fot. z Archiwum UM


fot. z Archiwum UM
fot. z Archiwum UM
9 - 10 January 2015
New Year’s concert
During this New Year’s concert, the Philharmonic Orchestra in Koszalin will be conducted by Maciej Niesiołowski, and the repertoire will
include among others pieces by Josef and Johann Strauss.
11 January 2015
23rd Final of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
A national fund raising for the purchase of the most modern devices
to maintain high standards of the treatment of children in paediatric
and cancer wards and of decent medical care for seniors. Concerts
and many other artistic activities will accompany the auctions and
fund raising. Local artists will perform on the stage in front of the
Town Hall. Małgorzata Ostrowska will be the star. The so-called “light
to the sky” will close the event.
11 January 2015
New Year’s Great Gala of Opera and Operetta
The most beautiful arias and duets from the most famous operas
and operettas, popular operetta arias and overtures; over two hours
of beautiful music, which will take the listeners to a trip to the world
full of emotions. This great cultural event, a great treat not only to
fervent lovers of classics. The most outstanding Polish soloists will
be performing: Edyta Piasecka - soprano, Magdalena Idzik - mezzo-soprano, Adam Sobierajski - tenor, Adam Zaremba – baritone; they
will be accompanied by the Orchestra of Philharmonic Musicians
from Bydgoszcz conducted by Marek Czekała. Andrzej Zborowski will
host this concert.
17 - 19 January 2015
fot. z Archiwum UM
17-19 January 2015
13th International Festival of Documentary Films about
Włodzimierz Wysocki: “Passions According to Saint Włodzimierz”
The lovers of the works by Włodzimierz Wysocki have an opportunity to watch competition films concerning the artist, which will be
presented at the Festival for the first time. Those interested may
participate in panel discussions and meetings with experts on Wysocki. Within the framework of the event, concerts are foreseen
of songs by W. Wysocki. This year, setting in a medal dedicated to
Włodzimierz Wysocki and a signpost to show the way to the Artist’s
Museum will constitute a special event during the Festival.
31 January 2015
Blood Mantra Tour 2015
During their joint concert, the greatest stars of the Polish metal music will
be performing: Decapitated, Thy Disease, The Sixpounder and Materia.
7 February 2015
Concert of the Plateau Group under the name of Grechuta
The “Grechuta Project” is the fourth record by the PLATEAU Group,
which includes 10 pieces by unforgettable Marek Grechuta. These
were produced by Wojciech Waglewski and presented in new and
very brave arrangements.
7 March 2015
Concert of Stare Dobre Małżeństwo Group
To celebrate the Women’s Day, in the concert room at the 105 Centre of Culture, this valued and popular Polish music group will perform sung poetry.
7 March 2015
50 Years on the Stage – Concert of Krzysztof Krawczyk
The only such concert on the occasion of 50 Years on the Stage:
Krzysztof Krawczyk live with a 10-person group. This evening, we
will hear the familiar and popular hits from the whole period of the
artist’s career. The artist has a charismatic baritone voice; he is a
guitarist and a composer.
28 March 2015
First-night performance including songs by Marek Grechuta
On the occasion of the International Theatre Day, the Baltic Drama
Theatre proposes the first night of a play based on the production
by Marek Grechuta. This will be a continuation of the cycle of music
spectacles dedicated to outstanding artists, which has been realized
in the theatre for 8 years now. A popular actor, an expert on the
production by Grechuta, a master of actor song: Jacek Bończyk is in
charge of the direction and realization of this project.
20 February 2015
Polish Cabaret Night
Under the motto: laugh is healthy, another edition of this largest
cyclic cabaret show in Poland will deal with the subject matter of
healthcare services. Still more joyfully, still more absurdly and invariably on the highest artistic level.
In this almost four-hour show, Paranienormalni, Kabaret Moralnego
Niepokoju, Nowaki and Ireneusz Krosny will appear on the stage.
21 February 2015
Concert of Baaba Group
fot. Izabela Rogowska
Baaba is a Polish avant-garde jazz group. Their compositions are
energetic and impetuous, and the musicians are popular also abroad.
7th Gala of Koszalin Culture
A ceremony of awards of the Town Mayor for achievements in the
area of artistic production, popularization and protection of culture.
lin, and will encourage everybody to undertake reader’s activity and
meet interesting people.
fot. KBP
fot. z Archiwum UM
17 - 19 April 2015
12th “REFLEKTOR” National Festival of Actor Song
1-3 May 2015
The objective of this Festival is the popularization of the actor song
among young people, one which is understood as any piece, yet with
theatre colouring, enriched with a prop, gesture, emotional state,
one which presents one’s own or somebody else’s experience in an
acting manner. The winners of the Festival will perform during the
ceremonial gala concert on the stage in the Baltic Drama Theatre.
This involves numerous events and attractions such as: performances by choirs, concerts or displays of the equipment used by the
Border Guards and Fire Brigade Department. Sports constitute an
essential part of the event; this includes among others shows of
martial arts, judo and karate.
15-16 May 2015
Good Vibe Festiwal
The third edition of the Festival, which presents promising young
groups that play “positive” sounds in such styles as soul, funk, jazz
and hip-hop.
fot. z Archiwum UM
22 April 2015
Concert of Lao Che Group
In February 2015, Lao Che is releasing a new album and will be promoting it in Koszalin among other locations. Each previous album by
this popular group gained huge recognition with fans and music critics. The production of this group combines influences of the various
music genres: rock, electronics, funk or hip hop.
24 April 2015
Night in the Library
This is organized to celebrate the International Book and Copyright
Law Day. The event is addressed to all the residents of Koszalin and
the District of Koszalin; it will introduce the work of the library, it
will honour the most active readers of the public libraries in Kosza-
16 May 2015
Night of Museums
This is a unique cultural event, when galleries and museums in Koszalin are open for visitors until late at night. This is the only opportunity in the year to visit, within several hours and completely free
of charge, all the exhibitions and expositions that are on display in
the town.
23 - 24 May 2015
Koszalin Days
“Koszalin Days” is the cycle of events which commence on 23 May on the
anniversary of granting municipal rights to Koszalin; these are celebrated
in the immediate weekend following this date. This few days’ celebration
of the Town is organized to offer diversified forms of entertainment to the
residents, including cycling expeditions, tourist competitions, outdoor
exhibitions, sports workshops, demonstrations of specialist equipment,
fight shows and dancing lessons. In the amphitheatre, the concert of a
star group will take place among others. This year’s celebrations of our
Town will be especially ceremonial due to the jubilee of 750 years of Koszalin that is being celebrated in the years of 2014-2016.
med by stars, special film shows, live talks with film creators, exhibitions, performances and concerts in the Festival Club as well as
vehement discussions with film creators with this slogan: “Be Frank
as I am Frank”.
26th "Cantate Domino" Festival of Religious Song of John Paul II
This event covers the Koszalin and Kołobrzeg Diocese. The soloists
and groups that are participating in the Festival are the winners of
regional competition preliminaries.
fot. Kuźnia Zdjęć
Juwenalia Student Festival (XXXV Week of Student Culture)
This is a traditional students’ celebration: after a symbolic handing
over to students the keys to the gates of the Town, numerous street
events, shows, sports competitions and concerts begin.
8-14 June 2015
6. “m-teatr” Youth Confrontations in Koszalin
The idea of the Festival of “m-teatr” Youth Confrontations in Koszalin is to offer conditions for the presentation of theatre performances
produced by young directors. This gives rise to deeper discussions on
the new theatre thought, one which will soon be setting directions for
the functioning of Polish theatres. The Baltic Drama Theatre makes
attempts to meet the requirements of the regular spectator while not
remaining indifferent to the work by new generation directors.
3 July 2015
Opening of 49th International Organ Festival
Within the confines of the International Organ Festival, during two
summer months, concerts are held performed by chamber groups,
choirs, a symphony orchestra and organ virtuosos. The best performers from Poland and abroad are invited to this artistic event. The
concerts are always very popular with local music lovers and those
who visit the Baltic Sea Coast in summer.
3 or 4 July 2015
Rock Ballet: music and dance show
This is a Polish and German project that is being realized by Opera
na Zamku [the Castle Opera] and Theater Vorpommern from Greifswald. Venue: the Amphitheatre.
4 July 2015
Koszalin Culinary Festival in Taste Street
fot. BTD
22- 27 June 2015
“Młodzi i Film” [“Young and Film”] Koszalin Festival of Film
Yet another edition of the “Taste Street” Festival will be held in the
central Town Square. A star will be invited; this year, this will probably be Rudi Schubert, who will run culinary workshops for spectators
and tasting of the dishes prepared. Music groups will perform during
the Festival.
During this Festival, films are presented in two competitions: Full
Length Polish Feature Debuts and Short Film Polish Debuts, divided
into the following categories: animation, document and feature. The
Festival comprises numerous attractions including concerts perfor-
fot. CK105
25 July 2015
16th Summer Cabaret Festival Koszalin 2015
This is an annual cabaret event (with the first event in the year 1995) on the
last Saturday in July, in the amphitheatre in Koszalin. Mr Leszek Malinowski,
the leader of the Koń Polski Cabaret, is the originator of this Festival.
8 - 12 September 2015
12. “Integracja Ty i Ja” [“Integration You and Me”] European
Film Festival
This is an annual cycle of events on the European scale to promote
film arts connected with the problems of handicapped people. The
objective of this Festival is to educate and integrate various environments. The Festival includes a film competition, exhibitions, concerts, conferences and film screenings.
21 - 24 October 2015
XI Hanza Jazz Festival 2015
Within the Framework of this Festival, workshops are organized to
offer to young people an opportunity to perfect their skills and to
learn about the cultural achievements of those German musicians
who join the Festival. The classes are run by experienced and professional jazzmen, while the effects of the participants’ work are
presented in pubs in Koszalin. As usual, the Festival closes with a
final concert performed by amateurs and recognized jazz musicians.
Starting from the last year, the event has been extended to include a
competition for young jazz groups.
18-19 September 2015
3rd National Debut Monodrama Days - “Strzała Północy
2015” [“North Arrow 2015”]
This an open tournament, and the participants may include all the
creators of one-actor-theatre who have for the first time participated in a mono-drama production in three categories: acting, directorial and dramatic debut. The Artistic Board makes a selection of
those performances that will be staged during the Tournament.
14th Team Accordion Music Festival
This Festival is not a competition. Teams participate in workshops
run by professors from music universities, they participate in professional concerts. They also prepare the programme of the gala concert performed by a great accordion orchestra composed of all the
participants of the Festival.
fot. z Archiwum UM
7 - 8 November 2015
35. “Generacja” [“Generation”] Rock Festival
Yet another edition of this rock festival, where after auditions, the
jury selects the best band. An additional attraction includes a performance by a rock star.
fot. CK105
“FALA” [“WAVE”] Interdisciplinary Exhibition
For the past ten years, the Baltic Art Gallery unites in one place and
time exceptional artistic personalities from home and abroad. Owing
to the exceptional nature of this event in the artistic world, every
year we can host new artists, who contribute new artistic values.
The Fala Exhibition is an invaluable place of an exchange of concepts
and activities related to the arts in our reality. The annual meetings
in the exhibition hall serve the purpose to confront artists and their
production, the effect being new artistic communications in various
forms. As is the case every year, painting, drawing, multimedia, photography, sculpture, installation, ceramics and performance works
will all be presented at the exhibition.
31 December 2015
Town New Year’s Eve 2015/2016
This is a New Year’s Eve party for all the residents, with a concert and
a fireworks display.
* Please visit the websites of our cultural institutions: the Baltic Drama Theatre, the 105
Culture Centre, the Koszalin Philharmonic, the Youths Palace and the Koszalin Museum.
** Information on events held In the Sports and Entertainment Arena will be made available at
5 - 7 January 2015
National Girls Handball Tournament – Epiphany Tournament
organized by: „Jedność” University Sports Club, Koszalin
venue: Sports Hall by School Centre no. 5, ul. Jedności 9,
the Koszalin University of Technology
tel. (94) 342-47-84, contact person: Mr Marcin Maciejewski
31 January 2015
Mixed Martial Arts Gala
organized by: PW Dragon Club, Sports Facilities Management Koszalin
venue: Sports and Entertainment Arena in Koszalin, time: 19:00
ul. Śniadeckich 4
tel.: (94) 343-61-43, email: [email protected]
21 - 22 March 2015
41st Monte Karlino Rally
organized by: Koszalin Motor Club
venue: Town Square, streets in the Town Centre
tel. 604 296 674 – Mr Maciej Raczewski, Director of the Rally
e-mail:[email protected]
fot. Automobilklub Koszaliński
15 March 2015
Provincial Seniors' Wrestling Championship
organized by: Wrestling Sports Club
venue: combat sports hall, ul. Orla 14
tel. 603 216 012, p. Z. Kret
Provincial Kyokushin Karate Youth Contest
15 April 2015
Swimming Grand Prix of Zachodniopomorskie and Lubuskie
Provinces for Primary Schools
organized by: Kyokushin Koszalin Karate Club
venue: Sports Facilities Management Hall, ul. Głowackiego
tel. 600-037-558, e-mail: [email protected]
organized by: "Znicz" Inter-School Sports Club
venue: swimming pool, ul. Głowackiego in Koszalin
tel. (94) 342-42-38, e-mail: [email protected]
26 April 2015
Opening of Motor Season
organized by: Motorsports Centre Motopark Koszalin
venue: Motopark Koszalin
tel. 503 650 111 – E. Bożek, email: [email protected]
30 April 2015
Leśna Piątka /Forest Five/ – 2015
fot. z Archiwum UM
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: Chełmska Hill (car park by ul. Słupska)
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
9 May 2015
KL “Bałtyk” Light Athletics Season Opening Meeting
organized by: "Bałtyk” LIght Athletics Club
venue: "Bałtyk” Stadium
tel. tel. 785-490-656, (94) 342-32-57 (15.00-17.00)
e-mail: [email protected] .pl
14 May 2015
Leśna Piątka /Forest Five/ – 2015
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: Chełmska Hill (car park by ul. Słupska)
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
fot. SFX
24 May 2015
13th International Wenedów Run
organized by: Koszalińskie Association for the Promotion of Physical Culture
venue: Town Square, streets in the Town Centre
tel. 691 116 224, email: [email protected]
30 May 2015
Polish Seniors' Karate Kyokushin Championship
organized by: Koszaliński Kyokushin Karate Club
venue: Sports Facilities Management Hall, ul. Głowackiego
tel. 600-037-558,, e-mail: [email protected]
16th Provincial Youth Swimming Contest
20 June 2015
Light Athletics Integration Meeting
organized by: "Bałtyk” LIght Athletics Club
venue: "Bałtyk” Stadium
tel. tel. 785-490-656, (94) 342-32-57 (15.00-17.00)
e-mail: [email protected]
organized by: "Znicz" Inter-School Sports Club
venue: swimming pool, ul. Głowackiego in Koszalin
tel. (94) 342-42-38, e-mail: [email protected]
Provincial Youth Judo Contest
Provincial Youth Wrestling Contest
1 June 2015
World Children's Day Swimming Competition
organized by: "Znicz" Inter-School Sports Club
venue: swimming pool, ul. Głowackiego in Koszalin
tel. (94) 342-42-38, e-mail: [email protected]
18 June 2015
Leśna Piątka /Forest Five/ – 2015
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: Chełmska Hill (car park by ul. Słupska)
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
organized by: Judo "Gwardia" and Judo „Samuraj” Sports Clubs
venue: Combat Sports Hall, ul. Fałata 34
tel. (94) 340-71-44 lub 604 851 141 , 602 113 385
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
organized by: Wrestling Sports Club
venue: Combat Sports Hall, ul. Orla 14
tel. 603 216 012, p. Z. Kret
28 June – 7 July 2015
“Perła Bałtyku” 11th International Chess Festival
organized by: "Hetman-the Koszalin University of Technology"
Academic Chess Club
venue: “Bryza” Holiday Centre, Łazy
tel. (94) 340-25-09 lub 505 171 279, e-mail: [email protected]
19 - 21 June 2015
Cafe Racer Glub Poland – classic motorbike race
organized by: Motorsports Centre Motopark Koszalin
venue: Motopark Koszalin
tel. 503 650 111 – E. Bożek, email: [email protected]
20 - 21 June 2015
3rd Koszalin University of Technology Rector's Cup Rally
organized by: Koszaliński Motor Club
venue: Town Square, streets in the Town Centre
tel. 604 296 674 – Maciej Raczewski
e-mail: [email protected]
fot. z Archiwum UM
11 July 2015
Head for Chełmska 2015
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: Chełmska Hill (by the Sanctuary)
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
22 - 23 August 2015
Poland's Drifting Cup
organized by: Motorsports Centre Motopark Koszalin
venue: Motopark Koszalin, ul. Gnieźnieńska 8A
tel. 503 650 111 – E. Bożek
email: [email protected]
16 July 2015
Leśna Piątka /Forest Five/ – 2015
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: Chełmska Hill (car park by ul. Słupska)
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
26 July 2015
2nd Herkules Run – 2015
organized by: Sports Facilities Management in Koszalin,
ul. Jedności 4; 75-401 Koszalin
Contakt person: Mr Arkadiusz Kozak tel. 502 590 143,
email:[email protected],
[email protected] ,,
fot. z Archiwum UM
12 - 20 August 2015
25th International Józef Kochan Chess Memorial
organized by: „Hetman - the Koszalin University of Technology”
Academic Chess Club
venue: Sports and Entertainment Arena in Koszalin
ul. Śniadeckich 4
tel. +48 505 171 279, (094) 340-25-09, e-mail: [email protected]
19 August 2015
Leśna Piątka /Forest Five/ – 2015
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: Chełmska Hill (car park by ul. Słupska)
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
4 - 6 September 2015
6th B. Bigda and F. Potocznik Memorial
organized by: "Gwardia" Handball Sports Club
venue: "Gwardia" Sports Hall
tel. 509 317 117, e-mail: [email protected]
10 September 2015
Leśna Piątka /Forest Five/ – 2015
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: Chełmska Hill (car park by ul. Słupska)
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
19 - 20 September 2015
2nd Pomerania Classic – International Rally of Vintage
organized by: Koszaliński Motor Club
venue: Town Square, streets in the Town Centre
tel. 604 296 674 – Maciej Raczewski
e-mail: [email protected]
Polish Amateur Swimming Championship
organized by: "Znicz" Inter-School Sports Club
venue: swimming pool, ul. Głowackiego in Koszalin
tel. (94) 342-42-38, e-mail: [email protected]
Judo Interprovincial Sub Junior Championship
organized by: "Gwardia" and Judo “Samuraj” Sports Clubs
venue: Combat Sports Hall, ul. Fałata 34
tel. (94) 340-71-44 lub 604 851 141, 602 113 385
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Macroregional Sub Junior Wrestling Championship
organized by: Wrestling Sports Club
venue: Combat Sports Hall, ul. Orla 14
tel. 603 216 012, p. Z. Kret
fot. Automobilklub Koszaliński
Polish Amateur Swimming Championship
organized by: "Znicz" Inter-School Sports Club
venue: swimming pool, ul. Głowackiego in Koszalin
tel. (94) 342-42-38, e-mail: [email protected]
24 - 25 October 2015
Marathon/Semi-Maraton - Nocna Ściema 2015
organized by: "SFX" Association
venue: "Bałtyk” Stadium, streets in the Town Centre
tel. 0-696 137 257, e-mail: [email protected]
fot. z Archiwum UM
International Sub Junior Handball Tournament
fot. SFX
organized by: “Jedność” University Sports Club, Koszalin
venue: Sports Hall by School Centre no. 5, ul. Jedności 9,
the Koszalin University of Technology
tel. (94) 342-47-84, kontakt: Marcin Maciejewski
31 December 2015
VII Koszalin New Year's Eve Run
organized by: Koszalińskie Association for the Promotion of Physical
venue: Town Square, streets in the Town Centre
tel. 691 116 224, email: [email protected]
Christmas Boxers' Saturday
organized by: Fight Club Koszalin
venue: “Gwardia” Sports Hall
ul. Fałata 34 tel. 602 356 321
email:[email protected]
Filharmonia Koszalińska im. Stanisława Moniuszki
ul. Piastowska 2; 75-400 Koszalin
tel.: 0048 94 342 20 22
Centrum Kultury 105 w Koszalinie
ul. Zwycięstwa 105, 75-001 Koszalin
tel.: 0048 94 347 57 01
Bałtycki Teatr Dramatyczny im. Juliusza Słowackiego
Plac Teatralny 1, 75-729 Koszalin
tel.: 0048 94 342 20 58
Koszalińska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Joachima Lelewela
The schedule of the meetings of the AZS Koszalin basketball team is available at
Plac Polonii 1, 75-415 Koszalin
tel.: 0048 94 348 15 40
The schedule of the meetings of the AZS Energia AZS Koszalin women's handball team
is available at
Pałac Młodzieży w Koszalinie
*The data presented above comes from the questionnaires sent to the Municipal Office
by sports clubs and associations.
ul. Bogusława II 2, 75-057 Koszalin
tel. : 0048 94 348 05 00
Muzeum w Koszalinie
ul. Młyńska 37-39, 75-420 Koszalin
tel. : 0048 94 343 20 11
Teatr Propozycji "Dialog" im. Henryki Rodkiewicz
ul. Grodzka 3, 75-002 Koszalin
tel. : 0048 094 342 52 96
Zarząd Obiektów Sportowych sp. z o.o.
ul. Jedności 4, 75-401 Koszalin
tel. : 0048 094 342-57-94
Hala Widowiskowo - Sportowa w Koszalinie
ul. Śniadeckich 4, 75-453 Koszalin
tel. : 0048 094 343 61 43

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