The Voice of St. Jude


The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
The Voice of St. Jude
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
F Welcome to St. Jude’s Feast, Jhansi
F Novena begins on October 19, 2014 to October 27,
F Daily Mass in English, Marathi and Hindi
F Homilies and novenas to the apostle led by various
F October 28, 2014 - Solemn festal mass is offered by
F Most Rev. Pius Thomas D’Souza, Bishop of Jaipur
F Come and experience the power of saint of hopeless
F Spiritually benefit from the mediation of St. Jude
Dear Devotees,
Kindly write experiences of St. Jude for the next issue. We will dedicate the whole issue
to various faith experiences and powerful interventions of St. Jude in the life of many
devotees. Thank You.
Dear Devotees,
Whenever you write to the Shrine (email or letter), do not forget to add your address
and phone number. This would help us to attend you better. Thank You.
Special Note: Dear Readers, results of all the competitions will be
announced in the last issue of the year
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Editors Point...................................................2
Shephered Voice............................................3
PIntroducing “Interfaith Westminister” ...........4
The religious historians Battle for the mind....5
Women as instruments of change..................9
First death anniversary of
Fr. Tony Sammut of Malta.............................11
The False Christs of our age........................12
Poem - “No time”..........................................13
Understanding Stress...................................14
Death and Resurrection................................16
India swaps ice for rice in
new bucket challenge...................................19
Around the World..........................................20
From the Pilgrims.........................................21
Scholarships for Christians...........................22
St. Jude, Patron Saint of hopeless cases.....26
Indian Catholics Pro Active...........................28
Bible Quiz.....................................................32
St. Jude’s Shrine, Civil Lines,
JHANSI-284 001 (U.P.) India
Shrine Office: 91-510-2471205
Parish Priest: 91-510-2473343
Pastoral Centre: 91-510-2471685
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
Most Rev. Peter Parapullil
Bishop of Jhansi
Voice of St. Jude, Jhansi
Ph : 09453772183 Email: [email protected]
Jyoti Printers, NOIDA : 9971407120
Annual Two Years Three years Rs. 50,
Rs. 95,
Rs. 140,
Five years Rs. 220,
Ten Years Rs. 400/By Airmail per year US $8
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Editor’s Point
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,
World is full of busy bugs. We hardly have time for anything.
“NO TIME” for self, no time for friends, no time for husband
and wife or children, etc. And of course, no time at all for God.
We have twisted our spiritual adherence to God and made lot of
minor and major changes to suit our styles. These again are not
being followed by us for various reasons. We have developed
packages which accommodated God and mammon, prayer and fun, spirituality and materialism. The
worse - such trends are approved and accepted as worthy of emulation by the most sections in the society.
Jesus says you cannot serve both God and mammon. No combos as per Jesus. No middle path. Think
about it!
As we are about to celebrate the feast of St. Jude, relative, friend and apostle of Jesus, let us venture into
those inner and deeper layers where we used to interact with God. We all had our ABBA-EXPERIENCE
and felt the power and presence of God. Kindly take a few minutes and ruminate over those moments
of spiritual significance. We felt God in little ways, we knelt by our beds and prayed (of course, God
heard us), we had our greatest of satisfaction when we served at the Holy Altar, felt joy when we helped
anyone in need, praised and worshipped God, we partook in sacraments, received communion, etc. Now,
with time we developed a “no-time” mania. We lost the touch of those spiritual moments. A missing link!
To find the missing link, we don’t need to look outside, but within ourselves. Jesus says the kingdom of
God is within us. So, the first step in this direction would be silence. As the object of prayer is calming
oneself down. Silence is not easy. Jesus says, “When you pray, go to your private room” (Mt 6:6). There
are people who are afraid of silence. They cannot just accept silence. Silence is too disturbing. We
have some or other noise being made around us always. Silence is not just wordlessness. As there is no
readymade manual to interact with God and each one of us has to find his/her own way to communicate
with him, silence proves to be the primary platform on which our God experience can begin. It is obvious
that we have to find him in the depths of our own being. We don’t know what is inside us and thus need
tremendous courage to face our personal emptiness. Acts like thinking, imagining, writing, singing and
reflecting become harmful in the path of God realization. What seem to be pious activities can alienate
us from the presence of God.
Jesus, in the silence of heart, exhorts us today to give up our busy schedules. Jesus is asking us to
be available to the touch of God, for God can touch us anytime, anywhere and anyhow. Any spiritual
exercise becomes meaningful when God becomes final outcome of it. God can use people, surroundings,
issues and happenings to convey his message. Silence is God-enriching gift to us. As the Psalmist
explains “You search me and you know me”, God is in full knowledge of our self. He would love us the
way we are and never would let us down.
During this feast, give a good try to silence. A few moments in His presence... In the church or in your
room... Anywhere... It doesn’t matter. God is everywhere. Feel God, enjoy his soothing presence!
Happy Feast!
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Shephered Voice
Dear Devotees,
The feast of St. Jude is fast approaching and preparations for the feast have already begun. Not only the vicinity of
Shrine, but also the whole city of Jhansi gets ready to welcome pilgrims who are coming to the shrine of St. Jude. At
this time, it is worth thinking and praying for those who are unable to come but foster great devotion and reverence to
this patron of the impossible cases. To those who are coming for the pilgrimage, I appeal to you to be fervent, devoted
and create a sacred atmosphere.
In other words, the Shrine of St. Jude is a place of worship and pilgrimage centre. Jhansi is a mission place. The feast
time is a good occasion to witness our faith. Let it not pass with the exhibition our luxury cars and golden necklaces
but show our devotion and love for God and neighbour. Let us not convert this centre into a place of fun and frolic.
The true pilgrimage begins from asking pardon for our sins and failures, renouncing our material ways and doing
penance for our sins. Change from evil ways to a life of grace and thanksgiving is real pilgrimage. Let us enter into
the true spirit of pilgrimage and worship.
Nine days of novena is an occasion for all of us to practise our piety and steadily grow in devotion. Reconciliation is a
necessary characteristic of a sound Christian life. To enable this, special arrangements for perpetual adoration, way of
the cross, and priests for hearing confession are made available in the shrine of St. Jude. During the day, charismatic
sessions and healing prayers are conducted under the able leadership of Sadhu Sadanand.
God knows what is best for us. He knows to grant graces to his children lavishly. We need to follow his commandments
and walk in his statutes. The adherence to his commandments is rewarded generously. This is the covenantal bond
that God maintains with his chosen people. May I once again remind the pilgrims who join us to pay respect to the
patron of hopeless cases to be on guard. Uphold the decorum and discipline of the Shrine, discerning well the fact that
Jhansi is a mission diocese and our life here is witness to Christ. We need to nurture the local church which is the fruit
of the hard labour of missionaries. The faith aspect here is already planted with long faith formation and catechesis.
I strongly appeal again to the pilgrims of St. Jude to bear witness to the faith in Lord Jesus and help to the local church
with your active participation and involvement in all pious and devotional activities of the Shrine. The procession
that carries the relic of St. Jude through the streets of Jhansi should also be a witness. I urge all of you to partake in
the procession and not stand as spectators of the procession. Our involvement is most desired when we come for the
Let me sum up this with appreciation for what is happening around us. Lot of people come with petitions, not only
for themselves but their neighbours. There are pilgrims who spread the word that they are going for the pilgrimage.
They collect petitions, offerings and thanksgiving letters from the neighbourhood and bring it to the shrine as a sign of
solidarity and oneness with the suffering community. Once they are here, they are ever ready to stay anywhere. They
are least bothered conveniences but concentrate on prayer and worship of true God.
Let us accomplish this pilgrimage with a true spirit of renunciation and a spirit of sacrifice. Let it become an occasion
to witness our deep faith in God who is our father, who looks after us and grants favours through the powerful
intercession of the saint of the desperate and impossible cases.
+ Peter Parapullil
Bishop of Jhansi
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
“Interfaith Westminister”
to our foreign readers and devotees
Bishop Frederick D’Souza, Bishop-Emeritus, Jhansi
It was sheer change
that I got in correspondence with Bro. Daniel, found of “Westminister
as I had been always
interested in interfaith
dialogue. I can simply
admire and congratulate the present incumbents and associates who take such
keen interest in coming together and with
respect and reverence
arranging programmes all through the year
with the exposure of their own individual faith
perceptions, feasts and worships in England
and now in Ireland. Efforts at understanding
various Indian studies Hindu faiths, various
Islamic persuasions, Bahais, Jews, Zoroastrians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, and Christians
of all times, Roman Catholics, Pentecostals,
Methodists, Anglicans, Salvation Army, Druids, Quakers, etc. Westminister’s newsletter
is published five times annually by Jon Dal
Din, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, Lon-
don SW1P1QN,
Email: [email protected].
uk. The newsletter invariably
carries a calendar of religious
various faiths.
This is a very
effort worth emulation.
In the latest
issue, page 6... “Milad al Nabi marking the
anniversary of the death of the Holy Prophet
hosted the 2014 annual lecture in Ismaili Centre in South Kensington on the role of intellect
in religion by Prof. Ziauddin Sardar at which
he stated that there was no concept of blasphemy in the Quran. He was referring to certain Islamic States where blasphemy against
God or the Prophet is a crime, often punishable by death...” The above lecture if given in
our neighbouring country like Pakistan, the
world would certainly profit!!
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Battle for the mind
On a visit to Melbourne, my wife’s cousin read
out to me a verse from the book of Revelation
which predicted that every person would have
a number. She told me that Nandan Nilekani,
whose job was to provide a Unique Identification
Number to every Indian citizen, should have read
this. The Bible is replete with stories which suggest that its authors knew the cure for leprosy,
blindness, schizophrenia and the art of keeping
lion and lamb, monkey and man together as in
Noah’s Ark. One can also argue that the story of
creation as contained in the Book is more sensible than the Big Bang theory to which scientists
trace the origin of everything that we know of today. A good Sunday school teacher may also tell
his students that the Bible should be treated as
factual and nothing but factual. That it was written over centuries by different people in different
languages and there is no one Bible which every
Christian believes in is a matter of detail.
If tomorrow, a government in Timbuctoo decides
AJ Philip
to teach the Bible as the source of biotechnology,
the theory of mutation, satyagraha, warfare, sorcery, test-tube baby etc. I will devote a whole column to condemn it. But I will gladly welcome the
study of the Bible for what it is. MV Kamath and
the late Khushwant Singh recommended it for the
sheer beauty of the language in the King James
Version. It is like driving the original Maruti 800
when you have better models, nay versions, like
the New International Version. Yesterday, I lost
one of my distant relatives. He was an agnostic,
if not an atheist, who was against all rituals but
he enjoyed reading the Gita. I have another relative who continuously read the Ramayana during
the period my son was posted in Islamabad. She
believes it was the power of reading the Uttarakhand of Valmiki’s book that brought him and my
daughter-in-law back from the Land of the Pure.
These are beliefs which no sensible person would
question. A few years back, General Zia-ul-Haq
of Pakistan held a conference on “Science and
the Quran”. Let me have a digression here. As I
was being driven to the hotel from the Lahore airport, my driver showed me a little mosque on the
way, “That is an air-conditioned mosque where
only ....Zia (expletives removed) prayed.” A few
days later, we (a group of Indian journalists) met
the late General’s son, who was minister for religious affairs, saying the rosary, while talking to
us. Allah alone knew whether he was listening to
us or to Him.
One Islamic scholar claimed at the conference
that mountains were like nails holding the earth
down. An Egyptian engineer found that the empty copper shells of armour-piercing ammunition
The Voice of St. Jude
used in the Arab-Israeli war were intended by Allah to destroy “djinns”.
Years later, Pakistan’s father of the Atom bomb
wrote in a newspaper article that when Marathas
and Rajputs attacked the state of Bhopal and the
ruler could not fend off the invaders, the prime
minister went to a majzub (religious person in
trance) who pointed to a place where miraculously a lot of weapons were discovered. Khan rated ghairat (honour) as a high virtue of the state.
Haryana’s Khap Panchayats would readily agree.
Pakistan’s top nuclear expert Sultan Bashiruddin
believed that he could draw electricity from a captured djinn (For the country’s needs one would be
We have all heard about Jesus feeding 5,000
with five loaves and two fish. It was from an article by Khaled Ahmed, a journalist I admire, that I
learnt about the miracle narrated by a Pakistan’s
topmost scientist Samar Mubarak Mand. In 1998,
he was at Kharan in Balochistan, organising the
nuclear test. He found that Allah had put a miracle murga (chicken) in the pot from where everyone was eating. After feeding 183 people, the
murga was still crowding the pot. By the way, he
had brought only five chickens. All Pakistan’s
food problems would have been solved if more
degchis (pots) from Mand were used. Khaled
Ahmed writes, “The gap of learning between India and Pakistan is significant because it goes
beyond the argument of population ratios. One
has to helplessly concede that where Muslims
control their societies, the one branch of knowledge that becomes neglected is the sciences”.
He could not have said it better.
Recently, my friend Dr Jayakrishnan, who was
Vice-Chancellor of Kerala University, drew my
attention to an article Shekhar Gupta has written
in the India Today magazine about the sorry state
of affairs of science. Many people are under the
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
wrong impression that companies like Infosys
exemplify the glory of Indian science. No, they
only free the youth in the US and European countries from the drudgery of writing software programmes, i.e., remaining glued to the computer
screens all their working hours.
We need to produce more scientists, doctors,
technologists, linguists, philosophers and philologists. Or, should we promote the kind of
knowledge that is spread in Pakistan? I met a
young journalist from Mirpur in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. He took me to his office to help
me send a photograph to The Tribune as the Internet speed in the cybercafe was very low. He
asked me some questions about Indian life which
I found ridiculous.
Do Hindus sit together? Do they touch each
other? Do Hindus have so many gods and goddesses? Are Muslims worse than slaves? He
studied that caste system existed in India and
untouchability was practised but he did not know
that untouchability was abolished, in trains and
buses people travelled together and if Muslims
were poor, so were most Hindus. He should not
be blamed because he was a product of the kind
of education that was provided to him.
I actually wanted to buy some school textbooks,
particularly history books. In the couple of bookshops I tried, I could not get any English ones.
They were all in Urdu. So I could not buy.
Instead, I bought The British Raj in India: An Historical Review by two Pakistani scholars, S.M.
Burke and Salim Al-Din Quraishi (Oxford). It gave
me a new perspective of Indian history from the
point of view of Pakistan. To be fair to the authors,
it is a well-written, 700-page book. They argue
that “The British conquered and ruled India with
the help of Indians. When the weight of public
opinion made it impossible for them to stay in India any longer, they managed to extricate them-
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
selves from the chaos with remarkable political
“The British bled India economically but they also
created an appetite for democracy and the rule
of law. The Hindus had everything going for them
- overwhelming numerical superiority, a lead in
Western education, and greater economic power.
They lost their bid for a united India because they
overplayed their hand.
“The loss of the Muslims was the hardest - they
were demoralised by the loss of their empire,
they were regarded as seditious by the British
because of their suspected role in the Great Rebellion of 1857; and they found it hard to convince the world that unmodified Westminster parliamentary institutions would install the Hindus as
their masters for all time”. In this book, Jinnah is
the hero and Gandhi the villain of the piece.
Do we want our students to go the way of the
Pakistani students who are taught that India is a
land of snake-charmers and a superstitious lot?
Do we want to perpetuate the myths about Muslims and Christians through our textbooks.
Dinanath Batra is an elderly person, a retired
school teacher. To be frank, I had not heard his
name until he managed to hog the limelight with
Penguin India agreeing to withdraw all copies of
the book The Hindus: An Alternative History by
Wendy Doniger and pulp them. He is still after
her to have her book On Hinduism withdrawn.
Batra was one of those who successfully petitioned against the use of AK Ramanujam’s essay Three Hundred Ramayanas: Five Examples
and Three Thoughts on Translations in the Delhi
University’s history syllabus. He is the founder of
the organisation called Shiksha Bachao Andolan
Samiti and has also served as the general secretary of Vidya Bharati, the single largest network of
schools run by a private organisation, if the RSS
can be described as one.
He is also an author of several school textbooks.
Six such books written by him in Hindi and translated into Gujarati were included in the Gujarat
state education curriculum as supplementary
literature. Earlier, when the BJP was in power
in Karnataka, it introduced some books which
showed all faiths of Semitic origin, i.e., Islam,
Judaism and Christianity as belonging to the
“outside”. They gave details of the crusades the
Christians led and how the Mughals used state
power to spread Islam.
The books introduced in the Gujarat curriculum
use incidents in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to teach students that some of the
scientific truths had their origin in these texts.
Thus India knew the technology of television as
Sanjaya was able to give a graphic account of
the Kurukshetra War to the visually-challenged
Dhritharashtra in the comforts of his palace.
Weapons similar to the missiles and howitzers
used in modern-day wars were used in the epic
war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas.
India mastered biotechnology when the world had
not heard about it. That was how Gandhari gave
birth to 100 sons. Long before Jesus resurrected,
a nearly-dead Lakshmana was brought back to
life by giving him a herbal medicine made of Sanjeevani plants brought by Hanuman. He could
not identify the plants and, therefore, brought
the whole mountain on his palm. Incidentally, a
Pakistani scientist made “a hash of the theory of
relativity linking it with the mairaj (ascension) of
the Holy Prophet (PBUH)”
Nothing surprising that claims are made that
India knew aircraft technology and as evidence
Ravana’s pushpak viman is mentioned. It’s a different matter that despite all such technologies,
the Vanar Sena (Monkey Brigade) had to build a
bridge across the Palk Strait. In a book in Mad-
The Voice of St. Jude
hya Pradesh, arithmetic is taught imaginatively:
“When five policemen kill two terrorists each, how
many terrorists are killed?”
There is a method in all this madness. Recently,
RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat described India as a
Hindu nation. One Christian minister in Goa said
he was a Hindu Christian. The English saying
“more loyal than the king” is used against such
characters. I am a Christian but can I call myself
a Hindu Christian? I turned to Swami Vivekananda for an answer. On his return from the Chicago
Parliament of Religions in 1897, he made a famous speech at Madras. Let me quote the Swamiji:
“The word Hindu was the name the ancient Persians used to apply to the river Sindhu. Whenever in Sanskrit there is a ’s’, it changes into ‘h’
in ancient Persian, that is how “Sindhu” became
“Hindu”; and you are all aware how the Greeks
found it hard to pronounce ‘h’ and dropped it altogether, so that we became Indians. Now this
word ‘Hindu’ — whatever might have been its
meaning in ancient times - has lost all its force in
modern times; for all the people that live on this
side of the Indus no longer belong to one religion.
“There are the Hindus proper, the Mohammedans, the Parsees, the Christians, the Buddhists
and Jains. The word ‘Hindu’ in its literal sense
ought to include all these but, as signifying the
religion, it would not be proper to call all these
Hindus”. I think the Swamiji settled the matter
once and for all.
Dr S Radhakrishnan in his Oxford lectures on
The Hindu View of Life says, “Throughout the
history of Hinduism the leaders of thought and
practice have been continually busy experimenting with new forms, developing new ideals to suit
new conditions. The first impulse came when the
Vedic tribes came into contact with the native
tribes. A similar impulse contributed to the protes-
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
tant movements of Jainism and Buddhism when
the Aryans moved into the Gangetic valley. Contact with the highly civilised Dravidians led to the
transformation of Vedism into a theistic religion”.
Contrast this interpretation with the twist given
to the tale by the late Sarsanghchalak of the
RSS, Gurji Golwakar: “Who was it that came up
as the redeemer of our dharma and our society? Sri Sankaracharya! Buddhism, as a distinct
sect, was erased from the mother soil, though, of
course, the Buddha remained as an incarnation”.
Sankaracharya came two centuries after the
Prophet Mohammed. Hinduism is thus both the
most ancient and one of the most recent of the
great religions of the world. The dharma the RSS
talks has little to do with the evolutionary traditions of Hinduism. It is a stultified version of the
Vedic dharma. Seen against this background
Bhagwat and company may not even be eligible
to call themselves Hindus.
The Internet is a powerful tool to spread stories
like, for instance; the Taj was built by a Hindu
king, the Qutab Minar was originally built in the
name of Lord Vishnu and that an Indian had testflown an aircraft.
Let the students be taught the Ramayana, the
Mahabharata, the Quran, the Bible, the Torah
and the teachings of Buddha, Mahavira and Guru
Nanak as works that inspired and continue to inspire tens of millions of people but for heaven’s
sake, don’t say that mysteries of the universe,
theories of relativity, the theories of God’s particle
are all contained in these texts. By the way, will
the students have time to learn maths, science,
geography, languages, history etc after learning
all these texts and teachings?
Writer could be reached at [email protected]
Courtesy: Indian Currents
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
The Voice of St. Jude
By Elizebath Philip
Charles Spurgeon was a great writer and
theologian. He is called the Prince of Preachers.
His daily devotions are even today one of the
most widely read because they continue to be
relevant, though he died in 1892. I read him
saying this about his mother, “I cannot tell you
how much I owe to the solemn word of my good
mother”. Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest
US Presidents, said about his mother and I
quote, “I remember my mother’s prayers and
they have always followed me. They have clung
to me all my life”. I have quoted two persons - one
from England, a Baptist preacher, and another
from the US, a politician and statesman. They
don’t have much in common except their abiding
reverence for their mother.
see beauty in the actions of any person; male
or female. The Bible has much to say about
the beauty of women. Beautiful women may be
defined as such because of physical features, but
in the Bible we see more about beauty as defined
by character.
One of the definitions of “beauty” I found in a
dictionary is: “a beautiful person, especially a
woman”. When we think of beauty in a person,
we generally think of women. However, we can
We know that during his three-year ministry,
Jesus was accompanied not just by his 12
disciples but also by his women followers. After
his resurrection, he first appeared to women as
In Proverbs, we can even see an entire chapter
(31) devoted to what King Lemuel’s mother
taught him about the ideal woman. She taught
him to look for something beautiful in the woman
that he would have for his wife because God
made all women to be something beautiful. The
Bible is replete with verses that speak eloquently
about not just the beauty of women but also their
great deeds.
The Voice of St. Jude
a mark of which the curtain in our church opens
right to left to enable the women to see the throne
Today I want to speak about women as pioneers
and path-breakers. It is a truism that family is the
smallest unit of a society and it is woman who is
the pivot of a family. Why is it said that when you
teach a woman, you teach a whole family?
Women constitute 50 per cent of the population
but in states like Punjab, Haryana and Delhi, their
percentage has been going down at an alarming
rate thanks to medical interventions which I
would describe as “murder in the womb”. Don’t
think that we Keralites are better. The last census
showed that fewer female babies are allowed
to be born even in a state which takes pride in
cent per cent literacy. There are different ways of
looking at the same thing.
The 1857 War of Independence is also called the
Sepoy Mutiny. But can anybody deny the role of
the Rani of Jhansi, Lakshmi Bai, who protested
against the British policy of “lapse”, and took
arms against the foreign rulers?
In the Bible, we read about someone like her. She
is Deborah, a prophet of the God of the Israelites,
the fourth Judge of pre-monarchic Israel,
counsellor, warrior, and the wife of Lapidoth
according to the Book of Judges Chapters 4 and
5. She fought along with Barack and won the
battle. There are many people, particularly in the
North, who believe that Christianity was brought
to India by the British. They have no idea of the
arrival of St. Thomas in Kerala in AD 52. But what
I found more fascinating was that it was a woman
who evangelised Britain and made it a Christian
country. She is Lady Hilda who was the abbess
of Whitby Abbey. Kings used to consult her. She
inspired one of her followers Caedmon to write
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
a poem in praise of God. It was the first English
In the Bible we read about a similar person. She
is Prophetess Huldah -- the woman who unveiled
the future of a nation (2 Kings 22:14-20). We all
take pride in the fact that the Christian medical
colleges in Vellore and Ludhiana are number one
when it comes to taking care of the patients. It
was a lady, Edith Mary Brown, who started the
Ludhiana hospital in 1894. Six years later, Dr
Ida S. Scudder started the Vellore hospital. They
were women who were moved by the plight of
the poor women in India who did not have access
to any medical facilities. Again, it was a lady
missionary who tirelessly worked in Karnataka
and fought against the system of devadasis, who
were exploited in all ways.
The point is that women have not just been in the
forefront of the freedom struggle, they had also
been pioneers in many fields. A society can be
measured in terms of progress by the manner in
which its womenfolk is respected. Alas, India is
not developed in that sense.
Amartya Sen considers Kerala blessed because
this state was a pioneer in women’s education. I
consider Shankaracharya as the greatest Keralite.
I have visited Kalady, his native place and I have
also visited the Shankaracharya temple atop a
hill in Srinagar. When Shankaracharya heard that
there was a great Sanskrit scholar at Mahishi in
Bihar, he went there to meet him. He was Mandan
Mishra. They had a debate on some finer aspects
of Sanatana Dharma that lasted several days. Do
you know who was the arbiter? It was Mishra’s
wife who was a scholar in her own right.
The Bible is populated with several such women.
An organisation in Raipur published a greetings
card. One such card had the picture of a lady. It
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
had the following inscription, “Behind every brave
woman stands a whole community telling her,
she is wrong”. Mary of Bethany could have been
one. But she did not care.
Down the centuries, women have been pathbreakers. All the religions exist because it
is the women who support them. Here, at
Kayamkulam, too, women outnumber men when
it comes to taking part in the Holy Communion.
Governments know that its policies work only if
the women accept it. For instance, polio control
became a success only because women took up
the challenge. We need persons like Kandamma
Kochamma, who set up Sevika Sangham 95
years ago. Let me conclude by quoting William
Carey, “Expect great things from God; attempt
great things for God”.
(Excerpts from the sermon delivered at the Salem Mar Thoma
Church, Kayamkulam, September 14, 2014. The author is
also the Treasurer of the Sevika Sangham, Kayamkulam.)
Contributed by Br. Ignatius, Nagra, Jhansi,
Rev. Fr. Anthony (Tony) Sammut of Malta
(May 17, 1928 – Sept 9, 2013)
Fr. Anthony of Malta along with Fr. A. Jambin came to Jhansi aspiring
to be priests. Both studied in St. Joseph’s Major Seminary, Allahabad.
Fr. Anthony (popularly known as Fr. Tony), got ordained in March 1952
at St. Anthony’s Cathedral, Jhansi by Bishop F.X. Fenech. Both Frs.
Gambin and Tony served in Christ the King School. Fr. Gambin left Jhansi on Feb 24, 1963
to Malta where he died in a bomb accident. Fr. Tony was the Principal of Christ the King
from 1961 to 1988 when Rev. Bro. Ignatius assisted him and served in Christ the King for
15 years, and 5 years as the Principal of Junior CKC. They worked hard to bring up the
school to its glorious height. The school progressed to become the best in Jhansi. In 1975,
students numbered 2600 in CKC. In 1989, Fr. Tony celebrated his Silver Jubilee and left
for Malta. He is remembered by students and staff for his love and kindness. In Malta he
served in the Archbishop’s Curia for few years. In early March 2013, he had a fall and was
hurt. He was admitted and operated on Sept 6, 2013. He left for his heavenly reward on
Sept 9, 2013 at the age of 85. May God reward him for active and selfless service rendered
to humanity in the Diocese of Jhansi. September 9, 2014 is his first death anniversary. May
his soul rest in Peace.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Carl E. Olson
There is but one true Jesus of Nazareth, the
Incarnate Son of God. But there are many
false Christs said to be “the real Jesus” or the
“authentic Christ.” These imposters are as
varied as they are numerous: there is Jesus
the personal guru, the political revolutionary,
the amoral mystic, the Greek Stoic, the
socialist, and even the Buddhist.
What unites these “other Christs” is that their
handlers and creators either deny that their
Jesus died on the Cross or insist the Cross
had no supernatural meaning and salvific
value. There is a simple reason for this: Satan
knows that Christ without the Cross is not
Christ at all.
St. John Chrysostom, commenting on the
passage in Matthew’s Gospel, wrote, “Peter
had learned that Christ is the Son of God.
But he had not learned of the mystery of the
cross and the resurrection.” As we heard last
Sunday, Peter had grasped, by the grace of
God, that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the
living God.” He correctly named and identified
his Master. But he failed to understand how
the Messiah would bring about the salvation
of mankind.
The exchange between Jesus and Peter is
startling, even shocking. It is supposed to
be, for it reveals the stark divide between two
ways of living. On one side-that of Satan- is
the belief that man is able to actually guide
and control the Creator. This can be seen in
the popular notion that we can harness and
direct the power of God if only we use the
right techniques or achieve some sort of elite
spiritual enlightenment. Practitioners of this
come in many forms, ranging from New Age
salesmen to televangelist con men. On the
other side- that of the Saviour - is the belief
that man is sinful and fallen, desperately in
need of healing and redemption. Salvation
comes from God, and we receive it through
humility and death. “Whoever wishes to come
after me must deny himself, take up his cross,
and follow me,” Jesus states emphatically,
“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose
Just a few verses earlier Jesus had given
Simon the name of Peter, or “Rock.” But
the Rock suddenly panicked and crumbled
when he heard Jesus speaking of suffering
and dying. Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis, in his
commentary on Matthew’s Gospel, refers
wryly to Peter as “Satanic rock.”When Peter
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
The Voice of St. Jude
opposed God’s plan of salvation, “Jesus gives
Peter still another new name: he calls him a
satanic skandalon,” that is, an obstacle and
a scandal. When Peter lives by faith, he is a
solid rock; when he lives according to his own
wisdom, he is a stumbling block.
Years later Peter wrote, in his first epistle, of
being a “living stone,” and surely he must have
been thinking in part of the Lord’s rebuke. He
compared those who live by faith with those
who “stumble by disobeying the word” (1 Pet
2:7-8). He further warned that the devil, the
father of disobedience, “is prowling around like
a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”
(1 Pet 5:8). It is by self-denial, acceptance
of the Cross, and following closely in the
footsteps of Christ that we are kept safe from
the devil. Our self-made wisdom cannot save
or protect us.
The same contrast between man’s flawed
thinking and God’s perfect knowledge is
addressed by Paul in today’s epistle. In the
opening chapter of his letter to the Romans
(1:18-32), he described pagan worship as
irrational, idolatrous, immoral, and selfaggrandizing. But Christian worship is rational
- that is, in keeping with Divine wisdom - holy,
and focused on the true God. It consists of
being transformed by God so we can know
“what is good and pleasing and perfect.”
The false Christs of our age are just that:of this
age. They have nothing to do with the Cross
because Satan hates that bloody sign and
instrument of his destruction. But for those
who embrace and carry it, the Cross is life.
(This “Opening the Word” column originally
appeared in the August 31, 2008 edition of
Our Sunday Visitornewspaper.)
I knelt down to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
Must hurry off and get to work,
for bills would soon be due.
And so I said a hurried prayer,
While I jumped up from my knees.
My Christian duty was now done,
My soul could now rest with ease.
All through the day, I had no-time
To speak a word of cheer.
No-time to speak of Christ to friends,
They would laugh at me I feared.
No-time, No-time, I had so much to do,
that was my constant cry.
No-time to give to those in need.
At last, It was time to die.
And when before the Lord I came,
I stood with down cast eyes.
Within his hands, he held a book.
It was the "Book of Life."
He looked into the book and said
"Your name I cannot find"
"I once was going to write it down.
But never found the time."
Author Unknown
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Sr. Digna CJ
Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines,
frustrations, and demands. For many people,
stress is so commonplace that it has become
a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad. In small
doses, it can help you perform under pressure
and motivate you to do your best. However,
when you’re constantly running in emergency
mode, your mind and body pay the price. If
you frequently find yourself, feeling frazzled
and overwhelmed, it’s time to take action to
bring your nervous system back into balance.
You can protect yourself by learning how to
recognise the signs and symptoms of stress
and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects.
Stress is a normal physical response to
events that make you feel threatened or upset
your balance in some way. When you sense
danger – whether it’s real or imagined – the
body’s defences kick into high gear in a rapid,
automatic process known as the “fight-orflight” reaction, or the stress response.
The stress response is the body’s way of
protecting you. When working properly,
it helps you stay focused, energetic, and
alert. In emergencies, stress can save your
life – giving you extra strength to defend
yourself, for example, or spurring you to
slam on the brakes to avoid an accident. The
stress response also helps you rise to meet
challenges. Stress is what keeps you on your
toes during a presentation at work, sharpens
your concentration when you’re attempting
the game-winning free throw, or drives you to
study for an examination when you’d rather be
watching TV. However, beyond a certain point,
stress stops being helpful and starts causing
major damage to your health, your mood,
your productivity, your relationships, and your
quality of life.
The body doesn’t distinguish between physical
and psychological threats. When you’re
stressed over a busy schedule, an argument
with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of
bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if
you were facing a life-or-death situation. If
you have a lot of responsibilities and worries,
your emergency stress response may be “on”
most of the time. The more your body’s stress
system is activated, the easier it is to trip and
the harder it is to shut off. Long-term exposure
to stress can lead to serious health problems.
Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system
in your body. It can raise blood pressure,
suppress the immune system, increase the
risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to
infertility, and speed up the aging process.
Long-term stress can even rewire the brain,
leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
When you perceive a threat, your nervous
system responds by releasing a flood of
stress hormones, including adrenaline and
cortisol. These hormones rouse the body for
emergency action. Your heart pounds faster,
muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath
quickens, and your senses become sharper.
These physical changes increase your
strength and stamina, speed your reaction
time, and enhance your focus – preparing
you to either fight or flee from the danger at
hand. Many health problems are caused or
exacerbated by stress, including:
Pain of any kind
Heart disease
Digestive problems
Sleep problemsDepression
Autoimmune diseases
Skin conditions, such as eczema
Because of the widespread damage, stress
can cause, it’s important to know your own
limit. However, just how much stress is “too
much” differs from person to person. Some
people roll with the punches, while others
crumble at the slightest obstacle or frustration.
Some people even seem to thrive on the
excitement and challenge of a high-stress
Your ability to tolerate stress depends on
many factors, including the quality of your
relationships, your general outlook on life,
your emotional intelligence, and genetics.
Things that influence your stress tolerance
Your support network – A strong network of
supportive friends and family members is an
enormous buffer against life’s stressors. On
the other side, the more lonely and isolated
you are, the greater your vulnerability to stress.
Your sense of control – If you have confidence
in yourself and your ability to influence events
The Voice of St. Jude
and persevere through challenges, it’s easier
to take stress in stride. People who are
vulnerable to stress tend to feel like things are
out of their control.
Your attitude and outlook – Stress-hardy
people have an optimistic attitude. They tend
to embrace challenges, have a strong sense
of humour, accept that change is a part of life,
and believe in a higher power or purpose.
Your ability to deal with your emotions. You’re
extremely vulnerable to stress if you don’t
know how to calm and soothe yourself when
you’re feeling sad, angry, or afraid. The ability
to bring your emotions into balance helps you
bounce back from adversity.
Your knowledge and preparation – The more
you know about a stressful situation, including
how long it will last and what to expect, the
easier it is to cope. For example, if you go
into surgery with a realistic picture of what
to expect post-op, a painful recovery will be
less traumatic than if you were expecting to
bounce back immediately.
Am I in control of stress or is stress controlling
When I feel agitated, do I know how to quickly
calm and soothe myself?
Can I easily let go of my anger?
Can I turn to others at work to help me calm
down and feel better?
When I come home at night, do I walk in the
door feeling alert and relaxed?
Am I seldom distracted or moody?
Am I able to recognize upsets that others
seem to be experiencing?
Do I easily turn to friends or family members
for a calming influence?
When my energy is low, do I know how to
boost it?
If you can answer yes to most of these
questions, you’re probably in control of stress.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Question. Is Jesus Christ the only
person who rose again from the dead?
chair, lamp and meals to Elisha.
The rich woman had no son and her
husband was an old man. Elisha
prophesied that the woman would be
holding a son in her arms after about a
year and God blessed the rich woman
with a son. Some years later the son
died. The woman went to Elisha.
On Elisha’s advice, Elisha’s servant
Gehazi went ahead of Elisha and the
woman, and held Elisha’s stick over
the dead boy, but the dead boy did not
rise up. Then Elisha went alone into
the room, closed the door and prayed
to God. Elisha then lay over the boy,
placing his mouth, eyes, and hands
over the boy’s mouth, eyes and hands.
Elisha got up, walked about the room
and then again stretched himself over
the boy. The boy sneezed seven times
and then opened his eyes. Elisha then
gave the boy back to his mother (2
Kings 4: 8 – 37, 2 Kings 8: 1).
Answer: The Old Testament has a few
accounts of prophets who had raised
people to life after their death. Interestingly
a person was raised to life after his corpse
touched the bones of a prophet who was no
more. The New Testament also has a few
narratives of Lord Jesus Christ, Peter and
Paul raising up the dead to life.
Incidences from the Old Testament:
1. 2. 16
Upon LORD’s command, Elijah went
to the town of Zarephath and asked a
widow, who was gathering firewood,
to bring water and bread for him which
she did. After a few days the widow’s
son fell ill and died. Elijah asked for
the boy’s body, carried him upstairs
and laid the body on the bed. Elijah
stretched himself out on the boy three
times and prayed, “O Lord my God,
restore this child to life!”. The Lord
answered Elijah’s prayer and Elijah
gave the boy back to his mother (1
Kings 17: 8 – 24).
A rich woman from Shunem had
provided a small room, bed, table,
3. The prophet Elisha died and was
buried. Every year bands of Moabites
used to invade the land of Israel. Once
during a funeral, one of the bands of
Moabites was seen and in fear the
people threw the corpse they were
carrying into Elisha’s tomb and ran off.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
As soon as the body (corpse) came
into contact with Elisha’s bones, the
man came back to life and stood up (2
Kings 13: 20 – 21).
5. According to the Gospel of Luke,
when Jesus went to a town called
Nain, he saw a funeral procession.
The dead man was the only son of
a woman who was a widow. Jesus’s
heart was filled with pity. Jesus raised
up the dead man to life and gave him
back to his mother (Luke 7: 11 – 15).
Lazarus (brother of Mary and Martha)
had been buried for four days. Jesus
raised Lazarus to life (John 11: 1 –
7. According to Matthew 17: 3, Peter,
James, and John saw Moses and
Elijah talking with
Jesus. Moses and
Elijah are characters
Testament. Moses
was a hundred and
twenty years old at
the time of his death.
When Moses died
he was buried by the
Lord in a valley in
Moab, opposite the
town of Bethpeor)
but to this day no
one knows the exact
burial. 2 Kings 2: 11
says that Elijah was
taken up to heaven
by a whirlwind. If Peter, James and
John had seen Moses and Elijah
talking to Jesus, then it implies that
both Moses and Elijah are alive (or
were alive, at least when Jesus was
on the mountain).
Incidences from the New Testament:
4. A Jewish official knelt before Jesus
and prayed to Jesus to raise up his
dead daughter. Jesus went into the
girl’s room, took hold of her hand and
raised her to life (Matthew 9: 18 – 26).
According to the Gospel of Mark,
the name of the official of the local
messengers from Jairus’ house
informed Jairus that his daughter had
died. Jesus went into the room where
the girl’s body was lying, took her by
the hand and said to her, “Talitha,
koum,” which means, “Littele girl, I tell
you to get up!” (Mark 5: 21 – 42) (Luke
8: 40 – 55).
The Voice of St. Jude
8. 9. According to Matthew 27: 51 – 53,
when Jesus Christ gave a loud cry
and breathed his last, at that time the
curtain hanging in the Temple was
torn in two from top to bottom. The
earth shook, the rocks split apart,
the graves broke open, and many
of God’s people who had died were
raised to life. They left the graves, and
after Jesus rose from death, they went
into the Holy City, where many people
saw them.
On one occasion Peter had gone to
visit God’s people who lived in Lydda.
A woman named Tabitha who had
spent her time doing good and helping
the poor died. Tabitha used to live in
Joppa which was not very far from
Lydda. The believers in Joppa sent
two men to Peter with the message
“Please hurry and come to us”. After
reaching Joppa, Peter ensured that all
the people left the room and then knelt
and prayed and said “Tabitha, get
up!”. Peter helped Tabitha get up and
presented her alive to the believers
(Acts 9: 32 – 41).
10. Paul was visiting Troas. On a Saturday
evening the believers had gathered
for a fellowship meal. Paul kept on
speaking till midnight. A young man
named Eutychus who was sitting on
the window was feeling sleepy and
fell down from the third storey and
died. Paul went downstairs, hugged
Eutychus and said :He is still alive!”
after which Paul went back upstairs,
broke bread and ate and kept on
talking to the believers until sunrise.
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
The believers took Eutychus home
alive (Acts 9: 7 – 12).
It is important to note that except for
Jesus Christ all the persons spoken of
herein have been raised by a prophet
or Lord Jesus himself or by an apostle/
disciple of Lord Jesus.
Question. Is Jesus Christ the only
person who ascended into heaven?
Answer. Perhaps Enoch and Elijah also
must have ascended into heaven:
1. Enoch did not die as we human beings
die but instead suddenly disappeared
because was taken away by God
(Genesis 5: 24).
(Enoch was the son of Jared, Jared
was the son of Mahalalel, Mahalalel
was the son of Kenan, Kenan was the
son of Enosh, Enosh was the son of
Seth who was the son of Adam who
was created by God.)
2. As Elijah and Elisha were walking
along a chariot of fire pulled by horses
of fire came between them, and Elijah
was taken up to heaven by a whirlwind
(2 Kings 2: 11). Fifty prophets from
Jericho tried to locate/find Elijah for
three days, but could not find him.
3. Lord Jesus was taken up to heaven
and sat at the right side of God (Mark
16: 19).
It is important to note that in John 3:
13, Jesus says “And no one has ever
gone up to heaven except the Son of
Man, who came down from heaven.”
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Courtesy: Ravi Agrawal, CNN
India swaps ice for rice in
new bucket challenge
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has morphed into a
considerably warmer and drier alternative in India.
Enter the “Rice Bucket Challenge.” Indian journalist
Manju Latha Kalanidhi, who works for the U.S.based rice research website, says when
she first heard about the ice bucket challenge, she
got thinking. “Why waste water?” she asks. “I felt
like doing something more locally tangible. Rice is
a staple here. We eat it every day, we can store it
for months. Why not donate rice to someone who
is hungry?” And it rhymes with ice. So Kalanidhi
started her own challenge: Donate a bucket of
rice to someone in need, post a photo online, and
challenge your friends to do the same.
The original version, designed to raise funds to fight
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) also known as
Lou Gehrig’s Disease and motor neurone disease
(MND) is a global viral phenomenon. People take
videos of themselves getting doused with a bucket
full of ice, share it online, and challenge friends to
do the same or donate money to the cause. It is
in effect a modern virtual chain letter. Hundreds of
celebrities -- from Oprah Winfrey to Roger Federer
have participated and fuelled interest, raising more
than $70 million in donations for the ALS Association.
In India, the ice bucket challenge has generated
attention too Bollywood stars have mirrored their
Hollywood counterparts -- but it now seems it will
be eclipsed by what some are describing as an
Indian challenge for Indian needs: fighting hunger.
#RiceBucketChallenge is on its way to going viral in
India it’s on TV news, on Twitter, and it now has a
Facebook page with thousands of likes.
“People from all over the world are responding,”
says Kalanidhi, listing off letters of appreciation
from people in Sweden, England, and beyond.
The explosion of interest in the rice challenge is an
indicator of how powerful social media has become
in India. According to eMarketer, the number of
internet users in India is expected to be around 200
million in 2016, a nearly three-fold increase since
Much of the growth comes from smartphone users:
younger Indians who would be more likely to use
social media.
(Additional information)
The Facebook page has already received more than
64,000 likes and is on the going. How to participate?
The four steps:
1. Pickup a bowl of rice from your kitchen
2. Go to the nearest needy person and give it to
3. Click a picture and post it on facebook with
hash tag #RiceBucketChallenge
4. Tag all your friends and ask them to take up
the challenge
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Around the World
Manama (Agenzia Fides): “Bahrain will soon have
a new church!” This is what was announced this
morning to Fides Agency by Mgr. Camillo Ballin,
MCCJ, Apostolic Vicar of North Arabia, vicariate
which includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi
Arabia. “I was in Kuwait” - writes the Bishop, “when
I was reached by a phone call from the Secretary
of the Minister of Follow-up who communicated
the request of the Minister to meet me. Back in
Bahrain I went immediately to the Ministry and
with great emotion Shaykh Ahmed Bin Ateytallah
Al Khalifa, this is the Minister’s name who is the
person responsible for monitoring whether the
decisions taken by the king or the government
are put into practice or not, handed over the title
deeds of land of 9,000 square meters where we
will build the new church.” Mgsr. Ballin is keen
to highlight the fact that the document is dated
February 11, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes that in
Bahrain corresponds to Our Lady of Arabia . “Our
prayers have been answered,” writes the Bishop.
“Our Lady of Arabia is capable of doing miracles!”
“During this meeting” adds the Apostolic Vicar,
“the Minister invited me today, February 13, at the
royal palace for a meeting with King Hamad bin
Issa al-Khalifa with all the religious authorities,
adding that I would be seated next to the king as
a guest of honour! I will have the chance to thank
him for the land that was donated,” concluded
Msgr Ballin. The new church will be the Cathedral
and will be dedicated to Our Lady of Arabia.
Courtesy: (AP / Agenzia Fides)
Congratulations - Sr. Veronica Quadras, member
of St. Charles Borromeo celebrated her Silver
Jubilee on June 28, 2014 at Divyanjali, St.
Charles formation House, Judepur, Jhansi.
The Holy Eucharist began with an entrance
dance. The holy mass was offered by Most Rev.
Frederick D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus, Jhansi. It
was followed by a short
and agape. Many priests,
brothers, relatives of Sr.
Veronica witnessed the
auspicious event.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
From the Pilgrims
I am Mr. Saddish Francis and by
profession, I am an advocate. I was
married on 07/05/2008 to Ms. Maria
Martin. After our marriage we came to
know that my wife cannot become a
mother as she was infected by some
viruses as per the doctors. So our
parenthood was dissolved. But in Dec
2008, we came to St. Jude. I was not
aware that my wife had made a promise
to St. Jude requesting for parenthood. As
soon we went back to Nagpur in January
09, my wife told me to accompany her
to the same doctor. The pregnancy test
then was proved positive and the doctors
were surprised. Nevertheless, the doctors
warned us that the child would either be
regarded or physically disabled. But we
had faith in Jesus went ahead.
My child was born on 09/09/09. She is a
female child born fully normal born out
of a normal delivery. She is going to be
five years now. We christened her Judith
after St. Jude. By God’s grace she is
very healthy and very intelligent. We had
another baby girl, born on 13-04-2012.
We named her Jeesha. She is equally
healthy and intelligent like her sister.
Sorry for the delay in giving our testmany.
But we are grateful to St. Jude, Mother
Mary and Jesus, our Saviour.
(Mr & Mrs Saddish Francis, Nagpur)
I would like to thank St. Jude for the
wonderful gift that he granted us from
Jesus. I am engineer by profession.
I have been living in Jhansi for the last
2 year as part of my job. Due to some
personal reasons, I resigned from job 2
months ago as I was planning to leave the
company by July 30, 2014. I intended to
do higher studies for which I had planned
to attend coaching classes for 6 months
and then attempt the GATE exam. At
this juncture, an opportunity arose that
enabled me to join M.Tech this year itself.
M.Tech programme had limited seats
(only 18). With little hope, I applied and
gave the admission test. Soon I found
out that there was little chance for me.
Nonetheless, I came to this church where
I was used to for the last 2 years and
prayed to St. Jude, patron saint of Jhansi.
I asked St. Jude to pray for me if God
willed to grant me admission. To my
wonder, during the counseling day, the
selection committee met my parents as I
had no leaves. I got admitted to M. Tech
Marine Engineering programme. I thank
St. Jude for this wonderful gift and ask
you to be with me and all your children in
their necessities. Glory to the ever loving
Lord Jesus Christ!
(Francis Amal Varghese)
Ten days ago, I had sent a prayer petition
on behalf my son for his success in B.E.
(computer) exam. My prayer has been
answered and my son passed in first
division. Thanks to St. Jude & thanks to
everyone for praying for my son.
(Jamcy Joseph, Pune)
I got promotion before it was due as I was
undergoing great trouble in the office due
to non-promotion. I prayed to St. Jude
and I firmly believe that St. Jude has
heard my prayer and interceded for me.
My son Ashish Gilbert who is in IV year
engineering got a placement though our
prayers to St. Jude.
(Jancy Joseph)
contd. on page 25
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
The Government of India have issued
notification for Pre-Matric, Post-Matric and
Merit Cum Means based Scholarships for
the year 2014-15 for all minority students
including Christians.
Pre - Matric Scholarships of GOI,
all Christian Students studying in
1st class to 10th class and whose
parental annual income is less than
1.00 Lakh may apply in online portal . Last date for
applying online is 10-09-2014. Online
applications should submitted through portal.
Post- Matric Scholarships, Christian
Students studying courses from
Inter upto Ph.D, except Professional,
Technical and Self Finance Courses,
and whole Parental annual income is
less than 2.00 Lakhs may apply online
and the last date for applying online
for fresh students is 30-09-2014 for
renewal last date is10-10-2014 .
Merit Cum Means Based Scholarships,
Professional, Technical, Self Finance
Courses and Management Quota
Candidates are also eligible, and
the annual income of the parents
should be less than 2.50 Lakhs. All
the desirous candidates should apply
online and the last date for applying
for fresh students is 30-09-2014 and
for Renewal students last date is
15-11-2014 .After filling the online
applications, the applicants should
submit all the hard copies along
with all related documents in the
O/o Executive Director, Minorities of
concerned district. For GOI Pre Matric
Scholarship students should apply
from For GOI
Post Matric and Merit Cum Means
Based Scholarship students should
website. The link for the
above websites is provided in the
Christian Corporation Portal www. For more
information the students may contact
040-23391068, 1800-425-1068. And
Mail Id [email protected]
Central sector Scheme Scholarship”
by Ministry of Human Resource New
Dehi. Eligibility: to the students who
Pass with 80% in 10+2, will be given
monthly Rs.1000/- for degree course
& PG 2 years Rs.2000/- to the poor
students. Income Criteria: the income
ceiling is Rs. 4.5 lakhs (revised to Rs.
6 lakhs) per annum. A fresh income
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
certificate each year will not be called
for provided the scholarship fulfils all
other terms and conditions stipulated
for the renewal. Scholarship will be
paid only to those students whose
parent’s/guardian’s income from all
sources does not exceed Rs. 4.5 lakh
(revised to Rs. 6 lakhs) per annum, for
all categories under the scheme. For
more details and online application
please copy & paste below given link.
“Maulana Azad National Scholarship
Objective of the scheme
To recognize, promote and assist
meritorious Girl students belonging
to national Minorities who can not
continue their education without
financial support.
Application can be downloaded from
the web Photo
copy of the application form can be
used freely. No fee/any other amount
is to be paid for application.
Application form can be sent by the
student directly to the Foundation by
post or delivered by hand in the office
of the Foundation.
For any query/information, only
Secretary, MAEF should be contacted
directly on the office phone no.
mentioned below.
Maulana Azad Education Foundation
(Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of
India) Social Justice Service Centre,
Chelmsford Road New Delhi–110055,
Ph.: 011-23583788, 23583789 Fax
No. 011–23561945, Web Site : www.
Eligibility criterion / who can apply
Only Girl Students belonging to
National Minorities, (i.e. Muslims,
Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs) can
apply :
Should have secured not less than 55%
marks (in aggregate) in the secondary
conducted by any recognized Centre/
State Board of Secondary Education.
The List of 33 recognized Boards/
Councils is given in Annexure-III.
This is only qualifying percentage
for applying and does not guarantee
grant of scholarship which is given to
the top eligible applicant based on the
quota fixed for the concerned state
from amongst the eligible application
received from the state.
Family income of the student from
all sources should be less than Rs.
1,00,000/- (Rupees one lakh only) in
the preceding financial year:
In case of salaried class, the student
must indicate the designation, payscale, basic pay and other allowances
along with total gross & take home
No charges/fee is to be paid to any
one for any services.
Sanction letter/cheque for scholarship
will sent by Regd. Post directly to
the address of successful candidate
on completion of prescribed papers/
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
emoluments of the parent/guardian. A
mere statement saying “Service” will
not be acceptable. The student must
attach a Salary Certificate or Pension
Certificate (in case of retired persons),
duly authenticated by controlling
authority, of her parent/guardian along
with the application.
In case of agriculture/horticulture etc.,
the students has to mention total land
holding with details of irrigated and
non-irrigated and other landed property
owned by her family along with total
income of the family. These details will
also be mentioned in the affidavit of
the parent/guardian (Annexure-II) as
well as in the certificate from Revenue
In case of business class, the student
must categorically state the name &
type of the business along with the
total turn over and the total income of
family. The same details will also be
stated in the Affidavit (Annexure-II)
from her parent/guardian.
Income form all other sources must
also be mentioned, specially if mother
is also employed.
It must be noted that all income
certificate and statements made by the
students in the application is subject
to further verification of Maulana Azad
Education Foundation. In case of any
deliberate discrepancy/concealment
of facts, the MAEF may cancel/recover
the scholarship granted/released as
well as initiate necessary action as per
(Annexure-II) must be from the
parents/guardian’s side and should
have been issued from the respective
home station. The income certificate
issued or affidavit made from the
place where the student is studying,
as against the home station, will NOT
be acceptable (in case of photocopy, it
should be attested by Gazetted Officer
or Head of Institution).
Should have Confirmed admission
in class-XI. Admission Slip issued by
the college/school where the student
is presently studying and verification
of the principal (Annexure-I), in the
prescribed pro forma must be sent
with the application.
recognized by the Government at the
Central or State level or any other
competent authority.
It is one time scholarship, and no
claim as permanent beneficiary will
be entertained. Student once selected
for scholarship can not avail the same
A student getting a scholarship from
any other source would not be eligible
for the Scholarship.
The last date for receipt of application
in the office of the Maulana Azad
Septemberevery year, which must
be adhered to. The application of
the scholarship received after30th
September, will not be entertained
under any circumstances. MAEF will
not be responsible for postal delay in
the matter.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
An amount of Rs. 12,000/- (Rupees
twelve thousand only) would be given
to an student in the ratio 50:50 i.e.
Rs. 6000/- (Rupees Six Thousand
only) for class XIth and Rs. 6000/(Rupees Six Thousand only) class XII.
10. The second installment of Rs. 6000/(Rupees Six Thousand ) for class XIIth
would be released after submission
of Mark sheet of XIth exam and
verification certificate, both attested/
verified by the Principal of the school/
College where student is studying in
XIIth . It should be submitted by the
student directly to the office of the
Foundation by 30th September of
the year of passing XIth Exam. The
student must secure minimum of 55%
in the XIIth Exam to be eligible to
received 2nd installment of Rs. 6000/11. The scholarship is given to student
passing 10th exam and taking
admission in 11th in the year when
result of 10th exam is declared.
Applications received in subsequent
years will not be entertained.
From the Pilgrims (contd. from pg. 21)
In July 2014, I was diagnosed with breast
cancer & had to undergo surgery. I
prayed earnestly to St. Jude to intercede
for me. The surgery was successful &
I did not have to undergo radiation or
chemo. Thank you St. Jude for protecting
us & continue to bless all the members in
our family.
(Mrs. D.G. Briggs, Karnataka)
My son, Siddhant miraculously survived
a serious car accident in July 2014, with
a fractured arm and minor bruises. The
doctors declared that everything was
normal and there was nothing to worry. His friends who were seriously injured
are all out of hospital and recovering well. Our most sincere and earnest thanks to
our Precious Lord and our intercessor,
St. Jude, for keeping Sid and his friends
safe and well. Thank you Jesus.
(A devotee)
TkwM }kjk izkIr paxkbZ
esjh cM+h csgu Jherh flfy;k vUFk¨uh tks fd xHkkZ’k;
ds dsalj ls ihfM+r gksus dh ’kadk dks MkWDVj us crk;k
Fkk ml le; eSus lar twM ls izkFkZuk dh Fkh fd os mls
bl chekjh ls cpk ys vkSj esjh izkFkZuk n;kyw izHkq ;slq
us lar twM }kjk lqudj iwjk fd;kA
,d vkSj cgu jsftuk Msfu;y tks fd blh chekjh ls
ihfM+r Fkh] mls Hkh lar twM }kjk paxkbZ izkIr gqbZA esjs
cM+s HkkbZ dks dej esa cgwr T;knk ijs’kkuh Fkh oks cSBdj
[kkuk Hkh ugha [kk ldrs FksA ge lc HkkbZ&cguksa us lar
twM ls izkFkZuk fd;k vkSj paxkbZ izkIr gqbZA
esjh viuh csVh lksfQ;k jkWtlZ tks [ksyus ds fy;s
paMhx<+ xbZ gqbZ FkhA eSus mlds fy, Hkh lar twM ls
izkFkZuk dh fd mls ogkWa ls dksbZ Hkh esMy fnyokdj
Hksts] vkSj nsf[k;s peRdkj Lo:Ik mls czksUl esMy izkIr
gqvkA bu lc peRdkjksa dks ns[k dj esjk fo’okl lar
twM ij vkSj T;knk c<+ x;kA
b’oj dh Lrqfr gksA bZ’oj dks /kU;oknA lar twM dks
¼Jherh ywnZ esjh ,ñ jkWtlZ] NRrhlx<+½
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Dr. Lazar Mathew
During the 70s and early 80s, our family (my
wife, son, daughter and I) visited Goa and
Kerala regularly. Every year, the journey
starts from New Delhi to Goa, where we
spend a few days with my wife’s parents,
from there to Kerala to spend a few days with
my parents, then to Velankanni and back to
Delhi via Madras (now Chennai). Our visits
were mostly in October–November period,
not in May-June, to avoid the heat and
summer rush. Further, at this time of the
year, the nature is at its best
and our kids will be eager for
this vacation and pilgrimage.
In 1979, one of our friends
suggested that we visit St.
Jude’s Shrine at Jhansi;
hence, we decided to break our return
journey. However, when we boarded the
GT express, all of us were very tired and
therefore decided to postpone our Jhansi
visit for a later date. During the second night
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
of our journey, may be around 2.00 am the
train had an accident. Both the engines
and eleven bogies were derailed; we were
in one of them. I was thrown out of the
lower berth, but escaped with some aches
and pains. The rest three were without
a scratch. It was a miraculous escape.
The accident happened at a remote place
between Lalitpur and Jhansi. We all got out
of the train and spent a couple of hours near
the railway tracks. A relief train came and
took us to Jhansi Station where we reached
around 5.00 am.
The railway officials were kind enough to
accommodate us in the Mangala Express,
reaching Jhansi at about 11.00 am. Thus, we
had enough time to visit the Shrine, attend
holy mass and pray. When we reached
there, the church was already crowded. It
happened to be the Feast day of St. Jude,
October 28, a fact unknown to me those
days. This was the first visit. Afterwards, we
had been to Jhansi several times. I have
also visited the famous Shrine of St. Jude
at Faversham, Kent in England, which is
maintained by Carmelite Fathers. This was
a rare privilege as it could be accomplished
during one of my official visits to London.
For millions of people including me, St.
Jude has been the patron Saint of hopeless
cases. During Our Lord’s days on earth,
Juda Thaddeus has not only been His
apostle, but first cousin in terms of human
relationship. However, because of the
traitor Judas Iscariot, early Christians
were ignoring this gracious Saint, were
not really praying for his intercession. It is
believed that Our Lord compensated this by
bestowing upon him the special privilege of
interceding for people who lost hope. Thus,
today many devotees approach the saint as
a last resort, to plead for hopeless cases. In
addition, of course, the Saint is ever ready
to help the person in despair.
Now, a word about the statue of St. Jude,
which depicts three special features. On
The Voice of St. Jude
the head is the tongue of fire. This clearly
shows that he was very much there in the
upper room along with Mother Mary and
other apostles at the time of Pentecost.
This depiction signifies the status of the
Saint as an Apostle. In the right hand of
the saint is a long wooden club that is not
a walking stick! Tradition states that the
club represented martyrdom of St. Jude. In
the early centuries, a martyr was depicted
holding a weapon with which he was killed.
St. Jude was clubbed to death by a violent
mob that attacked him for spreading the
gospel fearlessly.
The left hand holds the medal depicting
Jesus, tied around his neck in a chain. This
has a long traditional story. It is said that a
king named Agbar (certainly not the Moghul
Emperor of India) who was suffering from
leprosy sent messengers to Our Lord
pleading to heal him. It seems that Our
Lord sent them back saying that someone
from His group (apostles) will come to the
king and heal him at an appropriate time.
It is believed that St. Jude completed this
mission. He took a piece of cloth, may be
a towel, which was used to wipe the face
of Our Lord and wiped the diseased part
of King Agbar, and the leprosy was healed
instantly. It is also believed that the piece
of cloth had the imprint of Our Lord’s face,
something similar to Veronica’s act found in
the Catholic Tradition. Thus, the picture of
Our Lord in the chest of our Saint reminds
the special privilege accorded to him by Our
Lord. No one can verify this. No need either
as millions flock to him daily.
Finally let me conclude with an insight of the
Letter of St. Jude given in the Holy Bible. It
is not a lengthy text, but gives clear warning
not be complacent in matters of faith. It
strongly condemns licentiousness and
immorality and to shun false teachers. The
letter is relevant today as we are threatened
by the aforementioned sinful forces than
any other time. Let us invoke this gracious
saint when things need special attention.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
For Family Synod
The Catholic laity of India has been pro-active for the
forthcoming Extraordinary Synod on the family, to be
held in Rome this October. As a preparation for the
same Pope Francis had sent out a Questionnaire on
various issues affecting the family. This Questionnaire
was to be circulated to all parishes across the globe.
The Questionnaire touched on some theological issues,
but did not shy away from addressing contentious and
contemporary issues like contraception, abortion,
gay and live-in relationships, divorce and annulment,
and giving communion to Divorced and Remarried
on Catholic Families (NCCF) was held on 23rd/ 24th
August at Navsadhana Diocesan Pastoral Centre,
Pune. Committed lay leaders from across the country
attended it.
When a group of lay leaders came to know, through the
press, that a report on the Questionnaire had already
been sent to Rome, they did their own investigation;
only to discover what they had apprehended, that the
laity had little or no role in the formulation of the socalled report that had been sent to Rome. This despite
the fact that the issues raised directly concerned them!
Bp Lawrence Pius of Dharampuri, Chairperson, CCBI
Family Commission, was accompanied by Rev Arulraj
CSC, who is one of the Indian delegates to the Synod.
The bishop wanted the latter to have a first hand
experience of the aspirations of the laity. Bp Lawrence
stated that after the Extraordinary Synod this October,
there would be another gathering in Philadelphia, USA,
followed by the Ordinary Synod next year, in which a
wider cross-section of the church would be involved.
He regretted that of the 125 Latin Rite dioceses that
came under his Commission, only 55 had responded to
This core group adopted a multi-pronged approach
to the Synod. It co-ordinated its efforts with “Catholic
Church Reform International”, a group with a presence
in 65 countries, working on similar lines. It organized
local consultations in Pune, Chennai and Kanpur. It
simplified the Vatican Questionnaire and circulated it
among the laity, under the initiative of theologian Virginia
Saldanha of Mumbai. The archbishop of Madras and
Bp Thomas Dabre of Pune actively encouraged the
local consultations. Alan Doulton of Pune was able to
collect and collate 800 responses to the Questionnaire.
Louis Menezes IAS (Retd) organized several local level
consultations in Chennai, and got 600 responses from
college-going youth, on issues affecting them. After all
this systematic spadework the National Consultation
# Chhotebhai
Diago Almeida, President of the Catholic Association
of Poona, welcomed the delegates. In his opening
address Bp Dabre asserted that the family was the
Domestic Church. It was not just a human creation, but
also a divine institution. The emphasis should therefore
be on ongoing catechesis for the promotion of Christian
family life.
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
the Vatican Questionnaire; quite possibly in a not very
systematic manner. The general excuse was that there
was not enough time to respond.
In his 4-page report sent to Rome, Bp Lawrence said
that gay and live-in relationships were generally not
accepted in India. People respected church teachings
on abortion, but not on artificial contraception, which
they did not consider morally wrong. He said that
whereas in Sweden the rate of divorce was as high as
54%, in India it was less than 1%. The Church needed
to adopt a more compassionate approach to divorced
and remarried Catholics, eventhough there is, as yet,
no clarity on the issue.
The Co-ordinator of the NCCF, chhotebhai, said that
this gathering was not just about the Synod. If we
accept that the family is the basic unit of society, then
nurturing healthy and happy families was the greatest
contribution to society and world peace. He, however,
regretted that far from being the Domestic Church, the
Catholic family was more like a domesticated fowl, that
was expected to make appropriate clucking noises, and
produce more eggs (increase the Catholic population)
as some bishops in Kerala have been advocating.
Virginia Saldanha said that even after simplifying the
Vatican Questionnaire people sill found it difficult to
comprehend or respond to. Hence the poor response
ratio. Louis Menezes stated that in Chennai they found
alcoholism to be a major cause of family breakdown. It
was ironic that the State Govt’s excise policy netted over
Rupees Thirty Thousand Crores annually, in the name
of poverty alleviation, but had quite the opposite effect.
Alan Doulton gave a lucid power point presentation on
the survey conducted in Pune diocese.
David Lobo from Bangalore, who described himself as
a conscientious objector, threw light on the run up to
the promulgation of Humanae Vitae in the 1960’s. This
was the document that had categorically stated that
all forms of “artificial” contraception were intrinsically
The Voice of St. Jude
wrong; a teaching that alienated millions from the
Catholic Church. He shared how a group of 4 arch
conservatives prevailed on what came to be known as
the “Majority Report” of 52 among the 56 experts that
had deliberated on the issue for 3 years before its actual
promulgation. It is this subterfuge that the laity now
fears. History should not repeat itself, with a handful
of die-hard conservatives trying to suppress the vast
majority of the laity that neither accepts nor practices
the teachings of Humanae Vitae.
Panel discussions were held on various issues. The
first set of panelists was Virginia Saldanha, Lorna
D’souza (Mumbai) and Dr Aloma Lobo (Bangalore).
Virginia dwelt on gender issues – a patriarchal mindset,
the preference for having boys, freedom for boys but
control on girls, the false projection of masculinity/
machoism, sexual abuse by close relatives/ friends, and
the insistence on “virginity” for women only.
Lorna D’souza spoke on the plight of widows, giving her
own traumatic testimony, which brought tears to many
eyes. She said that widows did not want pity, but dignity
and security. The “Hope & Life Movement” started in
1985 by Bp Bosco Penha of Mumbai was a source of
great strength to widows.
Dr Aloma Lobo, who was earlier on the Central Govt
panel for adoption, said that families should be their own
agents of change. Unfortunately, almost all religions fed
on fear and/ or superstition for their survival. We need
freedom from fear and the anxiety about what others
would have to say. She felt that the existing Marriage
Preparation Courses were grossly inadequate. Most
people were hypocrites when it came to the practice of
dowry or a “dress code” for women only.
The next panel discussion was initiated by chhotebhai,
Virginia and Louis Menezes. chhotebhai spoke on
the interface between Canon Law and various civil
laws, specifically the Christian Marriage Act (1872)
and Divorce Act (1869).Lay leaders needed to be well
The Voice of St. Jude
acquainted with their respective provisions. He also
dwelt on the piquant situations arising out of inter-faith/
inter-denominational and inter-rite marriages. Virginia
spoke about the Uniform Civil Code proposed by the
new BJP Govt at the Centre. We need to support
this move, she opined, as it was envisaged in the
Constitution of India. Louis Menezes asserted that the
laity should be involved at every level of ecclesiastical
decision making on issues that directly affect them.
The inputs and panel presentations were followed by
group discussions, open and general sessions. Issues
were discussed under four broad categories that
had been circulated earlier – Pastoral, Sociological,
Psychological and Physiological. Based on all these
deliberations, an “Agenda for Change” emerged as
1. The Marriage Preparation Courses are grossly
inadequate; and they are attended only for
obtaining the mandatory “certificate”. They need
drastic improvement. It is equally important to
have ongoing catechesis and remote preparation,
which, as of now, stops with Confirmation classes.
2. Marriage Enrichment Programmes should
become an integral part of the pastoral ministry of
the Church.
3. Lay groups, parish councils and Catholic
Associations should organize seminars on Canon
and civil laws.
4. The process of church annulments should be
5. Respite Centres should be established in existing
Diocesan Pastoral Centres, for immediate relief
and shelter to victims of domestic violence or
marital discord.
6. From the time of St Thomas Aquinas, considered
the greatest theologian, the sacraments are
considered to be a means of sanctification, and not
a reward for being good. Jesus himself knowingly
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
broke bread with Judas Iscariot eventhough he
was in a state of grave sin. It is therefore mete
and just that divorced and remarried Catholics be
admitted to the Eucharist, provided that they are
suitably disposed, and after due catechesis.
7. Canon 1398 that provides for a latae sententiae
(automatic) ex-communication of a woman
who procures an abortion, regardless of the
circumstances, should be suitably amended.
8. Canon 1083:1 stipulates 14/16 as the age for
girls and boys respectively to get married,
whereas Clause 60:1 of the Christian Marriage
Act stipulates a minimum age of 18/21. Canon
1072 dissuades people from marrying at a young
age, and Canon 1083:2 advocates a higher age
for marriage. Canon 1071:2 does, no doubt,
subjugate Canon Law to civil law. Nevertheless,
considering the growing complexities of modern
life, it is advisable that suitable amendments
be made in Canon Law, increasing the age for
eligibility for marriage.
9. Canon 1095:1-3 prescribes the various criteria
for valid matrimonial consent. However, Canon
1096:2 sates that ignorance of the same cannot
be presumed after puberty. Since girls are
attaining puberty as early as in their 9th year, and
boys in their 12th, such a presumption defies all
logic. Such presumptions will later impinge on any
subsequent annulment process. This provision in
Canon Law should be scrapped immediately, and
replaced with a more equitable amendment.
10. The laity/ families should be fully involved in
any ecclesiastical decision making process that
affects them
11. The refusal by some Oriental Rite eparchies to
recognize the Status Liber (free state) certificates
issued by Latin Rite dioceses in which the
concerned persons are now residing, goes
against the very essence of Christian unity. The
CBCI must act firmly to stamp out this insidious
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
12. When there is an inter-faith/ inter-denominational
marriage, where one side is denied Communion,
it is advisable that such marriages are celebrated
without having the Mass, for which suitable
pastoral guidelines should be issued.
13. It is sometimes reported that dispensation is
denied to those seeking an inter-faith marriage,
eventhough there are specific provisions for the
same in Canon Law. Such dispensations should
not be treated as a condescension, and should be
granted on request.
14. The practice of our Christian faith and the liturgy
should be made more relevant to our youth.
15. The “Hope & Life Movement” for widows should
be extended to all dioceses
16. Instead of tidbit synods, it is time for Vatican III for
a radical updating (aggiornamento) on all aspects
of Church life and practice.
1. Since our girls are today outshining the boys in
almost every field, they often cannot find suitable
marriage partners. Community leaders and
organizations should organize marriage Bureaux
and meeting points.
Families should make adequate legal
provisions for inheritance devoid of any gender
3. Families must make concerted efforts to overcome
the patriarchal mindset and all forms of gender
4. We need to reach out to migrants, especially
in urban conglomerates, lest such persons go
astray for want of community support.
5. Extravagant weddings should be discouraged,
and dowry in any form should be stopped.
6. We need to replace “competition” between the
sexes with a more collaborative/ co-operational
7. Spouses/ children from broken homes should
have access to proper counseling.
8. Co-education should be encouraged, so as to
inculcate respect for each other from an early
9. We need to have an inclusive approach to persons
having various sexual orientations.
The blanket ban on “artificial” contraception has
proved to be a no go, no show, no tell state. It
needs to be given a quiet burial
Considering the advances in science, we should
respect, and not condemn, those who opt for In
Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
Surrogacy, with adequate safeguards, may be
accepted under special circumstances.
1. The Central Govt should circulate the provisions
and aims and objects of the proposed Uniform
Civil Code to all stakeholders. It may be introduced
in parliament only after a thorough public debate.
2. The Central Govt should establish a Commission,
on the likes of the Sachar Commission for
Muslims, to determine the socio-economic status
of the Christian community in India.
To ensure a proper follow up of the recommendations
of the NCCF, and to see that its voice is heard in Rome,
the group formed itself into the “Indian Catholic Forum”.
It is not an organization, but a movement for reform,
to address various issues affecting the community.
chhotebhai (Kanpur) was elected the Convenor, and
a Steering Committee consisting of Dr Aloma Lobo
(Bangalore), Virginia Saldanha (Mumbai), Louis
Menezes (Chennai), Adv Antony Ambat (Kochi), Juliana
D’mello and Somyabapu Waghmare (both of Pune) was
formed. Rev. Arulraj has assured the Forum that he will
carry its “Agenda for Change” to Rome.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
1. What was Paul’s reason for writing that the
Corinthians should not judge people before
the appointed time, but wait until the Lord
2. In Revelation 6, what was the name of the
rider on the pale horse?
3. True or false? According to the book of
Revelation, when Jesus returns, only his
disciples will see him.
4. Supply the missing word from Jesus’
declaration in Revelation 1: “Behold I am alive
for ever and ever! And I hold the ____ of death
and Hades.”
5. What did Zechariah see in his eighth vision
symbolizing worldwide divine judgment?
6. In Zechariah’s prophecy of future restoration,
what name will be given to Jerusalem?
7. In Jesus’ words about future destruction,
where will the Abomination of Desolation
8. Who said that Israel could look forward to a
time when their land would be renowned for its
crops, and they would no longer be victims of
9. According to Jesus, when nations see the Son
of Man appear in the sky with power and great
glory, what will they do?
10. In the year of the Lord’s favor, instead of a
spirit of despair, what will the people have?
11. In Jesus’ Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus,
when the rich man was in hell, why did he want
Lazarus to come to him?
12. True or false? In Jesus’ Parable of the Rich
Man and Lazarus, Abraham said that a great
chasm had been fixed between the rich man
and Lazarus and no one could cross it.
13. In the book of Revelation, John is shown a
series of seven seals followed by two other
series of seven things. Name one of them.
14. What followed closely behind the rider of the
fourth horse mentioned in Revelation 6?
15. According to Hebrews chapter 9, human
beings are destined to die once, and what
comes after that death?
16. In Zechariah’s third vision, forecasting full
restoration for God’s people, Zechariah saw
a man with a measuring line: what was he
17. In Revelation 19 John records a vision of a
great white horse. The rider is called Faithful
and True. What further name is he given?
18. The armies of the rider on the white horse are
also on white horses. What are they wearing?
19. According to Jesus, what is it, that, if given
to one of his little ones, will earn someone a
reward in heaven?
20. Supply the missing word from Jeremiah’s
prophecy in chapter 23: “‘The days are
coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will raise
up to David a righteous ____.’”
21. According to Revelation 13, who gives the
Beast his power?
22. How long will the child-ruler of Isaiah 9:6
23. Who, in torment in hell, saw Abraham?
24. What, according to the apostle Paul, are our
light and passing troubles going to achieve for
25. What is the meaning of Zechariah’s fourth
vision in which the high priest’s dirty clothes
are replaced by rich, clean clothes?
Kindly send your answers to
[email protected].
Results of all the competitions will be
announced in the last issue of the year.
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |
Mr. Vijay Mathew
dq’kky xk;d dh Le`fr esa
Rita Baines, St. Francis Intercollege, Jhansi
Fks os ,d dq’kky o vuqie xk;d
lqjhys jkx¨a o xku¨a ls lcd¨
djrs jgrs Fks ea=eqX/k lcd¨
ftUgs lqu lc lq/k&cq/k nsrs Fks [k¨
tc tgk¡ vko‘;drk g¨rh mudh
igq¡p tkrs lgk;rk djus lcdh
ru&eu&/ku ls tu lsok djrs
v©j fÁ; cu tkrsa Þfot;Þ lcdh
ppZ d¢ fØ;k&dyki¨a esa lnk
jgrs Fks os ges’kk vXkzlj
t¨ Hkh dk;Z vku iMrk muij
dj nsrs Fks os g¨ rRij
cl lSarkyhl dh mez&lhek Fkh mud¢ fy,
29 tqykà 2014 dk fnu Fkk vkf[kjh mud¢ fy,
N¨M&NkM lc py iMs] ÁHkq ls feyus d¢ fy,
v©j ifjokj d¨ foy[krk N¨M x;s lnk d¢ fy,
cpiu ls gh Fkh #fp xku¨a esa
xk;d eaMyh laHkkyrs Fks fxjtk?kj¨a esa
ifjokj o fe=¨a d¢ lkFk Fks lnk g¡leq[k
dq’kky o ;¨X; dgykrs Fks Nk=¨a ls lEeq[k
mudh N¨Vh&cMh xyfr;¨a d¨ ÁHkq ekQ dj
vkRek d¨ mudh fpj’kkfUr Ánku dj
mud¢ ifjokj d¢ lnL;¨a d¨ lkURouk ns
ftlls Þfot;Þ dh deh d¨ os lg ld¢a /khjt ls
(In memory of Mr. Vijay Mathew, Choirmaster of St. Antony’s Cathedral Parish)
The Voice of St. Jude
| AUG - SEPT. 2014 |