annual report - BRSI — Belgian Road Safety Institute


annual report - BRSI — Belgian Road Safety Institute
BIVV - jaarverslag 2012
annual report
Traf f ic Non-Saf et y Survey
The BRSI launched the first Traffic Non-Safety Survey to look into the causes of road users feeling unsafe in traffic and to
determine the most annoying practices in traffic.
Pedest rian Cert if icat e
The Pedestrian Certificate was introduced in cooperation with Brussels Mobility to train young children in pedestrian road
Accredit at ion expansion f or t he alcoholomet ry laborat ory
Accreditation expansion for the testing of single use chemical alcohol tests in accordance with the French standard NF X20702.
New accredit at ions f or t he laborat ories
With regard to quality, the (new) accredited tests ISO17025 during the last Belac audit are:
MEC-57: Certification and primitive verification tests of chassis dynamometers.
CAS-83: Certification test of bicycle helmets.
CAS-84: Certification test of children’s helmets.
ALC-91/30: Chemical ethylotest.
Wacy project kick-of f
Wacy-project kick-off where Walloon pilot-bicycle municipalities are guided within the framework of the Walloon agreement.
Driver Improvement working groups
Driver Improvement delivers a report related to alternative measures to the Federal Road Safety Commission working group.
Recommendation 12: The FCVV recommends an integrated approach andconcrete measures to punish repeat offenders in an
effective way.
Recommendation 15: The FCVV recommends that further educational criminal measures be developed such as extending
Belgian Road Safety Institute • T +32 2 244 15 11 • • [email protected]
alternative legal measures fortraffic offenders.
Belgian Road Safety Institute • T +32 2 244 15 11 • • [email protected]