Quicktour Tutorial


Quicktour Tutorial
CimatronE 9.0 Tutorial
QuickTour Tutorial ⎪i
CimatronE 9.0
Table of Contents
Step 1 – Create a New Part Document...................................................................................................2
Step 1a – The Cimatron Environment.....................................................................................................2
Step 2 – Create a Sketch ........................................................................................................................5
Step 2a – Create a Sketch ......................................................................................................................7
Step 2b – Create a Sketch ......................................................................................................................7
Step 2c – Create a Sketch ......................................................................................................................9
Step 2d – Create a Sketch ....................................................................................................................10
Step 2e – Create a Sketch ....................................................................................................................11
Step 2f – Create a Sketch .....................................................................................................................12
Step 2g – Create a Sketch ....................................................................................................................14
Step 3 – Extrude the Sketch..................................................................................................................16
Step 4 – Create a Blend Face ...............................................................................................................18
Step 4a – Create a Blend Face .............................................................................................................20
Step 4b – Create a Blend Face .............................................................................................................23
Step 5 – Solid/Cut .................................................................................................................................24
Step 6 – Apply Rounds..........................................................................................................................27
Step 7 – Create a Taper........................................................................................................................28
Step 8 – Create a Shell .........................................................................................................................32
Step 9 – Create a Step..........................................................................................................................33
Create an Offset Curve ...............................................................................................................35
Extrude Remove the Offset Curve ..............................................................................................36
Step 10 – Create an M-View .................................................................................................................37
Step 1 – Create a New Assembly Document........................................................................................41
Step 2 – Add the Cover Component .....................................................................................................42
Step 3 – Add the Base Component.......................................................................................................43
Step 4 – Connect the Mouse Components ...........................................................................................44
Step 4a – Connect the Mouse Components .........................................................................................46
Step 5 – Rotate the Assembly...............................................................................................................47
Drafting ......................................................................................................................................................49
Step 1 – Create a New Drawing Document ..........................................................................................50
Step 2 – Select a Frame for the Sheet..................................................................................................50
Step 3 – Create a New View .................................................................................................................51
Step 4 – Create a Derived View ............................................................................................................53
Step 5 – Create an ISO View ................................................................................................................54
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Step 6 – Create a D-View......................................................................................................................55
Step 7 – Set Dimensions.......................................................................................................................57
Step 8 – Text .........................................................................................................................................58
Step 9 – Section Line ............................................................................................................................61
Mold Project ..............................................................................................................................................64
Step 1 – Open a New Mold Project.......................................................................................................65
Step 2 – Load Work Part .......................................................................................................................67
Step 2a – Load Work Part .....................................................................................................................69
Step 2b – Load Work Part .....................................................................................................................71
Step 2c – Load Work Part .....................................................................................................................73
Step 3 – Split the Model into Core and Cavity ......................................................................................74
Step 3a – Split .......................................................................................................................................76
Step 4 – Draft Angle ..............................................................................................................................79
Step 5 – Create Parting Lines ...............................................................................................................80
Step 6 – Create Parting Faces ..............................................................................................................83
Step 7 – Load the Mold Base ................................................................................................................85
Step 7a – Load the Mold Base ..............................................................................................................87
Step 8 – Export to Part ..........................................................................................................................88
Step 8a – Select Split Direction.............................................................................................................90
Step 8b – Export to Core Part ...............................................................................................................92
Step 9 – Create Stocks in the Cavity and Core Inserts.........................................................................95
Step 10 – Export Parting Faces ............................................................................................................98
Step 10a – Export Parting Faces to the Core .....................................................................................101
Step 11 – Create a Pocket ..................................................................................................................103
Step 11a – Create a Pocket ................................................................................................................105
Step 11b – Create a Pocket ................................................................................................................107
Step 12 – Add Mold Components .......................................................................................................109
Step 12a – Add Mold Components .....................................................................................................112
Step 12b – Add Mold Components .....................................................................................................114
Step 13 – Cooling Design....................................................................................................................115
Step 14a – Cooling Design..................................................................................................................116
Step 14b – Cooling Design..................................................................................................................117
Step 14c – Cooling Design..................................................................................................................118
Electrodes ...............................................................................................................................................121
Step 1 – The Electrode Wizard ...........................................................................................................121
Step 2 – Extract the First Electrode ....................................................................................................123
Step 3 – Create Blank .........................................................................................................................126
Step 4 – Create Extension Faces .......................................................................................................129
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Step 5 – Extract the Other Electrodes.................................................................................................135
Step 6 – Simulate the Electrode Motions ............................................................................................138
Step 1 – Export the Model to the NC Document .................................................................................139
Step 2 – Import Cutters .......................................................................................................................140
Step 3 – Create a New Toolpath .........................................................................................................141
Step 4 – Create a Stock ......................................................................................................................143
Step 5 – Create a Volume Milling Procedure ......................................................................................143
Step 6 – Select the Geometry .............................................................................................................144
Step 7 – Load Preferred Values and Look .........................................................................................146
Step 8 – Create a Surface Milling Procedure......................................................................................150
Step 8a – Create a Surface Milling Procedure....................................................................................151
Step 9 – Create a Remachine Procedure ...........................................................................................154
Step 10 – Simulate the Procedures ....................................................................................................157
CimatronE 9.0
QuickTour Tutorial ⎪1
The following Quick Tour is a step-by-step basic tutorial, which guides you through the main
applications of CimatronE.
Steps to follow:
Step 1 – Creating the part
Step 2 – Assemble the components
Step 3 – Drafting
Step 4 – Mold project
Step 5 – Electrodes
Step 6 – NC
In this first chapter we are going to create the cover of a mouse.
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Step 1 – Create a New Part Document
From the File menu, select New File.
Select the Part option and click OK.
Step 1a – The Cimatron Environment
There are several groups of toolbars within the Icons toolbar, two of which are discussed
1. Viewing Options group
Zoom All
Rotate to Plane
Last Picture
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Dynamic Section
Global Render
Hidden Lines
Top View
Partial Hidden Lines
Front View
Mixed Render Mode
Right View
Local Render
Bottom View
Back View
Left View
Render Mode Dialog
2. Short Cut filter
Select All.
Clear Selection.
Add Mode selects all entities within a box.
Remove Mode unselects all entities within a
Visible faces Only selects only visible faces.
Picked Face Only selects only the picked
Expand to pocket selects all the faces
belongs to the pocket
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Expand to round selects the entire rounded
area automatically
Expand to Hole extends the selection to
include a hole.
Expand to Smooth extends the selection to
include all smooth faces
Sketches and Composites.
Edges and Curves.
In the picture below the Menu Bar (1), Icons Toolbar (2), Features Tree (3) and Display
Area (4) are displayed.
For further information about the CimatronE toolbar, click the icon below:
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Step 2 – Create a Sketch
Before creating the first sketch we will define main planes for the model.
From the Datum menu, select the Plane/Main Planes option.
Pick the displayed UCS.
At the bottom-left of the Cimatron window the appropriate prompt for the function is
To approve the operation, click the OK
part of the screen.
button in the Feature Guide in the upper-left
You may also press the right mouse button to display the Feature Guide in the display.
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Click on the Isometric View icon to display the following view of the main planes:
Practice manipulating the Cimatron work area by using the three buttons shown below:
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Step 2a – Create a Sketch
Click the Sketcher icon
Pick the XY plane as the sketching plane. (Or simply exit the selection using
the middle mouse button. By doing this, the system automatically selects the XY
plane as the Sketcher plane).
When the Sketcher opens, the vertical Sketcher Toolbar appears on the right
side of the display.
Click the Rotate to Plane icon.
Step 2b – Create a Sketch
In the Sketcher toolbar the Line option is selected as the default drawing tool.
To create the first line, two end points have to be defined.
To define the first end point, move the mouse over the UCS origin, point and click it.
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Move the mouse to the right, make sure that the dashed red horizontal line i.e. horizontal
constraint appears, and then pick the second end point.
When creating geometric entities, lines or points are highlighted to help you align entities
relative to the Sketcher UCS or other entities.
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Step 2c – Create a Sketch
Drag the mouse to the third point as shown in the figure below and click it.
You may work with the Show Constraints Constantly mode to see the constraint while
creating the sketcher. By default, this tool is turned on when you enter sketcher, enabling you
to view all the constraints in the sketch.
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Meanwhile turn the Show Constraints Constantly off, by selecting the Sketcher Tools
and then press the Show Constraints icon to deactivate it.
Close the Sketcher Tools Dialog.
Step 2d – Create a Sketch
Drag the mouse to the left until both the X horizontal & Y vertical constraints (dashed
lines) appear. Click to define the end point of the third line.
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Drag the mouse downwards and pick the UCS origin point to complete the creation of the
last line.
Exit the line function by pressing the Middle Mouse Button.
Step 2e – Create a Sketch
Now that you have learned the basic sketch features (line and constraints), we will recreate the
sketch using the rectangle option.
To undo the sketch created, either press the Undo icon four times, OR press the left and
middle mouse buttons together four times.
Sketch a rectangle
Press the rectangle icon in the Sketcher Toolbar. Pick the UCS origin as the first point,
move the mouse to the right and upwards and Pick the second corner point i.e. top right of the
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Step 2f – Create a Sketch
Set Dimensions for the sketch
Click the dimension icon
from the Sketcher Toolbar.
Pick the line as shown below:
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Move the mouse upward and click a point above the line, to locate the dimension.
In the dialog, enter the value 64 and press Enter.
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Step 2g – Create a Sketch
Pick the second line, as indicated by the cursor:
Place the dimension as shown and set its value to 103.
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Click on the Zoom All icon
so that the sketch fits the entire display.
Exit the Sketcher by clicking the Exit the Sketcher icon
display area and selecting the option, Exit Sketcher.
, or by right clicking in the
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In the above example the dimensions were updated automatically. There is also the option
to enter a dimension and manually update it at a later stage. Click on the icon below for a
further explanation of the automatic and manual update options.
Step 3 – Extrude the Sketch
Change to ISO view.
After exiting the Sketcher the sketch is automatically selected (highlighted).
Click on the icon below to find out about hiding the planes to get a clearer display:
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Unpick the sketch (by clicking on it), click the planes and then click the hide icon
To hide ALL the existing and future Datums, press the Right and Middle Mouse Buttons
together, and unselect Datums.
Pick the sketch, Right Click in the display area and select New Extrude.
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You may create the extrude by clicking Solid/New/Extrude from the main menu.
Accept the default parameters.
From the Feature guide, click OK
Click on the Zoom All icon
to approve the operation.
so that the model fits the entire display.
Step 4 – Create a Blend Face
CimatronE is a hybrid environment, which can work with closed, open or partially open
solid objects. Solid, Surfaces and Wire-Frame tools can be applied on the same object.
We will now create a blend face.
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We will then cut the object with the blend face
We will now import predefined contours. Instead of receiving these contours another option
would be to create the blend contours via the sketcher.
A part document will be imported from the Cimatron E Explorer.
From the File menu, select the Import/From Part option.
From the CimatronE Explorer, select the Sketch Tutorial.elt file (located in the
\\Tutorial Work Files \ Getting Started directory).
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Click the Select button.
Click OK in the Import Feature Guide.
Step 4a – Create a Blend Face
Note the three imported curves indicated by the arrows in the picture below:
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From the Faces menu, select the Blend function.
Use the Rotate icon
rotate the part.
or press the CTRL key together with the Left Mouse Button to
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Pick the first edge of the blend face as indicated by the cursor below:
Pick the second edge.
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Step 4b – Create a Blend Face
Change the display to Wireframe mode, by clicking the Global Render mode icon and
selecting Global Wireframe.
Note the created blend face.
Define the boundaries of the blend by clicking the Pick boundaries option.
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Pick the contour indicated below:
Click the OK button in the Blend Feature Guide.
Step 5 – Solid/Cut
Return to the Global Shade mode.
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From the Solid menu, select the Cut function.
Pick the solid object you have created as the object to be cut and exit using the Middle
Mouse Button.
Pick the blend face as the cutting object.
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Accept the default parameter: Remove Cutting Object. When using this option, the system
automatically removes the cutting object (blend face) when approving the Cut operation.
Accept the cutting direction (blue arrow) as shown in the picture below:
CimatronE 9.0
Click OK in the Solid Feature Guide.
Step 6 – Apply Rounds
From the Menu Bar, select Solid/Round.
Pick the edges to be rounded, indicated in the picture below:
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Use the Rotate icon
rotate the part.
or press the CTRL key together with the Left Mouse Button to
Exit (Middle Mouse Button).
Apply the following values:30
Click OK to approve the round operation.
Step 7 – Create a Taper
From the Solid Menu, select Taper.
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Leave the option set to Neutral Plane and pick the following plane:
Pick the face indicated by the cursor, as the face to be tapered:
All the connecting faces (apart from the front face) have been automatically selected.
Middle mouse click to accept these faces, set the Taper Angle and the flip the arrow as
Change to front view
If necessary, press the Flip button to change the default direction.
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Press the Preview button
to view the result before approving it.
Click OK in the Feature Guide.
Create the final rounds
From the main menu, select Solid/Round.
Pick the corners as shown in the picture below:
Hide the UCS and zoom in for easier selection of the corner points.
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Note that all the edges connected by this corner, are automatically picked.
Apply rounds with a radius of 5.
CimatronE 9.0
Step 8 – Create a Shell
From the Solid menu, select Shell.
Change the thickness to 4.
Pick the bottom face as the open face.
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Use the Rotate icon
rotate the part.
or press the CTRL key together with the Left Mouse Button to
Click OK in the Shell Feature Guide.
Step 9 – Create a Step
Create a composite curve, by clicking the Composite curve icon
Change the option to Faces Outer Boundary.
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Click on the icon below to find out about how to create a composite curve:
Pick the face shown:
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Accept the result by clicking OK in the Composite Feature Guide.
Create an Offset Curve
From the Curves menu, select Offset.
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Pick the previously created composite curve and apply the following parameters:
Click OK in the Offset Feature Guide.
Extrude Remove the Offset Curve
Select the Offset curve, right click and select Remove Extrude.
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Set the following parameters:
Click OK in the Extrude Feature Guide.
Step 10 – Create an M-View
A Modeling View (M-View) will now be created. The M-View is a user-defined view of
entities which includes a profile of display parameters.
CimatronE 9.0
At the bottom left of the screen select the M-View tab.
Under the M-View tab, Right Click and select New M-View.
Position the Part on the Screen as follows:
Zoom, Pan and Rotate the part accordingly
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Click OK in the M-View Feature Guide.
Click on the Isometric view icon.
Under the M-View tab, Double Click on M-View1.
The Part has returned to it's original orientation and size.
Select File/Save and in the Cimatron E Explorer, save the file under the following name:
A new document named Mouse Cover is created.
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Close the part document.
In this chapter the parts of the Mouse will be assembled.
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Mouse Cover
For the first assembly part document, either use the Mouse Cover.elt file created in the first
chapter or the ready made file:
Mouse Base
For the second assembly part document, use the Mouse Base.elt.
Step 1 – Create a New Assembly Document
From the File menu select the New File option.
Select the Assembly option.
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Step 2 – Add the Cover Component
From the Icons Toolbar, click the Add component icon
Assembly/Add Component.
or select the option
Select the file Mouse Cover from the CimatronE Explorer.
To place the component on the Active Assembly Origin, select the On Assembly UCS
option. The system automatically places the part on the Active Assembly UCS.
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Click OK in the Feature Guide.
Step 3 – Add the Base Component
Click the Add component icon
Select the Mouse Base component, from the Cimatron E Explorer.
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Change the default option to 'Place By Pick', and pick anywhere on the screen.
Click OK in the Feature Guide.
Click on the Zoom All icon
so that the assembly fits the entire display.
Step 4 – Connect the Mouse Components
Click the Connect icon
Pick the face of the cover shown below:
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Now pick the face of the base shown below:
Change the Natural Alignment option to Anti-Align.
Click Apply.
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Step 4a – Connect the Mouse Components
Now pick the following two faces:
Accept the connect options and click OK in the Feature Guide.
In the Assembly Tree, at left of the screen click on the plus symbols (+) of the Mouse
Cover and Mouse Base.
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The two connect operations appear in the Assembly Tree.
Step 5 – Rotate the Assembly
Click the Move/Rotate icon
Toggle the Move option to Rotate.
Click on the face used for the second connection, and move the mouse base.
Click on the icon below to view a movie showing the remaining degree of freedom of the
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Rotate the part as show below and click OK in the Feature Guide.
Pick the following two faces:
Right Click and select Connect.
Click OK upon receiving the following message:
This connection was made with the default parameter set to Coincident. As the coincident
option was already used in Step 4a and the faces are already 'touching', the above message
appears, indicating that we have eliminated too many degrees of freedom.
Change the connect parameters to those shown below.
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Click OK in the Feature Guide.
The assembly is now fully defined.
Save and close the assembly document.
In the following chapter a drawing will be created for the Mouse Cover part document.
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Step 1 – Create a New Drawing Document
From the File menu, select New File.
Select Drawing from the New Document dialog.
Step 2 – Select a Frame for the Sheet
In the Drawing Tree, expand Sheet1.
Double click the option NONE, and select the A3 frame.
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Press Apply/Close in the dialog box.
Step 3 – Create a New View
Right-click in the display area and select View Creation.
The View creation dialog appears.
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Click the folder icon to load the model.
Select the part document created previously.
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To place the top view, click in the area of the frame shown below, and Exit.
Step 4 – Create a Derived View
To create a derived view from the top view, pick the top view, click anywhere below it
and Exit.
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Create the right view and Exit.
Step 5 – Create an ISO View
Click on any view.
In the View Creation dialog, click the Simple view projection type arrow and select the
ISO view.
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Place the view below the right view.
Step 6 – Create a D-View
A Drafting View (D-View) will now be created from the M-View created in Step 10 of the Part
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Click on any view and in the View Creation dialog click the M-View icon.
In the M-Views dialog, click OK.
Place the view to the right of the views created.
Exit the View Creation dialog, via the Close button.
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Step 7 – Set Dimensions
Click the Dimension icon.
From the Simple2 view, pick the two end points shown below:
Place the dimension as shown:
Click Apply in the dialog box.
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From the Simple3 view, pick the two lines shown below, and place the dimension to the
right of the view.
Exit the dimension function.
Step 8 – Text
We are now going to attach symbolic text to the drawing.
Right Click on the Simple1 view in the Drafting Tree and select Rename.
Change the name of the Simple1 view to Top, and repeat this step, renaming the other four
views so they appear as follows:
The text was made bigger by Picking the Text on the screen and enlarging the font size to 10.
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Click the Text icon.
Pick an edge of the ISO view and in a space above the view:
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Open the Text Editor.
In the right of the Text Editor window select the %%Part_Name option.
Click OK in the Text Editor.
In the Text dialog, click on the Attach Symbolic Text icon.
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Pick an edge of the part as shown below:
Click Close in the Text Dialog.
Step 9 – Section Line
Click on the Section Line icon
Click on the midpoints of the two edges below to create the section line:
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Close the Section Line dialog.
Right Click on the screen and select View Creation.
Pick the section line and click below the Top view.
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In the View creation dialog, set the text 10mm below the view.
Close the View Creation dialog.
Save your work.
Save and close the file.
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Mold Project
In this chapter the mold and the active parts of the mouse cover will be created.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Open a New Mold Project
Place Work Part in the Layout
Stage 5
Stage 6
Load Mold Base
Export to Part
Select Layout
Stage 4
Parting Face and Attributes
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Stage 7
Stage 8
Create Stocks in the Cavity and
Core Inserts
Export Parting Faces
Stage 11
Add Mold Components
Cooling Design
Step 1 – Open a New Mold Project
The start of every Mold Project is the Setup Wizard.
From the CimatronE opening screen, click the Mold Setup icon.
Stage 9
Create a Pocket
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The Mold Project Setup Wizard is loaded.
Name the main assembly: Mouse cover
Select Create a new folder to place the main assembly in a new folder.
Note that you may define the name of the Assembly. Text can be added to the beginning or
end of the name using the Assembly Name_Generator in the preferences.
Click the Preference icon. Change the Name_Generator. Ensure that the Suffix field is
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Click OK
While loading the project you can already decide on the layout and where to position your
You can either create a new layout part or load one from a predefined layouts library.
The Mouse cover is a single cavity mold, so accept the default Layout part Layout-1-Cavmm i.e. a single cavity layout part.
Click OK.
Step 2 – Load Work Part
Note the assembly structure.
A mold assembly has been created. This assembly consists of a Fixed Side, Movable Side,
and Ejection System sub-assemblies.
Notice the MoldDesign Guide. Both guides: Parting and Mold, guide you through the
logical steps of the Mold Project process, from start to finish.
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There is also a Parting sub-assembly, which is activated by default and will be used first.
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The Parting sub-assembly will later include the work parts and parting faces parts. This
helps to organize the spilt work.
The outer blue box is a simple sketch that represents a preliminary mold base size. It can be
edited to any size just to help with the layout until there is a real mold base built.
The inner box represents the bounding box work part.
Step 2a – Load Work Part
We will now load the work part and position it onto the UCS in the Layout part.
Click the Load Work Parts icon in the Parting Guide.
The Load Work Parts dialog appear.
Master part: The original document received from the product designer, used as a reference
for the working document.
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Work part : All necessary operations for the mold part creation are performed in this
document . Operations include fixing the model, splitting the model, creating parting lines and
parting surfaces, creating the mold UCS and the mold part objects and exporting them. The
working document is associative to the master document.
Click the Open file button.
From the Cimatron E Explorer select the Mouse cover.elt file (located in the \\Tutorial
Work Files \ Getting Started directory).
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Accept the default parameters of the Document Name, Units (mm) and Shrinkage
Compensation of the part.
Click OK.
Step 2b – Load Work Part
Place the part on the layout coordinate system.
This operation also creates a coordinate system in the work file called a Work UCS feature.
The Work UCS is the UCS created within the work part, by which the work part is placed in a
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Pick the UCS indicated by the arrow in the picture below:
Click the Edit Work UCS button to edit the location of the Work UCS.
Click Yes to continue the operation.
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Step 2c – Load Work Part
Change to ISO view, and select the Wireframe display mode.
Move Work UCS to the lower middle point of the bounding box.
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Click OK in the Feature Guide.
Click OK to approve the operation.
Step 3 – Split the Model into Core and Cavity
Note that the Work Part now appears in the Assembly Tree.
Switch back to Mixed Render mode and hide the Layout part for a clearer display.
Select the Parting tab to display the parting tree.
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Double-click the Mouse Cover-Work to activate the part.
Click the QuickSplit icon.
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Accept this setting and select OK.
Step 3a – Split
Two sets are created.
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Move the slider to view the resulting two main groups.
The gray face belongs to the unassigned group. We will attach it to the upper group.
Pick the face highlighted in the picture above.
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To attach it to the blue (upper) set, move the mouse over the blue set and press the Middle
Mouse Button.
Exit the Quick Split function, via the Close button.
Rename the split sets.
Right click on the set Split-01 and select Rename.
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Name the sets Cavity (Split-01) and Core (Split-02).
Step 4 – Draft Angle
Click the Analysis Tools/Draft Angle Analysis icon.
Press the Show dialog tab.
The draft angle of the model is automatically color-coded according to the default color map
You may change the colors as well as the values.
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Ensure that there are no red faces (undercuts) in the model and exit the Draft Angle
Step 5 – Create Parting Lines
The parting curve will be automatically created. Each entity in the parting curve gets the
attributes of the faces it belongs to.
The preview parting lines are not only for analysis purposes. Once the preview is
performed, any curve/surface that is created using the edge of the parting line will
automatically get parting attributes. The parting line preview can be updated at any stage, after
changes to the part.
Verify that the Mouse cover-work is active.
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From the Parting options, click Parting Line Preview.
A preview of the parting curve is created on common boundaries of every pair of QuickSplit
objects (Quick sets).
The internal parting curves will now be automatically created.
Hide the Cavity set.
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Click the Composite icon.
Change the option to Along Open Edges.
Pick the first and the last curve in the chain.
Click OK in the Feature Guide.
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Step 6 – Create Parting Faces
From the Parting Guide click Parting Surf/External.
Verify the parting curve created is picked, and change the width of the parting curve to
100, as shown below:
Click OK in the Feature Guide.
Re-enter the QuickSplit option.
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Show the Cavity set.
Open the slider. The parting face which was created using the parting curve, gets the
attributes of the parting curve, and therefore belongs to both sets.
In the 'Parting' process, main curve/face creation functions work in a way that they inherit
the parting attributes of the curves/faces that are used as input for the functions.
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In general you may edit the Parting attributes of each parting face through the Parting
Attributes tab.
Step 7 – Load the Mold Base
Activate the Main Assembly.
Click the option: Mold Base / New Mold Base.
The Mold-base Plate Set Wizard appears.
Select the HASCO mm configuration catalog. Select the configuration of 9 plates B (the
support plate is on the Movable side) using the K Series item.
Set the Catalog code (configuration size) to 346 346.
After the Parameters have been entered, press the Hide Dialog button to view the
bounding box around the active parts.
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Click the Next button.
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Step 7a – Load the Mold Base
Set the parameters as shown in the picture below. Click the Next button.
The system automatically updates R2 according to the size of R1.
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Accept the default available components. Click Finish.
Step 8 – Export to Part
Click the option: Export to Part icon.
Click the arrow next to the Pick Target Part option.
Select the option: Pick Target Sub-Assembly (Export to New Part).
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You are now requested to select the Target Sub Assembly. You may either select it from
the feature tree or from the display area. Select the Fixed Side_Mouse cover as the target
Rename the new part as Cavity.
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Step 8a – Select Split Direction
Exit (Middle Mouse Button) to jump to the next step in the feature guide. Change the
visibility of the Fixed Side assembly to WF mode.
Select one of the faces of the cavity split set.
The entire faces of the split direction is automatically selected.
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Select OK.
Notice the new part – Cavity under the fixed Side in the feature tree.
Switch to the Parting tree and notice the new set: The cavity split direction under the
Cavity new part.
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Step 8b – Export to Core Part
In the Parting tree, hide the cavity set of the Mouse Cover work part. Ensure that the
fixed side is hidden.
Click the option: Export to Part icon.
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Select the Movable side as the target assembly. Name the new part: Core.
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Exit (MMB). Select one of the core split direction faces. Select OK.
Notice the new part in the feature tree and the new set in the parting tree.
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Step 9 – Create Stocks in the Cavity and Core Inserts
Activate the Cavity part under the fixed side assembly. Display only the cavity and the
parting surface part.
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Enter the Sketcher. Exit to automatically pick the XY plane as the sketcher plane.
Click Rotate To Plane.
Sketch a box and set the dimensions as follows:
The 75 and 80 dimensions are measured from the UCS point to their respective edges.
Right Click and select Exit Sketcher.
Switch to Right view and set the following parameters:
Display K20 in the assembly tree to evaluate the required size of the stock.
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Click OK.
Repeat the same operation for the Core part.(under the movable side)
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Set the following parameters:
Click OK.
Step 10 – Export Parting Faces
Show only the Cavity part under the Fixed Side and the Parting Mouse cover assembly.
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Ensure that the Cavity split direction of the mouse cover work part is shown.
Select the Export Parting Faces icon.
Select the previously created box ( Cavity part) as the target part .
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The visibility of the core part has automatically been changed to WF mode to enable an
easier selection of the split direction entities.
Select the face of the cavity split direction (in order to pick the parting faces belong to the
indicated split direction).
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Exit (MMB) to jump to the next step. Accept the default option: Cut to perform a cut of
the stock by the parting faces together with the export operation.
Change to Right view and press the preview button to examine the predicted result.
Click OK Feature Guide.
Display only the Cavity part in Shade mode.
Step 10a – Export Parting Faces to the Core
Repeat the same operation for the Core part:
Show only the Core part under the Movable Side and the Parting Mouse cover
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Hide the Cavity split direction of the Mouse Cover work part.
Select the Export Parting Faces icon. Select the Core part as the target part.
Select the face of the core split direction.
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Exit. Ensure that the arrow of the cutting direction is pointing upwards.
Click OK.
Step 11 – Create a Pocket
Show only the Movable Side sub-assembly.
Activate the K20 part.
From the Menu Bar, select the option Solid/Remove/Extrude.
Click the Sketcher icon
, in order to create the sketch of the body to be removed.
Define the Sketch plane by following the steps below:
We will now select a hidden face.
1. Hold the mouse over the indicated face by the red arrow in the picture below.
This face is above the area of the hidden face required.
2. Wait until the cursor changes to the Select Other Mechanism as shown.
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3. Hidden or adjacent entities can now be picked by selecting the first highlighted face
(without releasing the mouse button) and moving the cursor accordingly (in our case
4. Once the lower face of the core is highlighted in green, release the mouse button to
select it.
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Step 11a – Create a Pocket
Change to Wireframe mode.
Click the Add Geometry icon from the Sketcher Toolbar.
Pick the lower edge of the core.
Pick the other three edges.
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Exit the function via the Middle Mouse Button.
Right-click on the display area and select Exit Sketcher.
Switch back to Mixed Render mode and select the Through option.
Click OK in the Extrude Feature Guide.
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Step 11b – Create a Pocket
Hide the core part in the tree to view the pocket.
Repeat the same operations for the cavity pocket.
Activate the K20 part in the Fixed Side.
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Select Solid/Remove/Extrude.
Click the Sketcher icon and pick the face indicated below as the sketch plane.
Click the Add Geometry icon and add the following four edges:
Exit the sketcher and select the option Through.
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Click OK in the Extrude Feature Guide.
Step 12 – Add Mold Components
We will now add screws to the Movable Side (Connecting the core insert to plate K20).
Activate the Movable Side and set the display as follows:
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From the MoldDesign Guide, click the icon Add Mold Comp/Screws – Bolts.
From the HASCO mm catalog, select Cap Screw/Cap Screw Z 31.
From the catalog list, select the Z31 / M4 X 20 Cap Screw and click OK.
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Click the Data button
to view the Parameter Table.
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Step 12a – Add Mold Components
Pick the bottom face as indicated in the picture below:
Switch to Top View.
Notice that you have automatically entered the sketcher in the previously selected face as
the reference plane.
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While in the sketcher, click the Symmetry Line icon and draw the following symmetry
Notice that the point icon is on, draw the first point as indicated below:
Draw the second point.
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Use the Vertical constraint.
Step 12b – Add Mold Components
Set dimensions as follows:
Exit the dimension by clicking the middle mouse button.
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Switch to Front View, and notice the placement of the screws.
Right-click and click OK.
Step 13 – Cooling Design
In the following steps, we will create a cooling channel.
The sub-assembly in which the cooling system passes through, will now be activated.
With the Fixed Side activated, set the display as follows:
A plane will now be defined for the cooling sketch.
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Click the Cooling Design/Parallel Plane icon.
Change to ISO view, and pick the lower face of plate K20.
Step 14a – Cooling Design
Set a Delta of 32 (front view).
Click OK in the Parallel Plane Feature Guide.
Notice the new cooling part feature in the tree, under the Fixed Side sub-assembly. The
cooling part is automatically activated.
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Step 14b – Cooling Design
Click the Cooling Sketch icon from the Cooling Design option.
Verify the previously created plane is picked.
Click the Top view, and create the following sketch:
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Exit the Sketcher.
Step 14c – Cooling Design
Click the Cooling Objects icon.
The input for the Cooling object is the cooling sketch.
Verify the sketch is picked and Middle Mouse Click to accept the selection.
Set the parameters as follows: With Cut.
Set the Visual Analysis to On, and set an offset of 4.
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Here we can see an analysis of the area around the cooling pipes. When the Visual Analysis
is On, a component that touches a cooling pipe is displayed in red.
View the drilling parameters.
Click OK in the Cooling Channel Feature Guide.
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At this stage a revolve operation is performed for each line. The system cuts all the plates in
the active sub assembly that the cooling channel passes through.
See the Cooling object feature in the Features Tree.
Save and close the Mold assembly.
To View the final result of the Mold Project, Unpack the Mouse cover.ctf file (located in
the \\Tutorial Work Files \ Getting Started directory).
For more information on the Unpack mechanism, access the Sets and M-View Tutorial by
clicking on the link below:
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In this chapter you will create electrodes for the grooves in the core part below.
Step 1 – The Electrode Wizard
Click the Electrode Set-Up icon.
The Electrode Set Up Wizard now appears.
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Click on the Open File icon.
From the CimatronE Explorer select the Mouse Core Electrode.elt file (located in the
\\Tutorial Work Files \ Getting Started directory).
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Check the Create New Folder option, and select OK in the Setup Wizard.
A new folder and assembly have been created in CimatronE Explorer.
Step 2 – Extract the First Electrode
To create a new electrode, click Extract Electrode from the Electrode Guide on the right hand
side of the screen.
Pick next to the right groove as indicated by the cursor in the picture below:
Move the rectangle to include the entire groove.
Click on a corner of the rectangle and drag it to resize and view its dimensions.
Set the following parameters:
Click on the expansion arrow to view the options.
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The faces selected are in 'Stand-by' mode. They will now be attached to the electrode.
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Click the Middle Mouse Button to attach the faces to the electrode.
The faces turn green once they have been attached.
Click the Center to Selection icon in the Feature Guide.
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Click OK in the Feature Guide.
Step 3 – Create Blank
Activate the electrode by double clicking on it in the Electrode Tree.
Hide the Mouse Core Electrode part.
Click on Blank in the Electrode Guide.
Set the blank parameters as follows:
Toggle the Free Value button, so that Free Value: Base Height is selected.
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Click OK in the Feature Guide.
Click on UCS in the Electrode Guide.
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Click on the point marked below:
Click OK in the Electrode UCS Feature Guide.
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Step 4 – Create Extension Faces
Click on Auto Contour icon in the Electrode Guide.
A contour has been automatically created.
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Click the Extension icon in the Electrode Guide.
The contour is automatically picked.
Change the Tangent option to 2 Directions.
Change the Minimum Distance 1st Direction and Minimum Distance 2nd Direction to
Toggle the Offset option to Shift.
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In the Feature Guide, click on the Filler Face icon.
A Filler Face has been applied to the side of the electrode.
Click Apply in the Feature Guide.
Change the Tangent option to Direction.
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Change the Length option to To Blank.
Click on the Step icon and verify the Step Size is set to 1.
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Press OK in the Feature Guide.
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Show the part in the Electrode Tree.
Right click on the Blank Feature in the Features Tree and select Re-Center.
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The Re-Center and Re-Fit operations update the Blank feature, considering any new
geometry created.
Save the electrode as a template
From the Menu Bar, select the Electrode/Save As Template option.
Set a name to the template and select OK.
Step 5 – Extract the Other Electrodes
The Second electrode will now be extracted.
Activate the Assembly, by double clicking on the assembly in the Electrode Tree.
Place the electrode as shown.
Change the No Template option to Apply Template, and click on Change Template.
Select the previously created template.
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Moving the cursor over the Change Template button will show the current templates name.
Exit, via the middle mouse button, to attach the faces and click the Center To Selection
icon in the Feature Guide.
Click Apply.
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Use the same template as above to extract the third electrode.
Attach the faces and click Center To Selection and Fit To Selection options.
Click OK in the Extract Electrode Feature Guide..
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Step 6 – Simulate the Electrode Motions
Activate the assembly.
From the Electrode Guide, click the Simulation icon.
Drag the slider to view the electrode motion.
Save and close the Electrode assembly.
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In this chapter you will create NC procedures for the core of the mouse cover.
Step 1 – Export the Model to the NC Document
Open the core part document Mouse Cover Core.elt.
From the File menu, select Export/To NC.
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Click OK in the Import Feature Guide.
From the Icons Toolbar, verify that the Wizard Mode is selected.
When using the Wizard Mode, the amount of free space in the graphic display is
When creating or editing a procedure, each dialog and parameter table can be opened
separately by clicking the appropriate icon in the NC Guide.
Step 2 – Import Cutters
We will now import the cutters to be used in the NC procedures.
From the NC Guide, click the Cutters icon.
The Cutters & Holders dialog appears.
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Click the Cutter Library button.
Import the Ball 10 by selecting it and clicking on the 'Add cutters to the Selected Cutters
list' arrow.
Repeat the same for the Flat 16 cutter.
Click OK
to confirm and exit the Cutter Library.
Click OK
to Exit the Cutters & Holders dialog.
Step 3 – Create a New Toolpath
Click the ToolPath Folder icon.
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Notice the clearance plane which appears in the display area.
Set the parameters as follows and click OK.
2.5 Axis, 3 Axis, 4 Axis and 5 Axis ToolPaths are available.
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Step 4 – Create a Stock
Click the Stock icon.
'Create Stock' is a 3X procedure used to represent the stock material from which the final
part will be produced.
Leave the default parameters and click OK.
Step 5 – Create a Volume Milling Procedure
We are going to machine this part using several NC technologies. We will start with a Rough
Spiral procedure.
Click the Procedure icon.
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Accept the Main Selection of Volume Milling and ensure that the Sub Selection is
Rough Spiral.
Click the Cutters Holders icon (Next Step) to continue.
Select the Cutter FLAT16.
Click OK.
Step 6 – Select the Geometry
We will now select the Geometry.
Click the Geometry icon.
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Click the NC Assistant icon to display the picture in the dialog below:
Right-click in the Display area and select All Displayed and Exit.
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Step 7 – Load Preferred Values and Look
Click the Motion Parameters icon.
In the Motion Parameters dialog, click on the Load Preferred Values and Look icon.
Click Yes upon receiving the following message:
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The Cimatron default preferred values and look will now be loaded.
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Click the icon circled below, to show all the parameters of the Tool Trajectory.
Show the parameter.
Hide the parameter.
All parameters are displayed, even the ones marked as hidden.
Only the parameters marked as shown are displayed. Hidden parameters are not displayed.
Enter the following parameters
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Click the Machine Parameters icon to continue.
Accept the default values for the Machine parameters.
Click the Save & Calculate icon.
In the NC Process Manager, notice the created procedure.
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Change the Toolpath color to Blue.
Step 8 – Create a Surface Milling Procedure
We will now create a Surface Milling procedure.
Create a new procedure.
Press the Procedure icon.
Set the Technology as follows:
Surface Milling
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Finish Mill By Limit Angle
Select the BALL10 cutter and click the Next Step arrow to continue.
Step 8a – Create a Surface Milling Procedure
Select Geometry: The system automatically selects the entities selected in the previous
Click on the Boundaries (Optional) button and pick the face indicted below:
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Accept the Geometry selection and press Exit to proceed to the next step.
In the Motion Parameters dialog, click the Load Preferred Values and Look icon, and
click Yes to accept the preferred values.
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Click on the Stock ,Shank & Holder, select Advanced and note that the Consider
Remaining Stock parameter is checked.
When the Consider Remaining Stock parameter is set to Yes, the remaining stock is
calculated before generating tool motions.
Execute the procedure by clicking the Save and Calculate icon
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Hide the Volume Milling procedure by clicking on the Hide/Show icon circled below:
Hide the Surface Milling procedure motions.
Step 9 – Create a Remachine Procedure
Create a new procedure, define the technology as below and click the Cutter icon.
In the Cutters and Holders dialog, select Cutter Ball 10 Cutter and click on the New Cutter
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In the Cutter Properties section enter the following parameters for the new cutter:
Click OK and Press the Geometry icon.
Accept the geometry selection.
Select the preferred values and look of the Cleanup procedure:
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Save and Calculate the procedure.
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Step 10 – Simulate the Procedures
Click the Machining Simulation icon.
Click the double arrow to include all of the procedures in the Simulation.
In the dialog, verify the Standard option is checked and click OK.
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The NC Simulator Application opens.
Click the Start icon
The final result of the exercise may be seen in the Mouse Cover Core_NC.elt file.