Ladies First Choice


Ladies First Choice
Ladies First Choice
(727) 535-4446
1-888-301- 4404 Toll Free
18746 U.S. Hwy. 19 N - Clearwater, FL 33764
Well, do you believe it is already the fall
season? Where has the time gone? Seems
we were just taking down the Christmas
lights from the house last weekend, and
now we are thinking about the upcoming
holiday season.
October is breast cancer awareness
month. We are featuring articles in this
Newsletter that focus on women’s issues
rather than household tips. This year,
Ladies First Choice will be joining the
American Cancer Society’s “Making
Strides Against Breast Cancer.” We are a
sponsor and participant for this year’s
event. Please join us as a team member
for a three mile non-competitive fundraising walk. It all begins on Saturday,
October 19, 2013 at the Vinoy Park in
downtown St. Petersburg. Registration
begins at 8:00 a.m. and the walk begins at
9:00 a.m. For more details see page 2.
Our free bra offer with your next fitting
(prosthesis and two bras) has received
such a fantastic response that we will continue through December to offer free the
Almost U 1260 Lace Bandeau Bra (a $55
value) on your next fitting. The Almost U
1260 is one of our best selling bras and is
available in a variety of colors, so please
take advantage of this offer on your next
fitting. Come visit our boutique or, if you
prefer, have an in-home fitting at no
charge to you.
We continue to provide a diverse selec-
Established 1985
FALL 2013
For the October Cancer Awareness
tion of swim suits in our boutique. Florida
offers year round sea and pool activities and
Newsletter, we are reprinting a sweet
we want you to look and feel your best. So
story that first appeared in our Fall 2011
please visit us and see our bathing suit
Newsletter. So many of you have requestselection.
ed that we again print the Attitude story.
Ladies, thank you for the support you have
given Ladies First Choice for the past twenATTITUDE
ty-eight years. Please follow us on our webThere
was a woman who woke
site, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages.
We will continue to strive at being your first up one morning, looked in the mirror,
and noticed she had only three hairs
choice in the selection of your mastectomy
on her head. 'Well,' she said, 'I think
apparel and accessories.
I'll braid my hair today.' So she did
and she had a wonderful day.
The next day she woke up, looked in
the mirror and saw that she had only
Buy one new 2013 Swim Suit
two hairs on her head. 'H-M-M,' she
at a 10% discount and you can get
said, 'I think I'll part my hair down
a 25% discount on a 2nd suit from
the middle today.' So she did and she
had a wonderful day. The next day she
our Special Rack.
woke up, looked in the mirror and
noticed that she had only one hair on
November 2nd Birthday
her head. 'Well,' she said, 'today I'm
If this is your birthday and you are a
going to wear my hair in a pony tail.'
Ladies First Choice customer, you just
So she did and she had a wonderful
won a $10 COUPON
day. The next day she woke up, looked
in the mirror and noticed that there
wasn't a single hair on her head.
Refer a New Customer
she exclaimed. 'I don't have to
And receive a $10
today!' Attitude is everyPublix Gift Card
thing! Be kinder than necessary, for
everyone you meet is fighting some
kind of battle. Live simply, Love gen“Making StridesAgainst Breast Cancer” – pg. 2
erously, Care deeply, Speak kindly
Life isn't about waiting for the storm
Product Showcase – pg. 4-5
to pass... It's about learning to dance
A Cancer Survivor – pg. 6
in the rain. --- Author Unknown
About Us - pg. 7
Ladies First Choice is a fully accredited facility. As an organization fostering, stimulating and maintaining
the highest standards of competent and ethical practices.
American Cancer Society’s
“Making Strides Agains Breast Cancer”
American Cancer Society
This year, Ladies First Choice will participate in the ACS’s
“Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” and we want you to be a
Ladies First Choice team member. “Making Strides Against Breast
Cancer” is a three mile non-competitive walk. The journey to end
breast cancer starts with you. A short walk can help bring a lifetime
of change for people facing breast cancer and their loved ones.
When you walk with us, you support breast cancer research, information and services, and access to mammograms for women who
need them. Getting started is easy!
• Join the Ladies First Choice team for the event. All the girls
from Ladies First Choice will participate in the 3 mile walk.
3 miles is not such a difficult walk. It may only take between
1 - 2 hours depending on your physical shape, but you may also
just want to stroll along looking at the beautiful St. Petersburg
coastline or chat with others around you. This is not a race
and the only winners are those who walk to help benefit breast
cancer patients and survivors.
• If you have a friend (s) who would also like to participate,
we would love to have them join us. The more, the merrier and
the more support we can give to the American Cancer Society.
• We are asking each participant for a $10 donation. All the money
received from the donations will be given to the American Cancer
Society. Ladies First Choice will give you a free Ladies First
Choice team pink breast cancer T-shirt to wear during and after
the walk.
• After the walk, please join us at the Ladies First Choice
booth for refreshments.
Date: Saturday, October 19, 2013
Place: Vinoy Park, Beautiful Downtown St. Petersburg.
Registration: 8 a.m. (at Ladies First Choice booth)
Walk: 9 a.m.
Ladies First Choice phone number: 727-535-4446
If you would like to participate in the walk and join our team,
please call the boutique for more details and information. There is
an October 4, 2013 deadline to register for the Ladies First Choice
team. We will special order your shirt in the appropriate size, and
of course, you can always donate more than $10. Remember that
the American Cancer Society saves lives and creates more birthdays by helping you get well, and stay well by finding cures, and
by fighting back.
“Making Strides Against
Breast Cancer”
We recently received a call from a new patient who was referred
to Ladies First Choice by her physician. She briefly told us her
personal story....”I was depressed after my mastectomy surgery.
I did not feel like a woman and didn’t want to live anymore. I
did not feel like a whole woman. My doctor put me on depression pills, Prozac, to help me out. And then he referred me to
Ladies First Choice for a prothesis. The fitter was Rosie and she
helped change my life. My family noticed the change. I feel
good about myself again. No more crying when I look in the
mirror. I am so happy that Rosie helped change my life.”
Betty Potter
Plant City
(Rosie is our in-home fitter and travels throughout the Tampa
Bay area and surrounding counties. Please contact her for your
in-home fitting.)
Apple cider and doughnuts are a treat,
if you crave something sweet.
Witches are out riding their brooms,
skeletons are dancing in their rooms.
Children ring doorbells and then they run,
they think that this is lots of fun.
Then they go down the street,
knocking on doors for a sweet.
They all say “trick or treat.”
“Thank you ma’am for the sweet.”
Indian summer is always nice,
then we can expect snow and ice.
~Jo Cover ~
Chemotherapy and You
Helpful hints for Mouth, Gum and Throat Problems
Good oral care is important during your cancer treatment. Some anticancer drugs can cause sores in the mouth and
throat, a condition called stomatitis or mucositis. Anticancer drugs can also make these tissues dry and irritated or cause
them to bleed. Patients who have not been eating well since beginning chemotherapy are more likely to get mouth sores.
In addition to being painful, mouth sores can become infected by the many germs that live in the mouth. Every step
should be taken to prevent infections, because they can be hard to fight during chemotherapy and can lead to some
serious problems.
How can I keep my mouth, gums and throat healthy?
• Talk to your doctor about seeing your dentist at least several weeks before you start chemotherapy. You may need to
have your teeth cleaned and have any problems taken care of such as cavities, gum abscesses, gum diseases or poorly
fitting dentures. Ask your dentist to show you the best way to brush and floss your teeth during chemotherapy.
Chemotherapy can make you more likely to get cavities, so your dentist may suggest using a fluoride rinse or gel each
day to help prevent decay.
• Brush your teeth and gums after every meal. Use a soft toothbrush with a gentle touch. Brushing too hard can damage
soft mouth tissue. Rinse with warm salt water after meals and before bedtime.
• Rinse your toothbrush after every use.
• Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol. An alternative would be sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) which is non-irritating.
Coping with Mouth Sores
• Ask your doctor if there is anything you can apply directly to sores or a prescription medicine to ease the pain.
• Eat foods at room temperature. Hot and warm foods can irritate tender gums.
• Eat soft, soothing foods such as ice cream, milkshakes, soft fruits, mashed potatoes, cooked cereals, cottage cheese,
macaroni and cheese, custards and puddings. (hint: now you have an excuse to visit Steak and Shake for their milk
shake happy hour from 2 - 4p.m. Their delicious milkshakes are half-priced!)
• Avoid eating irritating, acidic foods and juices such as tomato and citrus, spicy and salty foods and rough and course
foods such as raw vegetables, popcorn and toast.
Coping with Mouth Dryness
• Ask your doctor if you should use an artificial saliva product to moisten your mouth.
• Drink plenty of fluids.
• Suck on ice chips, popsicles or sugarless hard candy or chew sugarless gum.
• Moisten dry foods with butter, margarine, gravy, sauces or broth.
• Use lip balm or petroleum jelly if your lips become dry. Carry a water bottle to sip from.
In this life I am a woman. In my next life, I’d like to come back as a bear. When you’re a
bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that.
Before you hibernate, you’re supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that too.
When you’re a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you’re
sleeping and wake to partially grown, cute, cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that.
If you’re mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your
cubs. If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that.
If you’re a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling. He EXPECTS that you will have
hairy legs and excess body fat.
Yup, gonna be a bear!
Fall Bathing Suit Sale...
Ladies, it’s Fall up north, but you are now in Paradise for the winter. Living in
Florida allows you to enjoy year-round summer weather and to help you
enjoy our beautiful weather, we are offering our Newsletter readers a special
sale price on bathing suits. Bathing suits are currently at a 10% discount and
when you buy your new bathing suit, we will allow you another bathing suit from our
special rack at a 25% discount. So come on in and take advantage of this sale. Please
cut out the coupon and present it at the store for your discounts.
Style: 965-60A
3 Button Adjustable Straps
Style: 965-60B
3 Button Adjustable Straps
Style: 996-60A
3 Button Adjustable Straps
Style: 996-60B
3 Button Adjustable Straps
Style: 965-80
3 Button Adjustable Straps
Ladies First Choice is the Exclusive Dealer for the Mini Cami!
Many styles and colors to select from
Feminine, Fashionable & Functional
Mesh Stripes
• A strapless mini camisole that slips over your head
• Easily attaches to post-mastectomy bra strap with
Velcro application
• Covers a plunging neckline in style, including
breast forms
• Discretely hides surgical scars & imperfections
• Stretch material conforms to body type
• Ideal for casual, office & evening attire
Seamless, Molded soft foam cups
This camisole bra has an elegant scalloped
stretch lace insert. Superior shaping for a
smooth look under clothes.
The ultimate in sophistication, sensual bra,
all over scalloped lace, color on color
effect for cups and front gosset.
Eye catching underwired seamless bra,
lined cups, glitter fabric for special effects.
Superior shaping for a smooth look, neck
line framed with glitter edge.
Popular Valleta Camisole
available in NEW colors
2752 Lara
Molded foam soft cup
(T-Shirt bra
2606 Mona
Seamless Soft cup
2126 Annabell
Soft cup
NEW! 2766 Angela
Molded Seamless soft cup
I Am A Cancer Survivor
By Vicky Faust
I am told a cancer survivor is cancerfree....but I disagree with that because
every day that I wake up, I feel as if I
am a cancer survivor. You see, I have
stage IV cancer, and I have been told I
will never be cancer-free. But I am a
survivor. In fact, I am so busy surviving and living that I don’t have time to
worry about having cancer.
Where did this all start? When I was
67, I felt a sharp pain in my left
breast. I checked it out in the mirror
and saw a dimple and immediately
thought - this can’t be good! Even
though there was no history of breast
cancer in my family I went for a
mammogram and that was immediately followed by a biopsy.
While waiting for the biopsy report,
my husband Ken and I arrived home
from work to see a beautiful rainbow
in our backyard. It was on the grass,
not up in the sky where rainbows are
usually found. The rain was coming
down like the deluge Noah saw before
he got on the ark, and immediately I
said to Ken, “It’s a sign. Everything
will be okay!”
Then we went to the doctor’s office
for the results of the biopsy.
Everything wasn’t okay. We heard the
dreaded word, “cancer”...then “stage
two”, “aggressive”, “invasive”. The
surgeons gave us options but we chose
the complete radical mastectomy. The
doctor said he could do it in two
weeks. Ken asked, “Can you do it in
one?” The doctor agreed and the day
before my 68th birthday I had my left
breast and seventeen lymph nodes
During the night the nurse asked if I
needed a pain pill but explained she
couldn’t give it to me until 5 a.m. I
said, “I have no pain, Whatever the
anesthesiologist gave me must still be
working.” The nurse replied, “There
was no pain killer in the anesthesia.”
When 5 a.m. rolled around I said,
“I’m still not feeling any pain. I don’t
need a pill.” During the entire time of
my recovery, even though we filled
the prescription for the pain pills, I
never took even one. The bandages
were uncomfortable at times but there
was never any pain.
When it came time to go home from
the hospital, my husband and my son,
Charlie, came to get me. Charlie asked
the doctor if he could take me home
on his motorcycle. He told him he had
brought two helmets! They all laughed
at him. I have two wonderful men in
my life.
We had a different philosophy when
it came to my recovery. My husband’s
philosophy was this: Stuff the bra and
keep the party going! My son’s was:
You are not 16 and looking for a husband! Mine was: I just want to look
normal. After all, it wasn’t an arm or a
leg taken off. That would have been
much harder to get used to.
This was just the beginning of a long,
hard journey. The first problem we
encountered was the fact I seem to
have sensitivity to prescription medications....and I was on a lot of them.
As two years went by, I was on
Tamoxifen, then Aimidex, then
Aromasin, then Exemestane.
Then they found out that the cancer
had metastasized to my left hip and
they took me off all of my meds. I
started radiation therapy on my left
hip and we found it had spread to my
right hip....more radiation. It then
started up my back and the radiation
treatment followed close behind.
Doctors then found it had spread to
my liver and adrenal glands and I was
put on the chemotherapy drug
Abraxene for six months. Following a
PET/CT scan they found two spots on
my spine so once again I began
rounds of chemo.
I now attend the Livestrong exercise
program at the YMCA. It is a twelve
week program that is held two times a
week. Since 2007 I have felt terrific!
If the doctors didn’t keep telling me I
have cancer I wouldn’t know I have it.
I do volunteer work. I belong to
twelve clubs and organizations.
I have twelve doctors looking after
me. Every year my company, R&R
Garage Doors, Inc., hosts a cancer
fundraiser cruise to raise money for
the American Cancer Society
Hernando Resource Room. They give
free wigs, prostheses, bras and turbans
to uninsured or underinsured patients
who can’t afford to buy them. Next
year will be our seventh annual cruise.
When I found out I had cancer, I emailed my relatives and friends to ask
for their prayers. Ken and I sent out so
many e-mails that I must have emailed the Pope, but I didn’t. I pray
morning and night for my family,
friends, other people who have cancer
and then for me.
I belong to a Cancer Support Group.
It is so uplifting! (Get the pun?) What
a fantastic group of women! They are
always raising money for Hernando
ladies who can’t afford to pay for
mammograms and other good causes.
Since I lost my long, dark hair from
the chemo I started wearing a short
blond wig. Most of my friends don’t
recognize me. I have to say, “It’s me,
Vicky, I am having chemo, I am bald
and this is a wig.” And boy it is true!
Blondes have more fun! The men give
me lots more attention....and their
wives certainly don’t like that. I am 73
now. I have had cancer for six years
and look forward to each new day.
Like I said....when I saw the rainbow I
knew everything would be okay.
P.S. My biggest goal right now is to
finish my “chocolate Cookbook.” It
will be the greatest chocolate cookbook ever! The problem is the recipes
are all handwritten and I haven’t
learned how to type.
Vicky is the active owner of R&R
Garage Doors in Spring Hill, Florida.
You can reach Vicky to discuss your
own cancer issues at:
Helpful ways to Improve your Self-Esteem
• Reverse negative beliefs and replace them with positive statements about
yourself - Treat and speak to yourself as you would a good friend - with love,
respect and support.
• Forgive yourself for your mistakes and consciously remove blame and guilt
from your life - Challenge negative comments about yourself either from your
own internal dialogue or outside influences.
• Develop a list of your good qualities and begin reprogramming your mind with
positive affirmations about yourself. - Present yourself to the world as a person
who deserves respect.
• Get in touch with your body through physical activity - by taking a walk, swimming, dancing, yoga, aerobics, golf, etc. - Nurture your inner self by making
quality time for yourself, doing the things you enjoy.
Remember, feeling good on the inside will help you feel good on the outside too!
the need for Femininity
Several mastectomy ladies were recently asked the question “How do you fulfill
your need for femininity?” The responses were varied, but we thought we would
share their comments with you.
“Buy more lingerie!” - Marsha
“Go on more dates and keep searching for Mr. Right.” - Andrea
“I would like to have fresh cut flowers in the house all the time. Their fragrance and
beauty remind me of new life, hope and love.” - Donna
“Plan a romantic Valentine getaway with my husband. Our youngest started college
this past fall and we’re deserving of time together, alone at last.” - Shirley
“Since undergoing chemotherapy, I’ve lost all my long brown hair. Now, I’m going
to do something different and go with a short red wig!” - Susan
“Take time to visit my girlfriends, We need our GIRL time! We all are different
heights, weights, and ages. We lift one another up and keep each other straight on
what matters.” - Kim
Cheesy Potatoes
1/4 cup softened margarine
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 pint sour cream
1 tablespoon Lawrey’s Seasoned Garlic Salt
1 - 8oz. shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 lbs. frozen hash browns - thawed
1/2 stick margarine
2 cups crushed cornflakes
Mix 1/4 cup softened margarine, soup, sour cream, Lawrey’s,
cheddar cheese, onion and thawed hash browns.
Mix cornflakes and 1/2 stick margarine - put on top of potatoes
Bake for 1 hour in 9 x 13 pan at 350 degrees
Our company was established in
1985, and was the first company to do
in-home fittings. While we still do inhome fittings, we opened our
Clearwater boutique in 2002.
Over the years, we have always put
our customers first by providing both
convenient in-home fittings and a fully
stocked boutique.
We are a fully accredited facility certified by The American Board for
Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics
and Pedorthics. All fitters are Board
Certified and provide you with the proper fitting and selection of the lightest
weighted breast forms on the market
and flattering bras, bathing suits, lingerie, and full figure bras.
Please visit our store often as we are
always bringing in the newest products
from our suppliers. These new breastforms, stylish bras, bathing suits, and
lingerie will make you feel like new
We carry a full line of fourteen major
brands of mastectomy products from:
Still You
Nearly Me Almost U
American Breast Care
Come to the store to see our “wall of
bras” for the largest selection of fashionable bras in Florida. Both a wide
variety of new colors and patterns are
now available.
We service the following counties:
Hillsborough Manatee
We accept assignment on most insurance companies, Medicare, HMO’s, and
PPO’s. We have a billing department
designed to handle all claims and
answer your insurance questions.
The boutique is conveniently located
in central Pinellas County. We are located on US 19. We realize that the area is
under construction, but there is an easy
alternative to traveling on US 19. Try
driving east on Nursery Road and enter
a north access road just west of US 19.
Look for our sign on Nursery Road, or
just call us for more detailed directions.
18746 U.S. Hwy. 19 N
Clearwater, FL 33764
(727) 535-4446 • 1 (888) 301-4404
PHONE: 727- 535- 4446
TOLL-FREE: 1-888-301- 4404
Store Hours: Monday - Friday 10 - 5
Saturday 10 - 2 (By Appointment Only)
Driving directions...
Ladies First Choice is centrally located at 18746 US 19 N. in
Clearwater, Florida. The boutique is located on the west side of US
19, between Harn Blvd. and Nursery Road.
From Gulf to Bay Blvd. (SR 60): Turn south on US 19, and proceed
to 18746 US 19 N, about two blocks south of Harn Blvd.
From East Bay Drive vicinity: Heading north on US 19 , proceed to
Harn Blvd. and make a u-turn on US 19 N, and continue south about
two blocks to 18746 US 19 N.
For verbal instructions, please call the store for directions.
Ladies First Choice
Fall 2013
Daylight Savings
Time ends on
November 3rd.
Remember to set
your clocks back
1 hour!
We accept assignment on all MEDICARE, HMOs & PPOs.
We will get your authorization or prescription.
Let our billing department do all the work.