
September Political
14 and September
15, 2015
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Canada Jewish Pipeline — CALGARY ROSH HASHANAH EDITION— [email protected]
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... Year ...
osh Hashanah (the Jewish
New Year) and Yom Kippur
(the Day of Atonement) are
collectively called the High
Holidays (or, alternately, the High Holy
Days). The entire 10-day
period is referred to as the
Yamim Noraim (literally
"Days of Awe") or Aseret
Yamei Teshuva ("Ten Days
of Repentence").
Rosh Hashanah 2015 begins at
sundown on Sunday, September
13, and ends at dusk on Tuesday,
September 15. (Some Reform
synagogues observe only one day of Rosh Hashanah.)
This year, we will be inaugurating the year 5776 on the
Jewish calendar. The number comes from an
understanding of the age of the earth articulated by
sages in the Middle Ages.
Rosh Hashanah combines our joy at reaching another
milestone with the solemnity of reflection about the
year we've just completed. We eat sweet foods (such as
apples dipped in honey) to emphasize our hopes for a
sweet year. We alter our challah to be round (like the
cycle of the year) and dotted with raisins (more
sweetness), and have celebratory meals with friends and
family. But we are also called upon to make an
accounting of our souls (cheshbon ha-nefesh in Hebrew).
We figure out what we might need to ask our friends to
forgive us for doing and make resolutions to try better in
the coming year.
Other Rosh Hashanah traditions include sounding the
shofar, a hollowed-out ram's horn, which serves as a
spiritual wake-up call. Tashlich is a practice of tossing
breadcrumbs into a moving body of water to symbolize
throwing away our sins.
culminates in Yom Kippur is known as the Days of Awe,
or the Ten Days of Repentance. Some use this time for
deeper reflection. Tradition sets up Yom Kippur as a
deadline for making amends with those we've wronged,
so this period can also be a time of reaching out and
asking forgiveness.
Yom Kippur 2015 begins at
sundown on Tuesday, September
The evening service that opens
Yom Kippur is often referred to as
Kol Nidre, after the prayer said at
the beginning of the service
declaring that we are all fit to
pray together, saints and sinners
alike. This prayer's emphasis on
religious vows reminds us that on Yom Kippur, we can
use a day of fasting and prayer to make right with G_d,
but wrongs done to other people need to be addressed
Fasting on Yom Kippur is supposed to allow us to fully
concentrate on the meaning of the day. The sages
described the Yom Kippur fast as not only abstention
from food and drink, but also from sex, bathing and
anointing (e.g. perfumes). Only those in good health and
over the age of 13 are expected to fast. Fasting at a time
that could put your health at risk is forbidden.
Whether you're planning on spending three days in
synagogue, hosting or attending a holiday meal, or taking
this time of year to focus
your thoughts about the
year that's passed and
the year to come, Canada
Jewish Pipeline hopes
you enjoy this special
holiday edition to
enhance your holiday
The period that begins with Rosh Hashanah and
Canada Jewish Pipeline — CALGARY ROSH HASHANAH EDITION— [email protected]
Page 2
Eight important
... should know ...
… about Rosh Hashanah
The Jewish New Year
Kippur (except when the holiday falls on a Shabbat, in which case the
shofar is not sounded). There are several different shofar calls used on
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year and according to Jewish tradition
Rosh Hashanah. The tekiah is one long blast. The teruah is nine short
marks the anniversary of the creation of the world. The phrase Rosh
blasts. The shevarim is three blasts. And the tekiah gedolah is a single
Hashanah literally translates to "Head of the Year." Rosh Hashanah occurs
long blast, much longer than the plain tekiah.
on the first and second days of the Hebrew month of Tishrei (which
usually falls sometime in September or October on the secular calendar).
As the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah is a celebratory holiday but there Apples and Honey
are also deeper spiritual meanings tied to the holiday.
There are many Rosh Hashanah food customs but the most common is
Judgment Day
Jewish tradition teaches that Rosh Hashanah is also the Day of Judgment.
On Rosh Hashanah, God is said to inscribe the fate of every person for the
upcoming year in the Book of Life or the
Book of Death. The verdict is not final until
Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah marks the
beginning of the Ten Days of Awe, during
which Jews reflect upon their actions over
the past year and seek forgiveness for
their transgressions in hopes of
influencing God's final judgment.
the dipping of apples into honey, which is meant to signify our wishes for
a sweet new year. Learn more about this tradition in the article: Apple
and Honey on Rosh HaShanah.
Festive Meal (Seudat Yom
A festive meal shared with family and
friends to celebrate the New Year is central
to the Rosh Hashanah holiday. A special
round loaf of challah, which symbolizes the
cycle of time, is generally served and dipped
in honey with a special prayer for a sweet
new year. In terms of other kinds of foods
that are served on Rosh HaShanah, local
customs and traditions vary widely, both
between different Jewish communities and
from family to family. You can learn about
some of the customs in this article: Rosh
Hashanah Food Customs.
Teshuvah (Repentance)
and Forgiveness
The Hebrew word for "sin" is "chet,"
which is derived from an old archery term
used when an archer "misses the mark."
This informs the Jewish view of sin: all people are essentially good and sin
is a product of our errors, or missing the mark, as we are all imperfect. A
critical part of Rosh Hashanah is making amends for these sins and
seeking forgiveness.
Teshuvah (literally "returning") is the process by which Jews atone on
Rosh Hashanah and throughout the Ten Days of Awe. Jews are required
to seek forgiveness from people that they may have wronged over the
past year before seeking forgiveness from God. Teshuvah is a multi-step
process for demonstrating true repentance. First one must recognize that
they have made a mistake and genuinely desire to change for the better.
They must then seek to make amends for their actions in a sincere and
meaningful way, and finally demonstrate they have learned from their
mistakes by not repeating them. When a Jew is sincere in his or her
efforts at teshuvah, it is the responsibility of other Jews to offer
forgiveness during the Ten Days of Awe.
Mitzvah of the Shofar
The essential mitzvah (commandment) of Rosh Hashanah is to hear the
sounding of the shofar. The shofar is generally made from a hollowed out
ram's horn that is then blown like a trumpet on Rosh Hashanah and Yom
"L'Shana Tovah"
The traditional Rosh Hashanah greeting appropriate for Jewish friends on
Rosh Hashanah is "L'Shana Tovah" or simply "Shana Tovah" which loosely
translates as "Happy New Year." Literally you are wishing them a good
year (see item 2 above). For a longer greeting you can use "L'Shana Tovah
u'Metukah," wishing someone a "good and sweet year."
On Rosh Hashanah, many Jews may follow a custom called tashlich
("casting off") in which they walk to a naturally flowing body of water
such as a river or stream, recite several prayers, reflect upon their sins
over the past year and symbolically cast them off by throwing their sins
into the water (usually by throwing pieces of bread into the stream).
Originally taschlich developed as an individual custom, though many
synagogues now organize a special tashlich service for their congregants
to perform the ceremony together.
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Candle Ad
Times ...
Lighting times are found on
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MLA Calgary-Lougheed
to the Jewish community of Calgary
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Candle Lighting
Procedure for Festival Candle Lighting
The procedure for lighting candles on the eve of the holidays is basically the same as the
Shabbat candle lighting, except for the following details and blessings (which differ from
one festival to another):
It is permissible to kindle the holiday candles after sundown
(except when occurring on the Shabbat), however lighting the candles has
to be from a pre-existing flame.
When lighting on a Friday, light before sunset.
When lighting on a Saturday evening, the earliest one may light is an hour
after sunset.
Blessings for the holiday of Rosh Hashanah:
Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-sov Ve-tzi-vo-nu Le-hadlik Ner Shel Yom Ha-zi-karon.
Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and has
commanded us to kindle the light of the Day of Remembrance.
The Shehechiyonu Blessing:
Bo-ruch A-toh Ado-noi E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ho-olom She-he-che-ya-nu Vi-kee-yi-ma-nu Vi-hi-gee-an-u Lizman Ha-zeh
Translation: Blessed are you, L-rd our G-d, King of the universe, who has kept us alive and sustained us and let
us reach this time.
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Shana Tovah Tikatevu
to the entire Jewish community
of Calgary
Sandra Jansen, MLA
Calgary-North West
#7223, 8650-112 Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta T3R 0R5
PH: 403-297-7104
FAX: 403-297-7121
[email protected]
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Page 8
Customs & Traditions ...
osh Hashanah is observed the first and
second day of the seventh month of the
Jewish calendar, Tishri. Coming in the Fall
season of the western calendar, usually in
Rosh Hashanah
& Yom Kippur:
Wearing white at prayer services: The
Talmud emphasizes that white is the color of
merit, rather than guilt. Wearing white
shows faith in the Judge of Judges to arrive
at a true judgment.
Good Omen Foods: The Talmud
mentions the custom of eating certain foods
to arouse the heart to prayer.
The first evening of the New Year is seen as
a propitious time for prayers for both
spiritual and physical benefits.
In Israel Rosh Hashanah is the only holiday
kept for 2 days as it is considered too important
to be observed for only 24 hours. Both days are
considered one long day of 48 hours.
The traditions of Rosh Hashanah are simple as the only commandment
specified for the holiday is the blowing of the shofar. In temple the
shofar is blown on Rosh Hashanah to herald the beginning of the
period known as the High Holy Days.
It is believed that on Rosh Hashanah the destiny of all mankind is
recorded by G-d in the Book of Life. After Rosh Hashanah ser vices,
as the congregants leave the synagogue they say to each other…
"May you be inscribed in the Book of Life"
Some common foods used for the
"Significant Omen:
Apples and Honey, that one
should be granted a good and
sweet New Year.
 Dates
 Pomegranates
 Gourd
 Carrots or Black-eyed peas
 Leeks or Cabbage
 Beets
 Fish
 Head of Fish or Sheep
 Dipping the Challah in Honey It is
customary to dip the challah in honey
from Rosh Hashanah until the end of
Simchat Torah.
Other Rosh Hashanah
Greeting one another—with a “Happy New
Year” ("L'shanah Tova"), and "May you be
sealed for a good year" ("G'mar Chatima
Sending Greetings & e-Cards - wishing your
friends and relatives a good and happy year.
year ahead.
n the first day of Rosh
On Rosh
Hashanah it is
for families to
together for
the holiday
with honey,
apples and
carrots are
and the hope
for a sweet
The first night's meal begins with
apple dipped in honey.
Hashanah, after the afternoon
services, Jews visit a body of water
Challah, the bread usually eaten on
or pond, containing live fish*, to
the Sabbath (not braided as at
symbolically "cast away" their
regular meals but instead baked in
sins into the river.
a circle - a wish that the coming
year will roll around smoothly
*The fish's dependence on water
without unhappiness or sorrow) is
symbolizes the Jews dependence
on G-d, as a fish's eyes never close, also dipped in honey before eating.
G-d's watchful eyes never cease.
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Page 9
the...past ...
Morris Roses’ Mother in Israel circa 1925
Photo: courtesy of the JASHENA ARCHIVES
Rabbi Postone & Cantor from Edmonton Beth Israel
Synagogue circa 1965
Photo: courtesy of the JASHENA ARCHIVES
Canada Jewish Pipeline — CALGARY ROSH HASHANAH EDITION— [email protected]
Page 10
Service Times
FAQ’s about
... …
What is Rosh Hashanah about
Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) is
simultaneously a time of great celebration
and subtle trepidation. It is a day to celebrate
our creation, but also a day of accounting
and judgment for our actions. On Rosh
Hashanah, we relate to God as the Ultimate
Judge. The Book of Life is opened before the Divine Being
and we become advocates for our personal inscription into
this book. We review the choices we have made over the
past year, our actions and our intentions, as we attempt to
honestly evaluate ourselves. You may want to consult
this list of questions to help in your introspection.
What is a shofar?
A shofar is a ram’s horn that is blown like a trumpet during
the Jewish month of Elul that leads up to Rosh Hashanah,
at Rosh Hashanah services and at the end of Yom Kippur.
The four sounds of the shofar–tekiah, shevarim, teruah,
and tekiah gedolah – remind many people of a crying
voice. Hearing the shofar’s call is a reminder for us to look
inward and repent for the sins of the past year.
congregations observe only the first day.
But the holidays don’t end there: Yom
Kippur falls 10 days later, followed by
Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
Do I have to belong to a synagogue
to go to Rosh Hashanah services?
No, you do not, although in most
synagogues you will need to purchase tickets in advance.
If the cost is prohibitive, you can usually negotiate a lower
rate. In addition, a number of congregations and other
Jewish institutions offer free services, but you may need to
do a little research to find them. Some suggestions to get
you started are listed here.
Is it true that you are supposed to throw bread in
the water on Rosh Hashanah?
Yes, during the Tashlikh ceremony, usually held on the
first day of Rosh Hashanah, Jews symbolically cast off
their sins by throwing pieces of bread into a body of water.
What prayers do we read on Rosh Hashanah?
While some of the liturgy is similar to other weekday or
Shabbat services, much of it is unique, and several of
What traditional foods are served? Are any foods these prayers are repeated later on Yom Kippur. Arguably
forbidden? And what’s the reason for those round the most famous part of Rosh Hashanah services is the
challah loaves?
blowing of the shofar, and the most famous prayer is
Traditionally Jews eat sweet foods — like apples and
Unetanah Tokef, which inspired Leonard Cohen’s “Who By
honey, challah and tzimmes — to symbolize a sweet new Fire.” A close second is “Avinu Malkeinu,” which means
year. (Here are some recipes you may want to try.)
“our father, our king.”
Chicken and brisket are frequently served at Rosh
Hashanah meals. In Sephardic tradition, a number of
What sections of the Torah are read during Rosh
foods believed to signify our wishes for the coming year,
such as pomegranates, leeks and pumpkins, also appear Hashanah services?
On the first day of Rosh Hashanah, most synagogues
on the Rosh Hashanah table. All foods that can be eaten
Genesis 21:1 – 21:34, the section when Sarah and
year-round are permitted. And the challah? It’s round as a
after years of struggling with infertility, are
reminder of the never-ending cycle of life.
blessed with a son, Isaac, after which Sarah banishes
Hagar, the handmaid who is the mother of Ishmael. The
What do “shana tova” and “gmar hatima tova”
second-day reading, Genesis 22:1-24, continues where
the first day left off, with the story of the Akedah,
“Shana tova” means “Have a good year” or “Happy New
Abraham’s near-sacrifice of Isaac. (In Reform
Year.” A similar expression is L’shana tova umetukah,
congregations that observe only one day of Rosh
which means “for a good and sweet year.” “Gmar hatima Hashanah, only Genesis 22 is read.)
tova literally means “a good signing/sealing.” This is a
traditional greeting during the days from Rosh Hashanah
What is the prayer book for the High Holidays called,
through Yom Kippur, referring to the belief that on Rosh
and are there any other special Hebrew terms I need to
Hashanah our fates are written, or inscribed, in the Book of know during the holidays?
Life, and on Yom Kippur we are sealed in it.
The prayer book for the holidays is called the mahzor, and
How long does Rosh Hashanah last?
yes, there are numerous words and terms associated with
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Traditionally Jews observe two days of Rosh Hashanah —
in 2015, it is from sundown on Sunday, Sept. 13 to
You may find our Rosh Hashanah glossary and Yom
sundown on Tuesday Sept. 15. However, many Reform
Kippur glossary helpful.
Canada Jewish Pipeline — CALGARY ROSH HASHANAH EDITION— [email protected]
Page 11
Traditions & Tashlich …
Some Tashlich Humour
On Rosh Hashanah, many Jews observe a custom known as tashlich, where they go to
the ocean, a stream, or a river to throw away (tashlich) their sins. Bread crumbs are used
symbolically to represent their sins.
We are frequently asked what kind of bread crumbs are appropriate to use. After all,
there are lots of different sins that could be represented by the bread. Here are some
suggestions for breads which may be most appropriate for specific sins.
But before you come … read this ...
Canada Jewish Pipeline — CALGARY ROSH HASHANAH EDITION— [email protected]
Page 12
Sweet dishes &
... the New Year ...
Stuffed Cabbage
Rice Rolls
and soak in cold water.
Peel large leaves to use for
cabbage rolls. Chop the
remainder of the cabbage and
use it to line the bottom of a
large saucepan.
In a separate bowl, add tomato
juice, raisins, sugar for sauce.
Cook onions, apple, garlic and
mushrooms in olive oil in a
saucepan & add to cooked
minute rice.
Stuff cabbage leaves with about
1/4 cup of the mixture. Fold sides of the cabbage leaf
over the filling. Then roll up from the bottom, jelly roll
fashion. Place seams side down in the roaster. (or
individual medium metal pans – holds about 6-8 rolls)
You may want to use toothpicks to keep rolls together.
Cover cabbage rolls with sauce. Sprinkle with brown
sugar. Bake covered at 350 for 60 minutes.
1 large - Cabbage (or try red for
1 large can - Tomato juice
1 medium - Onion, chopped
1 clove garlic
6 each kind - Chopped mushrooms
(shitake, brown & white)
2 tbsp olive oil for frying
2 - Apples, peeled, cored & chopped
½ cup - Raisins
½ cup - Brown sugar
2 cups – minute rice
Pinch of white pepper
Place cabbage in the freezer for one day – then remove
from freezer and thaw. Or core and place in a pot of
boiling water for 30 minutes. Then place in pot in sink
Brisket with Sweet Potato Tzimmes
8 Servings Prep 30 minutes, Bake 4 hrs
 4 pounds brisket
 8 cloves garlic – 4 crushed & 4
 Pinch of Salt, oregano
 2 pounds onions, thinly sliced
 1 can large stewed tomatoes
 ½ cup brown sugar
 1/2 pound prunes
 1/2 pound dried apricots
 2 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled
and cut into 1-inch cubes
1. 1. Preheat the oven to 300°. Season the brisket on both sides
with, oregano, salt and stuff with
sliced garlic cloves. Heat a large
oven-proof pan over mediumhigh heat. Place the brisket fat
side down in the pot and cook,
turning once, until browned and
the fat renders, about 10
minutes. Remove the brisket
temporaily to a platter. Add the
onions and crushed garlic to the
pan and stir well to blend in all
the browned bits, then add tomatoes and brown sugar. Remove
from the heat. Add the browned
brisket, fat side up, to the pan,
nestling it into the onions. Cover
and bake for 2 hours.
2. 2. Add 2 cups water, the prunes
and apricots, tucking them
among the onions; cover and
bake for 1 1/2 hours more. Re-
move the pan from the oven,
baste the brisket with the cooking liquid and add the sweet potatoes. Cover and bake until the
brisket and sweet potatoes are
tender, about 30 minutes. Let the
meat rest in the braising liquid
for at least 30 minutes before
After slicing arrange on a serving
platter with sweet potatoes on the
side and orange segments on the
top sprinkled with pomegranates.
Don’t forget to drizzle the sliced
brisket with the pan juices.
Canada Jewish Pipeline — CALGARY ROSH HASHANAH EDITION— [email protected]
Page 13
Rosh Hashanah
Political AdTidbits
of the
he two primary
sounds of the
shofar capture
the two major themes of
Rosh Hashanah. The
first, called "Tekiah," is a
long, straight blast, nine
beats long, a grand
sound that was used for
proclamation and
coronation. The second
sound is called "Teruah,"
three broken or wavering
Adapted from "The Jewish Way" by Rabbi Irving
Greenberg, 1988, page 196-197.
Submitted by Vaughn Seward
Torah Tidbit Archives:
means alarm sound.
This sound, in either
version, is a cry for
mercy invoking Isaac's
sacrifice or alarm at the
coming trial — or both.
After the destruction,
Jews came together
from communities with
different versions of the
teruah. To avoid
splintering and
dissension, Rabbi
Abbahu of Caesarea
Two traditions of the
ruled that a set of each
teruah sound developed sound version be blown
in different Jewish
and, for good measure,
communities. One
a third set incorporating
version held that teruah both broken sounds
was a moaning sound,
together also be
expressed in three
sounded. This became
broken sounds, each
the practice down to
three beats long. They
today. Thus, the shofar
called this "Shevarim"
sounds also point to the
which means broken.
unity and pluralism of the
The other version held
Jewish people.
that it was a sound of
outcry, three times three
or nine staccato, almost
bleating sounds. They
named this teruah which
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Page 14
A Guide forPolitical
the High
Days ...
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New Rosh Hashanah videos ...
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Vintage Rosh Hashanah Postcards ...
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Rosh Hashanah World News ...
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Page 19
to the entire Jewish community
of Calgary
1613-92nd Ave. SW
(at Jerusalem Road)
Calgary, Alberta, T2V 5C9, Canada
Office Phone: (403) 259-3230
Fax: (403) 259-3240
Office E-mail: [email protected]
Rabbi's E-mail: [email protected]
Hachnasat Orchim E-mail: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm
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Rosh Hashanah Tidbits ...
Saved from Contaminations...
Pipeline Torah Gem
Adapted from the ArtScroll Tanach Series
"Yechezkel", pages 558-559.
Torah Gem Archives: https://!forum/
Sages speak of Yom Kippur as
the day upon which God relates
to us as a Saviour. God is Ori,
"And I shall save you from all
your contaminations, and I shall "my light", on Rosh Hashanah;
Yishi, 'My Saviour', on Yom
not place famine upon
Kippur. And they associate
you." (Yechezkel 36:29)
T'shuvah, 'repentance', with the
The idea of being 'saved' from idea of G'ulah,
defilement is novel. One usually 'redemption' (Yoma 86b).
thinks in terms of being
cleansed from impurity rather
than being saved. However, in
the thinking of the Torah,
salvation is indeed an apt term
for the process of being freed
from the shackles of sin. The
From Hebrew meaning "bride."
1. A bride; a recently married female; 2. A young
married woman; 3. Your daughter-in-law (when you
want to tease her).
A girl who is not yet married, or is ready to be
married, is called a kale moyd — a "bride gird." It is
interesting to note that in old Babylonia, where kale
meant "months of study," scholars would withdraw
from the world for a "kale month" — that is, a month
in which they would "remarry" the Torah.
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Page 22
Blessings for the Apples & Honey...
During Rosh Hashanah, it is traditional to eat apples dipped
in honey, to symbolize our hopes for a "sweet" new year. The
apple is dipped in honey, the blessing for eating tree fruits is
recited, the apple is tasted, and then the apples and honey
prayer is recited.
Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam
Blessed are you, Lord, our God, king of the universe
borei p'ri ha'eitz (Amein).
who creates the fruit of the tree. (Amen)
Take a bite from the apple dipped in honey, then continue
with the following:
y'hi ratzon mil'fanekha Adonai eloheinu vei'lohei avoteinu
May it be Your will, Lord our God
and God of our ancestors
sh't'chadeish aleinu shanah tovah um'tukah.
that you renew for us a good and sweet year.
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Vintage Rosh Hashanah Postcards ...
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Vintage RoshPolitical
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Wishing Family & Friends
A Sweet, Healthy and Prosperous New Year
Fanny & Leo (Z”L)Wedrow
Wishing family and friends
a Sweet, Healthy, Prosperous & Happy New Year 5776.
Shelley Weinstein & Bruce Bradley
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How much Political
do you really
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Rabbi Teri Appleby, President Steve Eichler
Temple B’nai Tikvah
900, 47th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2S 3C8
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Great Rosh Hashanah videos ...
The Maccabeats - Book of Good
Life ...
Soul Bigger
(The Rosh Hashana Song)
Shana Tova
‫השוט הש‬
Rosh Hashana: What's Love
Got to Do With It?
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Political Ad
Rosh Hashanah services in Calgary-circa 1932
Photo: courtesy of the JASHENA ARCHIVES
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Crisp Shofar Blasts …
By Seth Glick
Dip Your Apple Rosh Hashanah Joke Song ...
The Maccabeats - Rosh Hashanah Card
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Rosh Hashanah
in a Nutshell
Rosh Hashanah
in a Nutshell
who make His presence known and
felt in His world. Each year on Rosh
Hashanah, "all inhabitants of the
world pass before G-d like a flock of
sheep," and it is decreed in the
heavenly court, "who shall live, and
who shall die... who shall be
impoverished, and who shall be
enriched; who shall fall and who
The name means "Head of the Year" - shall rise." But this is also the day we
proclaim G-d King of the Universe.
-is observed for two days beginning
The Kabbalists teach that the
on Tishrei 1, the first day of the
continued existence of the universe is
Jewish year. It is the anniversary of
dependant upon the renewal of the
the creation of Adam and Eve, the
divine desire for a wor ld when we
first man and woman, and their first
accept G-d's kingship each year on
actions toward the realization of
Rosh Hashanah.
mankind's role in G-d's world.
Rosh Hashanah thus emphasizes the
special relationship between G-d
and humanity: our dependence upon G
-d as our creator and sustainer, and Gd's dependence upon us as the ones
The central observance of Rosh
Hashanah is the sounding of the
shofar, the r am's hor n, which
represents the trumpet blast of a
people's coronation of their king. The
cry of the shofar is also a call to
repentance; for Rosh Hashanah is
also the anniversary of man's first sin
and his repentance thereof, and
serves as the first of the "Ten Days of
Repentance" which culminate in Yom
Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
Another significance of the shofar is
to recall the Binding of Isaac which
also occurred on Rosh Hashanah, in
which a ram took Isaac's place as an
offering to G-d; we evoke Abraham's
readiness to sacrifice his son and
plead that the merit of his deed should
stand by us as we pray for a year of
life, health and prosperity.
Altogether, the shofar is sounded 100
times in the cour se of the Rosh
Hashanah service.
Additional Rosh Hashanah
observances include:
a) Eating a piece of apple dipped in
honey to symbolize our desir e
for a sweet year, and other special
foods symbolic of the new year 's
b) b) Blessing one another with the
words Leshanah tovah tikateiv
veteichateim, "May you be
inscribed and sealed for a good
c) c) Tashlich, a special prayer said
near a body of water (an ocean,
river, pond, etc.) in evocation of
the verse, "And You shall cast
their sins into the depths of the
And as with every major Jewish
holiday after candlelighting and
prayers we recite Kiddush and make a
blessing on the Challah.
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Vintage Rosh Hashanah Postcards ...
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We are commanded to hear the shofar ...
The shofar is generally the horn of a ram.
n Rosh Hashanah day, we hurry to the
synagogue to hear the special event of the day: 
the blowing of the shofar.
This is to remind us of the patriarch Isaac, who was bound
up by his father, Abraham, on Mount Moriah (now the
Temple mount in Jerusalem).
The blowing of the shofar is a special mitzvah
commandment which is written in the Torah.
This recalls his merit of being willing to be a sacrifice to
We stand and listen to the sounds as they are
We do not talk during the many different shofar sounds.
“ Rosh ha-Shanah (Heb., =head of
the year) -also known as the
Feast of the Trumpets”
Different kinds of Shofars …
every shape—every size
"On the third day, as morning dawned, there was thunder and lightning
and a dense cloud upon the mountain, and a very loud blast of the
Shofar." [Exod. 19:16] "The sound of the Shofar grew louder and louder.
As Moses spoke, God answered him in thunder." [Exod. 19:19]
It will be heard on the day of Israel's final ingathering:
"And in that day, a great Shofar shall be sounded; and the strayed, who
are in the land of Assyria, and the expelled, who are in the land of Egypt,
shall come and worship the Lord on the holy mount, in Jerusalem." [Isa.
The traditional shofar was a ram's horn, a reminder
of the ram offered by Abraham instead of his son
Isaac (Gen. 22:13), however the only horn that may
not be used is the horn of a cow; it might serve as a reminder of the
golden calf! The animal from which the horn is to be taken must be
kosher. The horn is softened by boiling for several hours; then the
cartilage is removed, a hole is drilled into the end that will serve as a
mouthpiece, and the hole is then enlarged.
The Hebrew root of the term Shofar is "shin, peh, resh", which means,
hollow. It must, therefore, consist of a perfect, hollow shell, coming to
life by the breath of man. No mouthpiece of any material may be added,
nor should the Shofar be decorated with any foreign matter, though
carvings on the horn itself are permitted. The Shofar is a symbol of
revelation and of redemption. It was sounded at Sinai:
(The above information is taken from The Complete Book of Jewish Observance: A
Practical Manual For The Modern Jew by Rabbi Leo Trepp, New York, Behrman House,
Inc., 1980, pgs. 94-96.)
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To all of our Pipeline
subscribers ...
Also, thanks to all those
people, businesses and
organizations who
purchased greetings for
the High Holidays.
Bernie & Gail Estrin - Editors
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