Tech News Fall 2014 - New England Institute of Technology


Tech News Fall 2014 - New England Institute of Technology
Fall 2014
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FALL 2014
FALL 2014
NEIT Embarks On $120 Million
Expansion Project
New England Institute of Technology continues to grow! Now entering the second phase
of its $250,000,000 development program at the East Greenwich campus, President Richard
I. Gouse announced plans for expanding academic facilities and programs along with the
construction of the college’s first on-campus residence hall.
Phase 2 of the expansion project will include the following improvements:
• More than 300,000 square feet of new facilities.
• A new 400-bed, on-campus residence hall.
• Expanded classroom space, focusing on information technology capability.
• A new student dining area.
• Expanded amenities for students including a fitness center.
• The development of a college ‘green’ open space area.
• Infrastructure upgrades to the college’s 226-acre campus in electrical, water,
sewer, drainage, and traffic flow.
President Gouse stated, “This expansion will make New England Tech the region’s largest
provider of collegiate level technology-driven training.” In addition, new and expanded
programs will be offered that will include advanced manufacturing, health
sciences, architecture, engineering, and video/audio production.
NEIT has recently completed several significant projects:
• The creation of an information technology workforce training initiative
shipbuilding/marine and advanced manufacturing
dedicated to meeting the 21st century information technology needs
industries. The additional funding will be used to offer
new programs through SAMI such as Ship Fitting,
of the region’s employers.
Pipe Welding, Sheet Metal, Pipe Fitting and Robotics.
• Accreditation renewal by the New England Association of Schools and
An additional 200 Rhode Island residents who are
Colleges, Inc., through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.
either unemployed, underemployed, TAA-eligible,
• Expansion of NEIT’s nursing simulation laboratory making the college New
veterans, and/or recent high school graduates will
England’s largest and most comprehensive health science education facility.
be served through the increased funding.
with the Town of East Greenwich and the State Department of
To date, nearly 140 individuals are currently
Transportation, NEIT has completed two major transportation projects
enrolled or have completed SAMI’s welding or
to assist with traffic flow in the campus area.
advanced manufacturing programs. The majority
• Since 2005, nearly 12,000 students have graduated from NEIT securing
of program completers have been hired by SAMI
employment with more than 4,000 companies, 2,000 of them in Rhode Island.
employer partners: General Dynamics/Electric
Boat, Senesco Marine, Blount Boats, Guill Tool
• New England Tech is proud to begin its 75th year of operation and will
& Engineering, Swissline Precision Manufacturmark this milestone with anniversary events throughout the year.
ing, RI Carbide, Pilgrim Screw, Aerotek Staffing
President Gouse concluded, “On behalf of our entire college community, I
Agency, American Welding, Rice Machinery, and
am pleased to announce this commitment to our students, faculty and staff.
Little Rhody Machine.
The first two phases in our campus development will represent a $250 million
To learn more about the SAMI program, call
dollar investment in Rhode Island and our host community, East Greenwich.
401-739-5000, extension 3700 or visit the website
This economic development investment will place our college at the most
advanced levels of workforce training for 21st century employment.”
Second $2.5 Million Grant Awarded To NEIT
New England Tech received its second $2.5
million Trade Adjustment Assistance Community
College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant
from the United States Department of Labor. This
funding will be used to expand the welding and
advanced manufacturing programs currently being offered to unemployed Rhode Island residents
through the college’s Shipbuilding/Marine Advanced Manufacturing Institute (SAMI), located
at the college’s Post Road campus.
TAACCCT provides funds to community colleges and other institutions of higher education to
expand and improve the ability to deliver education
and career training programs that can be completed
in two years or less and prepare eligible participants
for employment in high-wage, high-skill, in-demand
occupations. New England Tech is the only college
in Rhode Island to receive a TAACCCT IV award.
NEIT received its initial $2.5 million TAACCCT
Grant in March, 2013, which is slated to train 400
SAMI participants with the skills needed in the
Alison Tevyaw is a 2014 graduate of New England Tech’s
Master of Science Degree program in Occupational
Therapy (MSOT) as well as a 2011 graduate of NEIT’s
Associate in Science Degree program in Occupational
Therapy Assistant (OTA) Technology. Alison is a remarkable young woman who has also mastered the art of
parenting an 18-month old toddler and newborn twins
while traveling from El Paso, Texas, to NEIT to complete
her MSOT degree this past summer.
When Alison began the MSOT program in October,
2012, she was working full-time as a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) in Rhode Island. Her
husband was about to deploy for the second time to Afghanistan, and they were expecting their first child. Their
daughter was born in March, 2013. Alison stopped working in September, anticipating
her husband’s return from Afghanistan and their move to his new post in El Paso, Texas.
The question now became whether Alison should complete her MSOT program with
these changes in her life. After much thought, she decided to stay in the program even
though she would now be living thousands of miles away because she had already
completed half of the curriculum. Then, three months after the move, Alison learned
they were now expecting twins! Ironically the expected delivery date of the twins
coincided with the last quarter of classes. Alison stated, “Time management, finding
balance between family life and school, and a great support system is what helped
me to succeed, not to mention, my passion for learning and to grow within my career.
I love being an Occupational Therapist because it gives me the ability to actually make
a difference and to affect change and to me, that is powerful.”
What made you decide to attend NEIT?
The decision to attend New England Tech to
obtain my MSOT stemmed from having graduated
from NEIT’s OTA program. I felt that the supportive
staff in the OT Department, the hybrid class schedule
of the MSOT program, and because I was living in
Rhode Island when I began the program, would make
it a good fit for me.
How did you choose your program?
As a graduate of New England Tech’s OTA
program, I was faced with the decision of where
to attend a graduate program. Initially, I chose the
OTA program because I had a friend in the program
who educated me about OT as a career. I originally
dreamed of going to pharmacy school and had worked
as a pharmacy tech for 5+ years, but the prospect of
attending college full-time for six years plus working
full-time didn’t seem logical to me. The healthcare
field is ultimately where I wanted to be, and I knew
from my previous experience working with children
and the elderly that I would enjoy working as an
Occupational Therapist.
What did you do to get started with your career?
Initially, after graduating from the OTA program
in 2011, I had worked with Career Services a great
deal perfecting my resume and writing cover letters.
I had submitted a number of resumes for available
positions, and then one day I received a phone call
from a local agency which I had never even applied
to. I learned that the agency reached out to NEIT and
requested resumes from recent graduates to fill an
open position and mine happened to be one of them.
Tell us about your position.
Before we relocated to Texas, I worked as a pediatric COTA in a private school that provides children,
suffering with severe and profound disabilities, medical rehabilitation and individualized comprehensive
educational programs. I worked with students from
9-15 years of age who had been diagnosed with
Autism Spectrum Disorder, traumatic brain injury,
and a variety of genetic and behavioral disorders.
What do you feel ultimately prepared you for
your position?
I really think the lab time within the Occupational
Therapy program is so beneficial. The lectures are
also important, but working in the labs is where
students can put it all together and actually apply
the knowledge gained. Additionally, the benefit of
having fieldwork built into the curriculum is immeasurable. Not only do students get a wealth of
hands-on experience, they are exposed to a variety
of cases, clinicians, and complementary therapies.
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From left, seated: Terri Sardelli (BS-’08), Regina Roberts (AS-’14), Gordon Briggs BS-’99), Courtney Crone (MSOT-’12), Bob Larrabee (BS-’06). Standing: Tim Daniels (BS-’08), Cheryl Booker
(BS-’09), Rick Tobin (BS-’10), Cheryl MacDonald (AS-‘13); Lucy Garcia (MSOT-‘12); Scott Conley
(MSOT-’12); Bethany Pratt (MSOT-’12); Rebecca Renaud (AS-’98), Chris Harrington (AS-’00), Joan
Segerson, Director of Development/Alumni Relations. Other Steering Committee members not
pictured: Carole Stiles (BS-’94), Michelle Pope (AS-’90), and Kelly Marot (MSOT-’12).
Attention Alumni! Announcing ‘Mission Re-Connect’
As the college continues to grow and
evolve, so does the need for an active Alumni
Association to provide a strong conduit for
grads to stay “connected” with their alma mater.
Thus the birth of “Mission Re-Connect”, an
effort to reconnect graduates with one another
and with New England Tech.
Over the past several months, Joan Segerson, Director of Development and Alumni
Relations, has invited graduates to join in a
“conversation” to explore their desires and
expectations as members of NEIT’s Alumni
Association. She was joined by 16 grads over
the span of four conversations with participants
sharing their thoughts and perspectives on what
their Alumni Association should represent.
“The comments were interesting,” said Segerson. “But, at the core of every conversation
was a strong interest in having a vibrant and
active Alumni Association.”
From these conversations, and from a subsequent Alumni social gathering held on August
27th at NEIT, an Alumni Association Steering
Committee was formed. The inaugural meeting of the 17 member Committee convened
on October 2, 2014. It was clear from the
conversations that Alumni are concerned about
the community’s knowledge of New England
Tech. “An important first step of the Alumni
Association is raising community awareness
Continued from page 1
Do you have any advice for graduates who are just beginning their job search?
Beginning the job search can seem a bit overwhelming. My advice would be to take the first
job you find interesting even if it’s not in the specialty you may want because there will always
be other opportunities down the line. I had peers who were absolutely sure about their area
of specialty, such as pediatrics, but took a position in physical rehab or mental health instead
and now wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else. Proficiency in any specialty will always be
helpful because the same set of basic skills is needed to be competent and to build client trust.
Supervision and mentorship is key since it’s where students learn the most. Networking with
other therapists is important. Attend professional association meetings, and never be afraid to
link back up with your NEIT peers and instructors. Students can never have too many personal
and professional resources.
What can current students do to better prepare themselves for jobs in this field?
Finding balance is important for health and success. A therapist should possess patience and
determination. While completing coursework, don’t be afraid to ask for further explanations or
examples from faculty, and be sure to chat with peers to discuss each other’s viewpoints. As a
new therapist, there are many different perspectives on a variety of issues, and many times there is
no right or wrong answer. Clinical reasoning is where everything stems, and building this skill is
imperative to leading a successful career. Seeing the look on the faces of my clients when they can
successfully participate in an activity that is meaningful to them is priceless.
It Must Be Fate!
Mason Brouillette, left, with SAMI lead instructor, Todd Sposato
that NEIT is accredited by the New England
Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc., our
educational excellence and value, and the college’s non-profit status,” said Tim Danielson,
(Architectural Building Engineering Technology grad, class of 2008.)
“The lines of communication are open
and work has begun, said Segerson, “but it is
not too late for other alumni to get involved
and bring their ideas to the table.” The Steering Committee will develop a Strategic Plan
establishing future goals for the Alumni Association. All alumni interested in getting
involved in the evolution of NEIT’s Alumni
New Vice President
Kathleen Devine has joined New England
Tech as Vice President of Enrollment Management. In her position,
she will oversee the
Admissions and Financial Aid Departments.
Ms. Devine brings more
than 20 years of direct
experience in admissions, financial aid, and
campus operations.
Ms. Devine began
her career as an admissions representative,
and over the years has assumed greater responsibility by managing several admissions
departments, serving as a campus director, and
overseeing the operation of several campuses.
She is a graduate of South University with
a Bachelor of Science degree in Business
Mason Brouillette is like many 19 year old young
men trying to determine their future careers. He knew he
wanted to learn a hands-on occupation but was uncertain
which career to pursue. Then, his mother Jane told him
about a program she heard about where he could learn
the advanced manufacturing skills needed to be a machinist. There was a history of machinists in their family
because Mason’s Uncle Steven was working towards
his apprenticeship 27 years ago when he was tragically
killed in a car accident in 1987. Mason decided to follow
in his dear Uncle Steven’s footsteps.
Mason attended the advanced manufacturing orientation at NEIT’s Shipbuilding/Advanced Manufacturing
Institute (SAMI), and began classes in July with lead
instructor Todd Sposato. Mason was a quick learner, and
after several weeks of hands-on classes in the SAMI lab,
Mason was ready to continue his training with a local
manufacturing company, Colonial Tool, in Coventry,
RI. Soon after his training began, the company offered
Mason a position. Mason along with his instructors and
family were thrilled.
Machinists use their own set of tools on the job so
Mason asked his grandmother if he could use his Uncle
Steven’s tools. She gladly turned the toolbox over to
Mason which had been stored in her basement for the
past 27 years. Mason brought the toolbox to class and
Association are strongly encourgaged to do
so. The Steering Committee will meet again
on November 13th at 5:30 p.m. at NEIT’s East
Greenwich Campus. Contact Joan Segerson
at 401-739-5000 ext. 3704 or via e-mail at
[email protected] if you would like to
assist the Committee with this important work.
2014 Employee
Campaign Begins
New England Tech kicked off its 2014
Employee Campaign on October 22nd. The
campaign will run through November 21,
2014; employees can make donations throughout the 2014-2015 fiscal year which runs from
July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.
An Employee Campaign is a vital part of
any college or university’s Annual Fund. It’s
important for NEIT to show that its employees
are committed to the college, its future goals,
and the success of its students. Employees have
the option of choosing where their donations
will be utilized such as the employee scholarship fund, the construction of the college’s
new residence hall, or a specific technology
While 100% participation is always
the goal, the 2013 Employee Campaign
achieved a 61% participation rate, an extraordinary accomplishment. “In 2015, New
England Tech will be celebrating its 75th
Anniversary and what better way to commemorate this milestone than by achieving
a 75% employee participation rate,” stated
Steve Kitchin, Vice President, Corporate
Education and Training.
asked Mr. Sposato to help him restore the toolbox and
re-calibrate the tools. Looking through the toolbox, they
found his uncle’s apprenticeship log book. When Mr.
Sposato read the log, he realized that he knew Steven
back in the 1980’s when they were both completing their
apprenticeships. As Sposato stated, “Mason and I felt an
instant connection.” He told Mason that he bought supplies at a company in Pawcatuck, Connecticut, where his
uncle worked and the two of them would chat. Then one
day when Mr. Sposato returned to the supply company,
Steven was no longer working there. He never knew
what happened to him, until now.
When Mason told his grandmother that Mr. Sposato
knew his uncle, she immediately called Jane who stated,
“I received a call from my mother that evening. She
explained to me that when Mr. Sposato read through my
brother’s apprenticeship log book, he realized that he
knew Steven many years ago. The sound in my mother‘s
voice was amazing. She sounded alive again.” Mason’s
mother later sent the following message to Mr. Sposato,
“This is not a coincidence! This was meant to be! The
SAMI program is not only a wonderful opportunity for
Mason, but it has meant much more to us as a family.
I can’t thank you enough for what you did for Mason. The entire SAMI process has been such a positive family
changing experience.”
New England Tech Respiratory Care (RC) students completed a capstone project focusing on
advocating for the Medicare Respiratory Therapist Reimbursement Act–HR 2619. RC students met
with Congressmen James Langevin and David Cicilline to present their views on the importance
The Grainger Foundation has generously donated $5,000 to NEIT
to provide scholarships to students in the Associate in Science
Degree program in Refrigeration/Air Conditioning, Heating and
Gas Technology. On the right, presenting the check to NEIT’s
Robert R. Theroux, Vice President of Finance and Business Administration, is Jim Crowley, Branch Manager of W.W. Grainger,
Inc. in Warwick, RI.
Mark your
calendar for upcoming
Tech Nite
Open HouseS
• Tuesday, February 3, 2015
• Tuesday, April 14, 2015
• Tuesday, June 9, 2015
All Tech Nites begin at the East Greenwich campus and
run from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Fall 2014
Page 3
of the HR 2619 Act. Both Congressmen were so impressed with the students’ presentations that
they agreed to co-sponsor HR 2619. This capstone project will be submitted as a “Best Practices” model for Respiratory Care advocacy to the American Association of Respiratory Care.
Architectural Building Engineering Technology program held
the “Faculty Awards for Excellence in Design” on September
10. Faculty members nominate students who have excelled in
design studio work demonstrating superior creativity, imagination, sensitivity and technical competency. Nominated were
Victoria Cornell, Interior Design, Freshman Residential Studio
and David Nacci, Architectural Building Engineering Technology, Senior High Rise Studio with David receiving the award.
His project was Capital Condominium/Hotel Tower located in
Providence, RI.
New England Tech’s Automotive Open House was held on
August 13, 2014, at the Center for Automotive Technology, at
NEIT’s Access Road campus. Visitors had the opportunity to
meet with local employers about career opportunities. The
companies represented were Inskip Automall, Geico, Electric
Boat, BMW Gallery, Pro Tech Automotive Services, and Balise
Collision. Pictured from left are three NEIT grads representing
their companies: Tony Bodine, Pro Tech Automotive Services;
Mathew Gouin, BMW Gallery; and Scott Badillo, Balise Collision.
Power Game Day 2014!
The Video Game Design Technology program held its 5th Annual NEIT Power Game Day on October 24th
with a record audience in attendance. Students were treated to industry insights from speakers from Sonalysts
Studios, Defective Studios, WGBH Digital, Dassault Systemes SIMULA, Muzzy Lane Studios, Fablevision, Disco
Pixel, VT MAK DiGuy, and animator and NEIT adjunct instructor Pete Paquette.
During the mini-trade fair, students interacted with the speakers to gain additional information and to network.
Several student teams exhibited games they had created and developed in their coursework, getting valuable
feedback from the crowd of game testers.
Evening video game tournaments were sponsored by NEIT’s Game Developer’s Network Student Club. The
event was a fundraiser with all proceeds going to Hasbro Children’s Hospital and the Children’s Miracle Network
as part of the national “Extra Life” gaming marathon fundraisers. Winners were crowned in three tournament
games, Guitar Hero, Super Mario Brother’s Smash Mouth, and Injustice.
International Student
Orientation 2014
More than 58 new international students and their families were welcomed to New
England Tech on October 1st. Current NEIT international students Tiffany Samuels,
Sherika Parfitt, Ziggy Dawkins, and Antonio Adderley served as peer leaders.
Mark Seltzer, Director of International Admissions, along with Catherine Fabrizi,
International Student Advisor, and Angela Marzolo, International Admissions
Specialist, covered important topics with the students that included immigration,
academic policies, transportation and legal issues. Members of NEIT’s administrative staff also addressed the students regarding student life, academic advisors,
the Academic Skills Center, on-line technology, and library services. Students and
guests were treated to lunch and visited with vendors that included the Central
Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce, Stop & Shop Peapod grocery delivery service,
YMCA, and RI Public Transit Authority.
New England Tech welcomes these international students to our college community.
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Graduates from NEIT’s Associate in Science Degree in Veterinary Technology program were
presented with the Veterinary Technician Pin in recognition of completion of their course of
study as a Veterinary Technician. It is worn as a symbol that the technician is an educated,
credentialed professional. The ceremony was held on September 24, 2014. Congratulations
to Taylor Anicelli, Deneige Arguin, Brittaney Benjamin, Lauren Chardon, Lindsey Dias, Alyssa
Fugere, Jennifer Hogan, Sarah Hurd, Kathryn Lincoln, Meghan McClain, Shannon McCusker,
Gabrielle Pensis, Audrey Perkins, and Meagan Stockhecker.
Challenge Needs You!
The 9th season of the Rhode Island FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition
of Science and Technology) Tech Challenge hosted by New England Institute of
Technology is well underway. The upcoming state competition is scheduled for
Saturday, January 31, 2015, at the college’s Center for Automotive Technology at 101 Access Road, Warwick, RI.
NEIT is looking for technical professionals, faculty, staff, alumni, and students interested in helping middle
school and high school robotics teams prepare for this high energy competition.
This season, 45 teams are already designing and building their robot. Adult volunteers are assigned key roles to
keep the qualifier competitions and state tournament on track. You don’t need to be an expert in robotics or engineering, just a willingness to support these ambitious students with their interest in technology is what’s important.
Only 33 FIRST® robotics teams will earn their way to the state tournament. Qualifier competitions will be
held on November 22, 2014, December 6, 2014, and January 3, 2015, at NEIT’s East Greenwich campus, One
New England Tech Blvd., to determine those teams advancing to the finals.
To volunteer, contact Erin Flynn, NEIT’s Manager of Admissions Outreach and Events and the R.I. FIRST®
Robotics Tech Challenge Affiliate Partner, at 401-739-5000 or [email protected].
The Career Services Office held the annual Veterinary Technology Career Fair
on September 16. Hospitals and clinics throughout New England attended
the event to speak with Veterinary Technology students and graduates and to
gather resumes and applications for new technician positions. The employers
were invited to tour the Veterinary Technology program’s high tech labs and
facilities. Many of the employers were first time attendees and stated that
students and grads were “enthusiastic, well-trained and very professional.”
Dean’s List
Emilson A Abotsi.................AUB
Francisco J Adames.......... MGTA
Kayode D Adebayo................ITN
Jesse D Aitken..................... AUT
Ralph T Akanni..................... ITA
D’Angela L Alberty................CJB
Wayne S Alexander............RACH
Matthew E Allard.............. MCTB
Kelsey C Allen.......................VET
Holly R Allison....................... RC
Brendan S Almeida............ CYBT
Maria C Almeida.....................ST
Ryan M Alves.........................ITS
Michael J Amaral.................DRA
Soraia A Amorim................... RC
Peter W Amylon....................VAP
Joshua L Andrade..................ITS
Francisco E Andujar........... ITBS
Jenna L Arzoumanian.............ST
Anthony J Badessa............ MGTA
Kevin Baez.............................ITS
Ryan C Bahnsen....................VAP
Amanda L Balch..................BCD
Steven D Ballirano.................ITS
David M Balls.....................ELTB
Beatriz S Bankong............ MGTA
Mark R Bardol...................ELTB
Justin A Barreira....................ITS
Jacob A Barrios.................VDEA
Antonio Battaglia............... VDVA
Emmalee A Bauckman...... MGTA
Slade D Baxley.................... BCM
Matthew J Beck................. VDVA
Kristopher W Becker.........ABTB
Stas A Belch............................ CJ
Anthony F Belmonte III......VDEA
Aaron J Beltram................MGTB
Elizabeth A Bemis.............. CYBT
Zachary P Bernard............VGDA
Nathaniel D Berry................. ITA
Francisco J Bettencourt......ITBN
Jill Billiau............................NUR
Kasey L Birtz.........................VET
Ryan D Bishop...................GDSB
Dane S Bliss....................GMWB
Matthew J Boccanfuso..........PTA
Sarah Leigh Boettner............PTA
Matthew D Bolles..............GDSB
Bryan T Bollhardt...............AAST
Marc J Bousquet..................AUB
Matthew G Bowen................. ITA
Kimberly L Bowman.............VET
Caleb S Bradford...............VGDA
Harrison J Braley.................DRA
Christopher C Bray............GDSB
Nicholas J Brecken..............BCD
Morgan R Breidinger...........NUR
Rachel N Briggs.....................ITS
Thomas A Brindamour.......ITBN
Jamal T Brooks................ MGTA
Jason A Brown....................ITBN
John M Brown................... CYBT
Kyle J Brunelle...................AAHP
Brittany K Burgess...............NUR
Nathan D Butterfield...........ITBN
Garrett J Byerly Jr..............MCTA
Mishonette A Cadore......... ABTA
Rachael E Calder...............ABTB
Joseph D Camara Jr...............MT
Silas J Campbell.................GDSB
Francis M Carbah Jr.......... CYBT
Andrew A H Carney........... MCTB
Patrick A Carr....................AAHP
Kevin Carrier Jr...................... CJ
Emily A Casey......................CMA
Miguel A Casillas Jr............ VDVA
Anthony M Catanzaro.............. CJ
Nicholas J Cellini...............ABTB
Stephanie L Chalke...............VAP
Daniel D Champagne......... AAUT
Mariline K Chantre........... MGTA
David Chen........................MCTA
Jasmine K Chin..................VGDA
Eric M H Chou................... AAUT
Paul A Christopher............GDSB
Blair R Church.................... OTA
Christopher N Churchill..... VDVA
Frank D Ciliberto............... AAUT
Matthew M Ciociola.............BCD
Nicole M Cioffi......................CJB
Grace M Clancy...................HIM
Alan M Clark......................ELRE
Sean D Clark..................... VDVA
Jennifer L Coba................. MGTA
Eileen Collado........................ST
Christopher J Collins............ITN
JJ Connolly..........................VPM
Christopher J Consiglio..... CMTB
NEIT’s Quality Service STATEMENT
Quality Service for students, employees and customers at New England Institute of Technology is
knowledgeable and informed employees working as a team to provide more assistance and information
than expected, in a caring and professional manner, in order to empower the students to achieve their goals.
The following students have achieved academic excellence for the quarter ending September 27, 2014. These full-time students
have been placed on the Dean’s List for achieving a GPA of 3.6 or higher on a maximum scale of 4.0. Congratulations to all.
Jonathan M Contreras............ RC
Andre A Cordeiro.............. CYBT
Michael G Cordeiro...............ITS
Keri J Corrow.........................ST
Laurel R Cost.......................CMA
Marissa L Costeira...............NUR
Joshua R Coutu.................. CYBT
Alyssa N Coyle...................... OTA
Lauren E Cressman............VDEA
Lisa M Criscione...................VET
Kyle S Crombie..................GDSB
Laura A Crowley................ABTB
Matthew C Culbertson...........VAP
Alexandra K Cuneo................ RC
Kimberly DaCosta...................ST
Marina A DaCosta...................ST
Kevin P Daly......................... ELY
Jason B Dargie..................... ELY
Emily F Darling.....................VET
Lauren D Dascomb..............NUR
Abigail M DaSilva..................VET
Kyle J Daun...........................ITN
Miguel F DeAlmeida........... ITBS
John-Scott R Delija............ AAUT
Kristiana M DellaPosta..........VET
Stephany L DePina............... OTA
Alfredo B DePina Jr...........ABTB
Nino Desposati..................... ITA
Thomas P Desrosiers.........ASMB
Alyssa N Dessler.................... RC
Brian E Dias.......................ITBN
Leonardo Diaz...................MCTA
Roger E Diaz..................... VDVA
Martin T Dillon III................ITN
Brian M Dilworth..............MCTA
Vera D Dionne...................... ELY
Edward P DiPasquale........... ELY
John R DiVerdi...................ELRE
Keith M Doherty...................PTA
Allyson T Dolan................ MGTA
Joanna A Donofrio............GMWA
Deshawn E Donovan...........ITBN
Christopher J Doucette......... ITA
Quentin J Doyonnas...........VGDA
Paula A Ducharme...............HIM
Adam A Duderewicz..........GDSB
Kyle Duquette....................ABTB
Natasha C Durand................ OTA
Abigail R Dyer...................... ITA
Richard A Dykas...................PTA
Edward L Eacueo..................VAP
Ryan J Edwards.................... ITA
Elisha M Eldred...................CMA
Kelsey C Emmett................VDEB
Tatiane Espada...................... RC
Craig S Everitt Jr................VDEB
Alden J R Falcone.............MGTB
Mark A Falter........................ITS
John J Falvey IV.................... ITA
Jennifer Fink..................... AAUT
Jordan A Fish........................ITN
Andrew M Fishman...........GMWA
Michael J Fiyod.....................ITN
Joshua E Flanigan............... BCM
Ashley D Flowers....................ST
Katie K Fogarty......................PTA
Raymond J Folgo...................MT
Joshua N Fontaine..............ESTA
John Ford IV.........................ITN
Sean M Foster................... MCTB
Chelsey J Fournier................ ELY
Catherine Freitas..................IDB
Jonathan S French................ ELY
Bryan C Fricot................... ABTA
Hanna L Fritz........................VET
Corey J Furtado.................... ITA
David M Gagliardi..............MCTA
Steven J Gagne....................ELTB
Kenneth J Gallagher............... RC
Angela M Gambro................ OTA
Shaun M Gannon.................. ITA
Brandon P Garcia..............MCTA
Kayla L Gardner...................VPM
Chavo G Garland.................ELRE
Sarah D Gautreau................ OTA
Samantha R Gauvin.............. OTA
Evertone A Gayle............... MGTA
Anthony R Gemba Jr............VPM
Kenneth J Gengo Jr.............. ITN
Byron K Geoffrey............... CYBT
Bridget M Gilmore................PTA
Patrick Gleavey.................GMWA
Daniel W Goldsmith.............DRA
Idilia M Gomes....................HIM
Andrew M Gordon................CJB
Nicholas Gosselin..............VGDA
Stephen A Gossmann........GMWA
Megan N Goyette...................VET
Jonathan S Graban................PTA
Matthew R Grace................. AUT
Jacob J Gray..........................ITS
Thomas M Greatorex............ ITA
Christopher R Gregory..........ITN
Beau J Guidry........................ITS
Jose I Guzman.....................BCD
Joel Q Hagenburg.................CJB
Douglas J Hagerty...............ESTA
Amanda Handfield............ MGTA
Ean A Hansen.....................ITBN
Vishnu R Harnarine...........MCTA
Kevin C Harrop..................... ITA
Alicia H Hartman.................HIM
Kayla E Hasney.......................ST
Shannen M Hawksley...........CMA
Harold A Hazard................RACH
Devon S Hebert.................RACH
Michael P Hebert Jr............ELRE
Jonathan J Henderson.........DRA
Vanessa M Henderson......GMWA
Nathan D Henry....................ITN
Kelly C Hernandez................ ITA
Jillian L Hersey.................... OTA
Evan A Hickey.......................ITN
Justin J Higgs.........................MT
Joshua T Hill........................PTA
Julie L Hill.........................BSOT
William D Hollinghurst Jr..ASMB
Kimberly K Horan................HIM
Steven A Horibin................GDSB
Aaron W Hoydich............. CMTB
John R Humes......................ITN
Alysha M Hutchinson............IDA
David P Iezzi...................... AAUT
Kimberly D Jackson.............. ITA
Silvia R Jacobowitz...............PTA
Sean Jacobson................... ABTA
Louis M Jardin.....................DRA
Matthew H Jesus................ ABTA
David A Jimenez................ CYBT
Sindy M Jimenez................... ITA
Amy M Johnson.................... ITA
Kenneth L Johnson........... CMTB
Glenn D Josephides...........AAHP
David A Joynt........................PTA
Heather A Julian...................PTA
Eric K Jussaume..............GMWB
Robert J Kaminsky................ ITA
Kelly A Kania........................ OTA
Thomas W Karnau.............. ITBS
Christopher F Kayrouz..........ITN
Jack Kayrouz.....................GDSB
Vincent Kel.............................ST
James M Kelly....................... ITA
William D Kent.....................ITN
Kenneth R Kenyon............ MGTA
Rebecca L Kenyon.............VDEA
Joshua M Keyes.....................ITS
Jason Kincaid....................VGDA
Joshua R Kingman................PTA
Stanley R Klein.....................NUR
Stephen C Koester................. ELY
Agnieszka D Korycki...............ST
Dakota Kosmenko.............PLBH
Allison L Krystofolski............PTA
Connor K Kummerl............AAHP
Matthew R LaBianca..........GDSB
Ronald M Labrecque............ITN
Andrew J Ladouceur..........GDSB
Ryan E LaFleur..................VGDA
Timothy M LaFleur.............VGDA
Justin K Lake.......................... CJ
David J Landi.........................ITS
Brianna F Landry................. OTA
Mitchell D LaPlume........... CYBT
Sebastian E Lara....................ITS
Jessica E Lavery....................VET
Saheed A Lawanson................ CJ
Andrew Laychak................GDSB
Danny Le............................ELRE
Nora R LeBlanc....................VET
Paul J Leger.......................VDEA
Joshua T LeGoff.................. ITBS
Jeffrey T Lenihan...............RACH
Max F Lenzner....................ELRE
Jessica R LeVasseur..............CJB
James E Lewis......................... CJ
David E Lindstrom Jr.............MT
Eann R Liska......................AAST
Chang Liu............................. ITA
Russell J Locke..................... ITA
Michael Loeven.................. ITBS
Ane C Loevseth...................ESTA
Kira M Lollar..................... ABTA
Joseph G Lombardi.............ITBN
Tiana D Lonardo............... MGTA
Joshua J Loper...................RACH
Jordan H Lord...................MCTA
Erik Lougee...................... ITBS
Jessica L Lundquist..........GMWB
Leonard A Macari................. ELY
Edward D Maccarone III...... ITA
Mathew Maccord...............VDEA
Brian J MacDonald............... ITA
Jameson A Mack................ABTB
Stephanie L MacKenzie.......... RC
Sean C MacLaughlin............... CJ
Rebecca L Maerkle...............PTA
Thomas J Magnan.............MGTB
Lindsey-leigh A Maiuri..........IDB
Mark G Majndle.................ITBN
Alexis M Manchester............VAP
Rory L Manier................... CYBT
Meagan D Marcoux.............NUR
Francisco X Marquez...........DRA
Simon G Marshall.................VAP
Elise L Martin......................NUR
Brett A Martins.................. ABTA
Mark J Mateos......................ITN
Amanda M Mathieu.............CMA
Scott P May........................PLBH
Jeffrey C McCann................ESTA
Meghan M McClain...............VET
Stephen J McCormick......... ITBS
Thomas P McGrath............ ABTA
Alexander C McIntosh.......ABTB
Martyna McMahon..............CMA
Andrew Mega....................AAHP
Ashley E Meizoso................. OTA
Moises Menendez................... CJ
Fabrizio R Mesiti...............GDSB
Sydney E Meyers...................PTA
Steven L Michalski Jr............ ITA
Joshua T Miller..................... ITA
Sunny Mistry...................... AAUT
Mari L Mitchell.......................ST
Christian R Molina.................ITS
Michael J Mon...................... ITA
James M Montesano..........AAHP
Justin S Mooney....................PTA
Robin M Mooney............... CYBT
Kory M Morash..................... ITA
Raysa Moreira......................PTA
John W Morgan.................. BCM
Matthew W Morin...............ESTA
Geoffrey R Morneau...........ELRE
Jason C Moroney..............GMWA
Sherry J Morra...................... RC
Phillip D Morrell...............VDEB
Julie Morriseau.................... ITA
Jessica Moten................... MGTA
Matthew A Mousseau........ MGTA
Sean M Mowry......................PTA
Evan S Mullen....................... ELY
Carol S Muller.....................NUR
Kathryn A Murphy.................. RC
Marc J Murphy.....................VAP
Michael A Napoleoni.............ITS
Candon T Needham...........GDSB
Rebecca J Nickson................PTA
Matthew J Nile...................GDSB
John-Oscar Nilsson..........VGDA
Carolyn F Norman...............CMA
Daniel C Nye...................... AAUT
Ryan P O’Connell..............MGTB
Caitlin O’Keefe.....................NUR
Kyle P Oelofse.....................ITBN
Adetayo O Okeowo............... ITA
Jillian M Oliveira.................NUR
Eryka M Olney.....................NUR
Ryan P Ortega....................PLBH
Eric C Osial......................... BCC
Irving N Outerbridge Jr.........ITN
Tyler J Pacheco.................GMWA
James R Paiva....................RACH
Francisco X Palacios IV.....ABTB
Israel J. Parada......................ITS
Joshua Parker...................VGDA
Colin E Parkhurst............. MCTB
Naitik C Patel.........................ITS
Laura B Patterson................ OTA
Alayna F Pawlowski...........ABTB
Anthony B Pelleccione............ CJ
Angel Jose Pena Ortiz.......... OTA
Gabrielle J Pensis.................VET
Jamie M Penta..................... OTA
Nathan S Pereira...................PTA
Kimberly M Perez................ OTA
Ian S Perry........................... ITA
Andre M Petrarca.................. RC
Stephen M Petrarca............ELTB
Daniel Pettus......................ITBN
Melanie E Phyfe....................PTA
Lynda C Pierce..................... OTA
David A Pietraszka................. RC
Fall 2014
Page 5
Where your former
classmates are
The Career Services Office can attest to the fact that they
are working in very exciting jobs! We wish them continued
success in their careers and all of their future endeavors.
On left: Virgilio Tavares, Assistant Professor in Automotive Technology, with Peter Conroy. On right: Jason Hicks II with Ray Mann,
Assistant Professor in Automotive Collision Repair Technology.
A Good Deed
Jason Hicks II and Peter Conroy, 5th quarter students in NEIT’s
Automotive Collision Repair Technology program, decided to work
together on a community service project for the Cranston Fire Department. Their task was to transform a government surplus Hummer from
a camouflage exterior to the traditional red of fire apparatus.
Jason and Peter had to first determine how they were going to
paint something of this size. They used ladders and movable benches
to reach the middle parts of the roof and rear hatch. “It was a great
learning experience for the students because it was quite different
than painting a normal size vehicle,” stated Ray Mann, Assistant
Professor in the Automotive Collision Repair Technology program.
The students spent many hours of preparation and painting time
to accomplish the task. They will receive credits through NEIT’s
Feinstein Community Enrichment course.
Internationally Recognized Nurse
Educator Visits New England Tech
Dr. Darlene DelPrato, NEIT Professor and Director of
Nursing (left), with Dr. Kathie Lasater
New England Tech’s Nursing Department hosted a lecture on September 11,
2014, featuring internationally known nurse educator, Kathie Lasater, Ed.D., RN,
ANEF. Dr. Lasater presented her insights on the topic, “Thinking like a Nurse:
Bridging the Clinical Judgment Gap” to nurses, nurse educators, occupational
therapists, physical therapists, and respiratory therapists, who practice clinical
reasoning as it pertains to making bedside patient assessments.
Dr. Lasater has served as both an academic nurse educator and a staff development/quality improvement specialist in practice. She holds a Doctor of Education
Degree in Educational Leadership: Post-Secondary from Portland State University; a
Master of Science Degree in Biologic Dysfunction from the University of California,
San Francisco; and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University
of Oregon School of Nursing (now the Oregon Health Sciences University OHSU
School of Nursing.) Currently, she is a professor at OHSU. She is best known for
the creation of the evidence-based Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric, an assessment
instrument widely used in simulation as well as clinical settings in academe and
practice. She is a frequent presenter and has been published in numerous journals.
For more information on NEIT’s Nursing program or any of its health sciences
programs, contact the Admissions Office at 800-736-7744, 401-467-7744 or visit
New Automation Lab Is Now Open
New England Tech has collaborated with Rockwell Automation, Inc., Marlborough, MA
division, in the development of a new automation lab for students enrolled in the college’s
Bachelor of Science Degree program in Electrical Engineering Technology (ELT). Rockwell
Automation’s personnel and New England Tech faculty worked together to procure the equipment needed to create six new work stations. Through hands-on learning, students will acquire
the high tech automation and process control skills required in the manufacturing industry.
NEIT has also added the Instron 5982 Advanced Mechanical Testing System to train students
in the Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Technologies. Using this equipment,
students can evaluate mechanical properties of materials and components used in a variety of
industries such as automotive, aerospace, and major highway/bridge construction.
For more information on the many associate and bachelor’s degree programs in Engineering
Technology, call 800-736-7744, 401-467-7744, or visit
Alexandrea G Pimentel......MCTA
Ross A Pimentel.................MCTA
Grace Pires.......................... OTA
Derek M Pleiss....................AUB
John J Pommenville Jr.......RACH
Emily A Pope........................VET
Joshuah M Powers.............VDEA
Christopher N Prater..........ELRE
Kimberly L Price............... MGTA
Cameron I Prince..................ITS
Michael F Quinn...................ITN
Oscar Ramirez...................ABTB
Caio G Ramos....................VDEA
Christopher T Rand...............MT
Shawn H Rattenni..............AAHP
Tom L Rawlinson...............AAHP
Lizabeth Records-Leonard...VPM
Alexandra A Rego................ OTA
Melissa A Richards.............. OTA
Louise P Richardson.............. RC
Franklin G Roberts III.....GMWG
Ronald E Robin.................RACH
Helen M Rock.....................HIM
Ashley Roderick...................VET
Andres A Rodriguez............ESTA
Daphne Kim D Rodriguez...... RC
Daniel A Romanski............VDEB
Jonathan Rosario.................AHP
Nicole M Rose....................... RC
Raymond J Ross...................ITN
Douglas R Roth.................VDEA
Molly M Rowland.................VAP
Austin D Russell................... ITA
Daniel Saldana Jr.................NUR
David G Salvati................... AAUT
Naveed M Sameja..............GDSB
Calen G Sandler...................VPM
Ricardo F Santos....................ST
Marc W Sarazin.................... ITA
Michelle L Sartori..............ABTB
Samneang Say.....................ESTA
George D Saygbe.................. ITA
Timothy W Scanlon...............VAP
Cory J Scothon...................... ITA
Donald Scott....................... BCM
Michael R Scull.................... ITA
Matthew Senra...................... ITA
Vincent C Serio.....................PTA
Jasmin A Serrano.................... CJ
Shawn E Sessler.....................MT
Joshua T Sevigny................ABTB
Mitchell E Sharnick...........ABTB
Alexandra Shea.................... OTA
Benjamin P Sias..................ELTB
Derick P Silva......................AHP
Savon P Silva....................... AUT
Emily R Silverman................VAP
Matthew J Silvia................. AAUT
Yonas H Sima.....................ELRE
Jeremy D Simons...............VDEB
Kelsey L Simpson.................NUR
Leora D Sliney...................... ITA
Kathryn A Smith.................VDEB
Michelle R Smith................... RC
Natalie E Smith.....................IDA
Robert P Smith....................HIM
Winfield W Smith III..........MCTA
Daria J Snoke....................VGDA
Alvaro E Soto Oyola...............ITS
Lauren E Souza....................NUR
Noel Souza........................RACH
Matthew G Speidel..............ITBN
Kelsie E Springer....................ST
Mark E St Jean....................ESTA
Robert J St.Thomas...............VAP
Meagan E Stockhecker.........VET
Garrett A Stone......................MT
John M Stonely.................. AAUT
Jason W Stout.....................ESTA
Holly L Sutton...................... OTA
Cheryl A Swimmer............... OTA
Brian M Szczur..................VDEA
Matthew R Tackels.................MT
Kyle A Tameirao..................ESTA
Phillip G Tantimonico...........PTA
Jonathan Taskin.................... ITA
Joshua J Tatalo..................MCTA
Eyram E Tay.......................GDSB
Tyler J Teixeira...................... RC
Dylan J Thompson.............MCTA
James O Thornton............. VDVA
Pirom Ting.........................ITBN
Cambria E Tisdale...................ST
Frank D Triolo......................VAP
Robert B Tucker...................ITN
Steven R Tucker.................... ITA
Wayne A Turley Jr.............. AAUT
Ernestine W Vaill-Larocque.. NUR
Jonathan A Valladares........... ITA
Robert-Louis Valle............. CYBT
Crystal L Vann......................... CJ
Karley A Vasile.......................ITS
Lawrence R Velino III........GDSB
Devin M Venditelli................VAP
Jared S Venticinque...........MCTA
Domenic Verte..................MGTB
Tiago M Vital......................ITBN
Joseph A Vitelli...................ITBN
Mark D Viveiros...................BCD
James M Vojick..................GDSB
Corey A Votta..................... VDVA
Jared J Walker...................MCTA
Michael D Ward....................ITN
Michael A Waring.............. CYBT
Zachary R Weisenhorn.......... ITA
Ryan X Wells...................... AAUT
Sara N Welton........................ITS
Darrell L Wengler..............ASMB
Thomas R Whalen................ ITS
Ian W Wheeler.................... ITBS
Nathan J White.................. MGTA
Vanessa R Wilcox.................... CJ
Zachary V Wilcox...................MT
Stephen P Wilkicki............. ITBS
Billy G Willett.....................PLBH
Quincy D Williams................ ITA
Zachary S Williams.................ST
Wiley O Willmann................NUR
Gregory A Winslow...........MGTB
Matthew C Wiseman.............VAP
Lisa A Wotring......................PTA
Justin C Wurtz.......................VAP
Jeffrey F Wyrostek.................PTA
Lianyou Xian..........................ITS
Sarah B Yany....................... OTA
Megan E Yattaw...................NUR
Jason R Yeagley.................RACH
Richard Young................... VDVA
Tracy L Zacharie................ MLTA
Christopher D Zarrella......AAHP
Alumni Benefits
All alumni are automatically registered as
members of the NEIT Alumni Association.
We value our graduates’ ideas regarding
events, workshops, and benefits that may
be made available to alumni. Please forward
your suggestions to Joan Segerson, Director
of Development and Alumni Relations at
[email protected] or call 401-739-5000, ext.
A valuable benefit available to NEIT alumni is
special insurance rates through Liberty Mutual
Insurance and AFLAC. Liberty Mutual is offering
group discount rates for auto and homeowner
(home, condo, and tenant) insurance. AFLAC
provides supplemental insurance to cover costs
of daily living expenses when unable to work
due to illness or injury. Both Liberty Mutual and
AFLAC are proud partners of the NEIT Alumni
For more information about Liberty Mutual’s
insurance programs, call 800-524-9400 or
To learn how AFLAC can protect you and
your family, call 888-323-3410 or visit the
NEIT/AFLAC website at
Alumni may also take advantage of savings on
their electrical bill through Gulf Electricity. Gulf
offers low, fixed rates as well as reliable service
that is transmitted right over existing power lines
and delivered by the customer’s current utility
company. There are no interruptions in service,
no billing changes, no need for appointments or
equipment installations. For more information
Rachel Calder, ABTA, 3/14, Architectural/
Building Engineering Technology, is employed by
Tyler Jabaut, AAHP, 6/14, Advanced Automotive
Technology w/ High Performance, is employed by
Hammonasset Ford.
Adilson Gotay, AAUT, 6/14, Advanced Automotive
Technology, is employed by Flood Ford.
Ean Macpherson, ASMB, 3/14, Automotive Service
Management, is employed by Metro Motor Group.
Paul Finley, BCD, 3/14, Building Construction/
Cabinetmaking Technology, is employed by
Legendary Painting Plus LLC.
Andrew Tougas, CJ, 3/14, Criminal Justice
Technology, is employed by Stop & Shop. (Store
Sheri Austin, CMA, 9/09, Clinical Medical Assistant
Technology, is employed by West Bay Orthopaedic
Lea Walsh, CMA, 3/12, Clinical Medical Assistant
Technology, is employed by Gastrointestinal
Chezley Stoddard, CMTB, 3/12, Construction
Management Technology, is employed by Sunleaf
Aron Blye, DRA, 3/14, Digital Recording Arts
Technology, is employed by Summer Infant, Inc.
Justin Sansouci, DRA, 9/14, Digital Recording
Arts Technology, is employed by Brown University.
Paul Gyuleseryan, EETB, 9/13, Electronics
Engineering Technology, is employed by RoviSys.
Eric Glittone, ELY, 3/14, Electrical Technology, is
employed by Electric Boat.
David Jones, GDSB, 3/14, Game Development/
Simulation Programming Technology, is employed
by Jewelers Board of Trade.
Chad Gourd, GMWM, 3/14, Graphics, Multimedia
& Web Design Technology, is employed by A & H
Kimberly Gammell, IDA, 3/14, Interior Design
Technology, is employed by Foxwoods Resort &
Erica Fluevog, ITN, 3/14, Information Technology/
Network Engineering, is employed by East
Bridgewater Public Schools.
Erik Lougee, ITS, 3/14, Information Technology/
Software Engineering, is employed by Providence
Anthony Mottola, ITBN, 3/14, Information
Technology/Network Engineering, is employed by
General Dynamics C4 Systems.
John Lynch, MCTA, 3/13, Mechanical Engineering
Technology, is employed by Schneider Electric.
Mark St. Jean, MCTB, 3/14, Mechanical Engineering
Technology, is employed by Rogers Corporation.
Andrew Graffagnino, MGTB, 3/14, Business
Management Technology, is employed by Genco
Marine Service.
Brian Johnstone, MT, 3/14, Marine Technology, is
employed by South Attleboro Marine.
Valerie Higgins, NUR, 6/14, Nursing, is employed
by Community Nurse & Hospice Care.
Blaze Wiersch, OTA, 9/12, Occupational Therapy
Assistant Technology, is employed by RehabCare
(Kindred Crossings).
Jill Castergini, MSOT, 9/12, Occupational Therapy
- Masters Program, is employed by DightonRehoboth Regional School District.
Bryan Miranda, PLBH, 6/14, Plumbing/Heating &
Gas Technology, is employed by Addessi Plumbing.
Nicole Zambarano, PTA, 9/13, Physical Therapist
Assistant Technology, is employed by Therapy
Resources Management.
Steven Bishop, RACH, 7/14, Refrigeration/AC
Heating & Gas Technology, is employed by GKT
Stanley Leo, VAP, 3/14, Video & Audio Production
Technology, is employed by the Pawtucket Red Sox.
Jennifer Cabral, VET, 3/14, Veterinary Technology,
is employed by Anchor Animal Hospital.
Michael Sweet, VDVA, 3/14, Video Game
Development/Design Technology, is employed by
Tsunami Solutions.
Many NEIT graduates employ NEIT graduates. If you
have an opening within your company, or know of an
opening that would be best filled by an NEIT graduate,
please contact Pat Blakemore, Director of Career
Services, at 800-736-7744 or 401-739-5000. There is
no fee for any referrals.
Graduates of New England Institute of Technology or New
England Technical Institute are automatically members
of the NEIT Alumni Association.  Your participation in
the Alumni Association is critical to its success. Please
consider becoming an active member of this important
organization.  And the best news of all: There is no fee
for membership.  
Page 6
Meet new people! Learn new things!
Check out the list of student activities...
For information about any of these activities, events, or starting a new club on campus,
please contact Melissa Hague, Student Activities Coordinator, at 401-739-5000 extension
3565, by email at [email protected], or stop by her office on the East Greenwich Campus
at the far end of the Food Court.
Check your student
email for weekly
Student Activities and
Student Clubs There are many interesting student clubs on campus. Get involved,
meet new people, have fun, and have something to add to your resume. Check out the
student website at for more information.
Game Rooms
All NEIT students are welcome to use the game rooms.
Consider playing or watching the pool and ping pong
tournaments that are held each quarter!
Locations: Post Road Campus: CT Building, Student
Lounge. The game room has two pool tables and a ping
pong table.
East Greenwich Campus: The game room is at the far
end of the Food Court seating area and has two pool
tables and a ping pong table.
Upcoming Activities
Open Basketball
NEIT has reserved the Kent County YMCA’s basketball
gymnasium on the dates listed directly below, from
2 p.m. – 4 p.m., for the exclusive use of currently enrolled
NEIT students! Students must bring their NEIT student
ID and must wear sneakers to participate. The Kent
County YMCA is located on 900 Centerville Road in
Warwick. NEIT basketball will be held on November 7,
14 and 21 and December 5 and 12.
Game Room Tournaments
All NEIT students are welcome to join in the quarterly
ping pong and pool tournaments held in the game room
on the East Greenwich campus. Sign up by emailing
Melissa Hague, Student Activities Coordinator, at
[email protected] or drop in to play. Tournaments are
free. Space is limited.
Ping Pong Tournaments - Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m.
Week 6 – November 18
Pool Tournaments - Thursdays at 11:00 a.m.
Week 7 – November 20
Chess Sets
...are available for students to use in the Student
Lounge on the EG Campus. What’s your strategy? Will
you make the right move? Challenge yourself in a game
of chess. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged
to play!
Criminal Justice Department Chair; Mike Petit, Electrical
Department Chair, and Tim Shirley, Student Advisor, for
volunteering to be dunked in the very cold dunk tank!
The proceeds from their dunks will help assist with the
expenses to send SkillsUSA members to the SkillsUSA
national competition.
Blood Drives
The RI Blood Center hosted a blood drive on Tuesday,
October 28. Thirty-three people donated blood and close
to 100 lives were saved with this donation! Please
consider donating blood at our next drive to be held on
Tuesday, January 27, 2015.
Every pint collected has the potential to save up to three
lives. The Rhode Island Blood Center needs to collect up
to 280 pints of blood every day to meet the needs of area
hospitals to treat cancer patients, burn victims, accident
victims, major surgery patients, and more. The RI Blood
Center sincerely appreciates all donations.
Costume Contest 2014
NEIT held its 4th annual Halloween costume contest on
Thursday, October 30, 2014, at the East Greenwich
campus. There were many creative and homemade
costumes. President Richard Gouse; Vice President for
Student Support Services, Cathy Kennedy; and Director
of Career Services, Pat Blakemore, judged the costumes.
6 vs. 6 Soccer
Tournament Results
On Friday, August 8, the first Summer Quarter
soccer tournament was held. It was a hot day, but
plenty of water and team energy fueled the teams
throughout their play. The tournament consisted of three
22-minute games, and the winner was the Blue Team.
Donations to the shelter drive conducted by the
Veterinary Technology Club benefited the Providence
Animal Shelter.
The “Dunk NEIT Faculty and/or Staff” fundraiser
conducted by SkillsUSA will help send NEIT SkillsUSA
students to the Annual SkillsUSA National Competition
in Kansas City.
GAME TWO: Green vs. Purple
Alvaro Soto Oyola, Green Team. . . . . . 2 goals
Kyle McNiel, Green Team . . . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Michael Warning, Purple Team. . . . . . . .1 goal
Tayo Okeowo, Purple Team. . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Byron Geoffrey, Purple Team. . . . . . . . 2 goals
GAME THREE: Green vs. Purple
Marcelo Lopez, Green Team. . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Harold Ramsay, Purple Team. . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Kelsie VanWormer, Purple Team . . . . . . 1 goal
Vishnu Harnarine, Purple Team. . . . . . . 1 goal
New England Tech Golf Club
The New England Tech Golf Club hosted its Annual
Student vs. Faculty Golf Tournament on Friday, September 19. The tournament was held at the East Greenwich
Golf Club. The foursomes each consisted of two students
and two faculty members. The students won by a very
narrow margin!
Criminal Justice Club
On August 4, a guest speaker from the Central Falls
Police Department came to discuss the hiring and recruitment process. On September 3, 15 Criminal Justice
students became certified in adult/infant CPR and ADE
usage. On September 9, Sergeant William Delany from
the Massachusetts State Police came to campus to speak
with Criminal Justice students about the experiences he
faced while working in the criminal justice field and, in
particular, as an investigator with the Bristol County
District Attorney’s Office.
Kyle McNeil, Blue Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Dajon Carey, Blue Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Regino Smith, Blue Team . . . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
GAME THREE: Purple vs. Blue
GAME ONE: Green vs. Purple
Nicholas Lopes, Green Team. . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Stefan Douglas, Green Team. . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Riley McLaughlin, Green Team . . . . . . . 1 goal
Bevin Bankston, Purple Team . . . . . . . 2 goals
Brian Rheaume, Purple Team . . . . . . . 2 goals
GAME TWO: Green vs. Orange
Riley McLaughlin, Green Team . . . . . . . 1 goal
Jae Melo, Orange Team . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Adetayo Okeowo, Orange Team . . . . . . 1 goal
Marcelo Lopez, Orange Team. . . . . . . . 1 goal
GAME THREE: Purple vs. Orange
Brian Rheaume, Purple Team . . . . . . . . 1 goal
GAME FOUR: Purple vs. Green
Bevin Bankston, Purple Team . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Regino Smith, Green Team. . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Riley McLaughlin, Green Team . . . . . . . 1 goal
GAME FIVE: Orange vs. Green
Jae Melo, Orange Team . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Riley McLaughlin, Green Team . . . . . . . 1 goal
Jamieko Smith, Green Team. . . . . . . . . 1 goal
GAME SIX: Purple vs. Orange
GAME ONE: Green vs. Purple
Marcelo Lopez, Green Team. . . . . . . . 3 goals
Tayo Okeowo, Purple Team. . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Director of Admissions
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Tel. 401-467-7744
or 1-800-736-7744
We invite you to inquire about our programs:
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GAME TWO: Orange vs. Blue
Students, faculty and staff welcomed each other at the
annual cookouts. The SkillsUSA Club would like to thank
the very generous faculty and staff members, Ray Angell,
n Donations were made to the food pantry at Saint
Rita’s Church, Warwick, RI, by the Surgical Technology
Club with donations from the club’s food drive.
Harold Ramsey, Purple Team. . . . . . . . 3 goals
Vishnu Harnarine, Purple Team. . . . . . . 1 goal
On Friday, August 29, we had our second soccer
tournament of the Summer Quarter. It was a beautiful
day and competition was in the air! There were many
great goals and excellent assists. The tournament
consisted of three 25-minute games, and the winner
was the Purple Team.
Past Events…
sale will assist in funding additional Nursing Club activities. GAME ONE: Purple vs. Orange
Michael Warning, Purple Team. . . . . . . .1 goal
Nicholas Lopes, Blue Team. . . . . . . . . 2 goals
Dajon Carey, Blue Team. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 goal
Riley McLaughlin, Blue Team. . . . . . . . . 1 goal
NEIT Fall Annual Cookouts!
Thank you to the NEIT community for
supporting student clubs through
your donations to their fundraisers
and collection drives. The following
is information about the fundraisers
conducted during the summer quarter and fall quarter to date:
n Proceeds from the Student Nurses’ Association bake
On Friday, October 24, NEIT held a 6 vs. 6 soccer
tournament. The tournament consisted of three teams
playing a total of six 25-minutes games. Each team
played four games, playing each team twice. The three
teams won two games each creating a 3-way tie! The
tiebreaker was the tally of total goals scored by each
team. First place went to the Purple Team.
Student Leadership
NEIT students are encouraged to get involved on campus
by volunteering at NEIT events. Students who volunteer
at NEIT events will receive a certificate of participation
for each event and the opportunity to earn the CE101
credit. Involvement in college events looks great on a
Events include: New Student Orientation, Tech
Nites, Quarterly Information Table, Career Fairs, and
Commencements. Sign up by emailing Melissa Hague
at [email protected].
The competition gets better each year and, again this
year, the judges had a hard time selecting the winners!
Here are the 2014 winners. Congratulations to all and
stay creative!
1st Place: Harrison Braley, Hiccup-How to Train a
Dragon, 2nd Place: Erin Garden, Lord of the Rings Ghost,
3rd Place: (It was difficult to pick only one!) Lindsey
Maiuri-Day of the Dead, Michael Deeter-Walking Dead,
Cory Provost-Vampire Pirate, Alex Kenney-The Thing,
Zoe Hazelwood-Steam Punk Mermaid.
NEIT is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc.
Mamadou Diallo, Orange Team. . . . . . 2 goals
Marcelo Lopez, Orange Team. . . . . . . . 1 goal
Byron Geoffrey, Orange Team. . . . . . . 4 goals
Christian Molina, Purple Team. . . . . . . 2 goals
Associate’s Degree Programs
n Applied Technical Studies
n Architectural Building Engineering Technology
n Automotive Technology
n Automotive Collision Repair Technology
n Building Construction and Cabinetmaking Technology
n Business Management Technology
n Clinical Medical Assistant Technology
n Criminal Justice Technology
n Electrical Technology
n Electrical Technology with Renewable Energy Systems
n Electronic Health Records Technology
n Electronic Systems Engineering Technology
n Game Development & Simulation Technology
n Graphic, Multimedia & Web Design Technology
n Heating Technology
n Information Technology
n Interior Design Technology
n Marine Technology
New England Tech Rotaract Club
The New England Tech Rotaract Club has been busy!
The members recently took a field trip to The New
England Wireless and Steam Museum in East Greenwich,
and they also volunteered at the Museum’s annual Steam
Up event on October 5. In September, the club held a Tie
Dye Event at NEIT, which was messy, but lots of fun!
The Club is looking forward to planning more Tie Dye
events in the spring 2015 quarter. On Wednesday, October 1, Rotaract Club members welcomed new students
and their family members, provided campus tours and
most importantly made new students feel comfortable
and very welcome at the college’s International Student
Surgical Technology Club
On Monday, August 25, the Surgical Technology Club
had a guest speaker from New England Organ Bank.
Student Occupational Therapy Assn.
Staff Sargent Brendon Ferreira spoke at the SOTA
meeting on November 5. He was severely injured on
March 9, 2010, by a suicide bomber on his base in
Afghanistan. He was the only survivor. He shared his
story of recovery and how occupational therapy has
helped him.
n Mechanical Engineering Technology
n Medical Laboratory Technology *
n Network Engineering and Computer Servicing Technology
n Nursing
n Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology
n Physical Therapist Assistant Technology
n Plumbing Technology
n Refrigeration/Air Conditioning Technology
n Respiratory Care Technology
n Software Engineering Technology
n Surgical Technology
n Veterinary Practice Management Technology*
n Veterinary Technology
n Video and Audio Production Technology
n Video Game Design Technology
Bachelor’s Degree Programs
n Architectural Building Engineering Technology
n Automotive Service Management Technology
n Business Management Technology
n Construction Management Technology
n Criminal Justice Technology
n Cyber Security Technology
n Digital Recording Arts Technology
n Electrical Engineering Technology
n Game Development & Simulation Technology
n Graphic, Multimedia & Web Design Technology
n Health Care Management Technology
n Criminal Justice Technology
n Information Technology
n Interior Design Technology
n Mechanical Engineering Technology
n Network Engineering Technology
n Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science (Online)
n Software Engineering Technology
n Video Game Design Technology
Master’s Degree Programs
n Information Technology
tnews 11/14
n Occupational Therapy

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