July 2016 Lamplighter.pages


July 2016 Lamplighter.pages
All the news you need! | July 2016
Challenging Lifelong Faith
we are... Gathered
Salem Lutheran Church in Delmont Pennsylvania
Est. 1850
| July 2016
Pastor’s Column
Iona Abbey
Pastor’s Page
Community News
Lutheran Confirmation
In Our Prayers
Council Notes &
Iona is a tiny and beautiful Hebridean
island off the west coast of Scotland,
cradle of Christianity in Scotland,
where in 563 AD the Irish monk
Columba established a monastic
settlement that evangelized large
parts of Scotland and the north of
England and became an important
center of European Christianity. In the
Middle Ages, it became the site of a
Benedictine abbey, and over the
centuries it has attracted many
thousands of people on their own
pilgrim journeys. (excerpt from Iona
Community website)
While I was in Scotland in May, I took the
opportunity to stay on Iona for a week with the
Iona Community. The Iona Community is an
ecumenical Christian community committed to
seeking new ways of living the Gospel in
today’s world. The Iona Community is made
up of a resident group of 25 people and
around 30 volunteers from all over the world
who worship, work, and live together at the
Iona Abbey and the Macleod Center. Then
there are folks like me (sometimes over 110 in
any given week) who come to the island
hoping to share with the staff and volunteers
this unique experience of living in community
through worship, work, discussion, and
Honestly, my time on Iona was a highlight of
the whole Scotland trip! The island of Iona
itself is a beautiful experience with rocky hills
surrounded by gently rolling green fields and
farmlands that stretch out and end in beaches.
To say that I enjoyed hiking all over the island
is an understatement. There is a special
quality about Iona. It is mystical and ancient
and sacred. I felt as if I was walking on holy
The beauty of the island is complimented by
the beauty of the people living and working
and worshipping there. I was blessed to make
the acquaintance of other pilgrims to Iona from
Holland, Canada, Uganda, Sweden, England,
Germany, the United States, and other parts of
Scotland. I connected with a woman, Fiona
from Scotland, who is discerning a call to
ministry. We had lovely conversations about
what ministry is like for women. I met a young
man, Isaac from Ohio, a volunteer at Iona who
is hoping to get a teaching position at LSU in
their film department. I have exchanged texts
with him since, and he has been given the
position!!! YAY!!! I had a blast joking with John,
the burly bartender at the local pub on the
In the closing session, our facilitator asked our
group to write three things we came to the
island with and three things we were leaving
with. I wrote, “I came with lots of stress and
some questions about my way forward in
ministry. I am leaving with restored calm,
renewed sense of ministry, and most of all, a
deeper relationship with my friend and
colleague Amy.” I told Amy this last bit later as
we were walking to worship. She confessed
she wrote the same thing! I give thanks to God
for this holy time, holy place and holy rest. I
give thanks for new friends in Christ. I give
thanks for my friend and colleague Deacon
Amy. I give thanks to God for you, Salem
community, and the ministry we share “as
servants of Christ and stewards of the
mysteries of God.” (1 Corinthians 4:1)
God is indeed good, dear people! I pray
whether you find yourself traveling far away or
staying close to home this summer, may you
also find a holy time, a holy place, and a holy
rest so that you
may be
renewed in
body, mind, and
spirit! I pray you
make new
friends and
with old friends!
Pastor Kara
| July 2016
We Are Gathered
Support Group for Healing
Sunday at Keystone Park
As individuals, we each stand in need of
healing. We all also belong to and are
connected to families, communities,
countries, and a world in need of healing.
The ministry of healing is central to our life
in Christ.
On Sunday June 12, we enjoyed the
beauty of our Earth during worship,
followed by food and fellowship. We
came together as a community while
basking in God’s wonderful creation Earth and all that is in it!
During the month of July, Salem will offer
2 opportunities every week for people in
need of healing words, prayer and the
laying on of hands to gather together and
find support in community. The focus for the
month will be healing from loss, especially
the loss of loved ones due to death. Each
gathering will include Scripture reading,
healing prayer, and time to share how the
loss of loved ones affects our lives, how we
cope with it, and how we find healing.
gathers us
into the
joy of
You are invited to join the Support Group for
Healing on Wednesday afternoons in July
from 1-2 pm OR Wednesday evenings in
July from 7:30-8:30. And you are certainly
welcome to attend all of them! No need to
call ahead or sign up, just come as you feel
moved by the Spirit and invite anyone else
you feel could benefit from this ministry. For
more information, please call Pastor Kara
@ 304-668-9890.
Donuts & Coffee Hour Immediately following worship Sunday July 3.
Women’s Circle Meeting Wednesday July 6, 12 pm at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant. We are enjoying our summer
by spending time with each other and not having to cook! All are welcome to join us, the more the merrier! Any
women who would like to come but needs a ride please contact Donna Earnest at 724-834-5849.
Men’s Breakfast & Work Day Thursday July 7, 8:30 am at Wagon Wheel.
Pairs & Spares Wednesday July 13, 12 pm at Hoss’ s in Murrysville.
| July 2016
We Are Nourished
Barnyard Roundup
Jesus Gathers Us Together
July 11-15, 2016
5:30 - 8:30 pm
Enjoyment for the whole family!
Monday - Hotdogs or Sloppy Joe
Tuesday - Spaghetti
Wednesday - Tacos
Thursday- Chicken Tenders
Friday - Pizza
You and your child can eat a kid-friendly
dinner together at 5:30, then off to the
barnyard for all. The kids to their class and
Mom & Dad to, new this year, adult VBS.
Each evening there’s a different theme:
Monday - Jesus cares, now & forever!
Tuesday - Jesus provides, now & forever!
Wednesday - Jesus leads, now & forever!
Thursday - Jesus forgives, now & forever!
Friday - Jesus is our Savior, now & forever!
Please come join us as God gives us
wisdom and courage to step out in faith as
Jesus works through us! Register at
vbsmate.com/salemdelmont, by calling the
church office or just come the first day!
Nightly VBS Schedule:
5:30 - 6:00
6:05 - 6:25
Bible Challenge/Music
6:30 - 8:05
8:10 - 8:30
Plus, on Sunday July 17 at the 9:30 am
worship, we will share the songs and
lessons that we learned during the week.
Please make sure to mark your calendar!
Weekly Sunday Worship 9:30 am
Worship at Wm Penn 2 pm
First Sunday of every month
Support Group for Healing Every Wednesday in
July, 1 - 2 pm or 7:30 - 8:30 pm. (See Page 3)
Outdoor Affirmation of Baptismal Festival
Sunday August 7, 9:30 am. Immediately following
worship there will be a reception in the social hall.
Please bring finger food to share!
feeds us
Weekly Sunday School Recessed for the Summer.
Will resume in September.
Tea ’n’ Talk Every Monday 9 am in Pastor’s office.
Weekly Bible study. Everyone is welcome! Except July
VBS Barnyard Roundup July 11-15, 5:30 - 8:30 pm.
Each evening begins with a kid-friendly dinner, then off
to learn that God gives us the wisdom and the courage
to step out in faith as Jesus works through us - whether
we are at school, playing with friends, or helping out at
| July 2016
We Are Sent
Salem People Sharing Their Time, Talent & Resources…
As a congregation we are not always
aware of the projects that are tackled by
our Property Committee, Men’s Work
Day crew, Youth & Family, as well as
individuals. Only when they are not
accomplished do we begin to notice.
How many of us could tell others what
improvements have been done in our
facility? Mostly, these men and women
work behind the scenes to faithfully
steward our facilities and property.
In the last 6 months they have
accomplished; steeple access, door
lock, & water fountain repair, had bricks
of the church repointed, moved a pew
to allow better wheelchair access,
cleaned the floor in Newhouse Hall,
installed hooks, changed dozens of light
bulbs, weeded, mulched, trimmed
hedges, worked in Jobe garden and
repaired our mower.
We give thanks for these people who
share their time, talent & resources to
help. If you would like to help in the
maintenance and care of our church,
please contact Marion Earnest.
Sunday August 14 at the Delmont Lions
2nd Annual Car Show, Social Ministry
will be hosting a food booth to help
raise money to continue their mission.
Please reserve time that day to come
out and help! Watch for the sign up
sheet in the social hall.
Salem Serves every Tuesday
5pm (except the first Tuesday)
Chancel Choir Recessed for
Saturday, July 2, 8am
Providing 125 bottles of laundry detergent in
January and 125 bottles of shampoo and 250
bars of soap in June to the food bank. Plus,
some here at Salem have given their time to
help distribute these items.
Salem's Social Ministry is active with Loaves
& Fishes, which is an emergency food pantry
for families in need.
The Jeannette Food Pantry has been helped
by us in a variety of ways; collection of
clothing, blankets, food, and other items.
The committee also served lunch at the
Bishop’s Convention and is the committee
that cook & serve funeral dinners. Plus,
provide meals to families in our community
who are sick or recuperating from surgery.
Even with all of that they continue their on
going projects, such as helping people in
need with utility bills, rent, medicine, food, &
clothing, and collecting Box Tops & Campbell
labels for the Native American Navajo
anoints us
to serve &
Within our walls, we thank our Social Ministry
committee for the wonderful receptions for
baptisms, confirmation, and graduations.
Upcoming Volunteer Event
Kyrie Bells Recessed for
Social Ministry has also been very busy with
projects the first half of the year.
They also care for our shut-ins by sending
them cards.
We are grateful to all those involved for their
commitment to our community! They always
welcome new members. If you can give some
of your time to help please contact Linda
WELCA Board Meeting
No meeting during July or
August. We will resume in
Christian Ed
Wednesday, July 6, 6 pm
Worship & Music Thursday, July 7, 7:30 pm
Social Ministry
Tuesday, July 12, 7 pm
Thursday, July 21, 7pm
| July 2016
Starting Fall 2016!!!
Christian Education Committee is
excited to announce the start of
Colaborate: Lutheran Confirmation at
Salem this coming fall! Lutheran
theology and tradition has always
emphasized both teaching and learning
that leads people into deeper
engagement with the Bible, faith, and
what it means to be Christian. This is
exactly what Colaborate: Lutheran
Confirmation seeks to do! It has been
written and designed by a team of
Lutheran pastors, theologians, and
youth ministry practitioners who know
the Bible, Lutheran doctrine, and young
Colaborate is an innovative curriculum
that unpacks students’ assumptions,
past knowledge, and curiosity about the
Bible, Lutheran history, and the Small
Catechism. The full program includes
4 units covering Old Testament, New
Testament, Lutheran history &
catechism, and Lutheran living. All 4
units will be taught by Pastor Kara over
a 2 year period on a rotating basis. All
classes will be held at Salem in
Newhouse Hall on Sundays (every 2
weeks) from 5-7pm, including dinner for
the students.
How does a Colaborate lesson work?
Each lesson includes three parts:
Framing the Problem, Teaching &
Learning, and Project & Closing.
Students will start with a question meant
to create some tension. That tension
gets heightened as the class watches
the video. Then students engage the
question through an infographic full of
activities, more questions, theological
content, and Bible passages meant to
give them the information they need to
start answering the question. Finally,
students are given opportunities to
articulate what they’ve discovered and
share their thoughts with others.
Colaborate: Lutheran Confirmation
will kick off with a student/parent
information session on Sunday,
September 11, at 1:00pm following
Rally Day Activities and Potluck. It is
imperative that students and their
parents and/or guardians attend this
session. At this time, students will
receive a copy of the student handbook,
study Bible, class schedule, and
expectations of the confirmation
program from Pastor Kara.
For more information, or to speak
with Pastor whether your youth is
ready for Confirmation, or to sign up,
please contact Pastor Kara by email
or phone:
[email protected]
Problem-Based Learning
helps students answer
the question, "So
Fearless Faith Formation
Encourages students to
bring their questions and
curiosity about Lutheran
doctrine and history.
Hands-on projects create
a strong connection to the
Students will expand and
deepen their understanding
of concepts through projects
that range from handbookbased questions and
activities, to group art
projects, to games and offsite explorations.
| July 2016
Hands-on investigative
learning that leads to
deep engagement with
the Bible, faith, and what
it means to be a Christian
Allows students to
discover for themselves
the ways the doctrines,
traditions, and beliefs of
their faith are relevant to
their lives. This style of
learning compels them to
search out meaningful
answers that will be
integral in their faith
Comprehensive Bible Study
Students will engage in
compelling conversation about
God and what it means to
follow Jesus as they dig into
the Bible.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been
given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the
end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
| July 2016
We Pray
Healing & Recovery:
Mary Jean Fisher
Fred Ziringer
Mason Shearer
Randy Barker
Lisa Miller
RR Schmidt
Chaplain Tim Kraynak
Joe Shaffer
Judy Bowman
Jacob Schlotter
Tony Frank
John & Judy Charley
Melissa Rugh
Carol Logan
Chrissy Dunbar
Mary Dibert
Wynne SanFelice
Vern Adams
Jennifer Powell
Leonard Anderson
Evelyn Painter
Bill Hartman
Please keep these people in your prayers and send them a card to let them
know their church family is thinking of them.
Esther Stevens
Don Piper
The Gillis Family
Jackie Colucci
Harry Robbins
With Sympathy to the Family of:
Military or Foreign Service:
Tim & Candice Cipullo, Kevin &
Then in their trouble
they called to the Lord,
and he saved them
from their distress.
Mildred Allwine
6042 Triple Crown Circle
Greensburg, PA 15601
Psalm 107:19
The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
enables us to journey in prayer
through every region of the world
and through every week of the year
affirming our solidarity with
Christians all over the world,
brothers and sisters living in diverse
situations, experiencing diverse
problems and sharing diverse gifts.
Throughout the weeks of July, you
are invited to pray: Lord, hear our
prayer for Bolivia, Chile, Peru,
Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela,
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua,
Panama, Belize, Guatemala,
Honduras, & Mexico.
The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle is a
prayer ministry of the World Council
of Churches. For more information
and to read prayers from Christian
brothers and sisters around the
world go to www.oikoumene.org/en/
Susan Franke
Wm Penn Sr.Ctr & Personal Care
1024 Walton Road
Jeannette, PA 15644
Doris Piper
Weatherwood Manor
896 Weatherwood Manor
Greensburg, PA 15601
Carol Anderson
Wm Penn Sr.Ctr. & Personal Care
1024 Walton Road Jeannette, PA 15644
Hoppy Jobe
1542 Beaver Run Road
Greensburg, PA 15601
Jane Piper
251 Aurora Street
Delmont, PA 15626
Walter Bush
447 Manor Road
Delmont, PA 15626
Frannie Kramer
1013 General Forbes Road
Jeannette, PA 15644
Earl Rupert
2032 Plainfield Drive
Vero Beach, FL 32968
Vera DeFrances
Wm Penn Care Center
2020 Ader Road
Jeannette, PA 15644
Mary Lou Lingafelt
Golden Heights Personal Care
3522 Harrison City/Trafford Road
Irwin , PA 15642
Richard Sarver
1305 Beaver Run Road
Greensburg, PA 15601
Kathy DelBaggio
31 Buena Vista Drive
Delmont, PA 15626
Violet Mays
3096 Route 819
Slickville, PA 15684
Betty Visnick
164 S. Greengate Road
Apt. 112
Greensburg, PA 153601
| July 2016
We Celebrate
Vera DeFrances, born Vera Esther
Livengood will celebrate her 100th
birthday, September 19. Recently 2
of our members, Ronna Yeager &
Cheryl Whitling, talked to her about
her up coming birthday.
Photo by: Ronna Yeager
May 22, Baptism of Austin JayThompson son of
Noele & Stephen Thompson
& grandson of Bob & Anne Thompson.
When asked her secret to such a
long life, she replied “No idea, I just
did it!” Also asked how it feels to be
nearly 100, she answered “It feels
exactly the same!”
Vera was 1 of 6 children with a sister Velma and 5
brothers. Vera married Arthur DeFrances. Art (Archie)
and she enjoyed their love of music. Archie played
saxophone in his band, “Art DeFrances and His Band of
Renown.” They had 5 children: Betty, Harry & Harriett twins, Larry, & Arrol. She says her greatest
accomplishment was raising her family.
When asked what some of her favorite things are and if
she likes chocolate, Vera rolled her eyes and said “A
person would be silly not to like candy” and shared that
she especially loves chocolate! Her other favorite
things: family - first & foremost, shades of blue, music mainly Polka, Italian food or a nice roast beef, and
American Beauty roses.
Our Graduates recognized June 5
Jonathan Adams, Kaylee Fong w/
Pastor Kara.
To help Vera celebrate her birthday please send her a
birthday card! Happy Birthday Vera, from your friends at
Happy Birthday
1 Nancy Jobe
2 Lila Klingensmith
4 Mary Dibert
5 Linda DelBaggio
6 Betty J. Anderson
6 Janette Kirkman
8 Virginia Weed
8 Ron Painter
11 Mary Lou Lingafelt
14 Mark Piper
15 Judith Golock
15 Aubrey Steuernagel
16 Bob Lasser
Happy Anniversary
Bob Thompson
Jackie Planic
Tina Kemerer
Kelly Yeager
Samantha Yeager
Larry Rupnik
Gretchen Lasser
Bill Barker
Walter Bush
Bill Earnest
Marsha Lore
Nolan McGill
Dee Zimmerman
Daniel & Jennifer Lichok
Brian & Valerie Arrigo
John & Judith Golock
Larry & Carol Buckwalter
Ray & Wendy McIntyre
James & Donna Earnest
Christian & Melanie Steuernagel
| July 2016
Beyond Our Walls
Report on the Campaign as of 2015:
As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America (ELCA), we share a living, daring confidence
in God’s grace. This faith gives us the courage to
proclaim the good news to a world that is longing
to hear it. It sets us free to love and serve our
Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the
ELCA is the first-ever, five-year
comprehensive campaign for our church. The
campaign seeks to raise $198 million in support of
new and expanded churchwide ministries above and
beyond those supported by your regular weekly
offerings. This goal represents a 64 percent increase
in designated funding for the ELCA’s existing and new
ministry initiatives. In our first 25 years together as
the ELCA, there is much to celebrate. And yet, God is
calling us to do more. Through this campaign we can:
• Share the gospel
• Renew and begin new congregations
• Serve globally
• End poverty and hunger
• Overcome malaria
• Train leaders
• Engage young people in the life of this church
• Send and support ELCA missionaries
Please pray for members of the ELCA and our
church’s life-changing, life-sustaining ministries and
consider making a gift to the campaign to support
As of last year the campaign reached $80 million
—or 40 percent—of our $198 million, five year
goal, allowing important work to begin and the
expansion of existing ministries. Here are some
of the campaign gifts in action due to the
generous giving of people like you in ELCA
congregations and communities and affiliate
62 New-start ministries welcomed into the ELCA
in 2015
235 Seminary students received an ELCA Fund
for Leaders scholarship in the 2015-2016
academic year
73 Young Adults in Global Mission sent into a
year of service in August 2015
6 International women received a full-tuition
scholarship in the 2015-2016 academic
34 International women participated in an
International Leaders seminar in
Wittenberg, Germany
224 Missionaries served with the ELCA during
14 Malaria programs in Africa received support
from the ELCA Malaria Campaign
60 Countries around the world have ELCA World
Hunger supported programs
17 Renewing Congregations grants distributed
through the campaign in 2015
“At a time when people are concerned about
contracting resources, we see generosity of our
members expanding. At a time when some
wonder if the church has the capacity to be
engaged in the world, we are actually extending
our work. Truly, together we can do more. Thank
you for your continued prayers and support.”
--The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton
Presiding Bishop of the ELCA
Please consider making a financial donation to
Always Being Made New! Learn more at:
www.ELCA.org/campaign Phone: 800-638-3522
Email: [email protected]
| July 2016
Council Notes
At the June 2016 Council meeting,
reviewed the Treasurer’s report and
contributions have increased for the
first six months of 2016. Council
expressed thanks for the increase in
The Baptism of Austin Thompson,
grandson of Anne and Bob Thompson
was Sunday May 22nd. The Affirmation
of Baptism for Heidi Neumann and
Madison Rugh on May 15th. Mary
Catherine provided musical support
while Ronna was on vacation. We
honored our graduates,Rachel Lasser,
Kaylee Fong, Jonathan Adams, Bryan
Koval, Hannah Rosensteel and Kelly
Yeager on June 5th.
When Pastoral Care is needed for
hospital stays, surgeries or other
needs please call Pastor to remind her
of the specifics on time and place.
Pastor will attend as Salem’s
representative at Synod convention.
Activity is progressing well on
developing job descriptions for the
various volunteer positions at Salem
Lutheran Church
Finance is working to develop
guidelines for documenting and
tracking Memorials and Honorariums.
Evangelism/Stewardship is working
on a draft update on our Child
protection policy.
Finance is investigating a process for
on line giving.
Sunday Worship in the Park is on
June 12th, 2016, with Worship service
followed by a Parish picnic.
Deadline for
the August
is Monday
July 18.
Council members are to remind their
committees to forward their minutes to
Clay at [email protected] or Brenda at
[email protected].
If you know someone who would like to receive a copy of the Lamplighter please call the office.
Stewardship principle of the month “ Give
by: Jennifer Lichok
What does it mean to give willingly? When I ask myself this question, it seems
like there is a pretty straightforward answer. To give willingly is to give
voluntarily. We give not because we have to, but because we want to. We can
give our time, our talents, and our resources.
“for, as I can
testify, they
2 Corinthians 8:3
What inspires us to give willingly? That’s also pretty straightforward – God
does. Through the Holy Spirit, we are moved to give. Maybe we give our time by
volunteering at the church or with an organization that seeks to help those around us. Or maybe we give
our talents either through our chosen profession or by joining a group within the church where we can
use our gifts. Or maybe we give our resources through our weekly offering or by supporting the ministries
of the church locally or worldwide. Whatever way or ways we give, let us offer thanks to God for moving
us to give willingly!
The church office will be closed:
Monday, July 4 - Due to the Holiday
Monday, July 18 - Lutheran Day at Kennywood
Friday, July 22
Salem Lutheran Church
301 E Pittsburgh Street
Delmont, PA 15626
[email protected]
Save the Date
July 11-15
Family Dinner 5:30 pm
VBS 6:30 pm
August 7
Outdoor Affirmation of Baptismal Festival 9:30 am
August 14
Delmont Lions 2nd Annual Car Show @ Shields
Farm 8 am - 4 pm. Social Ministry is hosting a
food booth. Come enjoy a root beer float or
walking taco!
September 11
Rally Day 10:45 am
Merry Mixer at Newhouse Park
September 24
End of Summer Bonfire 6 pm
Non Profit Organization
US Postage
Delmont, PA
Whatcha readin’?
Can’t decide what to crack open next ? We’ll bring
you recommendations on what to read to feed your
Simple ideas, lasting love
Falling in love is easy. Staying
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