Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013


Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
as part of Target Kids Teaching Kids Week
4-5 September 2013, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Proudly sponsored by Unitywater
Mayor Mark Jamieson
A message from your Mayor
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference
4-5 September 2013
Welcome, students and teachers,
to the 2013 Sunshine Coast Kids
in Action Conference.
Over the next few days you
will be part of a very special
experience and provided with the
opportunity to contribute in many
varied discussions on how to
protect our environment. I
encourage you to get involved
and share your experiences.
Schools do amazing things in
helping connect communities
through their environmental
programs. With your help and
council’s objective to make this
region Australia’s most sustainable
– vibrant, green and diverse – the
future looks bright.
We would like to show our
respect and acknowledge
the traditional custodians of
this land, of elders past and
present, on which this event
takes place.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
This conference aims to increase
youth awareness and knowledge
about our environments, resources
and Indigenous culture while linking
young people to their community
and local experts in the region.
Kids in Action empowers people to
explore and discover nature in a
meaningful way which helps our
communities learn to nurture and
maintain their natural local areas in
a positive and responsible manner.
Have a fantastic time as you work
together to learn more and help
Mark Jamieson
“We have found that when
kids teach kids, something
magical happens.”
Richard Wood, Co-founder,
Kids Teaching Kids.
Kids Teaching Kids
Inspiring Future Environmental Leaders
2013 Target Kids Teaching Kids Week
9-13 September 2013
This year over 350 schools and
more than 10,000 students across
Australia will be taking part in
Target Kids Teaching Kids Week.
Kids Teaching Kids is a peer
teaching education model that
uses local environmental issues as
a theme for learning. Kids
Teaching Kids would like to thank
and congratulate all of our Kids
Teaching Kids family of over 500
schools and 75,000 students that
have worked to inspire each other
and the community over the past
14 years across Australia to learn
and care about the environment.
Target Kids Teaching Kids Week
brings students together to look at
locally relevant environmental
issues such as climate change,
water, waste, conservation, energy,
drought, population and pollution.
During Target Kids Teaching Kids
Week students will perform
interactive activities, presentations,
songs, comedy, dance routines,
poems, plays and experiments for
their fellow students and a wide
breadth of the community to
deliver their messages about the
Through the program kids become
more engaged in the classroom,
more confident and develop a
greater respect for the
environment and for each other.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
A message from Unitywater
Unitywater is proud to be the principal sponsor of the
2013 Sunshine Coast Kids in Action program.
As the region’s water and sewerage
services provider, our primary aim
is to deliver high quality, aroundthe-clock, essential services to our
community while protecting our
precious environment.
Students will have the chance to
view one of these initiatives first
hand during the Unitywater
Environmental Project Day at
Maleny Wetlands on day two of
the conference.
In recent months, Unitywater
engineers, environmental planners,
and sewerage and water industry
professionals have worked with
many bright and enthusiastic local
students, exploring environmental
issues and challenges on the
Sunshine Coast.
Unitywater is committed to a
clean, green future for the
Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay
and we are delighted to contribute
to this program.
Together, we have also celebrated
some of Unitywater’s most exciting
environmental initiatives, including
the use of wetlands for sewage
treatment, creekside greening
programs and the use of sewage
treatment plant sites to support
koala rehabilitation.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Congratulations to all the 2013
Kids in Action participants. It has
been a pleasure and an inspiration
to work with the future leaders of
our region.
George Theo
CEO, Unitywater
A word from the Kids in Action team
Welcome to this rich gathering of educators and learners,
Indigenous custodians, conservation and environmental
professionals, artists, volunteers, mentors and green-hearted
We are thrilled to have travelled
to this point where we are together
to learn face to face, heart with
heart, and hand in hand about
environmental initiatives, activities
and green aspects of our
commitment to the environment
and that all present take home
ideas and inspiration with which
to spread the green word!
The Kids in Action team hopes you
all enjoy this opportunity to
communicate your knowledge and
Michael Gilles, Sunshine Coast
Council and Karen Shaw,
BrushTurkey Enterprises
We look forward to seeing you
inspiring your communities.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Day 1
Wednesday 4 September
Lake Kawana Community Centre
Registration and breakfast
Presenting schools can see their workshop rooms and leave
props. Session 1 and 2 Presenting Schools can set up rooms.
Official Conference Program begins
Guest speaker – Mayor Mark Jamieson officially launches
the event.
Welcome to Country and Welcome Ceremony
Guest speaker – Unitywater CEO George Theo.
Main Stage Performances:
Waste Warriors, Landsborough State School.
Toilet – the Extravaganza, Ananda Marga River School.
Morning tea
Opportunity to look at displays
Welcome from Richards Woods from Kids Teaching Kids
Guest speaker – MC Wheels.
Main stage performance:
All You Need is Love, Sunshine Beach State School.
MC and group leaders to assign pre-organised audience groups
to workshop presentation rooms.
Workshop Session 1
(Seven concurrent Kids Teaching Kids workshops)
The Missing
MC Wheels
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Tongue Tied Thieves
Groups rotate
Workshop Session 2
(Seven concurrent Kids Teaching Kids workshops)
Afternoon tea
MC to divide up groups with group leaders
Workshop Session 3
(Seven concurrent Kids Teaching Kids workshops)
Groups rotate
Workshop Session 4
(Seven concurrent Kids Teaching Kids workshops)
Pack up presentation materials and prepare for celebration
Green Shorts – short green Ecoflicks
Celebration conference dinner
Celebration ceremony and presentation of certificates
Kids Choice Awards announced
Musical Performances:
Tongue Tied Thieves
The Missing
End of Day 1
Message from
State School
Waste Warriors
The Sunshine Coast Kids in
Action Conference is on a
quest to make zero waste.
Our vision is to reduce the
waste generated by all activities
associated with the two day
event, to ensure that all
resources are reused and
recycled and that nothing is
sent to landfill.
Earth Warriors from
Landsborough State School
have accepted the challenge to
be this year’s Waste Warriors.
They will be wrestling the issue
of rubbish and collecting data
on the amount and types of
waste we all generate at the
event. Get ready to reduce,
reuse and recycle.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Day 2
Thursday 5 September
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Maleny Community Precinct
Event and location
Unitywater Environmental Projects Day Official Launch
Group photo
Buses depart Lake Kawana Community Centre for EPD at
Maleny Community Precinct.
Activity leaders ready to collect their students and move to
activity location.
Precinct welcome: Councillor Jenny McKay.
Activity Session 1: Riparian Habitat Restoration – whole group
Activity Session 2
Activity Session 3
Activity Session 4
All delegates on buses to return to Lake Kawana Community
Afternoon tea and school reflection time
Whole group reflection session. Closing Ceremony.
Conference finished. Thank you everyone.
Message from Green Hills
Restoration jigsaw, each project is a crucial piece in the overall
rehabilitation of the Obi Obi corridor.
The Maleny Precinct is located in
the Mary River Catchment, and
includes almost 4km of frontage
along Obi Obi Creek as it winds its
way across the Maleny Plateau
into Lake Baroon, before draining
north-west through Kondalilla
National Park and out to
Kenilworth where it meets the
Mary River. The site represents a
significant component of the upper
reaches of the Obi Obi and
provides a critical missing link for
connectivity along the Obi Obi
corridor on the Maleny plateau.
The site has historically been
cleared with the exceptions being
some wetland features, individual
paddock trees and a fringe of
riparian vegetation along the Obi
Obi Creek. The site provides
stepping stone habitat and key
riparian habitat for a range of rare
and threatened species including
Giant barred frog (Mixophyes
iterates), grey goshawk, (Accipiter
novaehollandiae), platypus
(Ornithorhynchus anatinus) and
the Short-beaked echidna
(Tachyglossus aculeatus).
Since 2011, Green Hills has been
working collaboratively with
Sunshine Coast Council, Barung
Landcare, Lake Baroon Catchment
Care, SEQ Water, Unity Water and
the local community to fence,
protect and revegetate 6 ha of
waterway habitat along the Obi
Obi Creek.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Kids Teaching
Kids workshop
Beerwah State School
Chevallum State School
Cooroy State School
Koala Care
From Harvest to Harvest; the full
cycle of our Stephanie Alexander
Kitchen Garden Program (SAKG)
Roy and the Kids from Cooroy
The students will be informing
others of what dangers are present
for koalas. Including environmental
factors, human interference,
disease etc and what we can do as
a local community to try and lessen
the effect we play in the role of their
dwindling numbers.
Blackall Range
Independent School
Microbats – Little Predators,
Big Helpers.
Riddle me this, riddle me that,
who’s afraid of the little micro bat?
Microbats play an important role in
our local eco-systems. Learn why
they are necessary and what you
can do to encourage this tiny, batty
mate in your local environment.
Caloundra State High
Radical Recyclers
Can you change paper waste into
a greeting card, wallet or mural?
Recycling is critical in achieving
sustainability. It reduces both the
environmental impact and
ecological footprint of a products
life cycle. We will demonstrate
how to recycle household paper
into cards, purses, wallets and
murals. It’s easy, fun and you’ll
produce something useful,
aesthetically pleasing and even
economically profitable!
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Practical, everyday sustainability is
a measurable outcome for schools
running the SAKG where students
are actively engaged in the
process of growing, harvesting,
preparing and sharing. This
workshop presentation by
Chevallum State School will
demonstrate each step in the
process. We will provide hands on
learning in growing, identifying,
harvesting, cooking and compost.
Conondale State School
Growing for Life
Conondale State School students
are in their first full year of our
exciting kitchen – garden program.
Students from our year 4/5 class
will present three practical short
workshops to help live a
sustainable and organic lifestyle.
• W
iggly worms – learn about
the power of worm juice.
• Garden-in-a-pot – learn how
to grow essential herbs and
vegetables, even if you live in
an urban setting.
• Helpful herbs – learn about
the power of super herbs in
your garden.
Go on a journey preserving
memories with Roy the possum
and his group of friends. Explore,
listen, learn, make, play and act as
they take you back in time. What
are the stories? Who are the
people? Where are the places that
make up our town or your town?
Kin Kin State School
Our Precious Waterways
Students will break into three
groups to show: demonstrate the
clean water available on Earth,
water bug identification, water
pollution awareness.
Pacific Paradise
State School
Kids of the Earth
Students from Pacific Paradise
will bring to life the message that
we are all children of the Earth and
we all share the responsibility to
protect our precious planet.
St Eugene College
Eugreenies’ Community Garden –
Establishing, Enjoying and Eating
in a Community Garden.
Students will share the journey we
have undertaken to establish a
Community Garden in our school.
We will highlight the easy and
practical ways we enjoy and
maintain our garden. The
culmination of our presentation will
see everyone appreciating the
fruits and veggies of our labour!
St. Teresa’s
Catholic College
An Australian Icon Under Threat
The cuddly koala, often an icon
representing Australia is suffering
at the hands of urban
development, road traffic and
introduced species. Yes, this quiet
and unassuming mammal has
fallen victim to the ravages of
humanity to the point where its
very existence in many areas is
under threat. Only awareness by
the public and education of the
causes of its demise can save this
amazing unique creature.
St Thomas More
Primary School
Koala Rescue
We will follow the waste hierarchy
to talk about waste disposal. We
will look at what happens at a
community level, as opposed to at
a school level.
Stella Maris college
Flying by Night
This interactive workshop will be
exploring the ‘wondrous world’ of
the night sky through the eyes of
our local flying fox (bat) colony.
Students will engage in group
discussions to expand their
knowledge on different species of
bats, understand how the
community has tried to help the
bat colonies and appreciate the
relocation process. The flying fox
colony has called our school home
and now Stella Maris students are
excited about sharing their
experiences and knowledge.
Sunshine Coast Home
Educators Group
Give BEES a Chance
What would our world BEE like
without BEES? Would it BEE just
the same? What exactly do BEES
do? Do all BEES sting, make
honey and live in hives? You won’t
BEElieve how cool BEES are!
We’re going to dance the BEE
dance and make a BEE habitat
and BEEfore the end of our BEE
presentation, you will BEE
BEEsotted with BEES. Catch the
Woombye State School
Now and Then
Come journey with us through the
changes over the centuries of the
Woombye township. Woombye
was originally established as a
stopover for the Cobb and Co
coaches and surprisingly there are
still many of the same buildings
still standing today. Step back in
time with us to experience what
school was like when your great
grandparents went to school.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Kids Teaching
Kids static
and dynamic
Beerburrum State School
Maleny High School
Value of the Backyard Chook
Learning for Sustainable Living
Find out more about chickens –
how to care for them, the benefits
of having chooks and the types of
breeds available. Which came
first, the chicken or the egg?
Maleny State High School
students run and participate in a
variety of programs to improve our
environment including cleaning up
the banks of the Obi, cleaning up
beach litter at Noosa and
celebrating World Environment
Day. For the past three years the
school has recycled approximately
15 kilograms of mobile phones
through the Mobile Muster
scheme. The school also recycles
batteries and cans. All this is part
of our motto Learning for
Sustainable Living.
How Species Adapt – evolution is
too slow, change is too quick!
Nambour State
High School
Space Junk – the Phantom
Cherbourg State School
Culture and History in an
Aboriginal Community
Students will present their shadow
box (biography in a box) of an
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
They will have them on display for
the audience to view and discuss.
See a visual display of the
Cherbourg Community.
From Paddock to Palate
These gourmet farmers will be
displaying their organic farming
and cooking skills. They are
growing an organic vegetable and
herb garden, picking their goods
and learning how to cook delicious
healthy meals. Demonstrating that
sustainability is possible in your
own backyard!
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Nambour State
High School
These scientists will examine
natural selection, linking it to
threatened species. They aim to
get at the heart of the matter as to
why species natural evolutionary
process is not able to keep pace
with the drastic environmental and
climatic changes that they are
being subjected to, therefore
becoming threatened.
Sunshine Coast Home
Educators Group
So if we ruin this planet, we can all
just move to another one right?
Not if we continue littering space
around the earth like we are. If
space programs continue to
discard their junk the way they
currently do space travel will be
impossible by 2050. Does that
mean no more mobile phones?
Or could it spell the next
environmental disaster? Come
and see if you can navigate a
rocket through space junk and find
out more about Space Junk – the
Phantom Menace.
Kids Teaching
Kids main stage
and short films
Ananda Marga River
Pomona State School
Toilet: The Extravaganza!
It’s time to celebrate and raise
awareness of Indigenous culture in
our schools. Would you like to
learn how you can create your
own dynamic and culturally
connecting learning areas? Make
sure you tune in and watch our
journey unfold. You too can
deepen your understanding of
Indigenous people and their
connections to our country.
Students from the River School
bring a celebration of the toilet to
the stage. Expect a journey of
excitement and discovery that
starts with a simple flush.
State School
Rubbish or treasure – make the
right choice!
Waste Management is everybody’s
concern. Our rubbish can be
someone else’s treasure. Think
twice about how much you take in
the first place, what materials you
are using and how they can be
disposed of with less impact on
the environment.
Palmwoods State School
Our Local Remnant Bushland
and Riparian Zone – a Palmwoods
Cultural Connections
Sunshine Beach
State School
All you need is love
Ten children from Sunshine Beach
State school will represent over
200 students involved in the school
permaculture garden. They know
how to express their principles,
how to sustain, create, learn, share,
participate and cooperate. They will
show you what it really takes to
make a seed grow!
For nearly 20 years, students and
staff have been working to protect
and enhance a small area of
remnant bushland which includes a
local waterway located on school
property. This process is still
ongoing today. We would like to
document and share our journey
through a short visual presentation.
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Projects Day
The Unitywater Environmental
Projects Day takes our passion for
the environment (our heart), what
we have learnt through the
workshop activities (our head) and
shows us what we also need to
take action (the hand) to realize
true change.
Get the most out of each activity,
support each other and know
that you are doing something
real and meaningful at the 2013
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Delegates must wear long
pants and covered shoes
to take part in the Unitywater
Environmental Projects Day.
You will not be able to
participate if you are not
wearing appropriate clothing.
Please make sure you have
sunscreen, a full water bottle
and a hat.
Pack for all weather.
Participating schools
Ananda Marga River School, Beerburrum State School, Beerwah State School, Blackall Range Independent
School, Caboolture Montessori School, Caloundra State High School, Cherbourg State School, Chevallum State
School, Coolum Beach State High School, Conondale State School, Cooroy State School, Kin Kin State School,
Landsborough State School, Maleny State High School, Mount Mee State School, Nambour State High School,
North Lakes State College, Pacific Paradise State School, Palmwoods State School, Pomona State School,
St Eugene Catholic College, St Teresa’s Catholic College, St Thomas More Primary School, Stella Maris Catholic
Primary School, Sunshine Beach State Primary School, Sunshine Coast Home Educators Group and Woombye
State School.
SITE A: Giant Barred Frog
Activity title
Description of activity
Kerry Jones
Spend some time with a local Indigenous member of the Sunshine
Coast. Hear some stories, learn about this local land and take with you
deeper layers of understanding of relationships with and care for country.
Mooloolah Waterwatch Undertake water quality testing activities to assess the health of the
waterways and its ecology.
Weaving with
Natural Fibres
Tricia Dobson
Students will weave a small basket using cat’s claw or morning glory
vine and palm seed stems. While weaving students can take part in
discussions around the materials being used and the impact of weeds
in the environment.
SITE B: Grey Goshawk
Activity title
Description of activity
Mimburi Upper
Mary Aboriginal
Association Inc.
Spend some time with a local Indigenous member of the Sunshine
Coast. Hear some stories, learn about this local land and take with you
deeper layers of understanding of relationships with and care for country.
Mary River Catchment Undertake water quality testing activities to assess the health of the
waterways and its ecology.
Committee (MRCCC)
and Barung Landcare
What’s in a Leaf?
Blue Sky Science
Kids will investigate the pigments contained in leaves and flowers by
using the scientific technique of chromatography and will uncover the
intricate venation of several types of leaves.
Activity title
Description of activity
Lyndon Davis
Spend some time with a local Indigenous member of the Sunshine
Coast. Hear some stories, learn about this local land and take with you
deeper layers of understanding of relationships with and care for country.
Minibeast Survey
Bugs Ed
Delegates will learn different techniques used to collect minibeasts, will
check pre-set traps and use nets, beating sheets and aspirators to survey
minibeasts in the area.
Wetland Water
Sampling –
What does the
water tell us?
Students will learn how to collect, analyse and evaluate water samples, as
well as make scientific observations in regard to the wetland water quality.
This activity will provide an overview on how a wetland treats water and
will highlight the importance of understanding water quality within a
wetland ecosystem.
SITE C: Echidna
Sunshine Coast Kids in Action Conference 2013
Sunshine Coast Environment Levy
The Sunshine Coast has a spectacular
environment of stunning waterways, volcanic
mountains, great beaches and sub-tropical
rainforests. Our landscape is rich with an
incredibly diverse mix of plant and animal
species including pretty orchids, bush turkeys,
towering gum trees and slithering snakes.
As a community we need to work together to
ensure that the Sunshine Coast natural
environment that we care about is protected and
maintained for current and future generations.
Sunshine Coast Council has an Environment
Levy that assists to protect and enhance our
natural environment. Council uses the levy
funds to acquire hundreds of hectares of
environmentally significant land, undertake
major on-ground conservation projects and
support the Sunshine Coast community through
a range of grant and partnership programs.
The Environment Levy supports a number of
research, monitoring and education projects to
improve our understanding of threatened animal
species like our local koala population and
resident flying fox colonies. This year the
program is funding a major project to conserve
and restore waterway and vegetation corridors
in the Pumicestone Passage.
Thank you to our
wonderful volunteers
Chelsea Clark, Clare Cox, Caitlyn Draper,
Diane Goodwillie, Mandy Botterell,
Maddy Attley, Meg Shaw, Renee
Fletcher, Samantha Newman, Samara
Collard, Sandie Johnston, Tracey
O’Connell, Ambrosia Muir (MC), Anne
Maree Ruteledge, Kelly Huddy, Dawn
Worthington, Chelsea Suthers, Elissa
Liber, Luke Blumke, Renee Coman,
Jasmeet Kaur, Talitha Phillips, Jessica
Henderson, Kathryn Johnson, Alex Burns
and Daniel Kennedy.
Contact Us
Karen Shaw
Kids in Action coordinator
07 5494 3642
0427 607 628
[email protected]
For more information visit council’s
website or call the customer contact
centre on (07) 5475 7272.
30451 08/13. Printed on environmentally responsible paper.
Council is a proud supporter of the Kids in Action
Conference through the 2013/14 Environment
Levy Program.
Sunshine Coast Council thanks our sponsors for their support:
[email protected]
T 07 5475 7272 F 07 5475 7277
Locked Bag 72 Sunshine Coast Mail Centre Qld 4560
This project has been funded by the
Sunshine Coast Environment Levy.