Students.fight for higher wages - SDSU Library Digital Collections


Students.fight for higher wages - SDSU Library Digital Collections
Students. fight for higher wages
By Jennifer Tzall
"I feel that this, if anything, is a good
move and will bring three benefits: student
ven though the state minimum wage is . morale, increase the retention rate of highly
$5.75, San Diego State University stu- qualified students ... ilnd raise, (the) aca- .
dents working on campus arc being demic reputation of the' overall university
system," Tinajero said.
paid the federal minimum wage of $5.15.
"We want to be persistent without being
SDSU is part of the California State Uni.
versity system and must be in compliance threatening," he said.
According to organization literature.
with regulations of the Federal Fair Labor'
Standards Act, in which the minimum wage members of !'he CSSA strongly feel that students obligate~ to work on campus have
for. federal employees is $5.15.
The California State Student' Association, been placed at a distinct economic disadvana national lobbying group for student rights, tage because they cannot obtain higher payhas passed a resolution calling for the equal- ing jobs off campus.
They have approached. the Chancellor's
ization of student wages.
The also forwarded the resolution to the Offi~e and will approach individual campuses about the issue.
United Stat.ys Student Association.
"Executives from SDSU were scheduled
Alex Tinajero, Associated Students vice
president of external affairs and SDSU rep- to talk to the C!hancellor's office. So far we
resentative to the CSSA. is an advocate of haven't heard allYthing," Tinajero said.
Dana Munz. a marine hiology freshman at
raising the university's minimum wage from
SDSU and a participant in the work study
,$5.15 to $5.75.
':.¢$U$Ysfem p,rorriises ,
,support progr~ms for n~w leach·
AII,22 GSUcampuses Will be
'enhancing theirteadhlng pro~
,,'> \',. ;~' San Dlego,StateUnlvcrsity\Snil
, Jose State University nt\dCS,U
Chico\vill be gelling back 10 their
, roots by. 'focusing on ,education
ecause.of II promise tl;e' .
progrnms,sincc. they wereorigiCa!iforniaSlale University
nnlly ~.choolsc,lSlablls~ed only 10
'Illade Ihlssummer"fulI,Ire· .
students may be nr~,~irig: on cam, 'provide teacher education.
, AU'ex.tra $9.3 miUionhas been
pus ~bit m?reprep"ared; "
budgeted for the neW teacher edu, ,The Califprilia StateUnlversl-"
cation programs in the CSU systy Board oCTrustee'shaspledg\ld "tem;O,fficlals hope the new' pr.oto produce nliJre, und beller"pre- ',grams will bein full swlngby the
pared tellchers in hopes of
improvirig, the public school sys, They have eshmatedl1)at
t!lm, in ,California;
',' ,~npproXlmatelY 12,000-15,000
Oificlalsnope, better
teachers Villlyield better students
'> . ,;\.:.:,.·.;; ;:\:. ':',:'
>.:;, .',
- ,'·T-h·silre··,·s·pl!lro·b·a·b·I·YJlothlng morelmporfant for
'the CSOto do'than to focus on Improving the
, , pU~IIC·. s~tioplsof California, ~
"- CSUChQncelior Charles~eed
• .Slnce 60~crce~toCthe'stllte's sWdents Will, he., prcpared 'und
teachers cOlneTrom,theCSU sys· ready for their credentials by then.
tern, and approximalely 250,000·
A, program alnled' at bringfng'
300,000 new teachers will ,be teacher aides' into, the teuching
needed'overthe ne1(t 10 years, this occupation may receive up to $10
promise isoCobv!ous'lmportanc'e milllon,
to CSUChancel10r Charles
DcvynAscher, a drania sopho~
inore at SDSU, thinks the better"There's probably, nOlhing teacher pledge couldn'thilve
Illore imporla~1 for t!le CSU to do, come at abetter time. She, like
than tQ :focus' on ,imp~ovinBthemany'other·SpSU students; ,is
publlcscllools' 'of California," , huving trouble passing Ihe Entry
Reed saldnllhetiustees meeting' Level Mathmatics lesl,,' '
',' .',
'. '
Dlrectorof'Testil1g Mike Irwin
"It's gohlg to be a lot of hard said thaI over the last (ewyears,
work over a long perl.od oC lime." an average
30 pcrceiu of new
The, trustees also pledged to SDSU, students passed, the' ELM
recruit more ,students for leaching , and 44 percent passed the English,
programs, 25 percont moreoverplIicemenl Test.
tho next two years, lind to provide
. "My 'teachers '. In high school
theprospectlvetellchers with,ear-' spent sO'IUuchtime preparing me
lierclassrQom experience and new, for the SATs that when I had to
.. '
take the'ELM, 1 wasn'Heady,"
SomeoCthe prognulls.thllt have: Ascher said; , ' ,
' ., ,.' '
already been or will fnitl"Idefinltelythlnklhat theG~U
atcd Include: transforming tellch- systemOlindlbe ,CaJiforn,hl' high
er's aides Into teachers, develop~ schools 'shl)U\a gf,ll'.t()gelbef,to
Ing yeor~rpI1Qd,9pe.rl\tl,pns,b)' hllip ~lIt sltualiop:·· , , ' . . ' .
>:" .. " ; " i ; 4 "
,; ',' ;~,' .:..• :', ~'~';::X';,:;XI~tJ~W'::
dl!~!.n~,~:e ~u.~~r ~~~ ~~p~ndlll~. '-',
program, gets paid $5.34 an hour working in student government representative for the
the College of Business.
College of Arts. Letters and Sciences.
"I work 13 hours a week at $5.34 an hour,
"I worked as a student assistant and wonwhich really sucks because I can godown to dered why our minimum wage didn't go up
McDonald's and get $5.75 basic minimum to $5,75 when the state went up," she said.
wage," Munz said.
"It's ethically wrong to pay your students
In 1976, the Supreme Court ca~e of the less than a fast food restaurant."
National League of Cities v. USery gave fed-.. I?arren Thompson, vice president of intereral employees the higher state minimum nal affairs at California State University at
Bakersfield. researched the legal aspect
But it was overturned in 1985 by the along side Humphrey.
Supreme Court ruling in the case of Garcia
As of Sept. I, Sta'nislaus raised its. miniv. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Author- mum wage to $5.75.
ity. which set precedence in offering federal
"We showed that we knew what we were
minimum wage for both state and local gov- talking about and the Associated Students
wrote a resolution and the (university) senCalifornia State University at Stanislaus ate passed it unanimollsly," Humphrey said.
won its battle of rising its minimum wage.
Because the issue is a 'federal one, CSSA
Jennifer Humphrey, a 23-year-old first- forwarded its resolution to the United States
year graduate student fought to raise the Student Association.
minimum wage when she was a senior and
SDSU' reaches ou,t to
C'ity Heights schools
University hopes to
improve situation with
$ 18 '!lillion grant
Dally Aztec staff report
'This is not a pnigram based
on the presumption that the
expertise of the university will be
used to fix, the problelils of City
Heights," Pumpiun said.
"'nsteatl. we believe Ihal if the
univcrsily and lhe
upponetl hy an $IX milli,,,)
donation. San Diego State
University will work with
Price Charities and three Cily
Heights schlxlls to address lhe
problems of inner-city education.
On Sep!. K, after IKmOlllhs of
mcctings, the San Diego School
Board passctl a proposal that targeted Rosa Parks Elemen!ary.
Monroe Clark Middle and
HlXlver High schools to participate in the program.
A Memorandum of Understanding outlining the public-private partnership has been signed
by repres~ntatives of SDSU, the
San Diegil Edl\cation Association, Price Charities, San Diego
City SChlXlls and the principals of
!'he threo targetctl schools.
According to Marc Kn;lpp.
president of the SDEA, the plan.
received overwhelming preliminary suppon from the teachers in
the union. Out of 21X) teachers
who voted, only nine were
against the plan.
Sol Price. founder of Price
Charities, is investing $18 million
as part of an all-encomp,L~sing
eftilrt to revilaJil,e the community of City Heights called the City
Heights Pilo!.
Price Charities is requiring
SDSU to meet yearly bench,
marks. hill Pumpian, education
professor and exeeulive director
of the program said,
SOSU must demonstrale that,it
can become an "aeti ve aild
responsive part" of the three City
Heights SChlXlls and that its
involvemel1t promotes literacy.
he said.
The aim of the six-year progrwlI is to create teaching hospital in which college students
and facullY will be exposed to the
educational challenges creatctl by
poverty and e!'hnie diversity.
work logether. we will shan' our
'Teaching and learning will he
improved not only in the three
public SChlXlls. but at the university as welL"
The schoqls participating in
the City Heights Pilot will have
more autonomy than other districI'schlXlls, alluwing SDSU fuculty und district teachers the nexihility to implement new pro-'
On-site governance tcams consisting 01'25 percent SDSU faculty, 50 percent teachers and 25 percent staff members, parents and
other community members wllI
wlirk wilh Pumpian 10 develop
new edueali'lnal programs antl
In lin exchange of resources,
district tc.1chers will he inslnJeling SDSU teaching sludents in
the College of Education, lind 400
SDSU tellehing students and their
faculty will he working in the
three schools cacll year.
Pumpian said he hopes that
thmugh the Pilot, a soci~1 work
internship program will he developed at sbsu. Pumpian also
Ploose see SCHOOLS poge 2
.,•."iit't".r;tf.' ,
MOlIlCAlAHfTMlolll ADoc:
WRITING ON THE WALL: The spirit 01 this mural at R9sa Parka
Elemenlary relloets tho recont agreement botweon San Diego
Stale, Price Charities and throe San DIego City schools.
arc!at noon in CPS, S'S 2109. For
more information.)call Wall
Rutherford at 594-5220.
• A semester-long group focusing
on Relatiollships Skills will meet
U~. Daily Ailec Cainpus Cal- • A Rape Aggression Defense
weekly from noon to 1:15 p.m. to
~ndar. lis(; events all ,!nd off "" Course will be held from 4:30 p.m.
discuss skills useful inUIfderstandcampus asa service to" San to 8:30 p.m. today in Scripps Coting thc nature of relationships,
lego -'State University student~, tage. The "course is 15 hours and • The Student
Hcalth Advisory effective communications and
acuity, staffand community.
will continue this Wednesday;
Board meets weekly at 10 a.m. in assertiveness in difficult relationClubs; organizations, depart- MQnday, Oct. 5; and Wednesday,
Aztlan in Aztec Center. For more ships. Call CPS a1594-5220 to regents and local community groups Oct. 7. Students ",ust purchase a
information, call 594:66J7.
ay submit writtell entries to The $13 RAD manual til The Campus
'/The Asian Pacifie Student • Meditations will bdh~ld at3 p.m.
aily Aztec city desk in the base- Store.,To reserve a space, call 594Alliance meets weekly at 12 p.m. at the Intersection House located nt
lent of the Business Administra- 1987.
in Quetzalcoatl in lower Aztec 5717 Lindo Pasco. Everyone is
iOIl alld Mathematics building, • The Meditative Experience will
Center. For more information, invited. Beginners and Zen Masoom 2. Entries may be faxed to train members in meditation, conI c a'll 5 9 4 - 4 68 5 0 r vis i t lers welcome. For more infonna94-7277, attn: city desk. Entries centration and imagery techniques, tion, call 582-4941.
plso may be e-mailed to daci- "which have proven themselves"
• Everyone is invited to join thc
[email protected]. Requests will useful for problem resolution,
• The Faculty Student Mentoring Psi-Chi and Psychology Club at
rot be t~ken over the phone. "
relaxation and physical well-being.
will hold an information 3:30 p,rn. in the Chemistry! GeoloI Entfles must contain the full This s.ix-week group. meets from 5 . Program
meeling from 12 p.m. to I p.m. in gy Building, Room 210. For more
rome ~fthe,,~/ur'{il.tltionor i ,p.m. to.6 p.m. 9n", . Mondays in
iitf6rmation, call 594'-'5418.
croup, a bnef 'd1!s~flPIIO'p of the Ic~>unsehng & Psye~ologieal Ser- f,~mil7 Studi~s ~oQm 101. For ~thc; Middle Easter:b7Club meets
~re mfonnauon, ~aJ1594-1261.
fvent or servlce;-/lme, date, filii ''Vtces, Student Services Room
'The Sport Club Cycling team will every other Thursday at 6 p.m. in
add~ess oJ. the location; the event 2109. Call 594-5220 to register.
meet at 6 p.m. in Chantico. For Quelzalcoatl, lower Aztec Center.
fee If applIcable; and a telephone • Liberal minded? Do you have a
more informalion, visit For more information,contacl the
!,umb~r for r~aders requesting
progressive stance on politics?
IlIIp://wwlY, or call club
more ill/ormatIOn.
Come meet with the SDsu Young
[email protected].
Submissions are free and are . Democrats from 5 p_m. to 6 p.m. in
• Blli/ding Self-Esteem is the focus
published on a space-available, Aztlan, lower Aztec Center. For • The Pre-Law Socicty meets of a six-week group meeling
wC;Ckly al 2 p.m. in Quetzalcoatl.
.f!rst-confe, first-served basis. The more infonnation, call Chris at
This week's guest speaker is Pro- Thursdays. Call CPS at 594-5220
Aztec reserves the right to tum "229-Q498. '
fessor Lynch ofCalifornia Western to register.
down entries. All submissions are
1fhool of Law. For'lIJore infonna}:
subject to edi(i~s for content, ! d
'upn, call 594-5655: "
space and clarlry,: Incomplete or • Library InterhetlWorld Wide
''', Cirele K Internaiional, a colle- • "Berlin to Broadway With Kurt
illegible entries will be rejected.
Web Workshop: Fall 1998 will be
giate community servi~e organiza- Weill" opens at the Experimental
The, deadline for entries is 9 field from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in
tion, meets weekly at 5:30 p.m. in Theatre on campus. It will run
a.m., the Friday before the event is the Library Addition, lower level,
Quetzalcoatl. For more infonna- through Ocl. II. Tickets cost
scheduled. The Campus Calendar Room 76. No registration is nccesbetween $7 and $12. For tickets
tion, call 677-9471 or 582-4883.
runs as space provides.
sary. For more infonnation e-mail
and information, ~all 594-6884.
Bruce at harley@ or
• First Step To Excellence mee"t.~
• A support and resource group for call 594-5014.
.. The Pilgrim Progressive Baptist from 11 a.m. to noon in CPS, SS
adults with Attention Deficit Dis- "A six-week Assertiveness TrainChurch Young Adult Choir will 2109. This 12-session experience
order (ADDI ADffA) meets week-,. ing group to assist in improving
from noo" JO I p.m. on 1$ If~r those who su(p~ct or know
Iy from 3:30 p.jIr.'jto 4:30 p.m. at licommunication skills and selft~ey have a problcll) with subthe Wcsley ..Foundat.ion, 57169,,,e:.teem meets from 9:30 p.m. to .•Monty's Outdoor rallo.
·Ai·Allon is a 12-step self-help stance abuse and'arc ready to
Hardy A~e.,Iocated Just west of 1O:30p.m.onTuesdaysinCPS.SS
organization for friends and fami- assess ·the impact this has on their
the Transll Center Bus Loop. Call 2109. To regist~r. call 594-5220.
lies of those suffering from alco- lives. For morc information, call
• Relationships Skills will be.thc
594-1115 for morc information.
holism and drug abuse. Meetings Walt Rutherford at 594-5220.
focus of a six-week group meeting
Tuesdays from II 12 p.m.
Call CPS at 594-522(} to register.
, T~e Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual,
Transgender Student Union meets
weekly at 6 p.m. in Chantico. Call
594-2737 for more infonnation.
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Finding Jesus with beer and bad behavior
w a s
back into
the world
of dating
and relationships
after my
divorce. I
had hecn
married. faithfully. for IOrlger
litan llltl."t' ()l" ytHl h.ivc heen l.lJivc.
I \1,.'l.L\ not prepared t(lr what I was
going to lind.
Thcrc arc" Its (,I' mcn (lutthcrc.
Ycs. Iikc you guys reading Ihis.
!lULl was not ready Illr thc hehaviors I was to soon encounter.
I met a variety of men in all
fields, from school, coffeehouses, online and just around. What
a remarkably friendly lot! How
open, honest, kind, generous! I
hadn't remembered men acting
that way before, so maybe it had
something to do with evolution.
Men might have had actually
!lut soon I was to find out differently. (\fteran incredibly shon
while. they were all on the same
topic. You guessed it, sex. All
these men, musicians, truck
drivers, psychologists, writers,
teachers, road workers, religious
followers and atheists wanted to
gel laid. There was nol a shred of
interest in finding OUI who I was,
what I liked, or what my hopcs
and dreams were.
Now I'm certainly no prude. I
like sex as much as the next pc~-
son. But thai quickly'! Whal Ihe
heck? What happened to that
pcriod of gelling 10 know each
olher, of spending time together.
of finding OUI if there was even
enough in common to be intimate'! It was gone. And so were
I staned to pay allention.
J saw one man for a few
months hefore finding outhc was
living with a ·woman. His
rcsponse" "Hcy. I said I wasn't
married~" How ucnsc can you
gcl. Mc. I mcan. Il,r hcing so
Thcnthcrc was the man I truly
cared tilr who dumped me on my
hirthday so hc could follow
Jesus. He said I was a had influence. What'! I don't drink or takc
drugs. I never stood in the way of
his heliefs. He continued drinking, trouble-making, and playing
.oUt his bad-boy behavior. I didn't
know you could follow Jesus
there. What did I do? He finished
me off in the relationship arena.
After pondering this and other
relationships I've been in, I have
come to a conclusion - men are
lying idiots. Did that wake you
up? Good. Just kidding.
I slaned thinking about the
way I'd been treated. Then· I
looked around at how some ofthe
women I knew were treating the
men in their lives. Same-same. I
suppose I am guilty as well. I
jump to conclusions and accuse
people of things prematurely (I
do a lot more than that, but I have
a word limit here.) In fact, when
I pay attention (Ihere's that
expression again) I sec a lot of
hurting and hunful people all
around me. First and foremost we
seem to bc huning ourselves.
Okay, this nexi pan will sound
corny, but I can't help it. I believe
it is true. We musl firsl leam to
love ourselves before we can
even begi n to love anolher
human heing. tet alone embark
on the difficult journey of a relationship. We have to look inside
ourscJ vcs and sce whal is hrokcn
and Iix il. not lind SlHlll'onc In
hlamc. II sounds so simplc. Btll
whcn was thc I'LSI lime you sal
down anti actually thought ,thout
whclher you cvcn likc yoursclr(
Would you he somcone you'd
choose as a friend'! Not me.
II's lime for a whole bunch of .
inner refleclion. Look al the way
the world is. Everyone is pissed
off at evcryone else. How many
pcople afe lruly at pcaee with
themselves'! Bet:ause if <me has
inner peace, Ihe outer will follow.
I know il sounds hokey and all
Ihat, but Ihe people who arc able
to step outside of all their selfcentered personality issues and
look tJeep within arc truly the mrl)
ones. And rarer still are the ones
who do something about whal
they sec that needs changing
My friend the Monk tells me
sluff like this all the time and I
prelly much laugh il off. I do thaI
because he's right and I don't
want 10 have to examine myself.
I'm afnlid ofwhat I will find. And
I am even more afmid -of con·
fronting my inadequacies and
r1J~ Duily A;::/U i~ publhhc::d Monday through Thunda)'
dunng the:: acadcnllc year. CAapi hothlllys and cum periods.
m UA·2. SDSU. San Diego. CA 92182·"591, Ad\'Cni)(mt:nt$
III l'ht Ot,iI)',ltutc IlIl: inSt:rtcd lUld paid for by cummt:rciAl'
1ll'II\'iIU~~ or "'CIlIUfC$ itklllified in the alb D.lId nOI by SDSU or
Ih(' CSU lIyil('lU. unkh "karl)' noted. Ad.....mlilng mOillet 1$
IhternJcd Jur II\lormallOl1,d ~~ 0111)'. and weh Illa~nal
~hould nol be 'umlfUcd a~ u written prumouqn, cndun~nlfJ11
or ill't'Clllgalionli of luch purely cOIUIIk:n:ial acli.. ilicr. or ..'('n·
by 1h.. ~iI" A:l(('.
accepting them as mine. Sure,
daddy was mean, mommy was
absent, I had mucho problemas
and excuses abound. BUI I am a
grown-up now (that may need 10
he left open for diseussion).
Who I am may be the result of
some long-ago event or even
more possibly be dictated by my
mental illness. I am bi-polar (It
used Lo be called manic depressive). :mtl it's a perfect catch-all
cxl,."usc. BUI thal is no reason to
constantly hilch. moan ano complain; thrL'C of my lilVl'rile paslimcs.
What I have to do is Icant to
make changcs inside myself to
makc myself a hcller person.
Now Ihat's some scary SlUff. I
think we all should Lry this and
see if uthers seem different to us
when' we arc happier with ourscives. And I don't mean bappier
because we lost ten pounds or gut
some award. I mean more at
peace with ourselves, our heliefs
and even having a modicum of
lrue luve for who we really are,
hecause we like what we sec.
And are proud of who we are.
!le good. Try hard. And if
something in you is broken, fix it.
Get help if you need to. leI's get
. ba~k to the luve thyself philosophy, and fix this world one person at a time. Peace.
Hobi Reader is a graduale Sill'
dell/ and a colunmisl for The
Daily Aztec. Selltl e-mail /0
[email protected].
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SD'SU's unlucky number still 10
SDSU Is 0-6 the past two
seasons against Pac-' 0
and Big Ten opponents
Whelher they arc or nOlmay slill
III won't he happening anytimc
he a question. What isn't is Ihat in
Following Thursday's 35-16 all those gUilles. including Thurs·
defcnt to Arizonu, SDSU has now day's gamt: aguinst Arizonn)s the
played a tolal of four gnmes against fnct that in cach one, the AZlecs
By David Hanna
Pnc-IO schools andlwonguinstthc have found a way to lose. While Ihe
sports EdItor
Pnc-lO's chief ri.vnl, the BigTen.
other schools havs: found a way 10
The Aztecs record in Ihose six win.
n Sun Diego Stale Athlelic
Director Rick Bay's musler gumes: ll-6. NOl exuclly whal Buy
plun, schcduling tougher leams had in mimi when he and. SDSU
nnd playing tcnms fromoulside lhe head conch Ted Tollner scheduled
Weslern Athlelic Conference wns these schools.
In Ihosc six games,lwice ngninsl
SIIP"I1.w/IO gellhe Aztecs inlo lhc
Arizona nml Wisconsin, and once
ThaI was SIII'I'OS/'i/ 10 raisc lhe ngainsl Soulhcni Cal nnd Washinglon, SDSU has liecn oUlscored
Nlecs' level of piny.
f~~~~m~::~~Jir~l2JGj "
"The hig pll1Y is hurting us right
now. just Iikc it did lasl ycar."
scnior Iincbacker·Joe Tuipnla snid_
"We just kcep shooting ourselves
in the foot, nnd thal's something
you cnn't dn nguinst Ihe tcams
we've been playing."
Ploase soo FOOTBALL on pogo 7
Be ita missed exIra point. a fUIll'
hie. an interception, a' punl
relumed for a lOuchdown, you
nnme il. lhey've done it. The hig
piny. which in pnsl yenrs was'
SDSU's fOrie, hns now proved 10
he something thaI is costing Ihem
The only way for (SDSU) as a foolballleam 10 get
betler Is 10 keep playing schools from the
Pac-lO and the Big Ten."
- Al.IOCS· ,nloty RICO CUIIIS.
Playing schools from more
respecled conferenccs, like the Big
Tcn und Puc· Ill. Wl\S suPI'0.\'t,t/ 10
lranslutc into lurger home crqwds
and more national .allention fur
SDSU's foothall prognul1.
Scheduliug mnl defeutiug these
tl'ams was sllpposedto provide lhe
hase for an entrnnee inw the Pal"
If the laSl twn seasuns nrc any
imlkulioll. mlmission intlJ the Pm:-
1')1-77. And SDSU has for the
most pnrl. excepl for thi~ yeur's
home opener nguinsl Wisconsin
nnd Inst year's game Ul Arizona.
heen severely outplayed.
"It·s disappointing thut we
couldn'l win one uguinst those
schools." said senior linehacker
Joe Jnckson. who has played in all
six of those gamcs. "After playing
those so-called hig-name schools. (
don't feel like Ihey arc Ihat Illuch
heller Iharl (SDSU)."
lll1o'llS UHOQU1S1/DoIly NI..
OH. NO YOU DON'T: SDSU quarterback Brian Russell Is caughl by the loco mask by on Arizona dofendor
during last Thursday's ;1&-161085 by SDSU. Tho Azlacs havalosf six limos In fho pasf fwo YOOls 10 foams from tho
Pac-IO and Big Ton conlerences. Facing compalilion IIko tho Wildcats. SDSU hopos. will holp thom Improvo.
. .
Tlfert?"s seWJ¢fHiii-g abelJf Larry
Ned makes the most of his
first start In, 144-y'ard debut
By Shown Jansen
Staff Writer.
Lnst Thursdu)"nlghl wus Lurry Ned's
coming out p~rly,
Tlte, Snn piego, SUIte running buck
danced 'through Ihe University of Ari1.0111i'sdefense to Ihetuncof 144 yurds.
on 33, carrles,lInd nne touchdown,
Not bnd for his first start:
It's eyen more /lmnzing when you consider the Wildcals defense hUd only
given up an averageofnbont 60 ynrds a
gnllle through Ihelr firstlltree gllllles.
Ned, usophomore. knew going Into tlte
,game Ihul hewus going lobe Ih~ guylhe
Aztecs went 10 gelyllrds on tlte ground
with slnrtlng running bnck Janus Lewis
olllwllh nn'ankle fnjurYi
It WIlS obvious thaI Ned respondcd 10
the ehullenge well.
l_,~i i[,i~f~l;~ ~ :~ I~;':.i~ S;: ",v; ·
. •. ~.'.....'·'
.. :'"
' '.' .• ', ....'If
~.~. .
'", '·"'.;"·,i' i".';"·':'"
"It fell kind of good knowing I was
going 10 be the gUY," Ned SUII!' "I fell
more Import/lnt lind fell like I hud more
responsllilllIY.:" I fell like I gOI ,more
comforluble /IS the gume wenIIlJong."
In lhe AZlecs 35-16 loss to Arizona,
Ned was SDSU's mllin lind sometimes
only offensive weapon.
His performnnee cuughtthe eyes of his
teammates n.nd ')pponellls.
"Lurry's u greut runlling buck," tllUtllmute DlIllIon Oilllrdine suid. "HefllnS as
hllrdns unyhody I've ever seen."
Wildents' heud couch Dick Totiley suw
more thun he needed of Ned frmll' the
sidelinc. .
"Snn Diego SlUtc's huck WIIS tcrril'ic,"
hc Saill. "I'm nul sure we'Vll pillyed
against someone quile like him in a long,
long timc."
Ncd showed all the skills a good back
nccds. He showed his agillly, speed nnd
powet. Oncn he bounced off the firsl
Incklcr nndpicked up thrce or fOllr more
ynrds. It lOok three or four Wildcuts 10
bring him down.
A humble Ned credited his guys lip
"It's prelly simple when the offensive
down to Ihe firstll\clctcr," Nc;d said,
>,' ",., .,;. " '", .. : ._,.,,·;,,!,:,<~VII~~'OIlOpr\lbt.e:rQN~tltl!dliaYOwM.puillnB
~IJTQF7H~/R~~~H:~ l.clityN~tJud" Ar~ d"~llrJell·.on ~01 ,..~ cOidWIQlt.· the: ba.1I onlhc Bt'Ound'liQlul1~blcdIWlcc '
IllUradOy:Ille lophOmQIe /UMI/lO boclI ftnllhed with 144 YO/Olin N' n,.. "art ot an Aztec,"
, . , .'
; , ', ,;"
In the first hnlf. wllh ooe being recovered
by Arizona und ImUing an AzlCc dri vc
inside the Wildellts' 20-yurd line.
"Thlltwo fumhles were u Inck lIf cnn·
centtlllion," Ned said. "I was Irying to do
'somelhing'elllrn. I was trying to getlluIRide lind mllke u big pluy und II came
out... ·
Even Ihough he mUde the two firstltulf
fumhles he didn'l let Ihem get him down.
In fUCl, he gained 76 of his yards 'In the
second hull'.
"Ned would not go down llJnighl."
SDSU hClId couch Ted Tullner said. "lie
put OUt 1\ great cfforl lifter the fi.rst hit.
Thc I1rsl guy rurcly hrought him down
tunighl. Hc ran rcally hlird lind evcn
thoullh he fumbled twlcc. hc buunced
huck und hnd n gUild gttme,"
Even with his individual sucecss. Ncd
knows Ihe team climes first.Thal·s why
he wnsn't luO excited after Ihe llamc
ahoul his accomplishments. Hllwnllted a
will more,
"For me this gUmll WlIS hillerswcel,"
Ned snld. "Ilhink I did OK.. hUI u win is
mosllmportilOl: We're prelly hungry and
we're knocking on 'the dllor,"
Agllinst TulslI Itexl Saturday, Janus'
Lewis Is expecled 10 be buck, If Ned can
give the 1I:llm -close 'to ~hat he did lus't
Th\lrsdlly,the A:t.lecs will hu~e II double
, backfield threat few defenses wlJl be able
10 slOp, , .
'''If (Lewis) Is beller,'~ Tomeysnld,
"then'lhey'v\: eOI. IWO or the besl
#,i ll:"·II1:1
Aztecs awaken for 1-0 win
Hall stonewalls Hornets
for third shutout of year
very organized and eliminated the
mistakes that we had been doing in
the past. I am very proud of the
By Jose Castro
With the win,the Aztecs improved
Staff Writer
their season record to 4-3-1 and
snapped a two-game losing streak.
Sometimes all a team needs is a
wake-up call.
SDSU got its only
Afler the San
£];;l:U;:;~Qil~M:lli.1::!;l1Jf£;g:1!:tl! goaljustbeforehalfDiego State men's
time, when forward
soccer team was
Michael Bradbury
em barrasse d by CaI
got an assist from
State Northridge last
and luckily one goal was enough.·
Darren Parker in the
44th minute. With
Tuesday, losing 5-1,
- SDSU forward Michael Bladbury
the team was eerthe goal; Bradbury
tainly looking to mr\1!2jl1J':::?£:2::1:;';ii'j'fJ'2;;i]);.;u:JJ;C;llI;w1i"§trli'ZZ;~~r"clm::.'1ll~;'~:il\limimJ
tied David B~llran
for the team lead in lli.;;i2.2J~::':::::S:~:":::i..;..::zi:..!..J..::...£2:2..k
, "I was very happy of tile way we
I r th
'th th
goa s ,or e season WI
HEADS UP: The Aztecs' Michael Bradbury (18) scored SDSU's lone
played;" Kirshner said. "We were
Please see SOCCER on poge 7 goal In a 1-0 v.:ln over Sacramento. Stale lasl Friday.
They did more than that, defeating
Sacramento State by the score of I-l:l
on Friday.
SDSU assistant coach Lev Kirshncr said he was very pleased with the
effort his team gave.
_ - . e . -...........
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satisfit;d with his perfonnance but still has
room to improve. .
"Playing goalie, you always feel you've
continued from page 6
got to improve everyday," Hall said.
Bradbury said he was pleased more with ''There's always things I could do beller,
the team's defensive effort than the but today' I was prclly satisfied with the
way I played."
"Our defense came through big," BradHall made foursaves to add to his seabury said. "We got the shutout and luckily son total of 38. Hall improved his GAA to
one goal was enough."
1.20 for the year.
Bradbury added that he was also happy
Kirshner said he was happy with Hall's
with how the team played..
. effort and his whole squad's effort overall.
"I definitely thought we deserved to
"Mall had a very good game for us," Kirwin," Bradbury said. "We put forth a good shner said. "Darren (Perry) and Seoll
effort. We won the game, so we can't com- Schmid also had a great game for us. But,
it was a very well played game forthe team
The Aztecs can't complain about their in general."
goalkeeper, Mall Hall who had another
The Aztecs' next home game .is Sunday
strong perfonnance, shulling out a team for Ocl. 4, when they host UC Irvine.
the third lime this season. Hall said he was
Maybe next time SDSU will be wide
Students, faculty M'd staff are invited to attend
San Diego State University's viewing site of the national teleconference:
'and in the prcvious twogup1csthat they
can shut down those sehools(~hen thcire
not pinned deep in their.own territory.
Added SDSUwide re~eiver Damon
'Thescthings nil give the Aztecs reason
Gourdine,''Y'e show flashes of greatness to be optimistic that they, can, someday
sometimes;thellwe make a lot of mis- compete and defeat teams from the Pace10
tilkes;'! .
and Big Ten. '". ,'.
;. ' The teams the Azteeshave been play"From what I've seen in th~ pastweeks,
109 as of late simply don't do that The I believe that we've gut .a chance ,to
t1iree schools they've played this seasOn .becomea lilIented footballtCam," Tolbter
~allranked iti the Top 20 in the nation. . said. "I'm noijust reaching for a fantasy
Arizona; usc. and Wisconsin don't play' hope. I rcaUy do' believ¢ we can get betschools IikeSDSU to get respect, they ter."
schedule th~m to prepare for conferenceA~d according tri SDSU safety Rico
','" ',.Curtis,t()do thallhey mUst continue on
-'And if'the Aztecs are to. somedliy be' their presenlc()urse. ,"
considered on pitt with schoolS from the
''The only ·way ,for (the Aztecs) asa
Pac-lO, theymustjl~ysically go out and . football team II,> get beueris·to keep play-.
. ing schools froID the Pac-I 0 <and the Big
defeat them. "
. "While the wins haven't come, there
Ten," Curtis said; "If we keep . playing
slg~sthritshQwthey may not be too far those schools,Tihinkwithoul.question
bel~l~d...1 .,. ". ", thaloJie day it willbC us beating them."
.'WJlhout adoubt,SDSU has one ofthe,SDSUwill'get their chance to do thilt
best.piJirs?f running bact.5bri the West ,nextseasonj they play ~th the PaC,-lO's
,CollSt.;TheICQcfense showed on Thursday. USC and.Dllnois of the Big Ten.
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$I,OOOIOOy. Call Becky 0 619-318·B165
rlB<Il rlll<ll rlll<ll rlll<ll rlB<Il.rlB<Il
rlB<Il • Kl: • rlB<Il • Kl: • rlB<Il
Free Cash Grantsl
reqd. Call Wordy 523-1505
Pan TUlle. At Home. TOil Froo (1} .800-218-9000
Ext. T·1729 for Ustings
SEIZED CA'l.S from $17$. PotSChO'.
Cadillocs, Chevys, BMW•• Corwttes. Also Jeeps.
4WD's, Your Area. Toll Freo 1·BQO.21e·9000
~rrmmmCOLORAGO.AV8AcnlRanchSl~. ~
KJasllc Kids Childcare Centers are hiring. PIT M-F:
Morning and afternoon positlOM.
$6.75hv. experience working wI children
KlosStt Kids Childcare ~n1e~ are hiring prr tJ·F.
Moming and afternoon positions.
$6.75/hr. Experieoce working wI children
t8qd. C8111(.,;1h 566·5740
4224. MisSIOn Yalley (619)291·1030, Chu1Q. Vis1a
Sel.. Rap Neaded 10 Sell Cellular Phonas
'Earn Xtta Cash. Your own hOurs.. 965-8836
SluR envelopes at homo for $2,00 each plus
bonuses, FIT. PIT, Make $800+ weekly.
gUllTanleodl Free supplies, For detolls, send one
stamp to: N·26. 12021 Wilshire Blvd.,
Suile 552. los Angeles, CA. 90025
Q.nd 0 posltiYO almosphore. Downlown{619)233-
$.$$ paid. Ask lor I<cn 479.711 1x4402
Oct. t 7th ELM eXlllll
D: Sun/Mun: Nuv. 81h+91h Slim
gCII~ a.lhlllllllgC, d~d;'~:a.~ n:ling: 10 l.'ibq ~.SIC"
Aric" H·.t.,'dI21-APiJ 19J -, Tnday·i,. 5 .. Urrununily lJKlCk,
tuwy. Cuuld be lhc ch.tncc fur a fICOlOOlion ... ral!lC.'. (. c..'cn a
The A+ Review includes live
.instruction. materials, food.
Instructors are certified,
hold Master's De rees.
OFFICE: 589·9900 M·F 1·6pm
24hr rosBrvatlDns: 589·9500
The ve
DES I Instructors!
Monda~t. 28th
Vqo (ADJ. 2J.St'pt 22) " TllW)' 1\ .t 7 .. (ii.'1 ~lgt:lh" with
your .wC(lbcll1..oo iJbcuu)'QUt Cuwn.: ploiru. U )VU dllll'lll;I\C
any rulUJt! plaN..lhc:n make sum.: uP: If you dun't haw It '''H'l:t·
!Jcan, £t''''hcn: you~ Uldytofioo~,Mlktha.y It. lun' In
corne to you, ho.'\7au\C CUl1wUU!:l\ are rlaN (IX that 10 ~n
ut.,. (St.,..t. 2J·Oel. 2]) --:tWa)' i!o a b -- YI)U'rc coins; to corne
up lpin~1 a ~&ali.UQ lhal\ ~nr.d: berm:. ¥uu didn't like II
)'oU mlaJU nol Iik it DQW;1bc clullcngc Is 10 Iwdll: It
Ihtn and
~ar< '",~:.~",<" . 'Z
.' ~ h&vc to~I!~)'
It., Ukl. U·Npv. 2') .. lbJaY
~ Ytnit'C trytn,llI tin
,urllCllUng )'ou're not quite lWC about. CurllJhiun$ aren'l reall)'
,.,hIn" . .
I._Job. Yoot 'IJ'CI!~. wlO be natCU! 8!JW. YO\I""'" """.
WI; 10 I"'" bo...... """" )"011'4 tits to 11m: 1I)OUr boss.
. 10pp0nl'" dlllot. _""", daesn". "'1IIl )"OII ••
• "1Is')"OII_I.mlncL~ .. IhIa"·8J\"I'I'OrtlioIl)'IqI'Cl_
Tbc:n:'l wm:thia, you know bqw 10 do thai d'lis J'Il.'YKlQ hmls' ' . ,llln.lO_ Wbco)"OllICl/Oth<o<l...ldcorlhl,)"OIIC8l!;'
Fird WI whalll h,.&Pd ofTtt 'io/Jr 1It."nie:t$:
,\lSI: Ihcm(~.~~ehc. ~ "up WUO')'lna:.'~tIe
TI~ (AfWll zo-i1'a12~) _:~)' h .i':':: ~ng d'lIl 'oil""
When preparing for the ELM, takeA+Rev~ew, the#1 ELM I
I Review. Don't take chances with f1y-bY-nlg~t companies. I
I Be sure you are taking an experienced revIew company. I
Ilnsist on the ELM leader. Ask fOf A+ Reviell!. by name.
A: Sun/Mon: Oel. tllh+12lh Slim
~oY. 22·Pot. 21) ~1W:a)' Is • 6 ~It klob li~ a,:
. _ o r 7llllfJ COIIIlI be
_cl'io!ol<ma. Tbll _ . l
u, ItOUble. ""_II";III~y "",. YO\IlllIY·b.a", \0 .:. Inl1lll'O )"011_01'''''')"011 "" be. b1,lleJp. Yoolo sble ......
not ,..., wclJ )"<......, ...'" l"IInll£ll1coedWl wills WJ)/ .,.
dunet' wnncthlnJ: hL-re tW' t\lt"eu soorthin. thnr 10 J('t It perklOL. hut 10001)' lhir, ,tMni tu be ,W)'lisinsty ea~y. (Jon'1 "un)
cH-rYlhin,', ,oing 10 he fine.
Gl"mml (MlY 21·Jurll.' 211" "l'Lda)' b.)·· Jla~'c )"Ilu&lwn
IJlLlI:h lhuu~hllO )0Uf lUlure1 Ha'o1: you rn'fl-Ul.'" Inlk "'fet)'
net Ill'· }uunclf! Il~ atoUlll yuur nelt!"."., '1C1u m.ay nul tr tlolr
ueulally eUIJ.:L'f1ll,.'ll ",h(lullhc~ IUtl:ie~, hul mayhe yuu ~hllUkJ he
.,' _.
'. . . . '
10 mab fW1lCIlt;aJ plaru_ 00 abt. _lib lbaI pcnm', Idcaa lOday,
Yuu11 no' gLuJ )'uu wJ
Ulk'.2!'JUI) ;.'!2)" TliJay 1\ a.s .- You L'tlUliJ rUIl mill I
({I"b.) YllI,U" (lUUll.'f dot:~n't 'lUl\c lPn.' .uth )l"
Uun,,, ihuuW t.., iJoJlI: At (u~t thl..' fc w:'.. m~ hi I..' nu
room hlf eUJIl(WUtlll~. hut 1!!oIlI'~ nol !hi: n~. YIIU'I't: lw.lth lirllllll
YUW" lJIpilUum. tllli .... llIinw lulcam. Gclll1l1t'lL~U"C UullJ part) ttl
rtato'wlkW. If nn:C)~
a ().- II', tUl'l: tu gel h.ld.lU
"'UI~. TIle muun hon Ion&: imn Capll:LW'n, Ant! tNllblUlly ITIL';UI~
yw tu.. c lu get b,n)' "uu JlV,N L'\-"t'n'oe in 0...- lnoOO IU do aul
Ih.....flllly )'UU 11\'. ht.'nuW: IhIr, IhI= .iC1ld.l Dunt C~L-n pLan
unlillatl'f In Ulc
'II"l.",·l, WL,Jncw),)' II Ihe eulic~1
~y tJ.1Ilc~
tbe"·lh~.. do:tIl'I'd"l'unfliooi.
AltuUlu~ lJan. :m·Fl,.'b HI) .. l'u.Uy I) I 7 .. You rrt.l)' h.lw I1wil:
lUI HUt.-r in jc~l, hul IoUlllCLuJy'~ huillin¥ YIlU lu it II ~hllukllwn
llul OK, llUl )'llU'Illla\'l~ III try ~1.III.'lIUllM )IIUlt' nut um' will
Wid. ll'~ a link IiJO ~",.(l 50 he loW\.' l,.'\L'f}·~ I..'en thtlU£hl
lhtuujh (If"1l.'fI)' yoq
k'l! tu tIlL· J1l."f~un willi," pU\h
ill~, llJkI buy ytlW~U. Iilde lUlU lillie
h. b "
YUUI Inctll,h arl" up
aitlln~t. p"~llcm thl:) CAlIC Ii,un: tlUe ht1\ll to ~,hc. YtlU"t" h'f)
L'fC~UVC anLJ mlullht:, A hUn&:h )·uu tu.. c cuulll kiW tu lhc Jt,ulu·
~Oll. Su ,Jull'l gi\'t' uJl, C\'l"n H thing, h.ll hllfIl.'lc~~ Utlll't b .. lim
Itl'll by "'hcth...., lW nue )uu thirl1. WO'l"Ullnj', (ll.b\thlc YIIW"~ h
Uti.. UI-n uf fllith And ,nUlLks. rt.'1,rmt.',"!
Need to GE.T AWAY?
Auoc.iued Sll(denu of SDSU
hltp :llwww _sdsu .edu/u/uc
CalJriCOO1 (lk"l,;. 22·JaJl. 19) -llJJ.ay h a h .. If you"c fuU"wing
~JOll.'bolJy ..... hHnn't"JUt \Ill hi, IIr h!..,- mlnd.)'ou t.'WkI gt.·t
JWL'U), fnutJlltIJ. Y,MIn: an OCl:lkru ~1":1t. ant yout ll'cpt h tH
lead fMcn. You're ntti."n put in a Jl'l»ilillfl "'hen:' !tur, l'lt.wr.\iU}.
!oil )'OU IruShl fed ,uc'!04'll, huilltal'~ OK, E"'-'1ylhinl! h ..H.... ing
I"\U"~ (,:Cb. 19·Mareh 201 .. TeaJ.l)'
u'U cJuly 2],Aull. 221 .. TWa) h
~_ _.....
matlen toon'ob}n:ilvl"ly. woJ1'('f yncrfml,hl. U'YC'the murkhlCU~ un lk rc.ulu they'd Illc tu Ilflldocc in ahuull.... u )t'M\
. . !;.;:~
Renta·ls at
"1 Health C1ub'for the St!ldent 8od~,,and,rm;Ch'~"1