Proclaim - Metropolis - St. John Lutheran Church


Proclaim - Metropolis - St. John Lutheran Church
St. John Lutheran Church
5187 Old Marion Road
Metropolis, IL 62960
Called to Serve and Share the Gospel
Volume 12, Number 11
November 2016
I’ve Been Thinking . . . . . . . .
…. our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take eat; this is
my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me. Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave
thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all
people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.
I’ve been thinking…
With the upcoming holidays soon approaching, our minds seem to drift to the family gatherings we
anxiously await and the delicious meals which we are sure to consume. Now, close your eyes and
you can almost see holidays past where grandma, mom, aunts and cousins are all busy bustling
around the kitchen preparing the most delicious delicacies imaginable, all the while laughing and
chatting and having a wonderful time. Visions of mom’s turkey and dressing, grandma’s famous
homemade desserts and Aunt Sue’s sweet potato casserole become so real that it seems you can
actually smell them cooking just thinking about them. Slowly…a warmth comes over you filling you
with the feeling of peace, love and comfort. Thus the concept of “Comfort Food”.
A few Sundays ago, I was sitting in church, awaiting my turn to take communion. I was feeling
somewhat stressed from life’s trials, somewhat nostalgic missing loved ones who are no longer with
me and somewhat defeated with the awareness that I oftentimes fail at being the Christian that God
and I want me to be. Suddenly the phrase “comfort food” popped into my head. I began thinking.
The times in my life when I feel the most peaceful, most loved and most comforted is when I am
gathered around Christ’s table with my family and my church family while celebrating the meal of
Holy Communion…the bread and the wine…the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. As I close
my eyes, I feel God’s presence and I can almost hear Him saying, “I love you, I will never leave you
or forsake you, you are mine, I forgive you!” Slowly…a warmth comes over me filling me with the
greatest feeling of peace, love and comfort I have ever known. Communion…the true comfort
food…that nourishes not only the body, but also the soul. And, at this meal, the table is never full.
There is room for everyone with plenty of comfort food to share.
While celebrating the upcoming holidays, as you gather around the table with family, friends and
loved ones, be sure to take a moment to count your blessings and give thanks for each and every
one of them. And as you do, remember to include a prayer of thanks for comfort food…for it truly is
a blessing.
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November Proclaim
“In all things, give thanks . . .”
In our country today, most of us have those
things we need to survive: food, shelter, clean
water, clothing, love. We forget that there are
those — fortunately, the minority — who do not
have ready access to these essentials. It is so
easy to assume that those who do not have
these things simply aren’t willing to work for
them. Or we might assume that government
programs will take care of them.
While the latter assumption may at times be
true, it is not in accord with Christian principles.
We are told many times in the Bible to take care
of those in need. If we did this, there would be
no need for programs to do so.
If you are fortunate, you may never have been
in the position of having to ask for help during
times of trouble. I have not been so fortunate; I
have had to ask friends and family for help. At
times, I didn’t have to ask. But the important
thing is that I was in such a position, and I know
first hand how very important such assistance
November Prayer List
Lana Ablett
David Baggett
Bishop John Bradosky
Frances Bremer
Jean Brenningmeyer
Evelyn Burnett
Allie Byrd
Nathan Crawford
Kedian Doyle
T.J. Easley
David Garrett
Pastor Lisa Goodwin
Lorraine Green
and Family
Charles Griffey
Karla Hahn
November Proclaim
Lisa Hall
Connie Hansen
Jamin Kidd
John Kreuter
Clyde Livingston
Josh Logeman
Cheryl McIntosh
Pam Mauer
Paula Burnett McGinnis
Dorothy Nehls
Jackie Pedersen
Milledge Quint
Chuck Sangrelet
Charles Schmidt
Adam Schneider
was. I did not become “a burden on society;” I
got an excellent education, supported myself,
never again experienced real physical “need.”
But far more important is that I never forgot what
it is to help one’s neighbor. It became a life principle to not turn someone away who was really
in need of help, when I was in a position to give
that help, and to steer them to one who could
help when I was not able.
At the same time, the most important help we
can give to others is to steer them toward the
One who is the ultimate help — the One who
holds our future and our present. While not ignoring the physical needs of others, we must not
forget this unspoken need we all share.
The meaning of life
“The greatest thing is to give thanks for everything. He who has learned this knows what it
means to live. He has penetrated the whole
mystery of life; giving thanks for everything.”
— Albert Schweitzer
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous
man availeth much.” — James 5:16 KJV
Philip Sharpe and Family
Curtis Stratemeyer
Danielle Walter
David Watson
Bob Wind
Rodney Wood
Marcy Woods
Special Prayer for unity and
peace throughout the world,
especially safekeeping for law
enforcement officers
Jared Allbritten
Jordan Allbritten
Bradley Kyle Atkinson
Levi Brugger
Jimmie Hitterman
Matthew Jacobs
Tyler Lee
Mason Riepe
Dustin Smith
All our Veterans
Please remember the
Veterans’ Memorial in
Metropolis at 11:00 a.m.
November 11 (11/11/11,
Armistice Day WWI)
Pray for Our Congregation, Church Council, Church
wide, our Government Leaders, and our Military.
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St. John Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes — October 9, 2016
President Tammi Stambaugh called the meeting to order at 11:55 a.m. In attendance were Tammi Stambaugh,
Rita Nalley, TJ Easley, Buddy Bremer, Pastor John, and Nicolette Smith. Pastor John opened with a prayer.
Minutes of the September 11, 2016 council meeting were approved as presented. Treasurer’s Report was approved as presented.
Pastor’s Report – visited shut-ins.
Christian Education: Status quo
Evangelism: 2 new Storybook programs set for Dec. 3 at Vienna and Dec. 5 at Marion Federal
Fellowship/Stewardship: no report
Grounds: Brad Piland will remove cherry tree
Worship & Music: status quo
Youth Center: pile of dirt has been leveled off and seeded
Website updates: Need to be updated
LED Lighting sanctuary/balcony LHI – No change since last council meeting.
Sanctuary windows, Church Mutual, altar windows, basement curtains – No change since last council meeting.
Church Records Review – No change
Constitution discussion: No items were brought up for discussion.
Time and Talent Sheets: No change
New website opportunities –Motion by Nicolette Smith to go with WIX as the new web host at a cost of $14/
month. Seconded by TJ Easley. Motion carried. Nicolette will maintain but will have a training session for
others including Robin.
Motion by TJ Easley, second by Nicolette Smith to approve agenda. Motion carried.
Great River Mission District Convocation will be October 22, 2016 at St. Paul’s. Motion by Rita Nalley to
have Rita be the delegate and Tammi Stambaugh be the alternate for the Convocation. Seconded by Buddy
Bremer. Motion Carried.
Discussion was had on the Quarterly Meeting Agenda. Rita and Tammi terms end. Need 2 new council members.
Potential Interim Candidates – Tammi will contact the Pastor to come here and preach a service during the
week. There also might be a second candidate.
Motion by TJ Easley, Seconded by Nicolette Smith to put an offering plate in the narthex for the Lion’s Club
Telethon for the next 3 Sundays. St. John will match the donations that are received. Motion carried.
Motion by Nicolette Smith to adjourn. Second by TJ Easley. Motion carried.
Meeting closed with the Lords’ Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Nalley
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November Proclaim
“Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the LORD, for
he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.
Who can utter the mighty doings of the LORD, or
declare his praise?” — Psalm 106:1-2
C.O.P.E. Report
Bible Lessons for November, 2016
November 6:
All Saints
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18
Psalm 149
Ephesians 1:11-23
Luke 6:20-31
November 27:
1 Advent
Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalm 122
Romans 13:11-14
Matthew 24:36-44
November 13: 26 Pentecost
Isaiah 65:17-25
Psalm 98
2 Thessalonians 3:6-13
Luke 21:5-19
For November, we are asking for donations that will
help complete a Thanksgiving meal. We have ongoing
need for essentials such as canned fruit and vegetables.
As we are coming into the Holiday Season, let us not
forget those who will have less to celebrate with. We
can offer them a special meal, through your
donations of food that will enhance the days
of celebration. Thank you especially at this
time for sharing the spirit with others.
Women of the NALC:
November 20: 27 Pentecost
Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Psalm 100
Philippians 4:4-9
John 6:2-35
During September COPE served 392 families, for a
total of 859 persons, with food and household items.
The November Committee chairperson is
Donna Kinkade; committee members are Angie English, Casey Reineking, Nicolette
Smith, Tammi Stambaugh
 The monthly meeting will be held November
13; all are encouraged to attend.
Selected artwork and text copyright © 1996-2016 CRI™.
Worship Assistants — November Schedule
Altar Guild
Mary Ann Bremer and
Donna Kinkade
Joel Bremer and
Betty & Armand Brueggert Mike Logeman
Joyce Melcher
Susan Piland
Tape Ministry
Bill Kain
Truman Logeman
Ron Hall—Janet Burnett
Bill Kain—Cody Robbins
Maddie Roberts
Rene Brown
Alfredia Horman
Lawrence Kinkade—Ronnie Deasel
Mike Logeman—Brad Piland
A.J. Fuller
Cody Robbins
Mary Ann Bremer
Rita Nalley—Don Wittig
Mauri Fiorentini—Eric Deasel
Max Bremer
Brad Piland
Mary Ann Bremer
Dennis Burnett—Kirk Burnett
T.J. Easley—Ron Hall
Alison Brown
November Proclaim
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November Proclaim
November Birthdays
5 John Rogers
Church Attendance
November Anniversaries
19: Jared & Lisa Allbaritten
6 Jason Jackson
8 Truman Logeman
November Baptismal Birthdays
10 Don Boyd
4 Gayla Burnett
18 Austin Burnett
4 Cindy Earnhart
18 Joyce Melcher
4 Lara Earnhart
19 Terry Barbato
5 Caitlin Burnett
21 Matt English
14 Alex Reineking
24 Connie Logeman
14 Granvil Travis
26 Susan Piland
17 Courtney Bremer
26 Andrew Burnett
23 Nathan Davis
28 Mike Kommer
26 Coralle Johnson
30 Ryan Davis
September 18
September 25:
October 2:
October 9:
October 16:
October 23:
“All Scripture is
inspired by God
and is useful for
teaching, for
reproof, for
correction, and for training in
righteousness, so that everyone
who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Summary of Treasurer’s Report for September, 2016
Memorial Fund
Education Fund
Cemetery Fund
Ministry & Mission
Building & Equipment Fund
Senior Youth Fund
Junior Youth Fund
Current Fund
Youth Center Fund
Thrivent Fundraisers
Cody Robbins Fund
November Proclaim
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November Coming Attractions
9:00 a.m. Sundays — Weekly Sunday School for all ages
10:00 a.m. Sundays — Worship Service with Holy Communion
4th Sunday — Contemporary Worship Service
Wednesdays — Weekly Quilting, 1:00
November 13 — Council Meeting
November 13 — All-Church potluck, Men’s and Women’s Meetings
November 20 — Junior Lutherans meet, 4:30
November 23 — Thanksgiving Eve Service, 7:00
November 27— Contemporary Worship Service
Contact Us:
Phone: 618-524-4796
Email: [email protected]
Church Services
Sunday School - 9:00 a.m.
Worship Service - 10:00 a.m.
Office Hours: Monday,
Wednesday, & Friday
8:00 a.m. - Noon
Called to Serve and Share the Gospel
November 2016
St. John Lutheran Church
Non-Profit Organization
5187 Old Marion Road
Permit #171
Metropolis, IL 62960
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Metropolis, IL 62960