A5 leaflet Dentrust-Knot Genie.pub


A5 leaflet Dentrust-Knot Genie.pub
The Knot Genie™
Detangling Brush
This amazing 3-sided toothbrush from
Dentrust cleans all sides of the tooth at
once - effective brushing in half the
time! The angled bristles make it easy
for anyone to brush correctly, including
very young children, those with limited
motor movement, or those for whom
sensitivity means they can’t tolerate a
brush in their mouth for very long.
Great for encouraging self-care skills so, big smiles all round!
Brushing Procedure: Simply place over teeth (as in
picture below) and move in short back and forth
strokes or circular movements. The design ensures
brushing is at the 45 degree angle recommended
by dental professionals to remove plaque at the
gumline and clean effectively.
Adjustable Softness: Hold bristles in running water
- cold will make firmer, warm will make softer.
Bristles are made of Ultralon, a new material that
is over 200% softer than traditional nylon used in
other brushes. Special round-tipped design to
gently massage and protect delicate gum tissue.
Magically gets rid of knots Not to mention complaining!
A product created for every mum that has endured the stomping
and screaming matches that come with brushing their child's hair.
Even the curliest, most knotted up hair practically slips through the
unique bristle configuration, gently and painlessly. Try a Knot Genie
– you'll be amazed by the ease of brushing.
Ever wished for hair brushing standoffs to end?
- Wish granted!
The magic trick is one we are happy to reveal. It all has to do with
the different lengths of teeth on the brush. They bend just right to
gently untangle the hair. And this lack of stress means the hair's
cuticle stays unharmed... revealing the smoothest, shiniest hair
you've ever seen. Handles like a dream. Its unique cloud-shaped
top fits the palm nicely like an extension of your hand, whether
right or left handed. The brushing process is far more comfortable,
gentle, and most importantly, done quickly. Voila!
To purchase your Knot Genie™ visit us at the
Tongue Cleaner: The ridges on the back of the
toothbrush are designed to remove bacteria from the surface of the
tongue. Just turn to ridged side and rub over tongue.
For more information, or to purchase, visit
To get the most from your
Knot Genie visit