ICSI Cheeta
ICSI Cheeta
First Joint TAG Chairs Meeting Alphen, The Netherlands 1 June 2014 Cooperative Species Management Committee 53 Institutions members of ALPZA Cooperative Species Management Committee Coordinator: Adrián Sestelo Co-coordinator: Guillermo Cubillos Members: Miguel Bueno – Myriam Salazar – SB Coordinators 18 Regional Studbook Humboldt Penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) Management Plan under the MoU with EAZA Among the advances worth noting the successful establishment of colony formed in the La Aurora Zoo, Guatemala (18 individuals). Regarding the specimens arrived at Metropolitan Park Zoo, Santiago de Chile, they are in good physical condition and since mid2013 have already started to couples, some reproductive established. It argues that by 2014, more institutions join this initiative to establish different reproductive nuclei in different zoos in Latin America. Towards new regional management plans Technical assistance is provided to those responsible for the Andean Condor Conservation Project (Vultur gryphus) to submit a plan for collaborative management ALPZA species. So adding this plan to those already established in the region. We are currently evaluating the plan submitted by the coordinators of the species. Although delayed, it is planned to continue with the establishment of Cooperative Management Plan for collared lemur (Varecia variegata and Varecia rubra), under the MoU with EAZA. We have an institution and regional coordinator to carry forward the above mentioned plan. But there are 2 different populations in 4 institutions. Restructuring CMCE looking for optimal operation ALPZA After an evaluation of the past years of development, considering that to date have submitted 7 SB of the 21 regional posed, that the participation of institutions is low and is still far from carrying out a real cooperative management of Latin American collections, seeks, through restructuring, attract a more direct and active participation of member institutions, tending to an TAG's similar structure. Clase representada TAG Propuesto Reptiles Reptiles Aves STB Pingüinos Orden Testudines Sphenisciformes Nombre científico Familia Testudinae Spheniscidae STB Nombre científico Tortuga de Galápagos Geochelone sp Pingüino de Humboldt Responsable Spheniscus humboldtiPaís Institución Tortuga de Galápagos Aves Rapaces Pingüino de Humboldt Geochelone sp Ernesto Arbeláez Amaru Accipitriformes Accipitridae Águila Harpía Harpia harpyja Spheniscus humboldti Guillermo Cubillos Zoológico Nacional de Chile Ecuador Aves Águila Harpía Falconiformes Harpia harpyja Cathartidae VACANTE Panamá Cóndor Andino Aves Crácidos Vultur gryphus Galliformes Cracidae Pavón Cacho Aves o Pavo dePsitásidos Guacamayo Militar Aves Psitásidos Oreophasis derbianus Psittasidae Juan Cornejo Psittasiformes Ara militaris Frank Camacho Psittasiformes Psittasidae Cotorra Serrana Oriental Mamíferos Primates Mono Araña Rhynchopsitta terrisi Primates Ateles sp Atelidae Cotton top tamarín Mamíferos Primates Saguinus oedipus Primates Andrea Echeverry Cotton top tamarín Zoológico de Barranquilla Callitrichidae Saguinus oedipusColombia Aguará Guazú Mamíferos Carnívoros Nutria Gigante Argentina Chrysocyon brachyurus Stella Maris Velazquez Zoológico de Buenos Aires Carnivora Canidae Aguará Guazú Chrysocyon brachyurus Colombia Pteronura brasiliensis Carlos Andrés Galvis Fundación Zoológica de Cali Jaguar Mamíferos Panthera onca Carnivora Rapaces Carnívoros Vanesa Astore Cóndor Andino Summit Argentina Zoológico de Buenos Aires Pavón o Pavo de Cacho Oreophasis derbianus GuacamayoAfricam Militar Safari Africam Safari Cotorra Serrana Oriental Carolina Hartmann Africam Safari Mono Araña DEFINIR Adrián Sestelo Mustelidae Carnivora Felidae Adrián Sestelo Puma sp y Leopardus sp Jaguar Oso Andino Mamíferos Tremarctos ornatus Carnivora Felinos Sudamericanos Felidae VACANTE Oso Hormiguero Carnívoros Mamíferos Oso Melero Mamíferos Edentados y Tapir Tapir terrestre Myrmecophaga tridactyla Carnivora Ursidae Flavia Miranda Tamandua sp. VACANTE Pilosa Myrmecophagidae Tapirus terrestris Paula González Manatí Mamíferos Edentados y Tapir Trichechus Pilosa manatus Mamíferos Edentados y Tapir Mamíferos Mamíferos marinos Ara militaris Mexico Mexico Rhynchopsitta terrisi Ateles sp Mexico Colombia Argentina Zoológico de BuenosPteronura Aires Nutria Gigante brasiliensis Mamíferos Carnívoros Felinos Sudamericanos Carnívoros Vultur gryphus Chile onca Zoológico de BuenosPanthera Aires Argentina Puma sp y Leopardus sp Brasil Oso AndinoMiembro profesional/IBAMA/WCS Tremarctos ornatus Argentina Oso Hormiguero Myrmecophaga tridactyla Argentina Fundación Temaikèn Venezuela Carlos Javier SilvaOso MeleroAVZA Myrmecophagidae Tamandua sp. Perissodactyla Tapiridae Tapir terrestre Tapirus terrestris Sirenia Trichechidae Manatí Trichechus manatus Genetic Resource Bank in Argentina Global crisis of biodiversity with species loss due to large-scale human population growth and exploitation of natural resources. Reduction in population size and isolation, creating new threats: - Lack of gene flow - Loss of genetic variability - Increase in inbreeding. Limitations of conventional breeding programs in conservation efforts Physical space Behavior Nutrition Genetic management Reproductive failure Health and wellness It calls us to maximize the utility of reproductive biotechnologies. Keeping variability indefinitely for future generations and exchanging genetic material between captive and wild populations. Semen, testicular tissue, ovarian tissue, oocytes, somatic tissue, cells, blood, serum, hair, leather, urine Advantage Maximize space, large number of species and individuals ... Each individual "survives" in time indefinitely ... Transport reproductive material and population management ... Reproductive Assistance Laparoscopy ET ICSI This makes it possible to overcome physical barriers, behavioral, geographic isolation, etc.. Genetic rescue GRB Regional Referring First births by Artificial Insemination in an Argentinean ZOO using frozen semen stored for more than two and a half years in the GRB. Muflón (Ovis ammon musimon) Sudamerican Felids Project Proyecto FELINOS SUDAMERICANOS DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER OF BIOTECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO CONSERVATION NATIVE WILDLIFE THREATENED This allowed us to install, at the zoo, a complete reproductive physiology laboratory. Reproductive Biotechnology Laboratory for Wildlife Conservation Agreement UBA – College of agriculture - ICSI in Cheeta and Tiger as model. - Cloning in Chita and Tiger as model. Development of the technique in not South American species but related of the same lineage. IVF in domestic cat ICSI Pantera pardus ICSI Cheeta - Cat GENERATION OF INTERSPECIFIC CLONED BLASTOCYSTS BY ZP-FREE NUCLEAR TRANSFER IN WILD FELIDS L. N. Moro, J. Jarazo, A. Sestelo, D. Salamone IETS (International Embryo Transfer Society) 2013 Agreement MACN- CONICET - BRG input samples for population analysis Maned wolf and Pampas deer. Maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachiurus) blood DNA extraction PCR Alelle analysis Agreement UBA – Veterinary College -Development in Fallow Deer - sperm metabolism, apoptosis, DNA status. - Transfer to the pampas deer. - Generation of graduate course (FVET-ZOO) and master's (2014 FVET). Capacitation and acrosome reacton induction on thawed Dama dama deer spermatozoa: glycine effect as cryopreservation diluent supplement Fernandez, Silvina; Sestelo, Adrian; Rivolta, Miguel and Cordoba, Mariana Zoológical Science (2013) Pampas deer Pampas deer UdeLaR - Uruguay - 6 years of work, 2 master (Uy), 1 minor thesis on DNA integrity (Ar). - Transfer of metabolism jobs from developed with C.Vet. CRIOPRESERVACIÓN DE SEMEN DE VENADO DE LAS PAMPAS (Ozotoceros bezoarticus): INTEGRIDAD DEL ADN ESPERMÁTICO POST - CONGELADO B. Ceballos, F. Beracochea, R. Sapiro, F. Skowronek, J. Gil, S. X. González-Pensado, A. Sestelo, R. Ungerfeld 9no Simposio Internacional de Reproducción Animal (2011) Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus) Pudú (Pudu puda) Birds: - Start 2011 with seminal extractions PCRAR group (ZOO). - Milvago chimango and owl as models. - Transferred to Crowned Eagle, the first time in the world that is obtained and frozen semen from the species. Morphometric and Morphologic Description of Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus) Spermatozoa: Development of a Suitable Freezing Protocol, Work in Progress. L.L. Goudard, *G. Wiemeyer, U. Balsa, M. Encabo, A. Capdevielle, A. Sestelo I Worldwide Raptor Conference (2013) Crowned Eagle (Harpyhaliaetus coronatus), sperm characterization. Agreement College Natural Sciences-CONICET -Project for obtaining semen from New World monkeys and spermatic coagulum disrupted by different techniques. - Tissue samples from BRG and new studies in aging in telomere and metaphase. - Used for evolution, evolutionary adaptation and population assignment. - Creating a service for ALPZA. Comparative sperm morphometry in Neotropical Primates Steinberg E.R.; Sestelo, A.J.; Lubary, B.; Lopez, L.; Mudry M.D. II Congreso Latinoamericano XV Congreso Brasileiro de Primatología (2013) CEBIDAE Morphology ATELIDAE Cebus libidinosus (CLI) Alouatta caraya (ACA) Ateles belzebuth (ABE) Cebus nigritus (CNI) Ateles chamek (ACH) Education The huge scope of action covering the projects is necessary to work in partnership with various national and international institutions such as: Nationals •- IByME, (Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental) •- Hálitus •- Estación Zoológica Experimental, Granja La Esmeralda, Santa Fe •- Jardín Zoológico y Botánico de La Plata •- Jardín Zoológico de la Ciudad de Córdoba •- Jardín Zoológico de Florencio Varela •- Jardín Zoológico de Batán •- Parque Zoológico La Máxima, Olavarría •- Zoo El Paraíso, Sierra de los Padres •- Reserva Experimental Horco Molle, Tucumán •- Reserva Fito – Zoológica Dr. Carlos Pellegrini, Tucumán •- Fundación de Historia Natural Félix de Azara •- Criadero de Fauna Silvestre ALGAR S. A. •- Facultad de Veterinaria, Agronomía, Exactas - UBA. •- Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” •- Mink’akuy Tawantinsuyupaq •- Plan Nacional de Conservación del Venado de las Pampas •- Plan de Conservación del Venado de las Pampas para la Provincia de Buenos Aires •- Plan Nacional de Conservación del Yaguareté •- Dirección Nacional de Fauna Silvestre •- Coordinación Nacional de Conservación de la Biodivesidad Internationals •- Universidad de Castilla, La Mancha, España •- Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, España •- Fundación Aquila, España •- Zoológico del Parque Metropolitano de Santiago, Chile •- Buin ZOO, Chile •- Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de la República, Uruguay •- ECFA (Estación de Cría de Fauna Autóctona), Uruguay •- ALPZA (Asociación Latinoamericana de Parques Zoológicos y Acuarios) Currently the GRB stored genetic material belonging 385 specimens representing 83 species. Exceeding 6,000 samples, including 3800 seminal doses, in addition to skin biopsy, fibroblasts, blood, serum, hair, seminal plasma, leather pieces, urine. These actions are oriented towards the creation of a Biotechnology Laboratory for Wildlife Conservation, as a center of scientific research and training in reproductive physiology of wildlife and National Reservoir of Wildlife Genetic Resources. Sustainability ... Where are we going? commitment, ethics, coherency ... Thanks..!