to a PDF of the full mouth guard bacteria study


to a PDF of the full mouth guard bacteria study
Protech Dent™ prevent germ transfer. That’s a fact. Group1. Conven'onal guard Group2. Protech DentTM •  Wash hands before study •  New mouth guards •  Cultures from hands and guards a?er 2h pracAce •  Wash hands before study •  New Protech DentTM •  Cultures from hands and guards a?er 2h pracAce (5 hockey players) –  Germs found on hands –  Same disease causing germs on all 5 players’ convenAonal guards (5 hockey players) –  Germs found on hands –  No germs on any of the 5 players’ Protech DentTM mouth guards TM No germs on Protech Dent
Swabs (cultures) from: ConvenAonal mouth guard Protech DentTM Disease causing germs present no germs Improved protecAon Impact tesAng 1.6 mm Protec DentTM provides 30 % beKer protecAon than standard 4 mm EVA mouth guard ceramic 9le simula9ng tooth Impact force So= material ConvenAonal mouth guard Impact is transferred to teeth Non-­‐compressible material Protech Dent™ Parts of the force is reflected as heat and sound Impact is transferred to a larger area, including bone Energy-­‐Absorbing Crumple Zones First principal stress (Pa) Arrows indicate crumple zones where most energy was absorbed When the Protech Dent™ Mouth guard is fiKed, these crumple zones direct forces away from the teeth, reducing the risk for dental injury. Computer model shows less deformaAon in Protech DentTM upon impact DeformaAon 4 mm thick EVA 1.6 mm thick Protech DentTM material The Protech DentTM advantage • 
Conven2onal mouth guard So? – deforms significantly Transfers impact to teeth Insufficient protecAon Thick (4mm) – uncomfortable Players can not drink or talk Poor fi]ng Poor hygiene – players remove guards constantly, resulAng in bacterial transfer from hands • 
Protech DentTM Non-­‐compressible – minimal deform. Distributes forces over larger area 30% beKer protecAon Ultra thin (1.6mm) – comfortable Players can easily drink and talk Custom fit in minutes Superior hygiene – players keep guards in, resulAng in no bacterial transfer from hands to guard