8. Gehause aufsetzen Raids Schrauben (2) fast


8. Gehause aufsetzen Raids Schrauben (2) fast
Murbangatte 6,1108 Wien
Tel 01/66006-0, Fax. 6800659
TEMFOLEC Internalronal os.
Routede Bisame 49
B-6530 Than
Tel. lignes)
Fax 071.590161
(Nr. 0770801)
(Nr 0770831)
ieibe so lange im Uhrzeigersinn drehen, bis die 24se und die 60-Minuten-Schsltschsibe die richtige Uhrigen, zum Beispiel 10.45 Uhr.
0-Minuten-Schaltscheibe drehen uber den Schalterstern
tacheibe zwangsl~ufig mit.
r~glage 60 minutes dans le sens des aiguiliss d’une
ale plateau 24 heures at le plateau de r~glage 60
mrs exacts (heure normale), 10h45 par example.
aude r~glage 60 minutes entrainent obligatoireire du croisillon, a plateau 24 heures.
8. Gehause aufsetzen
Raids Schrauben (2) fastdrehen und Klarsichtdeckel
8. Mise en place du boitier
Serrer lee deux via (2) et
emboiter Is couvercie
dial clockwise until 24-hour switch dial and 60icate the correct time (proper time) e.g 1045a.m.
the 60-minute switch dialautomatically turn the
the star wheel
8. Replace housing
Do up both screws (2) tightly
and press (it transparent
a 60 minutos en el sentido de las agujas del reloj
24 horse y el disco de 60 minutos indiquen a hors
), o sea laslO.45, por ejemplo.
de 60 minutos hacen girar tambi~n forzosamente —
a — al disco de 24 horse.
8. Colocaci6n de Ia caja
utac8o dos 60 minutos no sentidodos ponleiros oo
ode comutac6o dec24 horse so disco de
nutos apontem pars a hors corrects (tempo norh45 m.
2 de comutsc~o dos 60 mirsutos, por interm~dio da
• obrigam o disco de comutac~o des 24 horses
3. Coloca~io da blindagem
mdo di 60 minuti in senso orarlo finch~ ii disco della
nando del 60 minuti indichino lore esatta (Ore
ire 10.45.
to del disco di comando di 60 minuti tanno girare
riando positivamente I disco di comando di 24ore
8. Applicare Ia cassa
;hljt zo lang in de richting van de wijzers van hat
a 24-uren-schakelschijf en de 60-minutenuurtijd (normsaltijd) aanwijzsn, bijvoorbesld 10.46 uur.
an de 60-minutsn-schakelschitf drasien over de
n-schakelschijf automatiech mee.
8. Omhulsel opzetten
Beide schroevsn (2) vast-
sn vridss eS lange i b ~
, tills 24-timmars0 min~kopplingsskivsn anger dat riktiga klockelaget
30mm -kopplingaskivan vrrder bver kopplings24-timmars-kopplingaskivan
8. Kapan monteras pA
levy~ kV~nnet~in nun ksuan myotapaivsan, kunnes
yja 60-minustin-kylkentalevy osoittavat oikeata
8. Kotelon kiinnitys
~ik~5 e~in, kIn 1045.
tit pyorittavat automaettisssti
Atornillar bien los tornillos (2)
y poner a taps transparente
apretando sobre ella.
Apertar ambos ow parefusos
(2) a colocar stamps transparents, carregando.
Serrare saidamente entrambe
Is viti (2) a spingervi sopra I
coperchio transparente.
drasien en het doorzichtig
dekeel opdrukken.
B~da skruvsrna (2) vridss
fast och det genomakinliga
locket tryckes pa.
Molemmat ruuvit (2) kierretssn kiinnr is lapinakyv3 kansi
psinetmen psalle.
Dit Schaltuhrer stimmet mit det eurepwschet Richtlitiet 73/23/EWG (Niedersputsungtechtlrtie) utd t9/336/EWG ((MV Richtlinie) Ubemin. Werden
die Schaltubren mit onderet Gerdlen in titer Atlage verweodet St itt dorsal
us ocbtet dat die gesamle Aslage kate Funkttbrusg verursocht.
Let inlerruptears horuires sent centormes usa directives europeennes
731231CEE(directives baste tension) el 88/338,CEE (directites GEM). Sil lost
purtie d uneinstallation compertanl dautret appareils I lout veiller a ce grie
‘ensemble delinslallation ye gdnkre aucune perturbotron Vlectrtmagndtrque.
lasso Feral 6
28914 Leganes (Madrid)
Tel.: 01/6870022, Fax.: 6876616
Zone Industrielle dao Vignes
32 — 30 Rue Bernard
93012 Bobigny cddsx
The time switches ore in accerdonce with the Esropean drrectrveo 73/23/EEC
(Low-Voltage Direotme) and88/336 / EEC )EMC-DirOCtiue).lf thetime twitchet
are used leg ether mitt other devicts is on ittlallatiot take carethat thecomplete inotallatron doet not route a radio inerterence
Los isterruptores horariss rumples atdirecrivat comunirarras731231EWG (do
baja lessian) 89/336/EWG lperntrbacrttet eloctttmugnkticus) Si atinstalan
interrapteres beraries unto a atrts aparates elhctrrctt. debe comproborse
que el con)unte de a iootalocidn to produce interfereocrat.
Os interruptores hardrie atendem bt norm~o europeras 13/23/CEE (directiva
baits tesobo) e 89/336/GEE (directiva compatibilidade electromagsttica).
Se et itterrupteres hordrit torem empregadot em cuniuntocom tutrst aparelhas em oss inotalacbo bd de ateotar-se a que a rttlOlO(80 compicta ott
prsneqae ama interterknciu do radio
Gli rnterrtttari a tempo toot centarmi tile normotice eurspee 73i23/EWG
(norme per interratlori a baste tenoisor) a t9/336/EMV (EMV-norme) So gli
itterrutteri a tempo vengoso inttalloti in un impianto insiome ud altri opparecehi, 8 necenoorro veriticoro rho tanlo I impionto non preteuti alcan radledi
De Schakelklokket otemmen stereos cr01 00 europeese Richllilt 73/23IEWG
(Eaaggoponnisgoricbtliln) En 89/336 EWS )EMV Richtliln) Bil zutamen bate
vat schakelklokken met andere apparaten intel erop gelel warden dot bet
geheel voldtet aon de (MC Richtli)t voor Ernissie
Ktpplingsurel overeostlammer med dot Etispeiska aireetivet 73/23/EWG
(Ldgvoltsdirektivet LtJO) ech 89/338/EWG ((MC direktrvet) 3m Kopplingotret onvdndeotriltammans mod andra apparaterskull bela intrallatittenutlbras
ta atl radiostorningartorbrsdrao
Kellekytkimel Oval euroepparorsten direktrivien 73r23/ETY pienibsnitedirektilvi) a 89/336/ETY (sbhkdmagneeoinen yhrtensopivuus-direktiivi) mukaisia
Jos kellolrytkimib kbytetbbn maiden laitteiden kanssa laitteistosts, on huolebdittava olith, e0tei mikhbo laitteittetta aibeura radioharribth
ksrstr 29
CH-5302 Kloten
Tel. 01/8152233, Fax. 01/8152260
Hwndvwrkerbyen 67
2670 Grave
Tel 02/43908000, Fax 43690090
Foirgono Industrial
Virgen de Butarque
Tel 01/49159700, Fax. 48445761
Victory Park. 400 Edgware Road
London NVV2 END
Tel. 0181/4508944;
Fan: 0181/45251 43
20129 Milano
Tel. 02/7386141/2/3/4
Fax. 7386144
1309 Rod, Tel. (47) 67151400
Fax. 1471 67130785
Tel 010/4278500, Fax 010/4278882
cardoinduarteneves pt
BOX: Apartodo 52064
Tel: 351 21 754 1200
Fax: 351 21 7541208 / 9
Box 1203 18312 Taby
Tel. 08-56201100, Fax 08-7920654
Vartuniemankate 17
FL 114, 00210 Helsinki
Tel (09) 670 670, Fax 1091 670 410
Nr. 0770008
Nr. 0770033
a Abb. oben, sat die Schaltscheiben eutsetzsn 550 bis zum Ererestes tact
a) RAgler Is Plateau 60 minutes eur une valeur indAterminBe en a tournant dens
a sans des siguilles dune montre; lee cavaliers (1) at lea talons ds manosuvre
(2) doivent as Ortaver en-dehors dale zone dengrtlment du croisillon (3)
h) Placer a plateau rAglage 24 heurec cur une valeur dau moms use heure avant
Iheure effective, 9 heures par example, en present sum de a rAgler cur Iheure
c) Tourner a plateau de reglage 60 minutes dane a sans des siguilles dune
montre, juequ’A ce qua Is plateau 24 haures at Is plateau de rAglage 60
minutes indiquent Iheure exacte (heure normale), 10h45 par example.
Lea cavaliers du plateau de rAglage 60 minutes entrainent obligatoirsment, par lintermAdisire du croisillon, a plateau 24 heuree.
7. Setting time
Setting example 10.45 a m.
a) Turn 60-minute switch dial clockwise to required time, making sure that the
switch tappet (1) and switch nose (2) are outside the contact zone of the star
wheel (3).
b) Set 24-hour switch dial at one hour before the correct time at least, a g 9a.m.,
and alwayson the full hour
c) Turn 60-minute switch dial clockwise until 24-hour switch dial and 60minute switch dial indicate the correct time (propertime) a g. 1045a.m.
The twitch tappets ofthe 60-minute switch dial automatically turn the
24-hour switchdial vie the star wheel.
7. Ajuste de Ia hare
Ejemplo de ajuate:
10.45 horse
a) Girar at disco de 60 minutos, ansi sentido dales agujas del reioj, ala hors que
as desee; al hater silo, lee clavijas (1) y lee narices (2) tienen qua ester tuars
dais zone de engrane dale estreila (3).
b) Poser el disco de 24 horse por It menos uns hors adelantada ala hora
corrects — slav 9. por ejemplo —, pert ala hors complete.
c) Oar vueltee al disco de 60 minutos en el sentido de lee agulas del relo)
haste que el disco de 24 horse y el disco de 60 minutos indiquen Is hors
corrects (hors normal), tees las 10.45, por elemplo.
Las clavijas del disco de 60 minutos hacen girar tambidn forzocamente —
por medlo de a estrelis —al disco de 24 horse.
a) Rodar o disco de comuteeBo dos 60 minutos no sentido do movimento doe
ponteiros do reldgio e colocd-lo num tempo qasiquer; os cavaleiros (1)eas
axtremidades (2) devem situar-se fore da zona de actuac8o da estrela de
comutec8o (3)
h) Colocar o disco din comutagAo dec24 horse pelo menos ums horsanteede hors
ctrrecta (nec 9h,p ax) a sums pocionlo qua corresptnds a ums htra mt airs.
cj m-iooer
o oreco
dos 60 minutos nosentido doe ponteiros
~ comutagnlt
relnlgit etA qua o disco de comutagAt das 24 horse e a disco de
comutagat dos 60 minutos spont em pars a hors corrects (tempt normel), por exemplo, 10h45 m.
Oscavaleiros do disco de comutacAt dos 60 minutos, por intermAdit da
estrela de comutac8o, obrigam o disco de comutacAt das 24 horse a
7. Regolare tars
Esempic di regolezione
dre 10.45
a) Ragulare ii disco di ctmando di 60 minuti in senet orario ad unors a piacere,
i corsoi di comando (1) ad i nasetti di comando (2) decono aesere disposti all
esterno delis zone di contatto dells stalls di comando (3).
h) Regolare ii dieco di comando di 24 ore ad unors aimeno prima dellora asatta,
par esampit ails oreS, cioB ad ore inhere.
c) Girare ii disco di comando di 60 minuti in eanso orarit tinchd ii disco dells
24ores ii disco di comendo dei 60 minuti indichino lore esatta (ore
locale), per seempit ore 10.45.
I coreti di collagamanto del disco di comando di 60 minuti tanno girars
tramite a stalls di comando positivamente ii disco di comando di 24 ore.
7. Uurtijd instellen
Instelvoorheald 10.45 aur
a) 60-minuten-schakelechef in da richtingvan da wijzers van hat uurwerk op sen
willekearige tijd stalian, daarbij moeten de cchakelruitertjas (1) en echakelneuzen (2) buiten hat ingreephereikvan de echakaleter (3) zijn
h) 24-ures-schakelechiif om tenminete een aur voor dejuiete uurtijd, hijetorheeld
9 uur, en wel op hat voile uur etelien.
c) 60-minuten-echakelcchijf zo lang in de richting sands wijzare van hat
aurwerk drasien, tot da 24 uren-schskeiechijf ends 60-minutenschekelechijf de luiete uurtijd (normssitijd) aanwijzen, hijvoorheaid 10.45 sur.
Os echskeiruitertjes sands 60-minuten-echskelechijf drasien over de
echakeleter de 24-uren-schakelechijt automatiech mae
7. Tiden stalles in
Exempal pA inetailning
kiockan 10.45
a) 60min-kopplingeekivan etBiles i ureissrriktning pAsalOn Old, darvid mAsts
kopplingeltlparns (1) och koppiingemedbringarne (2) befinna aig utastdr
kontaktomrAdet pB kopplingsstjnlrnan (3).
h) 24-timmare-kopplingoskivan otnliles pA minet en timme fore dat riktiga
klockeisget, t. ax. pA ki. 9, nnlrmare heatamt pA hal timme.
7. Kellanajan
kit 10.45
a) 60-minuutin-kytkest
sissy kBnlnnetBAn
esmalla on kytkentaluiatin
(1) is kytkenoanokan
tarthumisalusen ulkopuolella.
h) 24-tunnin-kytkentalevy asetatean sites, atta as osoittas tuntis ennan tikeata
nikan ~
kin g:ksi: sins tOssi tuntisika.
c) 6Er n.-koppiingeskivsn snides es lOngs i
)A~Thktningen, fflT&24~fimmarekopplingeskivan och 60 min-kopplingeekivan anger dat riktiga kiockelaget
(normaltiden) t.ax. ki.10.45
Kopplingeloparna pA 60 min-kopplingeskivan vrider over kopplingsetfttrnan as OvAng med 24-timmars-kopplingeskivan.
c) ~
a (No
de conmutecir5n: 1 hors.
realo de conmutacirhn: 2 minutos.
7. Ajustamenta da hare
Exemplo: 10 h 45 m
a; tempo minimo entre dose comutapSee conoecetivas: 1 hors
tempo minimo eatre dues comutaQ6es conescutivas: 2 minutos
he moarri di lyon. sad figure a alto osi diochi di comando a
24 ore, intervallo di collegameslo piu curIo 1 ore.
60 minatr, inuervalit di collegemento Fib corto 2 minuti
ith. hoses op de schakelachrjsen zattan as tot hal inhakan sear
chakeletotand 1 our.
tste schekelatsteod 2 minutes
edhringaren stat, se hg upptill och tryckes ted tills den rattan
ste kopplingsavsttlnd 1 timme.
teats kopplingoasslAnd 2 minuter
kelso kuvee ylhBoe, kytkentBlevyills a painetean
1 tunti
(Nr. 0770801)
(Nr. 0770831)
7. Reglage de l’heure
Example de rAglage 10 h 45
vitching interval 1 hoer.
in switching interval 2 minutes.
corn a extremideds pars fore, exercendo presoBo pars heist
c) 60-Minuten-Schaltecheibe so lange im Uhrzeigersinn drehen, his die 24Stunden-Schaltecheihe und die 60-Minuten-Schsltecheibe die richtige UhrZeit (Normalzert) anzeigsn, zum Berspiel 10.46 Uhr
Die Schaltreiter der 60-Minuten-Schaltecheihe drehen bher den Schalterotern
die 24-Stunden-Schaltschaiha zwangslnlufig mit.
tarsal minimal entre at manosusres 2 minutes.
ha) - at los discos en las horse do conmutacr6n quo so desean,
a) 60-Minuten-Scttsltecheibe im Uhrzeigersinn sud beliebigeZert stellendabsi
mbssen die Schaltreiter (1) und Schaltnasen (2) auBerhaib dam Bingritishereich des Schalters (3) sam.
h) 24-Stunden-Schaltocheihe am mindestens sine Stunde vor der richtigen
Uhrzeit, zum Beispiel auf 9 Uhr, und zwar aut die voile SOunds etellen.
otervelle minimal entre lee manoeovree 1 heure.
sediagram above) on the owitchdials and press domamerds
7. Uhrzeiteinstellen
Etnetellbeispiel 10.45 Uhr
Schaltahetand 1 Stands.
inchaltehetend 2 Minutes.
o at en saillent a ce qua a talon soit dirigtl tars l’atterieur (stir tigure ds
6. Schaltzeitemnstellung
Schaltreiter bel don gewiinochten Scheltzeiten mit der Nasa sash eutlen, siehe Abb.then, aut die Scheltacheihen aulsetzen und his zum Bisres
soles drucken.
Schaitreitar rot - Best.- No.934 3 246 tar 24-Stunden-Schalrechaihe, ki.irzaster Schaitabstand 1 Brenda.
Schaitreiter grits - Best.-Nr,934 3 261 (hr 60-Minuten-Schelrvcheibe, krirzester Scheltebsland 2 Minutes.
6. PIecer a cavalier saris plateau de regiega, en a disposent tsr iheure ddsirtle at en seillent a ce qua a talon self dirigd ears lexterisar (stir tigx
heut). Rouster a cavalier sers a bee iseque ce quil o vsgtga
Gasalier rouge - N~ de ret. 934 3 246 - pour a plateau do regiags 24 heurso; istarselle minimal snare lee wanosesres 1 heure.
Cavalier vert - N~ do rht. 934 3261 - pour a plateau do rhgiago 80 minutes; interval minimal antra at mesosusree 2 minutes.
6. Setting the switching time
Piece twitch leppate al required switching times with noes lacing outwards (see diegrew shove) on the switchdiais and press downwards
until they snap in,
Red switch tappet - Order No. 934 3 246 - for 24-hoar twitch aisi, minimum switching interval 1 hour.
Green ainitch teppet - Order No. 934 3 281 - for 60-minute twitch dial, minimum switching interval 2 minutes.
6. Regulacion de los tiempos de conmutaci6n
Colocar las clavijas - con aneriz mirando hecia steers (vol tigure do mdc arriba) - en los discos en lee horse do conmutecids qua so daseen,
y hacer preside hecia ebeje heats qua angatillen,
Clavija roje - n~ da pedido 934 3 246 - pare disco do 24 borax; manor intervelo de coomatecibn: 1 hors.
Clavije verde - n~ da padido 934 3 201 - pare disco do 60 mmdcx; manor intersalo do conmatacios: 2 minutes.
6. Ajuatamento do tempo de comutag6o
Sobre to discos do comatepac. colocer sos tempos pratendides os cessleiros cow e extremidede pare tore, exercendo pravoat pare heist
ash encaixaraw
Caveleiro vermeiho - Ret.: 934 3246 pare o disco do comsteqho has 24 bores; tempo miniwe ontre dues comatepbes consecatissa: 1 hors
Casaleiro verde - Ret.: 934 3 261 pars o disco do cemataqdo des 60 minutes; tempo miniwo entre dues comuteptlos cossecutissa: 2 minutes
~ Regolazione del tempo di commutazione
Sopreporra I corsti di comando si tempi di cemmataziono aesroereti a 5550 cha moetri di (son, sad. figure in alto, osi diechi di comando a
premarli in basso tinchd innestino a scene.
Gorsoit cli comendo rosso - No. dordine 934 3 248 per ii disco di cowando a 24 ore, intervello di collegawento pins certo 1 ore.
Corsoit di comendo verde - No. derdine 934 3 281 per ii disco di cemeode di 60 misuti, intervallo di collegamente pitt corto 2 minsti.
6. Schakeltijdtnstelling
Schekalraitertjes hi) do gewenote scbakeltijden mat do nest saar buites, zie atE, boson, op do schakaiaetijvan zettes en tot hot shaken seer
benedes drukkes.
Schakeiraitereje rood - Bseteinr.934 3 248 veer 24-uras-ochakeltchijt. kotota achakeletatand 1 aur.
Schakeiruitertje groan - Bestelnr.934 3 281 voor 60-minxten-schskeischijt, kortetaschekalststend 2 winston.
6. Kopptingstidinstaltning
Kopplisgellipares sBttae pa koppiingsskivorne vid onoked Sopplingatid wad madhringaren utdt, so fig. upptill och tryckex ned tills den ratter
in i spArot.
Kepplingslopere rOd - heat. nr, 934 3 246 tSr 24-trmmars-keppiingsekisa, kortasto kopplingssvstdnd 1 tlmme,
Kopplingelbpere grbn - heat. Cr .934 3 261 fOr 60-misatOrt-ktpplingsakiva. kortaste kopplingoevotAnd 2 wmnutar.
6. Kyfkenteajan
Toivomukoen mukaisilia
kytkantdaieillO shadetty kytkvOtii.iuixti asetetean nokka ulosphin, kerso kuvee ylhena, kytkontbiasyilla is painetean
ales lukitukosen esti.
Panainen kytkinttlaisti - tilausnamert 934 3 246 24-tanninontalevyx
in kyskoosSere 1 tush.
Vihree kythonttlaisti tilausnamere 9343 261 60-minuatitvytl vs
a kytkenteare 2 minsultia.
Fr 77n
Fr /i,)
FYi 16(2,5)A, 250 V—
IP 20 nach EN 60529
Sicherheifahinweis: Der Anachiutl and die Montage alektrischer GerSte dtrten nur durch nina Elektrotachkratl ortoigon.
Elogrilfo sad Vernlndorungon em GerOf tOhren zum Erlclechas
dos Gsrantiassspruches Ore nafionalon Vorecheihon sod die
)eworis galtiges Sicherheitsbesfimwunges sind ze heschfen.
Reglements doaecurite: La branctemont otis montage dsppereils Olectriques no pouvont Afro eftectues quo per doe nbctricions qualities Touts modificationos interventiot feite aur lappereil provoque lennulafion do a garantre Los prescriptions
nefitnalot atlas prescriptions concornest asnlcurifd dens vet ro
1. Daten prufen
Motorapannung = Nafzepennung
Schaitlaistung nicht Dberschraitan
1.Verifier lee dannees
Tension du moteur =
Tension dalimantation du r6seau
Ne pBs axAder a pouvoir de
sass sent ~
2. Mantieren
Am Carat Klarxrchtdeckel (11 absahmen Schreuban 12) does.
Gehnlusa (3) ebnehmen Grundplstte aut abaser Unteriega
durch die drel Befaetigungebohrusgan (4) fastechreuban.
Umgabusgstemparalur fur hohe Lebenedaser
2. Mantage
DAmosler a couvercia transparent (1) de lapparail. Oeeserrar
lea vie (2) DAmonter a corps (3). Fixer a plaque do base eur us
support plan, en istroduisant lee vie dane lee trole per9sges do
fixation (4). La temperature ambiante a plus avantageuse pour
lobtontits dune longue durAe de via vane astre —100C at +500
Safety information: Electrical devices should oniy he conna
fed and mounted by as eloctricel specialist. Menipulationo end
mediticetrons on rho switch will result in loss of warrenty. The
nationalspecitications and applicablesafety regulations mutt he
Intormacion de aeguridad: Los eperafes sitlerricos debon sor
conectedos sOlo por an insfalador alactriciste Manipulacrones
o moditiceciones en los aparatos osponon a enulecinlo do a
garentia Dehen respotarse lea norman nacroneles y especiticacionos do soguridad.
Aviso do aeguranga: A liga~Ao a a montegem do aparaihos
electrices ad podom oar reelizados per am tdcnico espocislizado. intersanpOes aaiterepSos nospareiho reseltam ne pords do
direito A garanfia F precise steerereon reguiementos nacionois
o As proscrigOes de seguranpe em vigor.
Indicazioni per a sicurezza elettrica: LinstallozionO ad II 001-
logamento devonno essers otletfueti de us elsttricista specializzeto. Menonrissloni o modifiche eliepparatchie stosso tense
am ohs a garanzie decade. Oservere a normative nationslo
vigonto is material.
as elek-
sasi gelnon ins
o mordoneastman.
Jr loidor, .~, hotvervelten vando
1. Camprabar datos
Tansi6n del motor=
Tension da a red
Potencia de rupture no
1.Verifica~a das caracteristicas
TensAt do motor =
Tenetlo da reda
NAt ultrapsecar a capacidada
do rupture
1. Contrallare I dati
lansione del motora =
tensione di rate
non euperare ii potere di rottura
La raccordamant so fail suivant lee schAmen
do raccordamest en haul at daprAs 5.
Uhorioge fonctionna dAs a wise stun tension;
contrnliie do fonctionnement (5).
to the circuit diagrams above and under 5.
The clock movementstarts immediately it in
connected to the power supply
Check operation (5)
2. Mantaje
Guitar del apereho a taps transpareste (1) Seller los torsillos
(2). Guitar a caja (3). Atornillar bias laplace debase, sobre use
euperticie plans, por sue tree agujaros do su~eci6s (4).
Temperature ambieste mAn convenienta pars use large
duracinln: —100...+500C.
2. Montagem
Retirar stamps frasaperaste (1) do aperelho Ossepertar os
peretusos (2). Retirar a blmndegem (3). Aparafusar a piece do
base horizontelmesta, utilizando os trAs forts do fixaqAt (4)
Temperature mama adequads pare urns longs vida ....... + 50~G
L Mantare
Togliare ellappareochit ii coparchie fransparesta (1). Allentare
a viti (2). Soilevara a ecetole (3). Avvitara saldemente a piastre
di eupporto as us sostegno piano ettravarso i Ore tori di
tiseagglo (4). Temperature ambiente plO tevoravole per uselta
durets -10~. .. +50CC.
2. Manteren
3. All.
ii Cd a
a JasasslulHat uurwark
5..earr~iuitisg op
4. Bedienlir
Op de 24
pleat WIn
worden C.
tan f~r ej ovarekridss
breve du
lining 57 ntlleptlnning
undo a
ide 5
ova iii:
The hour
be wads
swiech di
the 60-ni
Schroeven (2) losmakan. Omhulsei (3) atnames Grondplaat op
platte onderisag door do dna beveetigisgsborisgan (4)
vastzzschroevas. Gunstigate omgevingntemparstuur voor eon
hogs ievaneduur ~
rr sCsi
4. Functian
tidad con its
Van hat appersat hat doorzichtiga dakeel (1) at semen
1. Gegevens proeven
Motorspanning 57 netepanning
Schakeicapacitait niet
4. Fanctian
A luqunilt
RAgler, at
des 4mit
The timer is to be connected up according
Remove transparent cover (1) on timer. Undo screws (2).
Remove housing (3). Screw base plate firmly to a level bass
through three fastening holes (4). The most favourable ambient
temperature for a long service life is from — 1O~to + 50~ C
1. Check data
Motor voltage = mains voltage
Do not excead switch capacity
4. Funktian
Aut dor 2
3. Raccordement
3. ~anflSCtIflgUp
2. Fitting
3. Anachllellen
Oss Anachlienlon erlolgt gamnOdan AnachislSbilcorn oben und 5 Bei Montage aufleidAhiger Usterage St dieso wit dam Schutzleiter ze verbindan.
Oss Uhrwerk lash sotort nech Spssnungsssschlu8
en, Laulkontrolle (5).
ar enlgt fig. uppfrll
eher dvt at spAs(5)
iv as rn natetrom3 mr,rr
4. Funktion
PA 24-ti
Q KOhian
Der grune Scheltrerter euf der 60-Misules-Schailschoibe bestimmt die Osuer dar Abtauung.
Bin odar rnahrere rota Schaltreitar suf der 24-Stundan-Scheltschaibe bectimmes die Uhrzait,
bai dar die Abteuusg bagisnas soil.
4. Fanctiannentent
Prdcdlactionner, sur a plateau 24 heures, iheure
A laquelie doivest Atre Arnie lee contacts
RAgiar, our a plateau 60 minutes, lee temporrestios
den Arniscions do contacts
5. Symbales
Q Refroidiasemant
Lencaseliern sorts disposds aur a plateau de rdglaga 60 minutes dottarmise a durda du ddgisraga.
Us ou piuclaurs casaliars rougas disposdt sur a plateau da rdglage 24 haures ddterminest ihaure
A lequalia dolt commascar a ddgisraga.
3. Liga~ia
A tgagao da maquina etectus-se da acordo
corn as gravuras scims a 5, a elm respeitentee.
0 mecanismo de relotgio astra em tuncionsmenlo imadiatamente spots a coloce9Bo
sob tenedo; controlo de funciosamanto (5).
4. Funcianamenta
No disco da comutaGdt correspondasta An 24 hares
do die, selecciena(m)-ee praviernasta a(s) hors(s)
a quo os curtos confactos as devem fazer.
No disco da comutaGnlt corn a indicatnlo dos 60 minutes, ajustam-sa os tempos dos costactos curtos.
II coilagemenfe si eftettue secondo a figure
dailecciemasto in alto a secondo 5.
II movimanto ad orologerie si awls immadiefemante dopo ii coilagamanto dells
tensiosa. controilo dells marcia (51.
3. Aansluiten
Nat aeseluiten gobeurt volgase do ssnsluitisgnefbaaldingan hoses as 5. Hat uurwark
komt dsdelijkna do epanningsssnnluitisg op
gang, loopeontrole(S)
4. Funzianamenta
Al disco di comando a 24 oro viena prosalezionata
lore (Ia ore) in cui davono aftattuersi i contetti di
breve durata. Al disco di comendo dei 60 minuti si
ragolano i tampi di costetto bravi.
3.Anslutning Anniatningen sker anligo fig. uppoili
och 5 Urserkef starter genest otter dot at spannisgen koppisto till, idpkontroil 15).
Observerat Uref skail ttlrogan as en nAtotrtlmstAllare. (Konfsktavntsndet Br < 3 mm).
4. Funktian
PA 24-timmars-kopplisgeekivan vaitee timmen
(timmerna) i fbrvBg, dA kortkontaktgivsisgarns
bdr ske PA 60-rnisutar-koppiisgeskivan inotdiles
4. Taiminta
24-tunsin-kytkantdievyilA valitass etukAtean tush(tussit) elks,joilois lyhylkosaktlan pitAnl systynl.
60-minuutis-kylkestttlavylitt edBdetBds
Es at disco da 24 horan so presalacciosa ahors
(horse) en qua dabas tenor luger ion cierree de
contacto braves
En 01 disco do 60 minutes sa gradclsn Ion tiampon
do costecto braves
4. Bediening
Op do 24-uren-echekalechimf wordt hat uur (uren)
gakozas, op diode korte contactdosissen zuliss
pleetevindes. Op da 60-minutes -schskaischijf
wordes do korte contecttijdas isgasteid.
5. Schaltbilder
4. Functian
The hour (hourn), at which the short contacts are to
ha mede, clara fobs preselected on the 24-hour
switch dial The short contact times are salon
the 60-minute switch dial.
3. Kytkenta KylkentAtspshfaa kylkentakeesitidon
yIhaAllA sakeS. mukaiseeti Asentamoila sirtssjohtaveile sluefaile on tarnd yhdisfettBvB ssojajohtimean Keliornekenismi Inlhtea kByntiin hati AnnitekvtkennBs iBikeen, kdyntitarkestus 151.
4. Funklian
Aufder 24-Stundes-Scheitschaibs wird die Slunde
(Stundas) vorgewAhit, za dar die Kurzkontaktgeban
artolgen soften. Auf der 60-Minutsn-Scheitschaiba
wardendie Kurzkontsktzeites aisgest alit.
3. Gannecting up
The timer is to be connected up according
to the circuit diagrams above and under 5.
The clock movement starts immediately It is
connected to the power supply
Check operation (5).
3. La conexids no hace do contormidad con lee
esquemes da cosexittis do arriba y 5.
El macsnismo do marcha arrence as al scot
use vez hache a conaxiots ala leneids,
control do marcha (5).
2 tOwn
3. AnsohiteBen
Oss Ancchiie8en ertolgo garnetden Asachiuflhildarn than and 5. Bel Montage eutlaiddhigor Unterage of disee wit dern Schutzleitor zu verhinden.
Oss Uhrwerk Butt sofort seth Spannusgassnohiut
an, Lsufkontroiie (5)
3. Raccardement
La reccordemest as fart survast lee echotman
do raccordemest en haut at deprds 5.
Uhorloga fonctiossa dAn famine nose tension.
controtie de fonctiossamant (5).
Fr 77r
5. Circuit diagram
Q Cooling
The groan ewitch tappet on the 60-minute switch dial determines the duration of defrosting procans.
Oss or more red switch tappets on the 24-hour switch dial determine the time at which tha
defrosting process is to begin.
5. Simbales
Q Refrigerer
Laclavita verde anal disco de 60 misutos determine al tiampo do dureciots do a descongeiaciotn.
Use ovaries ciavijee rojas en atdisco do 24 horan determines a horses quo dabs cornenzar a
Oar arste gross Schaitre,t~r a~
die Osuar der Abtauzeit, der cc
Einscheltverztlgarung den Von
Le premier cavalier vart ,.ur a
durde du ddgisrage; a deuxidr
denclenchament do ventilate
Tha first green switch tappet o
duration of the defrosting pen
mines the time lag before vent
E~ Vastiledor
La primers clevija verde en xl
del liampo do dascosgeiscion
reterdo de Is puanta en marcho
Q Retrigerar
0 celsaleiro verde do disco de comuteoBo dos 60winston determine a duracAt de dencosgale9Ao.
Urn ou mais ceselairos vermaihos so disco da comulacAt corraspondanten ~s24 horse do die
determisam shores qua a deecongala9do dose corna9ar
E~ Ventilador
0primeiro cevalairo verde no
missa durecdt do proce. xc d
determine o ratardamesto do
Q ratfeddarnanto
II coroolodi comendo verde eul disco di comando a60 minuti etabilisca a durste dello shrinamanto.
Uso o pitt corcol di comendo roesi eul disco di comando a24 ore determinant lore in cul dave
iniziars it ebrinamento.
ii primo cc
5. Schakelafbeeldingen
Q Koales
Hal grossa achakeiruitertje op do 60-rninutes-cchskalschitf bepasit do duur van do aldooling.
Eon of veracheidess rode schakelruitartjeo op da 24-uren-echakalschijf bapsies do uurtijd, op die
do afdoooisg moat baginnan.
Hat err
5. Kapplingsschemata
Q Nedkylning
~ Upplining
Den grdss kopplingnloparan pA 60-misuters-kopplingeskivan beetAmmer hur lAng upplisisgen
ekall vera.
be- si
Es allarflers kopplisgelttpara pA24-timmare-kopplisgnnkivas bastttmmertiden dAupptisinganekeil bdj~ lttpai
5. Kytkentakaaviat
Q JBBhdytys
Vihrea kylkostAluisti 60-mmsuutin-kytkanldlevyilBmeerdd nuletlusajan.
Ykni tei uceammat kylkastAluietit 24-tusnis-kytkentalevylltt mABrABsAI kailoselen, bIbs sulewi,~oii
pitas aikas.
5. Simbalas pars a
5. Schemi
0 iii
S 20,5
Oar ames gri3ns Scheitrarter auf der 60-Misutes-Schsifscheibe bastimrnt
die Osuer dar Abtauzeit, der zwaita grime Schaltrailer beetimmt die
Eisschaitverzdgerusg des Vantiletors.
L~I1 Ralais
r5~ Thermostat
Oar arab grimne Scheltrartor euf dar 60-Minuten-Scheitnchaiba
bastimmt die Osuer doe impuiekostaktas, z.B. 2 Minutes.
Oar zweite greise Schaltrartar beetimmt die Sicharhaifezeit.
Las cavaliers varte disposes our a plateau do rotglegs 60 minutes dottarmise a durBe du dAgieraga.
Uses piuslaurn cavaliers rougandispocAs our a plateau de rAgiega 24 heuras dAtarmisest ihaura
A laqualla dolt commancar a ddgivrsge.
La premier cavalier sort our a plateau do rAglaga 60 minutes dAtermine a
durAe du dAgivrago; a dauxidma cavalier sarI dAtermino a temporisalion
dancianchemest du vent listaur
k,— Preesosfat
r’~-’ Thermostat
La premier cavalier vart sur a plateau do reglaga 60 minutes dAtermine a durde du contact dAmiesion dimpuisitne, 2 minutes per
example. La dauxiAme cavalier vert ddtermina a tampa do securitA.
Q Cooling
The green switch tappet on the 60-minute twitch dial determines the duration of defrosting process.
Oss or more red switch tappets on the 24-hour switch dial determine the time at which the
defrosOing process in to begin.
The first green switch tappet oaths 60-minute switch dial determines the
duration ofthe defrosting period, the second green switch tappet determines the time lag before ventilator is switched on.
E~ Relay
The first groan switch tappet on the 60-minute switch dial determines
the duration of the impulse contact, e.g 2 minutes.
The escond gross switch tappet determines the safety period.
~ Abtasen
Oar gross Scheitreitar auf der 60-Minutes Scheilnehaibe bsntirnmt die Osuar der Abtasung.
Cm odor mehrera rota Scheitreitar auf dsr 24-Stunden-Schaitechaibe best immen die Uhrzeit,
hal der die Abtasung bagisnes coil.
i~i4 :;
E~ Ventilator
La primers ciavije verde en 01 disco do 60 minutes dotermine a duracrots
del tiampo do deecosgalecids; a sagunde clevija verde determine at
rat erdo de a puasfa en merche del vent fader
r’’—’ Termdsteto
La primers devils verde as al disco da 60 minutes determine a
durecids del contacte do impulse; per abempie: 2 minutes.
La segunde clevi~e verde determine al tiampo do seguridad.
0 celvelairo verde do disco da comuta9do dec60 misuton determines durecAt da daecongeis9Ao.
Urn Os mais cavalsiros varmeihos so disco da comula9Ao correspondent as ~s24 hores do die
detarmisem shores qua a descongaie9Ao dove comacar
0 primeiro ceveleiro verde so disco do comutecAt dec 60 minutes determine a dura9Ao do procecee do descesgaie9do; o segundo cavelairo verde
determine o retardemento do isicie do fuscionemasto do vaslilador
O primeiro cevalairo verde no disco de comutagdt dos 60 minutes
deterwina a durs9Bo do costecto parse impuino, p.00. 2 minutee.
O segundo cavalaire verde determine o tempo da soguraspa.
Q raffeddemento
II coreolo di comando verde cul disco di comendo a60 minutietebiliece a durata deilo ebrisemento.
Untophi coreol di cornando ronsi sul disco di comendo a24 ore determinant lore is cul dove
iniziara It ebrinamante.
ii prime corsoit di comando verde sul disco di comando di 60 minuti
stabilisce a durete del tempt di ebrinernento, ii secondo corsoitdi
comando verde datermisa II rilardo d’ineerziosa del ventilatora.
Q Koelas
Hot groasa schakelruilartje op do 60-misutas-echakelschrtf bapselt do duur van do efdeeiing
Ean of verochaidasa rode echekelruitertjss op do 24-uran schekaiechijf bapalas da uurtijd, op die
de efdooiisg moat bagissen.
Hat aerste groans schekelruitortje op do 60-mmnuten-achskalechrjf bapselt
de duur von de afdooitijd, hat tweada grease schekalruitertje bapseit da
inechakaivertregisg van da ventilator
La clevije verde an el disco da 60 minutos determine al tiampo de duraciots dole descongalaciots.
Use ovaries clavijes rojes an al disco do 24 horas determines a horses quo dabs comenzar a
© Vantiledor
~s pare a
~ Upptrsing
f~ Ventilator
Oas fdrste gidne koppiingnidparas pA 60-misutarc-koppirngsskrvas
Oen grdna koppiingsloperas pA 60-mrnutems-koppiisgeskivan bantttmmer hur lAng upptisingan
skeil vera.
beetBmmsr hur lAng upplisinges skail sara, den endra grbsa kopplingsEs aliarfiorskopplisgcidpara pA24-trmmsrv-kopplingsekivan beetBmmartidandAupptiningen ekeil bdrjs. ibpsran beetBmmer hur lAng vantliaterse inkoppiisgcfdrdrbjning skeil vera.
Ii prime corcoit di cornando verde sul disco di cornando di 60 misuti
determine a durate del contelto dimpuiso, p OS 2 minuti
II eacendo comnoit di cornend verde determine II tempt di cicurazze
kr-yr Preseostet
r’~—’ Thermostat
Hot earsto greens schakeiruitartje op da 60-mrsuten-echakalachrtf
bapasit do duur sen hat impuiscontect, by. 2 minutes.
Hat tweede grease echekalruitertje bepeelt da vaiirghaidstrjd.
Des brats grrhsa kopplisgeltlperan pa 60-minufers-keppIrsgaskrvan
bestdmmer impulskontskte
t. ax 2 misufer.
Oen andre grOss kopplisge
hnnrttmmer eAkerhatotides.