Amaranthian News


Amaranthian News
February & March 2008 Edition
Site News/Tech Corner
Guild News/Guild Interviews- (all interviews done by phoenixgirl)
Interview with Kinnison
1. What is your nick and how did
you come up with it?
-Well, it came from my last name
which each of my sibling owns a
unique name themselves, mine
was Kin Sun. One day when I registering for a game I'm not sure
what to put in for the username so I
thought out a name based on my
last name. It has nothing to do with
that hunter in Suikoden 2 (By the
way, if you say Kin Sun in a fast
pace, you'll get my nickname.
even play with the wooden katana I
got at home. Brotherhood is the only
guild which is not magical and
knightly, so I join Brotherhood
2. Do you have any other nicks?
If so, what are they and how did
you come up with them?
-Other than that is Arc, I don't know
how I got this but its simple and
easy to use for most of my character name.
5. What special magic powers or
skills (if any) do you wield?
-Cross cutter (Cutting target in an Xshaped attack)
-Spinning Blades (Spin around to cut
enemies in a circle)
-Blade Smash (Smash enemy with
my blade)
-Blades of Fury (Multiple attacks on
enemy, used when rage meter is full.
Watch out for this one :roll:)
3. Why did you decide to become
a Brotherhoodian?
-Er, good question... Because I like
swords and blades, sometimes I
4. How did you come up with your
guild title?
-I chose "Master of Blades", it's actually a title you gain in a game called
Vagrant Story for using Great
Swords 500 times :D . I thought it
might sounds cool on me so I used
-Solar Slash (Ultimate attack,
spin around, then slash up to
blast away the ground where
enemy is standing so they will
flew up to the sky, when they are
in the sky I slash them one by
one with my sword :evil: )
6. What other special aspects/
gifts (if any) do you have that
would benefit the guild?
-My animating and graphic
skills :roll:, which proof useful for
latest events.
7. Any additional information
you would like to provide
about yourself that the other
questions didn't address?
-Erm, please provide a moral
support to my game so that I
won't be lazying around with it
and finish it ASAP
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Amaranthia Times
Guild News Written By Shaz
There was a chill in the air, as
the early morning sun peeked
over the mountaintops to cast its
golden rays into the forest and
valleys below. The great dragon
Mystifar opened his bleary eyes,
squinting at the light creeping in
through the cave entrance. It
was far too early to be awake,
Dragons and humans alike
were engaged in lively banter,
playing games, telling tales of
heroic deeds, planning and
working together to restore
their home...
and yet awake he was. Stretching his slender neck, flaring his
nostrils, he caught a new scent
wafting on the light breeze. Another dragon - one he'd not encountered before! Immediately
attentive, he strained to sense
what was beyond his cave. He
waited a moment, tilting his
head, until he heard voices carried up from the valley. Humans!
Hmph! Standing upright, Mystifar
paused, stretched, and ventured
out into the brightness, to see
whether it was friend or foe who
had interrupted his slumber.
The region of Amaranthia inhabited by the Dragon Lords had
been unusually quiet of late. It
had been some time since the
unknown event had caused the
destruction of the Dragon Lord
Stronghold, and the dragons and
their masters (as the humans
liked to be called) were scattered. Communication was difficult after that, but slowly they
sought each other out. Now the
Stronghold was being rebuilt,
and the whole clan was united
and strong once more. The
dragons stayed close to their
humans, who were busily reestablishing their homes.
But there was something new.
Since the rebuilding had begun,
the clan had grown. At first a
single dragon, the beautiful
Sheba, and her human Sanshark, of whom she seemed
very protective. But only days
later a second dragon arrived George, the purple dragon along with his human Allybandy.
Both were welcomed into the
clan and got to work straight
away, though George seemed to
be a little shy, and for some reason spent a lot of time gazing at
his reflection in the calm waters
of the stream. Soon after there
was yet another dragon, Whit,
the white dragon, who came
with his human master Victor
(dragons allow the humans to
call themselves masters - it
seems to put them at ease, considering their much smaller size,
and it was nice to have humans
around). It had been some time
since a male human had joined
the Dragon Lords, but Victor fit
right in (humans don't seem as
territorial as dragons), and within
days it was hard to tell who was
new and who had been here all
along. Mystifar wondered how it
was possible that there were
dragons and Dragon Lords out
there who were unknown to the
clan. Perhaps these ones had
been displaced as well, and had
found their way here. Regardless, this had become their new
home, and he was pleased they
had come.
Today the humans were more
excited than usual, and the chatter
Mystifar heard was filled with happiness and laughter. He emerged
from his cave, his mouth turned up
slightly at the sides into a dragonsmile and he let out a contented
sigh, relieved to see the newcomers were being welcomed by the
rest of the clan and the humans.
They were friendly. Dagondoux
was a young silver dragon, surprisingly self-assured for his age, and
obviously fond of his human,
Catchoun. Mystifar looked over the
scene before him and smiled once
more - it looked like the Dragon
Lords were going to be celebrating
again tonight.
Dragons and humans alike were
engaged in lively banter, playing
games, telling tales of heroic
deeds, planning and working together to restore their home. As he
settled down to bask in the sun,
feeling its warmth on his back,
Mystifar caught snippets of conversations and plans - mention of
Druids, Brotherhood, Enchanters,
Witches, and Warlocks... an invitation... a surprise... the citizens of
Amaranthia, the great kingdom.
His gaze followed two butterflies
as they flittered over the shrubs on
the other side of the stream, and
slowly disappeared into the depths
of the forest beyond. He turned
back to observe his clan and his
human, before lowering his head
into a soft clump of grass and closing his eyes. The day was just
beginning, the humans would still
be making their plans tomorrow,
and the morning sun was too good
to allow this opportunity to slip
away. In Mystifar's mind, everything was as it should be.
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Interview with shaz:
1. What is your nick and how did
you come up with it?
Sharon is my name - not a very
great leap of the imagination, is it?
Shaz has never been a nickname
for me, but a "Pommy" guy I worked
with a few years ago labelled me
Shazbot (bOt, not bUt, so it's not
like Mork & Mindy) and though it's
been over 5 years since I saw him I
can still hear him saying it in his
accent. So I shortened it and to
everyone on all my forums I'm
2. Do you have any other nicks?
If so, what are they and how did
you come up with them?
no, I'm not NEARLY exciting
enough to have more than one nick.
3. Why did you decide to become
a Dragon Lord?
This was a really tough one for me.
My faith prevents me from even
pretending to practice any type of
magic, so W&W and Enchanters
were never contenders. I love dragons - their power, majesty and wisdom, so DL really had a pull, except
that involved magic too. BH was the
other guild I was considering, but I
wasn't keen on the warfare theme
(not the best way of describing it,
but it's difficult to do so in few
words). My heart said DL and my
mind said BH. I followed my heart,
with the stipulation that I would not
have any claim to magic or get
involved in any activities within the
guild that involved magic. This has
worked well and my fellow guild
members have been very understanding and accommodating.
4. How did you come up with
your guild title?
My original choice for title was
Dragon Whisperer - based on the
Baby Whisperer series, which I
loved. To me it implies a deep
understanding of and ability to
communicate with dragons. But I
was concerned people would link it
with Ghost Whisperer. Second
choice was Dragon Singer - similar, but too close to Tini's title. After
WEEKS of putting names together
I settled on Fire Dreamer: fire>dragons; dreamer->subconscious
- to me, it implies an affinity with
dragons that is almost instinctive.
5. What special magic powers
(if any) do you wield?
none, zero, zilch, nada.
6. What other special aspects/
gifts (if any) do you have that
would benefit the guild?
I have a deep respect for dragons
(for what I imagine a dragon to
be) and there are many things in
my view of them that I would like
to see in myself - not that I always achieve it. I dislike deception and seeing people treated
unfairly and I will step in to defend someone if I believe I can
make a difference. I am fiercely
loyal to my own, and enjoy
spending time with my guild buddies.
7. Any additional information
you would like to provide about
yourself that the other questions didn't address?
mmm - too many little things to
choose just one, and the one
thing I WOULD like to say, it's not
the right time for. So I guess not.
Sorry to be so unexciting.
Guild News by Pandaba
New Guild Discovered!
Hidden amidst the great forests of
Amaranthia, lies a tranquil haven
shrouded in mystery and intrigue. The
smell of fresh rain and morning glory
welcomes visitors into this serene
sanctuary. The sounds of soft chanting
in unison to the gentle whispers from
the plants and animals can be heard
throughout this place, speaking healing
to all that dwells here. They are better
known as the Druids of Amaranthia -Nature's Protectors.
The Druids of Amaranthia is a newlyestablished guild founded February 14,
2008 by Pandaba -- a.k.a. Archdruidess Elinirewiel "Wolfmother"
Moonbrooke and officially sanctioned
by Guildmother Phoenix and Queen
Amaranth. The guild's purpose is dedicated to preserving nature and balance
in Amaranthia. Anyone who may hold a
similar passion and dedication may
apply for the guild and join amongst the
priests and priestesses of nature.
The Amaranthian Grove is situated in a
quiet, secluded spot of the Amaran-
thian Forest. The Druids are a closebonded and resourceful group which
strives to protect all forms of life in
Amaranthia. Their innate ability to
communicate with nature has also
allowed them to befriend many types
of creatures. Most of these creatures
reside in the sanctuary of the Amaranthian Grove, helping to protect their
home. How can such a place exist,
you might wonder? Through dedication and passion, anyone can have
the ability to preserve the natural
treasures of the world. For without
balance, life cannot continue.
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Amaranthia Times
ies of this tree remain a secret to the
Grove's inhabitants...
The Amaranthian Grove welcomes all
visitors, provided that they respect all
forms of life here, both big and small.
Take a sneak peek at what our humble sanctuary has to offer:
-For visitors who wish to further enhance their experience, they may take
a quiet walk through the scenic gardens which overlook the rear portion
of the sanctuary. Here, the most exotic of plants and animals can be
-The main entrance is protected with a
maze of bramble and ivy to ward off
evil intruders. A guardian keeps watch
of this area and will reveal a safe path
through the maze to non-hostile visitors when beckoned.
-The path through the bramble opens
up to the main sanctuary where visitors will take notice of many of the
different types of creatures here. They
show no hostilities toward each other
or to new visitors, lest they come with
an ill-intent in their hearts.
-Overlooking the cliffs and lands below, a small campfire surrounded by
cushions give an inviting feeling to
weary travelers. A cooking pot is
steadily going, and some food is being
prepared. This is a place of gathering,
and is used the most frequent. Many
things are held here, such as teaching
sessions and even storytelling. Travelers most often come here to relax and
enjoy the view, however.
-Sitting in the midst of the main sanctuary is a very large oak tree which
extends even beyond the canopies.
This sacred tree, which has been
deemed the 'Genesis Oak is where
the Druids go to administer their rituals and tests. This tree is believed to
be connected to the Elder Oak, with
its roots that run thick through Amaranthia. The tree constantly emanates
a natural healing aura. Upon touching
the bark of the tree, one will find themselves refreshed and fully healed of
any injuries or afflictions. The myster-
A Druid's weapon is nature itself. Most
do not carry physical weapons other
than a staff comprised of blessed
wood, flowers or ivy.
Druids have many specialties and versatilities, from healers, protectors, and
philosophers, just to name a few. Most
have an overall neutral outlook in life
and uphold the beliefs that balance in
nature must be maintained in order for
the cycles of life to continue.
“...balance in nature must be
maintained in order for the
cycles of life to continue…”
found. Keep to the path and enjoy the
sights and sounds of nature's treasures.
A Druid is one who believes in nature
and balance above all things. They
are very in tune with nature, which in
turn, enhances their own innate abilities and defines their lifestyle. Druids
have little contact with the non-natural
aspects of the world (such as cities,
magic and synthetic technology); however, they are welcoming to visitors
who may pass through, provided that
they treat all forms of nature with respect. Druids' "spells" are not magically infused like that of a Warlock or
Enchanter; rather they are drawn from
the essences of nature itself through
rituals. They harness the natural world
around them to their own lifestyle
while still preserving the balance and
beauty within. Enemies who threaten
a Druid's home, or attempt to disturb
the balance of nature may find themselves entangled in thorny vines, or
lost amidst a maze of bramble, for
The Druids are always welcoming to
those who share a similar vision of
preserving nature. Anyone can become
a Druid, provided that they share a
neutral and balanced outlook in life,
and strive to maintain it. They are a
close-bonded family, and new members are sure to always feel welcome.
Preserving nature is a lifelong commitment for any Druid, as there is always
something new to be learned each day.
New members will learn what it means
to be a protector of nature, and how to
apply these philosophies to one's own
lifestyle. They will learn how to harness
their own innate abilities as well as
other useful professions such as making potions and medicines from certain
plants, learning about the different
types of plants and wildlife, how to care
for the animals, etc.
A druid may feel nature call out to them
for a specific task which may draw
them away from the sanctuary for a
time. Some of these situations include:
animal rescues, outsiders endangering
plants and wildlife, other Druids requiring assistance, or their own personal
tasks laid out for them. Each Druid is
unique, as is their calling.
Rescue Mission brings new Addition
An orphaned black bear cub was found in critical condition under a medium-sized rock slide. The cub's family was unfortunately
beyond help at the point of discovery, and they were given a proper burial and blessings bestowed upon the area. The bear cub
was rushed to the sanctuary where he was nursed back to perfect health once again. The cub [Strongheart] has now been
adopted into the Grove family where he lives happily and under the sanctuary's protection.
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original kind of faction that still
offered a little of both worlds in
terms of the Enchanters and
W&W guilds and remained true
to the Aveyond games.[/i]
- Grove Dedication - The Archdruidess
will soon be preparing for a dedication
of the Amaranthian Grove with a night
of feasting and entertainment. All visitors will be welcome to attend and
take part in the festivities. Watch for
future announcements!
4. How did you come up with
your guild title?
'Archdruidess' is the feminine
title for the highest rank in a
Druid's hierarchy. They are the
Grove leaders. And well... since
I came up with the guild, I guess
it was only appropriate.
1. What is your nick and how did you
come up with it?
Pandaba is a random name I got from
the infamus Sanrio character. She's
the giant female panda with a frilly
skirt and is best friends with Badtz
Maru and Hana Maru.
5. What special magic powers (if
any) do you wield?
Druidic powers aren't drawn
from magical forces; rather, from
the natural essences around
With these abilities, I am able to
harness the esssence of nature
around me for protection.
(*) Companion
Silverwisp is my trusted wolf
companion. We have been
closely-bonded for many years,
and he has protected me
2. Do you have any other nicks? If so,
what are they and how did you come
up with them?
I have a RP persona known as Elinirewiel "Wolfmother" Moonbrooke who
is the Archdruid of the Druid's guild.
3. Why did you decide to become a
Dragon Lord? (lol I assume you mean
a Druid). I wanted to create a new and
fiercely. A large alpha male wolf,
Silverwisp is a very formidable opponent in combat. Should I ever be in
danger, he is very quick to protect
me with his life.
(*) Empathy
Like all Druids, I possess the ability
to speak with the animals and plants
in a way that they can understand.
Many times, this ability has come in
handy use to protect or warn the
innocent creatures from danger, or to
simply send messages to far away
6. What other special aspects/gifts (if
any) do you have that would benefit
the guild?
I am calm and collected, and I feel
that I am a good leader, creative and
fun to bring good ideas to the table.
The main thing is that everyone enjoys themselves and has fun.
7. Any additional information you
would like to provide about yourself
that the other questions didn't address?
None I can think of
Guild News Written by MarianFrae:
Interview with MagickWielder:
1. What is your nick and how did you come
up with it?
MW. Its short for MagickWielder. =P
2. Do you have any other nicks? If so, what
are they and how did you come up with
I have some that my 'real-life' friends use, but
they're really embarrassing. XD
3. Why did you decide to become an Enchanter?
It was the only viable choice. =P Fire magic is
not for me, its too destructive. Dark magic is
strong but stereotypically evil in nature, so no
thanks. Physical combat is crude (I'm so glad
the Brotherhoodians can't see this now.) So I
chose to be an Enchanter, specialising in
Earth Magic.
4. How did you come up with your guild
Well, my username was based on Talia from
Ahriman's Prophecy. And she was a human
who was the 'Child of the Fairies'.
5. What special magic powers (if any) do
you wield?
Control over animal and plants, usage of destructive and defensive Earth magic,
shapeshifting (into a crow :roll:), Alchemy and
just a teensy bit of Water and Lightning Magic.
6. What other special aspects/gifts (if any)
do you have that would benefit the guild?
I can search Google very well. XD So I can find
images and whatnot for the Enchanter site, if
we need them. Also I'm sarcastic and my
friends sometimes find me funny.
7. Any additional information you would like
to provide about yourself that the other
questions didn't address?
Absolutely! I love cats, Pokemon, parrots and
most animals! Don't kill things for nothing and
I'll generally get along well with you.
For full Enchanters
News from the month
of February, please
check our blog.
Despite the exodus of
many members, who
showed anything but
bravery and patience,
our guild is finding
ways to work together
in order to rise from the
ashes and become
great once again.
Our shops and play
areas are back up and
running. Ideas are flying around so vividly
you could almost reach
out and grab one. Old
projects are coming
back with new life and
new ideas. New projects are soaring into
our midst, causing
great excitement.
We are together once
more - family- and
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Amaranthia Times
Interview with Argoyle
1. What is your nick and how did you
come up with it?
My nick is Argoyle. It's a combination
of my last name (Argus) and the word
Gargoyle. Anyone who has visited the
Post Your Picture thread has seen the
pic of my gargoyle statue, which has
come to be referred to as "Party
Arggie". He is the original Argoyle,
and he is the source of my superb
gaming powers. That's why he always
sits near my computer.
2. Do you have any other nicks? If so,
what are they and how did you come up
with them?
A lot of Amaranthians call me Arggie.
I guess it's because I'm just so darn
cute and
3. Why did you decide to become a warlock?
Gargoyles, bats, vampires, sorcery,
curses...what's not too love? I guess
I've always been attracted to the
darker and more mischievous things
in life. It makes life more interesting
and reminds you that it isn't all
rainbows and gumdrops, but you
can still have a lot of fun. :evil:
your neck stand up, you better run!
On second thought, don't bother
running; it's already too late...mua
ha haaaa!
4. How did you come up with your
guild title?
6. What other special aspects/gifts (if
any) do you have that would benefit the
I was researching witch and warlock terminology and found the
Tempestarii. These were mythical
witches that could raise storms,
wind, lightning, hail, etc. at will.
They used these powers during
raids on unsuspecting townsfolk.
That sounded like
I also chose to be a witch knight
because I wanted to defend the
guild and protect it's honor. I think
that's very important.
5. What special magic powers (if any)
do you wield?
Being a Tempestarii, I have a mastery of all weather-related magic,
especially wind, thunder, and lightning. If you see my eyes glow yellow and the hairs on the back of
Loyalty. Being a knight, my sword is
always at the ready to defend the
guild against any threat. That's why
most of my time is spent on patrol
around the W&W Headquarters.
7. Any additional information you would
like to provide about yourself that the
other questions didn't address? loyalty isn't just for my
fellow guild members; it extends to
all of Amaranthia. Being a Moderator
on the site, I kind of feel like one of
Amaranth's knights, as well. I like to
make sure everyone feels safe here
and has a great time everytime they
Oh! I also have a weakness for stone
-flavored lollies!
Guild News Written by Elma(MistressOfMagic)
The original queen of the Witches and
Warlocks Guild has returned. Yes, Maren (Rhiannon's Whip to those of us in
the know) has once again come back
and rested her broomstick along the
mantle of the W/W hall.
She is a teacher, of many things, and a
formidable opponent when it comes to
word usage. Her sense of humor is
legendary and for those of you who
have yet to meet her, don’t worry, I
have a feeling that this is one witch that
will cast her spell on you all.
Other news on the W/W front --- yes it
is true. Your eyes are NOT playing
tricks.. Nick and Elma have both returned to the halls of trickery. The lure
of the W/W is strong. Welcome back
Luz_Melian - formerly known as Indigo has hung up her mystical wand and now
dons the garb of the witch. Her goth style
and bubbly personality will infuse the W/
W with much needed joy and intrigue.
Luz_Melian has been an active and often
outspoken voice on the Amaranthia forums. She has lent her voice to the
causes of the Enchanters for quite some
time. Her sense of fairness and ability to
see both sides of an issue are just a few
of her amazing talents.
She recently decided that the time had
come for her to venture out into the world
and try something new. She packed her
fairy wand away and pulled out her
She has now joined the ranks of the
Witches and Warlocks. Her sense of humor and the fact that she can more iden-
tify with the dark side have made her
transition to her new home a piece of
She will soon be casting her spells and
flying thru the Amaranthia skies with
the rest of the family.
So without further ado... Let's all say
hello to the newest witch... Luz_Melian.
Hui, was once the backbone of the
Enchanters. Her defense and skills in
the art of white magic were legendary.
She now dons a new cape.
She dons the cape of the Witches and
Warlocks. She wears it proudly and
offers all of the guild the opportunity to
learn some healing magic, if they so
desire. She has a quick wit and can
cause mischief and mayhem with the
best of the W/W.
Hui has shown that her sense of humor
can be a bit dark and finds that the W/
W is the best place for her at this time
of her witchy life.
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Amaranthia Times
Game Title: Quintessence the Blighted Venom
Reviewed by: Love
“Quintessence the Blighted Venom” is
an awesome game. It is not complete
yet, but the beginning is 100% ready.
The story consists of chapters. You
finish the chapters as you play. So far
it only has 5 chapters ready but they
are pretty long.
system is like old RPG's battle system, but it's a hard system.
The game has lots of cut scenes, but
it's still a great game. It focuses on the
story and has a different battle system
from most other games. The battle
There are lots of quests and puzzles
in the game and the music is awesome, beautiful, and quiet.
The creator of the game is called
Reives. He is an expert game maker
and has done a great job with this
There are funny, sad, and
creepy parts. This game is
strongly recommended for RPG
fans 10 years old and older,
because it contains some
creepy parts. So if you love
RPG's and don't mind creepy,
try this game.
Story Title: Sara’s Saga ~ the beginning
Author: MistressofMagic
Reviewed by: Elie
The story follows the life of Sara who
lived a life full of hardships ever since
her father died, leaving her behind
with a stepmother, a step sister and a
younger sister. Sara’s boring, uneventful life takes a 180 degrees turn
when a mysterious stranger shows up
at her doorstep one day, he claimed to
have heard her prayers and offered to
help her find her adventure. The mysterious stranger led Sara into the
woods where she finds a deserted
castle, in that very castle. In that very
castle, a spirit who claimed to be the
master of the castle asks Sara’s help
to clear his name for the false accusations that caused him his life while he
was still alive. Sara agrees to help the
poor soul, but she has only 8 days
and 7 nights to do so or the spirit
would be cast into hell for eternity.
Just as Sara thought things could not
be any worse, aside from the time
pressure that Sara has to face, she is
also being hunted down by hired
assassins whose master wants her
to failed her mission to clear the
spirit’s name. Was Sara asking more
than what she bargained for when
she left her house for the adventure
of her life? Will Sara be able to clear
the spirit’s name before time runs out
or will this be her first and last adventure of her life where she fails and
dies at the hands of those who are
after her life?
At first impression, you would think
that this could be another one of
those “Cindrella stories” where the
helpless girl awaits her prince charming to come and rescue her, but MistressOfMagic adds twists to the story
by turning Sara into her own hero
who saves herself from her boring
life. Despite a few minor grammatical
errors that might have cause a
slight disruption in the sentences’ flow , the error was minute enough to be over looked
and the altering pace of the
story is able to quickly shifts the
reader’s focus back to the story.
If you’re looking from something
new that does not related to any
Aveyond or “typical fairytale”
characters or storylines, I would
recommend you try this one out.
Length : 14 chapters
(approximately 15973 words)
Genre: Fantasy, action, adventure
Storyline Ratings: 4.5 out of 5
Grammar Ratings: 4.5 out of 5
Overall Ratings: 4.5 out of 5
Status: Completed
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Story Title: Never Wanted
Author: Basset
Reviewed by: MarianFrae
Never Wanted, a story told in 5- or 6points of view, brings a new take to
Rhen’s story. Having accepted her role
as Queen, Rhen realizes that being
royalty could actually be harder than
defeating Ahriman! Could it be true?
is a dive into the minds of some of
our favorite characters... as well as
some completely new characters. As
guaranteed with all dives into others’
minds, there is drama, intrigue, and
angst mixed in with the humor.
Be your own judge and read the story,
laughing along as Basset has conversations with her characters, puts them
in very awkward situations... and takes
you for a ride with her grammarobsessed handler.
An author completely willing to take
advice and grammatical correction,
Basset masterfully crafts the story of
one purple-haired girl trying to deal
with demon-fighting whip lash, complete 180 of lifestyle, a best friend
who’s obviously in love with her(and
with whom she’s obviously in love
Putting the humor aside, Never Wanted
with), and an extremely annoying
Chancellor who wants to control her
life... and personality.
Take a dive with Basset, myself,
and other readers into the depths of
the wonderfully written(and edited)
Never Wanted.
Storyline Ratings: 4.5 out of 5
Grammar Ratings: 5 out of 5
Overall Ratings: 4.75 out of 5
Status: Ongoing
The Bard’s Fire
Album Title: “Fires at Midnight”
Reviewed by: Wynterbite
Any eighties metal fans out there? 90's
metal fans? Well, if you are, or if you
have an interest in guitarists, you must
know about Ritchie Blackmore, the
mind behind the music of Deep Purple
and Rainbow back in the day. Well,
he's not given up his music just yet. In
fact, he's taken a different spin altogether on it.
Love, like magic, must have cast a
spell over Ritchie Blackmore and his
wife, Candice Night back in nineteen
ninety six, when they were married,
and discovered they both have a great
interest in medieval and rennaisance
music. Does this sound odd yet? Heavy
metal, chord-crunching (but undeniably
good at it), rock star having a thing for
olde-tyme tunes? Well, it turns out to
be the perfect blend. With Blackmore
on guitar (acoustic more often than
electric), and Candice Night as vocalist,
and all-around medieval instrument
player, they've made spellbinding music.
Their first albums created a stir, and
were thought of by fans as "good stuff".
But when their magnum opus, "Fires at
Midnight" came along, those following
the progress of the duo, aptly named
"Blackmore's Night", were blown away.
The music whips about like lightningcharged clouds, going from energetic to
lovelorn. The music, all original and
written by Blackmore himself, is always
a treat, and the lyrics, by Candice
Night, range from traditional sounding tunes (Times they are a
Changin', Home again, Crowning of
the King), to modern with a mystical
touch (Written in the Stars, Fires at
Midnight, The Storm).
The most acclaimed track on the
album, Written in the Stars, starts
with a signature Ritchie Blackmore
riff, that grabs your attention from the
very beginning, and the song goes
on with the same energy and lyrical
quality that it starts with. The music
goes into a more nostalgic type of
sound, but this ends with the song
"Home Again", which is done with a
traditional English/Scottish flair, and
is undoubtedly foot-tappingly catchy.
Crowning of the King, the next track,
brings you into an environment of
royal splendor, with triumphant brass
blaring the news. A short, but sweet
instrumental is next in the lineup, and
then the title track, which lives completlely up to expectations. Fires At
Midnight embodies both worlds of
Blackmore's Night, with modern/
mystical lyrics, and music that
sweeps you up in it from the slow,
lilting beginning to the wildly energetic instruments that take the song
to new levels.
From there, the music does not go
downhill to the level of an "average
album", though some of the best
tracks have alreay passed. The
songs begin to attain a slower,
more sad and sentimental quality
in "Hanging Tree", "The Storm",
and on. While these tracks still
stand out as very good music, they
don't take you quite the way the
first ones did. But the second to
last track, "Village on the Sand",
the tale of an isolated village girl
falling in love with a pirate, makes
you soar. Another Blackmore riff,
done with skill and rough finesse,
and passionate music bring you all
around the board, and you'll feel
very sorry when it's over. They exit
with "Again Someday", in itself a
minute or two long, but listen for a
little while, and they'll send you off
with a merry little jig.
This CD is one of the best purchases I've made in a while.
Ritchie Blackmore is a terrifically
talented musician, and Candice
Night's voice is nothing if not beautiful. And the lyrics are just the type
of thing for the fantasy-lover/
romantic (Both of which I admit to
being). If you like traditional type,
celtic, medieval, or rennaisance at
all, hear it. The occaisional rock
styling can do nothing but take
these styles to new heights.
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Amaranthia Times
Dear Elie,
I’m a university student and I am in my freshman year. I live with three other housemates in a rented apartment. My
friend and current housemate, Marilyn is a sophomore in my university and she’s the one who introduced me to her
housemates and got me to move in with them. All was fine until one of our housemates, Lisa had graduated and a new
girl, Kelly moved in. Although Kelly is friendly and outgoing, she is also messy and irresponsible person. She leaves a
mess wherever she goes and only cleans up the mess when it is too unbearable---flies or ants start swarming the
area….or until one of us cleans up after her as she always seemed to have disappeared after she leaves a mess.
Marilyn, who is like our group leader had talked to Kelly about this, she apologized and even made an effort to be
neater. I thought she has changed for the better until last Sunday...Marilyn and another one of our housemates, Chris
were away on an industrial training program while I went back home to visit my parents for the weekend. I arrived at our
apartment on Sunday afternoon and found the common area to be a mess! Looks like someone had a wild party while
some of us were away…There were half eaten food and spilled drinks all over the floor… I went and knocked on Kelly’s
room hoping to get her to explain what had happened while we were away, but instead Kelly greeted me with an irritate
look on her face and yelled at me for waking her from her sleep before she slammed the door in my face. Later that
day, Kelly seemed to have forgotten what she did the night before and happily carry on with her life without even apologizing for the mess she made or any mention about the wild party that happen in our apartment. I tried to talk to Kelly
about it but being the shy and timid person I am, I couldn’t bring the topic up whenever I see Kelly. I usually leave such
matters for someone who is more capable in dealing with conflicts like Marilyn as I may not be able to handle the situation as well as she would have and I am also afraid that I might cause an even bigger dispute to happen…I do not wish
to bother Marilyn and Chris with this issue right now as they are busy with their industrial training and they won’t be
back for a least another few more weeks. How should I confront Kelly without straining our current relationship and
making her thinking that I am trying to be bossy and all?
Dear Troubled,
It seems like you are having some difficulty with trying to confront your housemate about certain issues. First of all, I
would like to assure you that it is normal to be in a situation like yours and you are not the only one who faces difficulty
in handling such situations. Not everyone is perfect and even the close friends may sometimes disagree with one another. Though you may not be as capable as Marilyn in handling conflict situations like what you have mentioned, I am
proud that you are willing to try to work things out with Kelly on your own despite being the shy and timid person your
described yourself to be. I have some suggestions that you can work on but take some time to consider which ones
would work best for both Kelly and yourself.
Before you go and confront Kelly, you should make a list of the main issues you want to bring up during your discussion
and possible ideas on how to solve them. The lists would give you an idea on what you want to bring up and it also
helps you to focus on main concerns and reduces the chances of being sidetracked with issues that are no related to
what you intend to bring up during your discussion. Next, find a suitable time and place to have your discussion. Avoid
choosing a time or place where one or both of you might be distracted by other people or things. The best thing would
be asking Kelly personally if she could spend some time with you to have the discussion and tell her it is important for
the both of you to work on some issues. Whether you are bring up an issue during the discussion, try to phrase your
issue in a way that does not appear to be judgmental towards Kelly whether or not she is to be blamed for what had
happened. While addressing your issues, avoid being too straight-forward with statements such as “Kelly, could you do
something about the dirty dishes that you have left lying in the kitchen’s sink for days?” At the same time, avoid using
vague descriptions that are hard to understand as it could probably disinterest Kelly if you continue to beat around the
bush throughout the discussion. While working on solutions to your solutions, allow some space for compromise and be
open to differences as what may work for you may not work for others. Though at certain times you may want to make
a stand for your opinions, do not be too eager to defend your position and interests that you would reject any different
opinion or suggestion that may occur before giving it a thought. This behavior could cause the other person (in your
case, Kelly) to feel that she is being ignored or even lead her to think that you are a selfish and close minded by the
fact that you would insult her by rejecting ideas and suggestions without any consideration as you are only interested in
yourself. If both of you have different ideas on how the issue should be solved, trying finding out each other’s common
interests and work out a compromise where you both could still have what you each wanted without completely ignoring the other person’s needs and leaving the person feeling defeated.
All in all, do not be afraid to make mistake as no one is perfect. Just remember to be honest but also non-judgmental
and open minded so that you are able to have some flexibility if things to not go as you planned. I wish you all the best
in working out thing with Kelly and that you two may be able to get along better from now on.
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Amaranthia Times
“A Painted Flower”
Chapter One Jus Your Average Beginning
This story starts simply, as most do.
Really, it begins merely with a girl. Her name was Katy, her
eyes glowed with passion, and her smile shone through the
It continues with a boy. His name was Neil. His eyes sparkled with mischief and trickery, whilst his well-practiced grin
revealed a friendly core.
Her sound of her voice said she was pure elegance slightly
covered in the roughness of the common people.
As the water rushed over her, she sang. Her singing voice
was not as clear and polished as that of a famous artist, but
it was pleasant to hear. She sang something of a ballad, in
that it was fairly slow. More importantly, though, it told a
story—a story of a fateful meeting between a girl and boy,
who fell in love and eventually lived happily ever after.
Part of her song told the tale of her future.
This story starts just before they meet.
A grin formed on Neil’s face as he increased his speed, so
that he was sprinting faster than he’d ever gone before.
“Gotta be faster than that, I’m afraid!” he called over his
shoulder to the three chasing him. They soon found,
though, that it was hopeless—the child-thief they had never
been able to catch would remain as so. He had cut across
a wood through which they had no way of tracking him.
Neil checked his hair in his mirror. “All clear… I’m off then,”
he said to himself in his usual, cheery tone. He grabbed a
house key as he strode past a table in the front hall, then
tucked it into his shoe after locking the front door.
He even whistled as he walked—not what you would expect from an experienced thief going off to another job.
But that’s what he was. Neil was more than just your average pickpocket, yet nowhere near what you would picture if
someone said “hardened criminal.” For who would think of
a seventeen-year-old boy living alone in an apartment,
working even weekends at the painter’s studio that was his
day job?
“‘And though it was not the happily ever after either of the
pair had imagined,’” Katy said as she typed, “’it was, if
nothing else, a happy ending.’ There!” A few clicks later, a
rather long document was on its way out of the well used
printer. A strip of cloth wound around the packet of paper
before it joined the others on a shelf.
And yet, it was Neil who came back to his apartment with a
bag of cash hanging from his arm.
These were Katy’s books—her fairy tales, her love stories,
her tales of society as it really is. On the shelf above them
stood her gardening books—the pages of her flower encyclopedia were especially worn. And below the sheaves of
paper was row upon row of books. Memoir, mystery, fantasy, romance… Katy had a few of everything.
----Katy wiped sweat from her forehead as she packed dirt
around the last of the new seedlings. “Gardening done and
writing to come… Best go shower up, I suppose,” she said.
It was one of these books she was pulling off the shelf
when a certain boy her age ran by.
“Drag” It Out
Written By: Drag
Drag: Hello and welcome to "Drag It
Out"! Drag coming in from the lands
of Aveyond to bring you this exclusive interview with Teijal.
Teijal: Hello *grins evily*
Drag: *gulps* So what was it like
saving the world from Ahriman?
Teijal: *shrugs* Nothing like a
tasty succulent bloody porkchop.
Saving the world was fun, but getting a new playtoy was even better.
(background)Galahad: AND I CURSE YOU FOREVER!!
Teijal: *grins* See what I mean? Fun.
Drag:*sweatdrops* Um.. Sure. So what are you doing nowadays?
Teijal: *eyes interviewer* Well... Are you free tonight?
Drag: *major sweatdrops* Um.. No.
Teijal: *shrugs* Pity, you look good enough to eat.
Drag:*jaw drops*....
Teijal: *grins* So, how about we finish this interview with one more question hmm?
Drag: *picks up jaw and coughs* Um.. Okay. I'm sure fans are dying to know.. How old are
Teijal: *grins again, eyes narrowing* Let's just say I'm older than you by at least a
hundred years. *drags Drag out* And now, you can do my dishes.
Drag: And that concludes this interview. Though beware of vampires' kitchens: They have
years to accumulate even though I don't even know why they need dishes. Drag, buried
under hundreds of dishes in Teijal's kitchen, reporting out.
Page 11
Amaranthia Times
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