Summer School 2016 Course Guide is Now Online!


Summer School 2016 Course Guide is Now Online!
Sun Prairie Area
School District
Futures depend on us...every child, every day.
Sun Prairie Area
School District
Summer School
Course Guide
Register online:
The Sun Prairie Area School District staff welcomes you to Summer School 2016.
Summer School is a valuable opportunity for students to be engaged in programs and activities that extend and enrich
the existing curriculum. It is a continuation of the strong educational programming offered by the school district during
the regular school year.
We are proud that the majority of our Summer School staff are our own district educators who work successfully with
our students throughout the regular school year. We value their experience and expertise. We also have educators from
other districts who join us to share their knowledge and skills with students. Offering excellent educational programs
throughout the year allows us to fulfill our mission statement, “Futures depend on us…every child, every day.”
Summer School Contacts
Throughout the year, our Summer School team works to make sure students have an outstanding experience in our
Summer School program. The following individuals coordinate Summer School:
• A
nne Poe, Coordinator of Elementary Programs
(608) 834–6507 • [email protected]
• Jo Guyette, Coordinator of Middle School and Upper Middle School Programs
(608) 834–6579 • [email protected]
• K
risty Thao, Coordinator of High School and Prairie Phoenix Academy Programs
(608) 834–6566 • [email protected]
• S
helley Joan Weiss, District Director of Summer School Programs
(608) 834–6536 • [email protected]
The Summer School team is located at the Sun Prairie Area School District Office, 501 South Bird Street in Sun
Prairie. You may contact any of the individuals listed above. We welcome questions and feedback on ways we can
improve the overall program.
Once students are involved in their Summer School program, we encourage parents to
contact the teacher of the class first and, if needed, the Summer School principal in
that building. We encourage all families to visit the district website frequently for
information and updates.
In addition to this Course Guide, information is available on the district website
at, on
Facebook, and Twitter.
Families who need information from the Summer School Course Guide
or any Summer School forms translated should contact their child’s
English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, Virginia Morales, District
ESL Coordinator at (608) 834-6541, or [email protected],
or Kristy Thao at the School District Office. Kristy can be reached at
(608) 834–6566 or [email protected].
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Important Dates!
Online Registration
Monday, April 11th
Begins at 6:00 pm for Enrichment Classes
Friday, May 6th
Registration Closes at Midnight
Table of Contents
General Information
Students Who May Participate...................2
Fees and Refunds.........................................2
Food Service.................................................2
Transportation Services..............................3
Nursing Services...........................................4
Enrichment Course Guide
Current Grades 4k–4....................................6
Please check the dates and
times of summer school classes.
Session 1: June 20 – July 8
Session 2: July 11 – July 28
The majority of the June and July classes
will be held Monday through Thursday,
June 20 to July 28, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
here will be NO classes held on
Monday, July 4th.
lasses will be held on Friday, July 8th
(to make up for the time off on July 4th).
There are some classes that are held
outside of the regularly scheduled times
and dates in June and July. There are
also some classes held in August.
Current Grades 5–8.................................... 13
Current Grades 6-9.................................... 20
Current Grades 8–12................................... 21
Enrichment Courses Grades 5–11..............23
Register online:
General Information
The Summer School Course Guide includes
information for all grade levels. We hope it
is an easy–to–use guide to everything you
need to know about our district Summer
School program.
Students Who May Participate
All students who reside in the Sun Prairie Area School
District or are open enrolled in the district’s 4K–12
programs are eligible to participate in Summer School.
All review and credit recovery courses are offered for
free to our students. Some enrichment courses have
a fee for consumable materials (items students make
and bring home). Some opportunities offered through
Summer School are only available to students who
qualify. Those programs will be clearly identified in the
course information.
Non–resident families may enroll their children on a
tuition basis. For non–resident fee information, please
call a Summer School team member.
Fees and Refunds
If your child is unable to attend Summer School
after you have enrolled and paid a fee, you may have
that amount applied to your child’s lunch account
for the upcoming school year or have it refunded to
you. Requests for fee refunds must be made before
the Summer School session begins unless there are
extenuating circumstances.
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Please call Jo
Guyette, Summer
School team member,
at (608) 834–6579 or
email her at jmguyet@
for more information on
Food Service
(Breakfast and Lunch)
School Nutrition will be serving breakfast/
brunch and lunch at all levels. Menus will be
available on the school district website at http:// and will be posted at the
schools’ cafeterias for your convenience. If your child is
currently eligible for free or reduced priced meals, his/
her status will continue throughout Summer School. If
you are new to the district, applications are available
online or at the District Office. The costs for meals
are available on the district website at http://www.
cfm. If you have any questions about Summer School
breakfast, please contact Michelle Wickus at 608–834–
6544 or via email at [email protected]
We encourage students to bring a nutritious snack
to enjoy during the mid–morning break or at the end
of the morning periods. Please avoid sending candy
or treats that have little or no nutritious value. Your
support of our district wellness policy that promotes
nutritious eating is appreciated.
is based on your
child’s home address.
To be eligible for
transportation, a student
must live more than one
(1) mile (elementary) or one
and a half (1.5) miles (middle,
upper middle, and high school
level) from the Summer School
site. Please make your request for
bus transportation when completing
the online registration.
You must request transportation for your child
before registration closes on May 6th. No new
requests for transportation will be accepted after
this time.
District provided transportation (busing) is provided
for the June/July, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm summer
school classes and for the August middle school New
Beginnings classes.
• Parents/guardians who would like to register their
children for district sponsored transportation
(busing) must complete the registration for busing
by MAY 6, 2016.
• Registration for busing is available with the online
registration for Summer School. Parents MUST
complete registration for busing when registering
their children for summer school.
• The May 6, 2016 cutoff date for district
transportation registration is required for the
district and bus company to create routes.
• Parents/guardians who do not register their children
for district transportation by May 6, 2016 must
provide their own transportation to/from summer
multiple attendance areas. We will not be able to
accommodate requests for changes or additional
bus stops.
Elementary Transportation: For students
attending a Summer School location that is different
than their home school.
If a student lives within the walking distance of his/
her home school, he/she will have to walk to the home
school and, from there, will receive transportation to
the Summer School site.
Transportation is available to students who reside
within the busing–eligible area of the Summer
School they will be attending. You can check your
household's eligibility using this map: http://schools. Select the
Summer School location where your child will be
attending this summer, enter your address, then click
"find address". Red parcels indicate busing eligibility;
blue parcels are within the walking area and do not
qualify for busing.
In order to receive transportation both to and from
school, your child must have a full schedule for
each session he/she attends (8:00 am – 12:00 pm),
otherwise your child will only be transported one
way. Buses do not run between classes. Elementary
bus students will be picked up early enough to be
dropped off at their Summer School location
between 7:30 am – 7:40 am. Middle and upper middle
school students will be dropped at their site between
7:40 am – 7:45 am.
Bus transportation is provided ONLY for days/times
of the June/July summer school and specified courses
outside of those timeframes.
If you have questions about district bus
transportation, please contact Rhonda Page,
Business Services Manager, at (608) 834–6512 or
[email protected] or Melissa Bautz at
(608) 834–6699 or [email protected]
Please note that the stop your child will be assigned
to for Summer School might be different than his/
her stop during the school year. Routes and stops
are consolidated during Summer School in order to
efficiently provide transportation to students from
Register online:
Nursing Services
The Sun Prairie Area School District will have health care assistants,
under the supervision of the District Nurse, Debbie Brown, on staff
at all elementary schools and at Cardinal Heights Upper Middle
School. School administrators at Prairie Phoenix Academy and the
High School will be instructed to contact the health care assistant at
Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School if they are in need of nursing
services. More information will be available to those who register for
Summer School. If you have any questions about nursing services
during Summer School, please contact the District Nurse, Debbie
Brown at (608) 843–6583 or at [email protected]
For course review, credit recovery, or initial high school credit
classes, high school students are expected to attend Summer School
every day it is in session for every period they are enrolled in. Each
day of Summer School for high school students is the equivalent of
four (4) days during the regular school year.
Attendance is recorded and reported just as it is during the regular
school year. Parents/guardians will be notified by the school if their
child is not present. Please be aware that the same state statutes
and Board of Education policies on attendance are in effect during
Summer School.
If parents/guardians know their child is going to be absent, they
should call the school where their child attends and/or send a
written note to the school to inform school administrators of the
absence. When a child returns from an absence, we ask that the
parents send a note with the child. This ensures that we know that
parents/guardians are aware of their child’s absences
from school.
If a child becomes ill or injured while at school, Welcome
Center staff will contact the parents/guardians to pick up
the child or inform the parents/guardians that the child has
been transported to a medical facility.
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Important Dates!
Online Registration
Registration is online only.
Registration is a phased process to allow
students who require review, credit recovery,
and initial credit courses to register before
students who are registering only for
enrichment classes.
Monday, April 11th
Begins at 6:00 pm for Enrichment Classes
Friday, May 6th
Registration Closes at Midnight
How to Register Online
Go to:
• Begin by clicking “register” and enter your information (as a parent)
• “Add” student (please remember to have your child’s student identification number ready to enter)
• Enter your child’s information including his/her birthday
There are five (5) steps to complete:
1 – Parent Info
2 – Student Info
Each time you complete a step, the
3 – Signups
4 – Verify
5 – Pay
will turn to a
After adding your child, you will go to “Sign–ups” and, based on your child’s CURRENT grade, you will see
what classes are available. The next step is to verify the classes you have signed your child up for. The last
step is to pay for any charges incurred.
To see if you qualify for bus transportation and want your child transported by bus, please go to: Type in your address and then “select a school”
(the school your child will attend during Summer School.)
Parents/Guardians should print off the final page of their registration and keep the information on classes
for their records. Parents/Guardians will receive an e-mail or hard copy confirmation of the classes for
which they have registered.
Register online:
This is the link to the district boundary map:
Please type in an address and click “find address.”
The map will then bring up the parcel, which you can
click on to get more information about the elementary
and middle school for that area, and busing eligibility
for all four levels. Selecting a school will show the
busing eligibility areas for each school, as well as
the attendance boundaries. If you do not have access
to the online map or would like more information,
please contact the Welcome Center staff at any
elementary school.
Incoming Kindergarteners
On Our Way to Kindergarten
Current Grades 4K–4
This section describes Enrichment Courses available
to students currently in grades 4K–4. Some classes
are only for students in certain grades. The guide
lists the classes in order by grade level. Please check
the grade listed for each class prior to registering.
Thank you.
Summer School Attendance
Areas for Students Currently
in Grades 4K–4
Sun Prairie Area School District will offer elementary
Summer School programs at C.H. Bird Elementary,
Creekside Elementary, Horizon Elementary, and
Westside Elementary. Following is information on
where elementary students will attend Summer School:
• S
tudents living in the C.H. Bird and Northside
attendance areas will attend C.H. Bird.
• S
tudents living in the Royal Oaks and Creekside
attendance areas will attend Creekside.
• S
tudents living in the Horizon attendance area
will attend Horizon.
• S
tudents living in the Eastside and Westside
areas will attend Westside.
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
This program is designed for children who are
entering Kindergarten in the fall. This course
introduces students to Kindergarten routines and
expectations while further developing students’
social and academic skills. Activities include: group
time, calendar, literature, hands–on learning, and a
variety of supportive activities. Students participating
in this course will be better prepared for their first
day of Kindergarten.
Current Grade: 4K
Session: 6/20 – 7/28 (Six week course)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Movin’ and Groovin’ into Kindergarten
This program is designed for children who are
entering Kindergarten in the fall. Students will build
community through exploration, problem solving, and
collaborative engagement. Students will participate
in various social learning activities including games,
songs, art, and movement.
Current Grade: 4K
Session: 6/20 – 7/28 (Six week course)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Bugs, Birds, and Books
Using books such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The
Grouchy Ladybug, and The Very Busy Spider, students
learn about the science behind the insects in the
books! There will be fun craft projects to go with the
birds and bugs in the books.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Take a trip into the world of Dr. Seuss. Students will
read books and become transported into the world
of Dr. Seuss. They will create a Seuss ocean, explore
Oobleck, and have tongue twister contests while
learning the meanings of the books.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Rise and Shine Yoga
Do you want to become more flexible, improve your
fitness, and your brain? This is your chance. You’ll
learn poses, read stories, and write a book in this
interactive class. By the time summer school is over
you’ll be a true yogi, ready to show off your skills to
your family and friends.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Fun With Sign Language I
Grades 4K-4
K–2 Reading/Literacy
During this introductory course in sign language,
students will learn how fun it is to be able to “speak
with their hands!” Games, music, and DVDs will help
students enjoy being introduced to sign language.
We’ll also learn about Deaf culture, hearing loss, and
how you hear. Don't just say it, sign it!
Current Grades: K–2
C.H. Bird & Horizon
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
– OR –
Creekside & Westside
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: ……………………………………………………..... .$5
K–2 Science, Math & Discovery
Exploration of the Human Body I
Examine and explore fascinating facts about the
human body. Students will participate in experiments
and demonstrations using models of skeletons, brain,
heart, muscle, lungs, using stethoscopes, heart rate
monitors, and microscopes.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: ……………………………………………………..... .$5
Going on Safari
Students will take “expeditions” to observe animals in
East Africa. They will read a variety of books that will
take them away to far–off places by learning about
animals in their natural habitat.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Under the Sea
Splash into summer reading, writing, art, and science!
Daily activities will send imaginations diving down to
the bottom of the ocean as students use everyday
items to create ocean–related projects.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Register online:
Grades 4K-4
C is for Camping
The Art of Mindfulness I
Pack your bags for the wilderness! Students will learn
camp songs, crafts, games, and challenges we face in
the outdoors. Learn about Smokey the Bear, Woodsy
the Owl, and other critters in the woods.
Learn basic mindfulness techniques through yoga
and meditation and translate your experience into
visual art expressions. Create art objects such as a zen
garden to help you with your mindfulness practice in
the future.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Under Construction
This hands-on class uses a variety of materials such
as Legos, Lincoln Logs, Marble Tracks, and more to
create buildings. Students create new structures and
will build and paint a model to take home at the end
of the session.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Sculpty Spectacular I
Do you go wild for clay? Try using this spectacular,
colorful, oven–baked clay called Sculpty this summer.
Students will make clay creatures, jewelry, games,
animals, and beads!
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Night Creatures
Mary Poppins Carpet Bag Creations
Students will learn about bats, owls, koalas, and other
night creatures through books, art activities, and fun
projects. At the end of the course, students will have
their own night creature book to take home.
Creative students who love crafts and are eager to use
commonly found items to create wonderful objects,
will love this course. This class is made for students
who can make anything out of gum wrappers or
puppets out of socks!
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………..………….....$5
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
K–2 Fine Arts
June 20 – July 8
July 11 – July 28
Music Fun
This class offers students the opportunity to sing and
work on music instrument skills. The class will focus
on singing techniques and playing general music
instruments. A great way to develop musical skills.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
8:00 am – 9:55 am
10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Special Note
There will be NO classes
held on Monday, July 4th
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Classes will be held on
Friday, July 8th
Grades 4K-4
K–2 Fitness & Games
Building Better Movers - K-2
This is a class for students to have fun and build
their fitness at the same time. Students will learn
skills from activities and play games. Students will
participate in various activities such as soccer,
kickball, tag games, cooperative activities, scooters,
and much more!
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
K–2 World Culture
K–2 Technology
American Time Travel
Computer Explorers
Travel back in time to the days of Colonial America
and the pioneer west. Enjoy the pastimes children
enjoyed back then. Students will play games, sing
songs from Colonial times, wear pioneer clothing,
and put on a play!
Investigate and explore different computer programs
and improve technology skills. Students will explore
the fun and educational websites that are used in our
schools and learn how to better use them.
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Spanish Fun
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Hola! This beginning level class is ideal for students
who are ready to learn Spanish. Games, music, and
drama are used to introduce numbers, greetings,
foods, and more! Students will learn about Spanish
speaking countries and celebrate with a fiesta in class!
Current Grades: K–2
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Register online:
Grades 4K-4
3–4 Reading/Literacy
3–4 Science & Math
Rise and Shine Yoga
Exploration of the Human Body II
Do you want to become more flexible, improve your
fitness, and your brain? This is your chance. You’ll
learn poses, read stories, and write a book in this
interactive class. By the time summer school is over
you’ll be a true yogi, ready to show off your skills to
your family and friends.
Students who love learning about the workings
of their own bodies will be fascinated by this
class. Students will participate in more advanced
demonstrations and experiments using models,
such as skeletons, hearts, and lungs, to learn how
their bodies work. This is a personalized way to get
involved with science and the tools of science.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee:………………………………………….……….....$10
Oodles and Doodles
Calling all Doodlers! Would you like to draw cartoon
characters and simple comic strips? If so, this class is
for you. Students will also study comic books, comic
strips, and online videos to learn a variety of drawing
styles. Area cartoonists or comic book enthusiasts
may visit and talk about their profession.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee:…………..……….…………………...………….....$10
Fun With Sign Language II
You know that Sign Language is great fun! Students
will play games, sing songs, and watch DVDs to
learn how to communicate using their hands. Learn
about Deaf culture, hearing loss, and how you hear.
Everyone will get a booklet of the signs they've
learned. Don't just say it, sign it!
Current Grades 3–4
C.H. Bird & Horizon
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
– OR –
Creekside & Westside
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………..………………………….....$5
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………..………………………………….....$5
The Mad Scientist
Students will participate in science experiments
including making “gak” trebuchets, volcanoes, fossils,
and more! They will explore scientific principles behind
their experiments and will receive copies of instructions
so they can recreate the experiments at home.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Ocean Explorers
This class will be an exploration of science. Students
will explore the oceans of the world and their wildlife.
Students will research about ocean animals along with
the creation of related art. This class will also include
experiments involving the scientific process
of discovery.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Young Engineers
Grades 4K-4
Students will learn geometric concepts and design.
They will explore angles, physics concepts, geometric
solids, and more! Students will learn leadership and
teamwork skills while they build complex coasters
and rides.
June 20 – July 8
July 11 – July 28
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: ……………. .……………………………………….....$5
June 22 – July 9
July 13 – July 30
Board Game Strategies
Do you like to play board games? Would you like to
learn the history of some of the most popular games
in the world? Would you like to learn strategies to
outwit your opponent? How about creating your
own board game? Sign up today for Board Game
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
8:00 am – 9:55 am
10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Special Note
8:00 am – 9:55 am
be– NO
held on Monday, July 4th
Classes will be held on
Friday, July 8th
3–4 Fine Arts
Chorus, Keyboards and More
Sculpty Spectacular II
This class offers students the opportunity to sing
in an ensemble and work on their keyboard skills.
Students will participate in singing, developing choral
techniques, and building keyboard skills. A great time
for musical fun.
Do you go wild for clay? Try using this spectacular,
colorful, oven–baked clay called Sculpty this summer.
Students will make clay creatures, jewelry, games,
animals, and beads!
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Recycled Art/Junk Art
The Art of Mindfulness II
Students will develop mindfulness techniques
through yoga and meditation. They will build on their
technique and experience and translate both into
expressions of visual art. Create art objects such as a
zen garden to help you with your mindfulness practice
in the future.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
This is the course for students with an artistic flare
and a passion for the environment! Students will use
creativity to convert used materials into functional
pieces of art. Students will learn ways to care for the
environment, and they will plan an environmentallyfriendly project.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Register online:
Grades 4K-4
Spanish Culture
Students will learn all of the basics of scrapbooking
and will create their own personal scrapbook in class!
In addition to learning the basics of scrapbooking,
students will create different paper crafts including
greeting cards, paper bag books, bookmarks,
and more!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Spanish. Learn
about the Spanish language and culture with games,
music, hands–on activities, and of course a fiesta.
Come learn the important skill of speaking Spanish
and join the fun!
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
3–4 Fitness & Games
Building Better Movers
This fun fitness class will engage students in a wide
variety of physical activities that will help them
understand the importance of being mentally, socially,
and physically fit, and take responsibility for leading a
healthy and active lifestyle.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
3–4 World Culture
Around the World in 12 Days
Would you like to travel around the world in 12 days?
Buckle your seatbelt and get out your passport as
we take imaginary voyages, visiting countries around
the world. We’ll learn traditions, music, games, cities,
and attractions in other countries. Eat traditional
foods and make art while creating a booklet on the
countries we visit.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
3–4 Technology
Tech Town
Students will have the opportunity to use and enjoy
software used during the school year, practice
keyboarding, and be introduced to new and exciting
learning experiences.
Current Grades: 3–4
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
– OR –
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
This section describes Enrichment Courses available
to students currently in grades 5–8. Some classes
are only for students in certain grades. Please check
the grade listed for each class prior to registering.
Thank you.
Summer School Attendance
Areas for Students Currently in
Grades 5–8
Current 5th graders entering middle level and current
middle level students from Prairie View Middle
School, Patrick Marsh Middle School, 8th graders, and
non–public schools will attend review and enrichment
classes held during the June/July, Monday–Thursday
Summer School time frame at Cardinal Heights
Upper Middle School with the exception of Strength/
Conditioning which is held at Sun Prairie High School.
Science and Technology
Fun With Flight
Grades 5-8
Current Grades 5–8
Help your child fly high in the sky with this great air
and flight related enrichment activity. Students will be
introduced to flight principles and the forces involved
in flying. Activities include: using paper airplanes,
kites, gliders, and more to take home. Students will
learn about interesting flight related engineering
principles, problem solving skills, and science facts.
Current Grades: 6-8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: ………………..………………………………….....$10
Digital Storytelling
Here is your chance to turn your writing into a
digital story book. You will explore your writing and
computer talents through your story displaying
personal pictures, computer graphics, or hand-drawn
illustrations. Show off your creativity!
Current Grades: 5-7
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$5
Intro to Robotics
Junkyard Science
Do you love experimenting with items you find around
your house? In this course, students will be challenged
to use common items to conduct “cool” science
experiments. Who knows - you may actually create
a “safe” explosion or discover something you never
thought about!
Current Grades: 6–7
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Learn the basics of programming and robotics. Dive
deep into the world of robotic competitions, work in
teams and experience the thrills and chills of robotic
field competition.
Current Grades: 7-8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Girls Empowered Through Technology (GETT)
We will be exploring today’s technology with a handson, dream-it, create-it, and do-it approach. Using
Google’s CS First, we will be exploring computer
topics such as storytelling, fashion & design, art, social
media, music, sports, and game design.
Current Grades: 7-8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Register online:
Grades 5-8
Science and Technology
Digital Modeling — Minecraft
Students will use the game Minecraft to create and
build scale models of geographic locations. Students
will use real world modeling and construction
techniques to convert measurements from the real
world into their digital counterparts. The end result
will be fully interactive virtual locations.
Current Grades: 5–8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee The Minecraft Colony – Virtual
Manifest Destiny
Students in this class will simulate the role of colonists
starting a life in a new, untamed wilderness. They will
cooperate to create shelter, find and cultivate food,
and clean sources of water. Students will explore the
hierarchy of needs and use problem solving to set up
an operational community.
Current Grades: 5–8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Creativity, imagination, innovation, and technology
collide in Imaginarium. Students will research
and explore robotics, circuitry, art, programming,
videography, design, and more. Imaginarium is where
ideas become a reality!
Current Grades: 5–8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Women in Woodworking
You can build your woodworking skills in this class.
Students learn important safety procedures as they
use the lathe to create pen sets and cutting boards.
This course helps students to develop confidence and
comfort in designing and completing projects using
woodworking equipment.
Current Grades: 6–8
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am –12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Women in Engineering
This class will develop and expand engineering and
problem-solving skills. Students use an engineeringdesign approach to create individual and team
projects. Students work individually and together to
create unique projects.
Current Grades: 6–8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Social Studies
Fun With Chinese
Learn Chinese through story telling, songs and
activities. In addition to the fun language learning
experience, students will be hands on doing Chinese
calligraphy, Chinese folk crafts and arts, and have
basic introduction to Chinese food.
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Current Grades 7–8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$5
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Grades 5-8
You Be the Judge!
Students take on the roles of lawyers, witnesses,
judges, and juries as they conduct “mock trials” of
characters they may have read about in books, or
have invented. Students decide if the characters are
innocent or guilty. Students will also explore real cases
to see if they agree with the outcomes.
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Special Classes
this Summer!
Current Grades: 7-8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Mock Trial
Students who learned to be a lawyer, judge, or
jurist from “You Be the Judge!” can really put their
new knowledge and skills to work. Students do the
required research to help prepare their clients to
appear in court. Students may be prosecuting or
defending the “accused.” This is just the course for
those who like to “argue” their case!
Current Grades: 7–8
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Additional classes will be held
this summer at Patrick Marsh,
Prairie View and Cardinal
Heights Upper Middle School.
The courses are described in the
Enrichment Courses Grades 5-11
tab at the end of this guide.
Night at the Museum
Honors World History – How to Succeed!
This course will pre-teach and support the writing
and critical thinking skills necessary to be successful
in Honors World History. The course is highly
recommended for all students planning to take
Honors World History in the fall.
This is the course for those who love the “Night at
the Museum” movies. Students will conduct research
that will support the creation of a presentation and a
“museum quality” exhibit. This class requires creativity
and will develop skill. The conclusion of this course
will include a “gallery” walk through the student
created museum.
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Current Grades: 8
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
History Comes Alive
History of Sports
Here is your opportunity to learn about how a
sport came to be what it is today. Students will
analyze memorable sports history moments. Join
us in discussing times when history and sports have
collided to create important cultural events.
Students will choose a historical period and create
a multi-genre presentation. Projects can include
music, movies, art, and literature that reflect unique
cultural happenings. Students will use research and
presentation skills when developing a topic of their
own choosing.
Current Grades: 7–8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Current Grades: 7–8
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Register online:
Grades 5-8
Family & Consumer Science
Reading in the Kitchen
This class adds the excitement of cooking delectable
treats while incorporating reading skills. Students
learn how to read and write recipes and create
a cookbook. Students increase confidence and
independence through this fun class.
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Current Grades: 7–8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Going Green with a Sewing Machine
Join us to explore ways to re-use and recycle your
old clothing items. Learn basic sewing skills to create
projects. Start collecting gently used blue jeans and
t-shirts that you will transform into new items!
Current Grades: 5–6
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Going Green with a Sewing Machine II
Students who already have a basic knowledge of
re-using and recycling their old clothing will love this
class. They will learn and use more advanced sewing
techniques to create unique projects from their gently
used clothing items. Come and build on the skills you
learned previously!
Current Grades: 7–8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Snack Shoppe
Does starting a restaurant business sound interesting
and fun? Learn how to apply for a job, develop theme
based restaurants, and run a snack shoppe. Students
will prepare foods that are ready to sell! Learn the
basics of running a restaurant business.
Current Grades: 5–6
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Soccer 101
Learn the basics of soccer through instruction,
discussion, and practice. We will learn about soccer
history, theory, and skills. We’ll also learn and practice
skills through a variety of drills. This will be FUN!
Current Grades: 5–6
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Current Grades: 7–8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Grades 5-8
Strength and Conditioning
(Held at the High School)
No District Transportation Provided
Strength and Conditioning classes offer a great
opportunity for students currently in grades 5–11 to
increase their fitness levels by learning and applying
different aspects of weight–lifting and conditioning.
This class is open to all students, males/females
and athletes/non–athletes. All classes focus on skill
development in weight lifting, speed, and agility.
Students also work on running form, flexibility,
and conditioning exercises. Students learn proper
techniques to promote physical growth and
development while minimizing the risk of injury.
Prairie Runners
This course is based on the physical and mental
effects of running. Prairie Runners will focus on the
health benefits of regular exercise in the form of
running and team building, goal setting, and personal
improvement. We’ll use a growth mind-set to build on
the knowledge and skills of running.
Current Grades: 5–6
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
The class for 5–7 grade students is an introductory
class that emphasizes form and safety, not the
amount of weight being used. Classes for 8–11 grade
students are advanced classes in which all students
will develop and implement a personal fitness plan
based on goals developed collaboratively between
the student and teacher.
Current Grades: 5–11
Dates: June 13 – 16 (Monday – Thursday)
June 20 – 23 (Monday – Thursday)
June 27 – 30 (Monday – Thursday)
July 5 – 8 (Tuesday – Friday)
Please use current year grade level:
7:00 am – 9:00 am (10 – 11 grades)
9:00 am – 10:00 am (5 – 7 grades) Introductory class
10:00 am – 12:00 pm (8 – 9 grades)
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (8 – 11 grades)
Current Grades: 7–8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Volleyball Skills & Drills
Students interested in developing the skills related to
volleyball are going to love this course. Students
will learn about and build specific volleyball skills
as well as increase their strength, coordination,
and fitness levels.
Current Grades: 5–8
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Time Changes for July
Dates: July 11 – 14 (Monday – Thursday)
July 18 – 20 (Monday – Wednesday)
July 21 (Thursday)
Please use current year grade level:
7:00 am – 9:00 am (10 – 11 grades)
9:00 am – 10:00 am (5 – 7 grades) Introductory class
10:00 am – 12:00 pm (8 – 9 grades)
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (8 – 11 grades)
If times listed for a particular grade level do not fit the student’s
schedule, please contact one of the instructors to discuss the
possibility of participating in another class.
No Course fee
Register online:
Grades 5-8
Drawing Exploration
Come and explore a variety of media, tools, and
techniques used to create a sketchbook. Students
will be involved with diverse cultures and methods
of creativity while developing their own drawing
projects. A great chance to build your skills.
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Maker Madness
We will use the “state of the art” makerspace FAB
LAB to explore a variety of technologies and mediums
to make and create. Legos, claymation, video editing,
green screen, spheros, arts, and crafts...the only limit
is your imagination!
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Current Grades: 7–8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Paper Palooza: Creative Design in Paper
Students will explore how to use paper as an art and
design medium. They will learn paper making, cutting,
folding, and sculpture creation. This class will use both
recycled and new materials.
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Periods: 8:00 am – 9:55 am OR 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$15
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Pinterest Crafts
Students eager to use both their creative and
technological interests and skills should come to this
class. You will learn how to create “themed” boards
and how to transform ideas you find on Pinterest into
real arts and crafts.
Current Grades: 5–7
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$10
Photography I
If you love taking digital photographs of yourself, your
friends, and other items, you are going to love this
class. Students will be introduced to basic functions
of the camera and learn how to take and enhance
Current Grades: 5–6
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee:…………………………………………………….....$5
Photography II
Students will learn more advanced methods of using
their camera to take more interesting and creative
photos. Students will use digital editing software to
create unique camera art along with learning more
about framing and displaying their photography to
make it even more interesting to others.
Current Grades: 7–8
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee:………………………………….....$5
(for identified 8th grade AVID students)
The following courses are for students who have been
identified or enrolled in a class at an earlier date.
To learn more about AVID, please contact
Creed Hansen at [email protected]
and visit
AVID Summer Kickoff
(for identified 7th grade AVID students)
This three–week course is an introduction to the AVID
elective class. Students have the opportunity to meet
both AVID peers and AVID teachers. During AVID
Summer Kickoff, students will participate in team–
building activities with classmates, begin to explore
the reasons for our shared goal of attending college
after high school, and become more familiar with
Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School.
Current Grade: 7 – AVID Students
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Grades 5-8
AVID Summer Bridge
AVID Summer Bridge is a three-week course for
students currently participating in the AVID program.
The Summer Bridge course provides students with an
opportunity to apply the literacy strategies acquired
in Critical Reading to discussion-based activities such
as Socratic Seminars.
Current Grade: 8 – AVID Students
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
AVID Critical Reading
(for identified AVID students)
AVID Critical Reading is a three–week course for
AVID students. The class focuses on helping students
develop strong reading and literacy skills necessary
to be successful in secondary education. Through the
explicit instruction of reading strategies, students will
learn to make meaning of higher–level informational
texts across multiple disciplines.
Current Grade: 7 – AVID Students
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Current Grade: 8 – AVID Students
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
Some of the following courses are for students who
have been identified or enrolled in a class at an earlier
date. Please contact your home school music teacher
if you have questions.
Fiddle Camp
Fiddle Camp is open to students who play violin, viola,
cello, or bass and have completed a minimum of one
school year of playing instruction. The class provides
instruction in various fiddling styles and techniques.
Music is arranged for a variety of ability levels.
Each student receives a camp t–shirt and the class
concludes with a community performance. There
is an evening performance on the last day for parents
and friends.
Current Grades: 5–8
Session: Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………………………….....$12
Register online:
Grades 6-9
Summer Saxophone Start–up
This class is for students switching to the saxophone
(with director consent) following their 6th grade year
in band. Students wanting to join band should contact
Chris Gleason at Patrick Marsh (834–7625) or Ann
Sederquist at Prairie View (834–7825) about available
instrument choices. Students starting the saxophone
should have received the list of supplies needed to
begin study of the saxophone from their director.
Current Grade: 6
Session: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
No Course Fee
Concert Band
(for students currently in grades 6, 7, 8, and 9)
Summer Concert Band is an opportunity for students
to continue learning about and creating music through
performance in band. This is a class for students who
love to play a band instrument and work with others to
create music. Students will learn a variety of music and
prepare for a performance at the end of each session.
Current Grades: 6–9
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 10:05 am – 12:00 pm
Course Fee: ……………………………………..……………….....$8
The Sound of Sun Prairie
No District Transportation Provided
Sound of Sun Prairie (SOSP) is a voluntary, co–
curricular marching band supported by Sun Prairie
Area School District and the Sun Prairie Band Boosters.
Registration in Sound of Sun Prairie also enrolls
students as part of Sun Prairie Area School District
Summer School Program & Co–Curricular Program.
The group includes 8th–12th grade students who
have an interest in performing with percussion, wind
instruments, or color guard.
The Sound of Sun Prairie provides students
opportunities to learn and work cooperatively toward
common goals. Students employ the power of positive
attitudes, personal responsibility, and self–motivation
for the good of the group, while striving to work
to the best of one’s ability at all times. The band’s
philosophy is based on the belief that learning to be
successful in marching band involves the same process
as learning to be successful in other endeavors and
that understanding the process for success is the
most important part of attaining success. Students
interested in enrolling in Sound of Sun Prairie should
contact Ian Melrose at [email protected].
Jazz Ensemble
High Energy and loads of fun! That’s what Jazz
Ensemble is all about. Join us for an opportunity
to improve your playing, learn how to improvise or
improve your improvisation, perform multiple jazz
styles, and dive into jazz history. We’ll be listening to
and learning from the jazz legends. This course is open
to any middle/upper middle school music student.
Current Grades: 6–9
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 9:55 am
Course Fee: ……………………………………..……………….....$8
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Information on location, dates, times, and fees
will be provided by the instructors to students
who are involved.
Strength and Conditioning
(Held at the High School)
The Sound of Sun Prairie
No District Transportation Provided
No District Transportation Provided
Strength and Conditioning classes offer a great
opportunity for students currently in grades 5–11 to
increase their fitness levels by learning and applying
different aspects of weight–lifting and conditioning.
This class is open to all students, males/females
and athletes/non–athletes. All classes focus on skill
development in weight lifting, speed, and agility.
Students also work on running form, flexibility,
and conditioning exercises. Students learn proper
techniques to promote physical growth and
development while minimizing the risk of injury.
Sound of Sun Prairie (SOSP) is a voluntary, co–
curricular marching band supported by Sun Prairie
Area School District and the Sun Prairie Band
Boosters. Registration in Sound of Sun Prairie also
enrolls students as part of Sun Prairie Area School
District Summer School Program & Co–Curricular
Program. The group includes 8th–12th grade students
who have an interest in performing with percussion,
wind instruments, or color guard.
The class for 5–7 grade students is an introductory
class that emphasizes form and safety, not the
amount of weight being used. Classes for 8–11 grade
students are advanced classes in which all students
will develop and implement a personal fitness plan
based on goals developed collaboratively between the
student and teacher.
Current Grades: 5–11
Dates: June 13 – 16 (Monday – Thursday)
June 20 – 23 (Monday – Thursday)
June 27 – 30 (Monday – Thursday)
July 5 – 8 (Tuesday – Friday)
Please use current year grade level:
7:00 am – 9:00 am (10 – 11 grades)
9:00 am – 10:00 am (5 – 7 grades) Introductory class
10:00 am – 12:00 pm (8 – 9 grades)
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (8 – 11 grades)
Grades 8-12
Current Grades 8–12
The Sound of Sun Prairie provides students
opportunities to learn and work cooperatively
toward common goals. Students employ the power
of positive attitudes, personal responsibility, and
self–motivation for the good of the group, while
striving to work to the best of one’s ability at all times.
The band’s philosophy is based on the belief that
learning to be successful in marching band involves
the same process as learning to be successful in
other endeavors and that understanding the process
for success is the most important part of attaining
success. Students interested in enrolling in Sound of
Sun Prairie should contact Ian Melrose at
[email protected].
Information on location, dates, times, and fees will
be provided by the instructors to students who
are involved.
Time Changes for July
Dates: July 11 – 14 (Monday – Thursday)
July 18 – 20 (Monday – Wednesday)
July 21 (Thursday)
Please use current year grade level:
7:00 am – 9:00 am (10 – 11 grades)
9:00 am – 10:00 am (5 – 7 grades) Introductory class
10:00 am – 12:00 pm (8 – 9 grades)
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (8 – 11 grades)
If times listed for a particular grade
level do not fit the student’s schedule,
please contact one of the instructors
to discuss the possibility of
participating in another class.
No Course fee
Register online:
Grades 8-12
Traffic Safety
Traffic Safety Education Course consists of three (3)
weeks of classroom instruction as well as behind–
the–wheel instruction. The course is built around the
philosophy of defensive driving and fulfills the driver
education requirement of the Wisconsin Department
of Motor Vehicles for teenagers seeking their first
driver’s license. For more information, visit the
Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles website at
Classroom Instruction
A student may take the exam as soon as he/she
is 15 ½ years old, even if you haven’t completed
the classroom portion. Student must be enrolled
in the District’s Traffic Safety Education Course
in order to take the temporary license exam.
During Summer School, the exam is offered daily
(Monday – Thursday.)
Current Grades: 8–12
Credit: .25 (¼) credit
Sessions: Session 1 (6/20 – 7/8)
Session 2 (7/11 – 7/28)
Period: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee for Classroom Instruction
Behind–the–Wheel Instruction
No District Transportation Provided – Individual
times scheduled by the Teacher.
Individual Behind–the–Wheel lessons typically occur
after the classroom instruction has been completed.
The fee must be paid prior to receiving a permit
application that must be taken to the DMV. The fee
also covers the Behind–the–Wheel portion that is set
up with Mr. Olson. Make checks payable to SPHS and
turn into the office at High School Summer School.
Current Grades: 8–12
Course Fee:…………………………………………………...$200
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Enrichment Courses Grades 5-11
Keys to Success: Orientation to CHUMS
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
Summer Courses for
Current Grades 5-11
This section describes additional
Enrichment Courses to be held
outside of standard summer school
dates and times for students
currently in grades 5-11. Some classes
are only for students in certain
grades. Please check the grade listed
for each class prior to registering.
Thank you.
Keys to Success will help prepare students for success
as they enter Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School
(CHUMS). Students will learn their way around
the building. They will also learn more about the
culture and expectations for students at CHUMS.
Additionally, students will learn how they can build
their leadership skills and study strategies and get
involved. Everything students need to know to
Current Grade: 7
Dates: August 9 – 10
Period: 8:30 am – 11:30 am
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Musical Theater Workshop and
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
Personal Discovery
New Beginnings
Current 5th Grade Students
District Transportation Provided
We are excited to continue to offer New Beginnings
for incoming 6th grade students to make a smooth,
successful transition to Middle School. This class is
offered at both Patrick Marsh and Prairie View Middle
Schools. Students will be introduced to their middle
school building, routines, and expectations. Students
will visit different parts of the school, practice using
a locker combination, and learn helpful hints to assist
them in making a successful transition.
Locations: Students will attend their home middle school —
Patrick Marsh or Prairie View Middle Schools
Current Grade: 5
Dates: August 2 – 3 (Tuesday – Wednesday)
Period: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
District Transportation Provided
Are you interested in auditioning and performing in
your school musical? Whether you are new to theater
or a "seasoned" performer, this workshop will give
you a jump start on your stage performance career.
Participants will increase the skills needed to audition
and perform in a musical. We will put on an entire
We'll need actors and crew members to help make
this happen. Students will connect with others
who are interested in theater and collaborate in a
supportive environment. The class will culminate with
a performance of the show on Friday evening, August
19. This is going to be exciting! Join us!
Registration for this workshop and performance will
be capped at 40 participants.
Location: Sun Prairie High School Performing Arts Center
Current Grades: 7–11
Dates: August 8 – 19
Evening Performance on August 19 (Time to be announced)
Period: 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Course Fee: …………………………………..……………….....$20
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Register online:
Enrichment Courses Grades 5-11
Introduction to Computer Science
College Essay Workshop
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
Introduction to Computer Science (ICS) is a onesemester course in which students learn some
fundamental computer science (CS) concepts
using MIT App Inventor and develop computational
thinking, build career awareness, and improve cyber
hygiene. Students will meet for the first three weeks
of the summer school session in the afternoon and
during that time will have independent study projects
assigned. Students will remain in contact online
with the teacher and will return during July 25-28
to meet with the teacher to finalize projects. At the
completion of the projects, the teacher will assess
them to ensure the students demonstrate proficiency.
This workshop will help rising seniors create quality
personal statements/essays that can be used for
college applications.
Registration for this workshop and performance will
be capped at 25 participants.
Location: Sun Prairie High School, Room 2240
Current Grades: 9–11
Dates: June 20 – 23, June 27 – 30, July 5 – 8
Period: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Credit: .50 (1/2) credit
Academic Decathlon
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
Academic Decathlon provides students with
the opportunity to improve their study and
communication skills by exploring a wide array of
cross curricular topics including: art, music, math,
economics, language and literature, science, social
sciences, speech, essay and interview. Students who
participate in Academic Decathlon during summer
school will be well prepared for all classes during the
upcoming school year. Participants will also develop
the skills needed when applying and interviewing for
jobs and college.
Registration for this workshop and performance will
be capped at 30 participants.
Location: Sun Prairie High School, Room 3325
Current Grades: 9–11
Dates: August 1, 3, 8, 10, 15 – 19
Class dates include two days during the first two weeks
(M/W) and five days (M-F) during the final week.
Period: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Course Fee: ………………$9.00 for a book you will take with you
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Location: Sun Prairie High School, Room 1320
Current Grade: 11
Dates: June 27, June 29, and July 5
Any additional dates in August will be determined
during the July classes
Period: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Advanced Placement Human Geography
Boot Camp
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
This “Camp” is designed to prepare and support
students who will be participating in the Advanced
Placement Human Geography class. Students will
have the opportunity to sharpen the skills required
to take the more challenging Advanced Placement
Classes. This class will help provide important
strategies and concepts required for rigorous
academic classes.
Please note there are several areas for which you
can register students.
General Information:
Some of the AP "boot camps" listed below will be
run based on student interest. Parents/guardians may
register their child for specific classes, but please be
aware that not all of the camps are scheduled at this
time. Teachers of the camps that are not scheduled
at this time will schedule classes at times in July
and August when the largest number of interested
students are available and when teachers of specific
Advanced Placement subjects are available. Interested
students will be contacted prior to the classes to
inform them of the dates, times, and locations of
Advanced Placement Classes demand academic
excellence. Students who enroll in Advanced
Placement expect to be challenged. Advanced classes
require high levels of critical thinking and analytical
skills to prepare for the AP Exam, and future courses
students will take throughout college. The Advanced
Placement Boot Camp is an opportunity for students
to help prepare themselves for the skills required to
succeed in Advanced Placement Classes and Exams.
Advanced Placement GENERAL Boot Camp
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
This “Camp” is designed to prepare and support
all students who will be participating in Advanced
Placement classes. It focuses on general study skills
and how to take an AP class.
Location: Sun Prairie High School, Room 1320
Current Grades: 8–11
Dates: July 27 and July 28
Period: 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Enrichment Courses Grades 5-11
Advanced Placement
Boot Camps
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
Registration for this class is open only to students
who are currently registered for AP Human
Geography at Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School
or Sun Prairie High School.
Location: Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School
Current Grades: 8–11
Dates: August 1-4
Period: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Advanced Placement Government Boot Camp
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
This “Camp” is designed to prepare and support
students who will be participating in the Advanced
Placement Government class.
Please register and teachers will contact interested
students with the dates/times/locations of the class.
Location: To be Determined
Current Grades: 9–11
Dates: To be Determined
Period: To be Determined (students should plan on 2-3 hours
for each class)
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Register online:
Enrichment Courses Grades 5-11
Advanced Placement English Boot Camp
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
This “Camp” is designed to prepare and support
students who will be participating in the Advanced
Placement English class.
Please register and teachers will contact interested
students with the dates/times/locations of the class.
Location: To be Determined
Current Grades: 10–11
Dates: To be Determined
Period: To be Determined (students should plan on 2-3 hours
for each class)
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
The following courses are for students who have
been identified or enrolled in a class at an earlier
date. Please contact your home school music teacher
if you have questions.
Classes will be held at students’ home Middle Schools
or Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School. Please read
the information carefully and note the location. No
District Transportation will be provided. Please also
note the afternoon and evening dates/times.
Band Jump Start!
(for students currently in 6th grade band)
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
Band players are invited to participate in our Band
Jump Start class. The three–day camp will host a
number of fun and engaging activities. We will learn
new band music, warm–up exercises, breathing
exercises and more advanced rehearsal techniques.
You will need your instrument, band supplies and a
pencil for the class.
Locations: Patrick Marsh & Prairie View Middle Schools
(Students attend at their home school.)
Current Grade: 6
Dates: August 23, 24, & 25 (Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday)
Period: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (arrangements within that time frame
for various groups)
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Advanced Placement United States History
Boot Camp
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
This “Camp” is designed to prepare and support
students who will be participating in the Advanced
Placement US History class.
Please register and teachers will contact interested
students with the dates/times/locations of the class.
Location: To be Determined
Current Grades: 9–11
Dates: August 1-4
Period: To be Determined
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
Wind Symphony Camp
(for students currently in 5th grade)
(for students enrolled in the Cardinal Heights Wind Symphony)
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
No District Transportation or Nutrition
Services Provided
Students will meet in like–instrument classes to learn
the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to
play the instrument. Those who cannot attend this
class during the summer will do a similar after school
program the first week of school. If you have not
attended a fitting, please contact one of the band
directors at the school you will attend to arrange a
fitting and to sign–up for this course. Please go to and look for the “Join Band” tab
at the top of the page.
The primary objective of the camp is to begin the
process of ensemble building or “ensembleship”
within the band/ensemble through varied forms of
rehearsal, musical games, and team building activities.
The first step in building ensembleship is to develop
an understanding of the myriad roles each person
plays. This lays the groundwork for ultimate goal:
improvisatory play and exercise of artistry.
Locations: Patrick Marsh & Prairie View Middle Schools
(Students attend at their home school.)
Current Grade: 5
Dates: August 22 – 26 (Monday – Friday)
Period: 8:00 am – 12:30 pm (Students should plan for an hour
and a half each day.)
Specific times for Band Starts Now classes will be distributed
during band instrument fittings on May 17 and 18 at Patrick
Marsh. Please make sure you make a fitting appointment for your
child prior to these dates.
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Enrichment Courses Grades 5-11
Band Starts Now!
Location: Cardinal Heights Upper Middle School
Grades: 6–8
Dates: August 22 – 25 (Monday – Thursday)
Period: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
No Course Fee
No District Transportation or Nutrition Services Provided
Register online:
Keep up with District News
School news doesn’t stop during the summer! In fact, with Summer School in session and planning for the 2016-2017
school year, we are always sharing information with our families and community.
We communicate via:
The School District website:
Sun Prairie Area
School District
Futures depend on us...every child, every day.
School District e-News. Subscribe here:
Family emails and texts: Parent/Guardian contact information is automatically uploaded.
(If your phone numbers change, please contact your child’s school to have them updated in our systems.)
Show your Cardinal Pride all summer long!
Traveling this summer or attending a cool event? Bring a Cardinal Pride pennant with you and take a photo! Share your
Cardinal Pride photos with us via email at [email protected]. We’ll post them to Facebook all summer
long! Cardinal Pride pennants are available at all of the schools and at the School District Office.
Cardinal Pride is alive and well in Summer School, as well! Make sure you take first day of
Summer School photos and send them to us!
Sun Prairie Summer School Course Guide
No student may be discriminated against in any school
programs, activities or in facilities usage because of the
student’s sex, color, religion, profession or demonstration
of belief or non–belief, race, national origin, ancestry, creed,
pregnancy, marital or parental status, homelessness status,
sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning
disability. Harassment is a form of discrimination and shall
not be tolerated in the district. It is the responsibility of
administrators, staff members and all students to ensure
that student discrimination or harassment does not occur.
(SPASD Policy JB)
Register online:
Sun Prairie Area
School District
Futures depend on us...every child, every day.
501 South Bird Street, Sun Prairie, WI 53590
Telephone: 608-834-6500 • Fax: 608-834-6592