Special Olympics Pre-Games 2016 are opened 2016


Special Olympics Pre-Games 2016 are opened 2016
Press release, 10th january2016
Let the Special Olympics Pre-Games begin
The Special Olympic Pre-Games in Graz, Schladming and Ramsau have started! Styrian governor
Hermann Schützenhöfer officially opened the Games at 8:07 p.m. in front of more than 6000
spectators in the World-Cup Stadium Planai. Among them were many representatives of politics,
economy, sponsors and Special Olympics (see guest list).
The two hour long show had everything an opening ceremony has to have: Live acts Rose May, Opus
and Tagtraeumer performed their best hits and the brass music chapels of Schladming, Pichl and
Ramsau performed the “Radetzkymarsch” among many others. The HIB.art.choir Liebenau proved
that young Styrians are very musical. The dance team “Ich bin O.K.” did two impressing shows during
the ceremony.
Mary Davis (Special Olympics Europe), Gerald Klug (Federal Minister of Sports) and Hermann Kröll
(President Special Olympics Austria), as well as the mayors of the three host cities Siegfried Nagl,
Jürgen Winter and Ernst Fischbacher pointed out the great importance of the Pre-Games and the
World Winter Games 2017 and emphasized, that Austria enjoys an excellent reputation concerning
the Special Olympics.
Many famous personalities from the world of sports were part of the opening ceremony too. Ski star
and “Austrian Sportswoman of the year” Anna Fenninger performed the Olympic Oath together with
Special Olympics Global Messenger Johanna Pramstaller and athlete Teresa Breuer: “Let me win. But
if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”
The Special Olympics flag was carried to the stadium by true Olympians like “Austrian Sportswoman
of the century” Annemarie Moser-Pröll, Trixi Schuba, Christian Hoffmann, Felix Gottwald and the
Special Olympics ambassadors Hans Knauss and Michael Tritscher.
Alexander Radin, Special Olympics Sportsman of the year 2014, had the honor of inflaming the
Olympic Fire.
Needless to say, the greatest enthusiasm was caused by the entry of the 20 international delegations,
followed by the delegations from the nine Austrian states.
By tomorrow, all of them will be competing in nine different disciplines in Graz, Schladming and
Ramsau. All together, there are more than 1000 athletes contending and proving their impressive
All the information concerning the Games (program, timetable, results) is provided on
Extract of the guest list:
Minister Rudolf Hundstorfer, Minister Gerald Klug, Governor Hermann Schützenhöfer, Vice Governor
Michael Schickhofer, Styrian government members Christian Buchmann, Ursula Lackner, Jörg
Leichtfried, Doris Kampus, Austrian government members Hermann Krist, Ursula Haubner, Mayors
Siegfried Nagl, Jürgen Winter, Ernst Fischbacher, Vice Mayor Martina Schröck, City Council member
Kurt Hohensinner, Diocese Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl, Archbishop Franz Lackner, Styrian police
president Josef Klamminger, Georg Bliem (Planai-Bahnen), Thomas Beran (Audi), Urs Harnik-Lauris
(Energie Steiermark), Manfred Pachernegg and Franz Strempfl (Energienetze Steiermark), Philipp
Bodzenta (Coca-Cola), Johannes Rumpl (Uniqa), Gerhard Draxler (ORF), Michael Kummerer (Kleine
Zeitung), Wolfgang Malik and Barbara Muhr (Holding Graz), Katja Erlach (Bank Austria), Erich
Neuhold (Steiermark Tourismus), Gerhard Widmann (Flughafen Graz), Peter Mennel (ÖOC), Anton
Schutti (Sporthilfe), George and Gina Alaba, Heather Mills (Paralympics-Athlete) and many more.
Media Contact
Mag. Heri Hahn | Coordinator Media
Mobil: +43 (0)676 4676 352 | E-Mail: [email protected]