4.2 Showroom Flat design
4.2 Showroom Flat design
Version : 1.0 Date : 2014, Dec 4 © Copyright 2014 Hyundai Motor Company. all rights reserved. Document History Revision History Date of this revision : 2014.11.28 Revision Number 1.1 Date of next revision: Revision Date Summary of Changes Drafter / Reviser 2014.11.28 Original Document 이정민(the J) Approvals Distribution This document requires following approvals. This document has been distributed to Name Name Title Title Contents 1. Introduction 1. Overview 2. Guide outline 3. Policy 3. Design elements 1. Color 1. Main 2. Typeface 2. Showroom Flat design 3. Styles a. Navigation b. Background image c. Contents production guide 2. Basic system 1. Basic layout d. Thumbnail image e. Table f. Icon - product page a. Basic Grid System b. Layout 4. Showroom Flat design g. Button h. Pop-up a. Social cube b. Flagship c. E segment d. Key-visual e. VR f. Highlights g. Exterior h. Interior i. Performance j. Safety k. Convenience l. Specification m. Accessories n. Review o. Mobile p. Parallax image q. Print 1. Introduction 1.1 Overview Definition of Hyundai Motor Company Website Flat design style guide Flat design style guide 1.0 is modified to understand users visiting the Showroom of Hyundai Motor Company Website by using more flat and dynamic contents, and the aim of this guide is to make design works easier and more convenient as a new template. Applicable scope of Flat design style guide Flat design style guide V1.0 applies to all pages of Hyundai Motor Company website of each country. In Case of other services come into Hyundai Motor Company website, this guide should be applied to all pages. Time to apply flat design style guide Flat design style guide V1.0 applies on the time of opening, December, 2014. Reference PSD files will be provided separately later. 1.2 Guide outline Flat design style guide components Flat design style guide V1.0 is organized as below. 1. Introduction - Regulates the standard frame and applicable scope of flat design style guide. 2. Basic System - Define the fundamental site structure and basic system like design principle, definition of user environment and UI template. 3. Elements Design - Regulates the image, type, color and whole style. 4. Page Format Design (Regulates the fundamental form of Design Style) – Defines design expressed in Showroom. Practical use of flat design style guide Flat design style guide V1.0 is organized as below. 1. Flat design style guide is a guidebook, which is used to increase understanding and concentration regarding contents by expressing various contents of the show room as simply as possible. 1.3 Policy Flat design style guide management policy Flat design style guide V1.0 will be upgraded continuously and be managed by version. 1. There will be minor version upgrade if necessary. 2. For effective website identity management, observe the principles of flat design style guide Hyundai Motor Company Website identity maintaining policy 1. It is the principle to unify the whole design of Hyundai Motor Company website based on the flat design style guide. But if design variation is not against the regulated design principle of the Hyundai Motor Company flat design style guide and the website Look & Feel, it will be allowed. 2. Basic system 2. Basic system 2.1 Basic layout_a. Basic grid system Browser display - Showroom Flat design Maximum size of display : 1920px 10 Minimum size of display : 960px 10 Contents area : 940px Status bar 26px 2.2 Basic layout_a. Basic grid system Basic Grid GNB 70px Social cube 484px T Navigation 95px Contents Area Footer Flexible length by contents 360px 3. Design elements 3.1 Color Color Variation1 Main Color These colors are used for a and b segment of showroom flat design. HMC Orange #ff7e00 ● Home > Product Detail Page > A,B segment Sub Color HMC #987d64 Color Variation2 These colors are used for c and d segment of showroom flat design . HMC #a99281 Main Color HMC Blue #418ce5 ● Home > Product detail page > C,D segment Sub Color HMC Blue #477bbc HMC Blue #71a5de 3.1 Color Color Variation3 Main Color These colors are used for a and b segment of showroom flat design. HMC Blue #41719d ● Home > Product Detail Page > E segment Sub Color HMC #111111 HMC #888888 3.2 Typeface The usage of Hyundai font Main text that are used in exception Hyundai UltraLight / 40pt / #333333 (Font / Size / Color) This font is mainly used for main text that are used in exception and price information. The usage of Georgia This font is mainly used for main text that are used in exception and price information. Hyundai UltraLight / 26pt / #777777 / 36pt (Font / Size / Color / Line spacing ) Price Information Georgia / 24pt / #888888 (Font / Size / Color ) 3.2 Typeface Main Title Font guide for the product page Title area Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt (Font / Size / Color / Line-height) Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 24pt (Arial / 15pt / #666666 / 24pt) Sub Title & Contents Hyundai Light / 30pt / #333333 / 40pt Title and font guide in the product page contents area Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 22pt Arial Bold / 16pt / #222222 Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt 3.2 Typeface Common Contents Arial / 14pt / #000000 Title and font guide in the common contents area Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 20pt Arial / 14pt / #ffffff Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt 3.2 Typeface Bullet ● Home > Product Detail Page > Print SNS Arial Bold / 12pt / #333333 ● Home > Product Detail Page > Social Review Arial / 12pt / #666666 List ● Home > Product Detail Page > Review Arial / 11pt / #999999 Arial / 14pt / #333333 Arial / 12pt / #999999 3.3 Style_a. Navigation - Definition Showroom Navigation A,B segment Navigation menu for showroom pages. C,D segment E segment 3.3 Style_a. Navigation - Production Showroom Navigation 1 2 3 1 Common Area 2 Print / Download / Share 3 Showroom Navigation Arial / 12pt / #999999 A,B segment * All capital letters Hyundai Bold / 12pt / #666666 Hyundai Bold / 12pt / #ffffff #418ce5 C,D segment #a99281 E segment #5184b3 3.3 Style_a. Navigation - Production Showroom Navigation A,B segment Arial / 11pt / ##4e5665 Arial / 11pt / #ffffff Arial / 13pt / #666666 #Arial / 13pt / #999999 C,D segment Arial / 11pt / ##4e5665 Arial / 11pt / #ffffff Arial / 13pt / #666666 #Arial / 13pt / #666666 E segment Arial / 11pt / ##4e5665 Arial / 11pt / #ffffff Arial / 13pt / ##a7a7a7 #Arial / 13pt / #656565 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_b. Background Image Background Image Guide Top part’s visual express the perspective view. The width size is 1920px and the height is 650px. Width : 1920px / Horizon : 650px 1920px 650px 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_c. Contents production guide Flat design Product Contents Essential ways to use visual explain - Use infographics, comparison and metaphors to explain complex message such as technology, safety category contents. Headlines need to stand out visually and descriptively. Body copy is written in a easily understandable way. 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_c. Contents production guide Flat design Product Contents Interactive contents - Provide simple interactive contents on product detail page. The VR and some images on contents can be zoom in full screen. Help users understand by using proper motion. 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_c. Contents production guide Flat design Product Contents - According to the car, the visual explain can be modified properly. Check the below examples. For background images, use colors and patterns expressing the car’s unique feeling. Variation of visual explain 24 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_d. Thumbnail Image - Definition * Common rules : All image size can be applied to other pages. 1024 * 462 Image size guide for exterior pop-up window of social cube. It can be applied to other pages. 640 * 289 Image size guide for request a test Drive, request a brochure and most like of social cube. Reduce the image size by 50 percent 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_d. Thumbnail Image - Production 1024 * 462 Image size guide for exterior pop-up window of social cube. It can be applied to other pages. 51px 51px 51px ● Margin : 51px 51px 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_d. Thumbnail Image - Production 640 * 289 Image size guide for exterior of social cube. It can be applied to other pages. 32 32 32px ● Margin : 32px 32px Reduce 640 * 289 by 50% Image size guide for request a test drive, request a brochure and most like of social cube. It can be applied to other pages. Reduce the image size by 50 percent and this image adjustment is by using html. 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_d. Thumbnail Image - Definition W : 210 / H : 118 Thumbnail image guide for downloads page. It can be applied to other pages. W : 189 / H : 106 Thumbnail image guide for upcoming vehicles page. It can be applied to other pages. W : 109 / H : 69 Thumbnail image guide for social cube’s gallery page. It can be applied to other pages. Accessories Thumbnail W : 203 / H : 113 Thumbnail image size guide for accessories pages. It can be applied to other pages. 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_d. Thumbnail Image - Production 15px 15px W : 210 / H : 118 Thumbnail image guide for downloads page. It can be applied to other pages. 210 * 118 * Save the thumbnail images as PNG24. 9px 9px 9px W : 189 / H : 106 Thumbnail image guide for upcoming vehicles page. It can be applied to other pages. 109 * 69 Stroke guide : When the user click the thumbnail image, the stroke will appear around the boundary. #999999 3. Design elements 3.3 Style_d. Thumbnail Image - Production 7px 7px 7px 7px 7px W : 109 / H : 69 Thumbnail image guide for social cube’s gallery page. It can be applied to other pages. 109 * 69 9px Accessories Thumbnail W : 203 / H : 113 9px 203 * 113 9px 7px 3.3 Style_e. Table - Definition Spec table Table is used for showroom pages. 3.3 Style_e. Table - Production Spec table Table line color #575a5d Table is used for showroom pages. Table title bar color Table line color #e2e2e2 #d8d9d9 Arial Bold / 16pt / #909090 Arial Bold / 13pt / #333333 Arial Bold / 13pt / #57585a Arial Bold / 16pt / #333333 Arial / 13pt / #696969 3.3 Style_f.Icon - Definition Social cube Icon Icons used for social cube in the showroom navigation. Social cube Icons on Showroom Navigation A,B segment C,D segment C,D segment Selection style A,B segment * Common rules : 1) Social cube has 5 parts; cover, gallery, experience, most like and talk n talk. 2) ‘gallery’ and ‘experience’ can be used for both flagship and general product’s Showroom pages. 3) ‘most like’ and ‘talk n talk’ can be selected by local. 3.3 Style_f.Icon - Definition Social cube Icon Icons used for social cube in the showroom navigation. Social cube Icons on Showroom Navigation E segment Selection style E segment 3.3 Style_f.Icon - Definition Loading Icon Gallery Pop-up Icons are used for gallery pop-up pages. SNS Icon • Preview / Next Icon, Bullet Performance Icon When users mouse over it, the SNS icons come out. 3.3 Style_f.Icon - Definition Color Icon Etc Exterior Color Icon Interior Color Icon 3.3 Style_f.Icon - Production Color Icon (Exterior) Size of Exterior Color Icon 38px Icons are used for social cube pages. 38px * Save the thumbnail images as PNG24. Radius / Stroke Radius : 3px 5px 5px #c9c9c9 Upon selecting Exterior Color (Identical to Interior Color Icon) #333366 3.3 Style_f.Icon - Production Color Icon (Exterior) The guide for Exterior Color Icon Style 1 5 2 3 4 6 1 Opacity : 0 / Location : 0 2 Opacity : 0 / Location : 44 3 Opacity : 20 / Location : 49 4 Opacity : 0 / Location : 100 5 Color : #ffffff / Location : 0 6 Color : #ffffff / Location : 100 3.3 Style_f.Icon - Production Color Icon (Interior) Size of Interior Color Icon 38px Icons are used for social cube pages. 19 19 * Save the thumbnail images as PNG24. 38px Case1 : Same fabric, Different color Case2 : Different fabric, Same color Case 3 : Different fabric and color Case 4 : Same fabric and color 3.3 Style_ g.Button - Definition Basic Button Style #1 These buttons are mostly used in flat design. Basic Button Style #2 Action Button A,B Segment Timeline Button A,B Segment Buttons used for timeline. C,D Segment E Segment Basic Button Style #3 C,D Segment E Segment 3.3 Style_ g.Button - Production Basic Button Style #1 • The base width of button is 150px and increase or decrease the width every 10px if you want. Ex) 150px (o) • 160px (o) The space between the text and arrow should be more than 10px. Margins of button 10px Type Type Type Type 10px Face : Hyundai Bold Style : Sharp Size : 13pt Color : #ffffff 3.3 Style_ g.Button - Production Basic Button Style #1 • Fixed ratio Ex) 140px 35px Margins of button 8px 1 10px Type Type Type Type 8px 8px 15px Face : Hyundai Bold Style : Sharp Size : 12pt Color : #ffffff 1 Color : #418ce5 2 Color : #a99281 3 2 10px 15px 10px 15px 3.3 Style_ g.Button - Production Basic Button Style #2 • Fixed ratio A,B Segment 855px Buttons for timeline 68px The width size is flexible and does not exceed a maximum of 940px. The interval can be changed depending on the number of timeline button. Margins of button 2 1 3 8px 15px 190px Type Type Type Type Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 14pt Color : #ff7e00 1 Color : #ff7e00 2 Color : #acacac 3 Color : #000000(15%) 190px Type Type Type Type Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 14pt Color : #666666 190px 190px 3.3 Style_ g.Button - Production Basic Button Style #2 • Fixed ratio C,D Segment 828px Buttons for timeline 68px Margins of button 1 2 3 8px 15px 190px Type Type Type Type Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 14pt Color : #418ce5 1 Color : #418ce5 2 Color : #acacac 3 Color : #000000(15%) 190px Type Type Type Type Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 14pt Color : #666666 190px 190px 3.3 Style_ g.Button - Production Basic Button Style #2 • Fixed ratio E Segment 849px Buttons for timeline 68px Margins of button 1 2 3 8px 15px 150px Type Type Type Type Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 14pt Color : #5184b3 1 Color : #5184b3 2 Color : #555555 3 Color : #000000(15%) 150px Type Type Type Type 150px Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 14pt Color : #a1a1a1 150px 150px 3.3 Style_ g.Button - Production Basic Button Style #3 • Fixed ratio 41 Buttons for On/Off function 41 Margins of button 1 2 3 7px 10px Type Type Type Type Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 10pt Color : #ffffff 1 Color : #418ce5 2 Color : #ffffff(10%) 3 Icon Color : #ffffff(50%) Type Type Type Type Face : Arial Bold Style : Sharp Size : 10pt Color : #ffffff(20%) 3.3 Style_h. Pop-up - Definition Image Large view 3.3 Style_h. Pop-up - Production Image Large view Hyundai Bold / 22pt / #ffffff (Font / Size / Color) Hyundai / 12pt / #ffffff 665px 1024px 33px 10 42px 12 10 40 14 16 50px 4. Showroom Flat design 4.1 Main Main page Main page Home GNB 70px Key Visual Area 390px Sub Navigation 52px Banner 149px Footer 325px 4. Page Format Design 4.1 Main Footer Main page 100px 308px 100px Except main page 100px 100px 308px 100px 4.2 Showroom Flat design - Definition Social Cube Main Home > Product Detail Page Main Gallery Experience Most like Talk n talk 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_a.Social cube - Production Social Cube Main Minimum size of display : 940px Home > Product Detail Page Main 30px 70px Image of the vehicle should not overlap the text. 75 20 40 470px 640px 30 24 60 95px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_a.Social cube - Production Social Cube Main Minimum size of display : 940px Home > Product Detail Page Main 30px 70px Hyundai UltraLight / 40pt / #333333 Hyundai UltraLight / 26pt / #777777 / 36pt 470px 640px Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt Hyundai Bold / 13pt / #ffffff Arial / 11pt / #888888 / 13pt 95px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_a.Social cube - Production Social Cube Gallery Home > Product Detail Page Main 70px 384 * 80 111 7 7 45px 7 20 10px 10px 81px 81px 7 28 Hyundai Medium / 36pt / #555555 11 7 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_a.Social cube - Production Social Cube Experience Home > Product Detail Page Main 70px 321 * 76 45px 20 27px 5 10px 10 10px 640 * 289 145px 73px 28 Hyundai Medium / 36pt / #555555 11 7 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_a.Social cube - Production Social Cube Most like Home > Product Detail Page Main 70px 940 * 67 10px 10px 32px 114px 40px 360px 28 Hyundai Medium / 36pt / #555555 640 * 289 10 7 Reduce the image size by 50 percent and this image adjustment is by using html. 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_a.Social cube - Production Social Cube Talk n talk Home > Product Detail Page Main 70px 328 * 66 20 10px 45px 581px 10px 28 Hyundai Medium / 36pt / #555555 10 4 69px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_b.Flagship - Definition Flagship Product Showroom Home > Product Detail Page Main : Highlights, Exterior, Interior, Performance, Safety, Convenience Highlights Exterior Interior 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_b.Flagship - Definition Flagship Product Showroom Home > Product Detail Page Main : Highlights, Exterior, Interior, Performance, Safety, Convenience Performance Safety Convenience 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_c.E segment - Definition E segment Product Showroom Home > Product Detail Page Main : Highlights, Exterior, Interior, Performance, Safety, Convenience Highlights Exterior Interior 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_c.E segment - Definition E segment Product Showroom Home > Product Detail Page Main : Highlights, Exterior, Interior, Performance, Safety, Convenience Performance Safety Convenience 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_d.Key-visual - Production Key-visual product image 1 260px 75px 680 *2 290 4 3 * Common rules : 1) 2) 3) 4) 3 Position of horizontal line may vary depending upon the background image. The image is to be located at 260px down and 75px right from the lower-left corner of GNB. An image that shows both front and side is to be used for the page. The size of the vehicle should neither be bigger nor smaller than the other vehicles on the site. (Size of PNG may vary depending upon the location and size of the vehicle.) The image of the vehicle should not overlap either ‘like’ or ‘page navigation’ buttons. The rear wheels should not be over the horizontal line. 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_e.VR - Production VR Guide (Exterior) * Save the images as PNG24. 640px - 289px * Common rules : 1024px - 462px 1) 2) 3) 4) image type : PNG image. Non-vehicle area should be transparent. Size • 640px-289px • 1024px-462px Name rule • (model name)_(Exterior or Interior)_(Color name)_(size)_(Num).png • Ex) 1024 : YF_Black_Berry_1024_0.png • Ex) 640 : YF_Black_Berry_640_0.png 36 files MUST be numbered from 0 to 35. Otherwise the page won’t work. • DOs • YF_Black_Berry_1024_0.png (O) • YF_Black_Berry_1024_9.png (O) • DON’Ts • YF_Black_Berry_1024_00.png (X) • YF_Black_Berry_1024_09.png (X) 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_e.VR - Production VR Guide (Interior) 640px - 251px * Common rules : 1024px - 640px 1) 2) 3) 4) image type : jpg (Images should be optimized since there are numbers of files.) Size • 640px-251px • 1024px-640px (Resized depending upon browser size) Name rule • (model name)_(Exterior or Interior)_(Color name)_(size)_(Num).jpg • Ex) 1024 : YF_Black_Berry_1024_0.jpg • Ex) 640 : YF_Black_Berry_640_0.jpg 120 files MUST be numbered from 0 to 119. Otherwise the page won’t work. • • 5) DO's • • DON'Ts • • YF_Black_Berry_1024_0.png (O) YF_Black_Berry_1024_9.png (O) YF_Black_Berry_1024_00.png (X) YF_Black_Berry_1024_09.png (X) Since file number 100 is a default picture, it should be the photo of dash-board. 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Movie Size of display : 1280px 100 Text area 30 100 16 16 516 710 660 21 32 150 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Movie Size of display : 1280px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 15pt / #666666 / 24pt 235 * 100 Arial Bold / 14pt / #ffffff Arial Bold / 14pt / #ffffff(50%) 710 660 Hyundai Ultralight / 36pt / #ffffff * All capital letters Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 20pt 150 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Contents case01 Size of display : 1280px 100 30 Text area 50 90 410 410 * 360 420 20 20 30 20 420 * 360 410 410 * 360 360 20 30 20 50 20 410 * 360 Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 360 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Contents case01 Size of display : 1280px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 15pt / #666666 / 24pt Hyundai Light / 30pt / #333333 / 40pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 22pt Hyundai Medium / 22pt / #444444 Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Contents case01 Mouse click Size of display : 1280px 100 30 Text area 50 90 410 420 20 20 410 24 850 * 360 410 * 360 50 360 20 50 20 410 * 360 Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 360 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Contents case01 Mouse click Size of display : 1280px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 15pt / #666666 / 24pt Arial Bold / 16pt / #ffffff / 24pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt Hyundai Medium / 22pt / #444444 Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Size of display : 1280px Highlights Contents case02 40 20 30 690 20 Bottom Margin : 200px Contents area : 940px ex) 1 * Common rules : 1) In case that the number of the title lines does not match up, a title in the first line should be matched to the last line of the longer title. 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Size of display : 1280px Highlights Contents case02 Hyundai Lignt / 30pt / #333333 / 40pt 1 Arial / 13pt / #b94309 / 20pt Arial / 12pt / #666666 / 20pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 22pt Bottom Margin : 200px Contents area : 940px * Common rules : 1) Title color may vary depending upon the segment. 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Contents case03 Size of display : 1280px 20 30 690 80 20 Bottom Margin : 200px 640 640 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_f.Highlights - Production Highlights Contents case03 Size of display : 1280px Hyundai Light / 30pt / #333333 / 40pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 22pt Bottom Margin : 200px Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Exterior 150 Users can choose the content in front, side or rear. Background color or sub navigation are used in accordance with segment of the vehicle. (a and b segment are expressed in warm tone and c and d segment are expressed in blue tone.) 30 Text area 110 120 80 468 940 * 468 110 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Exterior Minimum size of display : 1280px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 24pt Arial Bold / 14pt / #444444 / 22pt 940 * 468 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Exterior 150 When users click the button, the detailed content can be identified, and the vehicle position is moved depending on the location of the detailed pop-up. 30 If there are ON/OFF buttons, a default is ON. 110 Text area 90 30 40 40 20 27 70 540 * 600 110 Contents area : 940px 600 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Exterior Minimum size of display : 1280px Arial Bold / 16pt / #ffffff / 24pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt 600 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Exterior E segment Minimum size of display : 1280px The height of tile is flexible. 140 330 440 430 52 600 32 30 20 20 30 20 20 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Exterior E segment Minimum size of display : 1280px Arial / 14pt / #cccccc / 20pt 600 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Exterior E segment Minimum size of display : 1280px Screen when you mouse-over 140 Dim - #000000(95%) Stroke - 1px / #3e6283 330 440 430 52 20 20 600 1 20 32 30 20 20 30 20 20 Contents area : 940px * Common rules : 1) Regarding big tiles - a decrease of vertical size as 20 px (based on the line between the upper and lower tiles) Regarding small tiles - No size changes from the previous tile. 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_g.Exterior - Production Exterior E segment Minimum size of display : 1280px 140 Arial / 14pt / #ffffff / 20pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt 600 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Interior 100 Background color can be changed. Text area 30 100 40 13 17 9 40 20 20 100 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior Minimum size of display : 1280px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 24pt Arial Bold / 12pt / #333333 Arial / 12pt / #666666 Arial Bold / 16pt / #222222 Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior A,B segment Minimum size of display : 1280px Front and rear images which are possible up to 1280px are provided but the main image is displayed in 960 size. 100 Background color can be changed. However, bottom margin=0px is applied to the background color(#FFFFFF) The plus Icon should be inside 940px. 1280 * 600 600 16 11 150 22 6 18 140 Contents area : 940px 170 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior C,D segment Minimum size of display : 1280px 100 1280 * 600 600 16 11 150 22 6 18 140 100 Contents area : 940px 170 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior A,B segment Minimum size of display : 1280px When users click the plus button, the detailed content comes out. 100 Animation or still image can be seen in the detailed content. 90 Background color of the detailed content can be changed in accordance with segment of the vehicle. 20 30 600 400 570 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior A,B segment Minimum size of display : 1280px Arial Bold / 16pt / #222222 Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 20pt Arial / 12pt / #666666 600 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior C,D segment Minimum size of display : 1280px 100 90 20 30 600 330 * 170 400 570 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior C,D segment Minimum size of display : 1280px Arial Bold / 16pt / #e1e1e1 Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt 600 330 * 170 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior E segment Minimum size of display : 1280px 100 123 20 30 600 290 * 170 30 97 318 488 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_h.Interior - Production Interior E segment Minimum size of display : 1280px Arial Bold / 16pt / #e1e1e1/ 20pt 600 Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt 290 * 170 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_i.Performance - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Performance 100 The number of tab is limited up to 6. Text area 30 100 90 17 30 30 60 100 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_i.Performance - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Performance Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 24pt Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 20pt Arial Bold / 30pt / #222222 / 30pt Arial / 24pt / #222222 Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 20pt Arial Bold / 80pt / #666666 Arial/ 14pt / #666666 Arial / 13pt / #f58d0a Arial / 13pt / #3f86c6 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_i.Performance - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Performance Margin : 60px 80 60 10 140 * 40 10 10 140 * 40 45 20 22 750px 60 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_i.Performance - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Performance Margin : 60px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #ffffff 140 * 40 140 * 40 Arial Bold / 13pt / #444444 / 20pt Arial Bold / 16pt / #ffffff 750px Arial / 12pt / #b9b9b9 Arial / 14pt / #dddddd / 20pt Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_i.Performance - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Safety 100 The timeline consists of from 2 to 6 contents at least. The number of each image in contents is restricted to 16. Text area 30 100 7 50 23 20 60 7 20 100 700px 1280 * 700 100 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_j.Safety - Production Safety Minimum size of display : 1280px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 24pt Arial Bold / 16pt / #333333 Arial / 14pt / #666666 Arial / 12pt / #666666 Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_j.Safety - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Safety Margin : 60px 105 10 20 22 160 * 174 60 30 18 680px 160 * 130 18 160 * 130 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_j.Safety - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Safety Margin : 60px Arial Bold / 16pt / #000000 160 * 174 Arial Bold / 12pt / #ffffff / 18pt Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 20pt 160 * 130 160 * 130 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Convenience 100 Text area 30 120 310 320 310 * 310 320 * 310 310 40 30 310 30 310 * 620 310 630 * 310 120 Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production Minimum size of display : 1280px Convenience Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 16pt / #666666 / 24pt Hyundai Llight / 28pt / #ffffff Arial Bold / 14pt / #444444 / 20pt Arial / 14pt / #000000(50%) Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production Convenience A,B segment 960px Detailed pop-up consists of 4 tiles and the remainder becomes dimmed. Dimmed color of the detailed content can be changed in accordance with segment of the vehicle. 50 20 20 620px 630 * 620 150 * 94 150 * 94 150 * 94 35 50 8 8 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production Convenience A,B segment 960px Arial Bold / 16pt / #ffffff Arial / 14pt / #cccccc / 20pt 620px 150 * 94 150 * 94 150 * 94 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production Convenience C,D segment 960px 50 20 20 19 630 * 620 50 620px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production Convenience C,D segment 960px Arial Bold / 16pt / #ffffff Arial / 14pt / #cccccc / 20pt Arial / 12pt / #998675 620px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production 940px Common 95px 11 Mouse-over makes image zoom in. thumbnail image size : 306 * 133(px) 20 11 thumbnail image size : 306 * 133(px) thumbnail image size : 306 * 133(px) 20 20 10 10 10 thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail image size : image size : image size : 306 * 133(px) 306 * 133(px) 306 * 133(px) section bottom margin 125px 20 20 (가장 긴 텍스트 밑 라인부터) 10 10 10 section bottom margin 125px (125 px from the small letter base line of the last line having the longest contents) 80px 4.2 Showroom Flat design_k.Convenience - Production 940px Common Arial / 14pt / #000000 Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 20pt Arial / 12pt / #8d744b Arial / 14pt / #ffffff Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt 4.2 Showroom Flat design_l.Specification - Production 4.2 Showroom Flat design_l.Specification - Production 4.2 Showroom Flat design_m.Accessories - Production 4.2 Showroom Flat design_n.Review - Production 4.2 Showroom Flat design_n.Review - Production 4.2 Showroom Flat design_n.Review - Production 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_o.Mobile - Production Mobile_ Highlights Tiles are relocated inside 960px in order that detailed contents can be seen properly in a mobile version. Size of display : 980px 100 30 Text area 50 90 310 310 * 300 300 10 20 30 300 * 300 10 310 310 * 300 300 30 10 310 * 300 Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 300 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_o.Mobile - Production Mobile_ Highlights Size of display : 980px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 15pt / #666666 / 24pt Hyundai Light / 30pt / #333333 / 40pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 22pt Hyundai Medium / 22pt / #444444 Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_o.Mobile - Production Mobile_ Highlights Size of display : 980px 100 30 Text area 50 90 310 10 300 10 310 80 25 300 640 * 300 10 30 310 * 300 Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 300 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_o.Mobile - Production Mobile_ Highlights Size of display : 980px Hyundai Ultralight / 40pt / #222222 / 50pt Arial / 15pt / #666666 / 24pt Arial Bold / 16pt / #ffffff / 24pt Arial / 14pt / #888888 / 20pt Bottom Margin : 110px Contents area : 940px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_p.Parallax image - Production Parallax image guide Web image (1920px * 820px) Mobile image (980px * 450px) Size of display : 980px Size of display : 1920px Web : Actual size (1920px * 820px), A size you can see during the Parallax (1920px * 520px). Mobile : Size (980px * 450px) Fixed ratio Parallax size : 1920 * 520 820 450 450 Parallax size : 1920 * 520 Minimum size of display : 960px 820 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_q.Print - Production 960px Print 117 Representative images in showroom page are utilized. 22 440 46 20 15 15 25 45 15 15 25 45 Contents area : 860px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_q.Print - Production 960px Print Hyundai Ultralight / 42pt / #333333 Hyundai Ultralight / 31pt / #999999 / 45pt Arial / 14pt / #999999 / 20pt Hyundai Bold / 18pt / # 333333 Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 20pt Hyundai Bold / 18pt / # 333333 Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 20pt Contents area : 860px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_q.Print - Production 960px Print 20 15 15 15 16 15 13 13 45 15 15 25 960px 45 15 12 36 13 Contents area : 860px 90 480 480 58 Contents area : 860px 4. Page Format Design 4.2 Showroom Flat design_q.Print - Production 960px Print Hyundai Bold / 18pt / #333333 15 Arial Bold / 12pt / #333333 / 14pt Arial Bold / 14pt / #333333 / 18pt Arial / 14pt / #666666 / 18pt 25 15 Contents area : 860px Arial / 14pt / #333333 / 37pt Arial / 14pt / #333333 / 37pt Arial / 12pt / #736357 Contents area : 860px End of Document
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