Cochrane Bow RiversEdge Rally Cochrane Bow


Cochrane Bow RiversEdge Rally Cochrane Bow
by Stephen Pick
It was a great long weekend rally, with 14 coaches in a endance!
It started Friday a ernoon with a chain of coaches rolling in one a er the
other. The weather was forecast to be wet, but even JF braved the
elements and risked exposing his shiny coach to the wet stuff. Some
coaches were recently back from the south, some out of winter storage for
the first me this year.
1 Cochrane Bow RiversEdge Rally
2 Cochrane Bow RiversEdge Rally - cont’d
3 Cochrane Bow RiversEdge Rally - cont’d
The Hosts of Bow RiversEdge Rally
Rosters & Renewals
4 2013 Schedule of Events
Black Diamond Rally Info Change
Fall Elections
General Info
5 Southern Alberta Drifters Club History
President, Ed Bostock
[email protected] • 403-285-6549
Vice President, Bill Wong
[email protected] • 403-247-9193
Secretary, Ray Herbert
[email protected] • 403-730-5607
Treasurer, Lane Kellam
[email protected] • 403-257-5454
National Director, Allen de Jong
[email protected] • 403-816-8562
Alt. National Director, Bill Wong
[email protected] • 403-247-9193
Wagonmaster, Lyle Davidson
[email protected] • 403-652-2834
Newsletter Publishers, Stephen & Anne Pick
[email protected] • 403-938-2876
Membership, Stephen Pick
[email protected] • 403-938-2876
Sheriff, Lorna Steeves
[email protected] • 403-285-6549
The Friday evening happy hour followed by the appe zer event was a great
me ge ng to see friends for the first me this year. New members Tim
and Marg Spielman met everyone and got ini ated into the group. The
expansive selec on of appe zers was great and everyone had a chance for
a great meal and even then there were le overs. Members faded back to
coaches, sat and cha ed in the club house, or in small groups at various
sites. The weather co-operated and it was a great evening.
Saturday morning was off to a great start with hash-browns and an egg
concoc on done up by Ed and Lorna. Tim learned early on that coming
late to a Dri ers breakfast has its risks. With the dishes cleared off and a
few gallons of Billy Wong’s great coffee consumed, we were all ready for
the spring general mee ng.
Secretary Ray will provide the formal minutes, but your intrepid reporter
will hit some of the high points.
• The treasurer’s report, presented by Ron Kellam on behalf of absent
Treasurer Lane, showed the club to be in sound financial condi on. We
cont’d on pg 2 ....
have a few upcoming expenditures, but following that will s ll
have a strong reserve to cover eventuali es.
• The trailer will have some preven ve maintenance work
done to it this summer ( res, bearings, etc). It proved very
useful to have it out this weekend.
• The club has purchased a new “turkey roaster” and a grill.
The old turkey roaster burner was a definite fire hazard, and the
new grill with its large surface area will be great for future
• Ron Kellam moved a series of mo ons regarding the club’s
financial prac ces: that the club will maintain a posi ve cash
balance of $2000, that all rallies should be self sufficient
financially, and that all club reserve funds be used to support
the club and not used for charitable purposes. All mo ons
passed. It was also proposed that the club’s by laws be
reviewed and updated for presenta on at the fall AGM.
• Membership was discussed at length. Ideas on how to
promote and expand membership were tossed around. More
on this as ideas are fleshed out.
• The Gobblefest and fall AGM will be held at the Cochrane
Bow River’sEdge Campground in October. 20 sites have been
booked. Other loca ons were inves gated but the costs were
prohibi ve.
• Finally, it was noted that there will
be a major change in the execu ve this
fall, with only the Secretary carrying
over into the following year. Please
consider signing up for some of the
posi ons that are becoming vacant.
The mee ng then wound up and we all headed out into the
sunshine. For all the hype in the forecast about bad weather, so
far it had been great sunny spring weather.
The dus ng, shining, repairs, walks and just si ng in the sun
con nued. All the while hosts Ed and Lorna beavered away and
put on a spread of corn on the cob, beans and shredded beef
bunwiches. This was topped off with a Dri ers logoed cake! A
great evening, and talking again con nued long into the night.
The sun came up Sunday morning, perhaps a bit early for some
revellers (”Just saying”), and the feast con nued. Hash browns,
sausages, bacon and pancakes. Some mes it seems all we do at
these events is eat well!! No mee ngs this morning so me for
more coach reno’s and also some trips into town for MacKay’s
ice cream. Dinner was again a high point with stuffed pork
tenderloin, baked potatoes and fresh asparagus.
Monday arrived with the usual departure morning con nental
breakfast. Sherrif Lorna held court and we were all fined for
various misdeeds. Those of us who had not done any misdeeds
were fined for not having provided the sheriff with any material
... no one escaped unscathed.
We all then slowly broke camp heading out in our various
direc ons.
Black Diamond is coming in June - see you there!!
It would be impossible to not say a HUGE Thank-You to
Ed Bostock and Lorna Steeves for providing fantas c meals
through the event. From Lorna’s Saturday morning egg and
ham bake to corn and pulled pork sandwiches, to pancakes
sausages and bacon, to stuffed pork tenderloin and all the
trimmings. A fantas c menu.
While others all pitched in from me to me, Ed and Lorna
carried the brunt of the work and their efforts resulted in a
superb series of meals, and enjoyment by all.
The club’s membership roster will be updated and distributed
at/following the Black Diamond rally (by mail for those not in
a endance).
The Dri ers logoed cake was just one of the extra touches that
demonstrates the extra mile that these two went for the group.
And not only as cooks, but Ed and Lorna were always part of the
clean-up crew as well. Talk about going the extra mile!!
If you have not renewed your membership as of May 31st 2013,
you will not be included in the roster and will not receive future
It was greatly appreciated you two!
If your informa on has changed since last year, please email the
changes to Stephen ([email protected]) ASAP so it can be
Subject to change / adjustment / update / etc
June 19 -23
FMCS’s 88th Family Reunion & Motorhome Showcase @ CAM-PLEX in Gillette, Wyoming
‘Mile Marker 50' ... FMCA’s 50th Anniversary !!
June 21 -23
Lions Campground, Black Diamond
• full hook-ups, 50 amp elec, wi-fi, shelter
July 12 - 14
Pine Coulee, Group A Campground
• dry camping, shelter, firepit
August 2 - 5
August 8 - 11
Northwest Area Rally @ Linn County Fair & Expo in Albany, Oregon
August 30 September 2
Claresholm Campground
• water, 30 amp, shelter, dump available,
washrooms, showers
October 4 - 6
• Bow RiversEdge Campground, Cochrane
• full hook-ups, 30 amp, shelter
• Fall Annual General Meeting and Elections (2 yr term)
Up next is the Black Diamond rally hosted by Carol and Ron
Suomi. There will be a cra s event on Saturday. See the sign-up
sheet e-mailed out earlier.
An Erratum
The Friday appe zer event is on as always, but both hot and
cold appe zers are welcome. Just something yummy and
substan ve is all that we ask!
A reminder ... elec ons are held each year at our fall AGM. Start
thinking now about the posi ons up for elec on this year, and
consider pu ng your name forward, or nomina ng someone you
would like to see elected. Execu ve posi ons are for a two year
term commencing in October following the AGM.
Execu ve (elected posi ons)
Ed Bostock
Vice President
Bill Wong
Ray Herbert
Ray Herbert
Lane Kellam
Na onal Director
Allen de Jong
Alt. Na onal Director
Bill Wong
Directors (volunteer posi ons/no specific term)
Newsle er
Lyle Davidson (final year)
Stephen Pick
Anne & Stephen Pick
Lorna Steeves
Southern Alberta Drifters is a registered chapter of the Family
Motor Coach Association. Membership is open to any FMCA
member in good standing.
All cheques and registration and sign-up forms should be sent to
our Treasurer:
Lane Kellam
80 Mt Douglass Point SE
Calgary, AB T2Z 3J9
Posi ons requiring ‘new blood’ at the end of this season, are
highlighted in red.
The Chapter’s official mailing address is:
Ed Bostock
219 Pinemill Road NE
Calgary, AB T1Y 2E1
Take the me to chat with the current posi on holders for info,
and get involved in the chapter’s opera on.
The Chapter’s official FMCA website address is:
It is the 11th year of the club, and Anne and I thought it would be fun to start a history column repor ng on events and other things
from the past. Source is the various issues of the club newsle er.
Club Year 1 : 2003
The first newsle er was published in January 2003. The
President was Dave Wylie, and the Newsle er Eeditor Edie
Gu riend. John Fraser was the Vice President.
As this was the first year of the club, many assets were
accumulated for the rallies and ini ally stored in Dave Wylie’s
garage and basement. Some items were donated and others
purchased. Key items included the two 18qt cookers, the BBQ,
the propane heater, various flags, 60qt pot and burner, and the
100 cup coffee pot.
held at the Lynwood Ranch with events and Stampede ckets
included. This was for “out of towners” with the club members
being volunteers and hosts. Goal was to raise money for a
trailer as storage space at Wylie’s had begun to run out.
The club ended the 2003 season with 42 member coaches, $800
in the bank, and lots of new assets. Plans were in hand to
enhance the 2004 events. Three winter socials were also
planned. The first year of the club saw great membership
growth, floods, good food and fun for all the members.
Two types of events were the norm: campouts and rallies.
Campouts were non hosted events with just sites booked in
advance. The Rallies had a theme and were hosted with main
meals provided. Plans in 2004 were for Rallies at Didsbury
(Caribbean), Keevers Lake (50 & 60s Fun), and Granum
(Lobsterfest). Also planned was a Caravan to the FMCA NW
area rally in Albany Oregon.
As happens, things did not always go as planned. The Didsbury
event was shi ed to Beiseker at the last moment as snow, rain
and flooding forced a change. The hosts for the Granum event
(the Gu riends) could not a end at the last minute due to a
coach engine fire on the way there ... but members jumped in
and the event and surf and turf went ahead. All in all it was a
successful first season, with only the usual comments as to why
a endance of events was not higher. The other item men oned
was the great quality and quan ty of the provided food.
Recipes made it into the newsle er from me to me and we
have included one example from 2003 here.
Four member coaches caravanned to the NW area rally with
two more coming later. The highpoint men oned was the all
chapter parade, in which our a ending chapter members
marched carrying flags and snow shovels in the blistering hot
central Oregon weather.
The badges were also designed and chosen. The original design
was the logo in black and white, but in the end as the cost was
similar they were printed in the colours we have today.
Other ac vi es included 50/50s and the Sheriff at rallies like we
do, as well as auc ons, Bocci ball tournaments and the like.
“Bus races” were also men oned. Off season events like a
Chinese dinner and a fun car rally were also held. Auc ons
were usually of donated items, some of which kept reappearing
at future events to be auc oned again and again ... !
A highlight of the AGM was the proposal by John Fraser that the
chapter to hold a Stampede Rally in 2005 as a fund raiser.
Targeted at an a endance of 100 to 150 coaches, it would be
At the rally in Beiseker, the feature meal – prepared by Chef
Sherri and a bevy of willing volunteers to chop, peel, dice
slice and grate things – was PORK ADOBA, a recipe from
Cuba. This a delicious meal and the kitchen smells great for
several hours as it cooks.
2 pork tenderloins
3 cloves crushed garlic
3 tablespoons of vinegar
2 cups of water
1 ½ teaspoons of salt
6-8 peppercorns
1 tablespoon brown sugar
8 tablespoons Kikoman (only) soy sauce
1 bayleaf
1 sliced onion
4 tablespoons grated fresh ginger root
Place pork tenderloins in Dutch oven and brown. Add the
rest of the ingredients and simmer covered in 300 degree
oven until the pork is tender. Remove roast and thicken the
gravy with cornstarch.
Serve as shredded tenderloin covered in the gravy – it’s
delicious and there’s very seldom any leftovers!