Education and training Work and academic experience


Education and training Work and academic experience
Monica Pirani
Curriculum vìtae
(Lasi updatc-.AugusC 2012)
Education and training
Master's Degree, 04/2009
Biostatistics and Experimental Statistics
University of M ila n-Bicocca, Italy
Thesis: Childhood cancer: an evaluation of spatial and
m ulti variate covariance among histotypes in Emilia-Romagna
Region (Italy]
Master, 02/2004
Catholic University of Rome, Italy
Specialization (2 year], 03/2001
Sociology of Health
University of Bologna, Italy
BS (4 year], 03/1997
Politicai Science (Sociological curriculum)
University of Bologna, Italy
Spatial and spati o-temperai analysis in Epidemiology - University of Florence (Italy), 2008
Statistica! Methods for Space-Time Surveillance - International Biometrie Society, Pisa (Italy), 2007
Course in Epidemiology for Public Health, University La Sapienza of Rome (Italy), 2001
Advanced course in Epidemiology- Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome (Italy), 2001
Work and academic experience
PhD student
MRC HPA Centre for Environment and Health
King's College London (UK)
Project tìtle: Statistica! rnetbods for thè analysis and interpretation of correlate
matrix of exposure in tìme series analysis
Research Assistant
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics within School of Public Health
Imperiai College London (UK)
Department of Oncology and Haematology
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Consultant at Observatory on Pathological Dependences
Parma Locai Health Unit (Italy]
Consultant at Observatory on Pathological Dependences
Modena Locai Health Unit (Italy]
Consultant for Regional Dementia Project
Bologna Locai Health Unit (Italy)
Scholarship in Sociology
Bologna Locai Health Unit (Italy)
Research's collaboration in Sociology
Department of Sociology
University of Bologna (Italy)
Peer-reviewed Journal articles
Pirani M, Marcheselli R, Marcheselli L, Bari A, Federico M, Sacchi S. Risk of second malignancies in nonHodgkin lymphoma survivors: a meta-analysìs. Annals of Oncology 2011: 22(8):1845-58
El Mistiri M, Pirani M, El Sahli N, El Mangoush M, Attia A, Shembesh R, Habel S, El Homry F, Hamad S,
Azzuz R, Federico M. Cancer profile in Eastern Libya; incidence and mortality in thè year 2004. Annate of
Oncoìogy 2010; 21(9):1924-6
Federico M, Pirani M, Rashìd I, Caranci N, Cirilli C. Cancer incidence in people with residential exposure to
a municipal waste incinerator: An ecological study in Modena (Italy), 1991-2005. Waste Management
2010; 30(7):1362-70
Agabiti N, Pirani M, Schifano P, Cesaroni G, Davoli M, Bisanti L, Caranci N, Costa G, Forastiere F, Marinacci
C, Russo A, Spadea T, Perucci CA, Italian Study Group on Inequalìties in Health Care. Income level and
chronic ambulatory care sensitive conditions in adults: A multicity population-based study in Italy. BMC
Public Health. 2009; 9:457
Ferretti S, Guzzinati S, Zambon P, Manneschi G, Crocetti E, Falcini F, Giorgetti S, Cirilli C, Pirani M,
Mangone L, Di Felice E, De Lisi V, Sgargi P, Buzzoni C, Russo A, Paci E. Cancer incidence estimation by
hospital discharge flow as compared with cancer registries data. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione 2009; 33(45):147-53f7n/ta//an)
Gerra G, Bertacca S, ZaimovicA, Pirani M, Branchi B, Ferri M. Relationship of personality traits and drugof
choice in cocaine addicts, heroin addicts and normal controls. Substance Use and Misuse 2008; 43(34):317-30
Pirani M, Schifano P, Agabiti N, Davoli M, Caranci N, Perucci CA. Potentially avoidable hospitalisatìon in
Bologna, 1997-2000: temperai trend and differences by income level. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione 2006;
Antolini G, Pirani M, Morandi G, Sorìo C. Gender difference and mortality ina cohort of heroin users in thè
Provinces of Modena and Ferrara, 1975-1999. Epidemiologia & Prevenzione 2006; 30(2):91-9 (In ìtalian)
Paper under revision
Peredes Alpaca RI, Forastiere F, Pirani M. Low exposure to lead and reproductive health. A cohort study
of temale workers in thè ceramic industry of Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Submitted to Epidemiologia &
Paper in preparatici!
Pirani M, Gulliver j, Fuller G, Blangiardo M. A Bayesian spatio-temporal framework to improve short-terni
PM10 exposure estimates in urban areas, Shortly to besubmitted to Journal of Exposure Science and
Environmental Epidemiology
Chapters in Italian books and monographs
Pirani M, Rashid I, Cirilli C, Federico M, Analisi Geografica dei tumori diagnosticati in provincia di Modena.
Anni 2000-2005. Associazione Angela Serra per la ricerca sul cancro, Modena 2007
Orsi W, Pirani M. // sistema sanitario in Provincia di Bologna, in M. La Rosa (Eds), Bologna 2002. Primo
rapporto sulla città. Franco Angeli, Milano 2002
Orsi W, Pirani M. Un percorso della qualità nella Rete dei Servizi per gli anziani, in M. La Rosa (Eds), I
Servizi residenziali per gli anziani ed i problemi della qualità. Un approccio europeo, Franco Angeli, Milano
Orsi W, Pirani M. L'informazione della popolazione in generale e delle famiglie, in B. Andreonì (Eds),
Assistenza domiciliare Integrata, Masson, Milano 2000
Talks and presentations
A Bayesian spatio-temporal framework to improve short-term PMw exposure estimate in urban area (in
collaboration with Marta Blangiardo). Investigator's Seminar Meeting, MRC HPA Centre for Environment
and Health - Imperiai College London (UK) 10 july 2012
A Bayesian Spatio-Temporaì framework to improve exposure measurements combining observed and
numerical mode! output. Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes - 2 nd Edition,
2011, Foggia (Italy)
Association of mammographic density with thè characteristics at onset ofbreast cancer. XI Annual Scientìfic
Meeting of Italian Association of Cancer Registries, 2007, Lecce (Italy)
Cancer Incidence in thè area surrounding an incineration ofmunicipal solid waste - Modena 1991-2004. XI
Annua! Scientific Meeting of Jtalian Association of Cancer Registries, 2007, Lecce (Italy)
Results ofresearch: psychiatric and behavioural aspects involved in cocaine addicts. Workshop organized by
Parma Locai Health Unit, 2005, Parma (Italy)
Potentially Avoidable Hospitalization in Bologna 1997-2000: temperai trends and differences
leve!. XXIX Annual Conference of Italian Association of Epidemiology, 2005, Pisa (Italy)
by income
The research of Bologna Locai Health Unit on thè needs expressed by families of elderìy patients with
demenda. Workshop organized by Bologna Locai Health Unit, 2000, Bologna (ìtaly)
Pirani M, Gulliver J, Fuller G, Blangiardo M. "A Bayesian spatio-temporal framework to improve shortterm PM10 exposure estimate in urban area". Advisory Board Meeting - MRC-HPA Centre for
Environment and Health, 29-30 May 2012
Pirani M, Papageorgiou G, Atkinson R, Richardson S, Fuller G. Challenges in characterizing multipollutant
mixtures in time-series analysis: a statistical view. 2012 Annual UK Review Meeting on Outdoor and
Indoor Air Pollution Research, Institute of Environment and Health, Cranfield Unìversity, 3-4 May 2012
Pirani M, Gulliver }, Blangiardo M. "A Bayesian Spatio-Temporaì framework to improve exposure
measurements combining observed and numerica! model output". Symposium: From Exposure to Health
Effects: Novel Approaches to Find thè Linkage, Unìversity of Bìrmingham, 17 May 2011
Sacchi S, Pirani M, Marcheselli L, Marcheselli R, Bari A, Cirilli C, Massimo F. Second Malignancy after
Treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: a Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis of Population-Based
and Cohort Studies. 51st Annual Meeting ofthe American-Society-of-Haematology, 5 Decernber 2009 - 8 Dee
2009. 114:761-761. AMER SOC HEMATOLOGY
Teaching experience
Tutoring activities at thè MSc Modern Epidemioìogy and Master of Public Health ofThe Imperiai College for
thè module: "Introduction to linear and logistic regression modelling". Course leader: Prof Deborah Ashby Imperiai College, London (November - December 2010)
Teaching assistant for thè module "Clinica! triaìs". Course leader: Prof. Stefano Sacchi - Faculty of Medicine
of thè University of Modena and Reggio Emilia ()une - July 2009)
Italiani mothertongue.
English: good level in both speaking and writing.
French and Spanish: elementary level.
Other activities
- Referee for Spatiaì and Spatio-temporal Epidemioìogy
- Member of Committee Researchers Society within MRC HPA Centre for Environment and Health
Skills in computing
Programming skills and data analysis ability with statistical software such as STATA, R, WinBugs and
Great familiarity with Office package and latex compilers.
"Giuseppe Luppi Award", Angela Serra Association on cancer research and Univerity of Modena and
Reggio Emilia, 5 December 2011