Jirafa Toolbox in full colour


Jirafa Toolbox in full colour
The Jirafa Project
CISV Norway and CISV Colombia, with the support of
Fredskorpset arrange every year an exchange project for four
youths between 21 and 27 years olds. Each project is part of
a long-term cooperation plan between CISV Colombia and
CISV Norway in a joint effort to strengthen both
organisations through an exchange of knowledge and best
practices. The projects goals is to contribute in local and
international activities, workshops and seminars, and to
produce educational tools around the projects theme. This
year the CISV content area will be Conflict and Resolution.
2014-2015 project is called The Jirafa Project.
This toolbox is for you guys to prepare for camps, so that you
can get the most out of 2015 content area: Conflict and
resolution. The Jirafa toolbox is created by: David Gomez,
Juan David Valencia, Sigrid Elena Hauge and May Linn
Orkelbog based on their workshops and activities in CISV.
Why The Jirafa Project?
The Giraffe Vs. Jackal language, its a concept wellknow in the conflict resolution world thanks to Dr.
Marshall B. Rosenberg
The giraffe do ← have…
These two animals represents the way we
communicate to each other. Communication can
often cause conflict, but it can also be the solution.
A person speaking the jackal language would say:”I
feel angry because you..” while a person speaking
giraffe language would say “I feel angry because I
want…”. The style we choose to communicate to
each other is very important, especially within
conflict resolution. However, it is also quite difficult
speaking the giraffe way. It takes a lot of practice,
and many times it is easy to start blaming the other
person and use “you” language, instead of “I”.
before ←
better ←
empathy ← Big heart
To turn yourself into a giraffe just follow these steps
when facing a conflict:
1) Observe: Tell exactly what the other did, that you
didn’t like.
2) Feel: What do you feel when this happens?
3) Need: Which of your needs have not been
4) Wish: What can be done differently in the future?
You need an achievable wish.
Activity 1 - Identify Conflict
The idea behind this activity is to show that conflict
is not just negative, but an inherent part of
everyone’s daily life. In fact a conflict handled in a
productive way can lead to positive growth and
Materials: Markers and a big piece of paper.
Suggested time: 30 minutes.
Ask the participants to write down their associating
words. When that part is finished ask the
participants what they mean with each word, and
why they wrote that word.
If there are no positive words, suggests that one of
the words on the paper could be "development” or
“positive”, and ask them why these words could fit
on the paper.
Educational goals and indicators
A conflict have different outcomes, not all of them
are satisfactory for one or both parts, which leads to
frustration. This can affect in different ways and can
be really serious and energy consuming for those
that conflict shouldn’t be avoided and is part of everyones life.
that there might be positive outcomes from a conflict.
The word conflict might seem a little abstract and
difficult to identify for many people, especially
because the media and some agents just associate
conflict with violence.
what a conflict could be.
Have a big piece of paper on the floor with the word
Nevertheless there is also outcomes from conflicts
that can benefit all parts involved, leading to a
transcendence state of peace building.
What is conflict?
“Conflict is likely to be experienced whenever ideas,
activities, structures and people change in relation to each
other. Since change is not only inevitable but also often
desirable, conflict is unavoidable as well” (Francis
A: Attitude
As Francis presented conflict is present in our
everyday life, it can be negative or positive. That all
depends on how you decide to approach it. Johan
Galtung have proposed that conflict can be seen as
a triangle. In this triangle you have A: Attitudes, B:
Behaviour and C: Contradiction.
B: Behaviour
C: Contradiction
A for Attitude: Parties perception and mi-
According to Galtung all three components are
present in a conflict. Conflict is a dynamic process
where structure, attitudes and behaviour are
constantly changing and influencing each other.
When this dynamic develops, the parties can
organise around the structure that surfaces in order
to pursue their interests (Ramsbotham 2011:12).
This is when a conflict can intensify and spread. In
violent conflicts the parties tend to make
stereotypes of each others or dehumanise the
other part to justify their actions.
sperceptions of each other. Attitudes are often
influenced by emotions such as hate, fear, anger
and so on.
B for Behaviour: The way you wish to show the
conflict. Can be threats or attacks, but it can also be
C for Contradiction: Refers to the underlying conflict
situation, which includes the “incompatibility of
Sources: Francis, D. (2004). Culture, Power Asymmetries and
Gender in Conflict Transformation. Berghof Research Centre
R a m s b o t h a m , O ( 2 01 1 ) C o n t e m p o r a r y C o n f l i c t
Resolution 3rd ed. Polity Press.
Activity 2 - Four words on communication
(This activity is taken from the book: Fra konflikt til samarbeid
2006 by Geir Dale.)
2. Tell them they have two minutes to do this.
3. When everyone have written down their four
words, tell them to pair up with a partner. Give
the pairs a new post-it and tell them that
together they will make a new list with four
words about communication. No new words that
were not on their first lists can be added. If their
words and ideas abut communication are very
different, make them reach a compromise. They
have four minutes to do this.
Communicating in a proper manner is very
important in order to gain knowledge and
understanding of a current situation. This activity
has the goal of increasing awareness about
communication and what is important in order to
achieve good communication.
Materials: Pens, post-its and a board/big paper
where you write “4 words on communication”.
Suggested time: 30-45 minutes.
4. This process continues so the pair of two will
find another pair and make a group of four, and
then the group of four will make a group of
eight and so on until the whole group works
together. Eventually there will just be one post-it
with four words. As the groups gets bigger you
can give them less time, making them feel like
they are under time pressure.
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
Be able to:
s h a r e o p i n i o n s a b o u t be more aware about what is
important in communication.
respect others opinions and
5. These last four words are written down on the
board/big paper where you wrote “4 words on
1. Give all the participants a post-it and a pen. Ask
them to write down four words they think are
the most important elements for good
Activity 2 - Four words on communication
Why do you have those four words on the board?
What do you mean with the words there?
Where your words similar or different?
Was it difficult to make compromises?
Was it difficult to give up words that you liked?
Are you all happy with the four words you ended
up with? Why not?
Did you feel heard or seen in this process?
Did anyone take “leadership” / did anyone
withdraw from the process?
How did you feel when the group became bigger?
Because of time restrictions was it difficult
coming to an agreement? Would the words on the
board be different if you had more time?
Did you use those four elements during the
Activity 3 - Nonverbal communication is also important
Nonverbal communication is a part of the whole
communication process. It is said that over half of
our communication is non verbal (Mehrabian,
Nonverbal Communication 2007). There are several
examples of nonverbal communication like facial
expressions, eye contact, touching, tone of voice,
posture, time systems, physical space, etc.
Materials: Pre-made papers with the instructions.
Suggested Time: 45 minutes.
4. All groups will probably be stuck in the first task
and none of them will try to enforced second
one that is the one achievable (TIP: the
facilitator should never say what order to
accomplish the tasks). Cut the activity there and
continue to the debriefing.
• How did you communicate?
• Was it hard to achieve the goals without talking?
• The first task was different for all groups but the
second was the same, did you manage to do the
• If you didn’t, why did you get stuck?
• How can you relate this to conflict resolution?
• How aware of your nonverbal communication are
you in your daily live?
• Do you think that being aware can make the
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
Be able to:
cooperate as me- r e c o g n i s e yo u r
mbers of a team.
own reactions when challenged.
use nonverbal
communication in observe other vaa better way.
riables in conflict
and resolution.
Get all the groups to make one shape
together. Every group should have a
different shape, but they don’t know that.
(e.g. Group 1 have to get all the groups to
make a circle, but Group 2 have to get all
the groups to make a square).
Get all the groups to make a CISV sign
that 80% of the
1. Divide the group in at least three different
2. The activity should be done in complete silence.
3. The groups should receive a paper with two
Activity 4 - An original shoe design (Empathy Activity)
The word empathy is often related to the ability “to
step into someone else’s shoes” or “to see from the
other’s point of view”. Empathy is the idea of an
appropriate response or action as part of an ability
to identify or understand another’s position
(Gordon, 2007). Empathy can shape the direction
that a conflict can have. When you have a greater
understanding of a situation, you are already
humanizing the conflict. By doing this, it is easier to
understand what can be changed and what cannot.
Empathy can also help to understand feelings,
needs and wishes of the actors involved and further
more their behaviour and actions.
1. Divide the group in pairs.
2. Talking is not allowed
3. Each person will design a shoe for his/her
partner. It will represent the point of view and
identity of him/her, according to these
1. What do you think is the most important
thing for your partner?
2. What do you think is what he/she hates
the most?
3. What do you think he/she needs the
Materials: Papers and colours.
Suggested time: 45 minutes.
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
Be able to:
react positive abo- identify or unde- why empathy is
ut other peoples rstand another’s important to solve
feelings, interests position.
a conflict in a
and ne-eds.
positive way.
use nonverbal
communication in
a better way.
Why did we do this activity?
Was it hard to imagine the answers?
Did you like the shoe that was made for you, does
it represent you?
Why is important to have empathy in conflict
Why do we relate empathy with shoes?
Gordon, M. (2007). Roots of empathy: changing the
world, child by child. Toronto: T. Allen Publishers.
Activity 5 - Giraffe language, what is that?
After this activity the participants should gain
knowledge of the Giraffe Language. For further
information take a look at page 2 about the Giraffe
vs. Jackal language.
Materials: Paper and markers.
Suggested Time: 30 minutes.
4. Each group should stand in front of the whole
group and present their answer to both
5. After their explanation they should their piece on
the big giraffe drawing. Before starting the
debriefing you should do an introduction to the
Giraffe Language theory.
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
The giraffe language theory is very helpful to gain a
better attitude towards conflict. If everyone stops for
one moment and think of these four attitudes there
are high chances to have a better communication
use Giraffe language as a the nonviolent communidaily life tool.
cation theory by Ma-rshall
1. Prepare a drawing in the shape of a giraffe, and
other four drawings that represent: Active
listening, thinking before speaking, having a
better overview and showing empathy.
2. Make four different groups, and give each group
one representing drawing.
3. Then ask the groups to discuss about: What is
communication? How they can relate the
drawing they got to communication?
What do you see in the drawing?
Do you think one of these characteristics is more
important than the others?
Would you add another characteristic?
Which one of this characteristics can you relate
the most to?
Why do you think that good communication is
How would you respond to someone using the
giraffe language while speaking to you?
Would you respond different if they use the jackal
Activity 6 - Dialogue not Debate
Materials: Small papers with random themes
(socks, potatoes, dogs, etc.), post-its, pens, two big
posters and a marker.
Suggested time: 30 minutes.
debate and and on the other characteristics they
think belongs to dialogue.
7. Write debate on one poster and dialogue on the
8. Make the participants put their post-its on the
9. Discuss why they put this characteristics.
10.The facilitator explains the difference between
dialogue and debate, and clarify the concept
created by the group.
11.Repeat the activity but ask them to use dialogue
(ask questions and listen to answers ).
12.After 2 minutes the facilitator says that they
have 1 minute to come to an agreement.
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
Be able to:
use dialogue as a use dialogue in the dif ferences
tool for conflict t h e i r d a i l y l i fe between dialogue
w h i l e h a n d l i n g and debate.
1. Make a bowl full of papers with random themes.
2. Get everyone to take a piece of paper and make
3. They open their papers and read it out lout for
their partners.
4. For 3 minutes they have to discuss why their
theme is better than their partner’s.
5. Gather everybody in a circle.
6. Give the participants two post-its. On one they
should write characteristics they think belongs to
How was the first part of the activity?
How did it feel to discuss the theme in the first
part? How did it feel in the second part? which
one did you like better?
When do you use debate in your daily life? Can
you give an example?
When do you use dialogue in your daily life? Can
you give an example?
How did you come to an agreement?
Support Material - Dialogue not Debate
What is a dialogue?
Dialogue comes from the greek word dialogos
(Dia="between or among” and Logos= "the word”).
What dialogue seeks to do is to find a shared
connection. People are not concerned about taking
sides and about winning or losing, like in a debate.
Rather they seek to find a middle point were one listen
respectfully to each other. During dialogue people are
also open to be wrong and change their opinion. By
doing this one can gain new knowledge and greater
understanding so that common answer is reached.
What is a debate/discussion?
A debate/discussion is usually more threatening,
where the parties takes sides. Usually one is not very
concerned about the others opinions and people have
a strong commitment to their own point of view. In
debates it is not uncommon to defend assumptions as
if they were truth. It is also more common to listen
after flaws and to counter them with arguments. This
makes it difficult to reach a solution.
Activity 7 - Creative Problem Solving
“The blockage of creativity may open the gates of
destruction.” - Patrick McCarthy
Materials: Papers for everyone.
4. Fold it again
5. Then rip two of the corners
5. Tell them to open their eyes and show their piece
of paper.
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
Be able to:
think that there are different think outside the box.
ways to solve conflicts.
1. Everyone gets a piece of paper.
2. Tell them that they will make a device that will
make it possible to create peace. What they just
have to do is to follow the instructions carefully.
3. Then they have to close their eyes or be
4. Tell them to hold the paper, and follow the
instructions you give.
1. Fold the paper one time
2. Fold it one more time
3. Rip the corners
What do you have?
Does the others look very different?
The ones who don't look the same as you, is it
because they did not follow the instructions?
Can you think that there are many ways to solve
peace? Its not just one device.
With the same instructions we can get our own
interpretations and solutions. Is that a good
Photo by: Sheila Sund (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sheila_sund/)
Activity 8 - Addressing different conflict styles - I Want the Banana!
“The more alternatives, the less likely the violence” – Johan
1. Make two groups (between 4-6 in each, this will
make them more active in the activity).
2. You serve as the judge in the activity.
3. The groups are on each side, and you (judges)
place the banana in the middle of the table.
4. Present the case to each group without the
other group knowing: “Your client will die if he
does not eat banana”. None of the groups
should know that they have the same
5. One client is: A hardworking dad that supports
his family and gives to charity. The other client
is: A Nurse and single mother with three
children, she does volunteer work in her local
6. The participants have two minutes to prepare
their case to why they should have the banana.
They have to convince the judge.
7. You as a judge will not accept the outcome of
the first two rounds. This is for them to think of
as many solutions as possible.
8. They get two more minutes to discuss new
solutions. This could be repeated as many
rounds as you will like for them to approach as
many conflict styles as possible.
9. How will they solve this conflict so everyone is
This activity is taken and adapted from Johan
Galtung and his thesis on conflict transformation.
Conflict styles is about different ways to approach a
conflict. The goal of this activity is to give the
participants additional knowledge about the styles.
Please take a look to the graph on conflict styles
(page 17). This illustrates the five approaches to
solve a conflict.
Materials: A banana, pre-made team instructions
and miscellaneous things to make participants feel
like they are in a court room.
Suggested Time: 1 hour.
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
Be able to:
observe and un- use different coderstand people’s nflict styles.
conflict styles.
develop creative
solutions to conflicts.
that there are different ways to respond to conflict.
that actors in a
conflict may have
dif ferent power
and authority.
Activity 8 - Addressing different conflict styles - I Want the Banana!
These are some questions that can help you to do
de debrief:
There are several ways to address conflicts. The
idea with this activity is to let the participants know
the different possibilities. Usually there is a high
priority in conflict situation to defend personal
As you can see in the conflict styles table (page
16-18) there are endless options to solve the
banana-conflict, which one will you go for? The most
obvious and the reason why you should not accept
the first outcomes is that both groups will go for a
win-lose situation (contending style). They want that
banana for their client, even though they hear that
the other groups client will die too if they do not get
This can then be generalized into larger conflicts
between nations or actors. Conflicts between
individuals and within countries and at international
level may be more similar than different. It only
takes longer time to solve at national and
international level.
What was this activity about?
What kind of solutions did you present? (here the
facilitator can lead the discussion towards to the
different conflict styles presented in Table 1).
Did you know about these styles from before?
How do you react when you face a conflict?
Can you give an example of a situation where you
know you have used one of these conflict styles?
Why is it important to know about these conflict
How can the knowledge of conflict styles help you
when you are facing a conflict in the future?
How can this be applied to other conflicting
How can you use this knowledge about different
conflict styles in your everyday life?
Can you find any similarities about these conflict
styles to current international conflicts?
Support Material - Conflict Styles
Here you will find further information of the Conflict
Styles theory.
Conflict style:
Concern for other
Gives easily into
other peoples
point of views
Problem solving
You might seem
happy on the
outside, but not
on the inside.
Loose situation,
you will not get
the banana.
More interested in Your feelings gets
the other then
easily ignored.
one self.
Options for the
The graph 1. shows five approaches to solve a
conflict, distinguished by whether concern for self or
concern for other is high or low.
power relations.
Win situation, you
get the banana by
whatever means
necessary. Lying,
physical violence,
More interested in
yourself then the
Can create further
conflict that can
You say you need
even become
or want the
You get what you
banana more.
Promise the other
Concern for self
In table 1. you can observe that there are endless
solutions for the banana activity and in general to
every conflict, there you will find the conflict styles,
the limitation of each style and some examples
related to the banana activity.
Support Material - Conflict Styles
Conflict style:
Problem solving:
Options for the
Best solution
Walk away.
You avoid conflict.
solution that can
lead to
making the
conflict explode at
a later stage.
High concern of
self and others.
Destroy the
Requires good
and active
listening skills.
Need to think
You see your own outside the box,
interests, but at
together defining
the same time you some other goals.
acknowledge the
needs, feeling and Creativity.
wants of the
Coming up with
solutions, not
What Galtung
would call:
Just watch the
Put it in the
Can leave nobody
truly satisfied,
and does not
opportunities to
There is both a
move forward. You Divide the banana
concern for self
in any way
might solve the
and others. This is
apparent conflict
usually the normal
but not the bigger
or root-conflicts by
using this
This is a win- win
Get one more
Share with more
Sow the seeds make a banana
plantation and
take over the
Make a banana
Ramsbotham, O (2011) Contemporary Conflict
Resolution 3rd Ed. Polity Press.
Galtung, J (2003) Både og. En innføring i
konfliktarbeid 1st Ed, Kagge Forlag.
Activity 9 - Conflict analysis
It is common in the study of conflict to develop a
map or an analysis that helps us to understand a
conflict. An analysis is the process of breaking a
complex topic into smaller parts in order to gain a
better understanding of it. This is important,
especially for violent conflicts. Behind an analysis is
a set of assumptions, and it is important to get as
clear overview as possible because this will affect
how policymakers and politicians will approach preconflict situations or post-conflict recovery
(Demmers 2012: 12).
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
Be able to:
get further information and do a conflict analysis and to
understand better and co- understand the importance
of it.
1. Have the cards ready (You have one pile of
cards with possible actors in a conflict and one
pile of cards with different behaviour the actors
2. Divide the participants in groups of 4-6 people.
3. Make them pick two actors and one behaviour.
4. Give the participants the additional handout
with some criteria they have to include in the
step 5.
5. They get 20 minutes to prepare a conflict
scenario role-play from their imagination, using
the cards and handouts they have gotten. They
can dress up and use things they find suitable.
6. Preform the role-plays and discuss it afterwards.
By doing a conflict analysis we can unravel the
complex dynamics and processes in order to
understand why people react as they do or why they
resort to violence. This activity is for the participants
to reflect over what questions one should ask when
faced with a conflict or when they hear about
conflicts around in the world.
Materials: Conflict analysis handout and cards with
actors in conflict and behaviours in conflicts.
(Included in the resources from the toolbox).
Suggested Time: 1 hour. 21
Activity - Conflict analysis
The facilitator should ask different questions
depending on the different scenarios that were
created. Use the questions in the handout as a
starting point for the debrief.
For example:
What kind of scenario did your group get?
Participants who had an interpersonal role play:
have anyone been in a similar situation? Can you
give examples? How did you deal with it? Could
you have solved differently?
Participants who had an international /local or
national role play: Do you think it was realistic the
role play you did? Does anyone know about any
current conflicts? What do you know?
Have you ever though about these questions
when dealing with a conflict?
Why do you think its important to think about
these questions in a conflict situation?
Demmers, Jolle (2012) Theories of Violent
Conflicts: An Introduction. Routhledge: London
Activity 10 - Peace Trumps
Materials: Pre-made papers with the instructions
and peace trumps cards (Included in the resources
from the toolbox).
Suggested time: 1 hour.
2. Make the groups dependent on how many sets
of cards you have.
3. Tell them that they are a part of the Nobel
committee. They will decide who is going to win
the Nobel peace prize.
4. Deal the cards randomly facing down. The
participants are not allowed to look at the cards.
5. Explain the game:
1. Everyone takes one card they received.
2. They have one minute to read the card
and prepare an argument. About why
should their candidate win.
3. Each person have 30 seconds to tell
their arguments as to why their
candidate should win.
4. Everyone should place their cards in the
middle of the group.
5. When everyone have argued for their
candidate, they should at the count of
three decide on the winner by pointing
at the card. The person who had that
candidate will “win” the cards used in
that round.
6. Do this until the participants don't have
any more cards.
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
get more knowledge about that peace has many faces
Nobel Peace Prize winners.
so you can contribute in
many different ways.
share their knowledge about
Nobel Peace Prize winners.
about people and
organisations who made a
acknowledge that they can big contribution to peace.
contribute to peace in many
different ways.
see that all projects start
small and can make a BIG
Tip: One set is recommended to be used by a
maximum of seven people.
1. Give people a brief explanation of the Nobel
peace prize winners.
Activity 10 - Peace Trumps and support material
power structures. More than 1.2 billion people live in
conflict affected and fragile states, and suffer acute
levels of violence (World Bank 2014 taken from: http://
Every day, however, people all over the world are
working to prevent violence and consolidate peace
within their countries or local communities. Peace
building is done in many ways such as through human
rights initiatives, dialogue, reconciliation, humanitarian
work, development activities and negotiation to name a
few. Our goal with Peace Trumps is to give the
participants knowledge around conflicts and processes
connected to these. With this game people get to share
their existing knowledge about the peace prize and
become more aware that a contribution towards a more
peaceful world can come in many different ways. Small
ideas can grow, and make a big impact.
Why did we do this?
Was it difficult to defend your arguments?
Did you know about many of the Nobel winners from
Was it difficult to argue in favour of someone you did
not know about?
Do you have any favourite peace prize winner?
Have you done any activities for peace building in your
home country?
How many different ways to resolve a conflict did you
observe in this activity?
What can you do to resolve conflicts?
How did you feel about the decisions? Was it hard to
choose only one winner every round?
Do you get any inspiration from what these people
have done?
What was more important for you, that the candidate
you yourself presented should win, or that the most
suitable candidate in general should win?
The Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize is an international prize which is
awarded annually by the Norwegian Nobel Committee
according to guidelines laid down in Alfred Nobel's will.
Why the peace trumps?
For the last decades there has been a shift in conflicts,
as they have turned more violent, more directed towards
civil society and more intrastate then interstate. Today
some primary factors to conflicts are economic
imbalances, domestic governance and international
“and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the
best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or
reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of
peace congresses.” (http://nobelprize.org)
Activity 11 - Act Now!
After learning about different tools and examples
from conflict and resolution, this activity fits
perfectly to make participants be willing to act and
understand that they are active global citizens.
6. The facilitator should make a speech to make
them think about their life in CISV, different
conflicts and how they take part in them (You
can find and example in the support material).
Materials: Blindfolds for all participants, big mirror,
and relaxing music.
Suggested Time: 1 hour.
7. Make them think about, what kind of conflicts
arise in your local community? What can you do
for your local community? Try to make them
think about measurable examples towards
8. Let them reflect for 2-3 minutes about this.
9. Make a circle with a cover mirror as a part of
the circle.
10. Tell the participants to take out the blindfold.
11. Ask if someone wants to answer about the
conflicts in their local communities and what
can they do for it.
12. After talking about this, make the participants
to do a line facing the mirror. Tell them that they
will run towards the cover mirror and say that
they are the agents for change.
13. Uncover the mirror so when they run towards it
they will see themselves and understand that
they are the agents for change, the peace
14. Make them reflect that the change is in their
Educational goals and indicators
Be willing to:
act as a peace building agent in your own community.
understand that you can make the difference.
1. Prepare a cozy and relaxing room. The facilitator
can turn off the lights, play relaxing music, etc.
2. Tell the participants to wait outside of the room.
3. Make sure the participants know that they have
to be in silence for this activity to be a success.
4. Blindfold everyone, and help them to get in the
room, and lay on the floor.
5. Remember to spread them a long the room so
they are separate from each other.
Support Material - Act Now
Where does that person come from?
Can you think about the activity you liked the most in
that experience?
What is the most important thing you have learned in
Have you applied this knowledge in your daily life?
Ideas for the reflexion speech
The idea is to make the participants think about
themselves as agents for change, or peace builders.
The facilitator needs to be aware that the speech he
is giving to the participants is motivational. When
the participants are blindfolded it is recommended
to give them some seconds after each phrase so
they have some time to reflect about what its been
Now try to think about your daily live…
What kind of conflicts do they arise in your daily live?
With your parents?
With your friends?
In your local community?
This speech is recommended to have three parts:
history of the participants as peace agents (could
be a CISV background), current situation in local
communities and future possibilities of them taking
action. There are not good or bad motivational
speeches, here is a brief example that you can
follow, modified or pimp how ever you want:
“…take a minute go back to the past, try to think of the
following questions and answer to yourself
A peace agent is someone who has understand that can
make peace even with little things, is someone who realize
that can make the change in the world starting by his/her
closest circle.
Try to remember of your first CISV experience, maybe a
village or a step-up.
Do you remember where was it?
Who was the delegation that traveled with you?
Do you remember who was the first person you met?
Do you think you can be a peace agent?
What can you do for your local community as a peace
What kind of little things can you do to help in your
closest circles?…”
Conflict analysis activity - Handout
Questions to take into consideration:
Who are the parts involved?
What kind of conflict is it? (National, International,
Interpersonal, Local?)
What is the conflict about (Resources, history,
money, love, family, wishes, needs etc)
What is happening within the actors? (Attitudes such
as: Feelings, needs, hate, love,)
What is the relationship between the actors? Have
they known each other for a long time? What is their
history? Have the conflict been going on for a long
What is the behaviour of the actors? How is the
conflict visible?
What is being done to solve the conflict? (Mediation,
dialouge, foreign intervention and so on)
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Government: Colombia
Guerrilla Group
Local Tribe
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Government: Syria
Indigenous Group
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Person: André
Grass-root Organisation
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Oil Company
Person: Christina
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Big Landowner
Person: Rupert
Conflict analysis activity
Government: England
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Government: Brasil
Person: Mali
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Drug Lord
Conflict analysis activity
Person: Simon
Behaviour in Conflict
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Behaviour in Conflict
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Conflict analysis activity
Person: David
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Behaviour in Conflict
Conflict analysis activity
Behaviour in Conflict
Aung San Suu Kyi
Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons
Nobel awarded in 2013
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. The Use of chemical weapons was
prohibited in 1925, however, they
have been used a number of times by
nations and terrorists.
2. Setting destruction timelines when
States Parties need an extension,
Inspecting all former chemical
weapons production facilities,
Monitoring the destruction of
chemical weapons
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. Multiple civil wars and pro-communist
revolutions erupted in various countries
in Central America during this period.
2. As President he designed a plan that
aimed at free elections, safeguards for
human rights and to end foreign
interference in the countries internal
United Nations
Kofi Annan
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 1998
1. The aftermath of the second world war.
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. The conflict in Northern Ireland,
causing thousands of deaths, has
political and religious roots that are
centuries old.
2. Crucial negotiators in the peace
process, contributing to bring important
actors together resulting in a peace
agreement in 1998.
Nobel awarded in 2012
2. Since it’s creation in 1952 they have
worked with advancing the causes of
peace, reconciliation, democracy and
human rights in Europe.
David Trimble
John Hulme
1. Oppressive military regime in Burma/
2. She opposed all use of violence and
called on the military leaders to hand
over power to civilian government, in
pursuit of democracy and protection of
human rights.
European Union
Oscar Arias
Nobel awarded in 1987
Nobel awarded in 1991
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 2001
1. Founded in 1945, due to the turmoil and
aftermath of the Second World war.
2. The UN is committed to maintain
international peace and security,
developing friendly relations among
nations, better living standards and
human rights. Kofi Annan was the
Secretary-General at the time they won.
Nelson Mandela
Federik William de Klark
Martin Luther King Jr.
Nobel awarded in 1964
1. Racial discrimination .
2. Non-violent campaign against
racism. Got a law passed
prohibiting all racial
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. Poverty and economic inequality
2. His efforts to create economic and
social development from below. He
creates and regards micro credit
both as human rights and as an
effective means of emerging from
1. A p a r t h e i d i n S o u t h a f r i c a
2. They worked together to bring an
e n d t o t h e p o l i c y o f ra c i a l
segregation. the year after they
won the nobel peace prize, the
apartheid ended
International Labour
Muhammad Yunus
Grameen Bank
Nobel awarded in 2006
Nobel awarded in 1993
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 1969
1. Millions of people working on
uncertain conditions being
deprived of their rights.
2. Their promote rights at work,
encourage decent employment
opportunities, enhance social
protection and strengthen
dialogue on work-related issues.
Kim Dae-Jung
Desmond Tutu
Nobel awarded in 2000
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 1984
1. Apartheid in South africa 1948-1994
2. His efforts in resolving and ending
a p a r t h e i d , a l s o s u p p o r te d t h e
economic boycott of South Africa,
w h i l e co n sta nt l y e n co u ra g i n g
re co n c i l i a t i o n b etwe e n va r i o u s
factions associated with apartheid.
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. Human rights violations in South
Korea and political turmoil between
South Korea and North Korea.
2. As President he marked a critical
juncture in inter-Korean relations, and
the two Koreas have had direct
contact with each other ever since.
Within South Korea he also improved
democracy and the human rights
Alva Myrdal
Alfonso Garcia Robles
Kailash Satyarthi
Malala Yousafzai
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 1982
1. At this time period the nuclear race
was a major concern everywhere in
the world.
2. Myrdal in Europe and Robles in
Latin America worked actively to
persuade the super powers to
disarm and create free zones.
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. Deforestation and lack of sustainable
development, democracy and peace.
2. She started grass-root movements
aimed at countering deforestation.
“She thinks globally and acts locally”
encouraging women’s rights and
international solidarity.
1. Suppression of young people
and non-equal right to
2. Child right activists promoting
the importance of education for
all and prohibition of child
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
Leymah Gbowee
Tawakkol Karman
Wangari Muta Maathai
Nobel awarded in 2004
Nobel awarded in 2014
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Nobel awarded in 2011
1. Gender inequality and violent
conflicts in West Africa and
Middle East.
2. Nonviolent struggle for the
safety of women and for women’s
rights to full participation in
peace building work
International Committee of the Red Cross
League of Red Cross Society
Nobel awarded in 1963
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 1992
1. Human rights abuses especially
targeting indigenous during the
Guatemalan Civil War.
2. For her work on the reconciliation
with the authorities and between
ethnic groups, based on nonmilitary means and methods
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. Violation of human right during
wars and peacetime, and
natural disasters.
2. Humanitarian assistance during
war, post-conflict situations,
and natural disaster for over
150 years.
Shirin Ebadi
Martti Ahtisaari
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 2003
1. Khomeini's revolution in 1979 and
terrorism after 9/11.
2. She established organisations and
wrote books to place the issues off
fundamental human rights violation
and the rights of women and children
on the agenda. She also advocated the
separation of religion and state.
Médicins Sans Frontères
Nobel awarded in 1999
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
1. Several conflicts and natural disasters
around in the word. Uneven
distribution of medicine and health
2. One of the largest humanitarian aid
organisations. They are neutral and
impartial. MSF highlights forgotten
crises and gives medical help to those
who needs it the most.
Original Idea: Rupert Friederichsen
Nobel awarded in 2008
1. Several conflicts around in the world.
He was a major contributor in Namibia,
Kosovo and the Aceh province in
2. Previous president of Finland. He has
for over three decades helped bring
peace on several continents using his
negotiation and mediation skills.