April 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church


April 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church
A PR I L 2 0 1 5
Cross Connection
St. John’s Lutheran Church
Holy Week Worship
Palm Sunday (March 29th):
8:30 & 10:30
Maundy Thursday (April 2nd ):
1:30 & 7:00 pm
Good Friday (April 3rd):
7:00 pm
Easter (April 5th):
6:15, 8:30 & 10:30 am
He was raised on the third day in accordance with the
1 Corinthians 15:4
Pages 2 & 3
From the Intern’s
Thrift Shop
Dan Gutman
Deb ‘s Music Stand
Church Council
Pages 7-8
Youth Auction
Page 12
Pages 14 & 15
Pastor Jon
Lori Holt
Page 5
Page 6
Pages 4 & 5
Page 6
Pastor Jon’s Letter
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Alleluia! The Tomb Is Empty! We are Easter People! Praise the Lord, Alleluia!
It has been a long winter (again) and spring has been slow in coming as we look for the color of flowers and the green grass and the newness that only spring can bring. Regardless of
nature though, we celebrate the greatest story of new life in the resurrection of Jesus Christ
and the transforming power that has for each of us.
How does the Easter celebration impact your life and mine, day in and day out? As we go
about our lives, our jobs, caring for our families and all of the things that demand time from
us, how does Easter form out days and journeys?
For one thing EASTER gives me great hope. I watch the news and am disheartened by
what humans beings can do to one another. Serving on the Shelby County Drug Free Coalition, it is sad to see the impact that drugs and underage drinking have on the many of the
youth in our county. I deal with broken relationships, the death of loved ones and the
stresses that come with life.
Yet in no uncertain terms, EASTER speaks to me of hope. I am reminded that by the one
who was battered and bruised, buried in the earth, was raised to new life. And that this
same one, Jesus Christ gives us hope that no matter what struggles we face in this life, His
word of life and victory is greater and that sin and death do not have the final word.
Second, EASTER gives me great joy. There is joy here and now in life and Jesus makes
that joy even more profound. When a little girl in her fathers arms tells me after services,
“Bye Pastor Jon.” there is great joy because here is a little one learning about Jesus. When
I witness one spouse care for another (sometimes in unexpected ways) out of a very deep
love, I am filled with the joy of how Jesus has been present in their life and marriage.
When I listen to young people excitedly talk about the Mission Trip, there is joy because
they want to share the hope and love of the resurrected Christ with others.
Third, EASTER gives me great peace. Maybe some of this is about age, but I do believe
much of this has to do with Easter. The peace that comes from the Empty Tomb is so assuring. No matter what happens to me, I know that I belong to the living God. Or to quote
one of our young people who wrote in her faith paper 9 years ago “no matter what happens
I am still Kari Lynn to God.”
Pastor Jon’s Letter
To be sure there are things I would rather not have to deal with in life, and I get frustrated
with the neuropathy in my feet and how that has changed things, but it does not hinder the
peace that I have. I know God is good and God is great and I try to live each day in His
presence and peace.
Friends, the joy of the empty tomb is invigorating. The hope and joy that brings to all believers makes all the difference in how we live each and every day.
Rejoice and celebrate, Christ Jesus has been raised. Through Him our future eternal is secure.
Easter blessings to all!
Pastor Jon
SUNDAY, July 12, 2015
9:30 am
More information to follow
We have two guest preachers for April. On the 12th, the Rev. Dale Eckhart from
Germany and son of Betty will be with us. Then on the 19th St. John's very first Associate Pastor who served with Rev. Swinehart, Rev. Larry Hoffiss will be with us.
From the Intern’s Desk
On April 2, we will celebrate Maundy Thursday,. On that day, five 5th graders will be
joining us to receive the bread and the wine for the very first time. I have had a great time
working these past few weeks with Emma, Allison, Landon, Karter and Claire. They are engaged, excited, and participate willingly in our pre-communion classes. But these classes got
me to thinking about something-a topic that we had debated in seminary: Why make them
wait? Why make ANY child wait? What exactly are we waiting for? What is so special about
5th grade that makes it necessary to make a child wait for ten or eleven years before finally
being able to receive the full presence of Christ in the bread and wine? I grew up Catholic,
and my first communion was at age seven, in the second grade. But why wait even that long?
When Jesus took the cup, he said, “take and drink, this is my blood; shed for you and for ALL
people for the forgiveness of sins”. All people. As Dr. Rick Barger, the president of Trinity
Lutheran Seminary is fond of saying, “All means all, and the gifts of God are free!”
Several weeks ago, I was distributing the bread at Communion, and a man came up carrying his child, an adorable little girl, no more than two years old. She reached her hand out for
the bread. I gave her a blessing, and then gave the bread to her father. The girl then reached
over and grabbed the bread that was in her father’s hand! The father broke the bread in two
and gave half to his daughter, who happily ate it! What a God Moment that was!
Some will say that the reason we must wait until children are a certain age is because a person needs to have at least a basic understanding of what happens at communion. Christ is fully present in, with, and under the elements of bread and wine. The elements are simultaneously both bread and wine and at the same time, body and blood. Do YOU fully understand that?
Do any of us? If a person suffers from dementia or Alzheimer’s, are we then to stop communing them because they can no longer understand it?
We baptize infants, to symbolize the fact that God’s grace is freely given to all, even if one
has done nothing to merit it. But even though we baptize infants, we continue to give instruction as to what baptism means. When children are confirmed, they then agree to accept the
promises made by their parents and sponsors at their baptism. Likewise, if we were to commune everyone including infants, it would not mean that we would stop teaching about what
Holy Communion is all about, and there would still be a time when a child would agree to voluntarily participate in communion.
Intern Larry’s Letter continued & Letter from Lori
On Easter, Christ was risen from the dead, proving once and for all that the Kingdom of God has
indeed broken into our world. Just as Christ was risen, we too will be resurrected in a new spiritual body. And all of us will join together at the heavenly banquet. The bread and wine we eat
today is a foretaste of the feast to come. And all people will be at that feast. All people. So why
not let all God’s children, no matter how old or no matter how young, experience that foretaste?
All means all, and the gifts of God are free.
I wish for all of you a blessed and joyous Easter.
In the abiding hope of the empty tomb,
Intern Larry
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
A story of my Dad. Late last July my Dad had scans for what the doctors believed was pneumonia and kidney stones. The scans showed spots. Then in early August he was diagnosed with Stage
4 lung cancer that had metastasized to his liver. He was given six months. Because of the type of cancer in his liver radiation was not an option. His wonderful doctor at St. Rita’s told him he could possibly gain some time by having chemotherapy. Dad chose this route. Throughout all of this our family
spent as much time as possible at Mom and Dad’s house.
I went with him and Mom for his treatments. If you know my Dad, you know he’s a real
hoot!! The man could go 24 hours telling jokes and not repeat one!! He was just the same as he went
through his treatments at St. Rita’s. I told my best friend that I’d start to worry if his jokes stopped.
She was around him a lot and totally agreed with me.
Dad was losing weight, but his sense of humor continued. He definitely kept the staff entertained! He had no appetite and didn’t drink enough fluids. This made it difficult to find a vein for his
treatments. Through everything I cannot say enough good things about the doctors, nurses and volunteers at St. Rita’s. They always found a vein somehow! Dr. Rhoades is just an awesome God-fearing
man, and my parents trusted him completely. Incidentally, he was my Mom’s doctor when she went
through her lung cancer.
In September our entire extended family from Brasil made the trip to Sidney for a wonderful
family reunion. When the plans were initiated, they were unaware of Dad’s condition. Yeah, it was a
‘God Thing!’ Dad finished his chemo before Thanksgiving.
Dad held steady after the treatments stopped. Into February he had continued to lose weight
and was no longer able to get around. Hospice was called in, in late February. They were just wonderful! Someone from our family was at the house 24 hours a day to help Mom.!
Thursday, March 5, the family had supper at Mom and Dad’s, played music and Dad even
smiled slightly a couple of times. Mom called us around 5:00 the next morning. Dad has passed from
this earthly life and joined our Lord. A Memorial Mass was said for him Thursday, March 12.
He was confirmed at Holy Angels in 2003. When he was diagnosed, he never asked why me;
he never complained. He knew where he was headed, so death didn’t scare him. I miss him like crazy,
and ‘until we meet again, may God hold you in the hollow of His hand.’ I love you, Dad!!
Love from your Little Lori
Happy Easter to you all as we celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Savior and Lord, Jesus!!
Letter from Dan Gutman
Dear St. John's Member,
Our St. John's youth group is holding its fourth annual youth auction to raise funds for the summer mission
trip to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in Pine Ridge, South Dakota June 13-21, 2015. The auction will be
held on Friday, May 1st at 6:00 p.m. - so save the date!
How Can You Help?
The kids are hard at work right now visiting local businesses to request donations for the auction. They are
looking for new small and large items or services to be auctioned, table sponsors, etc. If you are interested in
making a donation, please contact Dan.
What To Expect
Upon arrival at the auction, you will be assigned an auction number. Should you choose to bid on items
throughout the night, you will use that number to do so.
Then dinner will be served. During the meal, attendees will be invited to peruse the silent auction tables
which will be located around the room. The items on each table will be tied to that table's theme. For instance, we may have a sports table, men's table, women's table, music table, art table, kid's table, etc. Each
item will have a bid sheet and you can write in your auction paddle number with the amount you'd like to
bid on that particular item. The silent auction items will be staggered throughout the dinner, closing at different times. Whoever has the highest bid at closing, wins the item.
Once dinner and the silent auction are complete, the live auction will begin. For this portion of the evening,
our youth have donated their own time/services/manpower which will be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
For instance, one of the kids may give 4 hours of hard labor. The auction winner of that service can then coordinate with the student as to what help they need and when. Maybe you need someone to mulch, or move
furniture around in the house, or wash their car, mow the grass, etc.? This would be the perfect time to get a
nice strong kid to help you out! Our live auction will also include some of the more desirable items donated
such a week stay in a Michigan cabin!
Tickets to the auction will be available soon, so stay posted. Tickets are $10 and include dinner, a wonderful
evening of fellowship, and a chance to support our youth mission trip! Tickets can be purchased in advance,
or at the door. If you know you're coming and can buy in advance, it would help tremendously with
our planning.
So, sound like a lot of fun? We think so too. We hope that you can join us for this adult evening event.
Childcare will be provided upstairs in the Sunday School wing, so invite all of your friends and neighbors
and join us for our 4th Annual Youth in Action Auction!
Thank you,
Dan Gutman
Glenna Fogt Scholarship
The Glenna Fogt Memorial Scholarship has been established by the Memorial Committee of St. John’s
Lutheran Church and the family of Glenna Fogt in
loving memory of her influence on the countless number of students she touched
over the years. Glenna was a long-time member of St. John’s, a renowned teacher
in Sidney, had a love of history and students and was a great friend of education.
The Glenna Fogt Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a member of St.
John’s Lutheran Church who is enrolled fulltime in school. The applicant must be at
least a Junior majoring in education or a field related directly to education. Those
working on advanced degrees may also apply. The recipient may reapply.
Information and applications are available in the church office. The deadline
for turning in the application is May 31, 2015.
Laurence B. Anderson, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
This Scholarship has been established through the Memorial Committee of St.
John’s Lutheran Church in accordance with Mr. Anderson’s desire to assist students
pursuing a degree in the nursing profession.
It will be awarded annually to a member of St. John’s who is enrolled in an accredited program. The applicant must have completed one year of a nursing degree
program or a field directly related to health care. Those working on an advanced degree may also apply. Any recipient of this scholarship may reapply.
Information and applications are available in the church office. The deadline
for turning in the application is May 31, 2015.
From Barbie Covault
The Thrift Shop is busy with all the new donations coming in now the weather has changed. We
are stocking spring and summer items.
Remember us when you are spring cleaning?
This April will mark 33 years the store has been in operation. We have been truly blessed by the
Lord. The many volunteers through the years and our current ones are truly amazing workers for
Christ. Lynn and I deeply appreciate their time, dedication and love for this ministry.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
On that note, we are seeing several areas where we will have to start fixing and updating the building. One of the first places will be the back steps. We will be good stewards of the money we
have, but it will take finances to replace and fix items in order to run as a business and keep everyone safe. Look for more details on our plans as we go forward this spring and summer.
In Christ’s name,
“It’s amazing and incredible, But it’s as true it can be, God loves and understands us all And that
means you and me—His grace is sufficient For both the young and old, For the lonely and the timid, For the brash and for the bold - His love knows no exceptions, So never feel excluded, No matter what your past has been, Trust God to understand, and no matter what your problem is Just
place it in His Hand—For in all of our unloveliness This great god loves us still, He loved us since
the world began, And what’s more, He always will!”
Helen Steiner Rice
Do you want a break after the long cold winter weather? Join
other seniors for food and laughter on April 9th. They’ll be heading to Perkins for lunch at 1:00. Call Marilyn if interested. Her
number is 492-2200. Celebrate the return of Spring while at the
same time supporting a local establishment that has great food.
Thrift Shop
Thrift Shop Leaders:
Thrift Shop Report:
The leaders at the Thrift Shop during the
month of April will be:
Anyone interested in volunteering at
St. John’s Thrift Shop? Do you
have a friend that is looking to
serve? Please give Lynn Pitchford
or Barbie Covault a call at 492-2175
and find out
what our ministry is all about!
April 6 Barbie Covault 492-2175
April 13 Gloria Current 492-2175
April 20 Lynn Pitchford 492-2175
April 27 Rhonda Vance
In February, we had sales of $1,527.54
from 469 customers.
38 individuals were served for a value of
Sales slightly increased for the month. Donations were down greatly. Several days no
items came in. We closed one day due to weather. We closed two days early due to illness. We assisted one individual with an ID, one for a prescription, one for a birth certificate to receive housing, two with water bill, three with electric bill, three with gas to doctor
appointments, two with gas for heating and one with lodging.
Additional Worship Opportunities
Nursing Home Communion Services
In order to provide communion for St. John’s members who live in nursing homes,
monthly worship services are scheduled. All residents of these nursing homes are invited to attend, and members of St. John’s are encouraged to come and accompany a family member or friend. Services scheduled for March:
Fair Haven County Home
Tuesday, April 7th
2:30 p.m.
Dorothy Love Retirement Community
Tuesday, April 21st
1:00 p.m.
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Notes of Appreciation
Sunday School News
Kid’s ...where are you?
Parent’s…… where are your children???
Did you know the average attendance is down to 15 or so on Sunday mornings.
This is only half of the children who are members. Parents, do you remember that
little commitment you said as your child was baptized? Seriously, if you don’t help
plant God’s seed in them and nourish them along the way, in His surroundings—
they will not survive today’s harsh, worldly times. I know this personally, I almost
lost a child of mine to suicide if I had not taken her to Sunday School and church—
she told me God stopped her and was thankful of it.
Deb Mertz
Dear Church Family,
Each time I thought I was on
the mend I was hit broad
sighted with another ailment
this winter. Following a terrible fall and resulting in a
concussion, I’m finally feeling better. I want to thank
everyone who has kept me in
their thoughts and prayers.
Friends in Christ,
Judith LeFevre
Thank you to you all for your prayers, cards, FB
posts and for coming to the visitation for my
Dad. My family and I are so grateful. We’ll continue to miss him; but after an eight-month struggle Dad is at rest with our Lord, and that is extremely comforting to know. “For God so loved
the world, that He gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” ~John 3:16
God bless you,
Steve and Lori Holt
To my Renewal sisters of Team #4,
Thank you for the beautiful butterfly throw. A butterfly; how appropriate for our team. I’ll think of
y’all every time I use it. Thank you for your prayers, cards, FB posts, coming to the visitation for
my Dad and for being my sisters. God bless you;
He will be with you always.
Love from your sister in Christ,
I would like to thank the Church for the financial support you so graciously voted
to give me for furthering my education at Trinity Seminary. You'll never know
how much it means to have your support.
Cody Blust
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Upcoming Events
Bell Choir Concert
We are delighted to announce that the
Wittenberg Bell Choir will be playing at
St. John’s on April 12th at 4:00 pm. They
perform on a four and 1/2 octave set of
White Chapel hand bells. In addition,
there is a complete set of hand bell
chimes and mallets, used for special effects. Join us for entertainment that is
sure to please all ages.
Chancel Choir
7 pm
Men’s Breakfast
April 11th
8:00 am
American Legion
Community Meal
April 25th
Joy Circle will be meeting
April 21st at 9:30
Quilting Circle
will meet April 22nd
at 9:00 am
Men’s Prayer
6:00 am
Hand Bells
Thursdays7 pm
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Everyone who participates
in the church directory
will receive a free 8 X 10
family picture and church directory. Sign up
on-line (sidneyst.johns.com), before and after service, or contact the church office.
Pictures are being taken 4/21—4/25.
Smile! Smile! Smile!
Alpha Community Center
Open House
April 9th
6:00—8:00 pm
330 East Court Street
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn
more about the services the center offers
to Shelby County residents.
Deb’s “Music Stand”
The Irish Strings played again this year on March 15, 2015.
A big thank-you to all the musicians this year. They were:
Beth & Jane Bailey on flute; Carolyn Novak & Mark
Schwarzman on guitar; strings were: Rheanna Kies, Carolyn W. Ginter, Kendra K. Smith & Debbie Mertz; Norbert
Mertz on the bodhran.
St. Patrick was actually not Irish but Welsh. He had committed his life to teaching Christianity through out Ireland using the shamrock as his I-con to help explain the Holy Trinity.
After attending a Scottish Fiddling school for two years in North Carolina, I thought it would
be fun to play some Irish (Celtic) music around St. Patrick’s Day for the church. Thank you
to Pastor Jon for letting us do so.
That was almost fifteen years ago and has become somewhat a tradition. We have had students in high school, college, friends and co-workers.
Among my past bulletins, I had found one with the year 2002. Do you remember these students... Sean Holt, Sonja Holgren, Katie Ferree & Beth Miller? Among Others.
Thanks for enjoying the Irish Strings.
Debbie Mertz
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Official Acts for March
Don Zwiebel
March 25, 2015
Madalynn Elizabeth Koogler
Samuel Joseph Gutman
March 8, 2015
March 15, 2015
Serving the Lord in April
Altar Guild:
April: Karen Olding & Molly J ohnson
Communion Assistants:
April 5th
6:15 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
April 12th 8:30 am
10:30 am
April 19th 8:30 am
10:30 am
April 26th
8:30 am
10:30 am
Myron Koester
Darin Davis & Pam Wilson
Sheila Stephens & Phil Kocher
Judith LeFevre
Judith LeFevre
April 2nd
April 3rd
April 5th
April 12th
April 19th
April 26th
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
6:15 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
8:30 am
10:30 am
Meg Raterman
Jane Stewart
Erin Fultz & Alina Kindle
Erin Stephens & Courtney Fox
Hayden Davies & Reece Fannon
Caroline Scott & Savanah Koester
Hayden Davies & Reece Fannon
Caroline Scott & Savanah KoesterHayden Davies & Reece Fannon
Caroline Scott & Savanah Koester
Hayden Davies & Reece Fannon
Caroline Scott & Savanah Koester
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John’s Lutheran Church Council Minutes
March 9, 2015
March Council Meeting
Call to Order – Er ic J ohnson
Opening Devotions – Pastor Jon
Adoption of Agenda – With the addition of 2 items to the New Business por tion of the Agenda, a motion was made
by Carroll Cutler to accept the Agenda for March’s meeting. The motion was seconded by Pam Wilson. The motion was
New Business –
Larry asked for council’s approval to preach at St. Paul’s in Botkins on April 12 th and Philadelphia Lutheran in Bellefontaine on April 26th. Carroll Cutler made a motion to approve, and Pam Wilson seconded the motion. The motion was
Eric Johnson suggested that a council retreat be scheduled, with an emphasis on current issues such as worship service attendance, and youth involvement in church. The retreat would be held at St. John’s. Carroll Cutler made a motion that a
meeting of the Executive Committee be held to discuss details and report back to council. Phil Kocher seconded the motion and it was passed.
Old Business –
Storage shed – Barb Dulworth (Community Services Director with the City of Sidney) said the building constitutes a permanent structure and requires permits. An inspection will need to be done. Since the structure is church property, the City
will waive the fee for permits. A site plan will need to be submitted to the City before approval can be given.
The cost of the shed is $3,070 delivered. The shed measures 10’ x 16’, and, for added security, has no windows. Bob has a
group of volunteers to help with the installation of the building. John Widney made a motion to proceed with the purchase
of the storage shed, contingent upon City approval. Judith LeFevre seconded the motion. The motion was passed.
Secretary’s Report – A motion was made by Phil Kocher to appr ove the Febr uar y Secr etar y’s Repor t. The motion
was seconded by Judith LeFevre. The motion was passed.
Treasurer’s Report – A motion was made by Darin Davis to approve the February Treasurer’s Report. The motion was
seconded by Jill Bisbee. The motion was passed. Larry Novack asked what account the Wednesday offerings were going
to. They are going to the Annual Budget. Myron Koester suggested that offering plates for Wednesday services be placed
in more conspicuous locations to encourage giving. Larry asked about the money raised by the special offering for Samantha Blandzinski. The money raised for both parties, Samantha and New Choices, has been distributed.
Since inclement weather has affected worship service attendance and giving, it was suggested that there be a reminder in
the bulletin asking that missed offerings to be made up.
Staff Reports
Pastor Jon
 Jeff Iwanski is checking into what needs to be done to the empty half of the duplex to make it habitable as temporary
housing for displaced community members.
 Dale Eckhardt, son of the congregation, will be here on April 12th.
 Larry Hoffsis, former pastor, will be here on April 19 th.
Pastor Jon interviewed 11 intern candidates at Trinity. We should be hearing back around mid-March if we will be getting
an intern for the upcoming year.
Larry Novak – per submitted r epor t. In addition to the many activities outlined, he has been helping with
the 5th grade First Communion Class. On April 13-14, he will be attending a Spring Internship retreat at Maria Stein.
Dan Gutman – per submitted r epor t. Dan met with Pastor J on and confir mation leader s on what we want our
confirmation students to know, do and believe. This is outlined in his report. Dan is also working on a revised website for St. John’s. It should be ready soon.
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Committee Reports
Education – Discussed ideas on how to get kids to Sunday School, such as putting missed lessons and other communications in mailboxes outside of classrooms. After “mail” is retained for a certain period of time, it
could be mailed to the student’s home to remind them of what they’re missing. Discussed doing more outreach
projects with cards, letters, etc. During the summer, they were thinking of doing a “boat-theme” for lessons
and projects. On Palm Sunday, Deb Mertz would like the Sunday School students to participate in the service
with palms and singing.
Music and Worship – J udith is wor king with Chr istian Academy to schedule a per for mance for a Sunday
8:30 service. Holly is working with Sidney High School to get a choral group in to perform sometime this year.
Phil Kocher has secured Debbie Day, from Bellefontaine, to come for special music on July 26 th. He is also
trying to contact Greg Ashe to come and perform for us in July. Pastor Jon confirmed that money has been set
allocated in the budget to donate/pay for these special groups.
Parish Life – Will be helping with the special celebration meal that will take place on Sunday, July 12 th. They
also discussed the 2015 Hog Roast / Parish Picnic.
Property – Bob Vogler mentioned mechanical problems with the elevator. Recently, someone was stuck in it,
which prompted an inspection. Wellman Brothers Maintenance Contractors have been contacted to repair a
leak in the flashing, which caused part of the problem. The quote for this repair is $1,022. Gary Allen made a
motion to have Wellman make repairs to the flashing. Darin Davis seconded the motion, and the motion was
Schindler Elevator will be coming in to inspect additional mechanical problems with the elevator.
The display board has been completed in the Narthex.
Community Meal – Mar ch 28, 11 am – 12:30 pm
Newsletter Deadline – March 20th for April Newsletter
Communion Assistants – See Bulletin
Next Meeting – April 13 2015 – 7:00 pm
Closing Devotions – Holly Fannon
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Holly Fannon and seconded by Judith LeFevre. Meeting adjourned.
In Attendance: Pastor J on Schr iber , Lar r y Novak, Gar y Allen, J ill Bisbee, Car r oll Cutler , Dar in Davis, Holly
Fannon, Eric Johnson, Phil Kocher, Myron Koester, Judith LeFevre, Brian Lundy, Sheila Stephens, Ted Tinsler, John
Widney and Pam Wilson.
Excused: Becky Dr innen, Char lotte Puthoff
Respectfully submitted, by Holly Fannon, Church Council Secretary
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Remember Our Shut-Ins in your Prayers
Norma Durnell
632 Folkerth Ave.
Sidney, OH 45365
Diane Ferree
1196 St. Mary’s Ave.
Sidney, OH 45365
Helen Dill
15100 Birchaven Lane, Apt. 116
Findlay, OH 45840
Iva Klopfenstein
1170 Westwood Dr.
Sidney, OH 45365
LeRee Metz
19821 Elton Rd.
Sidney, OH 45365
Rhonda Vance
1302 Spruce St.
Sidney, OH 45365
Mary Davis
205 North Highland Ave.
Sidney, OH 45365
Virginia Zeller
114 Barr Dr.
Sidney, OH 45365
Betty Eckhart
Arbors West
375 West Main St.
West Jefferson, OH 43162
Bob Hatfield
Heartland of Bellefontaine
211 School Street
Bellefontaine OH 43311
Dick Walklet
5780 Toulon Ct.
Huber Heights, OH 45365
Dorothy Love 3003 W. Cisco Rd.
Lela Pulfer, Vera Hall, Becky Anderson, Elly Young,
Bob Bertsch, Gail Shively
Dorothy Love 2500 N. Kuther Rd.
Walter Gerkey, Marcella Wick, Ruth Weimer,
Jean Mears
Fair Haven
Delores Applegate, Paul Gross, Vic Stangel, Eileen
2901 Fair Rd.
Prayer List
Kay Bonnoront
Dr. James Fink
Carol Wick
Erika Montgomery
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptiz-
St. John’s Lutheran Church
ing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything
120 West Water St.
Sidney, OH 45365
Phone: 937-492-8047
Fax: 937-492-2462
E-mail: [email protected]
that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with
you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
St. John’s Thrift Shop
319 South Ohio Ave.
Sidney, OH 45365
Phone: 937-492-2175
Worship Services
Saturday, 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, 8:30 & 10:30
God’s Vision,
Our Mission
Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.
We’re on the Web:
At St. John’s, we are given the opportunity to worship God,
study His Word, and serve Him in many capacities, while
at the same time enjoying Christian fellowship.
Please consider ways that you can get involved!