July 17 - St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church
July 17 - St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church
ST. TERESA OF AVILA 1175 OVERLOOK AVE. • CINCINNATI, OHIO 45238 St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH July 17, 2016 Regional Masses for the Week St. Teresa of Avila Sunday, July 17 – Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:00am Mary Barnhorn (Ann.) Fr. George Schmitz 9:30am Siciliano Family Fr. Mike Seger 11:30am Living & Deceased of St. Teresa Fr.Phil Seher Monday Monday, day, July 18 – St. Camillus de Lellis 7:00am Carol & Charles Rettig Fr. Mike Bidwell 12:00pm Carmen Petrillo Fr. Mike Seger Tuesday Tuesday, day, July 19 – St. Weekday 7:00am Adam Renner 12:00pm Barb Staudigel (Birth.) Fr. Phil Seher Fr. George Schmitz Wednesday ednesday, nesday, July 20 – St. St. Apollinaris 7:00am Mary Catherine Knecth 12:00pm Richard A. Odenbach Jr. Fr. Phil Seher Fr. Mike Seger Thursday Thursday, day, July 21 – St. Lawrence of Brindisi 7:00am Kevin Cook (Birth.) Fr. Phil Seher 12:00pm Frank Kelly (Ann.) Fr. George Schmitz Friday, July July 22 – St. Mary Magdalene 7:00am Melani Minnich Elfers (Birth.)Fr. George Schmitz 12:00pm Pour Souls Fr. Mike Seger Saturday, July July 23 – St. Bridget 8:30am Intentions of Roseanne Allison Fr. George Schmitz 4:00pm Thelma Olthaus (Ann.) Fr. Mike Seger Sunday Sunday, day, July July 24 – Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 7:00am Intentions of Patrick Doyle (Birth.) Fr. George Schmitz 9:30am Living & Deceased of St. Teresa Fr. Mike Bidwell 11:30am Len Wedig (Birth.) Fr. Mike Bidwell St. William Sunday, July July 17 9:00am 11:00am Fr. Mike Bidwell Fr. Mike Bidwell Monday, July July 18 11:30am Fr. Phil Seher Tuesday, July July 19 11:30am Fr. Mike Bidwell Wednesday, July July 20 11:30am Fr. Mike Bidwell Thursday, July July 21 11:30am Fr. Mike Bidwell Friday, July July 22 11:30am Fr. Phil Seher Saturday, July July 23 23 3:30pm Fr. Phil Seher Sunday, July July 24 9:00am 11:00am Fr. Phil Seher Fr. Phil Seher Note: the presider schedule is subject to change. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Genesis 18:1-10a Colossians 1:24-28 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Genesis 18:20-32 Colossians 2:12-14 July 17 Psalm 15 Luke 10:38-42 July 24 Psalm 138 Luke 11:1-13 Hospitality means inviting others to cross boundaries. Of course, boundaries are important for many reasons: they set aside space for various functions important for day-today living—eating, sleeping, gathering. They help create an atmosphere in which people can live in peace and harmony, not overcrowding each other, allowing space for solitude, stillness, and prayer. Today we have two stories of crossing boundaries. Abraham brings three strangers across the boundary of his home and invites them to dinner. His hospitality brings God into his home and God repays it most generously with the assurance that within a year the child of God’s promise to Abraham would be born. Jesus allows Mary to sit at this feet, thereby crossing the boundary that set apart that space only for a disciple, while challenging the boundaries Martha set for her sister’s show of hospitality. God has been revealed as a merciful boundary breaker when it serves our good and our deepest happiness. Jesus himself broke the greatest boundary, the one that divided divinity from humanity. Saturday, July 23 8:30am -- Team E – C. Curtin, S. Roberts, S. Dudley 4:00pm -- Team F – M. Dattilo, K. Gossett Sunday, July 24 7:00am - Parish Adults 9:30am – C. Mills, J. Gales, K. Gossett 11:30am – L. Schneider, A. Bass. A. Dunn, J. Roth #CUPS FOR CRISTINA One of our parish families is in need of our prayers and support. Sixteen year old Cristina Carrero, a St. Teresa parishioner and school alumni, is undergoing treatment for a brain tumor. Please join us on July 24th from 10:30am until 2:30pm for a delicious glass of lemonade from our lemonade stands which will be located in the church parking lot near the Rulison side entrance of Church and in the drive through circle on the Overlook side of the church. There will also be baked goods and treats for purchase. All donations will be given to the Carrero family. Most importantly, please keep Cristina and her family in your prayers. Thank you! St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH Dear Family of St. Teresa, It’s hard to believe but the summer is half over – I hope all of you are taking this opportunity to find some avenue of rest and relaxation before the busyness of our schedules begin again! Realizing that some of you may be getting ready to travel during the next several weeks I’d like to offer you this prayer for your reflection. Prayer of Travelers Heavenly Father, I am presently embarked on a journey in pursuit of some good. Grant that I may travel in safety, without undue disturbance or worry, and ultimately attain the goal I seek. Let me also keep in mind that I am on another and more important journey – through life. Keep me ever safe and close to you as I travel that sometimes-hazardous road toward your kingdom in heaven. Enable me to follow the guidelines given us by your Son Jesus so that I may arrive safely at my eternal destination with you in heaven. Amen Have a wonderful week and may God continue to bless all of you, His family of St. Teresa. God Bless, Fr. Mike Please pray for those who have recently died Frank Vassolo, Fr. Jim Shappelle, Sharon Werle, Salvatore Rose, Christine Hunt, Jim Smith & Hildegarde Thernes. May they quickly share in the glory of Heaven. If a family member dies, contact the office and we’ll include them in prayer. Anyone in need of prayers can call the Parish Office or Cherie Frey (coordinator) at 921-1251. We have a “Holy Hour for the Dying” every Tuesday morning after the 7am Mass. Please call Ruth @ 251-4770 to include the names of your relatives/friends who are sick and dying in our prayers. St. Vincent de Paul Reflection: God, show us how we may offer healing and aid to the poor and needy in our midst. Please remember our Society with your prayers and donations. On July 17 we will be singing the Mass of Wisdom which begins on page 203 in the Missalette. On July 24 we will be singing the Missa Pacem which begins on number 271 of the Blue Gather. July 17, 2016 Congratulations to Davis Ripley Holleran son of Randall and Jessica and Lucille Marie Ripley daughter of Timothy and Valerie baptized on July 10th Thinking About Becoming Catholic? If you, your spouse, or someone else you know has an interest in learning about the Catholic Faith, the parish region of St. Teresa and St. William offers a Christian Initiation process, known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) that will help you to discern (prayerfully consider) where you are going on your faith journey. We can begin meeting anytime! The first phase of the RCIA is a series of informal meetings where we share our faith journeys with each other, and answer questions/concerns from our Inquirers (those seeking). If you have an interest in learning about becoming Catholic or if you are already Catholic and need a refresher course, call Deacon Dave at (513) 921-9200 x 125, or Marti Barnes, St. William Parish at (513) 921-2047. All are welcome. Bus trip to Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics: Fri. Aug. 12, from St. Thomas More Parish, 800 Ohio Pike, 45245 departs at 12 Noon, returns at 12:30a.m. OR from Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, 5440 Moeller Ave, 45212 departs at 12:30pm returns midnight. $35/person includes bus & dinner. Mail payment and names with home & cell phone numbers by July 22nd to Mr. John McCabe, 4237 Deepwood Ln., Cincinnati, OH 45245. Train a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6) The commitment of St. Teresa to the religious education of our children is evident in the many programs we offer for the youngest members of our Church. We have been blessed by adult parishioners assisting in our Parish School of Religion (PSR) for over forty years. Our generous volunteers do more than teach the truth of our Catholic faith and the life giving beauty of the sacraments; each models a relationship with Christ that will sustain our children throughout her or his adult years. One of our beloved teachers is retiring at the end of this school year and we are in need of a leader for our small group (usually less than five) of preschool children. If you would like to learn more about becoming an important part of our PSR team of volunteers, please contact Deacon Gregg Rose at 921-9200 or [email protected] All Men 18 and older are invited to our Men’s Friday Prayer Group from 6 to 7am in the undercroft. Come and join other men for support and prayer. Contact Roger at 251-7729 for more information St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH July 17, 2016 SCHOOL SCHOOL NEWS Boy Scout Troop 271 at St. Teresa of Avila is accepting new boys year-round. Our whole-year program is flexible with other activities and teaches boys life, leadership, and outdoor skills. For more information, or to sign your son up, call David Lindley (Scoutmaster) at 513-225-8477. PRICE HILL BACK TO SCHOOL FAIR Sat., Aug. 6 from 10am to 12:30pm. at St. Lawrence Church, 3680 Warsaw Ave. Welcome all Price Hill families with school age children living in zip codes 45204, 45205, 45238. Free Services offered at the fair: School Supplies, Community Resources, Student Activities and Games, Food and Fun! Parents and children must attend together! Elder High School Experience Camp Elder H. S. is offering a one week course for 8th grade boys to help them prepare for the High School Placement Test. Classes are July 26-29 and August 2-5. A third class will be offered August 9-12 if the first two fill up. This class is taught by highly skilled teachers who are proficient in their fields. Students will take practice tests, learn test taking skills, and experience Elder! Sign up online at www.elderhs.org/PlacementTest. Questions, contact Admissions Office, [email protected] Tom & Bonnie Otten Elder Alumni Family Picnic Fri., Aug. 12 at Stricker’s Grove from 5:30-10:00pm (rides open at 6pm). Cost is $5 per person/$10 per family. Rides & more included, food & drink available for purchase. Live entertainment by the Seton/Elder Steel Drum Band & Elder Glee Club. Call the Alumni Office @ 921-3744 for more info. No alcohol may be brought into the park. Beer must be purchased on the premises. Coolers will be inspected. Sunday, July 17 12:30 Church Tour in Church Shopper Gift Cards available at All Weekend Masses Monday, July 18 Tuesday, July 19 7:00pm Bingo – Undercroft Wednesday, July 20 Thursday, July 21 12:30 – 1:30pm Confessions – Fr. Schmitz 8:00pm Athletics - Undercroft Friday, July 22 6:00am Men’s Prayer/Support Group – Undercroft 12:30 – 1:30pm Exposition with Benediction Sat., July 23 Shoppers Gift Cards available at All Weekend Masses 9:30 Prayer at Planned Parenthood – Ferguson Rd. 2:45-3:30pm Confessions – Fr. Seger 7:00pm AA – Undercroft Sunday, July 24 – World Youth Day Shopper Gift Cards available at All Weekend Masses 12:00 – 5:00pm Carmelites – Avila Hall & Church All those who need to be Virtus trained should have received the July Virtus bulletin to complete. Please complete to keep updated. We have Bingo every Tuesday. Doors open at 5 pm, games start at 7 pm. Thank you to all the volunteers, players and dessert makers. We need volunteers to help sell instants – if you can help one evening a month call Tom, 922-5122. We appreciate any time you can help. Centennial Celebrations The next Centennial Meeting will be Mon., Aug. 8 at 7:00pm in the undercroft. Everyone is welcome to attend Church Tour is Today! The Centennial Committee is holding their first Church tour on July 17 following the 11:30 Mass. This tour will explain the various significant and creative religious items in and on the church itself, many of which you may not know are there! The tour will last approximately 45 minutes with time at the end for questions. Please plan on joining us! We will meet in the vestibule. If you had your picture taken for the 100th Anniversary edition of the Parish Directory, your free Directory is available for pick-up in the church office, M-F, 9:00am-5:00pm. Please call Maria in the church office if there are questions (921-9200 ext. 101). Parish School of Religion (PSR) Registration It is essential that children receive religious preparation so that they can draw closer to Christ through our Catholic faith. St. Teresa is now registering children for religious education who do not attend a Catholic school. Our Sunday morning program takes place during 9:30 mass and is for children ages three and four, kindergarten and first grade. Monday evening’s program is from 7:00 until 8:15 p.m. and is for grades two through eight. Both programs begin the last week in September. Classes are limited to ten students. Families with children enrolling in our PSR program for the first time should contact Deacon Gregg by calling 9219200, ext. 117 or emailing at [email protected] for registration materials. St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH St. Teresa Summer Festival August 5, 6 & 7 The Coordinator’s meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 25th at 7:00pm in Avila Hall. Desserts Needed for Chicken Dinner on Sunday, August 7th. Parish members are asked to donate any type of desserts: cupcakes, cookies, cakes, brownies and pies and deliver to the undercroft Sat. before festival or Sun. before 4pm, there will be a table provided for you to put your dessert on. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! BOOTH COORDINATORS NEEDED ASAP The Festival is in need of TWO (2) booth coordinators for the August 5-7 event. We desperately need people to run the following booths: Hi Lo 7 & Kid’s Golf. Seton students CAN USE THIS for service hours. Please contact Cherie Frey at [email protected] or Chris Gramke at (513) 244-2993 if you can take one of the booths. Thank you! Coordinators staff the booth, attend one meeting and game set th. up on Thursday, August 4 Basket Raffle Update Festival Basket Raffle is looking for the following items to complete baskets for the raffle. Items may be dropped off at the parish office (M-F, 9-5) or call Cherie (515-8634) to arrange pick up. Thank you for your help in making our event successful! Paint brushes, paint rollers, paint pan, painters tape, Gift Card to Lowe’s/Home Depot, ITunes gift Card, nail polish, polish remover, nail file, emery boards, nail polish remover, Restaurant Gift Cards, Cincinnati Red’s Ball Cap, Peanuts in the shell, Cincinnati Reds items, Cracker Jacks, Citronella Candles, super hero items, super hero comic books, beer nuts, grill mitts, grill (Gas or Propane), Puzzle Books for adults, Adult coloring books, Kid coloring books, Kid puzzle books, shower gel, razors, shaving gel, Armor All products, auto bucket, auto towels, car cleaning supplies, Garden hose, shovel, claw, gloves, seeds, weed killer spray, Nerf items, bird house, bird feeder, suet box, suet, wind chimes, Bengal items, Lottery tickets, kick balls, outdoor games, Candy (for kids or retro), toy dump truck (to hold candy), cute planter to hold candy, Tortilla Chips. chip/dip bowl, Salsa Con Queso, Kitchen timer, pastry brushes, Colander, Board Games, Card Games, Tickets for Sporting Events, Movie Passes, Kroger Gift Cards, Remke/Biggs Gift Cards, Mike’s Car Wash Gift Cards, Theater Tickets, Golf Bag, Golf Towel, Golf Tee’s, Golf Umbrella, Cracker Barrel Gift Card, ice cream cones, scoop sundae glasses & bowls, chocolate, strawberry topping, sundae nuts, cherries, candles, cookbook, cooler, snacks, cookie mixes, cookie cutters, sprinkles, Pam Cooking Spray, cake mixes, cupcake carrier, cake carrier, dog or cat toys, pet store gift card, Bath & Body Works items, Lego’s, pool toys, popcorn, cleaning supplies, laundry basket, laundry detergent, fabric July 17, 2016 softener, clothes hangers, craft items, baseball bat, Bingo bag, Bingo Daubers, Bingo snacks, wet wipes, fire pit, Monopoly, Clue, Yahtzee games, wine glasses, cork screw, Chef Boyardee Pizza Mix, Pepperoni, Pizza Sauce, hot chocolate, mini marshmallows. Any new items which can be added to a basket or a complete basket are welcome. Thank you for your support! We will also have the "Used Gift Cards" Basket which contains gift cards with balances on them. FESTIVAL SPONSORS WANTED: 100 for the 100th! It's that time of the year again! We are looking for Festival Booth Sponsors for the Summer Festival celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the parish! Our goal is to sponsor 100 booths, currently we have 27 booths sponsored! The cost for the booth sponsorship is just $100 and includes your signage in the booth, promotion all weekend via announcements at the festival, facebook and web site acknowledgement, and a special festival centennial banner displayed on the parish grounds all weekend long. You also receive a special coupon redeemable at the parish festival food booth as a token of our appreciation. Sign up now: We are looking for families, alumni, businesses, individuals, organizations....all are welcome as festival booth sponsors! For more information, contact Chris Gramke at [email protected] or (513) 2442993. Deadline to become a sponsor is July 25, 2016. Sunday Collection from 7/10/2016 Electronic Donations Total Weekend Collection $ $ 9,352.60 1,070.40 10,423.00 Budgeted goal each week $ 12,500.00 Tuition Assistance Peter’s Pence CISE St. Vincent de Paul Bingo 7/12/2016 $ 105.00 30.00 10.00 4,187.80 939.63 $ $ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! ATHENAEUM LAY TUITION SCHOLARSHIP FOR 201617: The Athenaeum of Ohio announces a 50% scholarship for all lay students as part of the One Faith, One Hope Capital Campaign commitment. They offer daytime, evening and Saturday classes, graduate and non-degree options and a supportive environment with campuses in Mt. Washington, Monfort Heights and Dayton. Earn a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Arts in Theology, a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies or a Certificate in Pastoral Ministry as you discern God’s call, prepare for new opportunities, or learn about your faith in a dynamic and enriching environment. You don’t have to commit to a degree program; you can just take a course to deepen your Catholic faith. There will never be a better time to discover how lay Catholic studies through the Athenaeum can transform your life. Call Dr. Susan McGurgan (LPMP Director) at 231-1200 or Fr. David Endres (Academic Dean) at 231-2223 for more information, or visit the website at www.growinwisdom.org. St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH July 17, 2016 Please use Shopper Certificates They are available at Church every weekend. We have $25 Applebee’s, $10 Arby’s, $25 Auto Zone, $25 Bahama Breeze, $10 Bath Body Works, $25 & Bed, Bath & Beyond, $25 Best Buy $10 Bob Evans, $25 Bonefish Grill, $10 Buffalo Wild Wings,$ 10 Busken, $10 Burger King, $25 Carrabba’s Italian Grill, $10 Chipotle, $10 Cracker Barrel, $25 CVS Pharmacy, $10 Diane’s Restaurant, $25 Dick’s Sporting Goods, $10 Dunkin Donuts,$25 Flemming’s Prime Steakhouse, $10, Frisch’s $10 Humbert’s, $15 iTunes, $25 Kohl’s, $25 Kroger, $25 LaPetite Salon $20 LaRosa’s, $20 Little Caesar’s, $25 Longhorn Steakhouse, $10 Long John Silvers, $25 Lowe’s, $25 Meijer, $25 O’Charley’s, $25 Outback Steakhouse, $10 Panera Bread $10 Papa John’s, $20 Payless Shoe Stores, $10 Price Hill Chili, $25 Red Lobster & Olive Garden, $25 Sears, $ 20 Skyline, $25 Speedway, $10 Starbucks, $10 Steak & Shake, $10 Subway, $25 TGI Friday’s, $ 25 TJ Maxx, $10 Taco Bell, $25 Target, $25 Walmart, $10 Wendy’s, $25 Willie’s. Grocery certificates are available for purchase after 4:00 Sat. Mass and all Sunday Masses. Catholic Revive Rally: Mark your calendars and save the date for the Catholic Revive Cincy Rally coming to the Cintas Center on October 29 from 9am to 2pm. Four of America’s leading Catholic speakers will be leading a day of renewal and revival of our Catholic Faith. The speakers include John Michael Talbot, Jeff Cavins, Curtis Martin and Fr. Larry Richards. For tickets & details visit www.catholicrevivecincy.com. Festivals Price Hill Day at Coney: Wed., July 20 Advanced ticket is $ 18, 5 years & older, $ 6 for 2 to 4 year olds. Includes parking, swimming & rides. Bring own food & drinks; reserved shelter is “Lost River”. Enter at W Gate 1. Advanced tickets can be purchased (cash only) at PH Historical Society & Museum Tues from 1-4pm.Cincinnati Federal from 9- 6 or Radel Funeral Home (on Neeb Rd.) 8am to 4:30pm. Tickets are $25.95 plus $9 parking at the gate. St. James the Greater July 22, 23, 24 Our Lady of Lourdes July 29, 30, 31 Our Lady of the Visitation Aug. 12, 13, 14 St. William Aug. 19, 20, 21 St. Ignatius Aug. 26, 27, 28 Save the Date: Pregnancy Center West “By God’s Grace…” annual banquet Thursday, August 18 at St. Antoninus. Mass of thanksgiving at 5:30pm with Dinner Banquet at 6:30pm. Individual reservations $ 50. Sponsorship opportunities also available. Contact PCW at 513-244-5700 or visit www.pc-west.org for more info. Elder High School Discernment Group: Starting this fall, the Vocation Office with the help of seminarian Jarred Kohn, will be running an early morning discernment group once a week at Elder High School. This group is open to any student in grades 912 who is interested in seeking God’s plan for his life. Each meeting will consist of prayer and discussion on a topic that will help the participant discern more clearly his vocation. All interested men are asked to contact their pastor or Wayne Topp in the Vocation Office at 421-3131x2891 or [email protected]. Save the Date!!! We will be wrapping up the summer and celebrating our wonderful parish family at our annual parish picnic on September 2nd at Stricker’s Grove. Grove. BOYS AND GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP Camp Improve is a Catholic basketball camp in its 19th year for boys & girls grades 2-8 and it is coming to Our Lady of the Visitation July 18th-21st. We focus on a plan for young basketball player to get better! We provide drills for the players to work on after the camp is over and measurable goals to focus on for the rest of the summer. Camp Improve is like no other basketball camp your son or daughter has ever been to. We have current and former high school, college, and professional players & coaches as instructors. Our website is www.improvebasketballcamp.com or you can call Paul Cluxton at 513-519-7246 for details. Don't miss out on the Improve tradition....July Madness!" VICTORY REUNION—SAVE THE DATE! Our Lady of Victory Class of 1966 is celebrating its 50th Reunion on Saturday, October 1 beginning at 6:00pm at Jim & Jack’s On the River (3456 River Road). There is no cover charge. Purchase your dinner and drinks there. Spouses are welcome. Band starts at 9:30pm. Spread the word! Worldwide Marriage Encounter’s We would like to invite you to make a Marriage Encounter weekend. The weekend helps struggling marriages and enriches good ones. It connects you to other couples who realize the value of a strong marriage and its importance to a healthy culture. Our mission is to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world. Please consider blessing your marriage this year by setting aside time for each other. The dates for 2016 are: July 29-31 at Eastgate Holiday Inn, September 30-Oct 2 at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center and November 4-6 at the Spiritual Center of Maria Stein, Maria Stein, Ohio. Contact Dave & Jan Stockelman for reservations at [email protected], 251-1940 or 1-800-547-1251 code 00. St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH July 17, 2016 ST. TERESA OF AVILA 1175 OVERLOOK AVE • TUESDAY EVENINGS 7:00PM DOORS OPEN AT 5:00PM $4,000 IN BINGO AND PRIZES EVERY TUESDAY $1,000 COVERALL (progressive) OR $500/$300/$200 VARIETY OF INSTANTS AND SPECIALS COMPUTERIZED BINGO MACHINE WITH VERIFIER TV MONITORS CONCESSIONS • SECURITY • AIR CONDITIONED Delhi Pet Center THE GEILER COMPANY EVERYTHING FOR ALL YOUR PETS From Guppies to Puppies GREG LIPPS 5665 Rapid Run 451-4015 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Plumbing • Heating • Air Conditioning In Business Since 1885 24 Hour Service Brogan/ B.J. Meyer Memorial Hesketh Home FORMAL WEAR 244-2800 4841 Glenway Ave. 921-0117 www.bjmeyersons.com 352 Pedretti Rd. 513-347-1111 Stockelman DABBELT INSURANCE AGENCY INC. www.robbenflorist.com Plastering Inc. Proud to Serve St.Teresa’s 451-8050 No Job Is Too Small 5932 Glenway Ave. 574-8845 J&F GARAGE Complete Auto Body Repairs Complete Engine Repairs Complete Auto Repairs 24 Hour Towing Service 4381 Mayhew Ave. 471-1310 TOM ALTENAU, President 4208 Delhi Pike 513-244-7273 ROOFING & FURNACE CO. Established 1883 Residential • Commercial Roofing & Heating • Air Cond. 3400 GAMBLE AVE. 661-1910 Nicely Decorated 1 Bedroom in a Senior Building New Carpeting • Equipt Kitchen • Garage • AC Heat & Water Included 451-4395 513-921-1500 fax 921-1589 24 Hour Towing 4333 Mayhew www.precisionautobody.cc SGS Stephen G. Schott, cpa Mike Stalf 513-471-6610 4230 Delhi Rd. ALTENAU’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Cheviot COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE 921-2254 Richard Scott Licensed Master Plumber Plumber No. 243 • Payroll • Income Tax • accounTIng 513-922-4888 417 anderSon Ferry, Ste. 4 PROUT’S CORNER BARBER SHOP Member Automotive Service Association 1 BEDROOM for RENT ROBBEN FLORIST 251-2737 513-574-0025 Complete Domestic & Foreign Repair HART 471-1605 PHARMACY Dino Cittadino & Fred Salaz 922-0323 Martin Steinbach President Paving • Patchwork • Sealcoating Excavation • Concrete 513-251-8400 • Cell: 513-623-9594 1647 Westwood Ave. • queencityblacktop.com 4896 Guerly Rd. Cincinnati Dino works: Thursday - Saturday Grill • Pool • Gas Fireplaces Heating Oil & Propane “Serving Our Neighbors Since 1981” 574-0061 Bridgetown Kevin Ward @ Glenway GREG HARNIST • TIM CORCORAN CORCORAN & HARNIST HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 513-921-2227 PRICE HILL CHILI Orders to Go 471-9507 Coneys – Chili – Sandwiches Breakfast Open Sundays 7 am to 3 pm Since 1962 KEITH LAYMANCE Vice President 4521 W. 8th St. 921-5455 PAFF ELECTRIC LLC 4861 Glenway Ave. at Cleves Warsaw Prompt, Professional Service Commercial & Residential FREE DELIVERY 451-1061 CatholicMatch Ohio OH Lic #17324 • KY Lic #23513 CatholicMatch.com/goOH Western Hills • Price Hill & Vicinity Licensed Member BBB Dalbert, Woodruff & Isenogle Jeffrey F. Isenogle President FUNERAL HOME 922-1010 Sharing your concern for over a century [email protected] dwifuneralhome.com 2880 Boudinot Ave. DUWELAutomotive Service Complete Car repair CUStom eXHaUSt Modern & Antiques aSe automotive Certified 4314 Glenway Ave. • 471-5092 Serving Your Family’s Total Eye Care Needs UPTOWNE TIRE CO. 5333 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati NursiNg Care 513.922.TIRE Home Care Specialists Eye Examinations Contact Lenses Fashion Eyewear Designer Sunwear Hand Car Wash & Detailing Bonnie Perrino-Badinghaus, Owner Hours: Mon. - Sat. 8-7 Sun. 8-5 3619 Harrison Ave. 661-4111 YOU FLAT ‘EM - WE FIX ‘EM 5303 Glenway Ave., Western Hills 921-8040 Dr. Terry Leach, OD We accept most insurance & vision plans. Est. 1998 Fully Insured 5100 SIDNEY RD. 470-9609 www.lapetitesalonandspa.com cappelslandscaping.com 251-2560 VITT, STERMER & ANDERSON FUNERAL HOME Buy One, Get One FREE Valid only at the following location: 4619 Delhi Pike 3714 Warsaw Ave. Cincinnati 939-CARE (2273) 513-471-2445 www.vittstermeranderson.com Mike Bonomini President Bonomini ElEctric co., inc. Residential & Commercial (513) 941-3699 (513) 941-3799 Fax P. O. Box 33050 Cincinnati 45233 www.bonominielectric.com Sound-N-Secure Systems Home Burglar Alarm Systems Commercial Security Systems 24 HOUR U.L. MONITORING (513) 941-9400 Fax (513) 941-3799 P. O. Box 33050 Cincinnati 45233 www.soundnsecuresystems.com The Brogan Group 5110 Crookshank Rd. JOHN & CAROL WAINSCOTT Brogan Oil 4210 Glenway Ave. • 471-7001 Brogan Tire 9132 Colerain Ave. • 385-3800 Brogan Folz 5411Bridgetown Rd. • 574-3040 513-921-0561 SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION www.warsawfederal.com RUSS, PAT, KEITH & MATT BROGAN, JUSTIN In Loving Memory Edward J. Bacon Brandon Bussberg Thomas Ciolino Ann Ellis John Ellis Linda M. Fisher Leo A. Haas, Jr. Tim Harrigan Marian Heidel Marilyn Leuenberger Joseph D. Lind Coach John McDonald Lillian R. Menner James Robert Rhein Marvin Riley John & Betty Sandhas Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Seiwert Tom Steinkamp James H. (Tommy) Tierney Patrick T. Tierney Stephen Weber Peppe Ramundo & Son Custom Tailors SERVICE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL 1-800-282-5106 Cheese Coney! For Advertising Information CALL JOE CAPPEL’S ’S Lawn & Landscape, LLC Main Office FAMILY DENTISTRY 921-5289 Ernesto G. Sabato, D.D.S. 3533 Warsaw Ave. Sayler Park 6570 Gracely Dr. 513-244-6900 Hours by Appointment 4952 Glenway Ave. The Aluminum Extrusion Specialist 400 E. State St., Trenton, Oh. 513-988-6351 www.magnode.com Professional Alterations Tuxedo Rental & Sales 5229 Glenway Ave. • 921-2400 www.pepperamundoandson.com 513-662-2282 JonLe.com 2443 A “Bidwell Family” Co.
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