Georgia Native Wildflowers


Georgia Native Wildflowers
Volume 3, Issue 17
May 15, 2012
Georgia Native Wildflowers
Physostegia is a genus of twelve species,
all of which are tall and erect with square stems and
lance-like leaves. At least four species of this native
perennial wildflower are indigenous to Georgia,
including P. virginiana, otherwise known as Obedient
Plant or False Dragonhead. Of all the Physostegia
species, P. virginiana is the only one cultivated for
gardens to any extent, but it is a durable and carefree
perennial, and it can be useful in areas where its spread
can be controlled.
Physostegia virginiana
Physostegia virginiana has straight stems,
spike-like flower heads, and it flowers over a long
period in summer. Large clumps are formed which
spread vigorously in good soil. In its native habitat,
it can be found most often in moist soils. Typically
growing 2 to 4 ft. tall, it features dense spikes of pink,
tubular, snapdragon-like flowers which bloom throughout the summer months. Although known as Obedient
Plant, this plant is a vigorous spreader that can become
invasive in the right situation.
Obedient it is not. So why is this
called Obedient Plant? When
flower spikes are in full bloom, you
can push the snapdragon-like
flowers to hold any position you
care to give them - very helpful
when in an arrangement, where they
make great cut flowers. Plant this
species in full sun in well-drained
soil for best performance. It’s easy
to grow, and it is heat and drought
tolerant once established.
Physostegia virginiana ‘Miss Manners’
Table of Contents
Georgia Native
Wildflowers pg. 1
Completed Stone
pg. 2
Summer Education
pg. 3
Lockerly Trustees
Monica Webb,
Joe Mangum,
Vice President
Robert Culberson, Ph.D.,
Sherrill Jones,
Kathy Chandler
David Evans
Steven M. Fortier, Ph.D.
Jan Flynn, Ph.D.
George Hogan, Sr.
James Marshall
Jackie Nelson
Doug R. Oetter, Ph.D.
Joni Smith
Bruce Vaughn, CFP
Al Woods
There are several good cultivars of this species available. ‘Alba’ has
white flowers and blooms earlier than the species or cultivars. It is also
shorter than the species. ‘Miss Manners’ is a popular selection that is prized
for its well-behaved, non-spreading habit. The sturdy clumps grow to only
30 inches tall and are topped all summer with pure white, snapdragon-like
flowers. There is also ‘Vivid’, which features vibrant pink flowers. It grows
only about 24 inches tall is the most compact and upright of any form.
If you are looking
for a summer flowering
perennial that is easy to
grow, Physostegia
virginiana can be a good
choice in a sunny spot
where its growth can be
kept in check.
Physostegia virginiana ‘Alba’
Physostegia virginiana ‘Vivid’
Completed Stone Wall
For the past 6 weeks, we have been working diligently on
restoring the historic stone wall running along the east side Lockerly Hall.
Construction was finally completed on Tuesday, and the result is better
than we had hoped for. This should provide another enduring asset for the
historic landscape around Lockerly Hall and provide a portal for our next
section of pedestrian walkway. Thanks go out to Mr. Ray Wells for all of
his hard work!
Summer Education Programs
Every summer, Lockerly hosts summer camp programs for children in the 3rd to 9th grades. These programs take
place at Lockerly’s Oliver N. Worley Outdoor Education Center in Putnam County. Campers are engaged in sciencebased activities at the 200-acre property that includes two ponds, several watercourses, and forested areas. Many of the
activities are conducted along scenic Rooty Creek that flows across the property. Campers will be outside 90% of the time
and should be interested in science and the outdoors in order to participate in the hands-on, science-based activities. This
year, a different theme will be applied each day for campers to explore. A tentative schedule looks like this:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Team Building: a day of group development activities, mazes, and scavenger hunts.
Geology: Examine, test, and identify rocks and minerals; study flow rates of Rooty Creek
Plants: Learn about different plant parts; dissect plants and flowers
Animals: Learn about native animals; study animal tracks and make plaster casts; study macro
invertebrates, fish, and other fauna of Rooty Creek
Heritage Day: Learn traditional games; make and use traditional toys and candles; use wild plants to make dyes
Camp Oliver N. Worley is broken into 2 separate sessions. The first week-long camp is for 3rd – 5th graders and
lasts from June 18 – 22. The second, which is for 6th – 9th graders, lasts from July 16 – 20. Although the 1st session is
already fully booked this year (1 slot is available), the 2nd session has plenty of seats available. Registration is $50.00 per
child. To reserve your child’s place in Lockerly’s Camp Oliver N. Worley, call (478) 452-2112.