Lighting the Way - The Village Family Service Center


Lighting the Way - The Village Family Service Center
Lighting the Way
Since 1891
Message from the
As a Village donor, you have joined forces with a group
of the most dedicated, committed, and talented individuals
you will find anywhere in the service of children and
families. Decade after decade, since 1891,Village staff
have been truly making a difference in the lives of kids and
2014 was a significant year for us in many ways. Our
Minnesota locations continued to excel in every dimension.
Gary J. Wolsky Our St. Cloud office, for example, provided an almost equal
volume of counseling services as that of the Fargo-Moorhead counseling staff.
The Minnesota Department of Human Services has recognized The Village
as one of a handful of “go-to” agencies when dealing with cutting-edge
approaches and early intervention of mental health issues with kids as young
as 0-3.
On the North Dakota side, The Village has been vitally involved (Joy Ryan,
our Executive Vice President, specifically) in both prompting and guiding
how the state views and provides behavioral health services. A number of
key legislative pieces are being reviewed by the North Dakota Legislature
as this is written. The Village Business Institute, in addition to a wide range
of consulting and business diagnostic work, continues to provide employee
assistance services for over 350 businesses and 66,000 households across 34
states. These are but a few examples of our continued dedication in providing
exceptional services to our neighbors. Although we are in our 124th year, we
are certainly not sitting in a rocking chair.
We are very proud of our long history of using holistic approaches to
solve the problems of kids and families, and the creativity we’re noted for in
designing cost-effective solutions. Additionally, our business orientation to our
work and non-dependence on government income continues to set us apart in
so many ways from other nonprofits. This could not have happened over 124
years without your continued partnership. We remain grateful for both your
moral and financial support.
Best wishes to each of you.
Village Annual Report 2014
Message from the
Chair of the Board
As I begin to compose this letter, I realize how quickly my six
years as a member of the Board of Directors for The Village Family
Service Center have gone. My time with The Village has had many rewarding moments, as
well as some challenges. With that being said, I am confident The
Village will continue to make huge strides in building a stronger
and healthier future for the individuals, families, and communities it
I am honored to have served such a tremendous organization that
touches so many people with all of the great programs it provides across North Dakota
and Minnesota. Again, more than 80,000 people this year reached out to The Village
for one of the many services the agency provides. The Village has consistently adapted
to meet the needs and challenges of everyday life and worked to make it just a little
easier for all of us.
During my time on the Board, I have seen the growth of some amazing programs
including Nokomis Child Care Centers, the early childhood mental health services
The Village provides in Minnesota, as well as so many others. I have also seen the
successful integration of First Step Recovery into The Village’s family of programs. In
each instance, I am so proud of the consistent focus of the mission and vision of The
Village, and how that lives in every program The Village provides.
Our economic times have continued to present challenges to The Village’s
operations, but the need for Village services by communities and individuals remains
high. What I am most proud of as I see these challenges is the legacy of caring
that exists at The Village. The professionalism and positive attitude shown by all
employees, each and every day, is commendable. Village staff are committed to
serving others, and we are so blessed to have employees who light the way in an everchanging landscape to a healthier and happier world.
I wish to express my gratitude to all the employees of The Village. I am so humbled
to have been able to work with you. I wish a special thank you to the Executive
Leadership Team who sets the tone for this amazing institution. To my fellow Board
members, thank you for the memorable and humbling experience. Your time and
efforts are greatly appreciated.
I know that The Village Family Service Center will continue to work to inspire
others for years to come. So many of us are touched in some way by The Village, and
we are all better off for it.
On behalf of the Board of Directors at The Village, I would like to thank the many
donors and supporters who make all that The Village does possible. Your continued
support will allow us to light the way into the future to help so many more people.
Village Annual Report 2014
leadership team
The Numbers
Joy Ryan
Vice President
Gary Wolsky
Candace Haugen
Vice President, Human
Board Relations
Stewart Hovde
Chief Financial
2014 Program
Adoption Services..............................................506 people
Big Brothers Big Sisters....................................717 people
Counseling.........................................................4,421 people
Family-Based Services.......................................2,373 people
Family Group/Team Decision Making..............1,295 people
Financial Resource Center.................................8,485 people
First Step Recovery............................................419 people
Supervised Visitation and Child Exchange........264 people
Nokomis Child Care Centers.............................279 children
Pregnancy Counseling.......................................833 people
The Village Business Institute...........................66,055 people
Truancy Intervention Program...........................2,198 people
People Served in 2014:
Program Revenue
Private Grants
United Ways
Fundraising Events
Contract Labor
Prof. Fees
Staff Training
(Unaudited Figures)
Nokomis partnered with the Barry Foundation to provide
EAT (Education At the Table). Representatives from the Barry
Foundation came to both Nokomis sites and provided all the
ingredients to make healthy snacks. The kids helped put the
recipes together and learned about nutrition and healthy eating.
Village Annual Report 2014
Board of Directors
Matthew Hallaway,
Alerus Financial
Carrie Bjorge
Steve Connelly
RDO Equipment
David Dougherty
North Dakota State
College of Science-Fargo
Richard Duysen
City of Moorhead
Al Erickson
Gate City Bank
Judy Green
American Red Cross
Dr. Richard Hanson
Bemidji State University
Tammy Hauck
The Dakota REIT
One Oak
Richard Henderson
Retired, Judiciary Branch
of Federal Government
Dr. Karen Mellum
Altru Health System
Tom Nelson
Border States Electric
Dr. Joy Query
Retired, North Dakota
State University
Becky Walen
Bell State Bank & Trust
2014 Board Meetings
January 22
February 26
March 26
April 23
May 28
September 24
October 22
November 26
December 17
Village Annual Report 2014
People come to The Village for a multitude of reasons. Some come because they are dealing with a mental health diagnosis,
some because they are looking to adopt, some because they are experiencing financial stress, or because their children are at
risk of being placed outside of the home. For Britany, it was because she needed the additional support of another caring adult.
Through The Village’s Big Brothers Big Sisters Program, Britany was matched with a Big Sister. Here is her story.
Little Sister Britany was awarded a full ride college
scholarship through the Annexstad Foundation. She is now
attending Concordia College in Moorhead with a goal of
becoming an obstetrician.
It was close to Mother’s Day when Ruth Weber and
Britany Williams headed out for their first get-together as
Big Sister and Little Sister. They decided to drop by the
Humane Society garage sale and let 6-year-old Britany
choose a gift for her mom.
After passing over a variety of Mother’s Day gift
possibilities, something caught Britany’s eye.
“I found this statue. It was of, like, a sewer rat with red
glowing eyes, and it was really ugly,” Britany said. “And
I was like, ‘I want to get this for my mom!’”
“And it lit up,” Ruth said. “Not only did it have red
eyes and it was grey and awful, but it lit up!”
“I thought I’d never hear from you ever again after your
mom opened that,” Ruth said to Britany.
Far from it. Ruth would be Britany’s Big Sister for
more than a decade. Now 18 years old, Britany has
graduated out of Big Brothers Big Sisters, but she and
Ruth continue a close relationship.
“I couldn’t imagine my life without Ruth,” Britany said.
The relationship would be eye-opening and lifechanging for both of them.
Britany’s home life was very different from the family
life that Ruth had known. For one thing, Britany’s father
was out of the picture.
“I’ve seen him probably six times throughout my whole
life,” Britany said.
She saw drug abuse in her home and often lacked
adequate parental supervision. At one point during high
school, Britany’s mother served time in prison.
Sometimes Ruth would be shocked by the happenings
that Britany would describe to her.
“And so we kind of had to do a rule that she couldn’t
tell me things…until we got to where we were going
because I just about crashed my car several times,” Ruth
Ruth says she wouldn’t have made it as a Big Sister to
Britany if not for the BBBS staff.
“I didn't understand what I was dealing with,” she said.
Village Annual Report 2014
Once, BBBS participants were
invited to a Boy Scout camp. There
were a number of outdoor activities
offered, including the opportunity to
shoot a .22 rifle. Britany took to it
like a natural.
“And there was a bunch of old
men; they were like all 85, with
.22s,” Ruth said. “And Britany gets
up there and she gets her little gun
and she hits the target and they’re
like, ‘Have you done this before?’”
“You’re only supposed to get five
bullets,” Britany said. “I think they
gave me like 15. They just kept
giving them to me.”
That night Britany and Ruth
gathered with others around the
“It was a beautiful night,” said
Ruth, a nature lover. “The sun was
starting to set…And I look over and
there’s a deer and a fawn off in the
And Ruth said, “‘Britany, look,
there’s a deer and a fawn.”
Britany leaned in and said, “‘If I
had my .22, I could get ‘em.’”
“And I…thought, ‘What have I
done?’” Ruth said.
Through all the fun and silliness,
Ruth was impacting her Little Sister’s
life. Britany said Ruth “opened my
eyes to a whole new world.”
“I think she gave me dignity,”
Britany said. “She just always
showed me that life
can be better than what
it was…She just gave
me hope, just showed
me that…you can
forge your own path.
You can become your
own person…You have
the ability to do things,
and you have the
ability to make your
Ruth and Britany having a ball at a Big
Today Britany is a
Brothers Big Sisters match party.
freshman at Concordia
She didn't understand why Britany
sometimes didn’t have the proper
clothing or why she was hungry
when she came over to Ruth’s home.
She just didn’t understand why things
were as they were for Britany. But
what Ruth did understand was that
Britany needed a stable influence in
her tumultuous young life. And Ruth,
a finance professional who thrives on
organization and consistency, could
do that.
“I felt like I could just be that
constant,” Ruth said. “You know,
I wasn’t rollerblading with her. I
wasn’t the one doing all that crazy
stuff that college kids did; I was
repetitive. From two to four on
Saturday I keep showing up, and
you’re like, ‘You always keep
showing up,’ and I’d be like, ‘Yeah,
I’m here. I’m here.’”
That time meant a great deal to
“I just loved being with her,”
Britany said. “We could just go on
the couch, sit down, and not even
talk, and I would just love being in
her presence. It was just nice to have
an adult who would sit there and
listen to me—unconditionally listen
to me, like, look me in the eye and
have nothing else going on but me.”
There would be lots of those
conversations and lots of shared
Village Annual Report 2014
Big Sister Ruth and Little
Sister Britany love the
time they spend together.
College in Moorhead, Minn.,
majoring in biology and chemistry
with a minor in psychology.
“I want to become an obstetrician
...I know that for sure,” Britany said.
“I’m kind of thinking about doing
neo-natal surgery.”
Ruth says she’s so proud of the
young woman that Britany has
become. And reflecting on what
Ruth has done for her over the years
brought Britany to tears.
“You don’t know how much of
an impact you’ve had on my life,”
Britany said to Ruth.
Britany said she thinks of Ruth as a
mother and told her, “When my mom
left, I contemplated asking to move
in with you and, like, be my mother.”
“(Ruth has) always been here for
me no matter what,” Britany said.
“She’s never put me down. She’s
never told me I couldn’t do anything.
She’s never not supported me. She’s
never not pushed me to be my best.”
Britany told Ruth, “You’re
probably one of the best things that’s
ever happened to me.”
United Way
The Village receives local support from the
following United Way agencies:
The Missouri Slope
Areawide United Way
Souris Valley United Way
United Way of
Barnes County
United Way of Cass-Clay
United Way of
Central Minnesota
United Way of
Douglas and Pope
United Way of Grand
Forks, East Grand
Forks and Area
United Way of
United Way of
Ottertail County
United Way of
United Way supports services of The Village
in several communities. The Village employees
also give back by volunteering with the
’91 Society
The ’91 Society is an elite designation for those
who have made extraordinary, major, or lifetime
contributions to The Village Family Service Center.
The following people were inducted into the ’91
Society in 2014:
Tony and Sharon Ingle
G. James “Jim” McKay
James and Linda Svobodny
Wayne and Loanna Wagstrom
Steve Stark shared the early years of The Village
history in words and charcoal at Roots and Wings,
an annual gathering of Village donors and friends.
Village Annual Report 2014
Children’s Village
Family Service
The Children’s Village Family Service Foundation is a sister
nonprofit corporation to The Village Family Service Center. The
Foundation manages a trust fund that helps support The Village
Family Service Center. Many people leave gifts through the
Foundation, which allows their legacy to live on through the
families and children served by The Village.
Charlotte L. Bellon
Cofell’s Plumbing & Heating
Wayne and Julie Ganskop
George and Audrey Gaukler
Harold and June Hayer
Phyllis and Helmuth Huber
Adelaide MacMillan
Maxine Mattson
Jeff and Michelle McKay
G. James “Jim” McKay Estate
Randy and Anita Newman
Olga Rait Estate
Irene Schmuser Estate
Chuck and Betty Sheldon
Richard and Mary Warner
Janet and James Zinke
The Village began in 1891 as an orphanage.
Hundreds of children passed through our doors
on their way to a new and better life.
Village Annual Report 2014
(individuals & Families)
Robert and Doris Alin
Elmer Berg Estate
Noel and Judith Fedje
Anna Gaffrey Estate
James Kertz
Adelaide MacMillan
John and Lucille McCormick
The Jan and David McNair
Family Fund
Thomas and Christine McDougall
Evelyn Montgomery
$1,000 - $4,999
Brian and DeAnn Ament
Richard and Carolyn Blaine
Mark and Elaine Blaufuss
Gregory Butler
Bruce and Judy Clark
Lucile Coghlan McCormick
Memorial Trust
Shad and Heidi Connor
Lyman and Nancy Edds
George and Audrey Gaukler
Mimi Gokey
Doug Gullekson
Matthew and DeAnn Hallaway
Harold and June Hayer
Dean and JoAnn Hornbacher
Tony and Sharon Ingle
Norman and Eunice Jones
David and Marilyn Kerssen
Richard and Sharon Krabbenhoft
Sally and R. Douglas Larsen
Evelyn M. Larson
Matthew and Janelle Leiseth
John and Liz Lyngstad
Jane and William Marcil Sr.
Maurice and Joy McCormick
Thomas and Judy McCormick
David and Janet McNair
Steven and Cassie Mott
Kay and Paul Odegaard
Joy and Jay Ryan
William and Mary Schlossman
Robert and Laura Spolum
William and Susan Stibbe
Carol Stoudt
The Village continues to be a partner in the Sexual Abuse
Treatment Program collaborative. In addition to case management
and consultation, Chuck Summers, Clinical Manager of Regional
Counseling, co-facilitates two treatment groups at the Southeast
Human Service Center in Fargo. These groups help to reduce
risk in the community by challenging low risk offenders to be
fully accountable for their offenses and teaching them the skills
necessary for living a healthy lifestyle.
Wayne and Loanna Wagstrom
Becky and Greg Walen
Richard and Mary Warner
Leon and Lavonne Wedar
Shelley Weidner
J. L. and Kay Weisgram
Jason and Melanie White
Paul and Marilyn White
Carla and James Wolsky
Gary and Claudia Wolsky
$500 - $999
Dr. Thomas and Jane Ahlin
Wayne Altenbernd
Todd and Laurie Anderson
Marie Bergquist
Carrie and Joel Bjorge
Brian Blumer
Jenny and Ben Boe
Arlin and Harriet Buchholz
Dr. Steffen and Janice Christensen
Joyce Cole
Glenn and Donna Dagman
James E. Dixon
David and Danell Dougherty
Allan and Jennifer Erickson
Paul and Debbie Finstad
Matthew Gilbertson
Scott and Judy Green
Brian and Emily Hagen
Gregory and Stephanie Hammes
Court and Arlene Hanson
Gary and Ruth Hanson
Donald and Marlene Hastings
Charlotte and Knute Allan Henning
Stewart and Linda Herman
Katherine and James Holmes
Jana Johnson
Mike and Donita Kaspari
Katrina and Darin Lang
Virginia and Matthew McColm
Village Annual Report 2014
Carol Meshefski
Roger Minch
Thomas and Celeste Moltzan
Mark and Nichole Nelson
Chad and Amanda Njos
Carl Oksol
Kylie and Martin Olsen
Michelle Powers
Ralph and Carol Rudrud
Marjorie Schlossman
Dale and Joseph Sessa
Allan and Mary Severson
Gary and Yvonne Smith
Nola and Kenneth Storm
Earl and Jan Strinden
James and Linda Svobodny
Norma and James Swanson
Robert and Joan Thompson
Matthew Thyne
Angela Trupka
Shane and Jill Waslaski
James Wold
Brenda and Kevin Wolf
$0 - $499
Bobby Aamold
Lorna Aamold
Nicole and Aaron Aarestad
Mary Aasness
Sherri Ackerson
Warren and Eleanor Ackley
Greg and Cheryl Adams
Nizar Ahmed
Mary and Larry Akason
Henry Albrecht
Kellie and Erin Albrecht
J. Richard and Renee Alsop
Dennis Althoff
Connie Ambuehl
Roger and Elizabeth Anda
Andrea Anderson
Ann and Craig Anderson
Becky and David Anderson
Christen Anderson
Gaylon and Robin Anderson
Georgia and Dave Anderson
Jeff Anderson
Joyce Anderson
Katie Anderson
Mallary and Jordan Anderson
Rachel and Jacob Anderson
Ron Anderson
Tim Anderson
Joanne and Ray Andres
Julee Andrews
Robert and Jane Andrews
Dr. Stan Andrist
Kirk and Tricia Anton
William Apel
Daniel and Shelly Armbrust
David Arne
John and Sue Arneson
Gabrielle Arnquist
Lenora Arntson
Robert Arusell and Janelle Sanda
Steven and Janet Asche
Crystal and Matthew Askelson
R. Mark and Lisa Askew
Larry Audette
Susan and Joel Aukes
Gary Axtell
Deneen and Kenny Axtman
JeriAnn Azure
Darrel and Julie Bachman
Bruce and Patricia Bachtel
Raul Badillo
Amanda and Shawn Bagne
Alexandra Bailie
Byron and Nancy Bain
Deb Bain
Dennis and Nannette Bakko
Ann Balk
Susan Balsdon
Michael and Renae Baltzer
Dinesh Bande
Michael and Ladonna Bannach
Mykell and Jesse Barnacle
Julie Barner
Brad Bauer
Cynthia and David Baumgardner
Mary Jean Becker
Robert Becker
Jennifer Beckett
Michael and Debra Beckett
Tim Beckett
Gene and Marcie Beisch
Brad Beiseker
Cindy Belchlavek
Dale Beling
Brennan and Amanda Bell
Jeff and Melissa Benda
Katherine and Jerry Benda
Jeremy and Kathryn Bendewald
Sandra Beneke
Jason and Jessica Bentley
Curtis and Traci Berg
Jean Berg
Jessica and Robert Berg
Kathryn Berg
Richard and Tracy Berg
Sara Berg
Shawn Bergan
Diane Berggren
Paul and Nicole Berglund
Katie and Brian Bergner
Richard and Lois Bergseth
Dr. Steven and Darlene Berndt
Mark Berntson
Otto and June Bervik
Yvonne Bethke
Sandra and Peter Bilstad
Ronald Bina
Zaundra Bina
LeRoy Bitzan
Gregory and Nancy Bjerke
Royce and Lavonne Black
Jeffrey and Lindsey Bladow
Phyllis Boatman
Robert and Brenda Bohmert
Brenda Boll
Stephanie Boll
Edelle Bond
Lynn Boock
Timothy and Nanette Boots
Julianne Bopp
Ella Borge
Michael Bormann
Beverly Boss
Curtis Bostad
Jason Bostow
Carly and Leroy Bosworth
One of the really wonderful little
people who come to Nokomis each day.
She loves to smile!
Jeff and Kathy Botnen
Paul and Barb Bougie
Dale and Stacy Boyer
Carla Braaten
Jean Brandt
Bethany Brandt-Sargent
Duane and Sandra Brasch
Joseph and Krista Bratvold
Scott and Paula Breidenbach
Robin Brekke
Adam Brewer
Troy Brewster
Keith and Mary Broadwell
Kelly and Sherri Brodsho
Becky Brookberg
Jeanine Brooks
William and Anna Marie Brooks
Leo and Rebecca Broughton
Sam Brouillard
Cindy and Chad Brown
Georgia and Dale Brown
Lois Brown
Mark Brown
Suzanne Brown
Richard and Susan Brudvik
In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have
regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates.
Village Annual Report 2014
A children’s mental health consultant from The Village’s
Moorhead office visits Nokomis each week to observe the
classrooms and assist the teachers in identifying and addressing
mental health issues. She is also available to meet with families
one-on-one if they have any questions about their child’s behavior,
development, or any other needs or concerns.
Beth Bruggeman
Arlen Brunsvold
Justin and Amanda Buchholz
Steve and Susan Burcham
Julie Burgum
Michael and Christy Burke
Darrell and Nancy Burkland
Rosann and Craig Burslie
Tim Burtness
Michael and Cheryl Busch
William and Dina Butcher
Diane Butenhoff
Marjorie Cagley
Nate and Melissa Callens
Linda and Joseph Capistrant
Cathy Cariveau
Catherine Carlson
Jeremy Carlson
Michelle Carlson
Natalie and Robert Carlson
Diana Carlsrud
Diane Carlsrud
Douglas and Sheree Carney
Stacy Carriere
Jonathan Casper
Susan Cederholm
Allison Chapin
Leap and Scarlett Chear
Abi Jo Christensen
Melissa Christensen
Paula and Thomas Christensen
Winifred Christensen
Barb Christianson
Donna Clanton
Bonita and Ronald Clarys
Jordan Clementson
Michael and Lisa Clower
Tim Colby
Jason Coles
Katherine Collins
Gail Confer
Kathy and Quentin Conklin
Cindy Cook
James and Eleanor Coomber
Patricia Corwin
Melissa Cossette
Jody Coste
Justin Coste
Crystal and Christopher Larson
Mark Cottrell
Ashley Counts
David and Kay Currier
Becky and Andrew Curtis
Becky Czickotzki
Brian Czichotzki
Chris Czichotzki
Emily Czichotcki
Todd and Heidi Dagman
Lillian Dagner
Corey Dahl
Arlan and Janice Dahlen
Laurie Dalbey
Lori E. Daly
Christie and Brett Danielson
Mark and Jo Ellen Davidson
Paige Davis
Chris Dawson
Edith A. Dawson
Blaise Deckert
Brenda Degenstein
Robert and Sue Deike
Nancy De’Lander
Naomi Dell
Douglas and Paula DeMinck
Jeanette Dennison
Paul DesChene
Adam Desroches
Ronald and Monica Dessonville
Thomas Devorak and Mariko
Fran and Alan Dexter
Sam Dibble
Kari Dick
Rebecca and Stephen Dickerson
Erik Diederich
Kimberly and Allen Dienslake
Erika Dietz
Donavan and Debra Diseth
Village Annual Report 2014
Steve Dixon
Melissa Dixon-Armfield and Jim
James and Teri Dobbs
John and Anita Dobbs
Denise Doeling
Nancy Dohrer
Andrew Donner
Thomas Dooley and Deb Kluck
Brian and Julie Doom
Lynn Dorn
Mark Doyle
Mrs. Thomas Drayton
Donna and Stan Dreckman
Suzanne Dreckman
Joanne Drenkow
Luci and Ted Duchsherer
Brady and Teresa Duffy
Andy Dumas
Darren Dunlop
Ellen Dunn
Richard and Cheryl Duysen
Alva Dyrud
Duane Egeberg
Nancy Egeberg
Roger and Rachel Egeberg
Lisa and Richard Eggert
Dan Eggiman
Steve Eickhoff
Gerald and Brenda Eid
Paul Eidbo
John Eide
Becky Elbert
Ronald and Joanne Ellingson
Tracy Ellingson
Cecile Ellis
Rich Ellsworth
Mike Emerson
Rob Emerson
Gary and Mary Engebretson
Janice Engen
Robert and Lauri Engen
Charlotte and Eddie Enger
Gregg Enger
Jeremiah and Jara Enger
Lisa Enger
Jacob and Marci Erbele
Roger and Janelle Erbes
Ginger Erickson
Janice and Vance Erickson
John and Kim Erickson
Shelly Ernest
John and Martha Esbjornsson
Jay Estenson
Shawn Evanson
Jodi Evenson
Beth and Shane Evenstad
Becky Faller
Leon Faris
Joseph and Deborah Farrell
Trina Fear
Charles and Shirley Feeney
Carmen Felch
David Felch
Charlotte and Richard Feldman
Laura Feldner
Marcie Felix
Calvin and Doris Fercho
Dave Ferguson
Michelle Ferrell
Amber Ferrie
Sandra Ferris
Deb Fetting
Dan and Kathy Fiandaca
Mike and Althea Fick
Joanne and Duane Field
Robert and Jackie Field
Melanie and Duane Fierstine
Bernice Finnesgard
Shelley Finney and Charles Rehovsky
Jerry and Shirley Fischer
Shara and Aaron Fischer
Brandon Fisher
Elaine Fiske
Rebecca and Charles Fitzpatrick
Mark Flaagan
Timothy Flakoll
Chad and Emily Flanagan
Dwight and Marcella Flaten
Lou Ann Fleck
Paul and Karen Fleming
Ranelle Fogelson
Colette and Roy Folstad
Jack Folstrom
Mary and Mathias Fontes
Judy and Daniel Foss
Donald and Kenegunda Foster
Arlen and Sandy Franchuk
Krista French
Mary Ann French
Alfred Frenette
Lee and Karen Frigen
LaMae Friskop
Ryan Fritz
Nokomis kids help say Thank You to our wonderful
sponsors and supporters.
Michael Fugere
Shawn Fuglseth
Heidi Furan
Mary Furan
Bruce and Lorraine Furness
Marlis Furuseth
Kelli Fyllesvold
Geraldine Gadberry
Doug and Tasha Gahner
Todd Galbreath
Adam Gallant
Rodney and Holly Gapp
Wade and Karen Garrett
Sarah and Azer Gasevic
Bryan and Tifanie Gelinske
Shannon and Robert Gephart
Nina Gerber
Robert and Judith German
Stephanie Gess
Cindy Geston
Lisa Gibbens
Col. Rick and Mandy Gibney
Brett and Alyssa Gilbertson
Harvey and Bonnie Gilbertson
Kelsey Gilbraith
Jan Gilmore
Richard and Rachel Gladue
Christopher Goblirsch
Lori and Bart Goeson
Kathy Gohl
Randy and Wanda Goldade Schepp
Kathleen Goor
Kari Goos
Kristopher and Jill Gorden
Diane Gores
Joe Gotta
Dennis Gould
Lynette and John Gourde
Paul and Janet Graalum
Maureen and Todd Graber
Vernon and Marcy Grant
Renee and Michael Gravalin
Clinician Nadine Hillesheim started a Depression and
Anxiety Psychotherapy Group in Fargo. This is an ongoing
treatment group that teaches proven coping skills for
managing and reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Village Annual Report 2014
Thomas Green
Roger and Claudia Greenley
David and Shannon Gregor
Eric and Andrea Greiff
Jane Greminger
Kathleen and Derrick Groff
Charles and Helen Grommesh
Nels Grote
Keith Groven
Susan and Robert Grundysen
James Gullekson
Jane Gullekson
Lois Gullickson
Karl and Joleen Gunderson
Rob Gunderson
Mary Gunkelman
Larry and Moyne Gunst
Brian Gustafson
Dennis Gustafson
Linda and Robert Gylland
Darin Haaland
Dominic and Susan Haan
Jolee Habedank
Roger and Mary Haberman
Glen and Jodi Haekenkamp
Mark and Suzanne Haen
Arvin and Beverly Hagen
Cliff Hagen
Jean Hagen
Jackie and Leroy Hager
W. Todd and Ann Haggart
Mark and Cheryl Hagy
Cathy Hahn
Josh Haider
Dr. Gwen Halaas
Roland and Louise Hall
David and Valerie Halvorson
Chadbourne Hamblin
James and Naomi Hambrick
Gerald Hamm
Penny and Bryan Hamm
Leona Hammes
Mark and Kristen Hamre
Andrew Hanson
Anita Hanson
Caitlin Hanson
Michael Hanson
Dr. Richard Hanson and Diane
Candace Harmon
Adam and Heather Haroldson
Bob and Darlene Harsch
Carrie Harsch
In St. Cloud, The Village revamped its weekly Anger
Management and Domestic Violence groups with a stronger
focus on addressing the underlying trauma in the attendees’ lives.
Village therapists are well-trained and experienced in trauma
and its impact on people throughout their lives. We have found
that early childhood traumatic experiences can impact a person’s
current level and expression of anger. Helping group attendees
identify and address this trauma can assist them in their recovery.
Amy Hartze
Matthew and Kathryn Hasbargen
Carolyn Hasey
Rob Haskell
Steven and Dianna HatfieldClemenson
Carrie Haug
Harley Haug
Tasha and Ryan Haug
Candace and Duane Haugen
Michael and Janice Haugen
Fred and Judy Haugo
Rodney and Theresa Haugtvedt
Sacha and Seth Hauschulz
C.H. and Kathy Hawken
Cassie Hayes
Philip Hayes
Chuck and Jane Heath
Marilyn Hedberg
Kevin Heggeness
Denise Heglie
Dorothy M. Heieie
Cameron Heim
Ervin and Lois Heim
Holly and Patrick Heintzman
Ralph and Joanne Heinzen
Savannah Heiser
Bridget Heiter
Sharon Heley
Carol Helgren
Robert and Marlys Hellem
Maggie Heller
Liv and Dan Helm
Anna M. Helms
Paul and Lisa Hemm
Chuck Hendricks
Debbie and Vern Hendrickson
Jack and Linda Hendrickson
Garrett Henrich
Jon and Janet Henrich
Meghan Henrich
Trudy Henrikson
Village Annual Report 2014
Carol Henry
Joshua Herbold
Corey Herlickson
Shawn Herlickson
Vernon and Dawn Herman Jr.
Deborah Hermans
Eric and Karen Hermans
Dean and Sheila Herold
Rex and Virginia Herring
Brittany Herrington
Doris Hertsgaard
Douglas and Arlene Herzog
Mitch Highman
Shanna and Matthew Hilbert
Norma Hilde
Rebecca Hilde
Sue Hildremyr
Gerald and Ursula Hill
Lori Hill
Nadine Hillesheim and Steve Sellent
Michael Hillger
Kermit and Jenny Himle
Muriel and John Hinman
Warren and Maureen Hintz
Brandon and Dana Hirsch
Rachel Hoben
Erika Hochgraber
Victoria Hoebee
Chuck Hoge
Steven and Margie Hohnadel
Carrie and Gregory Holland
Timothy and Ellen Holland
Jon and Kathy Holman
Brianna Holmen
Grant and Shirley Holmen
Emily Holt
Tamera and Ronald Holte
Jeff Holth
Daniel and Staci Holzheimer
Jessica and Bill Hoppe
Calvin and Shirley Hornbacher
Laura Host
Kayla Hough
Stewart and Kristi Hovde
Chris and Christa Howell
Michael and Michela Howell
Bruce Hoyt
Mark and Carla Hubbard
Susan and Paul Hubbard
Douglas and Carole Huber
Fred and Jody Hudson
Clarice Hughes
Loretta Hughes
Josh and Kelly Humble
Stacy and Randy Huss
Mary and Gerald Huus
William Ibach
Debra Idland
Deborah Igoe
Daniel and Eva Inches
Lori Ishaug
Jocie Iszler
Mary Ivers
Tom Iverson
Sandra Ives
Roger and Kathleen Ivesdal
Janice Jackson
Calvin and Wendy Jacobson
Kathleen Jacobson
Willie Jacobson
Lyle and Claudia Janz
Sabrina Jenks
Austin Jensen
Jessica and Jacob Jensen
Larry and Marsha Jensen
Marti Jensen
Alissa Jenson
Dirk Jenson
Monte and Mary Jerstad
Amanda Johnson
Amy Johnson
Carol Johnson
Chad Johnson
Charley and Mary Johnson
Craig and Julie Johnson
Dorreen Johnson
Elizabeth and James Johnson
George and Janice Johnson
Guy Johnson
Jeff Johnson
Joel Johnson
Kaija Johnson
Mark and Pamela Johnson
Marshall and Cynthia Johnson
Pam Johnson
Shayli Johnson
Leslie Johnston
James and Mary Jondahl
Donald and Peggy Jones
Eugene and Janet Jones
Melaine Jones
Mike Jones
Delroy and Susan Jordahl
Neil and Nancy Jordheim
Kevin Jordre
B.A. and M.W. Jorgensen
Lura Joseph
Elizabeth and Aaron Jost
Children’s services are available through
Kristin and James Jost
The Village’s network of offices.
Dewey Joyce
Luke and Nikki Jo Klefstad
Mike Joyce
Genevieve Klein
Rick and Jana Judisch
Gary and Virginia Kleingartner
Jonathan and Jennifer Kadrmas
Maryanne Kleven
Derek Kainz
John and Jan Klocke
Twyla Kallod
Bruce and Sheila Klosterman
Andrew and Anja Kalvoda
Douglas and Janette Klungtvedt
Dean and Doris Kasowski
Tara Klungtvedt
Tara Kasprowicz
Brett and Kendra Knain
Leah and E Kastner
David and Jane Knecht
Beverly and Timothy Kato
John and Ann Knecht
Rajeev Kaul
Keith and Tiffany Knoke
Mildred Kautz
Alex Knott
Charles and Lynette Kehler
Nathan and Heidi Knudsen
Patricia Kelly
Brandon Knutson
Josh Kemmer
Katrina Kuntson
Vance Kemmer
Kelsey Knutson
Betty Kerns
Lori Koble
Helen Ketterl
Sue Koesterman
L. Sean Key
Nancy Koetz
Mani Khamvongsa
Jessica Kolling
Donald and Jo Kilander
Steven Koloziej
Penelope Kilbride
Ruby and Jeffrey Kolpack
Jonette King
Sandy and Brian Korbel
Randal and Rhonda Kingsley
Tye and Linnea Korbl
Margaret Kinnarath
E. Anne Koski
Gail and Trent Kinney
David and Elaine Koslowski
Mrs. Charles Kinslow
Donald and Laurine Kounovsky
Rodney Kjellberg
Steve Krabbenhoft
Karissa Kjos
Jeremy Kramer
Judith and Charles Klaers
Pam Kramer
Joshua and Megan Kleckner
Rhonda Kramer
Thank you to our Village donors who
wish to remain anonymous.
Village Annual Report 2014
First Step Recovery added additional Registered Nurses and
addiction counselors to its staff to identify and manage the underlying
psychological and medical issues that often accompany addiction. This
allows us to meet the needs of even the most medically complicated
patients—helping them navigate medical issues that can impact
addiction treatment.
Vivian and William Kranzler
Miles and Kristi Krebs
Doug and Nancy Krebsbach
R.S. and Swarna Krishnan
Shane Krogstad
Beatrice and Keith Kroke
Bob Krugler
Brad and DeeAnn Krugler
Bonnie and Thomas Kuehn
Joel Kuhl
Christi Kukes
Cindy and Wayne Kuster
Amanda Kutter
Margriet Lacy
Jeffrey Ladew
Eden Lafond
Dennis and Linda Lang
Richard and Vicki Laraway
Heather Larsen
Joyce Larsen
Anna Larson
Dana Larson
Jerry Larson
Marcia and Dean Larson
Mike Larson
Paul and Rebecca Larson
Richard and Gayle Larson
Sarah Larson
Veril Larson
John Laskey
Maycie and Harper Lass
Michelle Lass
Andrea Lauer
Julie and Richard Laufenberg
Steven Lausch
Joanne and Wayne Lauwers
Miranda Lavelle
Zach Lavelle
Lori Layton
Becky Leaf
Jennifer Leddon
Jim LeDoux
Gloria and David Lee
Judith Lee
Dallas Leichtenberg
Larry and Mary Ann Leier
Gail Lein
Barbara and Daryl Leistikow
Holly Leistikow
Elizabeth Lemm
Through the support of the United Way, Nokomis was able to
purchase an online assessment system called “Teaching Strategies
GOLD,” along with Surface tablets for each classroom. This program
enables teachers to implement authentic, ongoing, observational
assessments critical to planning appropriate learning experiences and
individualized goals that help children thrive.
Village Annual Report 2014
Barbara and Richard Leshovsky
Mark and Karen Lester
Tara Lettenmaier
Arvilla and Lloyd Lien
Marna and Thomas Lien
Deidra Lies
Curt and Connie Lillehoff
Karen Lind
Barb Lindberg
Charlie and Erin Lindberg
Shelly and Mark Lindlauf
Keith Lindsay
Betty Lindstrom
Joyce and Andy Lindvig
Cynthia and Paul Linstad
Robert Littlefield
Benjamin and Christine Litzinger
Nancy Llewellyn
Veronica Lloyd
Laura and Thomas Lock
Mary A. Locken
Barbara Lockhart
Lori Lockhart
Bonnie Lonbaken
Clint and Barbara Lonbaken
Kurt H. Losee
John Lostys
Richard and Theresa Lothspeich
Lonnie and Vickie Ludwig
Josh Luhman
Lori Luhman
Pat Luhman
Diane and George Luiken
Sheri Lukas
Ruth and Kuldip Lumb
Dorothy A. Lund Nelson
Marilyn Lundberg
Jesse Lunde
Julie Lunde
Gary Lunder
Vernon Lykken
Andrew Lynch
Ben Lynch
Kelly and Rob Lynch
Gwen Madcke
Ilean and Richard Maetzold
Kindra Mahler
Jason and Brandi Malarkey
Arden Malheim
David and Tara Malheim
Amanda and Justin Mann
Terri Manske
Roxanna and Peter Maragos
Jeff and Kaley Mari
Terry and Julie Markle
Harriet Marquardt
Michael and Nikki Martin
Jim and Arlene Martini
Donna and Jeff Marty
Tamara Marvig
Karen Mason
Mark and Deanne Mason
Laurie Massey
Kimberly and Kelly Massine
Randy and Sabrina Mastel
Robert Mastel
Chuck Masten
Timothy and Lorene Mathern
Michael and Jody Mathias
Zona Mathison
Jeffrey and Jayne Mathson
Paul G. Mayer
Tyler Mayfield
Jeaninne and Donald McAllister
Chad and Jess McCaslin
Brian and Karen McClellan
Matthew McClellan
Tanith McCloud
Julie McClure
Joe and Stacy McConnell
Joseph McCormick
Stephen and Kelly McCormick
Cristina McCoy
Michelle McCullough
Catherine McDade
Ian and Kristin McDonald
Mike McDonald
Joyce and Don McDougall
Sandy McDowell
Gary and Sandra McGinnity
Dan and Debra McGinty
Donald and Joann McIntyre
Sheryl and Phillip McIntyre
Dick and Shirley McKnight
Tracey McLagan
Melissa McLane
Gary and Janice McLaughlin
Andrew McLean
Kari and Timothy McLean
Marcia McMullen and Kevin
Scott and Sara Medalen
Lana Medler
Bruce and Dede Meidinger
The first school-based matches at Jefferson Elementary
School were made in 2014. Twenty-one students are now
matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister at Jefferson. The
program also operates a school-based program at Madison
Elementary, serving 52 students.
Dawnette and Stacey Meidinger
Rosemary Meister
Terry and Debbie Meland
Janet and Mark Melby
Tracy and Jonahtan Melendez
Natalie Melland
Karen and Loren Mellum
Glenn and Phyllis Melvey
Judy Mercer
Shane and Amy Mercer
Carol and Gerald Metcalf
Alice and Dennis Metzger
Beth Meyer
Brian Meyer
Jeff and Kristen Meyer
Les Meyer
Renee Meyer
Sue Meyer
Gerald and Debby Michels
Sue Middaugh
Evan Mikkelsen
Joy Mikkelson
Allyson Miller
Dion and Brenda Jo Miller
Rev. Janet Miller
Keith Miller
Matthew Miller
Maury and Kandy Miller
Max Miller
Rachel Miller
Rhonda Miller
Ron and Sue Miller
Tammy Miller and Craig Palmer
Lynette and Brian Mischke
Sally Miskavige
Kathy Mitchell
Nancy Moder
Synneve Moe
Dana and William Moffett
Devin and Dawne Mogck
Joan and Arlyn Mogck
Layton Mogck
Vernon and Enid Monger
Jamie Monson
Lisa Monson
Carolyn and John Monzingo
Clifford and Donalene Moore
Marshall and Rose Mary Moore
Eric and Leann Moos
Rilie and Anita Morgan
Sylvia A. Morgan
Vyron Morkassel
Craig Morrison
Jessica Mortenson
Donald and Susan Morton
Ruth Morton
Dale and Debbie Mowry
Peter and Anne Moynihan
Butch Muhle
Charles and Geri Munro
Lynne Muralt
Julie Murphy
Kasey Murphy-Oberg
Julie and Jack Murrah
Margaret Myers
Marion Myers
Mike Myers
Bill Naasz
Amy and Paul Naseth
Kevin Nashiem
Randall and Cheryl Naze
Laurie and Doug Neill
Bonnie Nelson
Debra K. Nelson
Diane and James Nelson
Janet and Larry Nelson
Jennifer Nelson
Josh Nelson
Karen and James Nelson
Karna Nelson
Steven and Christine Nelson
Thomas and Andrea Nelson
Todd Nelson
Curtis J. Ness
Steve Ness
David and Jennifer Newman
In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have
regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates.
Village Annual Report 2014
Anna Marie’s Alliance in St. Cloud partnered with The Village
to assist with the child component of their domestic abuse safety
planning. Safety planning is held at The Village’s St. Cloud office,
and Village staff participate by assessing the impact of domestic
violence on children through the use of play assessments.
Jennifer and Dale Newton
Jim Nicolai
Andreas Nielsen
Joel and Lisa Nierode
Michael and Susan Nilson
Linda Nordang
Kurt and Tana Noteboom
Tim and Tammy Noteboom
Curt and Lisabeth Nyhus
Richard and Susan Nymark
Greg Oakland
Jennifer and Mitchell Oakland
Gordon and Charline Oas
Kelly and Michael Obach
Tara Odden
Judy Odegard
Amy O’Hare
Chris Ohm
Jackie Ohm
Avis and Darrell Ohman
Yvonne Ohnstad
Jay and Meredith Olafson
Krissy Olafson
Kevin and Bethany Olander
Arthur and Nancy Olerud
Bernice Oliver
Donald and Deleth Oliver
Patricia Olmstead
Duane and Linda Olschlager
Kristofer Olsen
Kevin and Kristy Olsgaard
Eleanore Olslund
Barbara Olson
Charles and Ruth Olson
Denis and Linda Olson
Helene Olson
James and Barbara Olson
Kenneth and Luella Olson
Kim Olson
Kimberly Olson
Lorelle and Bruce Olson
Pamela Olson
Prudence Olson
Sheila Olson
Terry and Kathleen Olson
Thomas and Lucille Olson
Tyler Olson
Donald and Evelyn Ommodt
Karen Oothoudt
Brian Ordahl
Darrell and Connie Orth
Charles and Bonnie Orvik
H. James and M. Osborn
Molly O’Shaughnessy
Phyllis E. Osmundson
Marjorie Ostdahl
Marissa Oster
Steve and Sandy Otteson
Gary and Mary Ann Ouradnik
Kim Overton
Brenda Owen
Gail and Michael Palmer
Srihari and Bethany Panjini
Barb and Steven Parmer
Leah Parmer
Judy and Roger Parrow
Julie Pasche
Janet Patterson
Tim and Kathryn Pausch
Della M. Pearson
Mark and Terrie Pearson
Maren Pechacek
Diane Peck
Joel and Katie Peck
Monika Peglow
Lori Pender
Rickey and Michele Pender
Waneta Perkins
Katie and George Perlenfein
Judith and Ernest Perry
Adam and Rachel Peterson
Arlene and Bob Peterson
Jeremy Peterson
Joel and Deborah Peterson
Treavor and Elizabeth Peterson
Terry and Deborah Pfau
Sanicka Phandanouvong
Art and Mary Ann Phillips
Saul and Nicole Phillips
Lori Pickett
Rich and Beth Pietsch
Lezlee Pihlgren
Village Annual Report 2014
Amy Pinnow
Gwenola O. Pitsenbarger
Stephen and Susan Plambeck
Laura and W.C. Porter
Dewey and Margery Possehl
Margaret Potter
Cathy Powers
Virginia Powers
Dorothy Prafcke
Carol Pribula and Larry Dent
Janice Price
Sunny and Jim Prudhomme
Clarice Purdy
Zoe and Gerry Quackenbush
Judy Qualley
Jean and Bryan Quigley
James and Mickey Quinn
Miranda Rademacher
Tim Rademacher
Michelle and Brent Hella
Robert and Heather Rakness
Anna Ramirez
Jan Ramstad
Leah Ramstad
Scott and Linda Randolph
Brent and Sarah Rask
Jon and Barb Ratchenski
Lyla L. Rath
Sharon and Kevin Raugutt
Raymond and Lynn Reading
Barbara and Deron Redinger
Elaine Redmann
Abby Rehder
Marty and Tamara Rehder
Lisa Reichelt
Lee and Diane Reierson
Roger and Arlene Reierson
Chuck and Faye Reimers
Mike Rein
Tyler Reineke
Merril and Noell Reinhiller
James and Jody Renbarger
Tracy Renner
Twyla Renner
M. Vincent and Merilee Restucci
Cecil Reyes
Kelly and Lori Rezac
Julie Reznecheck
Jennifer and Les Rheault
Toni Rheault
Dan and Vicki Richard
Julien Richard
Paul and Mary Jo Richard
Donna Richards
Lou and Gerald Richardson
William and Betty Richardson
Brenda and Nathan Richman
Jacob Rick
Nashel Rick
Angela Ridl
Jody and Justin Ridel
Rocky Ridl
Lori Jo Rieber
Ryan Riewer
Jeremy and Alexis Rinas
Nicole Rinke
Barbara and Daniel Rising
Charlotte and James Robbins
Gary and Gloria Robison
Kathryn and Stewart Robley
Wayne Robley
Tracy Roche
Michael Rockwood
Tom Rockwood
Rodney and Sally Roe
Laura and Douglas Roerick
Donna Rogers
Carmen and Robert Rogne
Carol Rogne
Jay Rogne
Sara and Eric Rogne
Dolores Rohde
Norval and Kay Rokke
Larry and Faye Rolfson
Dawn Roller
Brian and Stacy Roney
Gerhard and Marion Ronholm
Tricia Rosatti
Ronald and Joan Rose
James and Eileen Rouse
Mackey and Janell Roy
Helen Rudie
Terry Rudolph
Ken Runsvold
Bill and Roberta Russell
Kenneth and Catherine Russell
David and Claudia Rust
Elaine and Robert Rust
William and Kathryn Rutz
Marlene Saar
Roland and Janice Saetre
Angela Salcedo
Randy and Janet Salzwedel
Debra Samples
Peggy and Mark Samuels
Karri Sand
Big Brothers and Big Sisters make a huge difference in kids’ lives just
by showing up. Here, Big Brother Dominic and Little Brother Stanley
ride the Go Karts at a Big Brothers Big Sisters match-sponsored event.
Roy Sander
Cassie Sanders
Diane Sanders
Sherri and Greg Sandvig
Glenda Sanford
Joseph and Katherine Satrom
Barbara Satterthwaite
Caleb and Kelsey Saum
Kimberly Savageau
Rachel and Tom Savageau
Larry Sawaya
Jason Sawyer
Mary and Roger Sayler
Karla Sazama
Michael Scarski
Ben Scharff
Elaine Schatz
Kara and Michael Scheer
Kurt Scheer
Linda Scheer
Robert and Lenora Scheer
Soren Scheer
Steven Scheer
Hailey Schepp
Kelly and Jamaica Schlauderaff
David and Berta Schmidt
Jason Schmidt
Richard and Mary Schmit
Gene and Vikki Schneeberger
Albert and Ann Schneiter
Kaitlyn Schoenberg
Dwight and Donya Schroeder
Lacie and Johnathan Schroeder
George and Arline Schubert
Chad Schulz
Ingo Schulz
Jane Schulz
Lucille Schulz
Victor and Joan Schwahn
Elizabeth Schwankl
Nicole Schwartz
Lisa Schwinden
Colleen Scott
Kathy and Tim Scully
Julie Sedler
Brian and Melinda Seil
Larry and Karen Seljevold
Kristina Senn
Tony Serati
Nathan Severson
The Village’s St. Cloud office hosted an Eye Movement
Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) training in October.
Village clinicians throughout the agency were trained to
provide this very valuable treatment that helps people recover
from traumatic experiences in their lives.
Village Annual Report 2014
Kelly Olson, Division Director of Behavioral Health and Family
Services, graduated from the Executive Leadership Institute
(ELI). ELI is a certificate program that prepares emerging leaders
in the nonprofit human services industry to meet the existing and
future needs of their organizations. ELI is presented in partnership
with the University of Michigan’s School of Social Work and Ross
School of Business.
Keith Shape
Mark and Jennifer Shaul
Ashley Shearer
Dan and Cynthia Shelstad
Kristine and Mike Sheridan
Darin and Kathy Sherva
Barbara Sherwood
Timothy and Kimberly Shiek
Carleen and Ken Shilling
Charlo and William Shirley
Thomas Shockman
Tom Shoman
Warren and Roberta Shreve
Michael and Kristi Sikorski
Nadeane Silbernagel
Becky Simenson
Mike Simmons
Kenneth and Victoria Sims
James Sink
Lauren Sinn
A. Jane Sinner
Cheryl and Wallace Skare
Kurtis and Heather Skari
David and Kimberly Skarphol
Emma Skumautz
Keith Skunberg
William Slanger
Dwight and Patricia Slotto
Aaron Smith
Jesse Smith
Lori Smith
Susan and Michael Smith
Robert and Pamela Snider
Anne and David Snyder
Desiree Snyder
William and Connie Solis
Lyle and Marsha Songstad
Mark and Mykal Sonstelie
Trina Spaeth
Erin Sparks
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
Robert and Janet Speirer
Dr. Stephen and Judith Spellman
Lynn and Mark Speral
Kim Spiczka
Kerri Spiering
Kent and Kathy Spriggs
Michael and Sheri Srnsky
Rod St. Aubyn
Gustav and Mary Staahl
Roger Stadum
Keith and Lori Stauffer
Kayla Stavem
Doug and Terri Stavenger
Dale and Virginia Steevens
Ruth Stensland
Ryan Stepan
Eunice Stephenson
Orland and Annette Stephenson
David and Illona Stern
John and Sherri Stern
Duston and Karen Stevens
Helen Stevenson
Jerry and Kathryn Stigman
Jacob Stine
Roberta Stinson
Caitlin and Tanner Stoecker
Marilyn Stone
Megan Stoner
Amber and Charles Stowman
George and Regina Strand
Blake and Kathie Strehlow
Wendlin and Lila Striefel
Jon and Sandi Strinden
Gerald Stromberg
Alice Stromstad
Stephen and Paula Stromstad
Monique and Darcy Strong
Gail Strouse
Jennifer Strutz
Kathleen Strutz
Stephanie Strutz
Dennis Stulz
Michael and Debra Stulz
John and Patrice Stumpf
Lois Sullivan
Maryellen Sundby
Michael and Kori Sunderland
Marti and Sara Sunderlin
Darrin Sundstrom
Village Annual Report 2014
Colleen Suppa
Jeanette Sutherland
Jesselee Swalboski
Robin Swanson
Kathleen and Dirk Swart
Derek Sway
Margaret Sweeney
Derick and Tabatha Swenson
Robert Swenson
Stacy Swiggum
Mickey and Sara Syrquin
Craig Tait
Mona Tedford
Maureen Teigen
Matthew and Melea Telste
Paul and Marjorie Temanson
Sandi Teske
Paul and Carolyn Tharp
Jill Theisen
Jeanette Thielbar
Lonnie Thielbar
Casey Thielges
Michael and Molly Thomas
Patrice and Steven Thomas
Peter and Cherrie Thomas
Anna and Seth Thompson
Lloyd and Beverly Thompson
Marilyn Thompson
Kathlyn and David Thoreson
Joann and James Thornton
Betty Thorp
Maynard and Linda Thorseth
Stacy Thorstenson
Sara Thronson
Wendy and Jesse Thymian
J. Brian and Corrine Tibbals
Bill and Jody Tibert
Lois Tibor
Jay and Terri Titus
Hank Tkachuk
Barbara and Roger Tollefson
Reverend Carrol Tollefson
Kristen and Charles Tomanek
Darrin and Myrna Tonsfeldt
Elaine and Kent Tonsfeldt
Stuart and Brenda Topley
Shannon and Dusty Tostenson
Amber Tougas
Nancy Tow
Dan Toy
Daniel Traynor
Mark and Colleen Trebelhorn
Dorothy Trieb
Sarah Trogstad
John and Deborah Trombley
Paul Tronsgard
Richard and Doris Tryhus
Mark and Stacey Tschider
Laura Tschudi
Ranelle and Joseph Turman
Tom and Leah Tvedt
Talia Tweten
Willis and Barb Uhlich
Marlene Ulschmid
Jacqueline and Vincent Ulstad
Jodi Urlacher
Thomas and June Vangerud
Mary Vargo
Jeanette Varriano
Lindsay Varty
Nicholas Vculek
Emily Vieweg
Marybeth and David Vigeland
David and Rhoda Viker
Robyn Vinje
C. Nicholas and Ene Vogel
Robert and Teresa Vogel
Kristin Voit
Bobby Volesky
Toni Vondal
Joyce Voorhees
Jim Voytovick
Daniel and Kimberly Waddle
Vanessa Wahl
Tristyn Walczak
Bill Walker
Debra and Rudy Walker
William and Shannon Wallwork
Steve Walton
Duane and Trudy Wanner
Sara Warner
Lynette Weber
Ruth Ann Weber
Jennifer and Ryan Weisgram
Glenn and Judy Weishaar
Kris Weiss
Sharlene Wendorff
Dale Wendt
Jeremy Wendt
Josh Wendt
Jon Wensman
Cindy Werlinger
Barbara Werre
Jayme West
Melissa and Rick Westby
Kristen Westman
Shane Mercer, The Village’s Digital Marketing Specialist, hangs
out with Tommy Tater at 2014 RDO Caters Taters. RDO Equipment
chose Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Village as their charity for the
2014 event. The potato luncheon and raffle served more than 2,700
potatoes and raised $52,143 for BBBS. These funds will be used to
forge strong and lasting relationships between children and adult
mentors in the community.
Roxanne Westman
Margie Weyland
Deb Whaley
Steven Whaley
A. LuAnn White
W.C. Wicklund
Alon Wieland
Jerel and Rochelle Wieser
Naomi Wiebski
Jeff and Amy Wilkens
Leann and Patrick Wilkie
John M. Williams
Katherine and Michael Williams
Larry and Phyllis Williams
Robert Williams
Tara Williams
Randy and Robyn Wimmer
Nancy Windmill
Steve and Annella Winger
Agnes Wischer
Lloyd Wiseth
Rick Wiskur
Darlene and Michael Wolf
Matt Wollan
Dennis and Elizabeth Wolsky
James and Cynthia Wolslegel
Anne Wood
Bonnie Wood
Connie Wood
James and Lois Wood
Bruce and Bradi Yaggie
Chinu and Sunshine Yang
Beatrice Ybarra
Melissa Ybarra
Kari and Jason Yonke
Casey Young
Jeffery and Terri Young
Michael and Sherry Young
Pam Younggren
Cory and Gina Ystenes
Jack and Sandi Zaleski
Tyler Zappone
Lori Zemke
Ryan Zerface
Ronald and Corinne Zerr
Carl and Lori Ziegler
Melanie and John Ziegler
Franklin and Sherryl Ziemann
Brenda and Peter Zimmel
Allan and Carol Zimmerman
Calais and Jared Zimney
Janet and James Zinke
Marie Zitzow
Traci Zuhlsdorf
Nokomis hosted and facilitated two “Gearing Up for Kindergarten”
classes, consisting of 10 sessions each, in 2014. “Gearing Up for
Kindergarten” is a 10-session parent and family education program for
preschool children who are upcoming kindergarteners. The children
are provided with learning activities and their parents are provided
with education opportunities that support child development, school
readiness, and healthy parenting.
Village Annual Report 2014
20/20 Home Inspections
702 Communications
ABC Sand Castle Child Care, Inc.
Adam’s Lawn and Snow Service
Advanced Business Methods
AE2S (Advanced Engineering and
Environmental Services, Inc.)
Alerus Financial-32nd Ave
Alerus Financial-Grand Forks
Alerus Financial-Osgood
Alerus Financial-West Fargo
Alex Stern Family Foundation
Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity
Altru Health Systems
American Crystal Sugar
American Federal Bank
American Mail House, Inc.
Anda Construction & Properties
Anderson Financial Group
Anderson, Botrell, Sanden &
Appareo Systems
Ashlar Lodge No. 69, A.F. & A.M.
Association for Better Day Care
Association of First Presbyterian
Automated Maintenance Services,
Avis Car Rental
Bank of the West
Basin Electric Power Cooperative
Baymont Inn & Suites
Bell Mortgage
Bell State Bank & Trust
Bennett Financial
Bergseth Brothers Company
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, E.L.C.A.
Beth’s Alterations
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Biolife Plasma Services
Blue Key Fraternity
Bobcat Company
Bolstad Wealth Management
Border States Electric Supply
Brad’s Coffee Service
Bremer Bank
BSGSA - Student Activity Office
At the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Leadership
Summit in June, Big Brothers Big Sisters of The Village Family
Service Center was named a Quality Award Winner. Just 10
percent of BBBS agencies throughout the United States received
the award, which is based on match retention rates and match
support completed by agency staff.
Buffalo Lutheran Church WELCA
Builders Management & Investment
Co., Inc.
Butler Machinery Company
Cakes by Althea
Camrud-Foss Concrete Construction,
Cargill Grain & Oilseeds - West Fargo
Carlynn Distributing
Case New Holland, Fargo Plant
Cash Wise Foods
Cass County Electric Cooperative
Center for Nonprofit Excellence &
Social Innovation
Century Eyewear, Inc.
Chapter A M Peo
Chevron Humankind - Chevron
Christianson’s Business Furniture, Inc.
Church Women United of Fargo
City of Fargo
Clay County
Clover Friends 4-H
Coldwell Banker First Realty
Cole Papers, Inc.
Colgate Presbyterian Church
Combined Federal Campaign
Community Foundation of Grand
Cook Endodontics
CORE Consulting Group
Cormorant Lakes Sportsmen Club
Cormorant Lions Club
Cormorant Lutheran Church
Cornerstone Bank
Corwin Automotive Group
Courtyard by Marriott Fargo
Craig Geron Decorating Artists
Dahlen Lutheran Church WELCA
Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch
Dakota Group Wells Fargo Advisors
Dakota Medical Foundation
Dakota Supply Group
Village Annual Report 2014
Dakotas Conference of the United
Methodist Church
Dave’s West Fargo Tire
Dawson Insurance Agency
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
Derek Christopherson State Farm
DJ&J Concession
DOJ Treasury
Drayton Foods, LLC
Dwight’s Tree Service
East Cass County Chapter of Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans
Ed Phillips and Sons Co. of ND
Edgewood Management Group LLC
Edward Jones
Eide Bailly
Elim Lutheran Church
Essentia Health
EVCO Petroleum Products, Inc.
Fabricators Unlimited
Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que
Fargo Chiropractic Clinic
Fargo Gateway Lions Club
Fargo Marathon, Inc.
Fargo Moorhead Human Resource
Fargo Tire Service, Inc.
Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Fargo-Moorhead USBC Bowling
Fargo’s Finest Coin Laundry
Febco, Inc.
Ferguson Waterworks
First Congregational Church, U.C.C.
First International Bank & Trust
First Lutheran Church of Fargo
First Lutheran Church of Hunter
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church
Fitzgerald Construction Inc.
Flint Communications
Floor to Ceiling Carpet One
FM - AM Rotary Club
FM Area Foundation
F-M Cosmopolitan Club Charities
FM Title, Inc.
Food Services of America
Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #153
Fremstad Law Firm
Friends of Nokomis
Gate City Bank
Gateway Building Systems, Inc.
Gateway Chevrolet Cadillac Hyundai
General Equipment & Supplies, Inc.
Globe University-Moorhead
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Goodwill Club
Wild Hog Smokehouse Bar & Grill
Grand Hotel
Grotberg Electric Inc.
Grouser Products, Inc.
Hanbro Construction, Inc.
Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home
Happy Harry’s South Fargo, Inc.
Hatch Realty
Heartland Trust Co.
Heritage Homes/ Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Premier Properties
High Plains Apache Sales
Hillmer Eye Clinic
Holiday Inn of Fargo
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Hope Lutheran Church
Hope Lutheran Church Foundation
Hornbacher’s Foods
Houston Engineering, Inc.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Impact Foundation
Industrial Builders, Inc.
JDS Gems
JLG Architects
June Young Estate
k.l.n. Enterprises, Inc.
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson
Kennelly & O’Keeffe Limited
Kiwanis Club of Fargo
Kiwanis Club of Lake Agassiz
Lake Region Community Fund
Laney’s, Inc.
Lightowler Johnson Associates, Inc.
Lillestol Research
Link Land Services, Inc.
Loyal Order of Moose-Minot Moose
Family Center #822
Luther Collision & Glass
Luther Family Buick GMC of FargoMoorhead
Lutheran Social Services of North
Magnum Contracting, Inc.
Magnum Warehousing, Inc.
Maple River Winery
Matrix Properties Corporation
Mayflower Circle
Mayville State University Foundation
MDU Resources Group, Inc.
Microsoft Business Solutions
Midcontinent Communications
Military Entrance Processing Station
Million Dollar Round Table
Minot Chapter #1224 - Women of the
Motors Management Corporation
Muscatell Burns Automotive Group,
Mutual of America
Nativity Church of Fargo
ND Community Foundation
ND Council on Abused Women’s
NDSU Photography Club
Network Cabling Services, Inc.
Newfield Exploration
North Buffalo Lutheran Church
North Dakota Petroleum Council
North Dakota State University
NorthStar Safety, Inc.
Obermiller Nelson Engineering
Olaf Anderson Construction, Inc.
Olivet Lutheran Church
Omega Book Club
One Oak Place
Opatril Concrete Construction, Inc.
Opp Construction
Oppen Family Guidance Institute,
Otter Tail Corporation
Otto Bremer Foundation
Oven Door Catering
Panjini Law Offices
Paramount Properties of Arizona
Patrick J. Capp, DDS, PC
Peace Garden Pond, Inc.
Village Annual Report 2014
Pepsico Foundation
Petro Serve USA
Pifer’s Auction & Realty
PKG Contracting, Inc.
Plymouth Congregational Church
Pontoppidan Lutheran Church WELCA
Prairie St. John’s
Prairie Supply
Preference Personnel
Pro Landscapers LLC
Pro Rehab Physical Therapy
Property Resources Group
Ramada Plaza & Suites
RD Offutt Company/ RDO
Equipment Co.
Red River Financial Group
Red River Glazing, Inc.
Red Trail Vineyard
Republic National Distributing
Respect Realty
Roadway Services, Inc.
Robb Siverson Photography
Robert N. Spolum Associates
Roers Development, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
S & S Promotional Group
Sabrina Anderson Realtor
Sanford Health
Scheels - Grand Forks
Scheels All Sports - Fargo
SERVE Foundation
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Simple Website Creations
South University Dental
Starion Financial
Starr Fireworks
Strata Corporation
Student Dietetic Association NDSU
Students Today Leaders Forever NDSU
Summers Mfg. Co., Inc.
Superior Insurance Agency
Swanson Health Products
Swanston Equipment Companies
Tau Beta Sigma
The Bon Ton Stores, Inc.
The Chamber
The Computer Place
The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead
The Meadows Golf Shop
The Optimist Club of Fargo
Thermo King of Fargo
Theta Chi Fraternity
Thrivent Financial
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
- Clay County
Thunder Road
Titan Machinery Moorhead
Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.
Town Hall Series
Turman & Lang, Ltd.
Twin City Garage Door
UND Alumni Association & Foundation
Union State Bank
United Methodist Women
Urban Edge Salon
US Bank
Verendrye Electric
Victor and Nina Cranley
Charitable Foundation
Victor Lundeen Co.
Video Arts Studios
Vision Bank
Wallwork Truck Center
Walmart Foundation
Wanzek Construction
Weisgram Metal Fabricators, Inc.
Wells Fargo Bank N. Dakota, NA
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wendt Custom Cabinets, Inc.
West Acres Development
Western State Bank
Wild & Associates, Ltd.
Wischer Aviation
Wolsky Properties, LLC
Wurst Bier Hall
Xtreme Pizza Kitchen
Dustin and Karen Stevens visit with Leon Wedar at the 2014
Roots and Wings Reunion Picnic.
2014 Grantors
Alex Stern Family Foundation
Basin Electric
Bismarck Tribune Jeans Day
BNSF Railway Foundation
Capital One
Cass County Electric SERVE
City of Fargo
City of Moorhead
Community Foundation of Grand
Forks, East Grand Forks &
Region, Women’s Fund
Devils Lake Area Foundation
Fargo Moorhead Area Foundation
Donor Advised Funds
Prentiss H. and Joyce B. Cole
Charitable Fund
Lloyd Dahley Fund
Melissa Gadberry Fund
Fred W. and Leopoldine Pardau
Memorial Fund
Nokomis Endowment Fund
Roger Reierson Fund
Gary Tharaldson Fund
Homeownership Education,
Counseling and Training Fund
Lake Region Community Fund
MDU Resources Foundation
Midcontinent Media Foundation
Million Dollar Round Table
Minot Community Endowment
Myra Foundation
Newfield Foundation
Oppen Family Guidance
Otto Bremer Foundation
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Safe Havens
Sam's Club, Moorhead Store #6278
St. Joseph’s Community Health
Stop Violence Against Women:
North Dakota Department of
U.S. Bank
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Verendrye Electric
Victor and Nina Cranley Charitable
Walmart, Moorhead Store #1627
Wells Fargo
In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have
regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates.
Village Annual Report 2014
In kind
Dave and Denise Akkerman
Ruth Bach
Colleen Baker
Joanne Bale
Travis Beauchene
Carrie and Joel Bjorge
Ella Borge
Shad and Heidi Connor
Kari Dick
Parker and Lisey Dixon
Dana Dobbs
Anna Duursma
Kae Elliott
Dail Evans
Angie and Kurt Fraser
Matthew and DeAnn Hallaway
Betty Hastings
Mark and Darin Henze
Carrie and Gregory Holland
Robin Jendrick-Cromie
Diane and David Kahl
L. Sean Key
Bob and Karla Kieser
Julie and Colin Kloster
Beatrice and Keith Kroke
Alicia LaFerriere
Charlie and Erin Lindberg
Ruth and Kuldip Lumb
Amanda and Justin Mann
Mike Martin
Tim McPherson
Shane and Amy Mercer
Jan Meronuck
Nancy Meyer
Susan and Kevin Mjelstad
Andy Nagel
David and Jennifer Newman
Lorraine and Dan Nolan
Tim and Tammy Noteboom
Avery Nubson
Kay and Paul Odegaard
Larry and Sandra Pavlish
Millie Rebsom
Judy Resh
Jerry and Leone Rowan
Joy and Jay Ryan
Yvonne Schreck
Heather Peck and Cheyenne Seminole
Ms. Sinclair
Richard and Mary Warner
Darlene and Michael Wolf
Jason and Maren Wright
Marie Zitzow
In kind
A Day’s Journey
Abby Lingle Pottery
Abode Decor & Gift
Absolute Marketing
Accent Contracting
Acme Electric Tool Crib of the North
Alexander’s Cutting Boards
American Legion
Anytime Fitness
Apricot Lane Boutique
Atomic Coffee
Baker Nursery
Best Buy
Bobcat Company
Border States Electric Supply
C. Lizzy’s
Casey Fines, D.D.S.
Cass County Electric Cooperative
Classic Rock Coffee
Cloud 9 Salon & Day Spa
Coming Up Roses
Country Candids
County Bottle
Courtyard by Marriott Fargo
Creative Kitchen
Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch
Dakota Stoneware
Dalbol Flowers and Gifts
DL Fenn Blown Glass
Don’s Car Washes, Inc.
Doolittles Woodfire Grill
Downtown Diva
Drekker Brewing Company
Dunn Bros Coffee Co.
Eco Chic Boutique
Elevate Rock School
Eyecare Associates, P.C.
Fargo Country Club
Fargo Force
Fargo Jet Center
Fargo Moorhead Community
Fargo South Key Club
Fargo Theatre
Fargo Tractor
Fargo-Moorhead Opera
Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Fargo-Moorhead Symphony
Farmer Brother’s Coffee
First Community Credit Union
First Link
First Lutheran Church of Fargo
First United Methodist Church
Fleet Farm
Fleming Art
Gate City Bank
Gateway Chevrolet Cadillac
Hyundai Nissan
Gigi’s Cupcakes
Givinity Press
Grand Junction Grilled Subs
Grande Depot
Grandin Presbyterian Church
Grape Vine Design
Great Northern Bicycle Company
Hair Success Salon & Spa
Halberstadt’s on Broadway
Heartfelt Creations
Hertz Rent-A-Car
History Theatre
Holiday Inn of Fargo
Holiday Station Stores
Holman Offroad
TNT Kid’s Fitness continued to partner with Nokomis to provide
“Partnering for Healthy, Fit Kids.” The program is designed to
incorporate physical activity into the classroom and develop a
comprehensive program that fosters the social, cognitive, emotional,
and physical growth of the children. The partnership provides
movement labs, physical activity, and “hands-on” training to the
classrooms each week.
Village Annual Report 2014
In kind
(organizations cont.)
Holy Spirit Church
Hope Lutheran Church
Hotel Donaldson
Howard Johnson Inn Downtown
Hurley’s Religious Goods, Inc.
I. Keating Furniture World, Inc.
In-Balance Therapeutic Massage
Indianapolis Colts
Jake’s Syrups & Natural Products,
Jan’s Christmas Trees
JL Beers
Josie’s Corner Cafe
k.l.n. Enterprises, Inc
Ketterl Therapeutic Massage
Laser Systems
Leever’s Foods
Legendary Cycles
Lightowler Johnson Associates, Inc.
Live Out Loud Designs
Livin’ the Dream
M. J. Capelli
Mainstream Boutique
Marcus Theatre
McCulley Optix Gallery
Media Productions
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Merry Maids
Miami Dolphins
Microsoft Business Solutions
Minnesota Timberwolves Fastbreak
Minnesota Wild
Monte’s Downtown
Mrs. Fields Cookies
Nativity Church of Fargo
Nichole’s Fine Pastry
Norsk Høstfest
North Dakota Moravian Mission
North Dakota Vision Service, Inc.
Northern Plains Coins
Northwestern Bank, NA
O’Day Cache
Office Sign Co.
Olivieri’s Salon & Spa
Opp Construction
Otter Tail Corporation
Panache Hair and Nail Consultants,
Paper Sampler
Paradox Comics-N-Cards
Patrick J. Capp, DDS, PC
PEO International Members
People’s Organic
Pets R’ Inn
Photos by Cassidy
Plains Art Museum
Plymouth Congregational Church
Pontoppidan Lutheran Church WELCA
Pout Baby Boutique
Prairie Knights Casino & Resort
Precision Lawn Care & Landscaping
Quantum Leap Restaurants, Inc.
Ragged Edge Art Studio
Ralph Engelstad Arena
Real Deals on Home Decor #118
Red Carpet Carwash
Red Pepper Fargo
Red’s Attic
Relaxation Plus
Royal Neighbors of America Gateway Camp No. 9546
Rustic Redwood
Sandy’s Donuts & Coffee Shop
Scheels - Grand Forks
Scheels All Sports - Fargo
Scherling Photography
Service Master of Fargo-Moorhead
Shooting Star Hotel, Event Center &
Showcase Floors
Silverware Creations
Simply Relax Therapeutic Massage
Smart Spaces
Smart Style/Regis
SmartHome Technologies
Smiling Moose Deli
Snowfire Studio
St. Louis Rams
Stabo Scandinavian Imports
Studio 40 Fitness
Sublime Aesthetic Professionals
Swanson Health Products
Texas Roadhouse
The Neon Sign Shack
The Shack on Broadway
Theodore Roosevelt Medora
Thumper Pond
Titan Machinery Moorhead
Tochi Products Health Foods
Toppers Custom Car Club
Treasure Island Coins & Precious
UND Alumni Association &
Underbrush Gallery
University of North Dakota
Urban Edge Salon
UUPP Store
Vintage Point
Walt Disney World Community
WeFest/Face Inc.
Westside Liquor
Wimmer’s Diamonds
Wire Paper Scisors
Wizard of Kids
Zales - The Diamond Store
The South East Education Cooperative (SEEC) partnered with
Nokomis in a Pre-K Reading Corps Program. Through grant
funding, we were able to train two internal coaches. An AmeriCorps
member was also placed in each of the centers to help implement
the literacy tutoring model.
Village Annual Report 2014
White Rose memorial
Services have been provided at The Village Family
Service Center in memory of the following friends
of The Village as we recognize their commitment to
making the world a better place.
Services in memory of...
Lillian Elletson
Do and Tod Gunkelman
Dolores Hollenhorst
G. James “Jim” McKay
Dennis Walaker
Louise Weber
In Honor Of
Kelly Lynch
Rebecca and Stephen Dickerson
In Honor Of
Given By
Jeff and Donna Marty Family
Caitlin and Tanner Stoecker
The following donations are listed as
Henry Albrecht
Kellie and Erin Albrecht
Janice Buck
Paul and Barb Bougie
Glenn Dagman
Todd and Heidi Dagman
Ryan Dunnigan
Joy and Jay Ryan
A Generous Donor
Jane Greminger
Marie Bergquist
Elena Hamre
Mark and Kristen Hamre
Olivia Hamre
Mark and Kristen Hamre
Chris Johnson
Richard and Tracy Berg
Patricia Kelly
Timothy and Lorene Mathern
Matthew Kleingartner
Peggy and Alan Kleingartner
Sophie Kleingartner
Peggy and Alan Kleingartner
Lenora Arntson
Harold Meidlinger
Joy M. Query, Ph.D.
Annika Mellum
Karen and Loren Mellum
Liam Mellum
Karen and Loren Mellum
Evelyn Montgomery
John and Jan Klocke
Jon Moore
Clifford and Donalene Moore
Marshall Moore
Clifford and Donalene Moore
Joshua Nelson
Jennifer Nelson
The Nokomis Staff
Mark and Nichole Nelson
Srihari Panjini
Dinesh Bande
Chadbourne Hamblin
Jack and Linda Hendrickson
Rajeev Kaul
R.S. and Swarna Krishnan
Anne Wood
Izabella Pitts
Kathy and Tim Scully
Saree and Jim
Video Arts Studios
Will Schueller
Thomas and Lucille Olson
Lauren Sinn
Veronica Lloyd
Dennis Torn
Steph and Chris Knittel
Wayne Wagstrom
Dr. Gwen Halaas
Gary Wolsky
Marie Bergquist
Scott and Judy Green
Johanna Zinke
David and Jennifer Newman
Counseling Services in The Village’s Bismarck office was awarded
$36,000 in funding by the Missouri Slope Area United Way for
2015. The Village is an active collaborator in the local Education
Initiative, with counselors providing play therapy services and
parenting education to families referred by the local schools.
Village Annual Report 2014
Lyle Dagner
Lillian Dagner
Mary Hockman
Candace and Duane Haugen
In Memory Of
Given By
Pearl Erickson
June Young Estate
Rita Hoffman
Adelaide MacMillan
Harlan Fraedrich
Joyce and Don McDougall
Mike Holland
Paul and Carolyn Tharp
Richard Fletcher
Ronald and Joan Rose
Dolores Hollenhorst
Tasha and Ryan Haug
Lura Joseph
Helen Ketterl
The following donations are listed as
John Alsop
J. Richard and Renee Alsop
Ron Arteci
Joyce and Don McDougall
Millie Aubol
Otto and June Bervik
Jerry Bartholoway
Joyce and Don McDougall
Hosea Bennett
ABC Sand Castle Child Care, Inc.
Sandra and Peter Bilstad
Mary and Mathias Fontes
Ron and Sue Miller
James and Barbara Olson
Nicole Schwartz
Lois Tibor
Lloyd Wiseth
Jay Bergquist
Richard and Tracey Moorhead
Russ Bernstein
Joyce and Don McDougall
Katie Bertelsen
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
Richard Brown
Lois Brown
Walter Brown
Otto and June Bervik
Gorman Clark
Bruce and Judy Clark
Esther Cook
Mary and Larry Akason
Marian Gerntholz
Ronald and Joan Rose
M. Dolores Gunkelman
Laura Feldner
Barbara and Deron Redinger
John and Sheri Stern
Richard and Mary Warner
Jean Guy
Deborah Igoe
William Guy II
Deborah Igoe
Francis Hackleman
Bell State Bank & Trust
Marie Bergquist
Tammy Hauck
Deidra Lies
Joy and Jay Ryan
Kurtis and Heather Skari
Richard and Mary Warner
Larry and Phyllis Williams
David Hargeshriner
Joyce and Don McDougall
Peter Haugen
Candace and Duane Haugen
Jean Rait Hendrickson
Lillian Dagner
Mike Hillman
Chevron Humankind
-Chevron Corporation
Chuck and Faye Reimers
Tom Humphrey
Marie Bergquist
Guy and Dorothy Ingle
Tony and Sharon Ingle
Wallace Jacobson
Joy and Jay Ryan
Larry Joye
Rosann and Craig Burslie
Larry Ketterling
Barbara and Daryl Leistikow
Mavis Kinzler
Ronald and Joan Rose
Cynthia Lamey
Willie Jacobson
Alice Larson
Lillian Dagner
Dorothy Larson
Barbara and Daryl Leistikow
Rod and Jan Larson
Lillian Dagner
Loved ones in Heaven
Willis and Barb Uhlich
Gene Lund
James and Mary Jondahl
Catherine Lynch
Joyce and Don McDougall
Through a federal Family Connections grant, The Village provided Family Team Decision Making and
Family Group Decision Making services to Native American families in six participating North Dakota
counties. The Family Engagement for Native American Youth project seeks to reduce the number of foster
care placements of Native American children (ages 0-18) in North Dakota. From Sept. 2011 to Sept. 2014,
127 families (313 children) were served through the program—safety issues and family needs were addressed
at every meeting. In spite of the extreme poverty and other social issues surrounding our Native American
children and families, they are incredibly resilient and determined to help their families in any way they can.
Village Annual Report 2014
Darlene Mark
Joyce and Don McDougall
Scott Olson
Joyce and Don McDougall
Leola Steffens
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
David Matejcek
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
Gary Pederson
Leon and Lavonne Wedar
Ralph Stewart
Joyce and Don McDougall
Wilbur Matejcek
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
Zofia Pepple
Brandon and Dana Hirsch
Richard Swanson
Marie Bergquist
Kenneth and Luella Olson
John Sanaker
John McCormick II
Stephen and Kelly McCormick
Esther McGill
Orilla and Gordon Maier
G. James “Jim” McKay
Adelaide MacMillan
Joy and Jay Ryan
Hazel Preble
Karen and James Nelson
Joy and Jay Ryan
Tom Reinhiller
Merril and Noell Reinhiller
Ann Ropel
Joyce and Don McDougall
Lee McMaines
Marie Bergquist
Don Miller
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
Phillip “Flip” Miller
Kellie and Erin Albrecht
Jane Greminger
Kelly and Rob Lynch
Adelaide MacMillan
Joyce and Don McDougall
Evelyn Montgomery
Julie Rosenberry
Joyce and Don McDougall
Rick Roth
Marie Bergquist
Albert Roussin
Lillian Dagner
Carol Rustad
Richard and Mary Warner
Arnold Skashaug
Otto and June Bervik
Rilla Miller
Ronald and Joan Rose
Lynn Sanaker
John Sanaker
Daniel Mowry
Kathy Gohl
Military Entrance
Processing Station
Arlene and Bob Peterson
Joy and Jay Ryan
Pam Younggren
Margaret Schall
Joyce and Don McDougall
Don Naggatz
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
Leroy Nayes
Otto and June Bervik
Mandy Nieland
Jane Greminger
Kathryn Ann Olafson
Richard and Mary Warner
Robert Olslund
Stanley and Sharon Birnbaum
Eleanore Olslund
Frederick Scheel
Virginia Scheel
Billie Jo Schroeder
Joyce and Don McDougall
Audrey Severson
Ronald and Joan Rose
Jean Smilie
Adelaide MacMillan
Doug Smith
Jenny and Ben Boe
Leon Faris
Larrie Smith
Debbie and Vern Hendrickson
Elaine Stautz
Joyce and Don McDougall
Mark Sweeney
C. Nicholas and Ene Vogel
Nancy Thorndal
James and Eleanor Coomber
Betty Kerns
Elizabeth Lemm
Barbara Olson
Virginia Powers
Dorothy Prafcke
Clarice Purdy
Joy M. Query, Ph.D.
Thomas and June Vangerud
Joyce Voorhees
Dorothy Vos
Ronald and Joan Rose
Dennis Walaker
Candace and Duane Haugen
Howard Wallner
Joyce and Don McDougall
Gloria Wang
Doug and Nancy Krebsbach
Leander Wawers
Arlen and Evelyn Spear
Louise Weber
Virginia and Matthew McColm
Kendall Ann White
Jason and Melaine White
Everett Williams
Ronald and Joan Rose
Elaine Wold
Marshall and Rose Mary Moore
Steve Wood
Anne Wood
Bonnie Zirnhelt
Joyce and Don McDougall
In an effort to keep our gift records accurate, please send us any corrections you may have
regarding how your name appears in our listing. Please call 701-451-4957 with updates.
Village Annual Report 2014
north dakota OPEN
Title Sponsor
Bobcat Company
The Bobcat North Dakota Open is
one of the premier golf events in the
region. This Pro-Am golf tournament
is held over three days each August,
and has benefited The Village since
Bell State Bank & Trust
World Leader
Bremer Bank
Mutual of America
America’s Best
Automated Maintenance Services,
Cook Endodontics
Dave’s West Fargo Tire
k.l.n. Enterprises, Inc.
Otter Tail Corporation
Valley News Live
Hometown Favorite
Advanced Business Methods
Avis Car Rental
Dawson Insurance Agency
Flint Communications
Industrial Builders, Inc.
JLG Architects
S & S Promotional Group, Inc.
Swanston Equipment Companies
Twin City Garage Door
Ken and Gordy, two of our long-time and much appreciated
Bobcat ND Open volunteers.
Village Annual Report 2014
Hole Sign
Anda Construction & Properties
Alerus Financial
Anderson, Bottrell, Sanden &
Border States Electric Supply
Cole Papers, Inc.
CORE Consulting Group
Fargo Tire Service, Inc.
Gateway Building Systems, Inc.
Gateway Chevrolet Cadillac
Hyundai Nissan
Grouser Products, Inc.
Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home
Hatch Realty
Hillmer Eye Clinic
Holiday Inn of Fargo
Lillestol Research
Obermiller Nelson Engineering
Oven Door Catering
Panjini Law Offices
Property Resources Group
Red River Financial Group
The Meadows Golf Shop
Turman & Lang, Ltd.
Wanzek Construction
Western State Bank
Business Patron
Bennett Financial
Best Western Doublewood Inn
& Convention Center
Case New Holland, Fargo Plant
Fargo Brewing Company
FM Title, Inc.
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Preference Personnel
Swanson Health Products
Wallwork Truck Center
2014 wine & dine
Title Sponsor
Bremer Bank
Gold Sponsors
Advanced Business Methods
Dave and Denise Akkerman
Alerus Financial
Chamber Vineyards
First International Bank & Trust
Thomas and Christine McDougall
Silver Sponsors
Appareo Systems
Border States Electric Supply
Cornerstone Bank
Happy Harry’s South Fargo, Inc.
Magnum Warehousing, Inc.
Robert and Kim Stromberg
Western State Bank
Bronze Sponsors
Matthew and Janelle Leiseth
Otter Tail Corporation
RD Offutt Company/RDO Equipment
Red River Financial Group
Wanzek Construction
Richard and Mary Warner
Wells Fargo Bank
Supporting Sponsors
20/20 Home Inspections
Sabrina Anderson
Bell State Bank & Trust
Brian Blumer
Carrie and Joel Bjorge
Dr. Steffen and Jan Christensen
Dakota Group Wells Fargo Advisors
Dakota Wine Merchants
Dave Dougherty
Derek Drege
Rich Duysen
Eclectric Wine
Ed Phillips and Sons of ND
Eide Bailly, LLP.
Essentia Health
Ferguson Waterworks
Paul and Debbie Finstad
Flint Communications
finnu Designs/River Cities Home
Gateway Chevrolet Cadillac Hyundai
Globe University - Moorhead
Kari Goos
Judy and Scott Green
Grotberg Electric, Inc.
Matthew and Deann Hallaway
Steven and Kay Halverson
Heritage Homes/Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Premier Properties
Laney’s, Inc.
Katrina and Darin Lang
Luther Family Buick GMC
Stacy and Joe McConnell
Nancy McKenzie
Media Productions
Tom and Celeste Moltzan
Deb and Dan McGinty
Dale Mowry
Network Cabling
Martin and Kylie Olsen
PKG Contracting, Inc.
Prairie St. Johns
Jim and Mickey Quinn
Republic National Distributing
Rez’s Winery
Robb Siverson Photography
Simple Website Creations
Jim and Norma Swanson
Thermo King of Fargo
Thrivent Financial
Matthew Thyne
Union State Bank
Urban Edge Salon
Shane and Jill Waslaski
Shelley Weidner
Western State Bank
Gary and Claudia Wolsky
Lori and Lorren Zemke
Champagne Sponsor
Bank of the West
Secret Wine Sponsor
Alerus Financial
Paddle Sponsors
Dakota Group Wells Fargo Advisors
Dakota Medical Foundation
Village Annual Report 2014
Wine & Dine is a collaborative
culinary experience featuring the
perfect marriage of wine and food.
Participants enjoy the evening
while raising funds to support the
Big Brothers Big Sisters Program
and Nokomis Child Care Centers
of The Village Family Service
Special Donations
Accent Contracting
Dr. Dave and Denise Akkerman
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Ballard’s Resort
Bergseth Brothers Company
Bison Athletics
Bremer Bank
Kim Brewster
Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
finnu Designs
Gallery by Katie Lee
Happy Harry’s South Fargo, Inc.
Hot Springs Spas & Pool Tables
ICSS Supply Company
Laser Systems
Legendary Cycles
Toby McPherson
Mosaic Catering & Event Service
Robb Siverson Photography
Rustica Eatery & Tavern
Summit Brewing Co.
West Acres Development
Zales The Diamond Store
CNH Industrial
Every March, more than 1,500 North
Dakotans gather in Mesa, AZ, for
the North Dakota Picnic. The Village
sponsors this annual event to connect with
North Dakotans wintering in Arizona.
Listening to good music at The 2014 North
Dakota Picnic in Mesa, AZ.
Edgewood Management Group
Forum Communications Co.
Rough Rider
University of North Dakota
Alumni Association
Pifer’s Auction & Realty
Bell Mortgage/Paramount
Properties of Arizona
Western State Bank
Event Booth
Anderson Financial Group, LLC
Café Delight
Carlynn Distributors
Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch
Dakota REIT
Dakota Wild
First International Bank & Trust
JDS Gems
Maple River Winery
Mesa Police Department
One Oak Place
Respect Realty
In-Kind Sponsors
Adoption Option, a partnership between
The Village and Lutheran Social Services of
North Dakota, placed 31 children in adoptive
homes throughout North Dakota.
Village Annual Report 2014
Border States Electric
Bob and Karla Kieser
Darlene and Mike Wolf
Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
k.l.n. Enterprises, Inc.
Ordean and Carol Oen
Prairie Knights Casino
Sandy Pavlish
Texas Roadhouse
2014 Home
run heroes
Title Sponsor
West Acres Development
Super Heroes
Bank of the West
Bell State Bank & Trust
Cargill Grain and Oilseeds
Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que
Fargo-Moorhead RedHawks
Gate City Bank
Matrix Properties
Mutual of America
Obermiller Nelson
Otter Tail Corporation
ProRehab Physical &
Occupational Therapy
Ramada Plaza & Suites
RD Offutt Company/RDO
Equipment Co.
Red River Financial Group
Robert N. Spolum Associates
Twin City Garage Door
Valley News Live
Home Run Heroes
702 Communications
Anda Construction &
Association for Better Day
Dale Beling
Jenny and Ben Boe
Butler Machinery Company
Camrud-Foss Concrete
Construction, Inc.
Case New Holland, Fargo
Cash Wise Foods
Bruce and Judy Clark
Courtyard by Marriott Fargo
Craig Geron Decorating
Paul Eidbo
General Equipment &
Supplies, Inc.
Grouser Products, Inc.
Hanbro Construction, Inc.
Calvin Hornbacher
Doug Lee, Starion Financial
Phillip “Butch” Miller
David and Jenny Newman
Olaf Anderson Construction
Caitlin and Tanner Stoecker
Joy Streed
Superior Insurance Agency
Robin Swanson
Swanson Health Products
Victor Lundeen Co.
Würst Bier Hall
Home Run Heroes is an annual event
sponsored by the FM RedHawks to raise
money for The Village. Heroes pledge
an amount per home run, with proceeds
underwriting services at The Village.
A Little Brother throws out the first
pitch at a 2014 RedHawks game.
The average age of the women who came to The
Village for pregnancy counseling in 2014 was 26. Sixty
percent of them were already parenting other children.
Village Annual Report 2014
we care for kids
We Care for Kids is a
sponsorship program for
Nokomis. Organizations listed
here each underwrite expenses
for one room.
we care for kids champion
Nokomis I Infant Room
Corwin Automotive Group
Nokomis I Pretod I
Hope Lutheran Church Foundation
Nokomis I Pretod II
Bell State Bank & Trust
Nokomis I Toddler I
Thunder Road
Nokomis I Toddler II
U.S. Bank
Nokomis I Preschool I
Red River Financial
Nokomis II Infant
Alerus Financial
Nokomis II Pretod I
Thrivent Financial/ Shad and Heidi Connor
Nokomis II Pretod II
Fargo Gateway Lions Club
Nokomis II Toddler IHeritage Homes/Berkshire Hathaway
HomeServices Premiere Properties
Nokomis II Toddler II
Laney’s, Inc.
Nokomis II Preschool I
Steve and Shelley Weidner Family
Nokomis II Preschool II
Starr Fireworks
Nokomis II School-Aged RoomLJA (Lightowler Johnson Associates
Engineers and Architects)
Nokomis kids proudly show off their We Care room sponsor signs.
Village Annual Report 2014
bowl for
kids’ sake
Title Sponsor
Hornbacher’s Foods
Major Sponsors
Bell State Bank & Trust
Eide Bailly
Hatch Realty
Mutual of America
The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead
Starion Financial
US Bank
Valley News Live
West Acres Development
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers
Big Sisters’ largest fundraising event.
Every February and March, more than
90 teams gather pledges and then bowl
with other teams from the community.
Lane Sponsors
American Federal Bank
Biolife Plasma Services
Border States Electric Supply
Cargill Grain and Oilseeds
Dawson Insurance Agency
Domino’s Pizza
Edward Jones, Troy Ivesdal
Fargo-Moorhead USBC Bowling Association
Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que
Fargo Marathon, Inc.
Industrial Builders, Inc.
Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson
Luther Collision and Glass
NorthStar Safety, Inc.
Northwest Visual
Opp Construction
Otter Tail Corporation
RD Offutt Company/ RDO Equipment Co.
Sanford Health
Derek Christopherson State Farm
Titan Machinery Moorhead
Wanzek Construction
Wells Fargo Bank
Bowl for Kids’ Sake bowlers have a great
time while raising money for mentoring
through Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Village Annual Report 2014
Estate Planning
You can make the world a better place in a way that minimizes your taxes
and maximizes your giving.
Planned gifts are gifts anyone can afford, and it’s easier than you think.
There has never been a better time to show your commitment to North
Dakota’s children with a new expanded state tax credit. North Dakotans may
now receive a 40 percent tax credit for gifts made to endowments such as the
Children’s Village Family Service Foundation.*
Contributions of $5,000 or more (cash or planned gifts) will qualify for a 40
percent tax credit of up to $10,000 per person or $20,000 for a married couple.
Businesses and Financial Institutions
“C” corporations, “S” corporations, estates, limited liability companies,
and trusts may qualify for a 40 percent tax credit, up to a maximum credit of
For more information on how YOU can benefit thousands for generations to
come, contact Janet Zinke at 701-451-5036 or [email protected].
Explore your charitable giving options confidentially. And give back with the
click of a mouse.
*The Children’s Village Family Service Foundation was created solely to
support the ongoing work and legacy of The Village Family Service Center.
Equal Opportunity
The Village Family Service Center will not discriminate against or harass any
employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion,
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, or status with
regard to public assistance. The Village Family Service Center will take Affirmative
Action to ensure that all employment practices are free of such discrimination. Such
employment practices include, but are not limited to, the following: hiring, upgrading,
demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, selection, layoff,
disciplinary action, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and
selection for training, including apprenticeship.
2014 was a year of major trainings for our Moorhead outpatient staff. Katie Dahlstrom
completed her University of Minnesota Infant and Child Development Certificate
program. Joni Medenwald, Kelly Olson, and Katie Dahlstrom were trained in Child Parent
Psychotherapy (CPP), an evidence-based practice used to address trauma in children ages
birth to 6. Mandy Bernardy and Amanda Lindstrom started their training in EMDR and will
be fully trained in this therapeutic model in Spring 2015. All of these trainings are intended to
expand The Village’s ability to properly serve people with trauma-related issues. 36
Village Annual Report 2014