Trendsetter 3244+ - Pre Press Boulevard


Trendsetter 3244+ - Pre Press Boulevard
Trendsetter 3244+
Recorders that made CtP
what it is
2 Trendsetter 3244+
A new technology always involves some risk •
And that was also the case with CtP. Technology
leaders such as Heidelberg have ensured that the
risk has been turned into a success.Thanks to
system solutions from prepress to postpress and
recorders such as the Trendsetter series.
The Trendsetter series – CtP
from Heidelberg, a future built
on experience.
Few things multiply as quickly as digital jobs
Once a new trend has become established,dynamic
growth is both normal and inevitable. There is little
point in trying to fight it or burying your head in the
sand. The best thing to do is to find a partner who can
help you achieve new levels of productivity with ease.
The future lies with networked digital technology. The
advantages are too great to be replicated using conventional means. Time and cost pressures coupled with customers’ growing needs mean that real decisions need
to be taken. Deciding in favour of Heidelberg® is a wise
choice – since it covers the whole chain from prepress
to postpress.
The Trendsetter 3244+ is the perfect answer
The future is already knocking at your door – and so
is digital technology. Why not let it in? The Trendsetter ™
3244+ from Heidelberg is a system which can prepare
incoming data and process it into finished printing
plates – regardless of where or who the data is coming
from. The system is so flexible that it can also adapt
smoothly to any changes in your order structure. This
digital workflow is fast, reliable and geared to high
quality. It has been designed to mobilise the productivity
hidden away in Computer-to-Plate. This is the goal that
Heidelberg has set itself.
Trendsetter 3244+ 3
The Trendsetter shows that we can build CtP
imagesetters • Over 1000 satisfied customers
show that they are an investment that pays dividends. And the fact that other manufacturers
base their units on ours shows that our technology is streets ahead of the rest.
Productivity? Not a problem, rather a design priority
Only someone who has never had a Trendsetter will ask
about its productivity in creating printing plates. It is
a question long since answered to the satisfaction of over
1000 existing owners. Their Trendsetters work efficiently,
reliably and with high repeat accuracy. They can handle
all jobs with flexibility, can impress their customers with
the Heidelberg name and have an easier job of meeting
their customers’ high price/performance expectations
than do other suppliers. They see the Trendsetter front-end
system from Heidelberg as a major step towards a highly
profitable future.
As precise as a chronometer – as strong as a jeep
The Trendsetter’s revolutionary thermal technology
ensures professional results every time. All models in the
Trendsetter series are geared to unrivalled productivity,
excellent quality, high reliability and flexibility – in fact
everything that customers want on today’s market. Ease
of operation and calibration and optimum process checks
made possible by functions such as the autofocus feature
and automatic temperature compensation will make
your life easier. And the fact that Trendsetters are flexible
enough to respond to changes in market needs means
they are sure to retain their value for many years to come.
You gain flexibility
and productivity without
compromising quality.
Time saved: CtP v. conventional
Press makeready time
Times with Trendsetter
Time saved
Times with filmsetter
4 Trendsetter 3244+
The Trendsetter is a tasty morsel for technology
gourmets • The outside drum, autofocus feature,
thermal laser head, automatic temperature compensation and much, much more all combine
to ensure tangible advantages in practice.
Hot lasers and thermal plates
give us the competitive edge
Unlike conventional CtP recorders which uses lightsensitive plates, Heidelberg uses thermal technology
to create image dots on the printing plate. And because
thermal printing plates only react to heat, they are
insensitive to visible light and therefore allow you to
work under daylight conditions, doing away with the
dark room.
Each Trendsetter creates image dots of unrivalled
sharpness and precision. Dot gain following processing
is now history.
The lens system guarantees error-free
imaging of the printing plate,
even if individual emitters fail.
Laser diodes
Laser beams
Lens system
Bundled laser light
Light valves
Imaged dots
Drum with printing plate
High flexibility in 8-up format
The Trendsetter 3244+ also makes you extremely flexible
in the media you use. Whether you choose thermal plates,
processless plates, thermal film or proof materials – the
Trendsetter never says no. And the Trendsetter is also
extremely versatile when it comes to plate formats.
When you choose a Trendsetter 3244+, you are also
choosing simple operation, high plate throughput and
high, consistent quality under all conditions. What better
conditions could you ask for to ensure your presses are
utilised to the full? And if your area of business is prepress
services, the Trendsetter will make sure that all of your
customers, however diverse, will also remain satisfied
Trendsetter 3244+ 5
Trendsetter 3244+
The new models in the 3244+ series are based on the
architecture of the highly successful Trendsetter 3244,
the standard in thermal 8-page recorders. They provide solutions for all small to medium format jobs,
from GTO® to Speedmaster® SM 102. And they couple
this with top quality and a throughput of up to 17
plates per hour. Sophisticated features such as automatic temperature compensation and an autofocus
facility ensure that imaging results remain consistent
throughout. Options such as Autoload, Spectrum and
processless plates ensure a unique level of flexibility.
Trendsetter 3244+
Standard equiqment
Trendsetter 3244+F
Fast model
Trendsetter 3244+V
Very Fast model
Option for processless plates
Option for halftone proofs (Spectrum)
Trendsetter 3244+ Autoloader
One of the most important options for the Trendsetter
3244+ is the automatic mode with Autoload option.
Plates are loaded, imaged, unloaded and punched using
the optional Autopunch system without any need for
intervention by the operator, thereby increasing productivity considerably. Batches of up to 80 plates can
be processed. Manual operation is also possible without problem.
Trendsetter 3244+ AL
Trendsetter 3244+F AL
Autoload Fast model
Trendsetter 3244+V AL
Autoload Very Fast model
Option for processless plates
Option for halftone proofs (Spectrum)
6 Trendsetter 3244+
An optimum workflow solution is vital for the
success of a CtP system • Heidelberg can offer
you two alternatives from which you can select
the most suitable, depending on your system
environment and requirements profile. Both are
of modular design, can be scaled up and can
even be combined with each other.
What is important is the ability
to access data in every phase
of the work wherever you are.
Delta Technology is more than just a RIP
Delta Technology is a complete system which makes
the workflow faster and more flexible by combining
various functions into automatic sequences. In addition
to print spooling, image management and OPI services,
Delta Technology also supports additional options such
as trapping, proofing, imposition using Delta lists and
offline production. The Delta Tower processes the RIPgenerated data for the Trendsetter and screens it using
the high-quality irrational Screening™ (I.S.) method.
Diamond Screening® and MegaDot screening are also
supported. The major advantage of Delta Technology
is the R.O.O.M. concept, which means that data once ripped can be used for both proofing and imaging. This not
only saves you valuable time, but also boosts reliability,
since additional RIP runs are no longer needed.
Prinergy: PDF workflow management for prepress
output based on state-of-the-art technology
Prinergy ™ makes consistent use of Adobe Extreme™ 4.0
with its components PDF 1.3 and Adobe™ Portable Job
Tickets and thereby sets new standards in the industry.
After data is imported in a whole range of formats, it is
converted to PDF. This is followed by a whole gamut of
processing operations ranging from trapping, colour
management and proofing to impositioning, output and
archiving – and all are performed using the compact
PDF data format. The greatly-reduced quantity of data
compared with PostScript ™ lowers transmission times
and thereby cuts transmission costs.
Another unique feature is the fact that work steps are
combined into process plans and are processed automatically in Job Ticket processors. This means that e. g. the
preflight check, or correction, normalisation, trapping,
colour management, spot colour handling and page
proofing can all be performed in a single operation. The
operator does not need to intervene in any way.
The integrated database is also unique. This makes the
entire digital prepress process predictable and transparent, creates a basis for efficient production planning and
teamwork, is an excellent communications tool and also
allows you to dispatch jobs based on processing status and
to assign job priorities.
Full-sheet assembly with Signastation
The Signastation® is Heidelberg’s solution for digital
production of full sheets in general commercial and
packaging printing under full visual control.
It makes consistent use of the CIP3 Print Production
Format and employs it to reliably link the press and
postpress stages in order to minimise setup times, waste
and errors.
Modular solutions over the entire production chain
• Refining: Data optimisation,
normalisation to PDF, colour
management, trapping and
generation of thumbnail
• Archiv/page management:
The PDF pages are assigned
to an imposition layout.
• Form proof: Sheet-based proof
or matching the imposition
layout. Optional: Double-sided
proof (recto and verso on
a single sheet)
Layout stations
Delta Technology
• Digital full-sheet creation with • Workflow: R.O.O.M. (Rip
consistent integration of the
Once Output Many) based
CIP3 Print Production Format.
on Delta lists.
• Input formats: PDF 1.3,
PS Level 1, 2, 3.
• Options: OPI, Trapping, CIP3.
• Impositioning: based on
Delta lists.
• Colour proof: Page-based
proof for colour matching
contone procedures
(e.g.inkjet) with colour
management halftone
procedures (e. g. thermal
laser), with donor sheets
matched to printing standards.
Trendsetter 3244+ 8
Heidelberg’s service products support the entire production chain and guarantee production based on the
high technical quality standards of Heidelberg AG.
Because the Trendsetter is a key player in the route
to the press, it has been equipped with a remote facility.
If required, the Trendsetter can be addressed and
analysed directly from a Heidelberg Service Center.
When disruptions occur, this analysis allows the
necessary measures to be implemented swiftly and
comprehensively. Spare parts and service engineers are
then coordinated and deployed by the Service Center.
Regular remote service guarantees an optimized
workflow and high reliability in production.
The Heidelberg Service Products
• Remote Service
• Fitness Check
• Preventive Maintenance
• Full Service
Speedmaster® SM 52/74/102
Trendsetter 3244+
Printing Plates
Printmaster® QM 46/GTO® 52
• Thermal offset printing plates,
for negative imaging, with
subsequent prehead furnace
and processing unit.
• Thermal offset printing plates,
for positive imaging, with
subsequent processing unit.
• Thermal, processless offset
printing plates.
All Trendsetters are equipped with a Class I laser and comply with IEC Standard 825-1 and US Federal Regulations 21 CFR1040.10 and 1040.11 – CDRH.
Trendsetter 3244+ 9
Heidelberg solutions for the entire printing and
publishing industry • Our aim is to be the number
one partner to the graphic arts industry, offering
future-focused solutions – all around the world.
Heidelberg is everywhere – wherever and whenever you need us.
Heidelberg can offer customized, fully
integrated print solutions to small and large
companies like.
Frontiers are coming down. That’s why the Heidelberg
Group has developed to become an internationally focussed player in the market for modern printing solutions.
And frontiers are also coming down within the world of
printing itself. The traditionally separate areas of pre-
Internationally leading universities and experts from
throughout the graphic arts industry share their knowhow at the Print Media Academy.
press, press and postpress are moving closer and closer
together and are being linked by comprehensive solutions. Heidelberg is playing an important part in this
dynamic process. It is our aim to help shape the future
of the graphic arts industry.
Central to everything is the customer. Our range
of products and services has been put together with him
in mind. Whether you run a small family business or a
major company, our modular components offer customized solutions ranging from individual products through
to a complete workflow. Heidelberg is involved in every
stage of the process, with products and services to show
you the way forward. Our customers can rest assured
that they have a competent and reliable partner on their
side – 365 days a year at 250 sales offices and service
centers around the world.
We have also established a communications and knowledge center in the shape of the Print Media Academy,
which not only offers traditional training for printers
and service engineers, but for the first time also offers
an advanced ‘Print Manager’ course.
Printing date: 04/00
Printing plate production: CtP
Printing: Heidelberg Speedmaster
Fonts: Heidelberg Gothic, Heidelberg Antiqua
Diamond Screening, GTO, Heidelberg, Heidelberg Antiqua,
Heidelberg Gothic, Quickmaster, Signastation and
Speedmaster are registered trademarks; Delta
and I.S. Screening are trademarks of Heidelberger
Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft.
Adobe, Adobe Extreme and PostScript are trademarks
of Adobe Systems Incorporated, which may be registered
in certain jurisdictions.
Prinergy, Trendsetter, Trendsetter Spectrum and other products
of Creo are registered trademarks or trademarks
of Creo Products Incorporated.
Subject to construction modifications and other changes.
IdNr. 5534119 004 · NM/MDO
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Kurfuersten-Anlage 52 – 60
69115 Heidelberg
Phone +49-62 21-92-00
Fax +49-62 21-92-69 99
Heidelberg Canada
Corporate Office – Toronto
Heidelberg Canada
50 Worcester Road
Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5X2
Phone: 416-675-2700
Fax: 416-674-6849
Printing date: 04/00
Printing plate production: CtP
Printing: Heidelberg Speedmaster
Fonts: Heidelberg Gothic, Heidelberg Antiqua
Diamond Screening, GTO, Heidelberg, Heidelberg Antiqua,
Heidelberg Gothic, Quickmaster, Signastation and
Speedmaster are registered trademarks; Delta
and I.S. Screening are trademarks of Heidelberger
Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft.
Adobe, Adobe Extreme and PostScript are trademarks
of Adobe Systems Incorporated, which may be registered
in certain jurisdictions.
Prinergy, Trendsetter, Trendsetter Spectrum and other products
of Creo are registered trademarks or trademarks
of Creo Products Incorporated.
Subject to construction modifications and other changes.
IdNr. 5534119 004 · NM/MDO
Heidelberg USA
Corporate Office – Atlanta
Heidelberg USA, Inc.
1000 Gutenberg Drive
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Phone: 770-419-6500
Fax: 770-794-6272