

www.s erdinandchurch.com
Page Two
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Mass Intentions
Monday – September 5, 2016
9:00 AM – All Parishioners
Tuesday- September 6, 2016
8:00 AM – Poor Soul in Purgatory
12:00 PM (Noon) – Laura M. Pelegrino rq. Agnes
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
Wednesday- September 7, 2016
8:00 AM – +Anna Moscardini rq. Family
12:00 PM (Noon) – Special blessings for Benjamin Macandog
rq. Family
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
Thursday- September 8—Feast of Na vity of the BVM
8:00 AM – Birthday blessing for Sr. Dorota Domin
12:00 PM (Noon) – Special blessings for Miguel Duran rq.
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
September 4, 2016
The sanctuary lamps
this week are lit for:
Alex Ladisa
Anthony R. Coco recovery of health
We Welcome in Baptism
Philip Stepien son of Marcin Stepien & Edyta
( Swiatek) Stepien
Marriage Banns
Marek Strzelec & Mariola Krupa
Friday- September 9—Memorial of St. Peter Claver
8:00 AM – +Rose & Ann Coco rq. Children
12:00 PM (Noon) – +San ago Deomano
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
Lukasz Michalski & Anna Wlodarczyk
Rafal Poniatowski & Klaudia Sojka
Saturday- September 10, 2016
7:00AM- Mass in Polish
8:00 AM – Healing prayer for Roman & Sylvio Tasoe
9:00 AM- Polish School Mass
11:00 AM—Wedding Mass
12:00 Noon – Polish School Mass/ Chapel
1:00 PM— Wedding Mass
5:00 PM – +Rozalia Chrzastek
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish/ Msza za Ojczyznę
Adam Pogorzelski & Anna Bodziuch
Mathew A. Balogh & Monica Mis
Sunday – September 11, 2016
7:00 AM - o zdrowie i Boże bł. oraz opiekę Matki Najświętszej
w czasie choroby dla zięcia, o zdrowia dla mnie i całej mojej
rodziny, +Ewa i Jan Kabat, +Maria i Jan Budzioch oraz ich
dzieci, +Franciszek Budzioch, o Boże bł. oraz opiekę Matki
Najświętszej dla członków Kół Żywego Różańca, ich rodzin oraz
ks. kapelana, +zmarlych członków Kół Różańcowych: Irena
Zawiślak, Aleksander Papiernik, Władysław Mit, Maria Hunt,
Helena Grabińska, Bernard Klepacki, Adolf Twardak, Aniela
Sąder, Stanisława Markocki, Zbigniew Góralczyk, Zofia Nicpoń,
Barbara Colowski, Eugienia Szumska, Henryk Batorowicz, Zofia
Zygadło, Janina Borek, Emily Konopka,Wiktoria Szewczyk,
Franciszek Wierciński
8:30 AM – +Rudolph John Bleidl
10:00 AM – +Lo e M. Bialas rq. Children
10:15 AM –+Piotr Woźniak w 6 msc. po śmierci – od rodziny
Bryła, Anna Wnęk- 3msc. po śmierci
12:30 PM – +Jadwiga Tylus
3:00PM – Mass in Polish
5:00PM- Elanie M. Budzisz
7:00 PM – Mass in Polish
Best wishes to couple married in our church:
Daniel Gucwa & Ewelina Korpas
Rest in Peace
Please remember to pray for the souls of
all our faithful departed, especially:
Bogdan Bugalski
Jozefa Hul
Franciszek Wiercinski
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Held each Thursday following the 8:00
a.m. Mass un l 6:45p.m.
September 4, 2016
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Remember in Prayer
Our Stewardship
of Treasure
As members of the parish faith community, it is our
responsibility to remember both in concrete and
spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate with us each
week because they are ill. Those who are sick in turn,
remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings.
Mary Ayello
Anthony R. Coco
Lo e Chrapla
Violet Del Vacchio
Edward Waytula
Pat Ostrowski
William Keleher
Arlene Garcia
Diana Krzyzanowski
Nick Paolino
Jean Staniszewski
Laura Schofield
Calvin Upton
Julie D’Agos no
Luna Family
Brianna Jurczykowski
Susan Milostan
Robert Malek
Michael F. Coco
Tish Vanoni
Jodi Mack
Geraldine Mack
Agnes Coco
Ester Baran
Isabell Beyer
Deadra Kusek
Stanley Podgorny
Laverne Greco
Steve Johns
Barbara Alderson
Anna DeBold
Kathleen Barr
Lesley Barr
Mary Hal n
Virginia Starsiak
Veena Bhat
Veronica Segovia
Frances Skrabacz
Marion Watermann
Richard Behrendt
Joseph Biancalana Sr.
Joseph Biancalana
Steve Garorowski
Grace Miceli
Dolly D’Agos no
Jerry Mack
Julia Szyelik
Jim Jezuit
George Keehn
Donald Trainor
Maureen Keith
Dolly Aloisio
Michael Spano
Judy Fahey
Lee Ready
John Ready
Gack Fahey
Jadwiga Glowacz
Petronella Latuszek
Jack Fahey
Jany Aloisio
Margery Janz
Jody Panek
Chris ne Gross
Zareli Saavedra
Helen Szostak
Be y Hotcaveg
Mary Lynn Remijan
Wiliam Remijan
Arle e Prasteher
Richard Wojcichowski
Frank De Marco
Stefan Wiśniewski
Carmela DiTata
Stanisław Cwieka
John Brown
Joanna Grzeszkowiak
Felix Aquino
Marry Henning
Teri & Fred Bauer
Lena Dorado
Elaine M. Budzisz
Pat Wenzl
Mary Ann Reynen
Sco Paterson
Adam Shersshen
SPC Jeffrey Foerster ;
SA Andrew Rios
Pvt2 Nicholas Whelan;
CPL Derrick Mateja
Envelops: $ 5,356.00
$ 2,449.00
$ 7,805.00
Thank you for sharing your „TREASURE”
with St. Ferdinand Parish
“Everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions
cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33
When we first hear this statement, it seems that Jesus is
making an unrealis c demand upon us. How can we renounce
all of our possessions? We need them to live. However, what
we must renounce is the belief that they belong to
us. Everything that we have belongs to God alone. All of our
resources are entrusted to us not only for our own use, but
also so that we can help others.
Thank you!
Sincere THANK YOU to all who give their me
to keep our church clean. Thank you for your
faithfulness and dependability. Please know
that your help is very much valued and
We invite anyone able to help with the church cleaning.
Please join us weekly on Mondays at 5:00 pm
and Fridays at 10:00 am. Thank you!
SATURDAY, September 10
5:00 PM
D. Lasiewicz
E. Mele, E . DeLeon
SUNDAY, September 11
8:30 AM
Dr. Starsiak
10:00 AM
E. A. Anaya
T. Czosnyka, A. Vacarro
M. Barnhart, HJ. McGinniss,
J. Banez, E & T Anaya
12:30 PM
J. Portenlanger
M. Syodia
L. Perez
S. Kass, J. Zarate
M. Syodia, H. Syodia
J .Zarate, M. Madrano
September 4, 2016
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Page Four
Today Pope Francis will Canonize Blessed Mother Teresa in
Rome during the Sunday Mass celebrated as part of the
Jubilee for workers and volunteers of mercy. Mother Teresa's
holiness is the primary reason she's being declared a saint on
Sept. 4, but the canoniza on also has something to say on
other levels -- about what mercy looks like in prac ce and
about how to defend the faith from its cri cs.
Today’s event it’s expected to be the largest public event of
Pope Francis’ jubilee Year of Mercy. Her bea fica on in 2003
drew an es mated 300,000 people to St. Peter’s Square and
the surrounding area, and organizers an cipate that turnout
to be surpassed this me around.
On October 19, 2003, Pope John Paul II bea fied Mother Teresa of Calcu a, who died in 1997. The process leading up to the bea fica on has been the shortest in modern history. In early 1999—less than two years a er Mother Teresa's death—Pope John Paul
waived the normal five-year wai ng period and allowed the immediate opening of her canoniza on cause.
In 2002, the Holy Father recognized the healing of an Indian woman as the miracle needed to bea fy Mother Teresa of Calcu a.
That healing occurred on the first anniversary of Mother Teresa's death. It involved a non-Chris an woman in India who had a
huge abdominal tumor and woke up to find the tumor gone. Members of the Missionaries of Charity, the religious order Mother
Teresa founded, prayed for their founder's interven on to help the sick woman.
"Her life of loving service to the poor has inspired many to follow the same path. Her witness and message are cherished by those
of every religion as a sign that 'God s ll loves the world today,'" members of the Missionaries of Charity said in a statement a er
Mother Teresa's bea fica on was announced.
Since her death, they said, "people have sought her help and have experienced God's love for them through her prayers. Every
day, pilgrims from India and around the world come to pray at her tomb, and many more follow her example of humble service of
love to the most needy, beginning in their own families."
In 2001, on the feast of the Assump on of Mary, officials closed the diocesan inquiry into Mother Teresa's sanc ty. The yearlong
gathering of tes mony from those who knew Mother Teresa was the first major step in a typically long process. A year earlier, at
an August 26, 2000, celebra on in Calcu a marking Mother Teresa's birth anniversary, Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim admirers joined in
common prayers for her speedy canoniza on.
A Holy Example
In a 1981 interview, Mother Teresa spoke about another champion of the poor: St. Francis of Assisi. In a famous story of a turning
point in Francis’ life, he encounters a leper by the side of the road and passes him by. Then he realizes that if he is going to devote
his life to the poor he must embrace the leper—he must welcome him into his life as a brother. Francis then runs to the leper’s
aid. Mother Teresa commented, "The encounter with the leper made St. Francis." So, too, it is Mother Teresa’s selfless encounter
with the dying that made Mother Teresa.
It is the calling of Chris ans to serve the poor, to make room at the table for everyone. Francis came to see that. He reveled in the
foolishness of God who has special love for those whom most of us would rather avoid. Teresa learned that, too, during mid-life.
She will be named a saint because she cleared away life’s clu er and allowed God to work through her in a powerful way. We
should imitate her.
Page Five
23rd Ordinary Sunday
September 4, 2016
LABOR DAY — Monday, September 5
Only one morning Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 a.m.
(No Masses at 8:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m.)
The Parish Office will be closed. Happy Holiday!
• Has expressed an interest in becoming
• Has a child over the age of seven who has
not been bap zed?
Was bap zed Catholic as a child, but has not
celebrated the Sacraments of Confirma on and
We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group
to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the
teachings and experience of Church and prepare
individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of Bap sm,
Confirma on, and Eucharist during the Easter season.
There are separate sessions for children or youth. You are
welcome to par cipate in the process with your ques ons,
your insights and your faith story in a warm accep ng
se ng. For more informa on please contact Stan
Mastalerz 773-865-4151, Jeff Aloisio 773-263-6786 or Zofia
Mazurek (Parish Secretary) 773-622-5900.
Over the past several weeks, you our loyal supporters have
blessed us with food, and monetary support. We need
canned meats, fish, soup, vegetables, canned fruit, pasta,
rice and any other food you wish to give the needy.
Do not know what to give? Place an envelope in Sundays
basket labeled COR food Pantry.
Michael McGinniss
St. Vincent Depaul Cris an Outreach.
773 622 9732
Sr. Mariola was born in
Wagrowiec, Poland to a large
family. In 1984 she joined the
Society of Christ for Polonia
Religious Order on in 1992 she
took the final vowes. For 11
years she worked at the
Nurising Home in England and then was sent to the
United States to work among Polish immigrants. In
Chicaxgo she worked at St. Blase. St. Ferdinand, St.
Contanc and Holy Trinuty Polish Mission. IN our parish
Sr. Mariola will work as the sacris an.
Proceeds benefit Catholic schools in the Holy Land.
There are more than 600 Chris an families living in Bethlehem and are completely dependent on
carving olive wood figurines for their
livelihood. The recent clashes in the
Middle East have stopped the tourism
industry in Bethlehem, causing most of
those families serious harm in earning
their living and forcing many of them
to leave their homeland. Emptying the
land of Christ from Chris ans can have
tragic consequences on the Holy sites.
Issam from “Star of Bethlehem Group”
came to the United States with a mission to help those families by selling
their beau ful religious hand cra s.
The cost of goods goes to benefit the
Chris an carvers to keep them working
in the spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the profit
from sales goes directly to the needy Catholic schools and
clinics in the Holy Land. Star of Bethlehem has been approved by Archdiocese of Chicago, many Bishops, and from
diocese of Jerusalem.
Page Six
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Bring family and friends along to the
annual Misericordia Family Fest for a day
full games, rides, food, and fun with a
purpose. All proceeds support
Misericordia’s programs for children and adults with
intellectual and developmental disabili es. Receive a funfilled a day out with family and friends, and give an
opportunity to someone in need. For ckets and info call:
773-273-2768 or visit misericordia.org
All students in 6th through 9th grade are invited to a end
Holy Fire, one day events of live entertainment, dynamic
speakers, and fellowship all inspired by authen cally
Catholic values. The two mirror events will be held at the
UIC Pavilion and will challenge young Catholics to respond
to the Holy Father’s call to become missionary disciples who
are not afraid to witness the faith. Do not miss this one-of-akind opportunity to witness the young and living Church in
ac on!
All 6th to 9th grade students from parish Religious
Educa on programs and Catholic Schools together with
their teachers, catechists, youth ministers, chaperones, and
pastors are invited. Archbishop Blase J. Cupich will offer
those present words of welcome and encouragement and
lead a reflec on on the gi s of the Holy Spirit.
Time, Date, & Loca on
The UIC Pavilion will be our host for two mirror-days of
programming. Groups can a end this event on either Friday,
October 14th or Saturday, October 15th. Bus parking will be
available. Doors Open: 8:30 AM | Start Times: 9:45 AM |
End Times: 4 PM
Boy Scout Troop 51 and Cub Scout Pack 3051 of St.
Ferdinand Parish will be having their fall recruitment night
on Wednesday September 7th at the Convent 5936 W Barry
at 7PM. Our Scou ng Program is very ac ve and offers boys
the opportunity to experience new adventures and meet
new friends. Scou ng is open to all boys
ages 6 thru 18 or 1st grade through
high school. You do not have to be a
member of the parish or a end St.
Ferdinand School to join. If you are
interested in learning more about the
Scou ng Program at St. Ferdinand then
please plan on a ending the mee ng. If
you are unable to a end, then for Boy
Scouts (ages 12-18) call Mike McGinniss
at 773-725-5154 and Cub Scouts (ages 6-11) call Vince
Clemente at 773-622-8067.
September 4, 2016
The 2016 Northwest Side Hunger Walk will be held on
Sunday, September 25, 2016 to raise awareness and funds to
reduce hunger in the local community and throughout the
world. The annual Northwest Side Hunger Walk is an
ecumenical effort by local churches and the community and
funds will be donated to organiza ons that serve the people
on the neighborhood, citywide and interna onal level. The
Resurrec on Key Club and Cel c Club are instrumental in
organizing the event each year. Funds are donated to the
following organiza ons: New Hope Methodist Food Pantry,
which serves neighborhood residents on the northwest side
Chicago; Catholic Chari es, which serves the Chicagoland
area; and Heifer Interna onal which serves the interna onal
The walk will begin and end at Resurrec on College Prep
High School at 7500 W. Talco Avenue in Chicago.
Par cipants do not need to register in advance. Sign-in will
be at 1:00 pm on Sunday, September 25, 2016 in the
Resurrec on College Prep parking lot. Walkers will step off at
1:30 pm for the approximately 3 mile walk. All community
members are welcome to par cipate and informa on and a
pledge sheet can be found at www.reshs.org or dona ons
can be made the day of the walk. Ques ons may be directed
to Kathleen Heneghan at 773.775.6616 Ext 125 or
[email protected]. The month of September is Na onal
Hunger Ac on Month and the organiza on Feeding America
reports that 1 in 6 Americans struggle with hunger.
Sincere THANK YOU to St. Ferdinand Friendship Club
for donating $200 for the Maintenance Fund. May God
bless you abountantly!
Saint Patrick High School would like to invite all 5th, 6th, 7th, &
8th grade boys and their families to our Open House on
Thursday, September 15, 2016 from 6-8 p.m. Join us for a
tour of our facility, meet our dynamic students, dedicated
faculty and discover THE SAINT PATRICK EXPERIENCE. Eighth
graders can become a Shamrock-for-a-Day by signing up for
a shadow day. For 156 years Saint Patrick High School,
Chicago’s Oldest Catholic High School for Boys, has been
preparing the young men of Chicago for college and for life.
September 4, 2016
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Page Seven
St. Beatrice Parish 90th anniversary celebra on Sept. 18,
noon Mass celebrated by Bishop Francis Kane in church,
9701 W. Irving Park Road, Schiller Park; luncheon to follow
at Allegra Banquets, 4200 River Road., Schiller Park;
purchase ckets through the rectory; call 847-678-0138 or
email [email protected].
St. William Mass of Thanksgiving and Dinner Dance: Oct. 2,
noon, centenary Mass of thanksgiving celebrated by
Archbishop Cupich; 3 p.m. dinner-dance at Elmcrest
Banquets by Biancalana, 7370 W. Grand Ave., Elmwood
Park; $65 includes cocktail hour and dinner followed by cash
bar therea er, buy ckets at www.givecentral. org/
loca on/206/event/116 08; tables of 10 can be reserved for
$600 by calling 773-637-6565 ext. 50 before Sept. 12
Racing for Fr. Augustus Tolton: Sept. 17, 6 to 11 p.m.,
hosted by the Tolton Ambassadors of Chicago at Hawthorne
Race Course, 3501 S. Laramie Ave., S ckney; $50 per person
includes two-hour buffet, racing form, valet parking, private
dining in turf suite; for informa on, call Angela Hicks at 201364-5854 or Michelle Tines at 312-213-3851.
“Eleven”: Sept. 11, 2 p.m., at St. Martha Church and the
Shrine of All Saints, 8523 Georgiana Ave., Morton Grove,
four gi ed performers from Chicago’s cabaret community
join forces with St. Martha Parish to commemorate the 15th
anniversary of the Sept. 11 a acks; dona ons.
“The Original Image of Divine Mercy”: Sept. 25, 1:30-5:30
p.m., screening of new documentary and opportunity to
meet producer/ director Daniel diSilva; see film trailer at
www.DivineMercy Film.com; $10 includes screening, meetand-greet and light refreshments; presented by St.
Catherine Laboure and St. Norbert parishes; in the St.
Norber t Parish gym, 1809 Walters Ave., Northbrook,
register online at GiveCentral.org/ loca on/183/11623 or
call 847- 272-7090 or 847-729-1414.
“The Presidency, Democracy and the Future of America”:
fall adult enrichment course at Resurrec on High School;
Tuesdays Sept. 13 and 27, Oct. 11 and 26, 6:30-8:30 p.m.;
taught by Resurrecr ion faculty member Mike Longo; cost
$50; for more informa on and list of books, visit
www.reshs.org; to register contact Alisa Martorano at 773775-6616 ext. 142 or amar torano@ reshs.org.
St. Vincent de Paul/Resurrec on Church: needs men’s
clothing, jeans, hiking boots, belts, sleeping bags, jackets,
hand tools, 3043 N. Francisco Ave., call Mrs. Moore for pickup, at 773-478- 9705.
Monday — September 5, 2016
Tuesday — September 6, 2016
5:00PM — Radosc (Jason Torba Center)
6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
6:00pm — Knight s of Columbus (Canning Hall)
Wednesday — September 7, 2016
2:30PM — Jr. Legion of St. Mary (Convent)
5:00PM — Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena (Church)
6:00PM — Cub Scouts (Convent)
6:00PM — Polonia Group Dance (Jason Torba Center)
6:00PM — Chicagowskie Slowiki (Chapel)
7:30PM — Bap sm Prep. Classes (Church)
Thursday — September 8, 2016
2:30PM — Jr. Legion of Mary Adora on (Church)
6:00PM — Girls Scouts (Convent)
6:00PM — Boy Scouts (Jason Torba Center)
7:00PM — Filareci Choir (Chapel)
Friday — September 9, 2016
9:00AM — Legion of Mary (Convent)
6:30PM — Pilgrim Virgin (Convent)
Saturday — September 10, 2016
1:00PM — Polish Scouts (Convent)
6:00PM — AA Mee ng (Convent)
6:00PM— Bap sm in English (Church)
7:00PM — NSZ—Leszek Zebrowsski (Jason Torba Centert)
Sunday— September 11, 2016
8:00AM — Rodsatry Gorup Mee ng (Jason TOrba Center)
11:00AM — Word of Life (Convent)
11:00AM— Ziarno (Canning Hall)
Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed in English everyday from
Monday to Friday following 8:00 a.m. Mass. Please take
a short break from your busy life and join the ladies in
prayers. On every Saturday right a er 8:00 a.m. Mass
prayer to St. Anne is being said. Please stop by the
Church and offer to God at least a few moments of your
September 4, 2016
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Page Eight
September 4, 2016
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Page Nine
Page Ten
23rd Ordinary Sunday
September 4, 2016
Serdecznie dziękujemy parafianom, gościom przybyłym na uroczystości odpustowe oraz festyn w naszej parafii. Słowa
szczególnej wdzięczności kierujemy do ks. Pawła Adamusa za odprawienie Mszy św. i wygłoszoną homilię. Dziękujemy ks.
proboszczowi Zdzisławowi Torba za wsparcie. Dziękujemy Siostrom zakonnym, Członkom Kół Żywego Różańca, członkom Klubu
Dobrego Pasterza, Klubu Podhalan i Miłośników Tatr, Wspólnocie Miłosierdzia Bożego oraz parafianom i gościom za czas
spędzony z nami. Słowa podziękowania kierujemy również do sponsorów: państwa Urbaniak- właścicieli Montrose Deli, Lowell
Foods, Restauracji Barbakan i Wiklański Bakery. Dziękujemy członkom Kół Żywego Różańca za czas poświęcony w
przygotowanie uroczystości odpustowej. Dziękujemy także osobom niezrzeszonym w Kołach: Norbetowi Garczyńskiemu , który
przygotował nam sprzęt do wydawania posiłków i tym wszystkim, którzy przyczynili się do zorganizowania tej wspólnej
uroczystości. W czwartek 8 września o godz. 7:10 rano dniu Narodzenia Najświetszej Marii Panny zostanie odprawiona Msza
św. przy grobie świętego Jana Pawła II w Bazylice sw. Piotra na Watykanie w intencji wszystkich sponsorów oraz osób, które w
jakikolwiek sposób wsparły naszą uroczystość. Bóg zapłać. Koła Żywego Różańca.
September 4, 2016
Zapraszamy na Mszę św. za Ojczyznę, w której polecane są
Bogu ofiary katastrofy smoleńskiej oraz za naszą Ojczyznę,
Polskę w sobotę, 10 września godz. 7:00 wieczorem.
Po Mszy św. Spotkanie z Leszkiem Zebrowskim, historykiem
I publicystą, który jest badaczem polskiego podziemia
niepodległościowego 1939-1956, konspiracji
antykomunistycznej, historii komunizmu w Polsce.
Autor i współautor wielu opracowań, artykułów oraz książek,
takich jak: „Mity Przeciwko Polsce”, „Paszkwil Wyborczej”,
„Walka o Prawdę”, „W szponach czerwonych”, „Czerwona
trucizna” i wielu innych.
Temat wykładu:
Powstanie Warszawskie
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Page Eleven
Urodzilam sie 24 stycznia 1965
roku w Wagrowcu woj.
Pochodze z wielodzietnej rodziny.
Moi rodzice to Franciszek Inda i
Jozefa. Oboje z rodzicow juz nie
zyja. Do Zgromadzenia Siostr Misjonarek wstapilam 1
wrzesnia 1984 roku. Pierwsze sluby zlozylam 16 lipca 1987
roku. Po pierwszych slubach pracowalam 3 lata w Polsce.
Nastepnie przelozeni wyslali mnie do Wielkiej Brytanii ,gdzie
pracowalam przez 11 lat w Nurshing Home.
W 1992 roku -15 sierpnia zlozylam sluby wieczyste. Od 25
lipca 2001 roku pracuje w USA. Do tej pory pracowalam
przez niecaly rok w parafii Sw. Blazeja, potem 4 lata -Sw.
Ferdynand, 1 rok sw. Konstancja , 2 lata Los Angeles a
ostatnie 6 lat w parafii sw. Trojcy.
Osiem dni trwa rzymskie świętowanie kanonizacji bł. Matki
Teresy z Kalkuty. Siostry
Misjonarki Miłości
ośmiodniowy program
obchodów, których
hasłem są słowa:
„Nosicielka czułej i
miłosiernej miłości Boga”,
wpisujące się w trwający
w Kościele Jubileusz Miłosierdzia. Jednak już trzy dni
wcześniej, w czwartek 1 września na uniwersytecie LUMSA
zostala otwarta wystawa przedstawiająca „życie,
duchowość i przesłanie” Matki Teresy, czynna do 7
września. Po południu w Audytorium św. Cecylii odbędzie
się rodzinny festyn „z ubogimi i dla ubogich”. Z kolei w
piątek 2 września w bazylice św. Anastazji na Palatynie
zostaly odprawiane Msze św. w różnych językach
(angielskim, hiszpańskim i włoskim), a po liturgiach można
bylo uczcić relikwie Matki Teresy. Wieczorem w bazylice św.
Jana na Lateranie papieski wikariusz dla diecezji rzymskiej
kard. Agos no Vallini poprowadzil czuwanie modlitewne,
połączone z adoracją eucharystyczną. Hasłem spotkania
byly słowa: „Promieniując światłem Chrystusa: wezwanie
do świętości”. W sobotę 3 września o 10.00 na placu św.
Piotra papież Franciszek wygłosil katechezę do uczestników
Jubileuszu Pracowników Dzieł Miłosierdzia i Wolontariuszy,
zaś po południu w bazylice San Andrea della Valle w
centrum Rzymu można bylo wysłuchać muzycznego
oratorium Marcello Bronze ego ku czci nowej świętej,
uczcić jej relikwie i wziąć udział we Mszy św..
September 4, 2016
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Page Twelve
W poniedziałek, 5 września w Stanach Zjednoczonych obchodzimy Labor Day (Święto Pracy).
W tym dniu w naszym kościele zostanie odprawiona tylko jedna
Msza św. o godz. 9:00 rano.
Nie ma Mszy św. o godz. 8:00 rano, 12:00 i 7:00 wieczorem.
Biuro parafialne jest NIECZYNNE.
September 4, 2016
23rd Ordinary Sunday
Page Thirteen
ON HYPERBOLE? — Copyright 2015 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected])
My sister and her husband came up from Springfield, IL for a visit
this past weekend. More correctly, Mary and John came to
Chicago to see their son Jeff and his wife Pa y and their li le boy
Walden (twenty-two months), who were all in town from
Colorado. Jeff was here to see an old high school buddy, and
everything just came together. Albeit at the expense of a few
other things on our calendar--specifically, a friend’s BBQ on
Saturday and my home church’s annual parish picnic on Sunday-my wife and I got to spend me with all of our loved ones. And as
an added bonus, our daughter Sarah--who has visited Jeff , et. al.
when they lived first in Anchorage and more recently in suburban
Denver--found me in her busy Chicago-Triathlon-connected
weekend to join us for pizza on Saturday night and for some
wonderful Lincoln Park-ville Greek fare on Sunday a ernoon. In
truth, I enjoyed every minute of our shared meals, conversa ons,
and adventures. And yet…
“If anyone comes to me without ha ng his father and mother,
wife and children, brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he
cannot be my disciple.” This is how today’s Gospel begins, with
Jesus dropping the bombshell on the large crowd travelling with
him. He goes on: “Whoever does not carry his own cross and
come a er me cannot be my disciple.” Then Jesus throws in a few
things that at first don’t seem to connect with his opening. For
example, “Which of you,” Jesus asks, “wishing to construct a
tower does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if there
is enough for its comple on?” so that the investor can complete
the project. “Or what king marching into ba le,” he next asks,
“would not first sit down and decide whether with ten thousand
troops he can successfully oppose another king advancing upon
him with twenty thousand troops?” so that the first king has me
to nego ate peace.
As I’ve wri en before in this space, I’m no theologian, but I
think these references, while ini ally confusing, come down to
this: discipleship is not something we can do halfway. We’re
either in, or we’re out. We either build the tower, or we go home.
And yet (x2), Jesus also says, “Anyone of you who does not
renounce all of his possessions cannot be my disciple.” So…is this
hyperbole, or does the King of the Universe really mean it? I just
spent two wonderful days at home and locally with loved ones,
and under my breath more than once, I thanked God for the
opportunity. Do I tell Gail and Sarah, Mary and John, and Jeff,
Pa y and Walden all now, “Yeah, it’s been a slice…” then head off
to a monastery for the rest of my days? Right or wrong, I think
not. Right or wrong, I think my job now is to keep caring for them
and loving them and doing what I can--even with all of my
shortcomings and faults--to build up the King’s Kingdom. Per the
late management consultant Peter Drucker, “Unless commitment
is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
Hopefully with the people we love--but without them, if need be-may we plan every day to follow the Christ. And on our best days,
live the plan.
St. Ferdinand Parish
Support Staff
Mrs. Zofia Mazurek, Parish Secretary
Sr. Kamila Wojdyla, Administra ve Assistant
Ms. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulle n Editor
Mr. Paul Kolodziej, Website Editor
Bro. Dr. James Drangsholt, Director of Music/Liturgy,
Lector & EM Coordinator
Dcn. Irv Hotcaveg, Deacon Emeritus
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care Scheduler
Parish Council
Mrs. Sophie Kass—President, Stanley Mastalerz, Anthony
Mangiaracina, Peter Holod, Denise Akana, MaryAnn Barnhart, Joyce
McGiniss, Elizabeth Kata, Maria Gal, Br. James Drangsholt,
ExOfficio Members: Sr. Dorota Domin
Parish Finance Commi ee
Mr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Robert Groszek, Tadeusz Czosnyka,
Edith Anaya, Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Mr. Gene Szaben, Greg Ramel,
ExOfficio Members: Mr. Mar n Wojtulewicz-Parish Accountant, Sr.
Kamila Wojdyla, Denise Akana
Parish Organiza ons and Prayer Groups
Boy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, Coordinator
Fish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl and Mrs.Mary Ellen Leavy Coordinators
Friendship Club
Girl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, Coordinator
Knights of Columbus—Mater Chris Council:
Mr. Mark A. Duce, Grand Knight
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Marcia Codak
Ladies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, President
Legion of Mary: Miss Aurora Almeida — President
Legion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, President
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Polish Altar Servers — Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator
English Altar Servers: Fr. Pawel Adamus, Moderator
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, President
Polish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, President
Polish School Parents’ Assn.: Mrs. Bogusława Łakomy, Pres.
Radość: Ms. Marzena Kulesza, Music Teacher
Kropeczki: Sr. Dorota Domin
Lednica Group: Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski
Polonia: Ensemble Ms. Anna Krysinski 847-529-2555
MOP: Mrs.Marta Robak 847-312-6144
St. Ferdinand Athle c
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club:
Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, President
St. Ferdinand School Board:
Mrs. MaryAnn Barnhart, Chairperson
St. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Michael McGinniss, President
Teens of Our Church: Fr. Pawel Adamus —Youth Minister
The Associa on of Apostles of the Divine Mercy:
Fr. Michal Wyrzykowski, Moderator
Ushers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, President
Pro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena Lesak
Chapel Choir – Conductor Julie Tupiak 773-742-2611
Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514
Holy Spirit Missionary Associa on: Sr. Elwira Dziuk
St. Ferdinand Parish
Phone: (773) 622-5900
Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor
Rev. Pawel Adamus, Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael Wyrzykowski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Albert Judy, OP — PT Associate Pastor
Rev. Raymond O’Connor, CMF — Weekend Help
Br. James Drangsholt, OSF — In Residence
8:00 AM & 12:00 Noon
W ciągu tygodnia
7:00 PM
8:00 AM and 5:00 PM (Anticipated)
7:00 AM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM (Chapel)
12:30 PM
5:00 PM
7:00 AM
10:15 AM
3:00 PM
7:00 PM
Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty
6:30 PM — 7:00 PM
Saturday / Sobota
8:30 AM — 9:00 AM
First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca
6:00 PM —7:30 PM
St. Ferdinand School: 773 622-3022
Ms. Denise Akana—Principal
Religious Education Office: 773 622-3022 ex. 352
Sr. Dorota Domin
St. Ferdinand Polish Saturday School: 773-622-3022 ex 303
Sr. Dorota Domin — Principal
Christian OutReach (COR): 773 622-9732
Mr. Michael McGinniss, Director
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979
Sr. Dorota Domin—Superior Sr. Kamila Wojdyla,
Sr. Anna Gorska
For Children: a pr e-Baptism class is required for Baptism of the
first child. Classes are held in English on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:30PM in the Church, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of
each month at 7:30PM in the Church. Following registration, the
sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in English on the second Saturday
each month at 6:00PM and on the fourth Sunday of the month at the
12:30PM Mass. The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated in Polish on
the first Saturday of the month at 6:00PM and on the third Sunday of
the month at the 3:00PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register at
For Adults: Classes ar e taught thr ough the Rite of Chr istian Initiation Program (RCIA) on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. Please call
Stan Mastalerz, the RCIA Director at 773/865-4151 for more information.
Must be arranged at least four months prior to the
ceremony. Please call the rectory.
St. Ferdinand #639
5900 Barry Avenue
Chicago, Illinois. 60634
Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska
630– 308-2609
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Wednesday, 7:00AM
Cover through 16 (ads on page 14 and 15)
Page 16 is church copy
September 4, 2016