In Vietnam, the lame walk and more.


In Vietnam, the lame walk and more.
Pray for our team that is remodeling two
sectors of the Santa Teresa jail in Guatemala,
Together” outreach, featuring games and a
viewing of the Superbook
Tuoy, a 3-year-old girl, shouted excitedly,
building study, where the focus was on
More than 20 children unable
to walk three years ago are now
walking—thanks to a therapy
center for special needs children
in Vietnam that partners with
Orphan’s Promise.
These services do not come
easily in a place like Vietnam.
But it’s one of several ministries
supported by Orphan’s Promise
that is doing exceptional work there.
Our OP representative, Tim, and
other staff had the opportunity to
see firsthand how friends like you
are making a difference.
At one of the offices, two
training sessions were held
with key staff and leaders. This
is a well-established ministry
that has graduated from simply
caring for needy children to
more in-depth training.
We also visited a home for girls
who have aged out of orphanages,
and are at risk of exploitation or
trafficking. They are now receiving
help to further their education
and transition back into the
community. Your support has been
a lifeline for them.
And finally, we visited an
orphanage that houses 20 children
who have no safe place or home of
their own. Here they are loved and
valued. Because you cared, they
have a brighter future.
New school for deaf children in Vietnam. A
teacher-in-training speaks with parents of deaf
children about the school opening for them soon.
Also in Vietnam, a seminar was held with government
officials and school principals to prepare for future
anti-trafficking seminars.
The poverty of a typical Transcarpathia village is
hard to miss: small houses made of plastic and broken
sticks, with iron stoves and other bits of whatever can
be scavenged. Each house has many children (from 4 to
15) in every family. Dirty-faced, smiling kids peer out
from the entrances of their homes. All the children are
taught to take care of each other from early childhood. Tanya is just 13 and graduated from the 6th
grade at school—but had to drop out and help with
chores instead, as her mother and father couldn’t
afford to buy her winter boots and school supplies.
Thanks to your support, we gave Tanya and her
siblings warm shoes.
“Thank you!” said
Tanya. “My younger
brothers and sisters
won’t get sick
anymore. And I will
be able to continue
studies at school!”
The needs are great—
and the solutions are
often small.
Tanya is just one
of many children
you are helping
through a program
Orphan’s Promise
supports, called
“Warm a Child” in
Poroshkovo and Khust villages in Transcarpathia.
This last month, 137 needy children received warm
winter shoes in the framework of this project. We
are thankful to everyone who supports the “Warm a
Child” charitable project.
Thank you for standing in the gap with us to provide
hope, health and healing to the hurting children of our
broken world. Please check out our new website at www. There are many videos to view and
blogs to read in a new, easy format that will accommodate
your iPad or iPhone as well as your laptop. Please pray for
the poorest children of the world and continue to partner
with us as we strive to meet their basic and ever-growing
needs. May God bless you.
Te rry