Katamari Damacy


Katamari Damacy
Katamari Damacy
Garrett Johnson
2-4 Players
1. Each player picks a single colored ball
2. The three game boards are arranged as pleased, placing the edges of each board together
so that they are touching and placing the starting zone anywhere around the edge of the board.
3. World Objects for the colored players playing are arranged throughout the board, placing a
single piece on a space. Some spaces may be left empty. Some parts of the board may be
blocked by walls
4. Player order is determined by rolling a die. The player with the highest number goes first,
second highest goes second, and so on.
Sample Board Setup:
1. The players begin with their balls in the starting area.
2. Player’s take turns rolling their ball around the board, aiming for their own colored pieces. A
player can only collect a World Object that has a weight value less than or equal to the player’s
Ball Weight and is of their same color.
3. When a single player has collected all of their colored pieces on the board, the game is over.
A player’s Ball Weight determines which World Objects can and cannot be picked up by the
player. Every player begins with a ball weight of 1, adding to it the weight values of every
following object that they are able to pick up. (ie.A player has a Ball weight of 4 and picks up an
item with a weight of 2. Their Ball Weight would grow to 6)
To roll the ball, a player places their finger on the top of the ball, and moves their finger perpendicular to the direction of their finger, rolling the ball and giving it momentum. The ball may not
be pushed, held, or otherwise guided as it moves over spaces.
If the ball does not change spaces (it rolls back to the same spot), the player may roll again. If
the ball rolls off the game board, then the ball is reset back to the “start” space and it is the next
player’s turn.
Alternately, if a player wishes, they may simply move the ball a single space without have to roll
the ball.
World Obects come in four colors, one for each player: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
1. A world Object could be collected when a player’s ball is touching it after moving or rolling
2. If there is no piece on the space that the player landed on, or their ball is touching an object of a
different color, then the player gains nothing and it is the next player’s turn
3. If the object landed on is the same color as the player’s ball, and the value of the piece is less
than or equal to the Player’s Ball Weight, then the object may be collected. The player keeps the
World Object and adds the value of the piece to their Ball Weight.
4. If the value of the piece is greater than the player’s Ball Weight, then the player gains nothing,
the piece remains where it is, and it is the next player’s turn.
World Object’s Color (RED here)
World Object’s Weight Value (2 here)
Brick Wall
At any point, a player may roll their ball through these wall pieces. They can be knocked out of
the way or off of the board, but are not be discarded from play once hit so they remain an
1. The game ends when one player has collected all of their colored World Objects, or may end
at any time if the game is running too long.
2. Who ever gathered their pieces the quickest wins. If the game must end early, the player
with the highest total weight (counted by tallying the weight values of the World Objects) wins.
Katamari Damacy Constitutive Rules
1.The player moves around the space, rolling the ball using the thumb sticks
2.The ball begins small. The player can initially pick up small items
3.As items are picked up, the ball grows bigger, allowing it to pick up bigger items
4.Eventually, nearly everything may be picked up
5.The game ends when a minimum item collection limit is reached or the timer ends
Game Board and Pieces Photo: