvatten kleine (soms niet groter dan 4,5 x 4,5 cm) en
grote schilderijen, maar ook tekeningen, collages, en zelfs sculpturen.
Opvallend is de bijna serene en vanzelfsprekende manier waarop ze aan de
hand van alledaagse situaties en taferelen de zachte wreedheid van het
dagelijkse leven toont. Als een caleidoscoop geeft ze de inhoud van banale
situaties een andere betekenis.
Peggy Wauters
The Big Escape
Expo: 12/12/2014 15/3/2015, MuHKA,
Jef Lambrecht
Hardback | Eng. ed. 300 x 300 mm 454 p | throughout col.ill. € 35,00 | Dec. 2014
[BE] R. Van De Velde Ed.
ISBN: 9789072828514
De tijd van Wout Vercammen (°1938) was een periode waarin de ene
revolutie in de beeldende kunst volgde op de andere. Met A
well-considered idea of an exhibition in 3 parts brengt het M HKA hulde aan
een flamboyante kunstenaar, een losbol en een vakman.
Wout Vercammen
A well considered idea of an exhibition in 3 parts
Texts: William Ploegaert, Dirk Van Steelant en Hans Weyers
Open binding | Eng./ NL ed. 200 x 150 mm 264 p | 300 col.ill. € 26,50 | March 2015
[BE] Weyers & Borms
ISBN: 9789082331509
'DESINUS3 werd opgevat als een sketchbook. Weinig woorden, veel beeld.
Heerlijk gestoord chaotisch, niet chronologisch maar met het nodige respect
om de werken kwalitatief weer te geven. Lekker papier, een handzaam
formaat, eigenzinnige inbinding.'
'Welcome to DESINUS³, a world that crackles and vibrates with energy and
in which unbridled creativity is explored like a boundless region.'
Hans Weyers
Joris Ghekiere (°1955, Kortrijk) neemt als schilder een eigenzinnige en
dubbelzinnige positie in. Hij pint zich niet vast op één schriftuur maar
verkent diverse schildertechnieken en -stijlen. Vaak dienen internetbeelden
of eigen foto's als vertrekpunt. Dit leidt tot een oeuvre waarbinnen
figuratieve afbeeldingen en abstracte beelden op elkaar inwerken. Ghekiere
is gefascineerd door ongecompliceerde, clichématige schoonheid: stillevens
met planten of bloemen, of portretten van opgesmukte dames onder meer.
Expo: 14/3/2015 - 24/5/2015,
S.M.A.K., Gent
Paperback | Eng. ed. 360 x 250 mm | 48 p € 25,00 | March 2015
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
ISBN: 9789491775864
Joris Ghekiere
Met de twintigste editie van het
Kunstenfestivaldesarts als startpunt
benadert dit boek enkele invalshoeken die
van cruciaal belang zullen zijn voor het
geheugen van de podiumkunsten. The
Time We Share wordt samengesteld uit
belangrijke vragen die gedurende twee
decennia werden opgeworpen op het
Kunstenfestivaldesarts en vele andere
scènes en die tot vandaag relevant zijn. Elk
hoofdstuk brengt artistieke projecten van
verschillende festivaledities bijeen, maakt
nieuwe constellaties en licht er specifieke
vraagstellingen uit.
The Time We Share
Reflecties op de podiumkunsten 1 inleiding, 3 bedrijven en 2
Expo: May 2015 - Brussels,
Onder leiding van Daniel Blanga‐Gubba y
& Lars Kwakkenbos
Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 400 p | 200 col.ill. € 45,00 | May 2015
[BE] Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds
ISBN: 9789462300699 (NL)
ISBN:.9789462300705 (F)
Ce livre est une tentative de rétrospective
générale de la relation entre les arts du
spectacle vivant et la société, il ouvre une
perspective particulièrement large sur la
manière dont différentes créations
scéniques ont contribué à donner corps à
des questions spécifiques et globales. Plus
qu'un outil de mémoire, ce livre est un
instrument d'étude, un atlas qui permet au
passé de s'ouvrir vers l'avenir, un outil
général d'analyse des arts du spectacle
vivant ...
Le temps que nous partageons
Réflexions à travers le spectacle vivant 1 introduction, 3 actes et 2 interludes
Expo : 8/3/2015 - 12/4/2015,
Kristof De Clercq Gallery,
Paperback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 280 x 216 mm 184 p € 35,00 | March 2015
[BE] MER. Paper Kunsthalle
ISBN: 9789491775789
'De schilderijen van Carole Vanderlinden raken je meteen. Ze zijn direct,
compact, krachtig en grappig. Ze zijn ontwapenend. Ze knipogen naar de
kunstgeschiedenis. Ze zijn heel rijk, maar tegelijk heel eenvoudig.' (Hans
Carole Vanderlinden
Creole and Vanity
'There is another, larger impulse behind all of this layering and gaming and
interfusing, I think. Art that merely tells, or that merely codifies for easy
unpacking, is not art, and tends to be dead on arrival. For art to live - 'living'
is an odd concept to apply to the inanimate, but it does, and you know it
when you see it - it has to partake of that aforementioned density: in
Mannaers's case, that adds up to a body of work that mirrors a life lived, and
continues to live in itself."
Expo: 20/11/2014 - 1/2/2015,
Roberto Polo Gallery,
Text: Martin Herbert
Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 260 mm | 122 p | 79 col.ill. € 38,00 | Dec. 2014
[BE] Roberto Polo Gallery
ISBN: 9791092599053
Werner Mannaers
The Scent of Mimosa
Dans Les androïdes rêvent-ils de moutons électriques ?, le romancier
américain de science-fiction Philip K. Dick dépeint l'environnement
post-humain d'une planète Terre gagnée par les technologies de
l'hyperréalité. Les thèmes de ce roman publié en 1976 et adapté au cinéma
par Ridley Scott dans Blade Runner (1982) sont évoqués à travers le travail
du jeune vidéaste américain Ryan Trecartin, l'art de la figure de cire ou des
automates, les machines e l'art brut, le courant de l'hyperréalisme ..
Paperback | French ed. 238 x 170 mm | 140 p € 18,00 | April 2015
[BE] MAC's Grand Hornu
ISBN: 9782930368610
Dits 20 - Hyperréel?
Les androïdes rêvent-ils de moutons électriques ?
(Philip K.Dick, 1968)
Paperback | French ed. 240 x 165 mm 192 p | throughout col.ill. € 10,00 | Jan. 2015
ISBN: 9782952604659
Numéro spécial jeune scène artistes contemporains de Mons. Numéro
spécial consacré à la scène artistique émergente en arts visuels de l'entité
de Mons. 40 artistes vont ainsi exprimer la vitalité artistique de nouvelles
générations en art contemporain. 200 pages leur sont dédiées, avec une
thématique : Errances. L'artiste Edith Dekyndt est la marraine de ce projet.
BIL BO K . Autour de l'errance
Numéro Spécial Mons 2015
Magazine des errances contemporaines.
Expo : Paris, Fondation Louis Vuitton ‐
Olafur Eliasson, Suzanne Pagé, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Bruno Latour ea. Book by Design Irma Boom
Paperback | Eng. ed. 360 x 275 mm 200 p | 80 col.ill. € 79,95 | Feb.2015
[F] Flammarion (Eng)
ISBN: 9782081358065
Renowned for his large-scale installations which often extend beyond
museum walls Eliasson renders contemporary art accessible. He
experiments with light, color, and space, exploring the idea of perception
and engaging the spectator in his own personal experience of the artwork.
The book opens with a virtual visit through Eliassons artwork. An innovative
layout by the Dutch graphic designer Irma Boom features the artists works
printed in full color on black paper, making this volume a veritable artists
Olafur Eliasson
Expo: 14/02/2015 17/05/2015, Moderna
Museet, Stockholm
Iris Müller‐Westermann
Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 215 mm 240 p | 250 col.ill. € 39,80 | Feb. 2015
[G] Hatje Cantz
ISBN: 9783775739702
The extensive monograph provides an overview of the overall artistic
development of Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010) and presents a large number
of works, including some that have never before been published. The
volume is grouped into themes that characterize her oeuvre, including
memory, trauma, relationships, sexuality, fear, as well as the difficulty
involved with being an artist and mother at the same time.
Louise Bourgeois
I Have Been to Hell and Back
Expo: 27/2/2015 - 26/7/2015,
Haus der Kunst, Munich.
Travelling to Moscow and
Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 215 mm 288 p | 90 col.ill. € 64,50 | April 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791354071
Like the majority of Bourgeois's pieces, her series of Cells are at once
enigmatic and extremely personal. Six Cells from throughout the series are
given close scrutiny, revealing the enormous diversity of Bourgeois's vision
as well as recurring themes of physical and emotional pain; voyeurism;
integration; and disintegration. A section of colour reproductions includes
images and details of the entire series.
Louise Bourgeois
Structures of Existence: The Cells
Dieter Buchhart. With essays by Franklin Sirmans, Oliver Berggruen, Glenn O'Brien, Christian Campbell and others.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 208 p | 150 col.ill. € 46,95 | April 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791354576
From his early years spray painting the walls of lower Manhattan to his first
solo show in 1982 and his untimely death at the age of 28 in 1988,
Jean-Michel Basquiat has become a symbol of the 1980s New York art
scene. Now, more than a quarter-century since his death, this book
considers Basquiat's works in light of their transformative power. Exquisitely
reproduced full-page colour illustrations of his paintings cover the full
thematic range of Basquiat's work.
Jean Michel Basquiat
Now's The Time
Expo: 3/04-23/05/2015,
Brooklyn Museum, New
Dieter Buchhart, Tricia Laughlin Bloom
Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 241 mm 240 p € 50,95 | March 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847845828
Accompanying a major traveling exhibition, this first-ever survey of the
rarely seen notebooks of Basquiat features the artist's handwritten notes,
poems, and drawings, along with related works on paper and large-scale
paintings. With no formal training, Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988)
succeeded in developing a new and expressive style to become one of the
most influential artists in the postmodern revival of figurative during the
The Unknown Notebooks
Roger Malbert
Hardback | Eng. ed. 340 x 240 mm 256 p | 246 col.ill. | 72 bw ill.
€ 48,50 | April 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291634
An intelligent, sensitive and beautifully illustrated survey of contemporary
artists who place drawing and the human form at the heart of their practice.
Featuring an international roster of over seventy artists working with pencil,
ink, crayon, watercolour and charcoal, Drawing People brings to life one of
the most creatively rich and emotionally powerful forms of art being made
Drawing People
The Human Figure in Contemporary Art
Suzanne Hudson
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 210 mm 216 p | 224 col.ill. | 6 bw ill.
€ 48,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500239261
Painting is a continually expanding and evolving form of creative expression
whose ongoing relevance is here convincingly asserted by renowned critic
and art historian Suzanne Hudson. Her book offers an original survey of
contemporary work a critical snapshot that brings together more than 200
artists from around the world who are defining the painterly ideas and
aesthetics of our time.
Painting Now
Expo: 6/2/2015 - 3/5/2015,
Guggenheim Museum, New
Hardback | Eng. ed. 248 x 324 mm 254 p | 430 col.ill. € 65,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9780892075195
Through radically restricted means, On Kawara's work engages the
personal and historical consciousness of place and time. Kawara's practice
is often associated with the rise of Conceptual art, yet in its complex wit and
philosophical reach, it stands well apart. Organized with the cooperation of
the artist, On Kawara-Silence will be the first full representation of Kawara's
output, beginning in 1964 and including every category of work, much of it
produced during his travels across the globe.
On Kawara
Reprint. First published in
2010, David Zwirner Books
Paolo Colombo, Anders Krüger and Stig Claessen. Interview by Marcel Dzama
Hardback | Eng. ed. 292 x 241 mm 247 p | 200 col.ill. | 62 bw ill.
€ 73,50 | April 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9781935202264
The Swedish artist couple Mamma Andersson (born 1962) and Jockum
Nordström (born 1963) have been at the forefront of contemporary figurative
painting since the late 1980s. Updating Vuillard for a post- Hitchcock age,
Andersson paints beguilingly eerie untenanted interiors and landscapes.
Who Is Sleeping On My Pillow
Mamma Andersson & Jockum Nordström
Accompanying the first major retrospective of Barbara Hepworth's work in
London since 1968, this ground-breaking new publication focuses on the
spaces and contexts, physical and conceptual, in which the artist is
positioned. It examines her interest in staging and presenting work indoors
and out, in studio, film, garden, stage, architecture, photography and print.
Richly illustrated with over 200 colour images drawn from her entire career.
Barbara Hepworth
Hardback ed.: isbn
9781849763318. Expo:
24/6/2015 - 25/10/2015, Tate
Britain, London;
Kröller-Müller, Otterlo;
22/05-28/08/2015 Arp
Paperback | Eng. ed. 265 x 215 mm | 192 p | 200 col.ill. € 39,95 | June 2015
[UK] Tate
ISBN: 9781849763127
Canadian-born Agnes Martin was one of the pre-eminent painters of the
second half of the twentieth century, whose work has had a significant
influence both on artists of her own time and for subsequenThis
groundbreaking survey provides an overview of Martin's career, from
lesser-known early experimental works through her striped and grided grey
paintings and use of colour in various formats, to a group of her final works
that reintroduce bold forms. A selection of drawings and watercolours is also
Expo: 3/6/2015 - 11/10/2015,
Tate Modern, London
Paperback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm | 256 p | 160 col.ill. € 47,95 | June 2015
[UK] Tate
ISBN: 9781849762687
Agnes Martin
Expo : 6/2/2015 - 17/5/2015 Eng. ed.: 9783791349275
(Prestel), Bozar, Bruxelles
Frits Gierstberg, with a contribution by Till‐Holger Bolchert
Hardback | French ed. 310 x 240 mm 240 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,50 | Feb. 2015
[BE] Uitgeverij Hannibal
ISBN: 9789492081315
L'apparition de la photographie a généralisé la pratique du portrait. Dans les
années nonante, les photographes ont redécouvert le genre du portrait.
Depuis la chute du mur de Berlin, ils s'interrogent sur l'identité et la place de
l'individu dans le monde numérique et globalisé. Que nous apprennent
l'expression du visage, la pose, les vêtements et le cadre sur la personne
photographiée ? FACES NOW vous fera découvrir les oeuvres réalisées en
Europe par 31 photographes réputés.
Portraits photographiques européens
depuis 1990
The 1990s saw a resurgence of the portrait genre of photography,
especially in Europe, where the collapse of communism and the
solidification of the European Union raised enormously important questions
about national identity and shared historical and cultural values. This
volume delves into this important development, featuring full-page
reproductions of work by Rineke Dijkstra, Jurgen Teller, Thomas Ruff, Nikos
Markou, Anders Petersen, Clare Strand, and others from dozens of
countries around the continent
European Portrait Photography
since 1990
Expo: Faces now: 5/2/2015 17/5/2015, Bozar, Brussels
Frits Gierstberg, with a contribution by Till‐Holger Bolchert
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 310 x 240 mm | 256 p | € 62,00 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9783791349275
[UK] Prestel
Expo: 05/02-29/03/2015, Le
BOTANIQUE, Bruxelles
Jean‐François Chevrier, Renaud Huberlant, Dirk Lauwaert, Jean‐Claude Lemagny, Alexandre Vanautgaerden, Anne Wauters.
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 280 x 220 mm 208 p € 39,00 | Feb. 2015
[BE] CFC‐Éditions
ISBN: 9782875720108
This work is the first ever monograph of Gilbert Fastenaekens and retraces
his career since the early 1980s. It explores his main photographic series
(Nocturne, Essai pour une archéologie imaginaire, Site, Noces, etc.),
complemented by many previously unpublished images, which all have the
same relationship with time and the notion of contemplation.
I20 ‐ PHOTOGRAPHY (Belgium)
Gilbert Fastenaekens
In Silence (Collection Strates)
Expo: 23/05/2015 - 06/12/15,
Musée de la photographie,
Yves Vasseur, Olivier Bastin, Marc Mawet
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 180 x 240 mm 288 p | 125 col. & bw ill € 35,00 | March 2015
[BE] Arp2 Editions
ISBN: 9782960140323
Ce témoignage photographique évoque les chantiers des projets
déterminants mis en oeuvre pour répondre à l'accession de la Ville de Mons
au statut de Capitale Européenne de la Culture. Les photographies
présentes dans le cet ouvrage sont une sélection d'un corpus d'images
prises dans le cadre d'une commande publique conjointe de la Fondation
Mons 2015 et de la Ville de Mons.
Mission photographique
Expo: 04/10/2014 07/12/2014, FRAC Nord
Photographs and texts Marie‐Noëlle Boutin. Design: Dojo Design, Bruxelles
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 284 x 230 mm 56 p | 31 col.ill. € 32,00 | Oct. 2014
[BE] Arp2 Editions
ISBN: 9782930115283
Annaba lies in eastern Algeria, near the Tunisian border. The young people
there have taken possession of the campus's green areas and turned them
into places of freedom where they can meet up. These are the very places
where young people go when they want to escape the weight of Algerian
society, anchored in its archaic traditions.
Between a desire for freedom and repressed frustration, young Algerians
aspire to a more serene future. In Annaba, facing out to sea, each of them
projects their hopes.
Marie-Noëlle Boutin
Angelo Turconi, reiziger en fotograaf in Afrika, voert ons met Sur les pistes
du Congo mee naar het hart van centraal Afrika. Het is de neerslag van
bijzondere indrukken en onvergetelijke ontmoetingen: het hoofd van de
Yaka in ceremoniële outfit, de leider van de Pende en Chokwe prachtig
uitgedost, de koning van Lunda op zijn troon, een zeldzaam familieportret
van de Kitawala.
Angelo Turconi
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 335 x 245 mm | 240 p | 155 col.ill. € 49,90 | Oct. 14
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565082
Sur les pistes du Congo
Congo on the Road
Congolees Kiripi Katembo (°1979, Goma) startte zijn artistieke parcours als
schilder, maar verlegde zijn interesse vanaf zijn 27ste steeds meer naar
fotografie en videokunst. Desondanks blijft zijn achtergrond als schilder
steeds herkenbaar in zijn videowerk en fotografisch oeuvre. Katembo
schildert met een camera, schrijft een verhaal in beelden. Met de poëtische
toets en de aandachtige blik van een impressionist slaagt hij erin het snel
muterende stedelijke landschap in één beeld tot stilstand te brengen.
Kiripi Katembo
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 245 x 235 mm | 108 p | 75 col.ill. € 35,00 | April 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565174
Kiripi Katembo
Teddy Mazina
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 245 x 235 mm 160 p | 80 col.ill. € 39,00 | April 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565167
Vanuit het ongeloof en de verontwaardiging dat de massamoorden in zijn
land Burundi in het verleden aan het oog van de wereld onttrokken waren
gebleven door het ontbreken van een beeldarchief, besloot Teddy Mazina
om als fotograaf - of 'visueel activist' zoals hij het zelf graag
noemt - zijn land te documenteren. Dit boek getuigt van Mazina's
artistieksociale strijd tegen de gewenning, de onverschilligheid en het
collectieve geheugenverlies in zijn land.
Teddy Mazina
Frédérique Dolphijn ‐ Daniel Fouss
Hardback | French ed. 165 x 210 mm 104 p | 29 col.ill. € 20,00 | May 2015
[BE] Yellow Now
ISBN: 9782873403652
Les textes de Frédérique Dolphijn et les images de Daniel Fouss ont été
générés pendant une année, se croisant le plus souvent dans une réponse
instinctive de l'ordre du ressenti et bien des fois simultanée. Ils ont choisi
résolument de sortir de l'axe réflexif de l'illustration, tant image/ texte que
texte/image. Au-delà des passerelles, ils ont accueilli les alliances, les
continuités, les zones libres...
La vie continue
(Coll. Côté photo)
« Périmètre : le créer, ne faire le tour de rien. Réel, irréel ('l'excès de réalité
qui fait apparaître irréel ce qui est naturel ou vrai' - Patrick Roegiers). Le
rêve c'est l'imaginaire. (Je fais des cauchemars, aussi). La métaphore du
cadre comme accès au réel. L'excès de nature qui fait qu'on n'y a pas
accès. Des voiles qui masquent, qui mettent en lumière notre incapacité à
accéder aux choses.
Paperback | French ed. 165 x 210 mm | 112 p € 23,00 | Nov. 2014
[BE] Yellow Now
ISBN: 9782873403577
Élodie Ledure
Apnée (Collection : Côté photo / Angles vifs 18)
Coté photo ‐ Les Carnets
Magritte, plus que d'autres peut-être, éveille en chacun de nous des échos
particuliers où le jour peut éclairer la nuit, l'intérieur absorber l'extérieur, la
chair devenir pierre. Pour Bernard Plossu, depuis des années (une bonne
quarantaine !), Magritte consciemment ou non, a été présent dans son
imaginaire. « C'est un peintre que nous regardions beaucoup dans les
années soixante..."
Bernard Plossu
Paperback | French ed. 170 x 120 mm | 96 p | 44 bw ill. € 14,00 | Juin 2015
[BE] Yellow Now
ISBN: 9782873403676
Bernard Plossu - Emmanuel Guigon
Revoir Magritte (Vol. 4)
Coté photo ‐ Les Carnets
Qu'est-ce qui a changé à la fin de la guerre, dans le cinéma italien ? Les
cinéastes ont abandonnés le centre monumental et structuré des villes pour
aller filmer des espaces nouveaux, sans qualités, les lisières, les confins,
les borgate, les zones grises de la ville où les formes se désordonnent, où
tout s'éparpille, fuit.
Bernard Plossu
Paperback | French ed. 170 x 120 mm | 96 p | 44 bw ill. € 14,00 | Juin 2015
[BE] Yellow Now
ISBN: 9782873403683
Bernard Plossu - Alain Bergala.
Italia. Confins néo-réalistes (Vol. 5)
Côté photo / Angles vifs 19
En 2015, elle publie chez Yellow Now avec Empire - comme le veut la
tradition de la collection Angles vifs - sa première monographie personnelle.
Il est des univers qui ne prennent sens (ou même simplement forme) que
dans l'inexprimable, l'intraduisible ; des secrets qui ne s'échangent qu'en
silence. Marie Sordat voyage (Bosnie et Herzégovine, France, Italie,
Géorgie, Etats-Unis.) sans ramener de photos de voyages - ou alors de
voyages intérieurs,...
Marie Sordat
Paperback | French ed. 210 x 165 mm | 128 p | 100 bw ill. € 22,00 | May 2015
[BE] Yellow Now
ISBN: 9782873403669
Marie Sordat
Depuis 2012, des activistes et des opposants venus de toute l'Allemagne
mais aussi d'autres pays européens se succèdent dans un camp de fortune
renouvelé qui défie les machines, la logique dévastatrice et les forces de
l'ordre. Le photographe Marc Wendelski les a accompagnés, mêlant
approche engagée et préoccupations esthétiques, témoignant d'un combat
et militant, au passage et intelligemment, pour une nouvelle écologie de
l'image et un usage réfléchi de la photographie.
Expo : 19/11/14 - 18/01/15,
Textes: Werner Moron, Hervé Kempf
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 210 x 165 mm | 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 25,00 | Nov. 2014
[BE] Yellow Now
ISBN: 9782873403607
Marc Wendelski
Beyond the Forest (Collection : Côté photo)
Expo: 21/3/2015 - 21/6/2015,
Gemeente Museum,
Den Haag
Texts by Franz Kaiser,Felix Hoffmann, NN.
Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 350 x 275 mm | 260 p | 174 col.ill. € 55,00 | March 2015
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel
ISBN: 9783829606837
Dutch director and photographer Anton
Corbijn has been making portraits of artists
for over 4 decades. He also directed
award-winning and talked-about feature
films (Control, with Sam Riley, 2007, The
American, with George Clooney, 2010, A
Most Wanted Man, with Philip Seymour
Hoffman, 2014, currently finishing up LIFE
about Dennis Stock and James Dean) as
well as near 100 music videos buthe is still
widely known for his groundbreaking
personal portraits of the people that matter
in the, culture of our time such as Robert de
Niro, Nelson Mandela, Gerhard Richter,
David Bowie, William Burroughs, Kurt
Cobain, Lucian Freud, Clint East-wood,
Kate Moss, Miles Davis, Allen Ginsberg,
Bruce Springsteen, Ai Weiwei, and Patti
Smith. His collaboration with some
musicians such as U2, Depeche Mode, and
Tom Waits stretches over several decades,
holding an extremely rare position in
thatworld. With Schirmer/Mosel, Corbijn has
published 15 books on his photographic
and cinematic work, from his stunning first
book Famouz in 1989 and his all-time
bestseller Star Trak to his long-time portrait
Waits/Corbijn and, most recently, Looking
at A Most Wanted Man.
Anton Corbijn
Hollands Deep - A Retrospective
The highlights of Peter Lindbergh's work
created between 2005 and 2014: fashion
shots, nudes, and portraits of today's
models and actresses such as Kate Moss,
Tilda Swinton, Jessica Chastain-and the
occasional man, such as Hollywood grand
seigneur Kirk Douglas.
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 385 x 260 mm | 300 p | 175 col.ill. € 89,95 | Nov. 2014
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel
ISBN: 9783829606851
Peter Lindbergh
Women 2005-2014
Expo: 18/4/2015 - 16/8/2015,
Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf Tribute on the occ. of his
70th birthday.
Paperback | Eng. ed. 200 x 135 mm 336 p | 240 col.ill. € 45,95 | April 2015
[G] Schirmer/ Mosel
ISBN: 9783829606974
Famous and unpublished highlights from Wenders' acclaimed photo series
Written in the West, Buena Vista Social Club, Once, Pictures from the
Surface of the Earth, and Journey to Onomichi.
Wim Wenders
4 Real & True 2! Landscapes. Photographs
Lee Miller (1907-1977) began her artistic career in 1929 as a Surrealist
photographer in Paris. She produced images, often in collaboration with
Man Ray, in which she alienated motifs by means of tight framing and
experimental techniques, and in doing so rendering visible a paradoxical
reality. The publication provides renewed access to her best works,
including early Surrealist compositions as well as travel photos.
Expo: 23/04/2015 30/08/2015, Albertina,
Walter Moser & Klaus Albrecht Schröder
Paperback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 290 x 210 mm | 144 p | 70 col.ill. € 29,80 | May 2015
[G] Hatje Cantz
ISBN: 9783775739559
Lee Miller
The principle theme in Cindy Sherman's oeuvre is the staging of female role
models. The American artist relies on stereotypes inscribed on our collective
visual memory in a world saturated with media. In this perfect role-play with
costumes, masks, and prostheses, during which her own identity nearly
completely disappears, in her photographs Sherman (*1954) walks a fine
line between staging and parody in her scrutiny of clichés and fears.
Expo: 29/1/2015 - 18/7/2015,
Sammlung Goetz, Munich
Ingvild Goetz
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 245 x 179 mm | 184 p | 152 col.ill. € 30,00 | Feb. 2015
[G] Hatje Cantz
ISBN: 9783775739603
Cindy Sherman
ART ARKTIS explores the fragility and variety of a majestic, untouched
world through a collection of fine-art photography. Dietmar Baum and Tini
Papamichalis embarked on a three-week expedition, capturing landscapes
otherwise guarded from the sights of mankind by ice with the help of
Hasselblad's latest camera technology. Using their trained eyes and artistic
points of view, the two have created seemingly surreal images-as if a scene
from another planet was painted.
ART Arktis
Dietmar Baum & Tini Papamichalis
Hardback | Eng./ Germ. ed. 370 x 290 mm | 208 p | 120 col.ill. € 79,90 | Jan. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732424
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm 176 p | 100 col.ill. € 59,90 | Jan. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732516
Whether his subject is a Christian chapel, an erstwhile theater, or the
events center in a former Communist country, Villette brings the spirit and
pathos the place once embodied back to life. At the same time, the ruins in
his evocative photographs are stylized to create cultural heirlooms of the
various periods and countries where they are located.
Spirit of Place
Aurélien Villette
World-renowned photographer Michael Poliza's best-selling book, originally
published in 2006, has now been re-released in a smaller format, hardcover
edition. A stunning collection of photographs that captures Africa's elegant
natural beauty and animal life.
Small format hardcover edition
Hardback | E/ F/ G/ Sp/ It. ed 280 x 220 mm | 408 p | 220 col.ill. € 49,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832798666
Michael Poliza
Black-and-white urban photography has a unique effect: It can lend a
historical feel or bring out perspectives and surfaces in a special way. Serge
Ramelli's New York photos do both-and much more. With his film director's
eye, he searches out locations using parameters that evoke a specific
atmosphere and build tension.
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm | 176 p | 100 bw ill. € 59,90 | May 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732530
New York
Serge Ramelli
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 340 x 275 mm 176 p | 100 bw ill. € 59,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732523
Paris has never been showcased as impressively, meaningfully, or
dramatically as it is by the French photographer Serge Ramelli. His vision of
the city-like all of his images-is unmistakably inspired by cinema. Ramelli's
interpretation of the bustling metropolis of Paris is at once impressive and
fabulous. Pulsing with life both day and night, the city appears nearly devoid
of people-a heavily symbolic place with many facets to explore, shining with
an inimitable light.
Serge Ramelli
Expo: April-May 2015,
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Katya Krausova
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 300 mm 112 p | 60 col.ill. € 54,95 | May 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791381459
Serendipity led Yuri Dojc to an abandoned Jewish school in eastern
Slovakia, where time had stood still since the day in 1943 when all those
attending were taken away to the camps. These haunting photographs of
decaying books, fragments of the Torah, splintered gravestones and the
vacant, crumbling building, evoke a lost way of life. The photographs'
vibrant colours, exquisite detail and near abstract composition tell us more
about how the people lived than how they died.
Yuri Dojc
Last Folio
Hardback | Eng. ed. 347 x 279 mm 160 p € 38,00 | Dec. 2014
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836629237
Photographer Luca Campigotto travelled to the Dolomites to capture the
bleak mountain landscapes that saw battle during the First World War.
During World War I, Italian soldiers fought their way up into the air,
ascending mountains in the Dolomites previously attempted only by
professional climbers. Mountains, moreover, which had been intensely
fortified and garrisoned by a powerful enemy, the Austro-Hungarian army.
Luca Campigotto
Theatres of War
Expo : 8/4 - 29/6/2014,
Castello di Rivoli
Marcella Beccaria, Rudi Fuchs
Hardback | Eng./ It. ed. 270 x 215 mm 120 p | 65 col.ill. € 24,00 | Jan. 2015
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836630196
This monograph is dedicated to Jan Dibbets, Dutch photographer born in
Weert in 1941 who lives and works in Amsterdam, and it presents a vast
and exhaustive excursus among the artist's most important works,
beginning from his debut in the late 1960s to today. The book, curated by
Marcella Beccaria and Rudi Fuchs, include rare works, almost never shown
in public in so far as housed for decades in private collections, and it is
completed by the artis's biography.
Jan Dibbets
Another Photography
10/2/2015 - 5/4/2015, MIS Museu da Imagem e do
Som, Sao Paulo
Edited by Anne Morin
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 230 mm 144 p | 80 col.ill. € 35,00 | Feb. 2015
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836630257
Not until the beginning of the nineties, Jessica Lange took up her
photographic exploits again. Her images are captured on her travels and
wanderings - her lens has roamed through countries such as the USA,
France, Finland and Italy, although she has a particular soft spot for Mexico,
as she herself puts it, "for its lights and wonderful nights ".
Jessica Lange
Expo : 16/1/2015 - 29/3/2015,
Varese, Villa Panza
Hardback | Eng./ It. ed. 280 x 230 mm 144 p | 80 col.ill. € 20,00 | Feb. 2015
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836630622
The visitor will be led by a red thread along the discovery of the German
director's personal view on America: thanks to his camera, Wenders
reproduces visions that overturn the normal perception of landscape and
allow the represented places essence and the image narrative function to
Wim Wenders
Expo: 31/10/2014 - 8/2/2015,
Cremona, Museo del Violino
Edited by Marco Minuz
Paperback with flaps | Eng./ It. ed. 280 x 215 mm 208 p | 112 col.ill. € 28,00 | Dec. 2014
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836630103
Magnum Photos was founded in New York on 22 May 1947, and soon
became the most famous photo agency in the world.
Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, David 'Chim' Seymour
and William Vandivert founded the agency, with the common aim of
protecting their photographs and retaining complete control over the use of
their images.
The Birth of Magnum
Capa, Cartier-Bresson, Chim, Rodger
Mary Warner Marien
Paperback | Eng. ed. 290 x 200 mm 312 p | 340 col.ill. € 40,95 | April 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674759
Photography Visionaries is an inspiring guide to 75 of the most influential
photographers from c.1900 to the present. It provides a fascinating insight
into the lives and careers of men and women working in a medium which
perhaps more than any other in the visual arts has been deeply affected by
technological change. The entries are arranged chronologically, instilling in
the reader an understanding of what marks each photographer as a
Photography Visonaries
Hardback | Eng. ed. 273 x 235 mm 192 p | 68 col.ill. | 114 bw ill.
€ 46,95 | April 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791349633
Eve Arnold (1912 - 2012) was born to a poor immigrant family in
Philadelphia and became a photographer by chance. In 1950 Arnold was a
38-year-old Long Island housewife when she enrolled in a six-week
photography course that led to her groundbreaking photo essay on black
fashion models in Harlem. She went on to become the first woman to join
Magnum Photos and, eventually, one of the most accomplished
photojournalists of her time.
Eve Arnold
Magnum Legacy
Marco Antonini, Sergio Minniti, Francisco Gómez, Gabriele Lungarella and Luca Bendandi Edited by Luca Bendandi
Hardback | Eng. ed. 230 x 177 mm 240 p | 600 col. & bw ill € 32,50 | March 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500544372
Photography has always been about experimentation, and anyone who
thinks the advent of digital imaging might have stopped photographers from
inventing new ways to impress their film is in for a big surprise.
Experimental Photography presents the most interesting and creative
modifications for low-cost film cameras, manual printing techniques and
unconventional use of the medium. The book accompanies the reader
through the world of photography special effects and manipulations.
Experimental Photography
A Handbook of Techniques
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Anne Nishimura Morse and Anne E. Havinga
Hardback | Eng. ed. 317 x 220 mm 240 p | 150 col.ill. € 65,50 | April 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9780878468270
The catastrophic events of March 11, 2011 the earthquake, tsunami, and
ensuing nuclear meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
have been called the triple disaster in Japan. Among the first artists to
respond to these experiences were photographers. Some, including those
with personal ties to the affected Tohoku region, attempted to document the
devastation, drawing on a long history of depicting natural disasters in
Japanese art.
In the Wake
Japanese Photographers Respond to 3/11
By James Ellroy and Glynn Martin of the Los Angeles Police Museum
Hardback | Eng. ed. 216 x 165 mm 224 p | 85 duotone ill. € 24,95 | May 2015
[US] Abrams Image
ISBN: 9781419715853
James Ellroy, the undisputed master and artist of crime writing, has teamed
up with the Los Angeles Police Museum to expose the lurid underside of LA
in the mid 1950s. Ellroy also offers colourful context and recreates the
atmosphere and culture that gave birth to the depravity and darkness
whether it be murder, robbery, or suicide in the back alleys, liquor stores, or
bedrooms of Los Angeles. 85 duotone photos are spread throughout the
book as evidence.
LAPD '53
James Ellroy
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 230 x 130 mm 432 p | 5 col.ill. | 265 bw ill.
€ 39,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791353555
During his storied career as the quintessential New York photojournalist,
Weegee explored the city's least glamorous pockets. This unique guide
offers a series of excursions through Weegee's stamping grounds, from the
Bowery to Midtown, the West Side to the East, and with a little Brooklyn
thrown in. Divided into eleven neighborhood sections, it includes
contemporary and period maps to aid the intrepid explorer or casual rambler
as they retrace Weegee's steps from murder scene to car wreck to street
The Weegee Guide to New York
Roaming the City with Its Greatest Tabloid Photographers
Limited edition print available.
Photographs by Pieter Hugo. Short story by Ben Okri
Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 235 x 298 mm 164 p | 80 col.ill. € 72,50 | Jan. 2015
[US] Aperture
ISBN: 9781597113014
Pieter Hugo has garnered critical acclaim for his series of portraits and
landscapes, each of which explore a facet of his native South Africa and
neighboring African countries. Kin, a collection of images shot within a few
miles of Hugo's home over the past decade, focuses instead on the
photographers family, his community, and himself. Writer John Mahoney
characterizes it as the artists first major work to focus exclusively on his
personal experience in his native South Africa.
Pieter Hugo
Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 240 mm 136 p | 55 col.ill. | 64 duotone ill. € 48,50 | April 2015
[US] Aperture
ISBN: 9781597113076
James Mollisons photo projects are defined by smart, original concepts
applied to serious social and environmental themes. For this book Mollison
photographs children at play in their school playgrounds, inspired by
memories of his own childhood and interested in how we all learn to
negotiate relationships and our place in the world through play. For each
picture, Mollison sets up his camera during school break time, in countries
as Argentina, Bhutan, Bolivia, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Nepal, ao.
James Mollison
Peter J. Cohen
Hardback | Eng. ed. 180 x 162 mm 144 p | 150 col. & bw ill € 27,20 | March 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780789329127
For the awesomely daring women in our lives comes the perfect gift: a jewel
of a book that collects vintage candid snapshots of women enjoying
unconventional activities. Peter Cohen has been combing estate sales and
flea markets collecting vernacular, or "found" photography, showcasing
women from the thirties, forties, and fifties who are equal parts badass and
rebellious, and, above all, clearly having a lot of fun.
Snapshots of Dangerous Women
Hardback | Eng. ed. 203 x 152 mm 300 p | 200 col.ill. € 24,95 | Feb. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419716683
No animal has captured the human imagination quite like the horse,
depicted in cave drawings thousands of years ago through countless
rendering in paint, clay, ink, even film. In his first book, award-winning
photographer Tim Flach's quest to document the horse has resulted in
Equus, an intensely moving look at an animal--as a solitary subject and en
masse, from the air and from underwater--whose history is so powerfully
linked to our own.
Tim Flach (MIni edition)
Michael Poliza's wildlife and landscape
photography has fascinated us for years,
and his photo books of Africa and the polar
regions have already captivated tens of
thousands of readers. His extensive travels
into the most remote corners of the world
are the basis for his artistry. These trips
made him an expert on magical places
where one can experience unspoiled
nature, observe and photograph
breathtaking landscapes and wild animals,
and stay at hidden hideaways far from the
beaten tourist path. For more than five
years, a few lucky souls have had the
pleasure of having the globetrotting Poliza
as their personal guide on land, air, and
sea. Now his readers can join in on these
tours. Stunning photographs paired with
useful travel information make this volume
a one-of-a-kind experience.
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 224 p | 150 col.ill. € 59,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732387
The World´s Most Magical
Wilderness Escapes
Michael Poliza
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 330 x 245 mm 160 p | 123 col.ill. € 49,90 | Dec. 2014
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058564924
Christophe Hardiquest van restaurant Bon-Bon in Brussel rijfde dit jaar zijn
tweede Michelinster binnen en ook Gault Millau geeft hem een top ranking:
met een score van 19 staat hij in de top 5 van de beste eettempels in
België. Met het alfabet als leidraad presenteert Hardiquest in 'My Kitchen
Alphabet' zijn favoriete producten en vertelt hij over zijn passies, zijn drives,
zijn inspiratiebronnen en zijn entourage. 20 letters staan voor zijn
lievelingsingrediënten die zijn keuken typeren.
My Kitchen Alphabet Christophe Hardiquest
Bon Bon Salon d'artisan cuisinier
Patrick Holthof
Hardback | NL ed. 250 x 210 mm 144 p | 100 col.ill. € 24,95 | May 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565228
Hotelschool Spermalie presenteert 50 succulente salades om je stralend en
fit door de zomer te loodsen. Een boost voor je gezondheid en je
smaakpapillen. Easy peasy, snel klaar en met een minimum aan
ingrediënten. Klassieke salades met een twist, Zuiders of Oosters
geïnspireerd, wild geplukt of uit de moestuin. Pure veggie salades of
combinaties met vlees, vis of granen... iedereen vindt er zijn gading.
50 Slimme Slaatjes
25 restaurants dont 15 nouveaux
René Sépul (textes). Cici Olsson, Laetitia Jeurissen & Serge Leblon (photos)
Hardback | French ed. 240 x 170 mm 340 p | throughout col.ill. € 34,50 | Dec. 2014
[BE] Sh‐op Editions
ISBN: 9782960093353
Le livre présente 25 restaurants de Bruxelles. Ces restaurants sont
différents les uns des autres : certains sont étoilés (Bon Bon, Chalet de la
Forêt, Kamo, Alexandre, Villa Lorraine, WY), d'autres sont de véritables
institutions du paysage gastronomique bruxellois (Villa Lorraine, Frnaçois),
alors que l'on parlera plutôt de bistrots gourmands pour d'autres (Orphyse
Chaussette, Toucan, Selecto). Certains sont tenus par de jeunes chefs (La
Buvette, Bouchéry), d'autres par de plus anciens (Notos, Toucan).
Mange Bruxelles
Remet le couvert!
Nieuwe editie
'De Basis' is het eerste boek van Homarus Culinaire Uitgeverij. Het is een
statement: wie wil koken kan niet zonder de basis, wie wil experimenteren
nog minder. In dit boek vindt de lezer 150 basisrecepten die elke
amateurkok bij de hand moet hebben. Maar de auteurs gaan nog een stap
verder. Zij gingen ook op zoek naar innoverende bereidingswijzen en
technieken die nog maar net zijn ontwikkeld maar die stilaan hun plaats
opeisen in de keuken van de 21ste eeuw.
Filip Verheyden
Photography: Tony Le Duc
Hardback | NL ed. 160 x 120 mm | 320 p | 150 col.ill. € 24,50 | May 2015
[BE] Minestrone
ISBN: 9789490028671
De Basis
Nieuwe editie
In dit boek vindt de lezer 130 producten met hun 'beste' bereidingswijze.
Hoe maak je rodekool klaar? Wat doe je met tomaat, een raap, rode biet,
andijvie? Hoe bak je een steak bleu, saignant en bien cuit? Hoe schil je een
avocado zonder hem te beschadigen? Hoe bak je een zeetong? Hoe haal je
het merg uit een vanillepeul?
Naast de meest dagdagelijkse producten komen ook meer gastronomische
ingrediënten aan bod en ook minder bekende ingrediënten.
Filip Verheyden
Photography: Tony Le Duc
Hardback | NL ed. 160 x 120 mm | 350 p € 24,50 | May 2015
[BE] Minestrone
ISBN: 9789490028688
Het Product
Nieuwe editie
'Het Gerecht' is het laatste deel in de trilogie met 'De Basis' en 'Het Product',
uitgegeven bij Homarus Culinaire Uitgeverij. Na de basisrecepten en de
productinformatie komt de toepassing van al deze kennis. In 'Het Gerecht'
werden 150 wereldklassiekers opgenomen, 150 gerechten die iedereen
kent van naam, maar daarom niet altijd weet klaar te maken. Tomaat
garnaal, kaaskroketten, hutsepot en macaroni met ham en kaas, maar ook
paëlla, pasta vongole, gravad lax en de Thaise garnalensoep tom yam
Filip Verheyden
Photography: Tony Le Duc
Hardback | NL ed. 160 x 120 mm | 320 p | 150 col.ill. € 24,50 | May 2015
[BE] Minestrone
ISBN: 9789490028695
Het Gerecht
Nieuwe editie
'De Basis', 'Het Product' en 'Het Gerecht' zijn apart verkrijgbaar, maar
worden ook gebundeld in een zwartlinnen box. Wie zich deze box
aanschaft, haalt daarmee in één keer 960 p. culinaire basiskennis in huis.
Filip Verheyden
Photography: Tony.Le. Duc
Boxed | NL ed. 160 x 120 mm | 960 p | throughout col.ill. € 79,50 | May 2015
[BE] Minestrone
ISBN: 9789490028701
Minestrone Box
De Basis, Het Product, Het Gerecht
Limited edition. Special conditions. Please contact the office.
PH 9715 is een tweedelig tijdsdocument
over het bewogen en eigenzinnige leven
van chef-kok Piet Huysentruyt. Het eerste
deel van dit boekproject wordt een integrale
heruitgave van het ophefmakende boek
'Eigentijds & Eigenzinnig' dat in 1997
verscheen. Dat boek verbaasde toen door
zijn visionaire recepturen, zijn bijzondere
opmaak en de verregaande culinaire
fotografie van Tony Le Duc. Men sprak over
fotografische 'foodporn'.
Het tweede deel van PH 9715 is nieuw en
gaat over identiteit, teamwork, respect,
frustraties, zalig stinken naar stront, poten
en kloten, en een West-Vlaams boertje. Piet
Huysentruyt kookt samen met zijn jonge
keukenbrigade volgens de nieuwste
kooktechnieken in zijn nieuwe restaurant
Likoké in het Zuid-Franse dorpje Les Vans,
maar baseert zich vaak op de combinaties
van ingrediënten die hij vroeger toepaste.
De link met het eerste boek is nooit ver
Beeldend word je in dit tweede deel vaak
op het verkeerde been gezet door het
gebruik van fotografische trompe-l'oeils. En
de ruwe natuur van de Ardèche is nooit ver
Boxed | NL ed. 280 x 230 mm | 396 p € 185,00 | June 2015
[BE] Minestrone +Lim. Eds+
ISBN: 9789490028725
Piet Huysentruyt, de cirkel is rond
Once in a blue moon a book is published that changes irrevocably the face
of things. White Heat is one such book. Since it was originally produced in
1990, it has gone on to become one of the most enduring classic cookbooks
of our time. With its unique blend of outspoken opinion, recipes and
dramatic photographs by the late legendary photographer Bob Carlos
Clarke, White Heat captures the magic and spirit of Marco Pierre White in
the heat of his kitchen. This edition features brand new material.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 245 mm | 192 p € 48,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] M. Beazley
ISBN: 9781845339906
White Heat 25
Marco Pierre White - 25th anniversary edition
Grub Street
Ruth van Waerebeek
Hardback | Eng. ed. 246 x 185 mm 336 p € 34,95 | Dec. 2014
[UK] Occ. publications
ISBN: 9781909808188
In 250 delicious recipes, here is the best of Belgian cuisine. Veal Stew with
Dumplings, Mushrooms, and Carrots, Smoked Trout Mousse with
Watercress Sauce, Braised Partridge with Cabbage and Abbey Beer, Gratin
of Belgian Endives, Flemish Carrot Soup, Steak-Frites, Steamed Mussels,
and desserts, some using the best chocolate on earth: Belgian Chocolate
Ganache Tart, Almond Cake with Fresh Fruit Topping and Little Chocolate
Nut Cakes.
Taste of Belgium
Rachel Khoo
Hardback | Eng. ed. 246 x 189 mm 288 p € 28,96 | Sept. 2014
[UK] Penguin UK ‐ GIFTS
ISBN: 9780718179465
Bestselling author Rachel Khoo is on the go once again with her latest
cookbook, Rachel Khoo's Kitchen Notebook. Her latest cookbook is packed
to the brim with 100 standout recipes, full-colour photography and Rachel's
very own sketches of the food and places she encounters. Out and about,
she finds the most delicious fare, recording it all in her kitchen notebook.
From a Ham Hock Tiffin Box to Slow Roasted Pork Belly with Sloe Gin, and
Rhubarb and Custard Millefeuille, Rachel Khoo's Kitchen Notebook
Rachel Khoo's Kitchen Notebook
by Kate White
Hardback | Eng. ed. 228 x 190 mm 176 p | throughout col.ill. € 26,95| March 2015
[US] Quirk
ISBN: 9781594747571
The Mystery Writers of America have joined forces to deliver this superb
collection of more than 100 wickedly good recipes. From Mary Higgins
Clark's Game Night Chili and Harlan Coben's Crab Meat Dip to Scott
Turow's Innocent Frittata and Kathy Reich's Shrimp Scampi, this cookbook
offers one tasty treat after another. Complete with a glamorous art-deco
design and intriguing sidebars on the surprising-and sometimes deadly-links
between food and foul play, this is the ultimate cookbook for crime
The Mystery Writers of America
Wickedly Good Meals and Desserts to Die For
by Kristen Miglore
Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 203 mm 272 p | 200 col.ill. € 38,50 | April 2015
[US] Ten Speed Press
ISBN: 9781607747970
Whether it's fail-safe Fried Chicken from Michael Ruhlman or the
imaginative Black Pepper Tofu from Yotam Ottolenghi, once you try these
recipes, you'll never need to go back to other versions. Plus with abundant
how-to and finished dish photographs throughout, Genius Recipes is
destined to become every home cook's go-to reference for smart, enjoyable
Food52 Genius Recipes
100 Recipes That Will Change the Way You Cook
by Yotam Ottolenghi
Hardback | Eng. ed. 274 x 203 mm 339 p | throughout col.ill. € 38,50 | Oct. 2014
[US] Ten Speed Press
ISBN: 9781607746218
Yotam Ottolenghi is one of the world's most beloved culinary talents. In this
follow-up to his bestselling Plenty, he continues to explore the diverse realm
of vegetarian food with a wholly original approach. Organized by cooking
method, more than 150 dazzling recipes emphasize spices, seasonality,
and bold flavors. From inspired salads to hearty main dishes and luscious
desserts, Plenty More is a must-have for vegetarians and omnivores alike.
Plenty More
Vibrant Vegetable Cooking from London's Ottolenghi
Discover outstanding vineyards and their wines in spectacular photos:
everything from Margaux and Mouton Rothschild to Gruaud-Larose and
Latour. Take an exciting look behind the walls of the châteaux where these
storied vintages are born. See Bordelais vintners and cellar masters at work
in Saint-Émilion or Pomerol. And learn about the history of the vineyard
estates and their architectural heritage, as well as grape varieties, wine
storage, and soil characteristics.
French edition: isbn 9783832732493
Hardback | Eng. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 224 p | 250 col.ill. € 59,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832798079
The Grand Châteaux of Bordeaux
Ralf Frenzel
Hardback | French ed. 320 x 250 mm 224 p | 250 col.ill. € 59,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732493
Cela peut paraître fou, mais prenez le temps de fermer les yeux lorsque
vous tournerez les pages de ce livre. Vous êtes assuré de sentir un
soupçon de vin de rouge se répandre dans votre bouche. The grand
Châteaux of Bordeaux est un guide complet sur la plus célèbre région
viticole du monde. Découvrez d'exceptionnels vignobles et leurs vins à
travers de spectaculaires photographies : tout de Margaux et Mouton
Rothschild à Gruaud-Larose et Latour.
Les Grands Châteaux de Bordeaux
Size box: 310x230x18mm
An Olaerts, Ineke Van Nieuwenhove & Leen Huet. Fotografie: jimmy Kets, Nej De Doncker & Tony Le Duc
Boxed | NL ed. 405 x 290 mm | 64 p € 29,50 | March 2015
[BE] Minestrone
ISBN: 9789490028664
De krant zal 64 pagina's in tabloid formaat
bevatten en inhoudelijk wordt het fenomeen
'moestuinieren' grondig uitgespit.
Vertrekkend van de wekelijkse moestuindag
van twee hardwerkende zelfstandige
creatievelingen die een dag van de week
wegplukken, de Maandag, om zich samen
in de moestuin te begeven , geheel offline,
geen gsm, geen ipad, geen getwitter en
quasi zenmomenten beleven als ze hun
handen in de aarde steken. Hun verhalen,
successen en tegenslagen worden
genoteerd door An Olaerts en als rode
draad doorheen de krant gepubliceerd.
Deze verhalen worden historisch,
economisch, maatschappij kritisch en
culinair aangevuld met artikels van
gerenomeerde journalisten, ieder
gespecialiseerd in zijn domein. We
portretteren mensen die ieder op zich zeer
uiteenlopend bezig zijn met moestuinieren.
Verder lees je 10 recepten van de best
geslaagde geoogste groenten van het duo,
wat hebben de twee jongens geleerd over
groenten, een kruiswoordraadsel over
moestuinieren, foto's van Jimmy Kets,
Diane Hendrikx, Nej de Doncker en Tony
Le Duc afgewisseld met cartoons. Of zoals
een echte krant moet zijn.
Maandag Hofdag
Het fenomeen moestuinieren en wat het met je kan doen
Mickey Boël, Léon Maskens
Hardback | French ed. 210 x 285 mm 88 p € 19,50 | Feb. 2015
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542684
Convoquant tour à tour Proust, Balzac, Shakespeare, Coleridge, ainsi que
des dictons populaires savoureux sélectionnés par Mickey Boël, ("Du fou
qui en novembre a engendré, la femme en août sera couchée", "Au mois de
janvier, il vaut mieux voir le loup dans les champs qu'un homme en
chemise"...) cet Almanach des quatre saisons nous invite à nous plonger,
mois après mois, dans les spécificités et les cycles de la nature, dont il nous
fait ressentir avec humour les changements.
Almanach des 4 saisons
Green roofs are attractive solutions in cities that are always trying to be
more environmentally friendly and provide the citizens with more green
space. They can also be an appealing way to add a fifth façade to a
building, and provide important energy savings and environmental benefit.
This book collects stand-out examples of green roofs around the world,
featuring the work of well-known architects and designers.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 243 x 168 mm | 240 p € 49,50 | April 2015
[ES] Links
ISBN: 9788490540527
Green Roofs
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | May 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732455
Penthouses and rooftop terraces let you reach for the stars and the only
limit on what you can design in your exclusive oasis is your imagination. In
densely populated areas, rooftop gardens inject a lovely note of green into
the urban landscape. People grow their own vegetables or use grass and
shrubs to frame an opulent lounge area or pool. This book explores the
sophisticated interplay of indoor and outdoor living among the clouds and
immerses you in the feeling of living between heaven and earth.
Living Roofs
Heidi Howcroft & Marianne Majerus
Hardback | Eng. ed. 279 x 140 mm 320 p | 600 col.ill. € 48,95 | March 2015
[UK] M. Beazley
ISBN: 9781845339210
Creating a garden is part common sense and part instinct, but we all need
inspiration to help us realize the garden we want. With over 600 images by
award-winning photographer Marianne Majerus and incisive advice from
landscape architect and bestselling writer Heidi Howcroft, this book takes
the reader from getting the concept right to choosing the perfect finishing
touches. The gardens featured are large and small, urban and rural, and in
styles from contemporary to classical.
Garden Design
A Book of Ideas
By Alain Le Toquin
Hardback | Eng. ed. 254 x 285 mm 240 p | 225 col.ill. € 46,95 | Feb. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419715808
In Secret Gardens, readers experience the magic of discovering beautiful,
intricately planned and meticulously cultivated hidden worlds. More than 200
spectacular images showcase 14 private gardens, extraordinary examples
of landscape design that are inaccessible to the public, and which have
never, or very rarely been featured in any publication. From France, Spain,
Italy, Germany, the Caribbean, and more, these gardens offer a dizzying
range of horticultural and conceptual diversity.
Secret Gardens
Rumiko Manako
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Jap. ed 280 x 240 mm 112 p | 100 col.ill. € 39,90 | March 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565105
Rumiko Manako is een buitenbeentje in de bloemschikwereld. Haar kunst is
even gracieus als dansbewegingen, is technisch en doordacht als Ikenobo
maar tegelijk zo toegankelijk als Westers bloemschikken. Deze heel
persoonlijke cross-over stijl slaat niet alleen een brug tussen ikebana en het
traditionele bloemschikken, maar slaat ook aan. Bewijs daarvan zijn de
grote nationale en internationale belangstelling voor de 'Rumiko Style' en de
drukbezette workshops en demonstraties.
Rumiko Style
Modern Floral Design
Ilse Beunen
Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 215 mm 112 p | 200 col.ill. € 24,90 | March 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565044
Na een inleidend hoofdstuk over materialen, scholen, technieken, do's en
don'ts, kleuren, schema's en zichthoeken, biedt dit boek een plejade aan
schikkingen in zowel traditionele als moderne stijlen, gemaakt met
natuurlijke of eigentijdse materialen. Ieder arrangement is geïllustreerd met
gedetailleerde stap-voor-stap foto's, waardoor het zelfs voor de absolute
beginner gemakkelijk wordt om snel tot een correct en esthetisch resultaat
te komen.
Exploring Ikebana
Araik Galstyan. Photography: Valentin Overchenko
Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 245 mm 96 p | 75 col.ill. € 39,90 | Feb. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058564979
Elk ontwerp van de hand van Araik Galstyan weerspiegelt de vluchtige
schoonheid van bloemen, en zelfs zijn commerciële werk wordt gemaakt
met het grootste respect voor de materialen. Zijn pioniersgeest spreekt niet
alleen uit zijn indrukwekkende school, maar ook in de constante zoektocht
naar inventieve technieken en nieuwe ideeën. Zijn expertise maakt van hem
dan ook een graag gezien jurylid bij internationale floral design wedstrijden.
Deze eerste monografie bundelt meer dan 60 inspirerende ontwerpen.
Araik Galstyan
Festive Floral Designs
Introductory essay by Raymund Ryan
Hardback | Eng. ed. 330 x 245 mm 352 p | 700 col.ill. € 78,00 | Dec. 2014
[BE] Editions Marot
ISBN: 9782930117386
Throughout his career, Pierre Lallemand has always kept his various
activities separate, whether he was associated with fellow architects or still,
within the framework of diverse enterprises (lighting, shipbuilding, painting,
architecture, or still, cycling.). This is the first time that Pierre Lallemand
incorporates these different universes into the same temporality.
Pierre Lallemand
The sense of time lies in its memory
Hardback | French ed. 300 x 240 mm 248 p | throughout col.ill. € 49,00 | Dec. 2014
[BE] Prisme
ISBN: 9782930451169
Non seulement d'éclairer la personnalité et le parcours d'une figure
marquante de l'histoire de la construction contemporaine en Belgique,
l'ouvrage analyse les méthodologies et les innovations mises au point par
René Greisch. L'amplitude du point de vue permet ainsi de le situer dans
l'évolution de l'architecture et de l'ingénierie pendant la seconde moitié du
XXe siècle et de mesurer les inflexions qu'il lui donne.
René Greisch
Ingénieur Architecte
Hardback | NL/ Fr ed. 245 x 225 mm 204 p € 29,50 | Oct. 2014
[BE] Prisme
ISBN: 9782930451152
Dit jubileumboek, geïllustreerd met foto's van Marie-Françoise Plissart,
schetst de hoofdlijnen van het optreden van citydev.brussels in een
dynamische presentatie van 35 realisaties van economische ontwikkeling,
stadsvernieuwing en gemengde ontwikkelingen. Het kijkt binnen in plaatsen
die niet voor het publiek toegankelijk zijn: industriegebouwen,
bedrijfsruimten, woningen, restauraties en nieuwbouw. Incl. technische fiche
voor elk project en een algemene historiek en inventaris van meer dan 140
Citydev.brussels 40 ans/ 40 jaar
de développement urbain / stedelijke ontwikkkeling
Koen Bogaert, Liesbet Goetschalckx (fotografie)
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 224 p | 200 col.ill. € 34,95 | April 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565211
In het boek FRAGMENT licht architect Koen Bogaert in 12 artikels enkele
opmerkelijke projecten uit zijn bouwkundig oeuvre. Teksten, tekeningen en
foto's krijgen aparte pagina's en kunnen niet alleen los van elkaar gelezen
worden, maar werken ook aanvullend. Zo krijgt de lezer niet alleen het
(logische) architecturale verhaal en keuzes die schuilen achter elk
individueel project maar krijgt hij gaandeweg ook inzicht in de algemene
filosofie en de esthetische vormentaal van de architect.
Koen Bogaert
Expo: 3/12/2014 28/09/2015, Cité de
l'Architecture et du
patrimoine, Paris
Paperback | French ed. 300 x 240 mm 352 p | 500 col.ill. | 331 col. & bw ill € 39,00 | Feb. 2015
[IT] Silvana
ISBN: 9788836629749
Et si l'on arrêtait de démolir systématiquement pour construire ? Passé la
Reconstruction de l'après-guerre guidée par l'urgence, puis la «
rénovation-bulldozer » des années 1960-1970 animée par l'idéologie de la
table rase, l'heure est à la transformation des bâtiments existants et des
territoires urbanisés. Cet ouvrage, qui accompagne l'exposition produite par
la Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine à Paris, présente 72 projets choisis
en Europe, dépassant l'exigence de la mise aux normes des bâtiments
Un bâtiment, Combien de Vie?
La transformation comme acte de création
Expo: 19/11/2014 03/03/2015, Cité de
l'Architecture, Paris
Sous la direction de Laurence de Finance, Jean‐Michel Leniaud.
Paperback | French ed. 280 x 240 mm 240 p | 450 col.ill. € 38,00 | Nov. 2014
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542660
Le génie d'Eugène Viollet-le-Duc a marqué de son empreinte l'histoire du
patrimoine et de l'architecture du Moyen Âge. Pendant longtemps, les
historiens se sont attachés à mettre en évidence sa science archéologique,
sa doctrine en matière de restauration et son activité au service du
patrimoine. À partir des années 1970, les idées qu'il avait exprimées sur la
création architecturale ont à leur tour été l'objet d'étude.
Les visions d'un architecte
Barcelona´s master architect receives the treatment he deserves in this
stunning and comprehensive new book, which fully details all his
architectural works, from collaborative student projects to his masterpiece,
the Sagrada Familia. Lushly illustrated, with detailed texts providing
information on the history, architectural details, and changes over time of
each project, this volume is an invaluable resource for all those who
appreciate Gaudí's iconic buildings and endless imagination.
Carles Broto
Hardback | Eng. ed. 284 x 242 mm | 240 p | 399 col.ill. | 121 bw ill.
€ 49,50 | April 2015
[ES] Links
ISBN: 9788490540541
Complete Works
With 98 b/w plans & drawings
Architects have more and more materials at their disposal as technology
develops, and new uses for old materials. This book demonstrates what can
be achieved with this wealth of material choice. The choice of material can
have wide-ranging effects, making a project more environmentally friendly,
more affordable, or more versatile. Clearly divided into categories, the
information provided here offers architects and designers essential tools for
achieving their desired results.
Eduard Broto
Hardback | Eng. ed. 284 x 242 mm | 240 p | 381 col.ill. | 98 bw ill.
€ 49,50 | April 2015
[ES] Links
ISBN: 9788490540565
Manual & New Possibilities
With 86 plans & drawings
GUIDELINES: a comprehensive technical introduction lays out all the
aspects that the architect will need to consider when designing with
CASE STUDIES: This volume presents the best and most innovative
projects in recent years of container architecture, showcasing a wealth of
projects with full-color photographs, detailed commentaries and resource
lists. Bursting with great ideas and innovative solutions, it is a must-have for
design students and architects.
Carles Broto
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 220 x 220 mm | 240 p | 200 col.ill. | 86 bw ill.
€ 29,50 | April 2015
[ES] Links
ISBN: 9788490540558
Radical Container Architecture
Large-format glossy photographs, floor plans, technical details and
architectural commentary straight from the studios of the designing
architects themselves make this an invaluable volume for any design or
architecture professional. These are forward-looking projects by
internationally renowned architects whose work stands as a landmark to
innovation. The reader will find a thorough explanation of the materials and
techniques employed in each project.
Arian Monstaedi
Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 240 mm | 240 p | 310 col.ill. | 100 bw ill.
€ 29,50 | TBS
[ES] Links (tbs)
ISBN: 9788490540381
Beach Houses
Architecture in Europe has always been characterized by an inimitable
variety of style. Also current architecture, from Estonia to Spain, from
Norway, Germany to Greece is inspired by the creative interaction of
international design trends with the unparalleled and individual architectural
language unique for each country for private homes and office complexes,
religious and cultural buildings, sports facilities and airports. This Atlas
showcases the exciting esthetical, technical and typological diversity.
Markus Sebastian Braun
Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 330 x 240 mm | 512 p | 1500 col.ill. € 92,95 | April 2015
[G] Braun
ISBN: 9783037681923
Atlas of European Architecture
Concrete is an all-around talent, already in use in ancient Rome and since
the second half of the 20th century one of the most important building
materials.This volume provides an overview of contemporary realized
projects. Their selection presents the many faces of concrete and the
breadth of design possibilities of this building material. Furthermore,
excursuses are dedicated to the role of concrete in product design.
Chris van Uffelen
Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 250 mm | 352 p | 700 col.ill. € 79,95 | March 2015
[G] Braun
ISBN: 9783037681893
Pure. Strong. Surprising
Christian Liaigre
Hardback | Eng. ed. 265 x 230 mm 360 p | 607 col.ill. € 138,95 | March 2015
[F] Flammarion (Eng)
ISBN: 9782080201874
Christian Liaigre, a visionary interior designer, unveils ten of his most recent
projects from around the world. Over the past twenty-five years, Christian
Liaigre has built his reputation on the refined quality of his furniture and
interiors. This handsome large-format volume is a visual feast of exquisitely
reproduced images, offering inspiration for professional architects and
interior designers, as well as home chic aficionados
Liaigre: 12 Projects
Imagine the Mediterranean, with stunning
fields of lav - ender, crystal clear water and
ancient gnarled olive trees. Straddling three
continents, the lifestyles of the residents are
marked by European, African and Asian
influences. The living culture around the
largest inland sea resulting from the
interaction of those influences with the
special climate has always been a source of
inspiration for the rest of the world. Sunny
terraces, shady courtyards and colors which
reflect the landscape, the sky and the sea
are only a few of the characteristics. This
volume presents the exciting creative
variety of contemporary homes and
apartments designed by international
architecture firms along with up-andcoming local architects. These dwellings
can be mini - malistic or opulent, newly
constructed or remodelled old ruins, from
Ibiza to Tel Aviv, from Greece to Morocco.
Manuela Roth
Hardback | Eng. ed. 335 x 235 mm | 192 p | 200 col.ill. € 48,95 | Feb. 2015
[G] Braun
ISBN: 9783037681978
Mediterranean Living
Stylish and Elegant or Close to Nature
What was once considered incomplete and in need of repair, is chic and hip
today. Rough Style presents buildings and spaces by architects and interior
designers who work out expressive and most rigorous design concepts.
Refraining from the accustomed ideals of beauty and perfection is the new
approach. The uncompromising and exciting relationship in the encounter of
innovative design schemes and raw unfinished states or traces of the past
opens up new esthetic horizons, creating new standards of value.
Sibylle Kramer
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm | 456 p | 700 col.ill. € 79,95 | April 2015
[G] Braun
ISBN: 9783037681954
Rough Style
Architecture, Interior, Design
Cities are fascinating places that attract
growing numbers of people every year.
They offer seemingly unlimited
opportunities and a vibrant cultural life. And
people's homes are as varied as the cities
themselves. Living in Style City shows the
most stunning urban homes from around
the world. Whether it's a New York
apartment, a London townhouse, or a Berlin
loft, this richly illustrated coffee table book
features endless inspiration. Discover the
private side of the world's most enchanting
cities and immerse yourself in beautiful
interiors that reflect their local culture. One
common thread ties all of the presented
styles together: a love of urban living.
Photographs by Andreas von Einsiedel & Reto Gungtli
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732431
Living in Style: City
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732219
The interiors of the homes presented in Living in Style Country are
influenced by their pristine surroundings of untouched nature, majestic
mountains, and crystalline lakes. These escapes are nothing less than
spectacular, appointed with natural building materials to maintain an
atmosphere ranging from vintage to cutting-edge modern. From a traditional
English manor and cozy Provençal or Tuscan cottages, to opulent summer
residences on the American coastline.
Living in Style: Country
Photographs by Andreas von Einsiedel
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732448
The old-world charms of Morocco and a modern lifestyle are perfectly
compatible, as this stunning volume proves. Featured interiors showcase
living areas that seamlessly flow, lush green courtyards, and richly
ornamented décor. Despite the eclectic details, the rooms never seem too
busy; they exude a peace and warmth that accommodate contemporary
design elements as well.
Living in Style: Morocco
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm 208 p | 200 col.ill. € 49,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732202
Nordic countries are frequently listed as having the highest quality of life
worldwide, according to multiple studies. But Northern Europe doesn't just
score high in social issues. Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark are
known for their spectacular fjords, untouched nature, and their clean
interiors. Scandinavianstyle interiors exude a classically modern elegance,
boasting both innovation and the highest comfort standards.
Living in Style: Scandinavia
Francesc Zamora
Hardback | Eng. ed. 191 x 191 mm 504 p | throughout col.ill. € 31,95 | March 2015
[US] Collins US
ISBN: 9780062352019
Featuring interiors that exemplify the beauty and simplicity of small-space
design, 150 Best Mini Interior Ideas is the latest volume in the bestselling
150 Best series. Composed of stunning photographs, floor plans, and
insightful text, this book will help you discover how architects and designers
from around the world work within a confined square footage to create
innovative living spaces. 150 Best Mini Interior Ideas profiles a diverse
range of homes, from rural and urban constructions to town houses.
150 Best Mini Interior Ideas
Deze zomer gaan Nederland en België een
spannende confrontatie met elkaar aan in
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Van
beide landen zijn de beste ontwerpers en
ontwerpen uit twee eeuwen naast en
tegenover elkaar te zien. Van de
overdadige en sierlijke Belgische art
nouveau tot de strakke Nederlandse variant
en van de verfijnde ambachtelijkheid van
onze zuiderburen tot het meer conceptuele
design in eigen land. Wie wint of eindigt
deze 'design derby' in gelijkspel?
Expo: 13/6/2015 - 13/9/2015,
Museum Boijmans Van
Beuningen, Rotterdam
Mienke Simon Thomas, Frank Huygens, Paul Rem, Werner Adriaenssens, Marc Dubois, Fredie Floré, Frederike Huygen, Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a.
Hardback | NL ed. | 247.x.185.mm.
| 240 p | €.35,00.|.June.2015
[NL] Boijmans van Beuningen
ISBN: 9789069182858
Design Derby
Nederland-België (1815-2015)
In the summer of 2015, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen will be staging a
retrospective of Dutch and Belgian design over the past 200 years. Four
hundred objects will be on show from the two neighbouring countries,
varying from silver, glass, ceramics and posters to furniture, fashion and
cars. The objects will be presented next to each other, in chronological
order. At each moment of the time-line from 1815 to 2015, the visitor can
see the most interesting items.
Expo: 13/6/2015 ‐ 13/9/2015
Design Derby
Mienke Simon Thomas, Frank Huygens, Paul Rem, Werner Adriaenssens, Marc Dubois, Fredie Floré, Frederike Huygen, Jeroen van den Eijnde e.a.
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 247 x 185 mm | 240 p | € 35,00 | June 2015
Netherlands-Belgium (1815-2015)
ISBN: 9789069182865
[NL] Boijmans van Beuningen
This handsome volume provides a treasure trove of 'stories' that will shed
new light on the iconic designs that we use without thinking, aspire to
possess, love or hate (or love to hate) and which form part of the fabric of
our everyday lives.
Grace Lees‐Maffei
Hardback | Eng. ed. 249 x 190 mm | 240 p € 37,95 | Jan. 2015
[UK] Bloomsbury Academic
ISBN: 9780857853523
Iconic Designs
50 Stories about 50 Things
Didier Teisonnière
Hardback | French ed. 270 x 210 mm 124 p | 80 col.ill. € 35,00 | March 2015
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542707
Créée en 1921, la lampe Gras tient une place inédite dans l'histoire du
luminaire. D'une conception révolutionnaire et d'une grande sobriété, elle a
vocation à satisfaire aussi bien le monde de l'industrie que le secteur
tertiaire alors en plein essor. Le jeune Le Corbusier, passionné par la
problématique de la lumière, l'adopte et se l'approprie dès le début des
années 20.
Le Corbusier et la lampe Gras
Patrick Favardin
Hardback | Eng./ Fr. ed. 305 x 230 mm 352 p | throughout col. & bw ill.
€ 65,00 | Nov. 2014
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542691
Cet ouvrage écrit par Patrick Favardin, spécialiste des arts décoratifs de la
seconde moitié du XX e siècle, revient sur l'en-semble du parcours de
Matégot, de sa découverte du métal perforé, pendant la Seconde Guerre
mondiale, à ses dernières tapisseries des années 80. Grâce à de nombreux
documents d'époque provenant notamment des archives familiales, il aide à
mieux comprendre la genèse de ses créations, mais aussi à découvrir
comment l'artiste contrôlait avec finesse la production et la diffusion de ses
Mathieu Matégot
Jacques Barsac,
Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 544 p | 1500 col.ill. € 95,00 | March 2015
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542608
Pendant sept décennies, Charlotte Perriand (1903-1999) a contribué à
façonner le monde de ses inventions, laissant derrière elle un sillage
d'images, d'objets, de lieux et d'édifices, autant de registres d'une oeuvre
qui apparaît désormais dans toute son ampleur. Ce premier volume de
l'oeuvre complète offre une analyse détaillée de ses premières années de
création, très fertiles, aussi bien dans le domaine du design que de
l'architecture ou de la photographie.
Charlotte Perriand
L'oeuvre complète. Volume 1 - 1903-1940
Jacques Barsac,
Hardback | French ed. 305 x 230 mm 544 p | 1500 col.ill. € 95,00 | March 2015
[F] Norma Editions
ISBN: 9782915542714
Ce deuxième volume de l'oeuvre complète de Charlotte Perriand retrace
des périodes particulièrement importantes de son oeuvre: ses deux séjours
au Japon en 1940-1941 et 1953-1955, et ses réalisations pour la
Reconstruction, marquées par sa collaboration avec les Ateliers Jean
Prouvé et de grands architectes de l'époque : Le Corbusier, Pierre
Jeanneret, Paul Nelson, Jean de Mally, Kenzo Tangé etc. Sont reproduites
in-extenso les 60 pages de son fameux article « L'art d'habiter »
Charlotte Perriand
L'oeuvre complète. Volume 2 - 1940-1955
Jenny Lee
Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 200 mm 152 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 24,00 | Jan. 2015
[NL] BIS Publishers
ISBN: 9789063693763
Material Alchemy has been devised to showcase the most innovative,
thought-provoking design approaches to materials within the 21st century.
Enlisting the help of luminaries from the world of science, technology, and
design showcases new responses to material innovation and provides key
insights into how material will be utilised to shape our future environments.
Material Alchemy
by Antonia Edwards
Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 210 mm 256 p | 275 col.ill. € 46,95 | March 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791349503
Upcycling is the process of transforming seemingly low value items into
something new. Today's upcyclists are creating stunning furniture, lighting
and art objects that combine values of superb craftsmanship and design
with ideas of how "waste" can be both inspiring and informing. While the
environmental and financial benefits of upcycling are readily acknowledged
here, these designers and makers show how the practice can result in
pieces that are as aesthetically exciting.
Reclaimed and Remade Furniture, Lighting and Interiors
Tapiwa Matsinde
Paperback | Eng. ed. 250 x 200 mm 208 p € 32,50 | May 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291627
Moving far beyond such tired stereotypes as safari chic, this book revels in
Africa's astonishing creative efflorescence.
Contemporary Design Africa
Anna Yudina
Hardback | Eng. ed. 180 x 180 mm 272 p | 590 col. & bw ill € 24,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517765
As the definition of designer expands and architects today create everything
from jewelry to urban masterplans, a new wave of objects ranging from
furniture to small-scale architectural inventions is transforming our interior
spaces. Boosted by digital design and manufacturing possibilities, a rising
global group of independent makers is making this crossover of furniture
and architecture one of the hottest and most innovative fields of design.
Furnitecture presents some two hundred examples.
Furniture that Transforms Space
Jonathan Openshaw
Hardback | Eng. ed. 290 x 230 mm 260 p | throughout col.ill. € 39,00 | May 2015
[NL] Frame
ISBN: 9789491727610
This book will look at contemporary artisans who are deeply influenced by
the digital world in which we live, but who reject processes such as 3D
printing as a final output. Inspired by the internet and a screen-based
aesthetic, they choose to craft things by hand, rendering a postdigital
mindset in tactile materials, such as metal, glass and wood. It represents a
return to the physical in the digital age.
Postdigital Artisans
Craftsmanship With a New Aesthetic in Fashion, Art, Design and
Olivier Dupon
Hardback | Eng. ed. 250 x 195 mm 320 p | 718 col.ill. | 7 bw ill.
€ 39,95 | March 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517758
Craft is no longer a trend; it is now an enshrined aspect of modern life. This
sequel to Olivier Dupons bestselling The New Artisans the book that began
it all showcases 60 new makers whose creations will inspire and delight.
The book is divided into two sections for ease of reference. The first profiles
the artisans in easy-to-follow alphabetical order, while the second part
consists of a directory of products, neatly divided into categories.
The New Artisans
Günther Raupp
Hardback | Eng./ Germ./ It./ Chin. ed. 370 x 290 mm 304 p | 250 col.ill. € 98,00 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732349
In advertising, everything is an innovation. But what is truly innovative?
Since 1930, the Pininfarina design firm of Turin, Italy, has been answering
that question. This is where the Cistalia 202 was developed, the first vehicle
to be added to MoMA's permanent collection. The list goes on: the interior
of the new stadium for Juventus Turin, the Nash Healey Spider seen in Billy
Wilder's Sabrina, and the legendary Ferrari Dino 246 and Ferrari
The Pininfarina Book
Deyan Sudjic
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 216 mm 272 p | 300 col.ill. € 85,20 | April 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847844999
An impressive book dedicated to the innovative designs of Sony, a
trailblazer in personal electronics and pioneer of the legendary and highly
successful WALKMAN(R), Handycam(R), and other portable electronics.
This book beautifully catalogs their vast achievements in design and impact
on global culture for almost seventy years. In-depth case studies from
Sony's archives on the development of the WALKMAN, the Handycam, the
flat-screen TV, and the PlayStation make this the definitive history of Sony
Sony Design
Making Modernity
Nigel Barker
Hardback | Eng. ed. 289 x 216 mm 240 p € 42,50 | Feb. 2015
[US] Collins US
ISBN: 9780062345844
Interweaving 200 gorgeous photographs and informative and entertaining
anecdotes, Models of Influence profiles 50 women who have made an
unforgettable impression on fashion, the modeling industry, and our notions
of beauty. Eight chronological chapters, each of which spotlight an era,
feature the stories and images of women who made their mark. Stunning in
its breadth and beauty, comprising some of the finest fashion images over
the last 70 years, Models of Influence is a celebration of fashion.
Models of Influence
50 Women Who Reset the Course of Fashion
Fairchild Books
By Holly Price Alford and Anne Stegemeyer
Paperback | Eng. ed. 279 x 216 mm 544 p | 888 col.ill. € 110,00 | Dec. 2014
[UK] Bloomsbury Academic
ISBN: 9781609019693
Who's Who in Fashion captures the energy, drama, and excitement of the
luminaries working in the world of fashion. This lushly illustrated book
features profiles of fashion legends as well as newcomers and
nonconformistspast and presentwho make up the rich tapestry of the
fashion industry. This new edition includes 382 profiles and 888
photographs, alphabetical tabs for easy access, pronunciation guides, and
categorical icons to identify individuals. Updated timeline and awards listing.
Who's Who in Fashion
(6th edition)
Amber Jane Butchart
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 225 mm 224 p | 141 col.ill. | 69 bw ill.
€ 39,95 | March 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517802
Tommy Hilfigers preppy classics, this is the first and only book to celebrate
nautical fashion and all its iconic looks. Nautical style has an enduring
sophistication, and this volume is a glorious celebration of its perennial
popularity, tracing the history of its trends and impact on the clothes we
Nautical Chic
Amy Leverton
Paperback | Eng. ed. 246 x 172 mm 272 p | 265 col.ill. € 27,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674186
Denim Dudes is a street style book with a difference. This richly illustrated
title showcases over 80 metalheads punks, indie kids, rockabillies, bikers,
hipsters, geeks, and other enthusiasts who are obsessed with denim. The
photography has been shot exclusively for the book in Paris, Tokyo,
London, New York, LA, Milan, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Barcelona,
Melbourne and Berlin.
Denim Dudes
Street Style. Vintage. Workwear. Obsession.
by Isabelle Thomas
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 240 x 160 mm 192 p | 145 col.ill. € 24,95 | Feb. 2015
[US] Abrams Image
ISBN: 9781419715877
In addition to anecdotes on the history of shoes, Thomas and Veysset
incorporate the commentary of Ines de la Fressange, Christian Louboutin,
Dita Von Teese, and other important French models, collectors, designers,
and more. Offering inspiration on every kind of shoe for every occasion,
more than 150 vibrant street-style photographs reveal which shoes Parisian
women are wearing today. Concluding with a Paris shopping guide, this
book is the ultimate tribute to shoes in the city where they are worn the best
Paris Street Style
Linda Watson
Paperback | Eng. ed. 290 x 200 mm 312 p | 350 col.ill. € 40,95 | Apr.2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780675787
Featuring 75 of the world's most legendary designers, this book presents
the story of fashion through the fascinating personal lives and innovative
collections that have shaped the field over the past century. Arranged in a
broadly chronological order, this compelling book outlines the impact that
inventive individuals have had on the development of fashion.
Fashion Visionaries
Josh Sims
Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 197 mm 208 p | 350 col.ill. € 32,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780672717
Behind nearly every item in the feminine wardrobe there is a first of its kind
that has spawned countless others. While the definitive example often
created by a single designer has achieved icon status, its various
reinterpretations, season after season, have become fashion staples. Icons
of Womens Style examines the most influential and legendary garments and
accessories their provenance and history, the stories of their design, the
celebrities who made them famous.
Icons of Women's Style
Manami Okazaki
Hardback | Eng. ed. 270 x 193 mm 208 p | 215 col.ill. € 39,20 | April 2015
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791349497
Across Japan, women and men are rediscovering the kimono. Comfortable,
versatile and easily adapted to reflect one's personal style, the kimono is the
perfect canvas from which to create a head-turning ensemble for any
occasion. While exploring the origins and evolution of this traditional
garment, Manami Okazaki explains how the once-ubiquitous kimono
disappeared from everyday life only to reappear as a fashion statement.
Kimono Now
Gemma A. Williams
Hardback | Eng. ed. 230 x 177 mm 256 p | 360 col. & bw ill € 30,95 | March 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291641
Fashion China is the first highly illustrated introduction to Chinese fashion,
showcasing the work of 41 contemporary designers and labels, with some
based in Mainland China and some in the West. Revealing interviews with
each of the specially selected designers cover their training, inspirations,
motivations, outlook and how they understand their work in the global
fashion industry, making this a must-read book for all students of fashion
and design, industry buyers and fashion enthusiasts.
Fashion China
Kristi O'Meara
Paperback | Eng. ed. 246 x 173 mm 368 p | 690 col.ill. € 32,50 | March 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291795
This book showcases textile and surface design by some of the most
exciting up-and-coming designers worldwide and points to the future of this
vibrant field. It includes illustrative, abstract, geometric, floral,
representational and digital designs; and knitted, woven, hand-dyed and
digitally printed fabrics. In tandem with the rise of exciting new technologies
is a renewed appreciation of traditional craftsmanship and the handmade; of
the tactility and construction of fabrics of all kinds.
The Pattern Base
Over 550 Contemporary Textile and Surface Designs
Expo: Savage Beauty,
14/3/2015 - 19/7/2015, V&A
Museum, London
Claire Wilcox (ed)
Hardback | Eng. ed. 310 x 240 mm 304 p | 300 col.ill. € 69,95 | March 2015
[UK] V & A Museum
ISBN: 9781851778270
Accompanying the V&A's landmark exhibition Alexander McQueen: Savage
Beauty, and taking the key themes of the exhibition of tailoring, gothic,
primitivism, naturalism and futurism, this comprehensive catalogue features
previously unseen material as well as groundbreaking essays and feature
spreads by multiple authors and leading fashion commentators.
Alexander McQueen
Giorgio Armani
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 568 p | 150 col.ill. | 200 bw ill.
€ 136,50 | May 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847845309
A comprehensive celebration of the fashions of one of the world's most
revered designers. On the eve of the company's fortieth anniversary, this
lavish book focuses upon the key creations and important milestones in the
history of the celebrated Italian designer and his eponymous fashion house.
With personal texts written by Giorgio Armani, the book contains
biographical details interwoven with the story of the company.
Giorgio Armani
Illustrations by James Gulliver Hancock
Hardback | Eng. ed. 140 x 191 mm 128 p | 150 col.ill. € 16,95 | April 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780789329196
The Bow Tie Book includes a brief history of the bow tie and features more
than 100 full-color and black-and-white photographs of bow tie wearing
men, along with quotes and essays from bow tie wearers, designers, and
their admirers. It also includes over 20 full-color illustrations created
specially for this book by noted artist James Gulliver Hancock, as well as a
fully illustrated and removable "How to Tie a Bow Tie" cheat sheet. The Bow
Tie Book makes the perfect gift for the uniquely stylish man.
The Bow Tie Book
Jeffrey Banks, Doria de la Chapelle, Isaac Mizrahi
Hardback | Eng. ed. 305 x 229 mm 192 p | 150 duotone ill. € 50,95 | April 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847844784
The ultimate celebration of the hat. Featuring cloches, top hats, visors,
wide-brimmed hats, berets, fedoras, turbans, sun hats, and more.
Underwood shares her inspirations from art, cinema, historical periods, and
nature. She also offers her readers guidelines on how to choose a hat. The
book's lavish illustrations showcase her many years of collaborations with
top designers as Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta, Marc Jacobs, a.o. With
images from Richard Avedon, Norman Parkinson and Bruce Weber.
Patricia Underwood
The Way You Wear Your Hat
Mini Edition
Drusilla Cole
Paperback | Eng. ed. 200 x 156 mm 304 p | 342 col.ill. € 20,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674711
This stunning picture book chronicles one hundred years of classic patterns,
featuring designs in a wide variety of styles, art movements and countries of
origin to give an overview of surface design from the beginning of the last
century to the present day. The book is full of original patterns from textiles,
wallpaper, furniture and ceramics and other decorative designs. Images are
arranged by colour and retro and contemporary images come together so
that exciting and unexpected juxtapositions occur.
Pattern Sourcebook
A Century of Surface Design
Yoshiko Tsukiori
Paperback | Eng. ed. 245 x 190 mm 88 p | 30 col.ill. | 150 bw ill.
€ 24,50 | Jan. 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674094
A complete wardrobe for little girls of 28 pieces from smart dresses to
smocks, trousers and even a parka. As childrens clothes should be, these
designs are comfortable and practic al to wear as well as pleasing to look at.
Comprehensive instructions, with step-by-step diagrams, are included,
together with a full-scale paper pattern in five sizes (covering roughly ages 3
to 10).
Girly Style Wardrobe
Samantha Elliott
Hardback | Eng. ed. 257 x 216 mm 240 p | 300 col.ill. € 40,95 | May 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674728
Knit is an exciting and dynamic design area, with new technologies opening
up a wealth of creative possibilities for designers, as well as innovative uses
of traditional techniques. Witty, hyper-real and luxurious designs are being
used by fashion designers, while artists, activists, and community groups
are reinterpreting the medium to stunning and surprising effect.
Innovation in Fashion, Art, Design
Nordicana celebrates the objects, aesthetics and traditions that have
inspired our obsession, with a quick introduction to 100 icons of Scandi style
and Nordic cool, accompanied by beautiful illustrations.
Whether it is the inimitable Faroe Isles jumper, made famous by TV
detective Sarah Lund; the unusual-tasting delicacy salted liquorice; the
ubiquitous Swedish Dala horse; the concept of 'hygge' (a feeling evoked by
being in candlelit warmth with friends during winter); ...
Hardback | Eng. ed. 190 x 190 mm | 192 p | 100 col.ill. € 21,20 | May 2015
[UK] Cassell
ISBN: 9781844038053
100 icons of Scandi style & Nordic cool
This book features 14 original projects that will inspire you to create your
own digitally printed textile designs. Digital techniques are inspired by
traditional handcrafts such as patchwork and embroidery, and utilize Adobe
Photoshop and Illustrator. Previously the preserve of professional designers
or fashion and textile colleges, digital printing is now available in high-street
bureaus, where anyone can send a file to be printed on the material of their
choice, ready to make and wear.
Print, Make, Wear
Creative Projects for Digital Textile Design
Paperback | Eng. ed. 265 x 200 mm | 176 p | 300 col.ill. € 32,50 | March 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674704
There aren't many other ways to better
escape everyday woes than on a
motorbike. They invoke emotions and a
longing for adventure. Form and precision
define these machines as timeless and
important cultural objects. Simply put,
motorcycles make a statement. All you
have to do is just hop on, rev up, and go.
Within these pages you'll experience the
thrill of feeling the wind on your face on a
journey through the exciting world of
motorcycles. Readers will delve into the
game-changing bikes and gear as well as
the songs and films that sought to replicate
the yearning for independence and
rebellion. Riveting tours, the world's most
unique motorcycle shops, and legendary
events are also highlighted throughout this
compelling title.
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ Germ. ed. 320 x 250 mm | 224 p € 49,90 | Feb. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732509
Motorcycle Passion
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 176 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732226
Football is much more than "11 people, 1 goal." It's a beloved big-screen
theme-just think of Stephen Frears' The Van or Victory with Michael Caine,
Sylvester Stallone, and Pelé. It is the subject of hundreds of books and
songs, so it's only logical that we devote a volume from our new The Stylish
Life series to football: Here's to the fashion whims of the footballers on and
off the pitch, the Cristiano Ronaldo-ization of football, 'rock-n-roll, and the
glamourous life.
The Stylish Life: Football
Qu'est-ce que les frères Gallagher d'Oasis, Franz Beckenbauer, Albert
Camus Diego Maradonna, Elton John, et David Beckham ont en commun ?
Tous ont traversé les frontières du football et de la culture pop. Ils sont des
musiciens pop obsédés par le football, des footballeurs qui chantent ; des
prix Nobel de littérature qui jouent au football, des footballeurs qui écrivent
des livres, des pop stars propriétaires de clubs de foot, ou des footballeurs
qui deviennent des pop stars...
The Stylish Life: Football
Hardback | French/ Germ. ed. | 287 x 223 mm | 176 p | € 39,90 | March 2015
ISBN: 9783832732240
[G] teNeues
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 176 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Feb. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732288
Defined by a distinctive and quirky dress code, golf is as much about
good-natured wagering that accompanies each round. For this very reason,
it attracts socialites, captains of industry, and prominent celebrities looking
to relax in sylvan surroundings. Access to clubs is highly coveted for the
prestige it grants-as well as the sporting pleasures.
Hardback | French/ Germ. ed. | 287 x 223 mm | 176 p | € 39,90 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9783832732301
[G] teNeues
The Stylish Life: Golf
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 176 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | March 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732257
Defined by glamour, sleek design, and wealth, yachting is the ultimate in
dolce vita leisure- a floating world elegantly captured within this volume's
stunning photographs and informative text. A blend of craftsmanship,
innovation, and fine materials, these refined vessels are as posh as they are
practical. From the crowned heads of Europe and business moguls to
Hollywood screen legends and socialites, readers gaze at some of the most
noted names in the world as they display their nautical prowess.
The Stylish Life: Yachting
Depuis des temps immémoriaux, l'homme a pris la mer à la recherche de
sensations fortes ou de détente. Définie par le glamour, le design brillant et
la richesse, la navigation de plaisance est le loisir suprême de la dolce vita un monde flottant élégamment capturé dans ce volume aux photographies
impressionnantes et aux textes informatifs. Mélanges d'artisanat,
d'innovation, de matériaux nobles, ces navires raffinés sont aussi chic que
The Stylish Life: Yachting
Hardback | French ed. | 287 x 223 mm | 176 p | € 39,90 | March 2015
ISBN: 9783832732271
[G] teNeues
Hardback | Eng. ed. 287 x 223 mm 176 p | 120 col. & bw ill € 39,90 | Feb. 2015
[G] teNeues
ISBN: 9783832732318
More than "just a game," tennis has always been a sociable pursuit where
whom and where you play defines the whole experience. An entire culture
has developed around this chic pastime. Witness a whole pantheon of
tennis legends who combine athleticism with stylish flair while experiencing
the charisma of such modern stars as Maria Sharapova and the charm of
all-time great Arthur Ashe From Wimbledon to other prestigious venues
around the globe, tennis courts are a place to see and be seen.
The Stylish Life: Tennis
This essential reference for all those who
love nothing better than to lace up their
walking boots features routes varying from
the rugged delights of the Pembrokeshire
Coastal Path to the Harz Witch's Trail high
up in the German mountains. The
hand-picked excursions take in mountain
passes, woodland paths, ancient Native
American trails and much more. There are
easy walks for beginners - some lasting
barely an hour - and more demanding
challenges that may take several weeks.
Every fact-packed entry provides a wealth
of information, including start and ?nish
points, overall distance, di?culty rating,
maps and the time it should take to
Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 160 mm | 960 p | 800 col.ill. € 32,50 | May 2015
[UK] Cassell
ISBN: 9781844037919
1001 Walks
You must experience before you die
Hardback | French/ Germ. ed. | 287 x 223 mm | 176 p | € 39,90 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9783832732332
[G] teNeues
Andy Standing
Paperback with flaps | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 144 p | 250 col.ill. € 19,95 | April 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565181
In 1 Plank Projecten ging auteur en houtbewerkingsenthousiast Andy
Standing de uitdaging aan om uit één enkele plank telkens een ander leuk
en praktisch item voor in huis te maken. Een gereedschapskist, een
windhaan, een messenblok, laptophouder, een vouwstoel, schoenenrekje.
alle 20 projecten zijn haalbaar, zowel voor professionelen als
amateurhoutbewerkers, en bovendien gemakkelijk uitvoerbaar.
1 Plank Projecten
Creatieve Houtbewerkingsprojecten uit één plank
Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm 128 p | 75 col.ill. € 19,95 | Feb. 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565020
Naai-, kook-, knutsel-, fotografie- en andere zelfmaakblogs zijn niet meer
weg te denken uit het internetlandschap. Maar hoe start je zo'n
zelfmaakblog? Welk platform kies je? En waarom? Hoe maak je jezelf en je
bezigheid boeiend voor lezers? Hoe voeg je foto's en video's toe? Hoe
maak je een aantrekkelijke lay-out? Wat zijn tags? Hoe vaak moet je
updaten? Hoe krijg je meer volgers? Kan je een centje bijverdienen met je
blog? Welke apps kunnen je helpen bij het bloggen? Hoe maak je online
vrienden, ...
Make it - Blog it - Share it
Handige gids voor creatieve bloggers
Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 228 mm 288 p | 700 col.ill. € 39,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500239278
Bursting with practical techniques, engaging artist profiles and inspirational
galleries, Drawing & Painting combines an authoritative category killer
approach with a contemporary aesthetic guaranteed to appeal to all artists.
The books up-to-date approach is a far cry from the dry instructions and
dated artwork that feature in more traditional art books. In contrast to other,
largely project-orientated titles, Drawing & Painting places the emphasis on
the techniques themselves.
Drawing and Painting
Materials and Techniques for Contemporary Artists
Pepin Press' Paper Craft Books contain
decorated cards and sheets in various
weights and sizes that can be used to
create and customize a vast range of paper
craft projects. Included are postcards,
envelopes, mailers, posters and large
sheets (50x70cm) printed with dazzling
designs. Fancy stickers and strips of tape in
various shapes and sizes allow you to
further decorate and seal your envelopes
and packages.
8 pages with introduction
32 removable postcards
32 postcards to colour yourself
16 envelopes
8 sheets with stickers, labels and tape
2 large posters
12 large sheets of gift & creative paper
Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm | p € 29,95 | Jan. 2015
[NL] Pepin ‐ Paper Craft Books
ISBN: 9789460094019
Art Deco Fashion & Style
Paper Craft Book - Livret de créations en papier
Pepin Press' Paper Craft Books contain
decorated cards and sheets in various
weights and sizes that can be used to
create and customize a vast range of paper
craft projects. Included are postcards,
envelopes, mailers, posters and large
sheets (50x70cm) printed with dazzling
designs. Fancy stickers and strips of tape in
various shapes and sizes allow you to
further decorate and seal your envelopes
and packages.
8 pages with introduction
32 removable postcards
32 postcards to colour yourself
16 envelopes
8 sheets with stickers, labels and tape
2 large posters
12 large sheets of gift & creative paper
Paperback | Eng. ed. 345 x 250 mm | p € 29,95 | Jan. 2015
[NL] Pepin ‐ Paper Craft Books
ISBN: 9789460094002
Paper Craft Book - Livret de créations en papier
A Gift book full of wordplay alternative
wisdom and fun.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 105 x 148 mm | 112 p € 10,00 | March 2015
[NL] BIS Publishers
ISBN: 9789063693749
Somethink completely different is about
playing (around) with words differently,
about being poetic differently, about making
you smile differently, about inspiration and
wit, but differently. The writer Mwah has
formed his own signature style of getting to
the core of matters by twisting familiar lines
and pronunciations. The result is a book full
of one-liners and language jokes that are
recognizable yet renewing at the same
Somethink Completely Different
100+ Funny, Inspirational and Thought-Provoking One-Liners
Hardback | No text 187 x 125 mm 100 p € 7,50 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9789085867043
Five new Museum Notebooks (blank notebooks):
Christoffel Plantin met passer. ISBN 9789085867043
James Ensor met waaier. ISBN 9789085867029
Redouté. Les Roses. ISBN 9789085867050
Rik Wouters. Lezende vrouw. ISBN 9789085867036
James Ensor, De intrige. ISBN 9789085867012
Museum Notebook
Christophel Plantin met passer
Friendship is...A big welcome at the airport, wearing the same outfit by
accident, letting you show off, coming to the rescue, and so much more!
From Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar, famed illustrators and the authors of
Happiness Is., this adorable gift book illustrates the very best things about
friendship. The charming, make-you-smile illustrations hit just the right note
and give us hundreds of reasons to appreciate our friends.
Lisa Swerling and Ralph Lazar
Paperback | Eng. ed. 152 x 152 mm | 272 p | throughout duotone ill. € 12,50 | Feb. 2015
[US] Chronicle Books
ISBN: 9781452136578
Friendship is...
500 Reasons to Appreciate Friends
Jeffrey Brown
Hardback | Eng. ed. 165 x 165 mm 64 p | throughout col.ill. € 15,50 | April 2015
[US] Chronicle Books
ISBN: 9781452138107
In this funny and sweet new book in the bestselling Darth VaderT series,
Eisner Award-winning author Jeffrey Brown offers an intimate look at the
friendships between best pals in the Star Wars universe, from Darth Vader
and the Emperor to Leia and her Ewok pals, Han and Chewie, C-3PO and
R2-D2, the bounty hunters, and other favourite characters.
Darth Vader and Friends
Keep track of important info in these pocket-sized, eco-friendly journals
featuring adorable new Star Wars best friend illustrations by artist Jeffrey
4 notebooks (2 lined and 2 blank), each notebook: paperback with stitched
spine, 48 pp, 100% FSC-certified paper, soy-based inks, full-colour cover,
1-colour interior illustrations, bellyband, polybagged.
Paperback | Eng. ed. 141 x 111 mm | 48 p € 11,95 | April 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts
ISBN: 9781452138091
Darth Vader and Friends
Four Mini Eco-Journals
Like a paper version of your funniest friend, this pocket-sized volume
provides an honest look at the single life, while also offering commonsense
reassurance that everything's going to work out fine. Probably. Maybe.
Definitely. Great break-up gift--just add ice cream.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | 112 p | 29 col. & bw ill € 9,50 | March 2015
[US] Knock Knock ‐ Books
ISBN: 9781601066817
100 Reasons to Panic About Being
Our much-loved 100 Reasons to Panic series has struck a chord with its
candid yet comforting take on modern anxiety. With this journal spin-off, you
can now embrace--and exorcise--your apprehension every day. Because if
you're freaking out, you should get it out.
Flexi (Pb luxe) | Eng. ed. 209 x 146 mm | 128 p € 14,95 | Feb. 2015
[US] Knock Knock ‐ Gifts
ISBN: 9781601066770
100 Reasons to Panic About Having a
Baby Journal
A Journal for the Knocked Up
This journal's cover showcases a classic Keith Haring pattern embossed in
black and blue and a pop of bright yellow on the page edges. This standout
journal has 160 lined pages and a lay flat, sewn binding great for everyday
use. The perfect gift for any art lover or writer with style.
lay‐flat journal, 160 lined pages. Embossed cover. Colored page edges
Hardback | Eng. ed. 222 x 159 mm | 160 p € 17,95 | Jan. 2015
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery
ISBN: 9780735343801
Keith Haring
Colored Edge Journal
Bright green page edges and shiny record groves on the cover make the
Beatles No. 1 Singles Colored Edge Journal a standout place for your
writing, notes, and more. The band's twenty-seven #1 hit songs are all
featured on the full-colour interior liner, making this a tasteful tribute and a
perfect gift for any Beatles fan.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 222 x 159 mm | 160 p € 17,95 | Feb. 2015
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery
ISBN: 9780735343306
The Beatles No. 1 Singles
Colored Edge Journal
This colourful notepad invites list-makers and ideators to turn that spark into
a brilliant idea. Featuring 10 different ways to unleash creativity with visual
diagrams, idea funnels, mind maps, and more, this chunky pad is a
brainstormer's delight.
Brilliant Ideas Launch Pad
Generate & Capture Your Best Ideas
Inspired by classic Italian packaging and stationery, celebrated designer
Louise Fili brings her pencil collection into full colour. This fun and stylish
set, a companion to Fili's Perfetto Pencils, contains twelve double-sided
pencils in six tutti frutti shades, ideal for drawing or writing. 12 double-sided
pencils, 6 colors: red/green; blue/orange; yellow/purple
Kari Chapin
Paperback | Eng. ed. | x mm | 90 p | € 16,50 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9781452132662
[US] Chronicle Gifts
Louise Fili
Boxed | Eng. ed. | 187 x 57 mm | 12 p € 15,95 | March 2015
ISBN: 9781616893378
Tutti Frutti Pencils
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts
This journal set exemplifies sophisticated and modern design: the pastel
palette, gold foil accents, and geometric patterns add style to your writing or
3 perfect‐bound journals 96 pages each, Gold foil embellishment
Paperback | Eng. ed. 152 x 121 mm | 96 p € 16,50 | Jan. 2015
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery
ISBN: 9780735343733
Geometric Pastel
Petite Journal Set
A charming pairing of vintage artwork and typography for book lovers and
world travellers alike, the Vintage Prints Travel the World Bookplates offer
80 decorative and functional peel-off labels, handy for labeling your
favourite books or organising your home office.
80 labels, 8 designs, packaged in a poly bag
| Eng. ed. x mm | p € 7,50 | Jan. 2015
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery
ISBN: 9780735343252
Vintage Prints:Travel the World
One Good Book at the Time
Bookplates - Book of Labels
| Eng. ed. | x mm | 4 p | € 16,20 | feb. 2015
A picture-perfect way to keep a desk tidy! Eye-catching and functional, this
vintage-inspired desk accessory will be an instant favourite of cam­era
ISBN: 9781452135212
Vintage Camera
[US] Chronicle Gifts
Artful Organizer
Just the type of thing to thrill analogue-obsessed note-takers, this box of
notepaper mimics the shape of a real typewriter in petite proportions ideal
for desktop display. Perforated sheets for notes-with watermarks just like
vintage type­writer paper-pull out of the box top.
Kari Chapin
Boxed | Eng. ed. 127 x 102 mm | 55 p € 14,95 | April 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts
ISBN: 9781452136318
Typewriter Paper
This journal is the perfect traveller's companion :50 elegantly tinted maps,
showing the whole world, are ready for you annotations, explorations or
reminiscences: as they are printed in uncoated paper stock, you can write or
draw over them as you desire, and this journal will rapidly become a truly
personal atlas of your world and record of your travels. The back of the
book also contains a handy reference with useful trave facts, including time
zones, languages, visa requirements and voltage differences.
HB with belly band, gusseted pocket attached to back with a satin‐finish ribbon
Hardback | Eng. ed. | 210 x 148 mm | 160 p | € 21,20 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9781781572504
Atlas Journal
A Travel Notebook with Meticulous Maps for the
Itinerant Globetrotter
[UK] Ilex
Measuring tape based on Le Corbusier's Modulor proportioning system on
one side, foot/inch and centimetre measurements on the reverse. Packaged
in distinctive round storage tin, in a keepsake box.
Tape measure in lidded
round tin, accordeon-fold
booklet, Foundation Le
Le Corbusier's Modulor Rule
Boxed | Eng. ed. 165 x 102 mm | p € 44,50 | May 2015
An innovative tape measure from the master of modern
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts
ISBN: 9781568980607
Cards | Eng. ed. 260 x 102 mm 20 p € 11,95 | March 2015
[US] Chronicle Gifts
ISBN: 9781452141794
A new twist on the classic calling card, this collection combines beautiful
foil-stamped calligraphy with swear words to create unique little messages
for expressing real-life sentiments on the go. This portfolio includes twenty
cards with four different messages, useful for various situations and sure to
leave an original and lasting impression on any recipient!
Calligraphuck Calling Cards
Sylvia and Stefan Lucchini
Hardback | Eng. ed. 150 x 226 mm 96 p | 100 col. & bw ill € 20,50 | March 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847845361
A delightful collection of vintage and antique postcards of New York. This
book presents a rare collection of more than 100 of the best vintage New
York City postcards, providing a snapshot of how much the Big Apple has
changed-and how much has remained recognizably the same. This
charming keepsake volume is the perfect souvenir for architecture and
history buffs and makes a wonderful gift.
Vintage Postcards of New York
The Beatles are the most famous and influential band of all time, with
twenty-seven #1 singles topping the UK and US music charts throughout
their prolific career. Each hit song is represented in this unique set of
twenty-seven record-shaped notecards with corresponding vintage single
artwork sleeves, which fold over and seal as envelopes for easy mailing.
Send a note to a music lover or keep the commemorative box as a
collector's item.
Collectable hinged box, 27 unique record‐shaped notecards and envelopes
Boxed | Eng. ed. 137 x 133 mm | p € 23,50 | March 2015
[US] Galison Gifts & Stationery
ISBN: 9780735343429
The Beatles No. 1 Singles
Notecard Set
20 cards (20 designs), 20 envelopes
Boxed | Eng. ed. | 141 x 111 mm | 20 p | € 16,50 | March 2015
This slim portfolio of to-do pads and page flags brings Marimekko's vibrant
patterns to everyday organization. A string-tie closure keeps everything
stored safely inside.
ISBN: 9781452138732
[US] Chronicle Gifts
Marimekko Notes
20 Different Notecards and Envelopes
Perfect gift for animal lovers (there's a lot of them!); use to send sweet notes
of friendship or pin for daily inspiration. 100 full-colour postcards, a 24-page
booklet and 10 tabbed dividers.
10 tabbed dividers, 24pp booklet
Boxed | Eng. ed. | 158 x 107 mm | 124
p | € 22,20 | Feb. 2015
Animal Box
ISBN: 9781616893484
100 Postcards by 10 Artists
[US] Princeton ‐ Gifts
This set of portable notebooks is inspired by the super-chic jacket design for
Paris Street Style. The three notebook covers feature the same classic
stripe pattern as the book jacket, with a few stylish embellishments (foil
stamping on the cover and a "dip-dyed" effect). The interior will have simple
ruled pages. Just like the Parisian women who influenced its design, this set
of notebooks mixes trendy and chic in way that appears effortless.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 178 x 127 mm | 160 p € 14,95 | Jan. 2015
[US] Abrams ‐ Gifts
ISBN: 9781419715785
Paris Street Style
Le Journal
POSTER | Eng. ed. 914 x 610 mm | 1 p € 14,95 | March 2015
Individually packaged (cardboard tube)
Keep Calm
ISBN: 9781423640028
Lovelit Poster
Read more books
Keep Calm and Read On
Read more books
ISBN: 9781423640004
ISBN: 9781423640011
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts
Tote Bag | No text | 241 x 241 mm | p | € 10,50 | Feb. 2015
Brand new range of tote bags that are the perfect size to carry your
BabyLit books!
The LittleLit Range
Same great quality as before just in a smaller format!
ISBN: 9781423640066
Future Author
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts
LittleLit Tote Bag
Brand new range of tote bags that are the perfect size to carry your
BabyLit books!
The LittleLit Range
Same great quality as before just in a smaller format!
Artwork © Michel Vrana
Tote Bag | No text | 241 x 241 mm | p | € 10,50 | Feb. 2015
Read to me
ISBN: 9781423640073
LittleLit Tote Bag
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts
Stylish totes for carrying your favourite books!
Tote Bag | No text | 394 x 365 mm | p | € 14,95 | April 2015
The LoveLit range are clever gifts for literature lovers
Famous quotes on your totes!
More totes, badges and notebooks are also available in this range!
ISBN: 9781423640424
Books are my Bag
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts
Tote bag
Stylish totes for carrying your favourite books!
Tote Bag | No text | 394 x 365 mm | p | € 14,95 | Feb. 2015
The LoveLit range are clever gifts for literature lovers
Famous quotes on your totes!
More totes, badges and notebooks are also available in this range!
ISBN: 9781423640035
I Love Books
[US] Gibbs Smith ‐ Gifts
Tote bag
High quality Porcelain Mugs. Color: Pure white
Dimension: Ø7.7 x 10.4. Capacity: 300 ml
Natural, lead-free, non-scrapable colours
Dishwasher and microwave safe. High impact resistance
Packed in eco-friendly (PVC-free printed) carton
boxes 11 x 10 x 10
Lewis Carroll
mug | Eng. ed. € 13,95 | Feb. 2015
ISBN: 9786082211466
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
Porcelain Mug
Paperback | No text 117 x 170 mm 160 p | throughout col.ill. € 20,00 | Dec. 2014
[BE] MediuMER
ISBN: 9789491775772
With over 150 photographs taken criss cross across our urban tissue,
Uytterhaegen directs our gaze towards today's hidden caves and
canvasses: abandoned stations, derelict bridges, desolate concrete sites.
In an uncanny and witty way Uytterhaegen bridges the gap between the
age-old Altamira cave drawings and contemporary graffiti drawings that
cover parcels of many town across the globe. What URBAN CAVE
DRAWINGS reveals, is that the painted traces we leave behind in our cities
today, share many themes ...
Carl Uytterhaegen
Urban Cave Drawings
With over 150 stickers
Studio Rarekwai (SRK)
Paperback | Eng. ed. 200 x 252 mm 108 p | 150 col.ill. € 29,50 | March 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674124
Skateboard stickers have always been highly collectable, and this will be the
first book to bring together some of the most popular stickers, both classic
and new. The book will have massive appeal, combining a nostalgic 'revival'
element appealing to the older generation of skaters, while also having a big
appeal to current younger skateboard enthusiasts. With over 150 stickers
from the top skateboarding brands.
Stickerbomb Skateboard
Hardback | Eng. ed. 220 x 175 mm 224 p | 250 col.ill. € 23,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517840
Street Craft is the next chapter in the story of Street Art. Encompassing
urban crochet, craftivism, yarnbombing, origami and lace graffiti, guerrilla
gardening, street sculpture, light projections, miniature installations and
more, this book reveals the surprising, controversial and sometimes simply
beautiful creations transforming cities around the world.
Street Craft
Guerrilla Gardening, Yarnbombing, Light Graffiti, Street
Sculpture and More
Jenny Moussa Spring
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 235 x 184 mm 176 p | 150 col.ill. € 26,50 | March 2015
[US] Chronicle Books
ISBN: 9781452135489
Graffiti made from cake icing, man-made clouds floating indoors, a luminous
moon resting on water. Collected here are dozens of jaw-dropping
artworks-site-specific instal­lations, extraordinary sculptures, and
groundbreaking interventions in public spaces-that reveal the exciting things
that happen when contemporary artists play with the idea of place.
Unexpected Art showcases the wonder­fully experimental work of more than
50 innovative artists from around the world.
Unexpected Art
Serendipitous Installations, Site-Specific Works, and Surprising
By nature, art journaling is a private activity. But when Dawn Sokol's first
book, 1000 Artist Journal Pages, broke the fourth wall and shared the work
of artists all over the United States, it created a ripple of inspiration
throughout the art journaling community. In this much-anticipated follow-up,
Sokol features more than 1000 new, captivating pages, this time by popular
demandfrom artists across the globe.
by Dawn Sokol
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 254 x 229 mm | 320 p | 1200 col.ill. € 24,95 | April 2015
[US] S.T.C.
ISBN: 9781617690778
A World of Artist Journal Pages
1000+ Artworks | 230 Artists | 30 Countries
Paperback | Eng. ed. 2160 x 185 mm 240 p | 350 col.ill. € 20,95 | Feb. 2015 ‐R/P
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780670225
Intimate and often unseen, sketchbooks provide a revealing glimpse into the
inner workings and private inspiration from the world of advertising, design,
graphic-design, fashion design, art, street art, and illustration.
Sketchbooks document the source of inspiration as well as the journey to
final execution.
The Hidden Art of Designers, Illustrators & Creatives
The Sketchbook Project is a crowd-sourced library of over 30,000
sketchbooks (and counting) submitted by people of all ages and
backgrounds from all over the world. Organised continent by continent and
featuring work from 135 different countries, The Sketch Book Project World
Tour will showcase the best and brightest work from hundreds of artists.
Paperback | Eng. ed. 255 x 200 mm | 224 p | 500 col.ill. € 29,50 | March 2015
[US] Princeton
ISBN: 9781616891688
The Sketchbook Project World Tour
Alan Kitching
Hardback | Eng. ed. 196 x 152 mm 272 p | 1352 col.ill. € 27,50 | April 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674810
Each page has been carefully created by Alan Kitching in collaboration with
Angus Hyland, making this book a work of typographic art in its own right.
Presented as an A to Z, the individual letters are divided by full alphabets,
giving the reader access to a large range of founts to reference in their own
Alan Kitching's A-Z of Letterpress
Founts from The Typography Workshop
Marcroy Smith and Andy Cooke
Hardback | Eng. ed. 220 x 175 mm 224 p | 250 col.ill. € 48,50 | April 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500517819
An insider's guide to the fresh and talented graphic designers, illustrators,
collectives, publications and galleries at the heart of a burgeoning and
creatively dynamic scene.
People of Print
Innovative, Independent Design and Illustration
Steven Heller, Louise Fili
Hardback | Eng. ed. 245 x 172 mm 352 p | 266 col.ill. € 39,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500241462
Stencils are ubiquitous in the fields of industry, military, traffic and
transportation, as well as in the home, often applied as ornamental patterns
on cabinets, walls and floors. And because they are an affordable means of
mass communication, stencils are even employed by populist, rebellious
and street-art movements. This follow-up to the cult typography volumes
Scripts and Shadow Type, perennial favourites among designers looking for
fresh and unexpected ideas, presents hundreds of examples.
Stencil Type
DAP/Cooper Hewitt
Cara McCarty
Hardback | Eng. ed. 201 x 152 mm 600 p | 1100 col.ill. € 48,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] T & H, Distributed
ISBN: 9780910503747
Cooper Hewitt possesses one of the most diverse and comprehensive
collections of design works in existence, and is the only museum in the
United States devoted exclusively to historic and contemporary design. The
book, an object in itself is organized solely by deesigner Irma Booms visual
sequencing of images. This wildly playful and surprising jaunt through the
collection embraces the user-centered experiences in Cooper Hewitts
galleries and on all of its virtual platforms.
Making Design
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum Collections
New edition
Russian Revolutionary Posters tells the story of the development of the
Soviet poster, from the revolutionary period through to the death of Stalin,
revealing the way in which tumultuous events within the Soviet Union were
matched by equally dramatic shifts in graphic art and design. Captions
accompany each poster, explaining the historical and artistic context.
Constructivist posters, socialist advertising, film posters, classic
photomontage, the heroic posters of the Great War, political satire, and
David King
Paperback | Eng. ed. 320 x 245 mm | 144 p | 165 col.ill. € 23,95 | March 2015
[UK] Tate
ISBN: 9781849763479
Russian Revolutionary Posters
From civic war to socialist realism...
When Gutenberg was asked how he arrived at the invention of the printing
press, he confessed it was as simple as seeing a new connection between
two existing products: the wine press and the coin punch.
­This inspirational, illustrated business book presents seven strategies for
cross industry innovation. It emerged from hundreds of conversations with
business leaders and innovators and is packed with ideas, approaches and
cases that you can apply in your own industry.
Ramon Vullings, Marc Heleven
Paperback with flaps | Eng. ed. 150 x 150 mm | 192 p € 12,90 | March 2015
[NL] BIS Publishers
ISBN: 9789063693794
Not Invented Here
7 Strategies for Cross Industry Innovation
Creativity Today - the management book on applied creativity and written by
Ramon Vullings & Igor Byttebier - has inspired tens of thousands of
managers, teachers and students around the world. Now this book is made
available again in a revised version, under a new title, new subtitle and with
a new cover design. All intended to focus this creativity classic more on
education and to emphasize its attractiveness as a basic guide for
businesses, schooling institutions and organizations that wish to understand
Igor Byttebier and Ramon Vullings
Paperback | Eng. ed. 238 x 170 mm | 208 p € 19,90 | March 2015
[NL] BIS Publishers
ISBN: 9789063693800
Creativity in Business
The Basic Guide for Generating and Selecting Ideas
Expo: 8/3/2015 - 7/6/2015,
M.O.M.A., New York & release
new album "Vulnicura"
Contributions by Klaus Biesenbach, Alex Ross, Nicola Dibben, Timothy Morton and Sjón
Boxed | Eng. ed. 305 x 241 mm | 192 p € 65,50 | March 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500291948
Björk is a contemporary icon whose
contributions to music, video, film, fashion
and art have influenced a generation
worldwide. Here, now, is the ultimate
celebration of this multimillion-selling
superstar. Designed by top design studio
M/M (Paris) as a slipcased world of
wonders, this publication which
accompanies springs exhibition on Björk at
The Museum of Modern Art is composed of
six parts: four booklets, a paperback and a
poster. Each booklet contains illustrated
texts by, respectively, Klaus Biesenbach,
Alex Ross, Nicola Dibben and Timothy
Morton, while the poster features artwork of
Björks albums and singles. The main book
focuses on her seven major albums Debut,
Post, Homogenic, Vespertine, Medúlla,
Volta and Biophilia and the personas
created for each one. Poetic texts by
longtime collaborator, Icelandic poet Sjón,
are accompanied by shots of Björk
performing live; multiple stills from music
videos made by directors including Michel
Gondry, Chris Cunningham and Spike
Jonze; images of Björk in breathtaking
costumes by designers such as Alexander
McQueen and Hussein Chalayan; and
shots by star photographers such as Nan
Goldin, Juergen Teller, Stéphane Sédnaoui,
Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin,
and Araki.
Contains: 3 booklets (16 pag), 1 booklet
(24 pag), a 120pp paperback, poster
This is a day-by-day account of Bowie's life from the start of 1970 to the end
of 1980, from the release of The Man Who Sold the World to Scary
It covers his glam period, Ziggy and Aladdin Sane, the Plastic Soul of Young
Americans, the Thin White Duke and Station to Station, his starring role in
the Man Who Fell to Earth, the Berlin Trilogy and ending with Scary
Monsters and the no 1 hit Ashes to Ashes.
Roger Griffin
Paperback | Eng. ed. 310 x 245 mm | 356 p | throughout col.ill. € 48,95 | March 2015
[UK] Omnibus +firm+
ISBN: 9781780380162
David Bowie
The Golden Years
Ted Russell, Donovan, Chris Murray
Hardback | Eng. ed. x mm 144 p | 150 duotone ill. € 38,50 | March 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780847845033
For those who love or have collected early Bob Dylan bootleg albums, an
archive of never before published photographs of the young Dylan, when he
first moved to New York City in the early 1960s.
Bob Dylan. NYC 1961-1964
Photographs of the Folk Singer From His Earliest Days in
Greenwich Village
Musical Journeys covers the life and times of 34 composers all the way from
Palestrina born in 1525 to Stravinsky passing away in 1971. Besides a
wealth of unusual details on some of the greatest composers the world has
seen, the book also offers useful notes on their select and celebrated works,
besides invaluable friendly advice recommending how best readers may
start building that critical first individual collection of Western Classical
music. With 160 rare archival images.
Homi Dastoor. Foreword by Zubin Mehta
Paperback | Eng. ed. 222 x 241 mm | 192 p | several bw ill. € 32,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Omnibus +firm+
ISBN: 9788192136721
Musical Journeys
A Personal Introduction to Western Classical Composers
Paul Harries
Paperback | Eng. ed. 267 x 204 mm 160 p | Several col.ill. € 27,95 | March 2015
[UK] Omnibus +firm+
ISBN: 9781783051885
Following a hugely successful touring exhibition throughout 2011-12, Paul
Harries, Britain's pre-eminent rock photographer, has now selected the best
of his stunning Slipknot photographs for a new book.Paul has enjoyed
unparalleled access to this most extraordinary band for almost 15 years.
Their ground-breaking metal music and amazing visual presence have
combined to make Slipknot an incredible success. And Paul has been up
close for the ride.
A photographic Record
Con Chrisoulis
Paperback | Eng. ed. 244 x 166 mm 464 p | throughout bw ill. € 40,95 | April 2015
[UK] Omnibus +firm+
ISBN: 9781783055876
Tales of The Smiths is a comic book retelling of the band members' teenage
years, before the group was famous, and includes fascinating digressions
about their influences (the New York Dolls, Nico, Sex Pistols, NY punk, Patti
Smith, etc) and the times in which they were growing up. The story reaches
its climax with the meeting of Morrissey and Marr, the formation of the band
in 1982 and their first gig as The Smiths.
Tales of the Smiths
A Graphic Biography
Martin Salisbury
Hardback | Eng. ed. 280 x 216 mm 216 p | 400 col.ill. € 40,95 | March 2015
[UK] Laurence King
ISBN: 9781780674087
This unashamed visual feast celebrates the best designed and illustrated
picturebooks froma around the world over the past one hundred years.
Fearlessly confronting the frontiers between a child's picturebook and art,
this is a collection of books that anyone with an interest in design, illustration
or simply children's literature should know about.
100 Great Children's Picturebooks
Originally written in the mid-1950s but unpublished until now, this novel
inspired the beloved classic To Kill a Mockingbird and features many of the
original characters. Visiting her father at her childhood home, the adult
Scout is forced to confront her feelings about the place where she grew up.
Harper Lee
Hardback | Eng. ed. x mm | 320 p € 29,50 | July 2015
[UK] Random House UK
ISBN: 9781785150289
Harper Lee
Go Set a Watchman
Penguin Classics
Though sometimes classified as a 'problem play' for its mix of turbulent
emotional and light-hearted comedy, William Shakespeare's The Winter's
Tale is a timeless study of jealousy and desire. This Penguin Shakespeare
edition is edited by Ernest Schanzer with an introduction by Russ
William Shakespeare
Paperback | Eng. ed. 198 x 129 mm | 288 p € 15,95 | April 2015
[UK] Penguin UK
ISBN: 9780141396569
William Shakespeare
The Winter's Tale
From internationally acclaimed author Haruki Murakami-a fantastical
illustrated short novel about a boy imprisoned in a nightmarish library.
A lonely boy, a mysterious girl, and a tormented sheep man plot their
escape from the nightmarish library of internationally acclaimed, best-selling
Murakami's wild imagination.
A great gift book, this unique volume is illustrated throughout and designed
as a gorgeous package. An absolute must-have for any Murakami fan as
well as anyone who loves beautiful boo
Haruki Murakami
The Strange Library
Translated by Ted Goossen
Paperback | Eng. ed. 212 x 140 mm | 96 p | 32 col.ill. € 19,50 | Dec. 2014
[US] Random House US
ISBN: 9780385354301
The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm according to David Hockney are like
no other version you will have read before. Although inspired by earlier
illustrators of the tales, from Arthur Rackham to Edmund Dulac, Hockney's
extraordinary etchings re-imagine these strange and supernatural stories for
a modern audience, capturing their distinctive atmosphere in a style that is
recognisably the artist's own.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 216 x 153 mm | 72 p | several col. & bw ill € 27,50 | March 2015 ‐R/P
[UK] Royal Academy
ISBN: 9781907533242
Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm
With Illustrations by David Hockney
Penguin Little Black Classics
Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. They
celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from
around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon
ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del
Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories
lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and
inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.
Edgar Allan Poe
Paperback | Eng. ed. 161 x 111 mm | 64 p € 1,50 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Penguin UK
ISBN: 9780141397269
Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell-Tale Heart (Penguin Little Black Classics)
Paperback | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm | p € 99,95 | Feb. 2015
[UK] Penguin UK
ISBN: 9780141981079
Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books
for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black
Classics celebrate the huge range and
diversity of Penguin Classics, with books
from around the world and across many
centuries. They take us from a balloon ride
over Victorian London to a garden of
blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to
16th-century California and the Russian
steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage;
poems epic and intimate; essays satirical
and inspirational; and ideas that have
shaped the lives of millions.
Little Black Classics
pack singles (80 volumes, 1 each)
Hoeveel honing maakt één bij? Waarom is de bijenkoningin zo bijzonder? Is
het waar dat bijen sterven als ze hun angel kwijt zijn? Bijen zorgen voor
honing, zoemen, kunnen steken en wonen in kasten en nesten die we liever
niet te dicht in onze buurt hebben. En dan zijn er nog de imkers, die
dappere mannen met hun rokende spuitbussen en vreemde pakken. Dit
alles en nog veel meer interessante weetjes verzamelden bezige bijtjes
Bruno Remaut en Bart Vandepoele in 100 Kindervragen: Bijen.
Bruno Remaut & Bart Vandepoele
Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 64 p | 75 col.ill. € 14,95 | April 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565150
100 Kindervragen
Een paard of pony. Het staat op het verlanglijstje van vele kinderen. Ook in
het digitale tijdperk spreken de kracht, intelligentie en de bijzondere band
tussen paard en ruiter nog tot de verbeelding.
Maar wat weten we nu eigenlijk over paarden? Valérie Vandenbussche,
verbonden aan het natuur- en educatiecentrum De Nachtegaal in De
Panne, heeft een hart voor paarden. Als begeleidster van vele
paardenkampen verzamelde en beantwoordde ze 100 ludieke, prangende
en originele kindervragen over paarden.
Valerie Vandenbussche
Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 64 p | 75 col.ill. € 14,95 | Aug. 2014
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058564849
100 Kindervragen
*1963 Vintage Classic*
By Barbara Emberly. Woodcuts by Ed Emberley
Hb with slip case | Eng. ed. 271 x 187 mm 32 p | throughout col.ill. € 17,95 | Feb. 2015
[US] Ammo
ISBN: 9781623260620
THE STORY OF PAUL BUNYAN shares the folktale of one of the most
famous and popular North American folk heroes. The story traces the
outdoor adventures of Paul Bunyan, the giant lumberjack, and his
companion, Babe the Blue Ox. This version written by Barbara Emberley
and illustrated through woodcuts by Ed Emberley, is a graphically and
visually stunning book. Originally published in 1963, this classic book is
another great addition to AMMO's new list of vintage classic reissues.
The Story of Paul Bunyan
The fourth in a series of books is a title that everyone will love. Each of the
20 unique monster designs are pre-cut, scored and perforated so anyone
can simply punch them out and fold them up with easy-to-follow instructions.
Whether you're a fan of things that go bump in the night or not, you'll find
these scary creatures too cute to scream at. They instantly become
awesome 3D objects to play with and display.
Paperback | Eng. ed. 305 x 235 mm | 30 p € 16,50 | May 2015
[US] Powerhouse Books
ISBN: 9781576877432
Paper Monsters
20 Easy to Make Scary Freaks
Desiree La Valette
Paperback | Eng. ed. 280 x 240 mm 32 p | 12 col.ill. | 10 bw ill.
€ 10,95 | Oct. 2014
[UK] Prestel
ISBN: 9783791372198
Children's reactions to art can be incredibly insightful and few artists attract
a young audience as much as Keith Haring, who used thick black lines,
bright colors, and striking symbols to create paintings that are as open to
interpretation as they are joyful and fun. This engaging book records
children's reactions to Haring's most imaginative drawings, and the results
are as unpredictable and profound as the work itself.
Keith Haring
I Wish I Didn't Have to Sleep
Hardback | Eng. ed. 260 x 165 mm 32 p | 40 col.ill. € 20,50 | March 2015
[US] Rizzoli
ISBN: 9780789329110
A reprint of a rare, much-sought-after 1960s-era children's book beloved by
the graphic design world and children's book collectors, Puff's midcentury
modern aesthetic will appeal to adults and children alike. Playfully mixing
type with bold graphics, Puff is a beautifully illustrated and charming
underdog story that will appeal to design fans and people of all ages.
William Wondriska
Each tile: 9x6 cm, 60 tiles
Boxed | Eng. ed. 210 x 150 mm 60 p | all col.ill. € 22,95 | May 2015
[UK] T & H
ISBN: 9780500420126
Learning Chinese is notoriously difficult and has long put off even the most
linguistically savvy Westerners until now. ShaoLan has used her
entrepreneurial and software background to unpick Chinese characters and
create a simple system for quickly understanding the basic building blocks
of the written language. Working with renowned illustrator Noma Bar, she
has developed a unique set of illustrations that are engaging and delightful
and offer a glimpse into the wonder of the Chinese language and culture.
Chineasy (TM)
Memory Game
2 x 30 cards in a box
Concept: Mieke Gerritzen
Boxed | Eng. ed. 145 x 75 mm 60 p € 15,00 | March 2015
[NL] BIS Publishers
ISBN: 9789063693787
This new title in the BIS collection of memory games celebrates all things
going from Analogue to Digital and back again. It contains 30 sets of objects
and phenomena that migrated from atoms to bits, or were born in the digital
world and have been planted in the physical world afterwards. For example:
the bitcoin and the Euro coin, the Google point on Google maps on screen
and as a physical object on the street, a carrier pigeon and the Twitter bird,
a physical thumbs up and the Facebook like-icon.
Analogue vs. Digital
Memory Game
Reprint. First published Oct. 2014
After the phenomenal worldwide success of the 1000 Dot-to-Dot Series, for
his fourth outing author and artist Thomas Pavitte is taking on the challenge
of recreating some of the worlds finest pieces of art in 1000 dots! With
Thomass unique style, 20 masterpieces by the likes of Van Gogh and
Hokusai are rendered in exquisite line drawings for you to complete
Thomas Pavitte
Paperback | Eng. ed. 420 x 300 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,50 | June 2015 ‐R/P
[UK] Ilex
ISBN: 9781781572054
The 1000 Dot-to-Dot Masterpieces
Twenty Iconic Works of Art to Complete Yourself
Thomas Pavittes amazing 1,000 Dot-to-Dot books brought a fresh spirit to a
classic pastime, and have sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.
Now he unveils an even more original and amazing concept: Querkles:
Masterpieces, the Puzzling Colouring Book. 20 iconic paintings, from Da
Vinci's Mona Lisa to Van Gogh's Sunflowers, from Vermeer's Girl with a
Pearl Earring to Magritte's Son of Man, will come to life as oversize pieces
of art.
Thomas Pavitte
Paperback | Eng. ed. 420 x 300 mm | 48 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,50 | May 2015
[UK] Ilex
ISBN: 9781781572412
Thomas Pavitte
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 420 x 300 mm |
48 p | € 16,50 | Feb. 2015
Thomas Pavittes amazing 1,000 Dot-to-Dot books brought a fresh spirit to a
classic pastime, and have sold hundreds of thousands of copies worldwide.
Now he unveils an even more original and amazing concept: Querkles: The
Puzzling Colouring Book. 20 great portraits of well known faces, from the
Mona Lisa to Che Guevara, will come to life and each can easily be
removed from the oversized book, framed and displayed.
ISBN: 9781781572405
[UK] Ilex
A Puzzling Colour-by-Numbers Book
If you love to colour, and enjoy experimenting with palettes and
combinations, then this surprising and beautifu colouring book is for you.
Discover 20 wallpapers in classic designs spaning the decades, from the
18th century to the present day. For each design there are several options,
so you can try out different colour combinations, and in addition, each is
accompanied by a room furnished for the era. The walls are yours to
complete in the colours of your choice.
Jessica Stokes, Gemma Latimer
Paperback | Eng. ed. 248 x 248 mm | 96 p | throughout col.ill. € 16,50 | April 2015
[UK] Ilex
ISBN: 9781781572429
The Wallpaper Colouring Book
Pictura is a stunning range of black-and-white artworks to collect and colour
for all ages. In this new title from the artist of A Walk through Paris, take a
trip through glamorous New York in the Jazz era (1920s/early 1930s) and
colour in famous landmarks such as the Empire State Building, the Statue of
Liberty, the Chrysler Building, Coney Island and the Yankee Stadium.
Tomislav Tomic
Paperback | Eng. ed. 230 x 160 mm | 8 p € 12,95 | Jan. 2015
[UK] Templar ‐ Pictura
ISBN: 9781783700639
Tomislav Tomic's New York Jazz
Pictura #17
Pictura is a stunning range of black-and-white artworks to collect and colour
for all ages. In this title from the artist of A Knight s Journey, an English
country house at the time of Jane Austen is beautifully pictured in black and
white. Scenes include the house greeting its visitors, guests reading in the
library, taking tea in the garden, the kitchen preparing dinner and after
dinner dancing in the magnificent ballroom.
Anne Yvonne Gilbert's
English Country Home
Anne Yvonne Gilbert
Paperback | Eng. ed. 230 x 160 mm | 8 p € 12,95 | Jan. 2015
[UK] Templar ‐ Pictura
ISBN: 9781783700646
Pictura #18
16 postcards
Pictura is a stunning range of black-and-white artworks to collect and colour,
for all ages. In this brand-new format in the Pictura range, 16 postcards
depicting the vibrant New York jazz scene are yours to colour in and
send/display as you wish.
Tomislav Tomic
Pad | Eng. ed. 160 x 120 mm | 32 p € 10,95 | April 2015
[UK] Templar ‐ Pictura
ISBN: 9781783702565
New York Jazz
Pictura Postcards
Pictura is a stunning range of black-and-white art to collect and colour for all
ages. This exciting new format includes 12 prints which can be removed
from the book, coloured in and displayed on your wall. We are presenting
two new titles - Art Deco, showcases the combination of geometric patterns
and simple lines that the movement used to such lavish effect in the first half
of the twentieth century; while the delicate, ornate florals and vintage style
of renowned designer William Morris is re-imagined by
Perforated to create 12 removable posters
Paperback | Eng. ed. 352 x 274 mm | 24 p € 16,50 | June 2015
[UK] Templar ‐ Pictura
ISBN: 9781783702244
Art Deco
Pictura Prints
Wes Anderson's eighth feature film, a
meticulously crafted, visually resplendent
matryoshka-doll caper set primarily in an
alternate-history version of 1930s Europe,
The Grand Budapest Hotel is, perhaps, the
fullest expression to date of Anderson's
varied thematic and stylistic idiosyncrasies,
influences, and obsessions. This
supplemental one-volume companion to
The Wes Anderson Collection (Abrams
2013) is the only book to take readers
behind the scenes of The Grand Budapest
Hotel with in-depth interviews between
Anderson and cultural critic and New York
Times bestselling author Matt Zoller Seitz.
Anderson shares the story behind the film's
conception, the wide variety of sources that
inspired it--from author Stefan Zweig to
filmmaker Ernst Lubitsch to Photochrom
landscapes from turn-of-the-century Middle
Europe--personal anecdotes about the
making of the film, and many other
reflections on his filmmaking process.
These interviews will be accompanied by
behind-the-scenes photos, ephemera, and
Hardback | Eng. ed. 286 x 238 mm | 256 p | 150 col.ill. € 34,50 | Feb. 2015
[US] Abrams
ISBN: 9781419715716
The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Wes Anderson Collection
From the writer of Gabba Gabba Hey! The Graphic Story of The Ramones
and Metallica Nothing Else Matters comes an explosive new graphic novel
about The Most Dangerous Band in the World, Guns N' Roses.Having sold
over 100 million albums, recorded the most expensive album ever,
endlessly courted controversy with their lyrics and a full-on hedonistic
lifestyle, Guns N' Roses are well acquainted with rock 'n' roll excess.
Jim McCarthy & Marc Olivent
Paperback | Eng. ed. 241 x 165 mm | 160 p | throughout bw ill. € 27,95 | June 2015
[UK] Omnibus +firm+
ISBN: 9781783054930
Guns 'N Roses
David Smith is giving his life for his art - literally. Thanks to a deal with
Death, the young sculptor gets his childhood wish: to sculpt anything he can
imagine with his bare hands. But now that he only has 200 days to live,
deciding what to create is harder than he thought, and discovering the love
of his life at the eleventh hour isn't making it any easier.
Hardback | Eng. ed. 216 x 152 mm | 496 p | throughout duotone ill. € 29,50 | March 2015
[UK] SelfMadeHero
ISBN: 9781906838973
The Sculptor
Scott McCloud
Brugge, een stad met een fascinerende
geschiedenis. Brugge, een stad van
mensen en verhalen. Brugge, een stad als
in een sprookje... Historicus Paul Van
Damme schreef met dit boek een ode aan
de stad, haar inwoners en haar
patrimonium. Het werd een werk dat leest
als een pageturner, met oog voor het
menselijke gelaat van de geschiedenis:
stadszichten worden wonderlijke taferelen,
huizen en pleinen decors voor
waargebeurde verhalen. De auteur bewijst
hiermee dat historische accuraatheid en
meeslepende geschiedschrijving hand in
hand kunnen gaan. Dit werk vormt een
ideale introductie voor wie Brugge voor het
eerst bezoekt, maar evenzeer voor hij of zij
die er graag terugkomt of er al levenslang
woont: toegankelijk, intrigerend en
verrassend verrijkend.
Eng. edition: 9789058565143
Paul Van Damme
Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 160 p | 80 col.ill. € 19,95 | April 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565136
Een geschiedenis, een sprookje en vele verhalen
Brugge, een stad met een fascinerende geschiedenis. Brugge, een stad van
mensen en verhalen. Brugge, een stad als in een sprookje... Historicus Paul
Van Damme schreef met dit boek een ode aan de stad, haar inwoners en
haar patrimonium. Dit werk vormt een ideale introductie voor wie Brugge
voor het eerst bezoekt, maar evenzeer voor hij of zij die er graag terugkomt
of er al levenslang woont: toegankelijk, intrigerend en verrassend verrijkend.
Eng. edition: 9789058565143
Paul Van Damme
Paperback | Eng. ed. | 240 x 170 mm |
160 p | € 19,95 | April 2015
ISBN: 9789058565143
A History, a Fairy Tale and Lots of Other Stories
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
Pénélope Lebeau et Pierre Danel
Hardback | NL ed. 220 x 220 mm 204 p | throughout col. & bw ill € 30,00 | Dec. 2014
[BE] Soliflor
ISBN: 9789078260004
De 'Innovation' zag het licht in 1897. Deze publicatie met veel archieffoto's
en getuigenissen van vroegere personeelsleden en personaliteiten zoals
Marc Eyskens, Jacqueline Bir of Grand Jojo, met de modegravures in de
belle epoque stijl, de kleurige affiches van de dolle jaren en de eerste
reclameaffiches van de hand van Hergé, Geluck of Schuiten, of de eerste
gags van Willy Vandersteen. Een echo van een stukje geschiedenis van
België, van het einde van de 19de eeuw tot vandaag.
in het hart van de Belgen
In 1565 openden de Antwerpenaars fier hun
nieuwe stadhuis. Het renaissancepalazzo
straalde de grootsheid en autonomie van
een wereldstad uit. Kort nadien brandde het
stadhuis uit en verloor Antwerpen geleidelijk
zijn glansrol. Maar het stadsbestuur ging
door met het inrichten van het stadhuis, met
beeldhouwwerken van Baurscheit, en
schilderijen van Rubens, Metsijs, Francken,
Van Veen of De Succa. De verbouwingen
vanaf de jaren 1860 sloten aan bij de
traditie van grootsheid en autonomie: toen
werd het eerste verdiep echt het Schoon
Verdiep. Opnieuw deed de stad beroep op
kunstenaars van het moment zoals Henri
Leys en de schilders die verbonden waren
aan de Antwerpse Academie van Schone
Kunsten. Dit boek neemt de lezer mee in de
lange geschiedenis van het stadhuis van
Antwerpen. Het boek plaatst het stadhuis in
de context van politieke gebeurtenissen en
bestuurlijke geschiedenis. De auteurs
besteden uitgebreid aandacht aan de
architectuur, de bouwgeschiedenis en de
rol van de Grote Markt.
Hardback | NL ed. 330 x 240 mm | 288 p | throut col.ill. € 44,95 | Feb. 2014
[BE] Pandora
ISBN: 9789053253861
Het Stadhuis van Antwerpen
450 jaar geschiedenis
In 1565, nu 450 jaar geleden, kreeg Antwerpen een nieuw stadhuis. In het
boek dat verschijnt naar aanleiding van die feestelijke verjaardag plaatsen
de auteurs de geschiedenis van de bouw van het stadhuis tegen de
achtergrond van de groei van Antwerpen van bescheiden centrum voor
jaarmarkten tot een van de belangrijkste handelscentra van Europa.
Paperback | NL ed. 200 x 170 mm | 80 p | throughout col.ill. € 10,00 | March 2015
[BE] Pandora
ISBN: 9789053253878
Het Antwerpse Stadhuis
Een verhaal van 450 jaar
Paperback | NL ed. 210 x 147 mm 102 p | throughout col.ill. € 2,00 | Jan. 2015
[BE] BAI ISBN: 9789085866886
Dit praktisch gidsje heeft de ambitie je snel wegwijs te maken in onze stad.
Het is opgedeeld in acht wijken, elk met hun eigen karakter. Of je hier komt
voor een stevige portie cultuur, om geschiedenis te snuiven, te shoppen of
culinair te genieten, het kanin elke wijk en in de hele stad.
Visit Antwerp Guide
Ontdek Antwerpen - 2015
French: ISBN 9789085866893 English: ISBN 9789085866879
German: ISBN 9789085866909
Spanish: ISBN 9789085866916
Dutch, French, English (9789085866978), German (9789085866985) ed. available
Irene Smets
Paperback | NL ed. 215 x 160 mm 80 p | 50 col.ill. € 12,50 | April 2015
ISBN: 9789085866961
In de tijd dat ze werden gebouwd (1874-1905), waren de Koninklijke Serres
van Laken iets uitzonderlijks, door hun omvang en hun moderne glas- en
metaalarchitectuur, en door de unieke plantencollectie die ze bevatten. Zij
blijven ook in de 21e eeuw een opmerkelijk monument: tegelijk groots en
verfijnd, exotisch en functioneel, exuberant en evenwichtig. En de
plantencollectie is vandaag nog steeds uniek door haar omvang en
diversiteit en door de zeldzaamheid en schoonheid van sommige bomen en
De Koninklijke Serres van Laken
Een unieke plantencollectie in een glazen paleis
À l'époque de leur construction (1874-1905), les Serres Royales de Laeken
étaient extraordinaires à plusieurs titres : en raison de leur étendue, de leur
architecture moderne toute en verre et en métal, mais aussi de la collection
botanique qu'elles abritaient, unique en son genre. Au XXIe siècle, elles
restent un monument remarquable, à la fois grandiose et raffiné, exotique et
fonctionnel, exubérant et harmonieux. Quant à la collection de plantes, elle
frappe aujourd'hui encore par sa richesse.
Dutch (NL), French, English and German editions available
Irene Smets
Paperback | French ed. | 215 x 160 mm | 80 p | € 12,50 | April 2015
ISBN: 9789085866954
Les Serres Royales de Laeken
Un palais de verre pour une collection d'exception
Frans Lauwers
Paperback | NL ed. 210 x 170 mm 100 p | throughout bw ill. € 15,00 | March 2015
[BE] Pandora
ISBN: 9789053253908
Kleine uitgave door Frans Lauwers, bekend auteur van reeds tal van
boeken over Antwerpen en Antwerpen-specialist en verzamelaar. De
grootvader van Frans Lauwers heeft meegevochten in de Groote Oorlog' en
is gestorven als krijgsgevange in een Duits kamp. Dit boek met tal van
nieuwe, nooit eerder getoonde illustraties geeft een persoonlijke kijk op het
Antwerpen tijdens de 'Groote Oorlog'.
Antwerpen en de Eerste Wereldoorlog
Hobokenaar Eduardus Pir wordt eind 1913 opgeroepen om zijn dienstplicht
te gaan vervullen. Vier jaar is hij deelgenoot van een onmenselijke oorlog.
Maar evenzeer kent hij liefde, vriendschap en vooral kameraadschap
zonder hetwelk een soldaat in oorlogstijd een vogel voor de kat is. Zijn hele
verhaal zet hij, bijna dagelijks op papier in brieven aan zijn lief. Zijn brieven
zijn vaak ontroerend en menselijk maar even vaak gruwelijk.
De 'Groote Oorlog' in zijn blootje gezet.
Brieven aan mijn lief
Korneel Paenen
Paperback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 400 p | throughout bw ill. € 24,95 | Oct. 2014
[BE] Pandora
ISBN: 9789053253854
I.s.m. het agentschap voor Onroerend Erfgoed van de Vlaamse Overheid
Kris Vandevorst
Hardback | Eng./ Fr./ NL ed. 310 x 240 mm 176 p € 30,00 | Dec. 2014
[BE] Van de Wiele
ISBN: 9789076297552
Toen WOI kwam vast te zitten in de bekende stellingenoorlog in
West-Vlaanderen, was geen enkel historisch gebouw in de frontzone nog
veilig. Middeleeuwse stadscentra, kerken en kloosters met eeuwenoude
kunstschatten en archieven, alles liep gevaar. De Belgische regering
organiseerde een reddingsactie en plaatste architect-fotograaf Eugène
Dhuicque aan het hoofd van een missie die het bedreigde erfgoed zou
inventariseren, fotograferenen zoveel als het kon in veiligheid zou brengen.
De Mission Dhuicque
Mission Dhuicque 1915-18 / 2015
Het Verwoeste Gewest - The Devastated Region - La Région
Marc Vanden Bussche, burgemeester van Koksijde, nam vijftien jaar
geleden het initiatief om een boek te schrijven over het reilen en zeilen van
het dagelijks leven tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog in Koksijde en haar
deelgemeenten. De gebeurtenissen worden op een levendige en
onnavolgbare manier verhaald door zij die ongewild deel van de
geschiedenis zijn geworden. Dit bijzondere boek bevat tevens tientallen
nooit eerder gepubliceerde illustraties.
Leven en dood in Bachten de Kupe
tijdens W.O. 1
Marc Vanden Bussche
Hardback | NL ed. 240 x 170 mm | 576 p | 200 col.ill. € 29,95 | April 2015
[BE] Stichting Kunstboek
ISBN: 9789058565129
De Panne, Koksijde, Nieuwpoort en Veurne
JournalRemembrance Journal. Portable Private Museum,...
Lined notebook for the commemoration of the First World War.
Flanders Fields 2014-18
Giedo Claes
Hardback | E/ F/ NL/ G ed. | 196.x.177. mm | 243 p | € 14,95 | Jan. 2015
ISBN: 9789085867005
Remembrance Journal
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