2006 - Muskies, Inc.


2006 - Muskies, Inc.
PERMIT #1316
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You CAN have your fish and release it, too!
MUSKIE is published monthly and is the Official Publication
of Muskies, Inc. International Office: Terrie DuBé,
International Sec., 80 State Hwy. 200 NW, Longville,
MN 56655. Ph: 888-710-8286, Fax 218-836-2087.
© Copyright 2006 by Muskies, Inc. All rights reserved.
MUSKIE • VOL. 40, NO. 2
Serving discriminating sportsmen for over 32 years
Fittante Taxidermy is proud to lead the way in unsurpassed fish reproductions. We
make our molds in-house and offer dozens of different sizes and positions. References
are available upon request and phone orders are welcome. Serving quality minded
sportsmen across the nation is our specialty.
2 President’s Message, Greg Wells
3 Magazine Notes, Staff
4 As I See It, Jim Smith
6 International News, Staff
13 Lunge Log, Jim Bunch
17 Photo Contest, Juris Ozols
10 Living the Dream!, Diana Mindar
28 From the Archives,
Edward Jackson
20 Muskies, Inc.’s All-Time Top Ten Women,
Juris Ozols, Jim Bunch,
Edward Jackson & Jim Smith
33 Chapter News and Views
30 A Women’s Muskie Fishing School,
Patricia Strutz
40 Muskie Tales, Bob Jennings
39 Catching Up With Helen Bessett of
Rollie & Helens,
Liz Cratty
42 Member Photos, Juris Ozols
“The #1 reason I choose Joe Fittante is his artistry. He
is the only taxidermist I have found who can accurately
reproduce the true colors and markings of a living
musky. His painting technique separates him
from the rest. That is why I use him exclusively, and
prefer his work above all others.”
– Joe Bucher,
Hall of Fame Angler
Capture the moment
www.fittantereplicas.com • email: [email protected]
3 miles north of Antigo on Hwy. 45 • N4598 Hwy. 45, Antigo, WI 54409
(715) 627-7662 • 1-800-261-2327
Join Muskies, Inc. ...
or give a membership
as a gift.
Regular Membersip: ❑ 1 Year-$35.00 ❑ 2 Years-$65.00
Family Membership: ❑ 1 Year-$47.50 ❑ 2 Years-$90.00
Junior Membership (Under 18): ❑ $20.00
❑ 3 Years- $95.00
❑ 3 Years-$132.50
❑ For Muskie Research $________
Name _______________________________ Phone ________________
Name of Spouse _____________________________________________
Chapter Affiliation Choice Number _______________________________
City & State_____________________________ Zip_________________
Junior Member(s)
Date of Birth (DOB)
Name ___________________________________ DOB ___________
(to find the number of the Chapter you wish to join, see the Chapter News & Views section)
Chapter Affiliation Choice Number _______________________________
(to find the number of the Chapter you wish to join, see the Chapter News & Views section)
Old Address (for address change only) ___________________________
Name ___________________________________ DOB ___________
City & State ____________________________ Zip_________
Name ___________________________________ DOB ___________
My Membership # ______________ Expiration Date _______
Chapter Affiliation Choice Number _______________________________
Check One: ❑ New Member ❑ Renewal ❑ Address Change ❑ Gift
MAIL TO MUSKIES, INC. 80 State Hwy. 200 NW,
Longville, MN, 56655
Email ________________________
Payment: ❑ Check or ❑ Credit Card:
❑ AmEx
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❑ MasterCard
Card # __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __- __ __ __ __ Exp. Date ____ /____ Signature ____________________________________________
February 2006.....MUSKIE 1
President, Greg Wells
Phone: 920-457-3720
Email: [email protected]
Vice President/Finances, Jim Beaty
Phone: 618-235-3646
Email: [email protected]
Vice President/Research, Ron Mazur
Phone: 708-458-0055
Email: [email protected]
Vice President/Internal Affairs, Dick McPike
Phone: 816-436-4909
Email: [email protected]
Vice President/Membership, Bob Timme
Phone: 715-462-3053
Email: [email protected]
Vice President/Communications, David Cates
Phone: 574-457-3222
Email: [email protected]
Treasurer, Pete Barber
Phone: 847-726-7267
Email: [email protected]
Members Only Fishing Contest, Jim Bunch
Phone: 715-723-8343 • Fax: 715-723-8354
Email: [email protected]
Web Master, Ron Groeschl
Phone: 262-271-1002
Email: [email protected]
Int. Administrative Secretary, Terrie DuBé
80 State Hwy. 200 NW, Longville, MN 56655
Phone: 888-710-8286 • Fax: 218-836-2087
Email: [email protected]
At Large Directors
Term Expires
Dick McPike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2006
Dan Narsete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2006
Art Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2006
Jack Moga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2006
Ron Mazur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2006
Ken Karbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007
The President’s Message
MUSKIE Magazine Staff
Rod Ramsell, Editor Emeritus
Keith Ogden, Editor Emeritus
For the third year now, our annual
“Women of Muskies Inc.” issue,
and here you see nine of the top
ten of our grand ladies. The stories
behind their magnificent catches
begin on page 20.
by Greg Wells,
Muskies, Inc. International President
Email: [email protected]
The Women of Muskies, Inc.
A while back I used an exert from our MI history book about the first time the women
had their own meeting. In that meeting they talked about rules that the men should follow
while fishing with the ladies one was that the men should allow them to have first cast at the
best spot and to row close enough for them to make the cast. Another segment of the
meeting was devoted to discussion of a pretty pink lure well to use a cliché you have come
a long way baby. Now I believe we see absolute equality, as it should be. Female leaders in
MI, professional muskie guides, professional tournament fisherwomen, speakers, writers and
the list go on. Ladies in all facets of the industry my hat is off to you. My only question is
who will be the first female President of MI?
Spring Elections
I have to use this opportunity to address the few who have voiced their displeasure with
some of the direction of MI; here is your chance to VOTE for five of the six At-LargeDirector candidates. I know that there are many other talented individuals who desire to lead
MI into the future and beyond and I challenge you to submit your resumes in the future.
Current ALDs you need to be considering your advancement in MI also, your next step
would to be nominated for a VP position. We look forward to welcoming our newest ALD’s.
We’ll see you at the Spring Board Meeting.
Margaret Crossman
I received a note from Mrs. Crossman that I must share with you.
“I can’t let the year go by without penning you and Muskies Inc a wonderful thank you
for the Symposium that took place in Indianapolis. It was an honor to have been present
at such a well run meeting where every one was keen to be present for every moment.
There was such energy present. There must be something special about musky fisher
people. I, Ren and the Family back home were warmed by your honoring Ed. We think
he’s special but it’s very pleasing to hear others appreciated his involvement with a very
noble beast. It was a labor of love, freely given. Good luck with your planning for
another symposium. There is always more to discover and share.”
If that doesn’t put chills down your spine and build the fire of purpose within Muskies
Inc I don’t know what would.
Jim Smith
15045 W. Double Tree Way
Surprise, AZ 85374-8568
Phone/Fax: (623) 388-3225
Cell: (623) 810-9103
Email: [email protected]
Juris Ozols
Phone: (952) 956-5793
Email: [email protected]
Coming in
Next Month’s
Kimberly D Miller Associates K
P.O. Box 543 • Syracuse, IN 46567
Phone: (574) 529-0228
Email: [email protected]
✒ ALD Resumés
✒ Muskie Photo Ops
by Kevin Richards
✒ Are You Ready?
by Patricia Strutz
MUSKIE Magazine is looking to start a Muskies,
Inc. Resource Section (Classified ads) each
We would like you to send in your ads.
We will also include them on our website in a
special section for no additional charge. Cost will
be $50.00 for a fifty-word ad. Plus 10¢ per word
over the minimum. (2 column inches maximum)
Photos will be included for an additional $35.00.
For information contact Kimberly Miller at
✒ Beginner’s Luck
by James Colgan
✒ Characteristics
of Success
by Justin Gaiche
✒ My Muskie Story
by Daniel
✒ Muskies, Inc.
Girl Scout Event
by Patricia Strutz
[email protected]
Members are asked to please go to:
and check on the "members only"
side, and hit the "My Member Info"
button and update their member
information, including their e-mail
Scott, Kenton and Hoosier Musky Hunters Thanks again!
Jim Shannon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007
Bob Timme
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007
Muskies, Inc. Past Presidents
Jim Beaty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007
Bob Osborne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2007
Gil Hamm
Lou Cook
Steve Statland
Laura Morrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2008
Edward T. Peterka
Peter Hadley
John Hotle
Don Jahnke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2008
Robert Hill
Bob Schmidt
Jim Blaubach
David Cates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2008
Robert Shoop
Larry Ramsell
Steve Budnik
Patricia Strutz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2008
Frank Schneider
Lou Cook
Jim Smith
Karl Scherer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2008
Peter Hadley
Keith Ogden
Paul Framsted
DuWayne Bakke
Bill Davis
Perry Smith
2 MUSKIE.....February 2006
Purposes of Muskies, Inc.
• To promote a high quality muskellunge sport fishery;
• To support selected conservation practices based on scientific merit and
carried out by authorized federal and state agencies;
• To promote muskellunge research;
• To establish hatcheries and rearing ponds and introduce the species into
suitable waters;
• To support the abatement of water pollution;
• To maintain records of habits, growth, and range of species;
• To disseminate muskellunge information;
• To promote good fellowship and sports-manship among men, women
and children.
Sunray Printing Solutions, Inc. - Brenda Kirchner
25123 22nd Ave. S. • St. Cloud, MN 56301-9189
Phone: 888-253-8808, ext. 133
Sunray Printing Solutions, Inc. - John Windschitl
Richard Gross
Bob Chochola, Elizabeth Cratty, Adam Glickman,
Robert Jennings, Mike Kanaval, Colby Simms,
Patricia Strutz
Diana Mindar, Patricia Strutz, Liz Cratty,
Juris Ozols, Jim Bunch, Edward Jackson,
Jim Smith
MUSKIE is published exclusively for the
membership of Muskies, Inc. and subscriptions
come with a paid membership. Muskies, Inc. is
a non-profit organization. Membership classes
and associated annual dues are listed on the
form at the bottom of page one. Single copies
of MUSKIE magazine are available at $3.00
each from the Muskies, Inc. International
Contributors grant rights for M.I. to publish
once in MUSKIE Magazine, both the print and
on-line versions, including archives and on the
M.I. Web site.
Submissions to
MUSKIE Magazine
Persons interested in submitting articles for
publication are directed to our website
www.muskiesinc.org. There they will find a
link to MUSKIE Magazine. From there you
will find links on the left side of the page
submissions to MUSKIE Magazine. Further
questions will be answered by Jim Smith,
Managing Editor. Submissions may be sent
to: 15045 W. Double Tree Way • Surprise, AZ
85374-8568. Phone: (623) 388-3225 or you
Email: [email protected].
February 2006.....MUSKIE 3
E D I T O R ’ S PAG E ◆ E D I T O R ’ S PAG E ◆ E D I T O R ’ S PAG E ◆ E D I T O R ’ S PAG E ◆ E D I T O R ’ S PAG E
As I See It
by Jim Smith
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and great New Year.
We got the January issue out twelve days early and I anticipate most
of you already have your issue or will be getting it this 1st week in
January. I know they started arriving last Tuesday. By the middle of
the year I think we are going to make that a regular request. Let me
know how you liked it. For those of you who send in Chapter News
& Views this would require your sending them in 5-days sooner.
The February issue has been our Ladies Edition and this year is
no exception. Our feature article this month is an historical sketch of
the top ten muskies caught by women in the history of Muskies, Inc.
I think you’ll enjoy their articles. In order to select the top ten women
we had to include 14 fish. What this means is that three of these
women caught more than one very large muskie.
Patricia Strutz sends us a story about the Women On the Water
(WOW) and a Women’s Muskie School that may interest you. A new
writer has penned a fine article Dianna Mindar tells us about how to
go from fishing to becoming a tournament angler. I might say “a
winning tournament angler,” as she and our International Secretary
Terrie DuBe teamed up and placed 3rd in a PMTT tournament and
a 4th in another this summer.
Ed Jackson has more from the past to share with us in this, our
40th Anniversary year.
Juris has dedicated this month’s Member’s Photo Contest entirely
to our ladies photos.
One of the things I am really excited about is our new
Advertising Manager Kimberly Miller. Many of you will see her again
or possibly meet her for the first time at the Tri-Esox show in Chicago
(Palatine). She has been working very hard putting together a whole
new advertising program, complete with media kit and a new pricing
structure that should put MUSKIE Magazine into a profitable
venture. There are going to be a lot of changes from our previous
advertising method. Be patient with us. Help us make this magazine
a successful and profitable venture for Muskies, Inc.
Take a look at the West Virginia request for financial assistance.
West Virginia has done a fantastic job working with their State DNR
and need some help with this Woodrum Lake project. If you have
any questions contact Jim Moore.
Speaking of projects, Mike Kanaval has been checking with
chapters throughout the country trying to ferret out good chapter
projects. For the most part he has been concentrating on your
“Hallmark” projects, most of which have been completed or are on
going and funded. The Research Committee (Steve Budnik) would
like to have lists of potential projects to be able to write grant requests
for specific projects.
Along that line Scott Law with the Hoosier Muskie Hunters has
a major project from the Symposium. Scott and his Symposium
Committee would like to fund a special edition of MUSKIE
Magazine to publish as many as possible of the thirty-five
presentations from the Symposium. This would not be the technical
publication that will be published by the American Fisheries Society,
Escoid Technical Committee, but rather an accumulation of
fishermen friendly articles written by the presenters. This could be a
monthly issue of MUSKIE like the April issue, or it could be a whole
separate publication, sponsored by one or two major supporters.
Please keep this in mind and let us know if you have any ideas.
This is beginning to get a little long, so I’ll sign off here and
hope you enjoy our Ladies Edition.
“Muskies, Inc. is an active, service-oriented,
non-profit organization with the single focus of
improving the sport of muskie fishing for men,
women, and children.
Our mission is to unite all muskie fishing
interests for the promotion and protection of a
high quality muskellunge sport fishery in the
United States and Canada.
We will accomplish this by supporting
conservation practices and research based on
sound scientific merit, and carried out by
authorized federal or state agencies, appropriate
academic institutions, Muskies, Inc chapters, and
their members.
We are committed to the abatement of water
pollution; maintenance of records for muskie
habits, growth, and range; and the dissemination
of muskie information to everyone.”
Adopted, April 2002
HAYWARD, WI – The National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame,
in a press conference held Monday January 16th chose to set aside
the findings of the World Record Muskie Alliance (WRMA). The
vote by the committee was 8 members in favor, 1-abstention, and 2recusals to keep the World Record Muskie of Louis Spray. Over the
last couple of years, the WRMA after going through a very
sophisticated photographic analysis concluded that the Spray muskie
was considerable smaller than it was reputed to be. In fact the
conclusion of the WRMA was the Spray fish was nearly ten (10”)
inches smaller than what it was supposed to be. Their full report is
available on their website
The WRMA 93 page report was released October 20, 2005. The
original press release was printed on Page 5 of the December issue of
MUSKIE. We will be following the events of this decision by the
NFFHOF as they roll out.
You will find the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame full report on
their website at http://www.freshwater-fishing.org/spray/ I will give
the Hall credit they did not just flip out a light hearted response.
They have produced a 31-page, in depth document explaining their
position. There are eleven sections to this report as well as a number
of photos and other documentation. I think if you are a follower of
this controversy I would strongly suggest you, first spend the time to
review this report before making any hasty judgments. This
controversy is not going to go away in the near future. ❖
Jim Smith, Managing Editor
MUSKIE Magazine
The Official Publication of Muskies, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
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4 MUSKIE.....February 2006
Bait Co.
An Instant Musky Meal – Just add water!TM
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The Gopher
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9759 Middle Road, Oostburg, WI 53070 • 920-458-4488
Also available
Baby Gopher - 51/2˝
Rollie & Helen’s Musky Shop, Minocqua, WI
Crazy - D - Tackle, Elk Mound, WI
Diamond Sporting Goods, Hales Corners, WI
Kolar Bait & Tackle, Carol Stream, IL
Ye Olde Tackle Shop, North Webster, IN
DMS Tackle & Guide Service, East Grand Forks, MN
Smokey’s Muskellunge Shop, Pewaukee, WI
and other fine tackle dealers.
Dealer Inquiries Invited
On the third page of this year’s
calendar is an article about the
Muskies, Inc. Web Site – 2006.
Plus there are 8 Tips to assist you
with navigating our web site.
Enjoy your web site and if you
have any questions contact:
[email protected]
February 2006.....MUSKIE 5
Friday, October 28th, 2005
MARCH 31 – APRIL 1, 2006
Mention Muskies, Inc. code INT when making your reservation on line or by phone to receive a
special rate. We have reserved 20 rooms for Thursday night, 60 rooms for Friday night and 75 rooms
for Saturday night at a special rate on a first come basis. Special rate available only until March 2,
so make your reservation early.
Muskies, Inc. registration
Al Skarr Leadership Seminar
Hospitality Suite
Hospitality Suite
Muskies, Inc. registration
Board Meeting
Dinner/Awards/Fund Raiser
NAME(S) ____________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________ PHONE # _________________________
CITY _________________________________
STATE ________
ZIP _________________________
NORTHWOODS BUFFET DINNER $30.00 per person – Minnesota Wild Rice Soup, Pan-Fried Walleye, Chicken,
potatoes, salad/coleslaw, rolls/butter.
___ TICKETS @ $30 each ___________
Attn: Greg Randolph, 1039 Wedgewood Lane N, Eagan, MN 55123, Phone: (651) 452-1209
6 MUSKIE.....February 2006
The meeting was called to order by President Greg Wells at
8:00am. Scott Law and Kenton Smith welcomed everyone to the
Board meeting and symposium. Scott thanked Dave Cates, Chae
Dolsen, Vince Weirick, and Brian Rothbauer for taking time off work
to help take some of the people out fishing on Lake Webster. 1 38”
fish was caught.!!
For the spouses and other people that are not attending the
meeting there will be a museum tour scheduled between 10am and
2pm. Need a show of hands for people that will be having lunch and
those that need tickets. Also talked about the dinner and get
acquainted party that starts at 5PM. Greg Wells thanked John
Unison, Scott Law and the other members of Chapter #42 for there
work on the Board meeting.
Candidates for President:
Greg will give Dave Cates and Ken Karbon some time to speak
about themselves and why they are running for president. All ALD’s,
RVP’s, Executive Committee, will have the right to vote. Much
discussion on whether or not a few others will be allowed to vote.
Frank Walters looked up in the By Laws who was eligible to vote.
Conflict of interest is the issue. We will exclude the paid employees
except for Pete Barber who is representing his chapter. Counted all
the people who are eligible to vote. 35.
Ken Karbon spoke on why he would like to be president. Fund
Raising committee, Calendar committee, He is retired and has the
time to do the job. He will do his best, and will make Muskies Inc a
better club.
Dave Cates – Was approached to run for president. If you are
looking for someone that has unlimited time to do the job, don’t vote
for him. He runs his own business, he lives his life around basketball
for the next 3 months, if he has the chance to go fishing with his boys,
he is going to do that too. He is not going to sugar coat things, he is
not politically correct. He expects everyone here and everyone that is
not here, to get off their butts and get going to make this a better
club. This board has to take control with what happens, not just 1 or
2 people. We have to run this as a business and take our finances into
control. The strength of the chapters is the Int’l and the strength of
the Int’l is its chapters.
Call for any more candidates. None.
David Cates was voted in as the New President of Muskies Inc
to take over Spring 2006.
Scott Paalanen
& Family
Ron & Joanne Wallos
James Kwapil Sr
& Family
Reggie Gauger
Gary Dew
Ellis Bauman
Steven Simon
Al Tumas
Kevin Reis
Richard Balinski
Ted Cushna
Tom S Geryol
Derek War
Dennis Moser
Ray Erbs & Family
John VanMoer
Monarch Tackle Co
On behalf of Muskies, Inc., thank you for adding a bit
extra when you renewed your membership.
– Pete Barber, Treasurer
February 2006.....MUSKIE 7
Martin House Hotel Lilly Conference Center • Indianapolis, IN
Hosted by: Hoosier Muskie Hunters Chapter #42
This is a shortened version of all the board meeting minutes. At this time
we do not have enough room in the Muskie magazine to print all
minutes. The minutes will be posted on the website and all are welcome
to read them there. If you do not have a computer and would like a hard
copy please call secretary at 888-710-8286 for a hard copy to be mailed
or faxed to you. I can also email the minutes to the RVP or the President
of your chapter for them to download and print and bring to a meeting.
2005 Muskies Inc Fall Board Meeting
Motion # 1-25 Motion was withdrawn and this was put in it’s
p l a c e a s a m o t i o n ; As of J a n u a r y 1 s t , 2 0 0 6 t h e r e w i l l b e n o l i f e
membership. For 36 - Against 1- Passed
Motion # 2-26 General Policies Page 5 of 4-13-03; Finance
Committee; add “the Vice-President of Finance to Finance
Committee Policy. For 37 - Aganist 0——Passed
Motion # 3-30 To accept Chapter 4 Titletown, as the newest
chapter of Muskies Inc. They will ser ve a one year probationar y
period. For - 37 Against - 0 —Passed
Motion # 4-31 To remove the one year probationar y status of
Chapter 52; Daniel Boone. For - 37 Against - 0 —-Passed
Motion # 5-36 To raise all dues across the board by $5.00 of
which will be given to the Chapter. Chapters will receive $5.00 for
ev er y new membership and renewal pr ocessed at the new
membership price. The payment will go to the Chapter the
member joins or renews. For - 29 Against - 8 -Passed
Motion # 6-37 Remove the General Policy on Page 7 of
General Policies, entr y from 04-07-84, currently states...On an
annual basis each chapter can submit one press name for a
complimentar y membership—- remove this. For - 37 Against - 0
Motion # 7-38 Change all reference in the Policy & Procedure
Manuel...Ar ticle 11 - International Board of Directors, page 4,
item 10. “ T h e I nter n a t i o n a l B o a r d s h a l l m e e t a m i n i m u m o f t w o
(2) times each y e a r a t a t i m e d e s i g n a t e d b y a major ity of the
International Board.” Also any other reference in the P & P
manual needs to only reference to the Fall Board Meeting. Reduce
t h e n u m b e r o f a n n u a l I n t e r n a t i o n a l B o a r d Me e t i n g t o o n e a n n u a l
meeting to be held in the Spring —— International
Tabled to Spring Board Meeting. No vote...
Motion # 8-39 Policy & Procedures manual...G eneral
Policies...requires the magazine to have 12 issues per year. The
new “summar y of motion” will allow Muskies Inc. to provide a
magazine that meets our income and expense goals. Allo w a
reduction in the number of issues of Muskies magazine within a
calendar year to balance the International budget. Motion was
tabled to Spring Board Meeting by the International Board.
Motion # 9 Page 6 General Policies of 09-28-02...The salaries
a r e s e t b y t h e E xe c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e w i t h a p p r ova l o f t h e
International Board and they can not vote on any motion and can
not be a representative voting officer from their Chapter at the
International Board Meeting.
For - 36 Against - 1——Passed
Respectfully submitted,
Terrie DuBe’
MI Int’l Admin Secretary
Woodr um Lake, West Virginia
C h a p t e r 0 9 A s s i s t a n c e R equest
Woodrum Lake, 240 acres located just off of I77 in Jackson County West Virginia, was just coming
Please submit any proposed motions for the Spring 2006 Board Meeting
into its’ own as a potential trophy muskie fishery.
to be held on Saturday, April 1st, 2006.
Already known as a high quality bass lake, Woodrum
Those wishing to submit a motion(s) must send them to Greg Wells at
had received fingerling muskie stockings for several
[email protected] for inclusion on the Agenda. Greg will be
years. Beginning in 2001, it was our inaugural lake to
accepting motions up to March 3rd. That way he can get them to the
receive Advanced Fingerling stockings in late fall.
Chapters for their review at their March chapter meetings.
From 2001 through 2004, Woodrum received 475
advanced fingerlings averaging nearly 13 inches in
Motions received after March 3rd will be accepted, but the Chapters may not
length. Solid growth rates have been documented
have an opportunity to discuss them prior to the board meeting.
exhibiting trophy potential with angler catches
starting to verify the fishery.
Unfortunately in 2005 during mandated gate valve testing by the
Natural Resources Conservation Dept. (a Federal Dept. of
Agriculture group), an issue developed with the valve that left it
inoperable. In late July, the West Virginia Division of Natural August 9 – WV DNR formulated a recovery plan; Chapter 09 and
WV Bass Federation would play a role. Attempt to recover fish
Resources was notified that the fishery faced potential risk if the valve
below dam outlet.
could not be repaired. In early August, a Specialist Diver from
- Road for access had to be built. Only launch site at upper Lake.
Oklahoma was called to the scene to assess the situation but after
- Recovery site built / improved.
several attempts, repairs could not be made and the issue became
- Manpower intensive.
critical. The lake was draining with the fishery at risk.
By August 9, the WV DNR formulated a recovery plan, which Issues: Limited Access.
High air and water temperatures.
included Chapter 09 MI and the WV Bass Federation playing a role
Steep – high lakeshore banks.
in an attempt to save the fishery. Details can’t be given here but an
Timing unknown.
expensive, manpower intensive effort was made by the DNR.
Couldn’t control water flow. Vortex developed.
Unfortunately, on August 16 the issue came to a conclusion with few
Fish tendency to move upstream.
fish recovered; those that were suffered extreme distress. The lake was
completely drained.
Result: August 16, came to a conclusion with virtually no recovery.
Where do we go from here? In September 2005, Chapter 09
Those fish recovered were suffering from extreme stress and
assisted the DNR in planting winter wheat on numerous mud flats
did not survive.
within the confines of the drained lake. This will assist in erosion
prevention as well as provide some initial habitat. Gate valve repairs Current Status:
Lake is totally drained. In early September, Ch. 09 assisted in
are scheduled to be completed by late winter. The lake will begin
planting Winter Wheat for ground cover; Very Successful.
refilling probably by February or March 2006. The DNR wants to
repairs to be completed by end of December 2005.
begin initial stocking of fathead minnows in early spring as forage
Goal is to refill lake at slow pace (if possible) by April 2006.
base and allow them multiple spawns before introducing sport fish
Stocking to begin mid 2006. (Maybe muskies, fall 2006;
later in the year.
probably 2007 season)
Chapter 09 will be participating in this initial minnow stocking
effort as we begin the task of bringing Woodrum back to where it Request by Chapter 09:
once was. Due to limited funds, we are asking other MI Chapters or
DNR will probably stock Fathead Minnows initially for forage
interested individuals to help by providing financial support. I
base, hopefully reproduction will occur prior to fish stocking.
presented this request at the MI Annual Fall Board Meeting and we’ve
Chapter 09 would like to purchase initial Minnow Stocking. ~
already received some response. Thank you to Dick McPike, Pete
$2.30 Pound ~ $980 - $1000.
Barber, Tri Esox Productions and Pomme De Terre Chapter 05 who
Would request other MI Chapters to donate towards this
have contributed. MI’s new insurance provider,
because we are not financially able to
Farm and City Insurance Ser vices has also
do it on our own.
indicated they will contribute.
We would keep participating
Anyone wanting to help can send
Chapters updated as to status.
contributions made out to:
If not biologically prudent to stock
If you have internet access, log onto
West Virginia Chapter 09 Muskies, Inc.
the minnows, we would notify you
Mail to: Jim Moore, President
and return your donation if you so
1270 Federal Road
and follow the links to cast your ballot. desire; or with your permission utilize
Little Hocking, OH 45742.
the funds on other Woodrum needs.
If you do not have a computer or
If further details are needed or questions internet access, follow the instructions on
Jim Moore, President
arise, don’t hesitate to contact me via phone at
page 25 to use the ballot on page 26.
West Virginia Chapter 09
740-667-3571 or e-mail at [email protected]
Muskies, Inc.
We promise to update those contributing as
progress continues throughout the year in 2006. ALL VOTES OF MEMBERS WHO CAST MORE
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
8 MUSKIE.....February 2006
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February 2006.....MUSKIE 9
Diana and Ellen Wells fishing prior to the
International Fall Board Meeting in 2003.
t was just an annual family fishing trip to Mercer, Wisconsin that
started when I was 10 years old that gave me “the Bug.” My
family and I would go up to Island View Lodge in Wisconsin, for
a week at a time, where I would breathe, eat, and sleep fishing. Who
would have thought from that age I would have dreamed of fishing
and competing against professional anglers. How strange for a young
girl to dream of fishing instead of dolls and fairy-tale weddings. I
could blame a guy named Mel, who was a professional bass
fisherman, who took the time to say “hi” and tutor me in-between
flying around on the water in his bass boat and flipping fish in his
boat with ease. I didn’t share my dream with many people, I was
afraid of what they might think. My family thought it was a phase I
was going through and I would grow out of it in my teens. Then I
caught my first muskie. Now, some twenty years later, I’m living my
dream! I just finished my second year in the Professional Musky
Eagle River Team 05, Diana Mindar and Terrie DuBe.
10 MUSKIE.....February 2006
Tournament Trail. I fished this year with Terrie DuBe’ our Muskies
Inc. International Secretary. She has become a good friend and a
great partner. We have had a wonderful year and are looking forward
to our 2006 season.
When Jim Smith
asked me to write an
immediate question
was “about what?”
What could I possibly
have to say about
muskie fishing that
anyone would want to
read? Jim suggested
how about fishing the
PMTT (Professional
Musky Tournament
The championship 46-incher.
Trail). You have to
understand, even though I fish the PMTT, I don’t consider myself a
professional or an expert. I’m simply a woman that loves the thrill of
muskie fishing, experience, and comradery of competing against
some of the best muskie fishermen and women in the country.
Although there are a few of us women who fish the PMTT, we
are the only all female team and that is part of the reason why I’m
writing this article. I know there are many women out there who love
to fish and have the passion (bug) that I do. I just wanted to
encourage them a little. My dream became reality when I took my
first step and joined a local multi-species fishing club. Most of the
people who I associate with, don’t fish or care to and can’t begin to
understand or appreciate the addiction of muskie fishing. However,
attending a meeting of the Oswegoland Fishin Fools one night
changed that. Yes, it was awkward but I had to try something
different. Now that I was at this meeting by myself, I decided to sit
at the table with the muskie guys, since “all other fish are just bait.”
Anyway, these guys happened to fish the PMTT and we started
sharing muskie stories. It was great to be around others that shared
the passion for muskie fishing like me. One thing led to another and
a couple of them suggested I should sign up and try fishing the
PMTT (I think they could see how sick I was with this muskie fishing
thing). Before I knew it, I was caught up in the moment and had
agreed to sign up and join the ranks of the PMTT. On the ride home
that night one thought kept popping into my head “What have I
Perfect, now just a few minor details. Studying the waters,
launching and loading the boat, pressure from competing in
tournaments primarily comprised of men, missing work in the real
world, entry fees, and travel expenses. Many of the guys we fish
against are some of the best muskie fishermen
out there. Several of them have written articles
I’ve learned from! How scar y, but how fun! I
have put these guys on pedestals all these years
reading Musky Hunter and other magazines,
and they have really turned out being very
helpful and supportive to us. Two guys in the
PMTT, Jim and Ed, even took the time to
practice launching and loading the boat with
us several times before our first event in 2004,
while others shared information, marked our
maps of hazards on the water and good areas to
fish. We have met a great group of guys in the
I know it’s not everyone’s dream to fish
competitively, but it is just icing on the cake for
me. But, for those women who love to fish and
the thrill of competition I would encourage
them to try fishing a tournament or getting
involved with a sponsored tournament trail
such as the PMTT. For those individuals that
are less competitive or worry because they don’t
have their own boat try joining a fishing club
and or a Muskies Inc. chapter. These
organizations gave me the opportunity to meet
a great new bunch of friends, learn new
techniques, fish new waters and overcome
obstacles, which would have been more
difficult without them. I’ve also come across
many fishing web sites that have fishing
outings. So, bring your best friend along to
ease the awkwardness, and meet a new group
of friends. Besides the obvious benefit of being
surrounded by fisherman and fisherwomen
who share your passion, it is one more excuse
to spend time together with your friends and
husbands on the water in pursuit of Esox and
to show them that we girls can fish too!
I have to be honest and mention that I still
get so nervous and excited before the
tournaments that I can’t eat or sleep for about
a week.
Overall, I’m definitely not
complaining. I have been so blessed to have
this experience. Besides, I could lose a little
weight, catch up on my sleep later, and live my
dream. You will never know if you don’t try.
Take care, Di Tate Mindar ❖
The PMTT takeoff.
February 2006.....MUSKIE 11
Ji m B u n c h
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12 MUSKIE.....February 2006
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on Inc.
are ies
ds usk
ce to M
pro ly
of irect
For the 35th year now, another Members Only Fishing Contest
comes to an end. It is kind of funny how things change. Back in the
1970’s and early 1980’s, we used to shut down in late November and
early December. Records were finalized, awards prepared and things
just went quiet for 5 months. Not anymore, this is a 12 month sport.
On New Years Eve the Lunge Log should have been out having a
good time. No, here we were trying to put an end to the final
standings for you to read. This is not possible in Muskies, Inc. For
you see as soon as we try to print you the most up to date standings
and get the final results we discover that many of you just ignore
November 30th and just keep on fishing where legal. For example, our
listing includes Lunker Of The Month for each 12 months. This
happens to us each month. Our listing of largest releases and most
release points now goes to the magazine on the first of the month for
publication in the magazine one month later. It also gets posted on
the web site almost immediately, nearly 30
days ahead of the magazine. So for
example, we show a December Lunker of
45.5 inches by Dane Garrett of chapter 28.
This is a really nice muskie for December
and a number of years ago would probably
win. I shut down visiting incoming entries
and printed my list. I then sent the list to
the magazine and the web site. After
experiencing some difficulties sorting out
the classifications of the junior division
another day went by. Then I sat down to
visit with you for yet another month with
this article.
While trying to get a handle on what
is going on in the muskie world, I am not
real sure while in mid story here I will
occasionally take a peak at incoming
entries on my system. Sure enough, I did
and sure enough the December Lunker got
blown out of the water by 5 inches. It
happens every month, I am not going to
go back and change the list. If I did, it
would take me a week to try and be
current. The update will be next month.
You will notice in our listing of point
leaders, etc that we state that changes may
occur prior to February 1, 2006. So let’s
just let Mr. Garrett enjoy his brief moment
in the headlines.
2005 Awards!
This is the first year of a change that initially was very unpopular.
For a number of years the International sponsored 6 awards for each
chapter and paid for them. We are talking about 6 awards times $18
for a total of $108 for each chapter. We have 48 chapters, so times
$108 equals $5200. When I submitted my budget each year I was a
very unpopular man. Here is the deal; our vendor for plaques has
agreed to give the chapters the Muskies, Inc discount. So they may
still do so and many are doing that. Each and every chapter contest
chairperson and president has received by email directions on how to
do that. Our vendor is very prompt, understands our ship dates and
has not missed one since they started in 1976. Enough said lets go on.
International Banquet! April 1, 2006
This year we will gather at the Annual Spring Awards banquet
for another gala event. The presentation will be for awards won on an
International basis only. We will award 1st through 10th for Men’s
Masters, Men’s, Women’s, Juniors and 1st and 2nd in the Women’s
Masters. We will also present the Lunker Of The Month awards. The
reason for only 2 in the Women’s Masters is that there are only 25
ladies eligible in that division. The Masters for the International is
based on 250 all time entries for the men. That is set by the Lunge
Log. For 2005 it is all those men who had 250 or more entries as of
1/1/2005. That is controlled by our computer, so if a man entered or
did not enter masters on their on line entry, the computer did it for
them. This is the same for women’s. In 2005 the Women’s Masters
was all those ladies who had 100 or more entries in the Lunge Log as
of 1/1/2005. If a man passes 250 during the year, a woman passes 100
(Continued on page 14)
February 2006.....MUSKIE 13
Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g
nge L
Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g
Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g
(Cont’d from page 13)
during the year, or if a junior turns 18 during
the year, they will remain in that division until
January 1 of the next year. Naturally for 2006
the masters list will be reset to reflect those
that have reached that status as of 1/1/2006.
Keep in mind the master’s thing is separate
from what the chapters call masters. That is set
by each chapter in their awards set up.
During the 2005 season we had some
problems with division classifications,
especially in the Juniors. Consequently
during the rest of January we need each
chapter to be aware of the list we have
published. An email has been sent to each
chapter president and contest chairperson to
check our classifications. If they spot
something wrong they need to contact me
immediately. I am not going to order the
International awards until late February to
allow time for corrections. For example we
had a junior member whose points and
longest releases showed up in the Women’s
Masters, the Women’s, and the Juniors. That
is not supposed to happen, but it did. I am a
bit nervous as the last thing we need is to get
to the International Banquet and have the
final standings be wrong. So I need your help.
Look at the point leaders and longest releases;
if you spot something that does not make
sense, I need to know immediately. You
should concentrate on the number of releases
only as the point totals are added by the
computer and it has not made a mistake yet.
In some cases a junior would have some of
their releases show up in the system and some
would not. We have been working on those
frantically. The problem is that the web site is
changing from one system to another and
sometimes the computer language does not
match with an entry. I do not control the web
site system; Ron Groeschl does. He is a good
man, he will get it done. Please understand
we now have close to 220,000 entries, so to
change and correct language we have to make
sure every entry understands the change. I
hope we have not scared you with this. Please
be patient.
Pins and needles in Chippewa,
Jim Bunch
14 MUSKIE.....February 2006
February 2006.....MUSKIE 15
Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g ◆ Lu n g e L o g
Photo Contest – February Winners
by Juris Ozols
ere’s a fine photo for our “Women’s Issue” of a young lady
with her first Muskie. You see Joey VanGorder, age four
and barely 40 inches tall herself, with a 31.5 inch Muskie.
Rob VanGorder sent it in and has this delightful report:
“I went out to do some shortline trolling (30’ back) with 6”
Grandma lures in Alum Creek Lake, Ohio. Since I was only going
out for an hour, I took Joey. She brought some Pringles and a
coloring book. Once she finished the chips and coloring, she
announced that she wanted to hold the pole. Knowing I was on
borrowed time with her, I loosened the drag on one of my 8’6”
trolling rods and let her sit with it in her lap. She kept feeling the
action of the lure and telling me she had a fish. She must have told
me about ten times she had a fish, and I would grab the pole and
show her it was just the lure.
“She then asked me about the line counter and when I told her
how it worked, she decided we needed to let out 100’ of line. I told
her that I really thought the fish were 30’ back, but she insisted.
Realizing I was down to the last few minutes of my beautiful four
year old’s patience, I told her she could let out 100’ and headed the
boat for the dock. About a minute later she told me she had a fish
and as I grabbed the pole to show her it was the lure once again, I
realized she was right this time.
“We live very close to the boat ramp, so when she caught the fish, I
called my wife and had her run down with my other three kids to see
the fish and take the picture. Jodi took only one quick shot with our
5.0 megapixal Kodak Easyshare cx7530 digital camera, and then the
fish was released healthy and took off immediately.
“Joey has caught lots of bluegill, sunfish and rockbass (see inset) at
her Great Grandpa’s up on Lake Erie with her big sister Abby (8 yrs)
and her big brother Luke (6 yrs). Her little sister Rory (2 yrs) will get
time on the water this coming year. This was Joey’s first big fish.”
yes! I’ve
said many
times that
the best
story, and
this one is
a classic
example. Just look - who’s holding the Muskie, but who caught it?
No question about that. And that big smile and blond hair are a nice
touch. A great “young lady” photo from Rob and Jodi.
Our second picture this month comes from Peter Olson of the
Headwaters Chapter. I believe Peter is in Florida or Boulder Junction
or somewhere in between right now. And I’m way behind deadline
on this month’s article so I haven’t been able to contact him for
details. But the notation on the back of the photo says “Fred and
Topper,” and it speaks for itself. It’s a beautiful, reflective fall scene,
fishing off the dock with the dog for company, autumn colors on the
trees, just a very nice picture. More details when I get ahold of Pete.
He’s sent in a number of pictures to the photo contest, since the very
beginning, and this is a good one.
Tips and Comments
Peter’s picture leads me to comment on “classic” opportunities
for photography. In our fishing world, sunrise/sunset, fog, and – like
(Continued on page 19)
16 MUSKIE.....February 2006
February 2006.....MUSKIE 17
40th Anniversary Special
Get Your Tickets Now!
Muskie Bucks Spring Fund Raiser
International Spring
Board Meeting
Here is your opportunity
to get your tickets early.
Offer ends March 18, 2006.
After that they can be
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Muskie Bucks will allow you to enter:
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For you advance purchase of $100, receive
$150 in Muskie Buck voucher. This will get
you tickets to be used toward 12 Special
Packages of your choice valued at $200 to
$500+ dollars.
All advance sales of Muskie Bucks will
receive a voucher that will be exchanged
for tickets at the door.
Muskie Bucks cannot be used for:
Cash Bar
Live Auction
Silent Auction
PHOTO CONTEST (Continued from page 17)
in this shot – flat calm water give you openings for
taking photos that you simply shouldn’t pass up.
And – again as in this photo - if you can get a dog
into the scene then you’ve got a winner!
2005 Photo Contest: By the time you read this
the voting will be over, and I’ll publish the results in
the March issue. A couple of questions for those of
you with an interest in the contest: We have that
$500 first prize that goes to the winner, intended for
the purchase of camera equipment. I don’t play that
up hardly at all, because I view the “contest” as
something else entirely, and not as a competition for
a prize. Should I continue having that $500, or
should I come at that differently, with some other
form of recognition or whatever?
And then, the contest voting is open to all
members of Muskies Inc., on an honor basis. I very
much appreciate seeing the opinions of the
membership on the different photos that get
published. Should I continue that too, or how would
you feel if we had a committee of some sort that did
the selection and voting.
Would really appreciate your thoughts on that,
or any other photo related opinions that you would
like to express. My official email for that is now
[email protected].
Juris Ozols
February 2006
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2006 Muskie Bucks Registration Form
This request form allows you to purchase as many packs as you’d prefer. Only
applications received by March are included in this Muskie Bucks offer. Muskie
Bucks have no cash value, they are strictly for use drum raffles, bucket raffles
and special packages. Offer ends March 18, 2006.
New Address: Please update my records.
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Address:____________________________________________ Phone:_____________________
City/Sate/Zip:________________________________________ Email:______________________
MUSKIE BUCKS (pack of $150 for $100)
NO. OF PACKS ____________ @ $100/SET = ______________________
Please fill out and mail your Muskie Bucks Request Form to:
MUSKIES, INC. Spring Fund Raiser
Please make checks payable to Muskies, Inc.
For more information on the 2006 Muskie
Banquet and Fund Raiser, please contact
Ken [email protected], (303) 688-4954
Muskie Bucks Early Buy Option C/O Ken Karbon
5684 Crowfoot Valley Rd., Castle Rock, CO 80108
Rowan Lake, Ontario
Call for our brochure or go to
Winter 1-800-653-5946
Summer 1-807-226-1234
February 2006.....MUSKIE 19
Hopefully this will be an enjoyable as well as an
informative article. Juris, Ozols, Jim Bunch, Ed Jackson
and Jim Smith as well as the Women of Muskies, Inc.
collaborated to compile stories of the top ten largest muskies
in the records of Muskies, Inc. caught by a woman. It took
the top fourteen muskies to arrive at ten women, meaning
a couple of women here had more than one of the biggest
fish in M.I. history. Here are their stories beginning with
number ten.
#10 Jan Reeves 53” (No photo available)
The twelfth of June has been a traditional muskiefishing day for the Reeves. It was also Jan and her
husband’s Rich’s 47th anniversary. Every year on their
anniversary they head out to Piedmont or Leesville to
fish muskies. Normally they water release their fish so
don’t take many photos. This day they did have two
cameras along, neither of which worked. She caught
this monster at 3:00 P.M. on a Bagley Crankbait, red
and black. Jan recalls how lively this fish was. As she
told me, “she just wasn’t happy being caught, as she kept diving to the
bottom, then under the boat, then up to the front. She had me all
over that boat.” Normally Jan says the bigger fish appear to be
somewhat lethargic.
Needless to say she was thrilled with this anniversary present.
Jan has registered 176 fish in the Lunge Log with 5 or 6 over 50”.
Jan also belongs to the Ohio Husky Muskie Club and she won 1st
place for largest women’s release. The Ohio Division of Wildlife
stocks all of the muskies in Leesville Reservoir. This 53” was truly a
fine fish for a stocked muskie.
Her husband Rich is a retired steel worker and Jan owns an
upholstery business.
20 MUSKIE.....February 2006
#9 Robin Strnad 53”x 25”
Trying to collect articles from ten
women is quite a challenge in itself.
Suffice it to say I was not able to reach
each lady for this article. Robin and her
husband Robert, a doctor, have been a
very successful muskie-fishing husband
and wife. According to the Lunge Log
she has registered twenty-two muskies,
two over 50”. This muskie was caught
at 1:00 A.M. casting. We’re not sure
what lake it was, however they fished
Lake of the Woods quite a lot. Ron and
Sue Mazur tried to help me locate
Robin, but were unsuccessful. Robin
and her husband had been members of
the Southside Muskie Hawks. Robin
had some serious health problems for a
number of years, but that didn’t deter
her one bit. She caught this fish on a
Black Crane bait. Jim Bunch featured her in his October 2000 Lunge
Log article on page 29.
#8 Pat Berglund 53”
Written by Pat’s husband and guide, Dave Berglund
The 2001 Twin Cities Frank Schneider International
Tournament was a challenging experience. On Friday and Saturday
we had cool, damp weather and strong shifting winds. We were
fishing on Cass Lake, our normal tournament waters.
For my wife Pat and me the challenge was trying to find an active
muskie to at least show itself. The fish were very uncooperative even
when the some of the experts we talked to said the conditions were
“perfect” Muskie weather.
Sunday morning the weather broke with calm winds and a
clearing sky. With the fishing done by 10:00 AM Pat picked three
spots to fish. These were spots where earlier in the tournament we
had seen or had a flash of a fish. The first spot was on a long steep
break that didn’t produce anything. The next spot was a smallsubmerged weed patch in a hole about 200 feet from the south shore
of the lake. The wind had been blowing in there all weekend. We
were surprised that nobody else had been spotted fishing there in the
past couple of days.
Pat was using her
favorite jerk bait, an old
Bigfork Sand Cat. We
started on the deeper
edge and moved in
toward the shallower sixfoot water when three
days of frustration
ended. At 8:00 AM I
heard a large splash
towards the shore and a
loud scream in the back
as the boat shifted from
her hook set. After two
jumps, a run under the
screaming and crying we
knew we had a very decent fish that didn’t fit well in our Beckman
net. After an infamous radio call for a witness and some help, we land
the fish and measured her at 53” long on our Musky stick. It was a
very thick fish with a huge head and gill plates. Because of its length
and weight Pat had a difficult time holding the fish for a tournament
picture as can be seen in the photo. The fish released well and quickly
swam out of sight after a couple of pumps.
We felt we better get a witness because the fish was so big. We
didn’t realize the significance of the catch until we got to the
Tournament Headquarters in Walker. When she registered her fish
she was told that she had the longest release of the tournament. Then
a couple of weeks later Paul Hartman told her that she had a women’s
tournament record for the longest released muskie.
This was Pat’s second 53 incher, the first was caught in 1988, also
on Cass Lake. This muskie has been fun because of the notoriety and
recognition she has received since the tournament.
#7 Edie Buss 53 1/2”
June 24th on Lake St. Clair, Ontario, I caught my biggest
muskie, thus far. But, the story actually begins the day before.
With my husband at the wheel, we were trolling for that “big
one”. All around
hitting, about a
dozen over 50
inches in that area.
Over the radio we
heard the lures and
colors that were
being used. I
through me tackle
box for one lure
with all the right
colors. I found my
new Wiley King
Jr. in Sunset Carp and started trolling it. I had a strike, but it got off.
My husband marked a waypoint on the GPS. Then we headed back
for the night.
The next day, the wind was blowing from the SW at 15-20 mph.
We headed east out of the Ruscum River to the area we had been
catching fish. But, no luck. With the waves at 3 foot, we debated as to
continue. However, as any Muskie hunter knows, it’s hard to give up.
So, we headed for the Belle River area. Getting there about
11:00, and trolling at 4.5 mph and I put my Sunset Carp back 40
feet. At 11:30 we crossed the spot where I lost the fish the night
before. The reel screamed. I ran to the rod, having trouble standing
because of the waves. The fish stayed down but came to the surface
enough for me to see its huge tail before again diving back into the
deep. My husband kept the boat straight until the musky was at the
side. When he tried to net the fish it arched its back and flipped back
over the rim of the net and dove again. He netted the fish on the next
pass and it was a good thing. The lure was hanging on the rim of the
net, but the fish still had a hook in its jaw. One of the eyes on the lure
had been pulled open just enough to let the hook slip out. When we
took the measurement at 53.5 inches my husband said to check it
again, not believing it. We snapped a few pictures, which was difficult
because the waves were pounding so hard. I put the fish into the water
and held on until it recovered. We watched it swim on the waves for
a short time and with a flip of its tail it was gone.
I’ve been a member of Muskies, Inc. on the family membership
for years. When our son James joined the Army two years ago, I took
his place as boat partner. James caught a 54.5-inch in 2001 and won
the Lax mount for the Junior Division. I told him I was hot on his
heels; maybe next year I can pass him up!
Edie Buss, Three Rivers Muskie
(Continued on page 22)
7,000 Musk
On Sabaskong Bay
Six-time Muskies, Inc.,
Chapter Challunge Headquarters
1983, 1986, 1993, 1997, 2003, 2004
• Ultra-modern one, two, three, or four bedroom cabins
• American plan, housekeeping or camping
• Floating docks, electricity for charging batteries, Lund Boats with swivel seats
and depth finders, Honda motors with electric start
• Dining room with food and liquor available for registered guests only
Call or write for data on musky catches:
www.redwinglodge.net • www.redwinglodge.on.ca
Family owned and operated for 40 years
February 2006.....MUSKIE 21
TOP TEN WOMEN (Continued from page 21)
#6 Melody Swenson 54”x 25”
This October, Dave (my husband) and I were trolling for
muskies. It was great to be fishing, as we hadn’t been out much due
to illness in our family. On this particular day we’d already each
caught and released a muskie. It was getting close to dark so the day
would be ending soon.
I put out my line and within a few minutes I heard that sound—
the sound that either means you’re snagged or you’ve got a fish!
Happily, I had a fish! As I began to reel, the fish seemed to be coming
in too easily. I told Dave that it didn’t feel very big. About 25 feet
from the boat,
the fish came to
the surface. Dave
said, “That’s a
nice fish!” I said,
“Oh no! I don’t
like this!” One
thing I’ve learned
about muskies is
that it’s not good
when they play
opossum! I just
hoped that she
wouldn’t roll or
do a head shake
that would send the lure flying. She then swam straight down towards
the boat! When she stopped, she was under the motor! Then my line
got caught! I thought that I was going to lose her! Luckily, she just sat
there which gave us the chance to untangle the line. After getting her
to the side of the boat, she tried going under the motor again! I
pulled on my rod as hard as I could and kept her next to the boat.
Finally, Dave netted her!
Dave removed the hooks in the water while I held the net and
got the cameras ready. We then brought her in the boat and measured
her on our Plexiglas measuring board. I couldn’t believe it—she was
54” long with a 25” girth! I guess that’s what keeps us muskie fishing.
Believing that the next fish we catch could be something special and
that one fish can turn an average muskie season into something
Plus she caught a 53”x 25” 11/16/2004
#5 Patricia Str utz 54 1/2”x 30”
August 1st, 2005, is a date I’ll always remember. My husband Jim
Behm and I were participating in one of Guide’s Choice Fishing
Schools on Lake of the Woods
been moving fish
near large rock
reefs close to very
deep water. We
visited our first
spot but nobody
was home. We
headed over to
again, nobody
before we pull up
22 MUSKIE.....February 2006
the trolling motor Rick suggests I take a cast near a shallow shelf in
the reef.
I tossed in my TopRaider. Plop. I started the retrieve. Explosion!
A big head with an open mouth, but she missed. One thing I’ve
learned over my bazillion casts is to not choke when this happens. I
steadily kept reeling in the bait. A few seconds later the water
exploded again and the bait was gone. I set the hook hard. She
immediately starting heading down to the deep water. I could feel her
down there shaking her head. I’ve lost fish to this headshake before.
It’s a sickening feeling.
Jim was reeling in his bait and getting the net ready. Rick was
struggling to get a Pacemaker out of his pants (don’t ask) and then get
the video camera out. Jim was yelling get her up, pull her up! Easier
said then done, there, hubby. Try horsing up a behemoth musky who
wants to stay deep. Well, I finally got her up, he plunges in the net,
and she turns and goes back down deep. Oh, no…luckily, Rick had
not started filming yet or he may have had an editing job to do.
Well, after what seemed like an eternity I got her up and Jim got
her in the net. There she lay in the net. Jim took out the hooks while
I got the camera ready and tried to prepare myself to hold this
incredible creature. My husband kept saying, “Okay, the first thing
you have to do is relax…” Right…
You just don’t realize the enormity of a fish until you start pulling
her out of the net. She kept coming and coming and coming. Yes, I
am a small woman. I am 5’ 2” and weigh under 100#; so most fish
look quite big compared to me. But, this fish was HUGE!!!! I’ve
caught many muskies and never had any difficulty handling
them…but this fish, WOW.
Jim snapped a bunch of still photos and Rick rolled the camera.
We were able to get fantastic footage. She was a huge, round, full,
solid fish. She didn’t have a “drop belly”-just a solid mass from head
to tail; torpedo shaped. The video best shows her features off. We
then measured her: 54 1/2” with a huge 30” girth! What a beast!
I wanted to get her back into the water quickly. Yes, she was a
Lake of the Woods legal, but I had no intentions of keeping her. We
placed her back in the water and I held onto her. She never wavered.
Almost immediately her head started searching for the deep water.
Jim snapped a few quick release photos. I gently took my hands off of
her and she quickly swam away. WOW and again WOW…what an
incredible creature. What an incredible moment. A fish-of-a-lifetime.
#4 Cindy Hegdahl 55”
2004 started out slow. August 31st I caught 2 nice fish, a 51’’ and
one hour later a 47’’. We go to L.O.T.W. in October every year. Jeff
one of the helpers
on the island has
flowers on the table
in the cabin when
we get there. He
knows how to get
to a woman’s heart.
I caught 8 muskies
and Mark Fredrick
caught 5. I had
Mark beat with a
47’’er until he
caught a 49’’er on
the last day. Well it
was time to pack
up and go head
back home. Jeff
said take the flowers with you and make a wish, and throw them
overboard. My wish was to catch a really BIG MUSKIE this year.
October 24th was the day. It was cold 3 layers of cloths, 2 coats, bibs,
boots, etc. Mark and I were trolling crankbaits on lake Bemidji. 3
hours went by and no fish. The wind was just starting to shift, just as
the big girl hit! It was all I could do to hang on to my rod! Mark said
have you got a good one on? I didn’t say anything. That means it
must be good. When Mark looked back to see what was going on,
she jumped all the way out of the water. She knew all the tricks,
around the motor, under the boat, up to the front of the boat, and
then to the back and around the motor again. We got her in the net,
then in the boat. We measured her on a board. Then Mark says it’s a
55’’ PIG! I went to pick her up for a picture and she didn’t move.
[REALLY HEAVY!] Mark helped me lift her up for a picture, and the
camera was too cold and didn’t want to work. 11 shots and 2 turned
out. And I was smiling in both of them. I’m 67’’ tall and she was only
12’’ shorter than I am. When we put her back in the water, I think
she was smiling as much as we were. I would like to thank the twin
cities chapter for the replica I received, and Jeff for the flowers. My
wish came TRUE. – Cindy Hegdahl
#3 Toni Ferraro 55”
We had learned a lot on our two previous trips to Lake St. Clair
and by the third year we came armed with an expanded collection of
Wiley Lures. At 12:00 noon we were trolling in an area where the
something wasn’t right I began pushing the fish toward Joe. He asked
what I was doing and I said I was letting him get on the zero. He said
I was pushing him off the end when it hit me that the ruler was telling
the truth. I had just landed a 55-inch muskie! Joe put the fish into the
net and back into the water and calmly informed me that it could be
all downhill from here and that if I was ever going to keep a muskie
this should probably be the one. I didn’t hesitate in my decision to
release her. Thanks again to Dale Wiley for helping make it happen
and Lax Taxidermy for preserving the memory.
D onna Radtke 55”
The Radtke name is synonymous with great muskie lures.
Donna has registered 13 muskies on our Lunge Log, while her
husband Gale has registered 61 muskies. Generally the Radtke’s troll
the St. Lawrence River, trolling at a depth of 25’. Obviously, trolling
a Radtke lure. Donna was trolling a perch color Pikie Minnow
Radtke. This fish was caught November 3, 1989 at 5:00 P.M. and
weighed 39 lbs. She won the Women’s Weight Division for the year,
a kept fish. Donna has 13 fish registered, all trolling a Radtke Pikie
Minnow, all on the St. Lawrence between 1989 and 2002. Of the 13
registered six were over 50”. She has 55, 54.5, 53, 52, 51, and a 50.
Her smallest fish was a 35”
(Continued on page 24)
stained water met clearer water. After connecting the
dots for a while my rod went off and we boated a
skinny fifty incher on a Pretty Baby colored jointed
6 incher. Three hours later found us in the same
general area when Joe’s rod started screaming. He
jumped up to get the rod from the holder and
quickly determined that he had snagged a large
weed clump. I had put the motor in neutral so he
could reel in and we coasted along gradually losing
speed. As the boat dropped to about 2.5 miles per
hour my rod went off. The fish, glued to the
bottom, passed up the planer boards and the boat
and all. We bumped the gas a bit to get ahead of the
fish but she still wouldn’t come off of the bottom.
Then all at once the huge fish surfaced right next to
the boat like a submarine. When Joe was finally able
to reach out with the net the fish didn’t fit. He kind
of bumped the net up and down bending the fish in
half and hoping that good fortune would land the
fish on our side of the hoop. It did. Joe got on one
end to hold the tail at the zero mark. I held the fish
down and looked at the other end. Assuming
February 2006.....MUSKIE 23
#1 Linda Rice 57”x 28 1 / 2 ”
It had all the trappings of the perfect setting for a big musky. A
slight chop on the water. It was the last couple of hours before dark,
8:00 PM in the evening. It was the calm before a thunderstorm. It
was quite nice when they left the dock at 6:00 but as the evening wore
on the sky just kept getting darker with the storm clouds moving in.
A perfect pre-frontal condition.
On Monday afternoon, July 11th, Linda had packed dinner and
was waiting for her guides to return from their day’s trips. On the
JUNE 10-11, 2006
The second weekend of June draws the finest sportsmen in the region to the famous Muskie
waters of Deer, Bone, Blake, Cedar, Round and Wapogasset lakes and the Apple River Flowage
in Polk County, Wisconsin.
For more information and updates, or to download Rules and Registration forms, visit:
www.northmetromuskies.com and click on June Jam. Registration is limited to 175 Open
Division participants. Registration applications accepted after February 1, 2006.
See the TWIST on an old favorite at:
24 MUSKIE.....February 2006
The following individuals have asked to have their names submitted to the general membership of Muskies, Inc. for
consideration as candidates for the position of At-Large Director. The International Board of Directors of Muskies, Inc.
affirms that each of the following candidates is a current member in good standing of an affiliated chapter or a non-affiliated
member of Muskies, Inc., and has been for at least three (3) years.
Member’s Name _________________________
Membership # ___________
Chapter # _____
I have been a member of Muskies, Inc. for 22 years and have
just finished three years as an At-Large-Director on the
International Board. It has been a very fast and eventful three
years. I am also the V.P. of internal Affairs, a member of the
Finance Committee, and the Chairman of the Insurance
I have enjoyed my time on the International Board, Finance
Committee and Insurance Committee. There have been times that
have been rough but the reward of seeing the job get done has
made it enjoyable. I am looking forward to working with our new
President Elect, David Cates and the other members of the board.
I hope I can count on your support in seeking a second term
night before Linda had caught and released a 46 inch musky. So she
was feeling pretty confident. As it turned out three of the guides from
their lodge decided to go along. They loaded up one of the
Harborcraft boats and headed to Lac Suel for a few hours of fishing
before the drizzling rain arrived.
It had just started to pour rain and they were about ready to pack
up and head for the lodge. As Linda said, “All of a sudden there was
this big wake.” We’ve all seen them and can picture many of them
just by reading her account. “it followed right to the boat. I figure
8’ed about 3 times before that fish swiped at the bait and I new I had
it. I set the hook and just lifted my rod as high as I could and lifted
one more time to let Greg try and put that fish in the net. I couldn’t
believe how heavy that fish was. In seconds Greg had that fish in the
net and the hook. I didn’t even realize how big it was until I heard the
boys holler.” Busy getting the measuring tape and finding the camera
to record this beautiful beast, Linda’s catch had gone somewhat
unrealized by her. It definitely was a much larger fish, but she had
been feeling lucky. She continued on, “When I went to hold the fish
it was so big and so heavy we only got one picture of me alone with
the fish...” As luck would have it this fresh caught, still “green”
monster takes a big shake and out of her hands and back into the
water goes this marvelous trophy musky. Fortunately, she and Greg
had posed for the first two photos so she has three very valuable
photos to enjoy.
This was the story of her 57”, but within the week of July 11th
to July 18th Linda caught and released a 42 1/2”, a 46”, a 48”, and this
magnificent 57”x 28 1/4”. Linda currently holds first place in the
history of Muskies, Inc. with the largest fish caught by a woman
member. ❖
TOP TEN WOMEN (Continued from page 23)
Hello, my name is Diana T. Mindar and I’m writing this short
resume because I’m interested in the At Large Director position with
Muskies Inc. I will start out with a little information about myself.
I live in Aurora, Illinois and I work full time as the Lead Dental
Assistant in a small office. In this position I do just about everything
under the roof from odd equipment repairs to holding a scared
child’s hand at his or her first appointment. My job is very
demanding and seems to take up most of my time. I’m also a
deacon at my church, which keeps me busy with projects helping
our community. I have been in the vice-chair position of the
deacons for the past two years, where I would help organize and
assist in leading the monthly committee meetings. In 2005, I
This printed ballot has been provided for those who are
unable or do not wish to vote online. To use this ballot to cast
your vote, follow these instructions:
1) Read the entire ballot before making any marks on it.
2) Place a mark or ‘X’ in the box immediately to the left of
each candidate for whom you want to vote. You may vote
for up to five (5) candidates, but no more than five.
3) Print your Name, Membership Number and Chapter
Number in the space(s) provided.
4) Fold the ballot and put it in an envelope addressed to:
Paul Framsted
20676 E. Eastman Ave.
Aurora, CO 80013
5) Affix correct postage to the outside of the envelope and
drop it in the mail.
Mail ballots must be postmarked no later than Midnight
March 15, 2006
organized a Thanksgiving Food Drive to help 115 needy families. I
have a twin sister, that doesn’t fish at all, but I’m working on her. I’m
also going on my third year fishing the Professional Muskie
Tournament Trail. It will be my second year fishing with Terrie Dube’
the International Secretary for M.I. I do not have a list of
qualifications for this position but I do have a passion for muskies.
I have been a member of M.I. for about three years. I am currently
the Regional Vice President of the Shawnee Muskie Hunters
(Chapter #28) and have been for the last two years. I feel blessed
to have such a strong passion for muskies and I feel driven to help
keep Muskies Inc. around for a very long time. I could not imagine
what our fisheries would be like without this organization and the
many people that contribute to M.I. I feel that Muskies Inc. has so
much to offer in so many ways, if given the chance I will do my best
to help this organization. My time may be limited but I will always
do my best. Thank you for your time.
Take care,
(More on Reverse Side)
NOTE: Our Bylaws state that in a family membership
the main member (head of the household) has a vote,
as does his/her spouse or significant other who also
has a membership number. Junior members who have
their own membership, may vote. Questions? call Paul
Framsted (303) 638-8375
February 2006.....MUSKIE 25
(Member for 4 months) Program Director /Elected Chairman
Former Cleveland Chapter President 5 years 1995 thru 2000
Accomplishments: Strong leadership through direction, improved
membership and made banquets into small sport shows. With
the help of other as a team, with local newspapers behind us,
worked and met with the Division of Wildlife to keep Lake Milton
on the stocking program with sir plus fish.
Regional Vice President / At Large Director / Big Brother
Chairperson -3 YEARSAccomplishments: Have establish, maintain, direction of
communication between Big Brother, the International, and Local
Goals: Retention of old and new members can only be done with
positive change.
With true Lunge log information, Youth, Stocking programs and
education, will be the only way to keep Muskies International’s
legacy alive, to grow for a life time to come!
Influences: Perry Smith
A great example: As a leader, be honest, get involve, make a
difference, voice your opinion, stand up for what’s right and set
positive goals, to be the Best!
My name is Dan Narsete and I am running for re-election of At
Large Director for Muskies Inc. Having served MI as a past chapter
president, voting two times as RVP, and serving as an ALD during
the last year gave me the experience needed to help run this fine
organization. Currently Muskies Inc is in need of a number of
changes that the Strategic Planning Committee is diligently working
on. As an organization we need to change and develop with our
changing times and work on it together. This is why I must continue
as your representative and continue to develop Strategic Planning.
My experience outside of Muskies Inc, is in finance and
broadcasting. Living in Colorado I work in investment real estate
and mortgages, fishing whenever possible. To help out my love for
fishing, I hosted my own outdoor show on ESPN for a year and a
half, working with all of the experts in the field. I have also written
for a few magazines, and occasionally do seminars in the Denver
area. These combined experiences have given me a lot of insight
into the changes that we are seeing in the outdoor world.
As the chairperson for Strategic Planning and Development
my commitment is clear-I am looking to continue to lead this
organization into the future. Using the experiences I have compiled
and the support from the current committee, we are set to help
change the direction of this fine organization. Please help me to
continue to serve our organization, by lending me your vote.
I am applying for the position of ALD for MI. I am the
President/Principal Engineer of Northern Environmental, an
environmental consulting firm providing natural resource
management services, including fisheries and lake management. I
am a member of the Between the Lakes Chapter of MI, and my
company has been a major sponsor of the local chapter’s
fundraising banquet for the past 4 years.
I reside on a farm in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin that I
manage for agricultural and recreational use. I have fished my
whole life, but now concentrate almost exclusively on muskie. This
includes a week in Canada, several weekends in northern
Wisconsin, and some day trips in southeastern Wisconsin. I have
been fairly successful, or maybe lucky, having landed (and
released) several 50+-inch fish.
26 MUSKIE.....February 2006
My name is Brad Waldera. I’ve been a member of the FargoMoorhead Chapter of Muskies Inc. since May of 2001, and I am
now interested in the position of At Large Director.
I started taking fishing and fishing related issues very seriously
in the early 1990’s. I joined the Roughrider Bass Club, and was a
member of that organization for six years. During that time, I spent
three years as their secretary, five years putting out their monthly
newsletter, one year as Tournament director, and the last two years
as the Club President.
I then joined the Fargo-Moorhead Chapter of Muskies Inc.
Since joining the F-M Chapter, I’ve held numerous positions within
the club. I currently am the 2nd Vice President, the Newsletter
editor/publisher, the Research Director, the Club Photographer, and
the Chapter News writer for Muskie magazine. I have also been
Vice President, and was the Wednesday Night League tournament
director. I’ve attended the past three Chapter Challunges, and
Minnesota Muskie Expo events, and try to keep informed about
other Muskie related topics, such as the Five Mile Point project on
Leech Lake. I was fortunate to be able to meet and visit with Perry
Smith, Al Skaar, and some other “Old School” Muskies Inc.
members, and I think I share in their philosophy of what Muskies
Inc. should stand for and represent.
I am not one to sit on the sidelines, as you can see. I believe
in getting involved, and that you get out of Muskies Inc. what you
put into it. I believe in “Majority Rule”, and will do everything I can
to make Muskies Inc. as good as it can be.
If you feel the same way about Muskies Inc., then I’d love to
have your support. Thank you.
This ballot and the online ballot are provided as
alternatives for the convenience of our members.
Please use one or the other, not both!
Receiving more than one ballot from any member
will result in all ballots from that member being
disallowed, and the member’s vote will not be
counted in the election.
In addition to hunting and fishing, I allocate time to community
involvement, including 12 years as a sanitary district commissioner
for Wilke Lake. During this time, we implemented activities to
improve water quality and control Eurasian milfoil. In addition, I
participated on the Sheboygan River Basin Partnership Team and
the Bay Lakes Regional Planning Commission Coastal
Management Citizens Advisory Committee, and currently sit on the
UW-Whitewater Integrated Science-Business Major Advisory Board
and the Manistee River Sturgeon Habitat Restoration Technical
Review Committee.
I believe that MI needs to concentrate on increasing their nonaffiliated membership, which will increase the available project
funds. MI focuses too much on fishing and not enough on
improving muskie habitat, survival, and reproduction. MI could
learn from Ducks Unlimited (DU) where many members do not
actively hunt waterfowl, but belong because the DU projects have
many complimentary benefits. Likewise, MI needs to focus more
on conservation projects that will not only benefit muskies but have
many other ecological benefits. This will increase interest in the
organization and increase membership.
The Kentucky Chapter
Of Muskies Inc.
Presents the
15 th Annual Cabin Fever Challunge
At Green River Lake
Campbellsville, KY
April 6, 7, 8
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Open registration, April 5, Campbellsville Community Center
Entry fees on or before March 17: Adult $70, Juniors $35
Entries after March 16: Adult $80
$5.00 Optional big fish pot
Entry fees INCLUDES meals on Friday & Saturday nights
Friday dinner only: $20
Saturday dinner only $20
Chapter with largest fish wins traveling trophy
Manufactures Displays Welcomed
Friday night Seminar by Patricia Strutz of A Blonde & Her Boat
Saturday night Seminar by Richard Collin of Ottawa Trophy Muskie
--------------------------------------------------------------Registration Form
Phone________________________ Muskies Inc Chapter and Membership #___________
Make Checks payable to Kentucky Chapter of Muskies Inc.
Clip and mail registration form with entry fee to: Taylor County Tourist Commission
PO Box 4021, Campbellsville, KY 42719
For additional information call Tom Welter (513) 481-2595
February 2006.....MUSKIE 27
From the Archives:
Update: 2005 Year End
Fundraising Campaign
The funds generated from this campaign will go to support our
Youth, Fisheries and Research efforts. Your support is appreciated.
Monetary Levels
As of 12/31/05 –
2004 –
A big THANK YOU to those
who have contributed. We
could not have reached
this level of participation
without your support!
Youth Committee...
Karl Scherer
Research Committee...
Steve Budnik and Jim Smith
Fisheries Committee...
Ron Mazur and Steve Pallo.
Special Thanks to the 37 Chapters that
helped us reach this goal by supporting
the efforts of Muskies, Inc.
This poem was first published in the November 1981
issue of MUSKIE Magazine.
The Day the Devil
Came to Muskieland
A Poem by Daniel Pabst
The Devil came up to Muskyland looking for a soul to steal.
He was running behind and in a bind and looking to make a
When he spotted a young man on a lake working a Jerkbait over
his favorite spot
The Devil jumped up on the casting deck and said, “Boy, let me
tell you what. Well I guess you didn’t know it, but I’m a
Muskie fisherman too.
If you would care to take a dare, I’ll make a bet with you
Now you work a pretty mean Jerkbait, boy, but give the Devil his
I’ve got a rod made of gold against your soul that says I’m better
than you.”
The young man smiled and said, “My name is Johnny and it
might be a sin, but I’ll take your bet and you’re gonna regret
cause I’m the best that’s ever been.”
Lookout Johnny, check your gear, and work the Jerkbait hard,
cause all hells broke loose in Muskyland and the Devil’s dealin’
the cards.
Now, if you win, you’ll get that shining rod made of gold, but if
you lose the Devil gets your soul
The Devil said, “I’ll start the show,” and fire flew from his finger
tips as he picked up his pole.
He made a cast and the reel sang with an evil hiss, and what
happened next went something like this.
The bait landed near a stand of reeds and a boil appeared near a
stump hung with weeds.
The Devil laughed with delight as he set the hook with all his
might, but a cartwheeling leap left the Devil in a heap as the
Musky’s tail broke the line and she dove out of sight
Johnny laughed and said, “Well that was pretty good old son, but
sit yourself down right there and let me show you how it’s
Using a victory retrieve, Johnny produced a wake that turned into
a crashing strike on a figure eight
A mighty leap and a blistering run produced rivers of sweat for
Johnny under the scorching sun.
Now Johnny knew it was his day, to win and twenty minutes later
he hauled that 50-incher in. He removed the bait, and then
with a big wide grin, he released her over the side of the boat
so she could fight again.
Now the Devil bowed his head cause he knew that he’d been beat,
and he laid that golden Musky rod in the boat at Johnny’s
Johnny said, “ Devil, just come on back if you ever feel like
getting beat again, cause I told you once you S. O. B. that I’m
the best that’s ever been.” ❖
– Daniel F. Pabst
28 MUSKIE.....February 2006
February 2006.....MUSKIE 29
Shimano presents….
A Women’s
Muskie Fishing
by Patricia Strutz
Smiling Annie Buhot holding a muskie.
s many of you readers are aware of, it is truly a mission of
mine to get “more women out on the water.” I try to do this
through encouragement, education and by providing
opportunities. As a fishing guide, I was thrilled to see 60% of my
clientele were ladies this year. We had some great times together.
“Ranger” Rick Krueger of Guide’s Choice Pro Shop and Fishing
Schools has been offering fishing school trips since 1987. These
experiences take place in Wisconsin, Canada and Mexico and run
the gamut from bass fishing on the Chequamegon Bay to multispecies fishing in Canada. The trips have always been open to both
sexes, and over the years we’ve had many couples and father and
daughter duos attend. A couple years ago, Rick brought me on to try
to encourage more female participation. I’m happy to report that this
year we had sisters, mothers and daughters and single gals join in the
fun. And it’s only going to get better….
Drum Roll…This year, Guide’s Choice and Shimano have
partnered up to offer the inaugural (and hopefully soon-to-be
“annual”) W.O.W! Women on the Water: Women’s Musky Fishing
School. I am so excited and proud to be a part of this ground
breaking event. I hope many of you gals will consider joining us this
year for what is sure to be an incredible outing.
Here’s the scoop: the class will begin the evening of Wednesday,
June 14th, 2006, and run through the morning of Sunday, the 18th.
It’ll be based in Eagle River, Wisconsin, where we’ll be fishing on the
famous Eagle River Chain of Lakes. A team of guides, led by
instructors “Ranger” Rick and myself , will help the gals learn
boating and fishing techniques in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere
(there will be no yelling as you try to back the boat in at the landing!)
Daily seminars and hands-on practice sessions will increase the
ladies knowledge and confidence on the water. Participants will learn
boating basics such as: safety, how to operate and control a boat, how
to run a trolling motor and how to read a depthfinder. Fishing skills
taught will include learning how to pick the correct lure for the
situation and how to present it, knot tying, hook sharpening,
throwing a baitcaster rod and reel, reading maps to locate structure
to fish around, setting a hook, landing a musky and proper “catch,
photo and release.”
catch. Breakfasts and dinners will be
The Women on the Water School
provided. Gals will have the choice of
includes four nights lodging, double
packing a sack lunch to enjoy on the
occupancy, four evening dinners
water, or they may stop at one of the
expertly prepared, three hearty
many restaurants which line the shores
breakfasts, maps, hat, PowerPoint
of the Eagle River Chain.
Every detail is taken care of,
demonstrations and skills practice
including an extensive pre-trip planner
sessions, map marking, continuous onwith itemized list of gear needed (and
the-water monitoring and “fun n
we have gear available that we are
games” all for $499.00. Guys, this
happy to “loan out”) and detailed
itinerary: after a restful night’s sleep at
Valentine’s/anniversary gift! It’s a great
the Hiawatha Motor Inn, we grab
deal…or, as I like to paraphrase a
breakfast at a local café. Next, it’s time
trendy advertisement:
to break out the maps and plan for the
- lodgings, meals, instruction and fun
day’s strategies. Our boats will be
at the Women’s Musky School
docked right at the Inn, so it’ll be easy
to get on and off the water. After a full
- learning to operate your own boat
day of fishing, we meet at Captain
and land a trophy musky…
Nemo’s Supper Club to discuss the
day’s events, take in a seminar and skills
For additional information (and to
session and then eat, drink and be
Nancy Rosman learning to use a trolling motor
learn about trips you & your spouse can
attend together) you can log onto:
Women are encouraged to bring their own boats, however,
Heckel’s Marina has boat rentals available at a special price ($250 for
three days per boat.) Single participants will be paired up with a
[email protected]
fishing buddy. Shimano is generously supporting this event. They
or call:
will have staff representation providing help and are putting together
(715) 477.2248 or 1 (800) 990-0123
“female-friendly” rod and reel combinations that the gals will be able
to use during the schools. Kirk Immens, President of the Spring Author Patricia Str utz “A Blond and Her Boat” may be reached at
Division of Sportco Marketing (the major rep. firm for Shimano), [email protected] .
remarked that Shimano is extremely excited to be a part of this
forum and are very supportive of getting more women out on the
water. Other sponsors include the likes of Heckel’s Marina, Frabill,
Suick, Mepps, Muskie 411.com, Cortland, Roberts Outdoors,
DrifterTackle, Musky Mania, Lake-Link, Fishing Hot Spots, Musky
Innovations and others.
Yeah, I’m excited about this! Come join me…come experience
the exhilaration of catching a musky. Gain confidence, new skills
and new friends. Exaggerate about the “one that got away.” And
breathe in the beautiful Northwoods air and scenery. I just know it’s
going to be an incredible event...
Deb Walters releasing a fine Muskie.
Your Online Guide to Muskie Fishing
Fishing Reports * Guides * Resorts * Tackle
Presented By
E-mail [email protected] Toll Free 1-888-704-8380
30 MUSKIE.....February 2006
The school venue looks at each participant’s individual skill level
and adjusts accordingly; so, everyone benefits. The new angler will
learn the basics while the gal who has been fishing for a while will
hone her skills and learn some new tricks of the trade. This is all
hands-on, with three intensive days of fishing on the water. I learned
a long time ago that the way to learn to fish is not just by reading
about it…you have to get out there and do it…and do it some more!
And it won’t be all “hard work.” There will be plenty of fun and
games sprinkled into the mix. I’ve planned a scavenger hunt (to
increase boat docking skills), casting contests, campfires, most
creative fishing cap contest and a few other surprises. This will be a
fun-filled outing, full of camaraderie. We maintain constant on-thewater monitoring (there’s always a lot of banter over the radios from
the “chick boats”) so we can all meet up to help celebrate the latest
Katie McKy learning to throw a baitcaster.
February 2006.....MUSKIE 31
Webster Lake Musky Club
Annual Series Cash Tournament
June 3, 2006: Webster Lake $150
September 9, 2006: Barbee Chain $150
October 7, 2006: Webster Lake$200
15 33
11 17 3 7
18 50
Jan. 13-14-15
Extreme Muskie Show (Pittsburgh)
All 3 tournaments for $450 if paid by June 3, 2006.
~ Limited to the first 45 boats ~
Third tournament payout:
1st=$2250* 2nd=$1500*
3rd=$700* 4th=$400* 5th=$150*
3rd=$900* 4th=$550* 5th=$200*
*Based on field of 45 boats. Payout will be 3 places for less than 20 teams; 4 places for 20-29
teams; and 5 places for 30+ teams.
Contact Vince Weirick 574-551-0214 or Chae Dolsen 574/834-1669 for further information or visit our
website www.websterlakemuskyclub.org for entry form and tournament rules.
Chapter 17 of Muskies, Inc.
Quad County HAWG Hunters
All Specie Fishing Seminar
March 14, 2006
Doors open 5:30 pm – Speakers begin 6:30 pm
32 MUSKIE.....February 2006
No. Chapter, Address
January 13-15
Tri-Esox Chicago Muskie Show
Harper College, Palatine, IL
For Info. call (847) 328-6200
Phone #
01 ........Twin Cities, 414 Division St., Excelsior, MN 55331 ......................................952-380-1218
02 ........Fargo-Moorhead, Box 2021, Fargo ND, 58103 ............................................701-298-9032
03 ........Chicagoland Muskie Hunters, 7600 Kilbourn Ave, Skokie, IL 60076............847-677-0017
04 ........Titletown Muskies, Inc., 3097 Inverness Lane, New Franken, WI 54229 ....920-866-9705
05 ........Pomme De Terre, PO Box 5, Hermitage, MO 65668....................................417-745-2381
06 ........First Wisconsin, PO Box 122, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729............................715-726-8896
07 ........South Side Muskie Hawks, 5211 S. Narragansett Ave., Chicago, IL 60638 ..773-581-8650
08 ........Capital City, PO Box 8862, Madison, WI 53708 ...........................................608-669-5046
09 ........West Virginia, 1270 Federal Road, Little Hocking, OH 45742......................740-667-3571
10 ........Heartland, 239 8th St SE, Mason City IA 50401 ..........................................641-424-0827
11 ........Mississippi Valley, 5301 11th Ave “C”, Moline, IL 61265...............................309-797-1803
12 ........Headwaters, PO Box 652, Eagle River, WI 54521 .......................................715-479-1821
13 ........Hayward Lakes, PO Box 609, Hayward, WI 54843......................................715-634-4543
14 ........South of the Border, 28926 W. Big Hollow Rd, McHenry, IL 60050 .............815-385-9026
15 ........Star of the North, 29957 La Plant Rd., Grand Rapids, MN 55744 ...............218-326-4958
16 ........Three Rivers, 119 Bus Lane, Renfrew, PA15136 .........................................724-789-7866
17 ........Quad County, PO Box 185, Plano, IL 60545 ................................................815-695-1494
18 ........Hopedale, 15 Township Rd 125, Dillonvale, OH 43917................................740-769-7269
19 ........Akron-Canton Muskie Maniacs, 1503 S Main St, Akron, OH 44301 ............330-724-7592
20 ........Between the Lakes, PO Box 61, Sheboygan, WI 53085-0061.....................920-564-3226
21 ........North Metro, PO Box 41216, Plymouth, MN 55441......................................952-469-2155
22 ........New Jersey, http://www.mi22.com/...............................................................................TBD
23 ........Cleveland, 5608 Brave Chief Lane, Ravenna, OH 44266 ............................330-296-2398
24 ........Brainerd Lakes, 9143 Lone Pine Road, Brainerd, MN 56401 ......................218-821-3669
26 ........Central Wisconsin, PO Box 263, Medford, WI 54451...................................715-748-2630
27 ........Central Illinois, 1191 Sandra Lane, Monticello, IL 61856..............................217-762-8070
28 ........Shawnee Muskie Hunters, PO Box 602, DeKalb, IL 60115..........................815-756-3231
29 ........Upper Great Plains, 1788 Hwy 4, Estherville, IA 51334 ...............................712-362-2501
30 ........God’s Country, PO Box 1461, LaCrosse, WI 54601.....................................608-786-4062
31 ........Penn-Ohio, 309 Spring St, Jamestown, PA 16134 .......................................724-932-5815
32 ........Flatlanders, 5776 Vesper Drive, South Beloit, IL 61080 ...............................815-389-4622
33 ........Lake Superior, 2031 Hwy. 33 S., Cloquet, MN 55720 ..................................218-879-2712
35 ........Milwaukee, PO Box 28842, Greenfield, WI 53220 .......................................262-789-1255
37 ........St. Cloud, 312 18th Avenue N., Sartell, MN 56377.......................................320-656-1160
38 ........Vikingland, 609 S. Otter Ave., Parkers Prairie, MN 56361 ...........................218-338-5441
39 ........Fox River Valley, 1253 Cobblers Crossing, Elgin, IL 60123 .........................847-741-9771
41 ........Central Ohio, 8494 Fall Gold Lane, Westerville, OH 43082 .........................614-451-0485
42 ........Hoosier Muskie Hunters, PO Box 501371, Indianapolis, IN 46250..............317-577-8050
44 ........Colorado, P.O. Box 270064, Louisville, CO 80027 .......................................720-938-4109
45 ........Kentucky, 212 Linden Ave., Southgate, KY 41071 .......................................859-441-1666
46 ........Bemidji/Cass Lake, 11551 Misty Meadows Rd, Bemidji, MN 56601 ............218-759-0098
47 ........Michigan Muskie Alliance, PO Box 512, Caledonia, MI 49316.....................616-447-1688
48 ........Arrowhead, PO Box 82, Virginia, MN 55792 ................................................218-482-5217
49 ........Webster Lake Musky Club, PO Box 670, No. Webster, IN 46555................574-834-1669
50 ........Penn-Jersey, 372 Kingwood Rd., King of Prussia, PA 19406.......................610-962-0632
51 ........Ohio Valley Muskie Hunters, 211 Mann St., Bowerstown, OH 44695 ..........740-269-1216
52 ........Daniel Boone, 428 N. Wilson Ave., Morehead, KY 40351............................606-784-3933
Jan 27-28-29
Extreme Muskie Show (Medina, MN)
Feb. 10-11-12
Rioter Milwaukee Show
Feb. 24-25-26
Ohio Chpt. Muskie Show
March 10-11-12
Blaine, MN Muskie Show
March 17-18-19
Extreme-Chicago Muskie Show
March 31 & April 1
M.I. International Spring Board Meeting
– Twin Cities
August 9,10,11
As of right now the 2006 Gil Hamm
Chapter Challunge is going to be hosted
out of McQuoids resort on Mille Lacs
Lake in MN.
October 21
M.I. International Fall Board Meeting
Detroit Lakes Holiday Inn
(218) 847-2121
Questions contact Brett Waldera
Special events listings are provided at
no charge to Muskies, Inc chapters.
To list your chapter's event, email to:
[email protected]
or by ground mail: Jim Smith,
15045 W. Double Tree Way,
Surprise, AZ 85374-8568.
Please send announcements
at least 2 months in advance.
February 2006.....MUSKIE 33
This year’s Annual Seminar and Fund-raiser is scheduled for March 14, 2006 at the Yorkville American Legion in
Yorkville, IL. Advanced sale of tickets will cost $8.00 and sales at the door will be $10.00. The club is thrilled to have
two top-notch fishermen speaking this year. Don Dziedzina and Mike Hulbert.
Don will be speaking on many different species of fish – not just muskies. Don can be seen on Channel 17 sports show,
Illinois Outdoors, along with many fishing columns in local newpapers and at many of the fishing shows in Northern
Illinois. Don can be found on Illinois Outdoor’s website: www.illinoisoutdoors.com.
Mike Hulbert is one of Indiana’s top muskie fishermen. Mike runs a guide service for lakes in Indiana(ie. Webster,
Tippecanoe, and Barbee Chain) in addition to trips to some of the top muskie spots in Minnesota. Mike writes for Muskie
Hunter magazine, was a top-20 finisher in the PMTT, along with many other championships and top-10 finishes in local
muskie tournaments, and was the top in muskie releases for the state of Indiana in 2004 with over 200 fish released.
Mike’s website can be found at: mikehulbert.com.
Our seminar wouldn’t be complete without food and refreshments available, a 50/50 raffle, door prizes, and major
raffle prizes worth hundreds of dollars(fishing rods and reels, trips, framed prints, etc.). For advanced tickets please call
Mark Johnson at (630) 553-2985 or e-mail Mark at [email protected]. The American Legion is on Route 34,
one mile east of Route 47 in Yorkville, IL.
Chapter News and Views
First and second tournaments payouts:
1st=$1700* 2nd=$1150*
Box 2021 • Fargo, ND 58103
701-298-9032 – Brett Wade Waldera
[email protected]
Meets 4th Monday 7:00 PM, VFW in West Fargo.
The Fargo-Moorhead Chapter last met on
Monday, December 19th.
Brett Waldera began his last meeting as
President of the Fargo-Moorhead Chapter by
talking about the 2006 Chapter Challunge. Brett
went to McQuoid’s, on Mille Lacs Lake, and was
very pleased with what they had to offer. It should
be the best Challunge yet. The fishing dates are
August 9th to 11th, and there will be lots of things
going on off the water too. We’ll have all the
details sorted out and printed here as they
become available.
The Fargo-Moorhead Chapter is still working
on a club logo. It should be finished soon, and
we’ll then place an order for assorted
merchandise. I’m sure we’ll have some club
shirts, as well as hats, jackets, and other things.
I’m really looking forward to seeing how the logo
turned out. Greg Nelson, the artist who painted
the Al Skaar/ Gil Hamm print, is the one doing our
logo. Speaking of that print, there are still some
available for sale. Contact a F-M member if
you’re interested, as it really is an outstanding
print, and the price is quite reasonable.
F-M member, Brian Grote, gave a brief
rundown of the latest news from the Minnesota
Muskie Alliance. He mentioned that their last
meeting had gone very well, and that the
Brainerd Chapter of MI was trying to get Muskies
stocked into Gull Lake. The Brainerd Chapter’s
Muskie Release Video is also almost finished. I
guess they’re waiting for the MN DNR to finish
their part. Brett also said that in the Minnesota
Fishing Regulations handbook, the “Know the
difference” page will be in color from now on.
That is a direct result of the MMA. Great job guys.
The F-M Chapter elected its new Officers for
2006. They are:
President- Mark Stenger
Vice President- Chris Schrom
2nd Vice President- Brad Waldera
Secretary- Shawn Earley
Treasurer- Rick Eagleson
RVP- Brett Waldera
Congratulations to all the Officers and newly
elected Board Members.
That’s the latest from your friends in the F-M
Chapter. Good Fall Fishing to all.
Brad Waldera
Muskie Hunters
7600 Kilbourn Ave.
Skokie, IL 60076
847-677-0017 – Dean Rosset
[email protected]
Meets 1st Tuesday 7:30 PM, Park Ridge VFW 10
West Higgins Ave., Park Ridge, IL.
I think the next best thing to being out on the
water searching for muskies, is visiting the Sport
shows looking for just the right equipment for
catching muskies. The Tri Esox Chicago Muskie
Show was a great success, as always. Now I
am just going crazy waiting for the ice to finish
melting. Perhaps a short trip to more southern
waters can alleviate the mounting spring fever.
Webster, Shelbyville, Kinkaid and Cave Run all
have great early season fishing.
January’s meeting was well attended and
very interesting. After some announcements by
34 MUSKIE.....February 2006
new club president Zach Arnold, and a short
member presentation on the Chippewa Flowage,
Dennis Radloff gave a wonderful presentation on
Green Bay Muskies. Dennis fishes both the
waters near Milwaukee (you may have seen him
hook a 53” on John Gillespie’s “Wisconsin Woods
and Waters TV show), and the Green Bay area.
Dennis was very gracious with his time and stuck
around long after his presentation to talk with club
members. If you are looking to wet your line in
the Green Bay or Milwaukee areas, Dennis
Radloff would be a great choice to introduce you
to the local waters. You can reach Dennis at
262-560-1309, or [email protected].
February’s meeting will feature long time club
member Don Dubin’s excellent presentation “
Everything about Muskies”, which includes a
historical look at the start of muskie fishing in
Illinois. Don was there at the very beginning of
stocking Illinois waters with Muskie.
Raffle tickets are now on sale for the Muskie
Art Print fundraiser. We are raffling off 5
beautiful muskie prints by artists such as Scott
Zoellick and Michael Ringer. Tickets can be
purchased for $2.00 ea, or a pack of 6 for $10.00.
Top ticket sellers will win Gift certificates from
Muskie oriented tackle stores. Last years
auction was a big success, let’s hope this years
will continue the tradition. Contact Al Weinblatt
or any of the club officers if you need more raffle
Plans are being made for this summers on the
water meetings. July’s meeting will be on the
Chain O Lakes, and August’s at Independence
West Virginia
1270 Federal Road
Little Hocking, OH 45742
Meets: No definite schedule-call
With the release of 42 fish in U.S. Waters
worth 469 points, my friend Bob Hoce is our
American Division Champion. This is the most
fish and highest point total registered in this
Division since it began ten years ago. Included
was a 51” in April from Middle Island Creek which
won National Lunker of the Month honors. It is
extremely rare for a WV fish to be National LOM.
Remarkably, all of these fish were caught from
local streams and lakes within 100 miles of his
home. Bob made Chapter History by becoming
the first member to turn in fish from the Ohio and
Muskingum Rivers.
For the fifth consecutive year Shelia McCord is
our Women’s Release Champion. Shelia caught
14 muskies for a total of 221 points. Her largest
was a 49” on a Tuff Shad from Stonewall Jackson
Lake. Another WV lady deserves recognition for
her incredible average size muskie caught in
2005. Darlene Kelley boated 8 muskies for 156
points for an average of more than 45”. To my
knowledge, this is the longest average size for
any WV Chapter member in any division who
entered 8 or more fish in a single season. We
usually hear about the big ones that got away but
last year for Darlene it must have been the little
ones that got away.
Final 2005 Women’s Division Standings:
Shelia McCord
14 Fish
221 Points
Darlene Kelley
Sharon Crane
Carol McCauley
Kathy Burdette
For the third time in the past five years, Derek
Wenzel has won our Junior Release Division.
We also congratulate Derek on a special non-
fishing achievement. This year he was the
winner for his age group of the Pass, Punt and
Kick Contest held at Heinz Field in Pittsburgh
during halftime of a Steelers game. And we are
proud of Anna Hamrick, Josh Winger and Nathan
Winger who caught some nice fish in 2005 and
placed in our Junior’s Division.
Final 2005 Junior’s Division Standings:
Derek Wenzel
10 Fish 119 Points
Anna Hamrick
Josh Winger
Nathan Winger
More on the Chapter Contest next month.
Stay Tuned.
John Kaltenecker, Secretary
West Virginia Chapter 09 Muskies, Inc.
P.O. Box 652
Eagle River, WI 54521
715-479-1821 – Paul Hansen
Meets 1st Wednesday 7:00 PM
With the Election of Officers and Board
members completed, your Staff for 2006 is:
President Bill Jacobs, V.P. Paul Hansen,
Secretary Glenn Matula, Treasurer Jim Gall.
Board members are Director at Large Art
Anderson, , Regional VP Jeff Miller, Louis
Dreger, Elmer Jensen, Jim Rechlitz, Jim
Chamberlin, Al Schroeder,Barb Neddo,Fred
Brogle,Roger Sabota, Gary Myshak, Herb
Mueller,Dale Peterson, Jim Heffner, Carol
heffner, John Schmidt. With the support of the
members another exciting year is in store.
Membership Chairman Jim Chamberlin says we
have 467 paid, Barb Neddo our Statistician says
we registered 1016 Muskies up from last years at
984 which should put us close to the top. The
Banquet and Awards night Chair Dale Peterson
says all system are go for April 1st, 2006 at the
Eagle River Inn beginning at 5:30 pm. A nice ad
with the information is in the Magazine.This is
our big fund raiser and very fortunate to have the
Businesses and Community support Our club is
involved with the Community and the Eagle River
Chamber of Commerce as Associate members.
We are also hosting Business Meeting after
Five on the 28th of February also at the Eagle
River Inn to make the area aware of our goals
and objectives as Headwates Chapter 12 of
Musky Inc. Roger Sabota is our Rep on the
Alliance Clubs of Wisconsin and says its very
important that we speak as one voice. We are
also planning to host the Seminar with the Fish
Biologists of the DNR sometime in March. It is an
exchange of views from local guides and
fishermen and to help understand what is going
on below the water line. This being my last article
as Secretary, is was a nice run of 5 years, Glen
Matula will be taking my place and wish him the
very best. Good luck and have fun fishing.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim” Hi Pines” Rechlitz
Hayward Lakes
P.O. Box 609
Hayward, WI 54843
The Hayward Lakes Chapter will have had it’s
January meeting on Tuesday the third, by the
time this is printed. Matters to be discussed
would include club spending and setting our
budget for the year, establishing our calender of
events and other issues such as stocking and
genetics. For our calendar of events we will
probably have our annual awards banquet the
first Saturday in March, our “Kids Fishing Day”
will be the first Sunday in August, the 6th, and our
“Annual Fall Tournament” will be the first
weekend in October, the 6th,7th, & 8th. A calender
of events will be sent to each member when it is
Most if not all club members are aware of the
controversy and questions regarding Musky
stocking and genetics in Wisconsin. Our club
decided not to stock fish this year because of
questions about growth potential and
reproductive ability. We will set these funds aside
for future stocking.
The current standings for our members contest
are shown below, these are not final because
there are still a few days remaining as of this
Members Contest Standings:
Alex Spezia 2 fish-35pts.
Alex Bement 2 fish-21pts.
Anthony Spezia 1 fish-18pts.
Womens: Kerry Smith 6 fish-71pts.
Tera Niebauer 2 fish-26pts.
Carol Chinock 1 fish-25pts.
Jamie Spezia 1 fish-24pts.
Womens Masters: Sarah Muntz 12 fish-115pts.
Jack Woehler 6 fish-741/2pts.
Roger Williamson 5 fish-63pts.
Brad Campbell 3 fish-42pts.
Mens Masters: Adam Glickman 38 fish-388pts.
Fred Hirsh 6 fish-82pts.
Charles Tollander 2 fish-15pts.
Super Masters: Tom Muntz 128 fish-1149pts
Dick Minnick 118 fish-993pts.
Good Fishing,
Mike Persson
Quad County
was a top-20 finisher in the PMTT, along with
Over a thousand dollars will be raffled or given
away. Doors open at 5:30 pm.
Tickets to any events above for Chapter 17
can be purchased by calling Mark Johnson at
(630) 553-2985 or e-mailing Mark at:
[email protected]
Keep those lines tight and release ‘em healthy!
New Jersey
Our last meeting was held 11-29-05 with 21
people in attendance. The meeting started with a
presentation on downriggers for Muskies by
Steve Scornavacca and was followed by a variety
of topics. The chapter voted to make a donation
to the Muskies Inc. calendar program and in
return we expect to receive an Aqua View
camera to be used for fundraising. We sided
with Knee Deep Club’s request to petition the
NJDFW to cancel stocking Tiger Muskies in Lake
Hopatcong and fill the quota with 100% True
Strains. Norm Small volunteered to fill a new
role as Membership Chairman which means he’ll
be monitoring the status of all our memberships
and calling to offer help and a reminder when
people are due to renew. We appreciate the
help on Norm’s part and hope to alleviate what
has been a trouble spot in the past. Treasurer
Jed Chingery provided a financial report detailing
our revenues, expenses and financial donations
in 2005. Several big events are on the horizonThe Parsippany Show in February, Guide For A
Day on May 13th and the June Tournament on
the 10th. We also raised the idea of moving
Guide For A Day to Lake Hopatcong in order to
take advantage of the burgeoning Muskie fishery
Pat Marshall who attended the
symposium gave the first of several reports. A
few of the points conveyed that Pat emphasized
were: Stock Muskies in the Fall with fish as large
as possible, Leech Lake strain fish are proving
superior in many areas, detailed fishermen’s
logbooks can be a useful research tool, that a
study showed dramatic mortality associated with
the use of single hook live bait rigs and lastly
human activity including pollution, fertilizer runoff
and boat traffic seriously impedes natural
reproduction everywhere making research and
proper stocking techniques imperative.
addition to our site mi22.com don’t forget to visit
the Muskiesinc.org website and check out the
message board under the forum section. As a
reminder the February- May meeting will be at
the Lake Arrowhead clubhouse the last Tuesday
of each month at 8pm.
Submitted by Gordon Campbell
VP Chapter 22.
P.O. Box 602
DeKalb, IL 60115
815-756-3231 – Gary Dew
(815) 529-1159
Meets: varies-call for schedule.
We want to welcome all our new members:
Lonnie Berg, Jeff Lauer, and Jason Looney. In
2005 our chapter with the help of local guide
Chad Cain and IMTT raised enough money to
purchase a 60 HP ETEC outboard motor for the
local biologist Shawn Hurst (fisheries manager @
Kinkaid Lake).
(Continued on next page)
P.O. Box 185, Plano, IL 60545
(815) 695-1494 – Dana Smith
[email protected]
[email protected]
Meets 2nd Thursday, 7:30pm. Plano American Legion
Chapter 17 held a birthday bash for its 125
Leech Lake strain muskies on December 21,
2005. Our new babies came from the Minnesota
Muskie Farm in Alexandria, MN. About a dozen
proud Papa’s were in attendance for the release
into Lake Shabbona. Bill Newcomb had his
underwater camera running under the ice to
watch the release up-close. A DVD is being
produced to highlight the day.
Chapter 17’s Annual Awards Banquet is being
held at Cedardell Golf Club in Plano, IL. on
February 25, 2006. Tickets are $20.00 for adults
and $10.00 for kids under 16 years old. The
doors open at 6:00 pm and dinner is at 7:00 pm.
This year’s Annual Seminar will be held March
14, 2006 at the American Legion in Yorkville.
Advanced sale of tickets will cost $8.00 and sales
at the door will be $10.00. The club is thrilled to
have two top-notch fishermen speaking this year.
Don Dziedzina and Mike Hulbert.
Don will be speaking on many different species
of fish. Don can be seen on Channel 17 sports
show, Illinois Outdoors, along with many fishing
columns in local newpapers and many of the
fishing shows in Northern Illinois. See
Mike Hulbert is one of Indiana’s top muskie
fishermen. He runs a guide service for lakes in
Indiana in addition to trips at some of the top
muskie spots around Bemiji, MN.(Leech, Cass,
etc.). Mike writes for Muskie Hunter magazine,
February 2006.....MUSKIE 35
Also, one of our females chapter members, Lori
Christensen, won the women’s division and got
5th place overall at the 38th annual Frank
Schneider tournament by releasing a 51 and 43
inch fish. Congratulations to everyone, and I will
continue to highlight individual member success
in upcoming articles.
For our chapter tournament news, we closed
the season with the Idso Tournament on October
1st at West Okoboji. A good time was had by all,
however no muskies were caught by tournament
anglers. Chapter member Scott De Goei and his
12 year old son Allen were fishing on West
Okoboji that day. Even though they weren’t in the
tournament Allen caught his first big muskie, a
beautiful 44 incher. Way to go Allen!
Be sure to visit the chapter website at
Sincerely, Pete Hildreth
Chapter Editor
Upper Great Plains
1788 Hwy 4
Estherville, IA 51334
Meets 3rd Thursday , Legion Club, 1709 Okoboji
Ave., Milford, IA.
I hate to say it, but as of December first, the
2005 Iowa Great Lakes muskie season came to
a close. The good news is that it was a great
year for the UGP chapter and its members. Two
of the biggest highlights of the season for the
chapter was the 25th Annual Fall Tournament and
the June outing on Spirit Lake. As far as
individual success many of our chapter members
have shown just how good of muskie anglers
they are. The 2005 lunge log totals for our
chapter are not official as of yet, however this
years release numbers are impressive. As of the
end of October Dick and Tracy Crail have over a
hundred release forms turned in, and the season
isn’t over yet! Some members have also done
outstanding in the Tournament scene as well.
Four of our chapter members went up to the
Minnesota Muskie Trail Cass Lake Tournament
and did outstanding. Clay Fletcher and Mike
Cornwall won the tournament for the second year
in a row by releasing a 48.5 and 45.5 inch fish!
Lance and Luke Christensen came in second by
releasing a 49 and 43 inch fish. They were the
only two teams to double up with fish, way to go!
36 MUSKIE.....February 2006
5776 Vesper Drive,
South Beloit, IL 61080
Steve Ruhmann, Pres.
Meets 4th Thursday, 7:00 PM, Loves Park VFW.
Hi, this is Big Man reporting for the Flatlanders,
the lakes around here have been iced over for a
while now and many Flatlanders are awaiting the
Chicago Musky Show.
We will also be featuring some great speakers
at our monthly meetings starting with Tony “The
Tiger” Grant in January. At our February meeting
we will feature Bad fish video star TY Sennett. I’m
sure you all know of these great speakers, and
last but not least for the month of March we will
have Dennis Radloff from Sterling Guide service.
The release contest is just about over and as
far as I know Mike Bowers will take the honors of
winning the men’s division with 415 points, our
runner up is Allen Tracy with 366 points, and
finally Our President takes 3rd with 321 Points.
Congratulations to Mike Bowers for winning the
top seed.
Member Jerry Larson scored big on Kinkaid in
December catching a nice 45” to end the year
and placed him in the top 5. All your hard work
finally paid off Jerry.
Our Women’s Division title is going to the one
and only Amy Shackleton with 57 points, this is
her second year winning the Women’s Division.
In the Juniors Division, Luke Carlson takes the
cake once again with 57 points, including a
whopping 55” lunge. In the Men’s masters we
have Mark Carlson with 379 points; Russ
Hoernecke takes the Men’s Masters 300 with 24
fish and 224 points. His wife, Mary takes the
Women’s Masters with 209 points.
That wraps up our contests for the year 2005.
We will be having our annual awards banquet on
March 11th at Thunder Bay Bar and Grille. The
banquet last year was held there and it was a
great venue. That’s about all I have for you at this
time, I hope everyone had a great year and will
even have a better year for 2006. Take care.
St. Cloud
312 18th Avenue N.
Sartell, MN 56377
(320) 656-1160
Meets: 3rd Tues. 7:30 PM American Legion, Waite Park.
The St Cloud Chapter meet on December 13th
and had over 20 members in attendance. It was
a jam packed meeting. Our annual board election
took place, and Bruce Kitowski was reelected as
president. We added a couple new positions to
our board, one being a youth coordinator, and the
other being a muskie stocking director. Brett
Jagodzinski is our new Stocking director and is
heading up a team to work on possibly getting
new lakes stocked with muskies in the St Cloud
Jim Lillienthal for Minnesota fisheries was
our presenter, and provides us with great
information. He provided us with detailed 2005
stocking reports and talked about up coming
changes to muskie regulations. In 2006 the
Muskie season will close in mid December to
protect valuable fish. Next year will also have a
change in the law for quick strike rigs.
President Bruce Kitowski was given a Len
Hartmen Musky Bug from Leighton Johnsrud .
Leighton is the person who started the St Cloud
Chapter, and gave Bruce the lure for all his hard
work, and for making our club the best it can be.
Another high light was seeing pictures and
hearing about one of our member catching two
fish over 50 in one day. Justin Bidwell is a junior
member, and caught a 50 and a 52 inch in the
same day this fall. WOW!
It is fund raising season, and we will been
having a meet raffle every Saturday evening in
January. We are also starting to prepare for our
fish banquet.
Jason Jones
[email protected]
Fox River Valley
1253 Cobblers Crossing, Elgin, IL 601230
847-741-9771 – Rich Gallagher
Meets: 2nd Wed (Exc June/July) Poplar Creek Country
Club, 1400 Poplar Creek Drive, Hoffman Estates, IL.
With the Holidays behind us and the ice out of
Spring still a bit too far away this could be a great
time for gear maintenance. If you have the time
and knowledge reels can be torn down, cleaned,
oiled and re-spooled. If you do not feel
comfortable doing this task yourself now is a
great time to get those reels in to your favorite
shop. They tend to get a little backed up when the
ice is melting and fishing is only weeks away.
With your reels off you can check the rods for
nicks and make sure the guide wraps are good.
By running a Q-tip through the inside of the
guides you can check for burrs or nicks that may
fray the line. If you run the Q-tip back and forth on
the inside of the guides and no cotton sticks to
any part of the insert than you are good to go. If
you notice any cotton caught up anywhere in the
guide get that stick in for a little fix up. Better to
spend a few bucks now instead of hooking a
beast and having the rod snap due to a deep nick
or have the line separate from a fray.
This month do not miss Tony Grant. We have
been lucky to have Tony speak to our club more
than once and his presentations are always very
informative as well as light hearted. In the future
months we will be looking forward to Mike
Hulbert, Gregg Thomas and more to be
announced. Stop by and learn from some of the
best “sticks” of our sport.
Our Annual Awards Banquet and Fund raiser
will be held this winter on Saturday February
18th. At the Poplar Creek Country Club. This is a
great excuse to get out for a day with the entire
family. This year we are happy to have Ronald
McDonald with us to entertain the children. We
have an outstanding meal along with tables of
raffle and silent auction items. A few of the items
will be; a Photo Printer, Digital Camera and a
Digital Camcorder along with lures, St. Croix
Rods, and Garcia reels. All members who have
registered a fish this season will receive a raffle
ticket good for a chance on a Custom Built Rod
by Frank ( these are really awesome sticks ! )
with a Garcia Reel to keep it company. This is a
fun family gathering and a terrific way to break up
the boredom of the coming Winter days. The club
picks up half the cost of your meal making the
cost to you, $8.00 for adults and $4.00 per child.
Registration forms can be found in the newsletter
or on the web site. Time is short, make your
reservations soon.
Regular club meeting dates are the second
Wednesday of the month. The Poplar Creek
Country Club provides us with great
accommodations for the evening. They also
provide us with a buffet style dinner before every
7:30 p.m. meeting. All are welcome. You need not
be a member to attend. Take a couple of hours,
stop by and see us. You will like what you see. All
information and updates can be found on our
website at www.frvmuskie.com.
Every month I close with this thought. Do
yourself a favor and think about it for a moment.
This really is YOUR club! Get involved! Getting
involved can be as easy as talking to someone
different at one of the meetings. I have learned
numerous lakes and river systems that I was
never aware of by having a beverage and a chat
at the bar. If you are a “hands on” type of person
you can help at one of the Tournaments or
outings. If your time is limited than just get out
and fish with us.
Until Later,
Return ‘em to the water Healthy and
Remember Our Troops. JT
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each
Central Ohio
8494 Fall Gold Lane
Westerville, OH 43082
614-451-0485 – Ross Wagner
Meets 2nd Tuesday 7:00 PM, Buckeye Hall of
Fame Café, 1421 Olentangy River Rd.
month at Buckeye Hall of Fame Café, 1421
Olentangy River Rd., beginning at 7 p.m. Guest
and the general public are always welcome. For
more information, call Ross Wagner at 614-4510485.
Raise your hands, how many members waited
too long to add Stabil to their boat fuel tanks
before they trolled one last time? I caught the
very last warm day and have been snowed in
since then. Christmas has come and gone
already and our Christmas Party at the Varsity
Club was a great success. We didn’t let any of the
pizza or subs get cold either. That means the food
was good, we’re all big eaters or both!
Ross had a quick little meeting with his current
officers at the party and we decided to meet
before the next general meeting to hash out the
details of the coming year. Jack Worline has all
our tournament dates set so that should help us
organize the activities for the year pretty quick.
It’s just a matter of weeks and we’ll be attending
the third annual Ohio Muskie Show. Ross is very
interested in having the club make the most of this
show by using it as a tool to expand and finance
the club. Make sure to talk to Ross about working
the show, however, you might not have read this
in time. Let’s hope for an early warm spring so we
can all play with our new toys, I mean fishing tools
that we buy at the show.
P.O. Box 270064
Louisville, CO 80027
Phone: (720) 938-4109
Website: www.coloradomuskies.com
Dan Narsete, Pres. • [email protected]
Meets 2nd Tuesday ex. July/Aug 7:00 PM, Colorado
Division of Wildlife, Hunter Education Building, 6060
Broadway, Denver, Colorado 80216.
The Colorado chapter held their December
meeting and annual Christmas party at the
Gander Mountain Store in Thorton, Colorado.
The meeting was called to order by President
Brett Knight. The first order of business was the
election of new office holders to lead the chapter
for the next 2 years. Our newly elected President
is one of our chapter founders, Jeff Don. Jeff
served as our President several years ago and we
all look forward to his leadership once again. Our
other officers elected are: Dave Miller, Vice
President, Betty Karbon, RVP, Lani Don,
Treasurer and Ann Story, Secretary. Committee
Chairmen include Forrest Dykstra, Youth
Chairman, Brandon Hoffman, Outings, assisted
by Lauren Framsted, Paul Framsted, Public
Relations, Matt Snider, Website Director, Ken
Karbon, Membership, Ann Story, Newsletter and
Dave Miller, Members Only Fishing Contest. Paul
Framsted will keep track of the Pike Division.
We welcomed new members Steve Bell and
Brandon Hoffman and then discussed some of
our 2006 plans for outings and tournaments. We
had the honor of Danny Kurtilla, our member who
resides in Nashville, Tennessee joining us. Danny
is our leader for 2005 with 358.75 points to date
and 33 releases. He has caught muskies in
nearly every month of the year, starting with a 42”
muskie caught in the Collins River, Tennessee on
January 29. He turned in a 39” muskie at the
meeting that was caught on November 19 in the
Calf Killer River in Tennessee. He caught
muskies in Wyoming and Kentucky as well. He
enjoyed a couple of incredible fishing days with 4
releases on June 19 and 5 releases on July 16.
He flew in to Denver just for our meeting and
entertained us with some great stories and
information about a “new Muskie hot-spot” the
LAK Reservoir near New Castle, Wyoming. We
are planning a tournament there in May so
members can check it out.
The meeting was then adjourned and we
enjoyed the many Christmas treats served by
members and held our annual gift exchange. We
thank Brett Knight for all his hard work as our
President this past year and look forward to the
reign of Jeff Don.
Our February plans include our monthly
meeting Feb 10 at Gander Mountain and our
annual ice fishing trek to Northern Nebraska, at
Spring Valley Ranch February 13-15. This will be
a great opportunity to get a head start on the 2006
Pike Fishing Contest.
Our 2006 Annual Banquet and Fund Raiser will
be on Saturday, March 11 with the location to be
Paul Framsted
Webster Lake
P.O. Box 670
No. Webster, IN 46555
Due to an early winter, we are iced up as of mid
December. That is giving us plenty of time to plan
for winter musky shows and spring hot spots.
Chapter #49 WLMC held its annual board
meetings December 3rd. Congratulations to all
who were elected to represent our fast growing
membership. Building upon 2004, when WLMC
finished second in membership growth among all
Muskies Inc. chapters, WLMC is currently 3rd in
growth for 2005. WLMC has also maintained
100% retention of all members for 2005. These
are tremendous accomplishments that President
Chae Dolsen, 2005 board members, and all
renewing WLMC members should be proud of.
Steve Kish of Pure Fishing put on an excellent
presentation at the December 3rd meeting,
presenting products from Stealth, Stren, Garcia
and Fenwick to name a few. WLMC members
that were not present missed a truly informative
presentation. Special thanks to Steve Herbeck
for donating a trip to Andy Myers Lodge. WLMC
won this trip through Muskies Inc. Bill Bennett was
the lucky winner of this drawing held at the
December 3rd meeting. WLMC members please
mark down the following important dates. Valpo
Show February 25 and 26. Ft Wayne Boat Show
March 16-19. Lure Swap February 18 at the
Legion beginning @ 11AM with free lunch for all
members. March 25 Ice Out Challunge, with
alternate date of April 7. April 29 Guide For A Day.
June 3 first cash tourney. Please contact Gary
Enos ([email protected]) to enlist your
services for these shows.
Greg Dini ([email protected])
February 2006.....MUSKIE 37
Upcoming events on Kinkaid Lake are:
March 18 @ the Awards Dinner with speaker
Colby Simms in Carbondale @ Mississippi
Flyway on HWY 13.
March 25/26 Tournament with speaker Chad
Cain in Murphysboro @ 17 Street Bar and Grill
Banquet Hall.
April 22 is our lake cleanup on Kinkaid Lake for
the chapter. Please contact Scott Donovan by
calling (618) 201-5820, or drop him an e-mail:
[email protected]
Steve Burian is coordinating the chapter
team(s) for the Gil Hamm Chapter Challunge
event in August. Please Contact Steve @ (618)
e-mail [email protected]
Muskie Gal
Shannon Beaty
[email protected]
February 24-26
{Friday / Saturday / Sunday}
Exhibition Hall at Alliant Energy Center
Madison, Wisconsin
Since 1 t MFE
the non ted over
has don
00 to im und
in a
More Speaker Rooms, More Fun!
Chip Porter Salmon
Mark Martin Walleye
Tony Bean Bass
Yamaha fishing
compliments of
Action Marine,
Lake Geneva
* boat/motor subject to change without notice
Steve Herbeck Patricia Strutz Musky
Women on the Water
Tony Puccio Walleye
Jim Bartelt Creek Trout
Friday, Feb. 24th
7:00 pm Tony Puccio
Saturday, Feb. 25th
10:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
Jim Bartelt
Travis Richardson
Steve Herbeck
Patricia Strutz
Chip Porter
Mark Martin
Travis Richardson
Tony Bean
Sunday, Feb. 26th
10:00 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
Tony Bean
Chip Porter
Travis Richardson
Mark Martin
Patricia Strutz
Jim Bartelt
Steve Herbeck
Travis Richardson Kids Teaching Kids
- Largest show of its kind in the Midwest
- Great deals on boats, lures, trips
- Youth Activities: casting contest, face painting,
balloons, Kids Teaching Kids, and Pathways to
Fishing exhibit, etc.
Sponsored By:
Walleye Techniques for
Madison Area Lakes
Madison Lakes
Fly Fishing Spring Creeks
Kids Teaching Kids How to Fish
Musky Fishing
Women on the Water
Great Lakes Salmon
High Tech Walleye Fishing
Kids Teaching Kids How to Fish
Bass Fishing
Bass Fishing
Great Lakes Salmon
Kids Teaching Kids How to Fish
High Tech Walleye Fishing
Row Trolling
Fly Fishing Spring Creeks
Musky Fishing
38 MUSKIE.....February 2006
Action Marine Lake Geneva
Admission $8 • Ages 12 & Under FREE!
Show Hours:
Friday 4pm-9pm; Saturday 9am-7pm; Sunday 9am-5pm
by Liz Cratty
or gardeners, mid-winter is when the
brightly-colored seed catalogs arrive,
and it’s time to sit by the fire and
commence to dream about the upcoming
growing season.
For muskie fishermen, the dreaming
begins when the Rollie and Helen’s Musky
Shop catalog arrives.
And the first fishing trip of the season
always begins with a trip to the Musky
Shop in Minocqua, Wisconsin to fulfill
those dreams.
For sixteen years, Helen Bessett was
always a sparkling, energetic force, chatting
up the customers, making sure the shop was
clean and well lit, and that everybody was
When I found out that Rollie and
Helen sold the shop two and a half years
ago, I mourned the end of an era. But the
new owners have kept everything right up
to snuff. For this year’s ladies’ issue of
Muskie Magazine, I thought I’d catch up
with Helen and see what she and Rollie
were up to these days.
Rollie and Helen met in October of 1988 when they were paired
up as partners in a dart game in a little bar in Rhinelander, Wisconsin.
Helen had grown up in Rhinelander, and she worked at J.C. Penney’s,
wearing high heels and dresses all day every day. Rollie grew up in Fox
Valley, but had moved to Rhinelander where he worked as a guide
and a taxidermist.
It was love at first sight. They didn’t have much in common; he
was the consummate outdoorsman, and she liked nice clothes. But
they both had kids—eight between them, in fact, with Helen’s two
and Rollie’s six, so that’s how the first conversation began.
Rollie and Helen’s Muskie Shop had an auspicious start in
Rhinelander, in a room the size of a bedroom, where Rollie had set up
his taxidermist’s trade. It wasn’t long before Rollie, the fishing fanatic,
decided to put in a couple of minnow tanks. Then they bought a few
baits for resale. They opened for serious business the beginning of
fishing season in May, 1989.
Helen quit her job at Penney’s, and spent all her energy learning
about hunting and fishing, doing a fair amount of it herself, and
taking good care of the customers. They soon outgrew the little
building and moved to larger quarters. Everything really took off,
though, when they moved to Minocqua, Wisconsin, and started the
mail order catalog.
Al Cratty remembers calling Helen and placing an order for
some muskie baits that he couldn’t get anywhere else, and he’d be
passing through Minocqua on his way to Canada long after the
muskie shop was closed. No problem. Helen bagged up the baits and
stashed them behind the trash can, and there they were, along with
an invoice. Al sent her a check after his trip.
“I did that a lot,” Helen said. “Nobody ever failed to pay.
Fishermen are good people.”
Rollie and Helen made a good team.
He had the hunting and fishing knowledge
that she picked up, and she had all the
social skills. To her, the customers were the
lifeblood of their store. She’d spent her life
in retail sales, and she loved dealing with
the people. For the longest time, they didn’t
hire any employees, mostly because Helen
wasn’t sure an employee would treat the
customers as nicely as they deserved.
In the fall of 1996, they held their first
tournament. Forty boats signed up. The
next year, there were 150 boats and a
waiting list. Ninety-nine percent of the
entry fees went back in prize money. They
kept out only enough money for the actual
tournament expenses. That made the prize
money very good. And so were sales in the
store. That first tournament grew into
second annual tournament in June, and
then a third in August.
Muskie fishermen are everywhere, and
every one of them knows about Rollie and
Helen’s Musky Shop. Helen and her
daughter were in Glacier National Park in
Montana one day, sitting at a picnic table, and they struck up a
conversation with two people who sat down with them, only to
discover that they were long-time customers.
In September of 2003, they sold the shop, and retired to a log
house on 240 acres in Hurley, Wisconsin, next to the Gile Flowage.
They fish for walleyes and muskies, do some snowmobiling, and take
care of their two yellow labs and two cats. Helen gardens, and Rollie
landscapes with his bulldozer and cuts all the wood for their
But Helen misses the daily social action. “Retirement is good,”
she says, “But the customers are what made Rollie and Helen’s what
it came to be. I miss them all.” ❖
February 2006.....MUSKIE 39
“But I’m not…well, I aint got much experience catching
“Does she know this?”
“Yes, I told her what I’ve caught; even about the Gar, my lost
reel an…”
“Then she won’t be expecting great things. Just be yourself.
You can never know enough about Muskies.”
“One thing I haven’t told her….yet.”
“What’s that?”
“About Lonesome Lodge, Lake NISATO, Rods’ Sport Shop
and Charlies’ Point.
“Ah…save that for another time. Maybe you can take her to
Lonesome Lodge sometime and…”
“REALLY!…You really think that maybe…??”
“I guess it all depends…”
“Well anyway,” Balliver B. said, “for now, I’m happy about a
trip with her. Thanks, Bob for listening and the advice.”
Balliver B. called one evening. He said that he needed to talk
glad I was able to help. Keep in touch.”
and do I have time to listen.
“Yes, I always have time for Muskie talk!”
About two weeks later, I got a photo card from Balliver B. It
“This is not about Muskies…well…almost not…I’ve met
was a nice picture of him, a good-looking lady and a nice Muskie.
someone…she’s very nice.”
It read, ‘I caught this Beauty!’ At first, I thought he meant the
Muskie but a closer look showed his eyes were focused on the Lady.
Last night Balliver B. called. Talk about a change in his voice;
“How long have you known her?” I asked.
sounded happy. “Did ya get the photo card?”
“A couple of months.”
Fine looking Muskie!”
all you saw?”
“We’ve been out to dinner a few times…also, she’s had me over
“Well, lemmie take another look…was there a boat in the
for dinner…she’s a fabulous cook!”
There was a silence….
“She likes to go to movie theaters…she also likes watching the
“Are you there, Balliver?”
old TV Movies, Gunsmoke and Rifleman TV series…”
“Yes I am.” Came a very serious voice.
“I’m sorry, Balliver, the lady is beautiful. Was she your guide?”
“We’ve went on some picnics and walks in the park…”
“IT’S HER!!! The one I told you about.”
“Very interesting….”
“I know, Balliver, I was just funning with you.”
“We seem to be fond of each other…”
“You’re a rascal.”
“No, you’re the rascal, you rascal. You didn’t tell me she was so
“She wants to go Muskie Fishing!”
“Why didn’t you say this in the beginning?”
didn’t want to scare you!”
“I dunno.”
“Where’d you meet her?”
“Hee Hee..got you back!”
“At a Chapter meeting.”
“That you did.”
“Muskie Chapter?”
“You catch the Mu…”
“Whadeya think I meant…at a library?”
“She did. I just helped land it. She’s quite a Muskie Gal.”
“No, I…”
“That too huh.”
“She’s Muskie People. She has a Ranger boat and has caught
“Yes an….you rat!!!”
several Muskies….she has a cabin up north an…”
“Well I…”
“She was rather inquisitive about my
Buy your tackle on the net and spend more time putting fish in the net
Muskie tackle..the Heddon # 6279 Musky
Special, Ambassadeur 5000, Globes and
Wexford line; so I told her about Lonesome
Lodge, Lake NISATO, Rods’ Sport Shop,
Charlie’s Point. I didn’t go into detail; just
enough to spark her interest about the goings
Easy & Secure
Musky Fishing Online Catalog
on; and so we’re planning a trip to Lonesome
Online Ordering
Lodge soon. What do you think we’ll find
Huge Selection:
“Well, I just don’t know. It will be
interesting for you to share this with her.”
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“I’ll be in touch.” Balliver B. said.
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Rods, Reels, & Tackle Boxes
“I can hardly wait!” ❖
E-mail: [email protected] FAX (248) 471-6212 phone(248) 471-6211 address: PO Box 530714, Livonia MI 48153
40 MUSKIE.....February 2006
February 2006.....MUSKIE 41
Ken Mikes sent in this shot of his granddaughter Kaitlyn, age 12, with her first Muskie,
caught on the Ottawa river last October.
There’s a lot bigger ones in there, and you can
bet that Kaitlyn is just warming up!
Okay, ‘fess up now, did you look at that
41-inch fish or at that dazzling smile on
Anita Adama’ face? Pretty fall photo by
Tom Muntz on Deer Lake, Wisconsin
last November.
Barbara Pittman got this barred 48-incher last
September on Lake Chautaqua casting a homemade
white and silver bucktail.
A shot of Jenny Reisch and a 36” fish caught at the recent
Pomme de Terre tournament sent in by Denis Ledgerwood.
The yellow paper in her mouth? A livewell check form that has
to be in the picture to confirm the day caught.
Well, you certainly can’t complain
about lack of smiles this month!
Dyan Rait from Headwaters
chapter with a 45-incher last June
from Gilmore Lake.
Judy Achtor, last July in Canada, struggling to hold up
a 50 1/2 incher. Sure hope she didn’t fall off that
boat seat!
for MUSKIE Magazine Photos
including Covers, Article Support,
Photo Contest Entries
& Member Photos
42 MUSKIE.....February 2006
Susan Marfin and a totally spotted Lake St. Clair Muske, a
46.5-incher. She got it in July 2003 trolling a brown and gold
crank bait on a calm, sunny day.
Dave Frank sent in this picture of wife Carolyn with a 44incher her biggest yet. “She caught it almost at dark, and
the Musky ate it at boat side. She made a boat rocking
hookset! I had my back to the action, but the explosion at
the side of the boat got my attention pretty quickly.”
Proper Muskie
Holding Techniques
Patrick Garaghty’s wife Deb’s first fish, a 44”
caught during league night on Indy, mid July,
and high water temps Patrick didn’t take the
time to think about the shot was more
concerned with a quick release, and comments
that he tried to remember various photo tips
(horizon through head…) but in the excitement
just snapped the picture and released the fish.
Justine and Ed Bowser finished off 2005 with a few
casts along the Allegheny River with a new musky
rig he gave her for Christmas. The picture shows
how it worked.
When you’re built like a torpedo with a personality to match, evolution isn’t high on your to-do list. Who’s got the guts to
mess around with King Musky? Not your average rod. No, what this fella needs is a tussle with a new Premier® musky rod.
We completely re-engineered the blank, coaxing more strength, less weight and faster action out of the same premium
SCII graphite. Then we fine-tuned 10 models to fish all the best lures including bucktails, jerkbaits, crankbaits and topwater. There’s
no better rod for the money and no better way to handle a musky with an attitude. Which, last time we checked, was all of them.
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