June 5, 2016


June 5, 2016
Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
San Francisco, California - June 5, 2016
Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
San Francisco, California
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 5, 2016
Worship Hours
Monday ‐ Saturday 8:00AM Mass
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:00PM
Reconcilia on 3:45PM ‐ 4:30PM
Sunday Mass 8:00AM, 10:00AM and 6:30PM
Holy Days 8:00AM and 7:00PM
This Week at Our Parish
Monday, June 6
7pm Centering Prayer ‐ Church
Wednesday, June 8
1pm‐7pm Wednesday Night Suppers
Sunday, June 12
Coffee Hour a er 8am and 10am Masses
Library open a er 8am and 10am Masses
Daily Readings: June 6 ‐ 12
Monday: 1Kgs. 17:1‐6, Mt. 5:1‐12
Tuesday: 1Kgs. 17:7‐16, Mt. 5:13‐16
Wednesday: 1Kgs. 18:20‐39, Mt. 5:17‐19
Thursday: 1Kgs. 18:41‐46, Mt. 5:320‐26
Friday: 1Kgs. 19:9a,11‐16, Mt. 5:27‐32
Saturday: Acts. 11:21b‐26;13:1‐3
Sunday: 2Sm. 12:7‐10,13, Gal. 2:16,19‐21 Lk. 7:36‐8:3
Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
(Dec. 8, 2015 – Nov. 20, 2016)
With our eyes fixed on Jesus and his merciful gaze, we expe‐
rience the love of the Most Holy Trinity. The mission Jesus
received from the Father was that of revealing the mystery
of divine love in its fullness. “God is love” ( 1 Jn 4:8,16),
John affirms for the first and only me in all of Holy Scrip‐
ture. This love has now been made visible and tangible in
Jesus’ en re life. His person is nothing but love, a love given
gratuitously. The rela onships he forms with the people
who approach him manifest something en rely unique and
unrepeatable. The signs he works, espe‐
cially in favor of sinners, the poor, the
marginalized, the sick, and the suffering,
are all meant to teach mercy. Everything
in him speaks of mercy. Nothing in him is
devoid of compassion.
Fr. Ma ’s Message
"Do not weep," Jesus said. Today is not your day for weep‐
ing he assured the widowed mother preparing to bury her
only child. Her only son was dead and she just did not know
what might become of her. “Young man, I tell you,
arise!” The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus
gave him to his mother (Luke 7:13‐15). I believe that in this
encounter, Jesus shows us the value of our personal pres‐
ence when we walk with someone who is suffering. Even if
we can do nothing to take away the pain and distress, our
presence with a friend or associate who is hur ng can be a
channel of God's merciful love and healing ac on. In semi‐
nary this was named "a ministry of presence," and it is one
of those lessons that I always remember and frequently
reflect upon. We all know of those difficult moments when
words completely fail us. We do not know what to say or
do. But we show up. An embrace, a promise of prayer, an
openness to be there for our friend when and if they need
an ear or a shoulder, a bowl of soup or a box of ssues. We
can only hope and pray that the Lord will give us an eye, an
ear and a heart for the struggles and sorrows of the people
we meet each day and that we might be given what we
need to convey some of God's healing care and love.
I will travel to the Midwest this week. The Missionaries of
the Precious Blood, my religious congrega on, calls all
members to an annual mee ng ‐ "Assembly." At the As‐
sembly we discuss the business of the province, reconnect
with family and friends we haven't seen for a while, cele‐
brate significant anniversaries and special moments in life,
and at the end of the week we say our goodbyes and go
back to our places of ministry and work. We pray together,
we share in meals and mes of recrea on. Much like a fam‐
ily reunion, we celebrate one another's presence.
This weekend we will celebrate with Sr. Mary Susanna
Vasquez, a wonderful friend of Most Holy Redeemer. Sister
just celebrated 40 years of professed religious life as a Do‐
minican Sister of Mission San Jose. A er many years of
serving faithfully and relessly as Principal at St. James
School in the Mission, Sister Mary Susanna is re ring from
this posi on and preparing for her next great adventure ‐ be
sure to ask her what that might be! We can all look forward
to our con nued partnership with St. James School and with
the Dominican Sisters of San Jose. We know that we will
con nue to see Sister Mary Susanna a er she returns from
her me of adventure and sabba cal.
Thank you for your presence here at MHR, a place we call
home, and thank you for the many ways you share of the
gi s that God has given to you.
With gra tude, love and prayers,
Fr. Ma
MHR AIDS Support Group
Clients in the Tenderloin: Two men are looking for
companionship for 2 hours a week. One is
available Fridays a er 5 PM. The other has a
fairly open schedule.
Client in Bayview: A client living on 3rd Street
close to the Lasalle Street Muni "T" stop also is
looking for 2 hours of companionship. He is very
interested in movies and TV, especially from the
50's ‐ 70's.
Ministry to the Homebound
Long‐ me parishioner, Hank Bineault, has moved to an as‐
sisted living facility in San Bruno. Jeff Beane, Walter Fer‐
nandes, Olivier Hubert, and Jerry Anderson currently are
taking turns bringing him and Michael Fraker to the 10 AM
Mass on Sundays. They would like to add others, especially
those who live on the peninsula, to the team of people who
would be available to bring him to Mass. If you can help
out, please call the rectory.
Small Pleasures
“Li le things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air.”
—Georges Bernanos Manage your giving online
Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automa c
recurring contribu ons and view your complete online giv‐
ing history from anywhere you have access to the Internet.
Simply follow these easy steps:
 Visit our MHR website at www.mhr.org
Click on the Donate bu on, to go to our online giving
Click on the Create Profile bu on, then
Follow the onscreen instruc ons to create an online profile
and to schedule your recurring contribu ons.
Community Life
Saturday and Sunday, June 4th and 5th ‐ Photo
sessions begin in Ellard Hall for the MHR Pictorial
Directory ‐ visit www.mhr.org to schedule your
Sunday, June 5th ‐ Welcoming Ministry presenta on
in the back of the church a er the 10am Mass.
Tuesday, June 7th ‐ Young Adults Mee ng ‐ 7:30pm in
the Church. Email [email protected] for informa on.
Like us on Facebook: “Most Holy Redeemer Church”
Our Parish Community Birthdays
Sarah Putnam, Jim Finley, Jesus Ramos, John Edstrom,
Robby Olsen, Roz Gallo, Phil Carberry, Hank Bineault, Ernie
Ayala, Bill Ryan, Frances Grimstead, Janeen Pirosko, Ma e
Adams, Tracey Roberts, Lyanne Melendez, Margaret
Franssen, Olivier Hubert, Jane Hynes, Roberto Batle, Jason
Delrosario, Randy Vanderkar, Gary Ford, Rose Sullivan and
Sharron Zakus.
Mass Inten ons
Mass Inten ons are published in the bulle n for those to
remember a loved one or honor someone on an important
date. If you would like to reserve a special day, please
contact the Parish Office. You may also request a
Mass Inten on by email at [email protected].
Help us be green!
Pope Francis is tapping MHR on the shoulder! He is asking
what MHR is doing to "care for crea on"! We will be taking
care of Mother Earth by striving for a "waste‐free" coffee
hour a er 10:00 mass. Please be guided by our friendly
"green guides" that will help you choose the correct bin to
put your discarded coffee cups, plates, napkins and plas c
spoons/forks in. It's a small ac on but it will make a differ‐
ence to our dear Mother Earth. Let's begin this effort at
home; our spiritual home, MHR.
May 28 and 29
Saturday 5pm ‐
Sunday 8am ‐
Sunday 10am ‐
Sunday 6:30pm ‐
Outside Mass ‐
Vanco ‐
Collec on Total ‐
Weekly Budgeted ‐
St. Vincent de Paul ‐
This weekend there is second collec on for the
Wednesday Night Suppers.
Thank you for your amazing generosity!
MHR Directory Photo Sessions Begin This Week!
There are s ll some available appointments Saturday
and Sunday, June 25th and 26th.
All photographed members get a
free copy, and you will also re‐
ceive a free 8X10 photo. You may
make your si ng appointment
online at www.mhr.org or call the
office at (415) 863‐6259. We want
everyone one to be a part of this project as each one of
you is an important part of our parish!
Mass Inten ons
Our Mass celebrants will remember the following inten ons during the celebra on of the Eucharist: Saturday, June 4
8am Giacomo & Mary Poma †
5pm Helen Aboo †
Sunday, June 5
8am Mary Coomey †
10am Sr. Mary Suzanna Vasquez
Monday, June 6
Tuesday, June 7
Wednesday, June 8
8am Giuseppe and Angelina Fazio †
Thursday, June 9
8am Feliciana Bau sta †
Friday, June 10
Saturday, June 11
5pm Nicholas Kovach †
Contact the Parish Office at 415‐863‐6259 to donate towards the Church flowers or to have Mass celebrated for a special inten on. Prayer Requests:
AJ Anderson, Joe Anderson, Chris ne Betz, Jerry Betz,
Hank Bineault, Chuck Bold, Dave Borstel, Lenora
Brinkman, Philip Carrizosa, Carson Demers, Louis Dunn,
Roberta Edwards, Marilyn Faulk, Jay Filipiak, Michael
Fraker, Roz Gallo, Wallace Greene, Ellen Grund, Alicia
Gu errez, Richard Hardy, Sr. Cleta Herold, Ellie Howes,
David Johnson, Ron Johnson, Maggie Kenny, Bernie
Maddox, August Matracia, Gerald McCann, John McCann,
Ronald McCann, Zamora Moon, Tom Notaro, Judie Neitge,
Frank Olszewski, Bill Osuna, Jack Schramm, John
Schwobeda, Joe Solak, Dave Vargas, William G. White,
Steve Wong, †Ned Opdyke†,†Jose Real†,
†Maria Elias Rubio† and †Harry Staughton†.
MHR Parish Registra on
 New parishioner?
 Birthday, Anniversary, sacraments, milestones?
 No ces and announcements?
 Did we miss your birthday? We are sorry if we did. Let us know when your birthday was, by upda ng your informa on with the Parish Office at www.mhr.org and click on the contact us tab.
Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
100 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Fr. Ma Link, C.PP.S., Pastor
frma @mhr.org
Sr. Irma Dillard, RSCJ, Director of Mission
[email protected]
Michael Poma, Parish Manager
[email protected]
Victor Cervantes, Director of Music
[email protected]
Will Ives, Secretary
[email protected]
Hours: Monday‐Friday 9am ‐ 5pm
Closed daily 12:30pm ‐ 1:30pm
Closed Holidays
Phone: 415‐863‐6259 Fax: 415‐552‐8786
Visit us on the web: www.mhr.org
Parish Pastoral Council
[email protected]
Paula Macchello , Facilitator
Finance Council
fi[email protected]
Marc Colelli, Chair
MHR AIDS Support Group
100 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
415‐863‐6259 x 10 Phone
415‐552‐8786 Fax
Monday‐Friday: 9am‐2pm
Peter Toms, AIDS Support Group Program Coordinator