1998_Who Said That_the art of the
1998_Who Said That_the art of the
who s aid h atl?l the art of the contemporQrV amencan ventriloquist an exhibitionat the centerfor puppetryarts by todd sto si o od {J q) 5 6 o S{ € c ofl eqt ofaskilled "beings" burst forthwithlifeattheknee thatseemingly What dowecallthese little (Dummy!) alltoo-alive forthese people tooabrasive performer? findtheDword Some ventriloquist the figureorventfigureisthemostwidelyusedtermamong termventriloquial littlecreatures,The aformofpuppet. are, infact, professionals wecallthem,they inthefield. Butwhatever American onthecontemporary toconcentrate TheCenterfor PuppetryArts decided twoofthemost compelled toacknowledge inaretrospection ofthe20thcentury,lfeel ventriloquist Vent Haven wonderful thatareopen tothepublic,The ofventriloqui collections extensive incorporated in 1961asalivingtrustforthe isaprivate collection Kentucky, Museum inCovington, (1878-i972) ventriloquial withavengeance.The allthings whocollected Berger revered collectorW,S, to him,and asamemorial thereserve property thatstand ofBerger's oldhomeandthesmallbuildings ofrareitemsof hundred ventfigures andthousands ofseveral anddiverse collection house awonderful of anexhibition andtheycurated ConVENTion, sponsor aVentriloquist's sometimes memorabilia,They in i976.The of Cincinnati Arts Center items attheContemporary treasured ofthecollection's some has Collection. fromthePermanent Selections Museum, brochure oftheVentHaven catalog official item. avaluable collectors become (Plato NorthHollywood, Publishing, author ofI CanSeeYourLipsMoving Valentine Vox, esteemed and Magic the Movie ventriloquism items within of anexpansive collection 1993) maintains remarkable inLasVegas,Vox's housed inO'Shea's Casino MemorabiliaMuseum,currently White Jeff andhisassistant European, emphasis,Vox hasadecidedly international,largely collection perpetuate theirventures. tohelp Association formed theInternationalVentriloquist have recently activities inthemuseum andtheenthusiastic isevident totheartofventriloquism Their devotion Convention, hosting LasVegasVentriloquist's began anannual In1997,they headquartered there. of independent exhibition mounted thelargest Arts, wehave forPuppetry Here attheCenter THE CONTEMPORARY THAT!?!:THE ART OF SAID in the world.WHO ventriloqui ofindividual thegenerous cooperation brings together VENTRILOQUIST AMERICAN astudyoftheroleoftheAmerican performing to present collectors andinstitutions artists, craftsmen, it isgroundbreaking.We thisregard, ofthe20thCentury.In intheentertainment landscape ventriloqui$ years, propagation andaid in the coming of similar exhibitions willencourage the hopethatitssuccess performing artform, forthisintimate andrare ingenerating renewed enthusiasm fromthe voicecreated isintended to refernotonlytotheanonymous SAID THAT!?! ThetitleWHO these beautifully counterparts, theirhuman butalso tothefactthatwithout ventriloquist's stilllips, hand. Many voice andguiding puppets awaiting theirmaster's stand silent andmotionless crafted andasarespectable arepresented asacross-section inthiscatalog.They masters arehighlighted representationofthescopeoftheartincontemporu,vri*u''f}/fu!.W Curator.WHO SAID THATI?I Portraitby DickWeston) llergen & McCarthy the ,$f Thiscolorfulmosaicpaintingby DickWeston(detaiLat right; wasreproduced on the coverof the NorthAmerican Association of Ventritoquists memorial tributepublication in 1.979 to the lategreatperforming artist,EdgarBergen. Theimpishquatity premierventriloquist of oneof America's figures."Charlie McCarthy," is captured fromthe artist'sinterpretation of a 1930spubLicity sti[[.Morethantwentyyearspasthis deathat age75, Bergenremains a majorinspiration to today'sAmerican ventriloquists. Born as Edgar JohnBerggren (1903-1978), he couldeasilybe dubbed"TheFather of Modern American Ventriloquism." Hisstellarcareershotupwardfrom vaudeville to, of atl things,radio,andinto HoLLywood motionpicturesand tetevision. Hebroughtthe art of ventriloquism to the forefrontof American popularcutture.Bergen, whowassometimes goaded by his puppetside-kicks for lazylip-control.remained a brilliantcomedy writeranddeveloped charactersthat wererichin uncannypersonality andcomicpossibitity. Thecountry "Mortimer bumpkin Snerd"andthe old maid"EffieKlinker" haveaccompanied "CharlieMcCarthy" the monicled into posterity.(SeealsoTheodore Mack.) rt $$ (Uncle Sam) \fith a careerthat spanneddecades,StanleyBurns (1919-1998)was best known for the unusual and mysterious"Dr. Lichee"who magicallyappearedto remain aliveafter the ventriloquisthad left the figure aloneon the stage.His main figure, "Bruce," is a Frank Marshall masterpiece, and the figure "Uncle Sam"was carvedby the late George"Pinxy" Larson and usedby Standuring rhe Bicentennialcelebrationsof America's independence in 1976.Stanleywas regardedas one of the nation's foremost authoritieson the art of ventriloquism,havingamasseda major private collectionof books, posters,playbills,puppersand photographs. His talents were featured in the films DesperatelySeekingSwsanandRadio Days. Justprior to his passing,he put the finishing toucheson a major work on the history of ventriloquism,titled Other Voices:Ventriloquism frorn B.C. to TV. to be releasedsoon as a CD-ROM. He lived in a Manhattanhigh rise with his devotedwife and iong-timecompanion SylviaBurns,in a home overflowing with a burgeoningcoliection of fascinatingventriloquialmemorabilia. (Seealso Frank Marshall, Pinxv and Shari Lewis.) t o (Sam) Polite wasoftenbilledas'America's vaudeville headliner African-American ThisBrooklyn-born (1S73-1966) wouldperform Cooper ofVentriloquism,"John Black Napoleon Ventriloquist"or"The ventfigures thathewould many setting thatoftenincluded barbershop inacontrived = portraying His thebarber. oneatatime,himself andoperate movebehind Cooper customers, andvarious boy,manicurist included theshoeshine characters andWinston Biography byLogan ; Neqro ofAmerican isnotedintheDictionary (WWNorton and character 1982),"Sam" washisprincipal andCo., NewYork, € = in whenheadlining ashissolepartner oftenappeared nightspots astheKitKat, NewYork suchfashionable Hisdaughte;Joan andtheElMonoco. HotelLexington for"Sam"to leave hasgraciously consented Maynard, and visitthe Historical Society hishome attheBrooklyn E JoanMaynard Artsforthisexhibition, Puppetry Centerfor = fe$ivities of fortheopening onhand waspersonally forPuppetry Arts.(See WHO THAT!?! attheCenter SAID Mack.) also Theodore cn$ odn\ €{* 5X crt os .9S =E Fl\ {JN $ >N ,9 / "Chuckles" exemplifies Fowle r (1923-1994) Charlie therareperformerwhocombinedclowningwith the alliedartsof magic,ventriloquismand"Punchand =;E Fashioned |udy"into oneshow."Chuckles'Old CircusSideShow"combinedall of these -eF =x performance andmoreinto a techniques programthatwasin greatdemandin the Fowler D.C.metropolitanareaduringmostof his lifetime.As a youngster, Washington, into purchased his first figurefrom FrankMarshallfor $35,whichCharlietransformed "BumpsytheClownl'Muchof his influencein theart camefromclosecorrespondence with ColonelBill BoleyandthelateKeith"OskartheClowrf'Parr(dates relationships of his actin"Chuckles'Clown sharedtheinner-workings Charliegenerously unavailable). publishedby theSocietyof American Corner"in theNewOracleventriloquistmagazine (SeealsoFoyE.BrownandFrankMarshall.) Ventriloquists. =E =K E* f= eql (IkeyMacGregor, MissTillieAlbright) the (Dexter) SpencerHorsman representsthe youngestof the newcomersto the art of ventriioquism.As a child of eight he placedat a talent competitionat the Vent Haven ConVENTion. He was invited to perform on the late Shorustarring David Lettermanon August 9, 1994,making him the first and only ventriloquistto haveperformed on rhat program. An offspring of two Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Baileyalumni clowns,Spencerhas inherited the gift of e 6 figure) madenationalheadlineswhen he was temporarily lost by the United StatesPostalServicewhile in transit to his hometownof Baltimorefrom a refurbishingvisit on the \X/estCoast.A very sad young Spencerwas featuredon nationaltelevisionandin People Magazinewhile postal authoritiesscrambledto clearup a potenrial public relationsdisaster.This "Dexter" was found and safely returned,and subsequently replacedby a larger and more marure Tim Selbergcreationto match Spencer'sgrowrh into adolescence. This time, little "Dexter" happily madethe trip to Atlanta through the United StatesParcelServicewithout mishao. Kt!T $ (LambChop,HushPuppyandCharlieHorsevideoctips) ThismultipleEmmyAward,Peabody AwardandUN]MACitationof Excellence recipientcouldeasilybe dubbedthe "FirstLadyof Amerjcan Ventriloquism." In a careerthat spanned a 1.952 appearance on ArthurGodfrey's TalentScouts throughthe continuing successes of PBS'LambChop's Play-Along andCharlie Horse's MusicPizza,ShariLewis(1933-1998) Ledan amazing careerwith her beloved handpuppets. Sharidecided puppets earlyonthatthesmatl'er cto.th f^ . were v v s r s imore lrvrs L compatible vilrpqLruls with v v r L r r rher r g r petite pgLtLt )stature LcrLutg o and i l u that -.€: ,. L i l g L they L i l t r y o,sg;[' ,r "ffi&* (D bestdepicted hernatural warmth. Asa child.shestudied ventri[oquismWith.threeprofessional'*i'itbqyi't*-_re{ E. u, UilT,lf i:[X'i^,1'fe','#if];i:fl ili3il?1,(o'3n5.,Ip'.*6F' herlatefather,the "0fficialMagician" to the Cityof New W,r'JQt \, ]" c.; lfi',' j:ii:fl #l+fi li*i::fr ,.qryEgo *T#{i{jii.t#*#ffi York.Shariwasvehement aboutnotatlowing heryoung 3Y Sadty. Shiripassed awayduring therunof thisexhibition. i€= f .,.j .::. \'i g E l5s -IS€ (a{J+ (a: ods (Cat-A-Lion, Duck) Audrey =: ct$ oq program guestonthePBS Dr,Linnroseto national fameduringherappearances asaspecial Mister Rogers'Neighborhoodin the1970s. Shespentseveralyears atBoston Children's Hospital puppet intoa healing forchildren. combining therapy andventriloquism dose ofunderstanding Shehaslectured extensively allovertheworldontheuseofpuppetry asatherapeutic tool.Her puppets "Cat-A-Lion" handcrafted'Audrey have Duck"and been featured inseveral videoseries designed to helpchildren copewith fromdeathandlosstochronic illness and difficultissues ranging abuse. TheAudrey displayed inWHOSAID THAT!?! appeared inthe uideo I'mStillMe:Helping Children Cope withChildhood Cancer, U iswearing distributed bytheLeukemia Society. Audrey ascarf because shehaslostherhairdueto chemotherapy treatments for childhood cancer. Dr.Linn's mostrecent workincludes creating, E ginDifferent writingandperformin andfheSame: Helping (Family Children ldentify andPrevent Prejudice Communica= tions,Inc,, Pittsburgh, 1996),an videoseries for award-winning I performances classroom Dr, Linn's for have use, live children ,5 ! byanUNIMA Citation ofExcellence andbythe = ; & beenrecognized Boston Parents'Paper's Performer oftheYear Award. rrrL" I rrtJwur\ (Scorch) €N gN RonnLucassignifiesthenewbreedof innovativeartistswhopaidtheir duesin theComedy Clubgenreof the1980s and90s.Lucas'winin a San propelledhim ontoBroadway Francisco ComedyClubCompetition to starwith MickeyRooneyandAnn Miller in SugarBabiesandonto Tonight Show.Helaterstarredon Britishtelevisionin fohnnyCarson's his ownseriesin theearh90s.Shortlythereafter,"Scorchi' fire-breathing amagnificent dragon, wasdeveloped intoamajornetwork herein the television series Ronn's include UnitedStates. otheruniquetrade-marks "Buffalo Billy,'thesoftclothstylefigure;the talking "Mytooshie lookslikeanelbow!"; sockroutine: blowingupaballoonwhilethepuppetis singing; and gN eql thecreationof a clevermaskdevicethathaselevated the old standardventroutineof usinga volunteerfromthe audience to a wholenewlevelof technicalnovelgenius. _= E g = v the (Lefty) performer Thislegendary is probablybestknownin showbusiness circlesas a MasterMagician andthe operatorof oneof the nation'slargestmagic shops- Magic,Inc. in Chicago. Asa sideact, he developed an elegantvent bit with "Lefty,"whichquickl.y caughton andled him to 14 appearances on the EdSullivan Showand generated popularity. immense TheSmithsonian "Lefty" glove Institution puppet,and owns this E graciously has lentit to usfor this exhibit. Marshall recentlyencoredhistrademark routineanduniquecomicrendition of the e song"If I HadMyWay"with "Lefty"at the 1997Festival of the Puppeteers of America 3 "Punchand in Toledo. Jayis atsoa renowned Judy"performer andcoltector. q = (DannyO'Day, Farfel) No ventriloquist is adored and admired more by his peers than Jimmy Nelson. Jimmy continuesto perform his characters,best known to millions as the stars of the famed Nestle' commercialswhich aired from 1955-1965."Danny" would sing his clearfalsetto: "N-E-S-T-L-E-S, Nestle's makes the very besr", followed by "Farfel's" lower and nasal "Chaw-klit!" Nelson holds the distinction as havingone of America'slongestassociations as a TV spokesmanfor a commerciaisponsor.Our exhibition featuresan original Frank z Marshall carved"Danny O' Day", completewith crying eyesand a smoking device,along with a cloned version (by Ray Guyll) of Frank Marshall's"Farfel". Jimmy Nelson hasbeen voted "Ventriloquist of the Year" at the Vent Haven Museum.He receiveda similar honor at the Las VegasConventionin the summerof 1998.Jimmy alwaystakestime to greet aspiringventriloquistsor to sign autographs.His Instant Ventriloquism = (furo, 1964)record has coaxedthousandsof potentialventriloquistswith their store-bought "Danny O'Day" dolls (from GoldbergerDoll Company,Brooklyn) to practicethe art. (Seealso Frank Marshall.) (_ (s0l 0t -l o F (a_- (Dirty OldMan) {r:\ performer isfrequently Hailing fromQueens, NewYork,this billed WillieandRosco," throughout theareaas'Chilly Theyare featured inthe"Ventriloquist's Dummy regularly Choir" on Conan )'Brienshowandrecently touredBudapest NBC's (circa "Dirty OldMan" 1987) withthatprogram. wasat onetimeusedbytheperformer foradultparties, The figure wasdonated byWillie totheCenter for Puppetry Artsforthenoteworthy AFRICAN exhibition AND AFRICAN-AMERICAN PUPPETRY whichwas curated bySchroeder Cheny in 1994."Dirty OldMan" wasinitiallypurchased fromtheMaher Studios, of Littleton, Colorado, oneoftheworldslargest suppliers offigures andeducational materials toventriloquists, and (See publishers [/enfs, back ofNewsy cover,) (ax 5t ct o ofli = = (PluggerMcPat,FoyBrownBoy,Shaun) "PluggerMcPat"is a woodenCraigLovikfiguresubsequently paintedby NewYorkartist Philomena Maranothatstarredin theNewYork stageplayHk Master\Voice by DickD. Zigunin NewYork1985."Plugger" wasanevildummywho,whenequipped with a toy machine gun,posedanominousthreatto theventriloquist's mentalhealth."The Foy Brown Boy"(circa1985)waspurchased asanintended copyof anearlierFoyBrown workcalled"Obie"whohadappeared at theCenterfor PuppetryArts In Concertl'Asis andvenues aroundtheworldin"ToddStockman =P sooftenthecase, thewood-carved replicaneverquitecaptures the uniquecharmor character of theoriginal,evenwhencopiedby the F-e Institutionhaslent"Shaunl'a originalartist.TheSmithsonian basic"CharlieMcCarthy" dollrecreated intoa newcharacter by Todd'smother."Shaun"appeared with theteen-aged performerat theWhiteHousefor a DiplomaticChildrent Christmas Partyin 1978hostedby JimmyandRosalyn (SeealsoAboutTheAuthor/Curator Carter. andFoyBrown.) ff qF the (Rudy) The king of "Kidshow" ventriloquism,Mark \x/adehas concenrratedon children's entertainmentin a most successfulcareerthat includeshundredsof performanceseach year in schoolassemblies and concerts.Mark prefers ro use rhe softer, Muppet-stylecloth PuPpetsand purports that they are much more popular with today's children'saudiences than the traditional woodenvariety. At one time, "Rudy" was rhe staple star of his ventriloquismact. "Rudy" is a prime exampleof the rare and wonderful craftsmanshipof the lateJack Coats(,1931-1973). Mark generouslysharedhis experiences in creatingand performing a kid's show in the hardcoverKid Show Ventriioquism (SamuelPatrick Smith Publications,1996). Mark Wade had servedas founder and presidentof the Society of AmericanVentriloquists(SAV) from 1976-1986, which is, sadly, no longer in existence.The SAV publication TheNew Oracle remainsa treasuredcollector'sitem. (SeealsoJack Coats.) g* *€ c= E= '-E -E (CeciliaChicken, Johnny's Sister) Nooneamongventriloquists hasbecome moreof a showbusiness iconthan Sefrorwences, whosecareerhasspanned the entirecentury.wenceslao Moreno. with his "S'a[[right?S'a[[right!"and"Difficultfor you,for meifs easy,"fromPedro's head-in-the-box andJohnny's faceon a'fist, respectively, hasdevetoped two of the mostadmiredandaffectionatety parodied tributei g = to the art of the noveltyact. sefrorwences was brought to the forefrontof 6 popcultureasa recurring America_n staron the Edsullivanshow,the hugety h weeklytelevision = successfuI varietyprogram that ranfrom194gto 1.971.. Wences madeat least48 appearances on the show.Today, the a streetoutsidethe legendary EdSullivanTheater in Newyork is renamed "SefrorWences Way"in tributeto this E z reigningkingof varietyentertainment. Heresides 'E a coupleof blocksawayat the enviabte ageof 102. pleased We are to gir[ display puppet a fist g q = usedbySefror Wences in a TVcommercial, anda headof thebeloved "Cecilia puppet. Chicken" o :I n o o cn FI A q +J \LJ .rr A. o *v.s 5 od \ J\ l€ lP EA =o Eddie 0'ConnoO (AuntMartha Hawkeye, MaandPaMcGrew, Bear, Senator Horatio andClarence, headlining ofaperformer isastellar example career shows,Weston's LasVegas revue Thestarof numerous Estenson HewasbornEarlHenry to latepartofthecentury. shows duringthemiddle revue inthecasino himself hefound broadcast, (1926-1996) Bergen age, inspired byanEdgar Atanearly inMinneapolis. (byMartinStevens tothe Later, heswitched performing O'Connor" with"Eddie familyshows ,1904-'1983), paththattook"Dick andClarence"to Weston, AuntMartha onacareer before embarking clubcircuit, supper Hotel; theStardust Show"at onthe"Lido included 28months inLasVegas. Hiscareer thetopofthemarquee Inn;and bothattheDesert on"Pizzaz7Ol and12months America"show 15months atthe"Hello intoanactive retiring inthe1980sbefore Palace atthelmperial in"Bravo Vegas" paintings. painter Hisworkwas ofneo-impressionist asaremarkable avocation attheLas Weston" ofDick posthumously andPointillism in"ThePuppets featured withthe allofhisownventfigures, Dick Weston created in 1997. Vegas ArtMuseum -1993) (unknown(1917 Williams andLemuel builders JohnShirley helpofpuppet a wood andpossess ofplastic areconstructed creations 1954), AllWeston hallmark asaventriloquist.The Weston's rusticcharm thatbecame distinctive (constructed "Clarence" in1954) andtheinebriated Martha" saucy"Aunt (1959) characters, fame. Alloftheother himachieve hisgreatest helped priorto his in 1949andwereretired crafted 0'Connor,"were except"Eddie Bergen,) andEdgar in 1959.(See alsoMartinStevens anivalin LasVegas (ferry Mahoney, Smiff) Knucklehead weremajorstarson1950s Institution duoonloanfromtheSmithsonian Thisdynamic and Mahoney Showfrom1950-1954 includingThePaulWinchell-lerry networktelevision, by Theoriginal"]erry"wascarved the1980s. through andvarietyshows in variousseries +, cc) (courtesy NationalMuseumof FrankMarshall."Knucklehead" figure-maker Chicago byWinchell created to have been Institution)is alleged AmericanHistory,Smithsonian wasalsocreatedby FrankMarshall himself.SomeexpertstheorizethatIfuucklehead for by Winchell.Hisbook,Ventriloquism andtransformed (0ttenheimer, 1954), was very Baltimore, FunandProfit ofventriloquismand in teachingthetechniques successful of potentialyoung to a newgeneration dummy-making a patentin Dr.Winchellreceived artists.As a side-note, heart for the artificial models 1963for oneof theearly whichkepta calfalivefor 94days.Heresidestodayoutside California,andrecentlymadea rarepersonal LosAngeles, to muchacclaim. Convention at appearance aVentriloquist (SeealsoFrankMarshall.) N eql EF z6 =€ i6e z6 EE triE +it -e '5 ra -sA E.9 EE =.E =!P EE (SisterMaryAnnette) PadyBlackwood hadno ideawhathewasgetting into when "sisterMaryAnnette"for he created s the originalNewYorkproduction of Danny "Nunsense." Goggin's The show has burgeoned E. into oneof America's mostproduced musical showsandlongestrunning0fF-Broadway hits. <g Actress Semina Delaurentis received much =:. de acclaimin this ro[e,andwenton to performit !i in the videoversionin the early90s.Pady's popularnun puppetshavesubsequently appeared in thousands of peiformances aroundthe worldof "Nunsense," "Nunsense 2" and,,Nunsense 3.,, Btackwood_is widelyknownasthe principaL manipulator of "HowdyDoody," havingperforqgdthe famousmarionette for televisionandliveappearanceswith BuffaloBobsmith(1918-1998) sincethe 1970s.Hewasalsoa puppetworks longtimeprincipalpuppeteer with the Bit BairdMarionettes, andDreamstuff Puppets in NewYork.Padynowresides in Dar.r.as, Texas. E the g III Pgq H?. trFr Flt L(D (Foy BrownBoy,Miss Ti[ie AlbrighQ As oneof the mostprolific figuie-makers of the lastcentury, Foy E. Brown (1901-1989) turnedout hundredsof ventriloquist figuresand "PunchandJudy"puppersduringhis career.A sonof ventriloquistCharlesE. Brown (1.862-1947), Foy wouldoften carvethe front half of the headin moreeasilycarvedbasswood,andthe backhalf from the lessexpensive andmore readilyavailable pine.His puppershavean unmistakable style andlook aboutthem andarealwaysbrandedwith the smalldie "FEBFigures"on the head-stick andinsidethe head."Miss Tillie Albright" andthe "Foy BrownBoy" figuressharethese familialresemblances andbirthmarks.Brown'sworkshopwas locatedin Lawrence, Kansas, andremained very activeuntil the c artist's death in 1989.Someprofessionalventriloquiststhat have usedFoy BrownfiguresincludeTodd Oliver,Dennis Bowman,GregClausen,TommieAtkins and BobMason (1924-1,998). (SeealsoCharlieFowlerandTodd Stockman.) = Y]:f -(a o (RudY) S{ c) rrl \\ s\ (1931-1973)wasborninDetroit among andisrevered Leroy JackCoats great figure-maken of the of the collectors as one ventriloquists and bythelookofthehugely century. Muchofhislaterworkwasinfluenced Hisearlyworks Frank Marshall. successful, andmorefamous, to possess styleoftheirown,According andunique acharming his three of Coats and owner of expert on aleading GaryKoepke, hours a night on ofthree acarving schedule figures,"With fourhours on andanother andFriday Monday,Tuesday,Thursday year plus a allthe about40figures Coats carved Saturday,Jack generated,Jack's wife Patdidall his shop repaints that repairs and clients duringthelate60sandearly70sincluded thewigging,Jack's ofthe BillDeMar andmany Vonda KayVan-Dyke, former MissAmerica (See Wade.) Mark inthebusiness."also topvents c = (Dr.Lee,PunkGirl) a careerbetweentravelingon thehigh seasasa ventriloquist foelLederbalances revues, with craftinginventive headlineron CarnivalCruiseLineandstarringin LasVegas Herecentlyclonedcopies in his LasVegasgarage/workshop. anduniqueventcharacters Lederprefersto cast "Walter"puppetfor a Hertztelevisioncommercial. of |eff Dunham's in fiberglass.|oelhasdeveloped characters his originallydesigned andkookypuppetsthatare a freshstylethatincludesnew-age basedand/orof a morehorrificgenre. science-fiction sometimes including His characters areusedwidelyby manyprofessionals, .r "Elvird' is a truly DialogueMagazineeditorBobLadd,whose "Dr.Lee"andthe"PunkGirl"are Ledercreation. memorable of his uniqueandfreshcartoon-likestyle."Punk two examples G-e -F-" = VisitorstoWHOSAIDTHAT!?! Girl"is actuallytwo-faced. hertwo heranddiscovering haveenjoyed walkingaround din The distinctpersonalities. Joeland"Dr.Lee"appeare (1995), currentlyin videorelease. Irnmortals (Sam) Theodore Mackwasthe revered figure-maker whocreatedthe original"Charlie perhaps Mccarthy," the mostfamousventfigureof a[[time.Ventriloquists havedebatedaboutthe creatorof Chartie for years.A youngEdgarBergen boughtthe puppetat the MackBrothers (the brotherwascharles workshop Mack)in the 1920s.EdgarBergen wroteto mein the late1970sattesting that the original"Chartie" wascreatedby "Theo"Mack,andI havepersonalty inspected the originalwood-carved versionthat is nowpartof the permanenl collectionof the smithsonian Institution'sNationalMuseum of American Historyin Washington, D.C.Bergen hadseveral versions of "Charlie" manufacturedin lateryearsfroma varietyof materials, whichhaveaddedto the confusion. It is suspected that someofthesehavebeenacquired andfurther duplicated by collectors. One"char[ie."allegedto havebeenusedby Bergen, recentty soldfor morethan $100,000 by a top auctionhouseto famed magician DavidCopperfield. WearedeLighted to displaya wonderful treasure fromthe Mackworkshop with JohnW.Cooper's "Sam,"createdin the early partof the twentiethcentury.(SeealsoEdgarBergenandJohnW.Cooper.) the J '.II m 3g 3r Jrlo slt F(D fi.rry Mahoney,Ikey MacGegor,Tommy Knots, Girl, Danny O'Day) The lateFrankMarsh^ll09A0-1.969) is admiredandrespected amongventriloquists for his fine craftsmanship. His style,popularizedby'Jerry Mahoney"and"DannyO'Day,',sera trendthat quintessentially represents the 1950sand1960stelevision era.Marshallturnedout Mahoney" from the SmithsonianInstitution; CharlieFowler's "Ikey MacGregor;"and the "Tommy Knots" and "Girl" figures,on loan from Alan Semok. Those figures were original and popuiar novelty items Marshall churnedout E I on his "dupii-carver"machine.Jimmy Nelson,who still performs with his original "Danny O'Day," "Farfel," and "Humphrey Higsbye" characrers,wrote in a 1,979 tribute, "Frank Marshallwas the world's greatest figure-maker;that goeswithout saying." (Seealso Charlie Fowler, Jimmy Nelson and Paul \ilinchell.) 3 N$, FF $CD hI u, o (Uncle 5am) >\ (cir(a1865-1960) "Pinxy" Hiswife, ofChicago, forGeorge Larsen nickname wastheprofessional andJudy" were noted"Punch Pinxy"(unknown-l948).They known as"Madame Grace,was performers. handcrafted ventfigures forsaleintheearlyto mid manufactured Hesometimes style. ofthe"Pinxy" Burns, isaprimeexample Sam," onloanfromSylvia 20thcentury."Uncle (See Burns.) also Stanley ) FT Ff q. J\ A (Gran'pa) Knownthroughouttheindustryasthe"DummyDoctorl'AlanSemokmaintainsgreat refurbishes, respectfor theclassicstyleventfiguresashelovinglyandpainstakingly them.Hehascraftedscoresof originalfiguresfor otherventriloquists clonesor creates r the"Gradpa"in time for this exhibition.He fromhis Newferseystudio,completing worksin themoretraditional"kneefigure"style,andSemok figuresalwayscapturea rarerichnessof emotionin theface. Alanis alsobusyoutsidetheshopperformingasa ventriloquist, aswellasnowservingastheofficialvoice actorandpuppeteer, for their estate. Alanhasdeveloped of two of "TheThreeStooges" reputationfor refurbishinggreatventriloquist a world-renowned Doodyi'to including"Howdy figuresandotherpuppets, (See theiroriginalgrandeur. alsoFrankMarshall.) U e (Eddie0'Connor) FrP ]{9 ff q-f E odji q { eql= E great (1904-1983) is knownas oneof America's MartinStevens (1899-1983), marionettists, whoalongwith partnerandwife0[gaStevens throughout the US.Hewasthe first touredtheir puppetshowsextensively "Eddie is oneof in 1937. 0'Connor" of America of the Puppeteers President figuresbelieved to havebeencrafted onlysix ventriloquist wassoldto by MartinStevens."EddieO'Connor" (1896-7952) in the 1.930s and dealerFredMaher Landed on the lapof a youngEar[Estenson subsequentLy the careerof the in 1943and[aunched in Minneapolis E.E E E.E; FE.a promising youngartistlaterknownasDickWeston (1926-1,996). "Eddie0'Connor" is craftedin wood dough.(SeealsoDickWesfon.) ToddStockman istheauthor ofthiscatalog andcurator ofWHO SAIDTHAT!?!:THE ART 9' 0FTHE C0NTEMP0RARY AMERICAN VENTRIL0QUIST, Besides becoming anationally recognized expert andhistorian inthefieldsofventriloquism puppetry, and hehas enjoyed anaward-winning career thathastakenhimaround theworldfromAnchor- c-|. performing agetoZanzibar onluxurious ocean liners. Hetworked ontelevision c-|. projects produced byChildrenl Television Workshop andMisterRogers' Neighborhood;5 o andonmanynationalTV commercials,Todd appeared onceattheWhiteHouse for (1936,1990), President Jimmy Carter withJimHenson andonceforPresident George st (1933-1 (191i-l 985), Bush withShari Lewis Hehasbeentrained 998). byBurrTillstrom coached byKermit Love, c-F anddirected byFrank 02,Hehascurated exhibitions attheLasVegas ArtMuseum, andworks fromTheTodd !' Stockman Collection have appeared "Puppets inprominent exhibitions nationwide, including andThings on Strings" attheSmithsonian lnstitution, Heisafrequent contributor publications to several national including lhe t',! Puppetry lournal,Todd haswonfourManhattan Association ofCabaret's"MAC Awards'jand thehighest recognio performer tionawarded (Union toanindividual intheartofpuppetry:The Citation ofExcellence byUNIMA g 1.,:l Internationale delaMarionnette), puppetry aninternational organization, Hespent thespring andsummer of 1998serving asTechnical Advisor andpuppeteer fordirector TimRobbins' plcture newmotion litledTheCradle st C+ WillRock.Iodd Stockman calls bothNewYork CityandBaltimore home, ct o tr tr o o 1.,! I rnust ;rcknowledgea new and undying respectfor curarors everywhere. Thanks to: Nancy Lohman Staub for her initial support and coordination to m;rke this idca a reality. Nancy's thorough intesrity as ;1careful historian of puppetry arts is ;rn inspir;rtion.Rod Yor"rng.Richard Terrr-rine. Alan "Cookie" Cook who knows tlore,rbout curating puppet exhibitions than anyone. Ellcn Hughes' graceful coordination at the Srnithsonian.SchroederCherry for support ,rrtdlaughs.The Brooklyn Historical Society and Jo:rnMaynard. George Latshaw. Joc Palermo and rhe Las Vegas Art Museutn. Gary Koepke. Alan Scmok. SidneyMyer. Mark Levenson,Lettie Connell Schubert,Alice Rhodes, Larry Engler, Addis Villiarrs, Norma Bigler, Pady Blackwood, Mark \fladc, Bob Ladd, Chillv \X/illie,Joel and Denise Lcdcr. Mr. And Mrs. \Wenceslao Morcno. Patricia Fowler. Stan ar-rdSylvi;rBurns. Bernie and Ken Horsrn;u. Todcl Tillson and Lcwis and Lamb, Inc., and the colrrageoLrs Shari Lewis, Jimrny Nelson, Clinton Detweiler, Dennis Alwood, Dan Ritchard, and Ronn Lucas. Dr. SusanLinn. Nick Coppol;r for consistentand trustcd guidance.The New York Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Libary, Lincoln Center for the Pcrfonnir.rsArts. George'Warner and Ann McHr-rgh for my first bre;rk. Ancl of course, I extend personaland extra specialthanks to the Center St;lff: Vincent Anthony, whosc vision and dedication h"rscrcated ancl developedthis world-class Cer-rterfor Puppctry Arts, Forrncr Museum Dircctor Don;'LAarronwho laid ,r great deal of thc groundwork. Congratulations to new Museurn MalnagerSus;rnKirrncy on her first exhibition. Muscum Registrar Anne L;rr.rford. Markcting Director Debbie George, for supen'isine this catalos :rnd arr:rnging publicity. And the photographerswhose credits appcar throughor-rt.C;rthy Northen. D;rre M;rrtin. And the Center's ofr unsuns hcroine, Lisa Rhodes. Alex:rnder "Xan" Dccb. Ancl the :rrtistry of dcsignerJoe Peragine. St o F 5 o € l-, (D I gq (D 3 (D it j-|. v, aid Th"tl?t 5 W.ho the art oi tho ContempoitryaineriCanventriloquist presented 4, leee bFrthercentefr[i#lffr#r;rr;1ilr.?, tees- january anexhibition exhibitioncurator and catalogauthor - todd stockman. museummana$er- susankinney exhibitiondesigner- joe peragine. catalo$designer- debbiesavannahgeorge the.rulton \ajor.funding.is yrovidra \v r .t AR$Fr:LroNcou\ryARrscouNCrLs or f,ne ' Lountg Lommrssron under Ene guroance I for moreinformationon the art of ventriloquismand puppetry: DialogueMagazine BobLadd,Editor 103IronwoodCourt Vinton,VA24179-4923 [email protected] NewsyVents Editor ClintonDetweiler, Box420 Littleton,CO80160 [email protected] Puppetry|ournal GayleSchluter, Membership Chair #5 Cricklewood Path Pasadena. CA91107 www.puppeteers.org PuppetryInternational UNIMA-USA NW 1404SpringStreet, Atlanta. GA30309 www.unima-usa.org [email protected] Theotticial hotel: FULTON COUNTY antg COUNCIL = z @ CIIY OF ATUNTA Theoftl.l.l TV it.tlon: Brnnem ^-o,tn"ffINN NU Atlanta lVidtown 1470 Spring Street, N!1/ Atlanta,GA 30309 4M-872-5821 Xii"it" AirLines fortheArts, inpartbytheNational Endowment forPuppetry Artsisanon-profit, tax-exempt 0rganization andissuppofted TheCenter Asembly, the fortheAnsthrough theappropriati0ns oftheGeorgia General theJimHenson Foundation, theGeorgia council Commission under the Fulton county C0mmission under theguidance oftheFuhon county Artscouncil, thetultonCounty program, guidance fortheArts,Inc., theCityof County Board ofCommissioners andDeKalb Council oftheFRESH theDeKalb andfoundations. TheCenter isa Bureau ofCultural Affairs andcontributions fromindividuals, corporations Atlanta ofUNIMA-USA. member oftheAtlanta Coalition ofTheatres andserves asHeadquarters centerfor puppetryarts o 1404sprin$street,nw . atlanta,ga 90309 ticket salesoffice:404-8?3-3391 website: wwvlr.puppet.or$ com emaillpuppet@mindspring. Copgright@Centerfor PuppetrgArts,l998. trirstLdition.