Ascension Extension - Ascension Episcopal Church


Ascension Extension - Ascension Episcopal Church
Ascension Extension
A Monthly Newsletter of Church of the Ascension
Westminster, MD
Ascension is a family of faith so reflecting the life of Christ
that we draw all people to Him.
Hopefulness in the Midst of Anxiety
In this Issue:
Rector’s Reflection pg 1
Faith In Our Future pg 3
Children & Youth pg 4
Dollars & Cents & Music
pg 5
Humorous Insights pg 6
What’s Happening At
pg 8
Vestry Nominees
pg 9
Our Community
pg 11
What’s Coming
pg 12
Vestry Highlights pg 14
Worship & Event
pg 15
Dearly Departed pg 16
News from the Parish
pg 17
The Ascension Extension
is published to exchange
information between
parishioners & friends of
the church. Please send
your contributions to:
Please submit articles for
the November 2016 issue to
the church office by:
Monday, October 21, 2016.
By Samuel Nsengiyumva
In 2010, a few members of my previous
church and I attended a workshop
entitled “Beyond Survival – God’s Future
for the Small Church.” The workshop,
which was organized by the Wisconsin
Council of Churches, attracted people
from small churches of varied sizes and
denominational backgrounds. Nearly all
the participants admitted that they were
there because they felt God calling them
to a new way of being the church in a
constantly changing culture.
One thing that has stuck with me since
the workshop is that all systems – families, communities,
companies, churches, etc., when faced with change, experience a
certain level of anxiety; and that different people respond to
anxiety differently. In other words, wherever there is change, there
is anxiety; and since change is inevitable, anxiety is inevitable as
well. In this case, the issue is how we respond to the anxiety that
comes with change.
Responding to Anxiety
At the workshop, we learned that there are at least five ways in
which people respond to anxiety generated by changes in their
personal or corporate lives.
Leaving: One way people respond to anxiety within a system
is by leaving or threatening to leave the system. Whether good or
bad, change in itself is hard for some people to deal with. Some
people may find themselves unwilling or unable to cope with the
anxiety that comes with change and decide to leave for what they
perceive to be stable environments.
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Over-extending: The second way people respond to anxiety is by overextending themselves. In
every system or group, there are things that people consider too important to let go; and when those
things are threatened by change, some people will step up to do whatever is in their power to save
the proverbial golden cow. This often leads to exhaustion and sometimes a sense of
3. Magic Bullet: The third way people respond to anxiety is by searching for a magic bullet. People
begin to look for the one thing that would make everything well again. The problem is that often
there is more than one thing that needs to be done and supposed magic bullets often lead to
disappointment and disillusionment.
4. Hunker Down: The fourth way people respond to anxiety is by hunkering down and waiting for
the storm to pass. They withdraw from active participation and wait for the time when things will
be good again.
5. Exploration: The fifth and perhaps best way to respond to anxiety is by exploring new possibilities
and fresh options. This, as I understand it, requires a deliberate, prayerful, and comprehensive
process. It calls for the holy trinity of Prayer, Participation, and Patience.
While all these options can be legitimate, depending on a variety of factors, I wonder which one of the
five ways you feel more inclined to in response to the anxiety generated by the changes in your
personal, professional, or church life. It would be interesting to hear what each one of us has to say.
With this in mind, I think it is safe to say that we at Ascension are not immune to anxiety. Indeed,
some of the changes that have been happening over the past few years, including, but not limited to,
the diminishing numbers of people and resources, are generating considerable levels of anxiety. The
question is how are we going to respond? While we each may be tempted to respond in one of the first
four ways, I would like to appeal to all of us to respond by exploring new possibilities and fresh
options. Exploring new possibilities and fresh options is a deliberate and prayerful three-step process
that involves remembering, listening, and acting courageously.
Remembering: The greatest temptation during a time of anxiety is to forget all that God has done for
us and through us. When we reflect on our past, we realize that God is present in good times and in
bad times. We begin to see that through many dangers, toils and snares, we have already come; and
are reminded that the grace that has brought us safe thus far, will surely lead us home. In remembering,
we are reminded of God’s faithfulness.
Listening: Perhaps the most important part of a discernment or exploration process is listening both
to God and one another. We listen to God by meditating on his Word and prayer. Prayer is not just
about us telling God what we want, but listening to what He has to say to us. We also listen to God by
listening to one another. God does speak through other people especially during deliberate and
prayerful exercises such as Bible Study. We listen to one another by creating space and time to share
our stories. Our stories often reveal our fears and our hopes. It is often during those moments that
ideas leading to new possibilities and fresh options begin to emerge.
Acting Courageously: It is one thing to remember what God has done in the past, to listen to what
God may be saying now; and another to act on what God is saying. Acting courageously is about being
faithful to what God is saying. This may require some major adjustments in how things are done;
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including making some sacrifices or doing things that may initially look risky. Acting courageously is
about trusting God and believing that He is faithful to carry us through what He has called us to do.
Exploring new opportunities and fresh options by remembering, listening, and acting courageously
should not simply be a response in times of anxiety, but a way of being the church. Indeed, it is when
we fail to remember, listen or act according to God’s will that anxiety sets in. Thankfully, our God is a
God of second chances and is constantly giving us opportunities for renewal.
As the leadership discusses the practical details of how we can engage in this exploration, I pray that
all of us will want to participate so that together, we can gladly be part of what God is saying and doing
at Ascension. Even now, I hear God saying:
“I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).
He who has promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). Trusting and acting in obedience to the promises of our
faithful God, we will not only survive, but thrive.
Our first phase of this campaign is to pay off the Middendorf Loan ($83,000). As of September 30 the
balance on the loan is approximately $63,000. To date the following money has been pledged or raised:
Number of Pledges: 18
Includes One Time Gifts: 12
Amount - $31,110.00
Amount - $ 5,081.00
Premier Design Jewelry Show
Amount - $ 400.00
Spring Marketplace
Amount - $3,898.00
Middendorf Room
Amount - $2,721.15
Total Pledged & Raised
If you have not already done so, please return your pledge card as soon
as possible.
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Ascension Church
News and updates about the dynamic and fantastic
Youth of Ascension!
Thank You For A Job Well Done
It is with a sad heart that we inform you that Ms. Deb Howard recently informed us that she will no
longer be able to serve in the role of Director of Children and Youth Ministries. Her last day in this role
was September 28, 2016. As a member of our parish, she has expressed her desire to continue her
ministry to our children on a limited volunteer basis. We are deeply grateful for Ms. Deb's five years
of dedicated ministry to our children and youth, first as Director of Christian Education for Children
and Youth and most recently as Director of Children and Youth Ministries.
Our first day of Sunday School was September 25, but it’s not too late to join us!
Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception to the Episcopal Church will be held in May 2017. Please
e-mail the Church office if your child is entering 8th or 9th grade, or you are an adult who wishes to be
confirmed, ([email protected]).
Welcome To Emily Ducane
Miss Emily Ducane is our new Child Care/Nursery Attendant. She replaces Samantha Curry who
resigned in June. Emily is currently a student at Carroll Community College where she is working
toward a degree in education. As a new member of Ascension, Emily has asked to take on this Ministry
as her gift to the Church. She will be available on Sunday mornings to ensure that any small children
who wish to use the Children's Corner are comfortable and safe, and she will be assisting in the Sunday
School with the younger children.
Children’s Sermon
In case your family missed it this past Sunday, we invite your children to join Ms. Betsy Reinders every
Sunday morning for the Children’s Sermon. The children, (and adults), sat captivated as Ms. Betsy
spoke to them about God’s alarm clock ringing in their hearts. Will you hit the snooze button or get up
and answer His call?
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Dollars & Cents
Rick Reinders – Treasurer
Financial Facts
 Our Gas & Electric bill for July was $1,991.13
 Our Telephone bill for July was $294.29
 Our Oil bill for July was -$837.00
Financial Report as of September 30, 2016
- Pledge
- Other
Total Income
- Staff
- Buildings & Grounds
- Other expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income
NOTE: We have saved $16,277 by keeping our spending down, BUT our income to date is short $18,437.
If we are able to recover the income shortfall we could end the year with less than a $10,000 deficit,
putting us in better financial shape then we had anticipated.
Music Notes
Mary Butler, Director of Music Ministry
Calling everyone that would like to “make a joyful
noise unto the Lord” (Psalm 98:4). The choir wants you!
Are you a Soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass? We have a
seat waiting for you.
Is Traditional or Contemporary what you prefer? The
Ascension Choir has it all!
Not a signer, but you play the guitar, trumpet,
fiddle, flute, tamborine or kazoo?! The Praise Band
would love to have you join them.
Our 9:00 a.m. worship service is a musical blend of
Traditional and Contemporary, and, on the first
Sunday of each month, the Ascension Choir sings at
the 11:15 a.m. worship service in the Stone Church.
Rehearsals are: Wednesday evenings; 7:00 p.m.
Praise Band, 7:30 p.m. Ascension Choir
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One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport.
We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in
front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches!
The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us.
My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly. So I asked, 'Why
did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when my
taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of
frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to
dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally.
Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people
at work, at home, or on the streets.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.
Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so. Love the people who treat you right. Pray
for the ones who don't.
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!
Have a garbage-free day!
"Faith is not believing God can. It is knowing that God will."
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What is Happening at Ascension?
Country Breakfast Buffet
Fellowship Hall ~ October 1, 2016 ~ 7:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Delight in the decadent, delicious, and delectable foods served by our
dedicated, determined and devoted crew that prepare and serve our country
breakfast buffet each month.
The cost of the breakfast is $8.00 adults / $3.00 ages 4-8.
See You There!
De Colores! Ultreya is coming to Ascension
Church of the Ascension will be hosting the Annual Diocesan Ultreya on October 8th from 10:00 a.m.
until 4:00 p.m.! Everyone is invited to attend. If you are a Cursillista, curious about what a Cursillo
weekend would be like, or just love music and the Lord you will not want to miss this.
Do you like making crafts? Would you be interested in making
Cursillo-themed crafts? The Maryland Episcopal Cursillo is
looking for creative people interested in making items that could
be sold at the Annual Diocesan Ultreya to be held here, at
Ascension, October 8th. A part of the proceeds will be donated to
MEC General Fund to support the cost of our Weekends.
Please email Pam Blyth if you're interested in participating so they can plan.
Ultreya! Pamela Blyth, MD 92 Communications Coordinator, [email protected]
Ascension Before & After School Care
It was decided that, after the original enrollment numbers did not increase after the
original three children, the program would be suspended until January 2017. There
was not enough time, after receiving approval for the program from the Vestry in July,
to do all the required paperwork for the license and to get the word out to the families
in the Westminster community about the Before and After School Care program.
During the next month we will be researching the viability of reopening for the second semester or
waiting until the 2017/2018 school year. Our employees were very understanding, and they all would
like to come back when we are able to reopen. The family of the three children has been able to make
other arrangements and looks forward to coming back when we reopen.
Thank you all so very much for your support. The Child Care Board still feels that God is calling us to
move forward with the program. Please continue to pray for the members of the Board and for God’s
continued guidance and blessing on the Ascension Before and After School Care.
Membership News
We continue to encourage everyone to fill out the Member Survey. We want to clarify that any
questions on the survey that you do not want to answer can be marked N/A. The survey will continue
to be amended from time to time (a true work in progress!) but any version that you submit will be
entered into the office data base. Thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey!
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Resting in the Heart Weekend
On October 15-16, 2016 Church of the Ascension is hosting Fr. Paul Freider for two days of teaching
and prayers for spiritual enrichment and healing. Fr. Feider is recently retired from St. John’s Episcopal
Church and the Center for Inner Peace in New London, Wisconsin. He is an active member of the
Association of Christian Therapists, the Order of St. Luke. He has served on the National Board of
Directors for Christian Healing Ministries. Fr. Feider is also the author of several books including
Journey to Inner Peace and Resting in the Heart: A Spirituality of Healing and Wholeness.
The schedule for Saturday, October 15 is divided into two parts. The morning session, 9:00 am thru
Noon will concentrate on “A Journey to Inner Peace.” The evening session 6:30 pm-8:30 pm features
“Healing of Negative Emotions and Memories.” On Sunday, October 16, Fr. Feider will be preaching
and leading healing prayer at the 8:00 am and 10:00 am services.
We urge our congregation to attend and invite others to discover and develop a
way of allowing God’s agape love to heal emotional and physical wounds of your
life. St. Luke’s Guild encourages all members, hands-on prayer teams, and
intercessors, to participate in this weekend. In fact, everyone is requested to assist
with ushering, greeting, and helping with refreshments. Plans for this mission are
streamlined so that no one person is burdened and everyone is free to enjoy this
blessed event.
Contact Bobbie Gooding (410-756-6707) for information about the weekend or how you can help.
A Season of Stewardship
Church of the Ascension will begin a season of stewardship on October 30. When we hear the word
stewardship the first thought is, “Oh no, they want more money from us!” But that is not the only
meaning of stewardship. Stewardship applies to all aspects of our lives, not just the money we give to
support our Church. It is about being grateful, responsible caretakers of the gifts God has given to us.
Don’t get us wrong, we still need you to support the church financially, but stewardship is also about
contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about how we, as
individuals, choose to serve God.
On October 30 and November 6, two of our members will speak about their own stewardship, and how
through their service to God they have been blessed.
On November 13, The Rev. Charles Cloughen, Planned Giving Officer for the Diocese, will be our guest
speaker. Planned giving differs from annual stewardship and capital campaigns. Planned giving
focuses on the building of vibrant and healthy ministries for our Church. Planned giving is the legacy
we leave for the future members of our Church – our children and our children’s children. It does not
just focus on our giving today, or this year, but how our giving will build and sustain the Church
Finally, on November 20, Consecration Sunday, the congregation will be invited to bring their pledges
forward during the offertory. Symbolically, it is your personal commitment to God, placed at the altar,
to be an active participant in the growing work of His kingdom here at Church of the Ascension. After
the service we will all gather to share Brunch in the Fellowship Hall prepared by some of our members.
Won’t you CONNECT, GROW and SERVE God with us as we enter this season of stewardship?
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Vestry Nominees
Following the 10:00 a.m. worship service on Sunday, October 9, 2016, we will hold our Annual Meeting
and the election of 4 new Vestry members. Everyone is encouraged to attend. The Holy Spirit is
working in and through all of us and there are many wonderful things happening at Ascension. The
annual meeting is a time to reflect and share the good news!
Below you will find the bios of the five members who have agreed to stand for Vestry election. Please
pray for each of these individuals who have graciously offered us their time and talents for the growth
of God’s Church.
Roger I. Bair, III (Chip)
Occupation: Financial Advisor
Family: Audrey Bair – wife; Christopher Bair, Nicholas Bair, and Charlotte Floretine
– children; they are expecting their first grandchild in December 2016
Pets: 3 Dogs – Valentina, Mattie and Milo; Cat – Fitz
Community Activities – Advisory Board for Gettysburg Campus of the Harrisburg
Area Community College
I have been a member of Church of the Ascension for 47 years. I am very interested in exploring ways
to grow our membership. For some time we have struggled financially, and I think the cure for our
weak financial position is to grow. All mainline protestant denomination churches have lost members,
but I think what we have at Ascension is so special that we can grow. We need to get the word out
about who we are.
Milton Beebe (Milt)
Occupation: Electronics Engineer / Microsoft Instructor
Family: Single; Andrea Neilson and Matthias Beebe - children; Claire and Grace
Neilson - grandchildren
Community Activities: American Legion, Lion’s Club
Activities at Ascension: Usher, Chalicist, Choir, Handbell Choir, Lector, Sound
System, Country Breakfast Buffet, Substitute Keyboardist/Organist, Mistletoe
Mart volunteer, Cursillo, Soup Kitchen, Worship, Outreach, Membership, Vestry,
and LRMP
I have been a member of Church of the Ascension for 19 years. Ascension is my family of Faith that
I’ve come to love and desire to serve in all my capacity. I felt genuine joy in the work of Ascension from
the moment I started regular attendance in 1997. My love of my Ascension family worship grows with
each day.
I love to serve, and I try to step forward whenever possible to work in special projects, such as Mistletoe
Mart and the Spring Marketplace, and any occasion where I can serve with my hands. God has blessed
me with musical talents which I try to contribute as I am able.
I’m looking forward to using my job skills in music, computers, and electronics to help Ascension. It
is always an honor and privilege to serve.
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Jennifer Beeker (Jenny)
Occupation: Accounts Receivable Manager at GBMC
Family: Jeffrey (Jeff) Beeker – husband; Lauren Beeker – daughter
Community Activities: United Way
Activities at Ascension: Outreach, Altar Guild, Thursday Bible Study, Mistletoe
Mart Committee, Monthly Gift Card Fundraiser, Secret Sister, St. James’ Guild,
Sunday School teacher, Nursery, Soup Kitchen, and Vestry
I have been a member of Church of the Ascension for 22 years. I am willing to
work in whatever capacity I am needed in. My greatest passion is Outreach.
Mary Lou Berg
Occupation: Retired teacher / Education Consultant / Trainer
Family: Robert G. Berg – spouse, deceased; Annelise M. Niner – daughter; Emily
L. Niner and Robert J. Niner – grandchildren
Pets: One Cat – Smokey
Community Activities: I volunteer at the New Oxford Public Library teaching
Activities at Ascension: Chalicist, Lector, Tuesday Bible Study and Mistletoe Mart
I have been a member of Church of the Ascension for 15 years. I have experience planning and carrying
out programs, and I am a self-starter. I am able to support and help with any program.
Judith Stainbrook
Occupation: Retired Trial Attorney / Writer / Entrepreneur – Company,
Pets: Three cats and two dogs
Community Activities: Since my recovery from cancer, I have worked extensively
at Hopewell Cancer Support located in Baltimore County, but serving the entire
Activities at Ascension: St Luke’s, Country Breakfast Buffet, Membership
Committee, Mistletoe Mart volunteer
I have been a member of Church of the Ascension for a total of 11 years. My background as a lawyer
would be helpful in some of the fiscal issues. I also have time and energy to devote to doing whatever
needs to be done. The church has been important to me in my cancer recovery, and I feel it has given
me the impetus to reach out and help others and hopefully help bring new members to Ascension.
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Around Our Community
October 1
Carroll County Christian Men’s Prayer Breakfast
7:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Pleasant Valley Community Fire Company's Fire Hall.
Cost: $15.00
2030 Pleasant Valley Road South, Westminster, MD 21158
This year's speaker will be William J. Murray, chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition. The 20th
annual Christian Men's Prayer Breakfast unites men from all Christian backgrounds in the common
cause of defending our faith. By joining together, we recognize that, though we are of different
denominations and congregations, we are all followers of Christ and we need to turn to Christ in all
aspects of our lives.
Please visit this website to purchase tickets:
October 1-2 Octoberfest
Carroll County Agricultural Center
12:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m.
General admission is $5.00.
Children ages 10 and under are free
This will be a fun-filled day with many family activities, as well as authentic style German foods, beers,
and music. Festivities will include a “Roll Out the Barrel” ceremony to be performed by local
dignitaries, a Lederhosen and Dirndl Contest, Polka Dance contest, and a Chicken Dance Contest, with
live entertainment all day. For those arriving in authentic German attire admission is free! Children’s
activities will include face painting, pumpkin painting, scarecrow making, magic shows, balloon
sculptors, and many games.
October 2
Carillon Recital
3:00 p.m.
Buck Lyon-Vaiden will play The Swoope Carillon in the Mercersburg Chapel
on the campus of Mercersburg Academy on Sunday, October 2, at 3:00 p.m.
Please contact Buck or Lynn if you are interested in attending.
October 8
Joe Keys and the Late Bloomers Band
8:00 p.m.
Carroll Arts Center
Cost $22 - $25
Front man, poet and band conductor Joe Keyes and his Late Bloomer Band take audiences back to the
days of Miles Davis and early P-Funk. The band’s polished tightness, live improvisation and musical
sophistication show the influence of musical mentors Gil Scott-Heron, Joe Bowie, and Sun Ra, bringing
a modern interpretation to funk, jazz, rock and a variety of other genres and landing collaborations
with George Clinton and members of Parliament/Funkadelic.
For ticket information visit:
October 22 WRC Zombie Run
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Community Media Center 1301 Washington Rd
Cost: $30.00
It is the 4th annual 5k Zombie Run! Where you try to survive an all-terrain trail, hang on to your flags
while being chased by hordes of Zombies! Sound like fun? Last year, over 150 runners and 60 zombies
took on the challenge! Be a Zombie or be a Runner, just be there! All proceeds benefit the upkeep of
Washington Road Community Trail. Tickets are on-sale now at, so go online & register!
For more fun things to do around Westminster go to;
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What’s Coming Up At Ascension
All Saints Sunday
All Saints' Sunday
November 6, 2016
Please remember the following departed loved ones on All Saints’ Sunday:
Include these names in the prayers at the ____________ service.
Please indicate at which service (8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., or 11:15 a.m.) you would like your loved ones
name(s) read. If you do not indicate a specific time, the name will be read at one of our three
Please place this form in the offering plate or return it to the Church Office no later than Monday, October 31.
Thank you.
Mistletoe Mart
Mistletoe Mart is coming November 10 through 12!
Jenny Beeker has put our volunteer boards up, and they are ready for you to sign-up. We need your
help again to continue the tradition of The Mistletoe Mart. Our 52 artisans and our church will
welcome nearly 3,000 visitors. For many, The Mart is the start of the Christmas shopping season with
friends and family — it’s a tradition!
If you have small jelly-type jars, we will need those by mid-October to fill with the famous Mistletoe
Mart Golden Bough Tea. We hope to have everyone pitching in as we do every year. Thanks in
advance, and if you have any questions please contact Marcie Forster ([email protected]) or
Kim Tompkins.
Please mark your calendars for the following dates.
October 12
Committee Meeting: 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
November 6 thru 9
Mistletoe Mart Set-Up
November 10 thru 12
Mistletoe Mart
November 14
Holy Cross Hall set up and Rededication: 6:00 p.m
Moving Truck Returns with our belongings at 6:30 p.m.
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College Care Packages
College Care Packages will be mailed to college students after
1. Addresses needed: Please send addresses of college students to Lynn
2. Contributions are needed for postage and to purchase the items that
will be packed in the boxes. Checks should be payable to Church of
the Ascension with “College Care Packages” written on the memo line.
3. Shoppers needed: If you are willing to purchase an item that will be
packed in the boxes, please contact Lynn Lyon-Vaiden. ([email protected])
Thank you for your support!
Ascension Day of Prayer
The next Ascension Day of Prayer will be on Saturday, November 19, at 10:00 a.m. in the Stone Church.
Intentional prayer is important to ensure we are actively listening for God’s call to us. Please join us as
we continue to discern God’s plan for Ascension.
Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!
that calls me from a world of care,
and bids me at my Father's throne
make all my wants and wishes known.
In seasons of distress and grief,
my soul has often found relief,
and oft escaped the tempter's snare
by thy return, sweet hour of prayer!
W.W. Walford (1845)
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Vestry Highlights
September 13, 2016
Members of the Vestry met on Tuesday, September 13, at 6:30pm to discuss matters of importance
to the life and mission of Ascension. Present at the meeting were Fr. Samuel, Buck Lyon-Vaiden,
Lynn Kirby, JoAnne Kreider, Brenda Bornt, Helen Lang, Mary Beth Francis, Nancy Barry, Debbie
Bargar and Melissa Leahy.
Patti McDonald, Mary Forbes and Rick Reinders were unable to attend.
The following items were discussed:
1. Diocesan Required Classes for Leaders – It was reported that the Dioceses requires the
leadership of the church, (this includes the clergy, vestry, officers, and ministry leaders) to
completed the course “Safe Guarding God’s Children”. All leaders are encouraged to take
the course.
Go to Use “ANG-MD” as your login
code and enter your information. Please do the modules called “Meet Sam”, “It Happened
to Me”, “Keeping Your Church Safe” and “Your Policies.” Please print and turn in the
2. Vestry Nominees – The following five individuals have agreed to stand for Vestry election
and have submitted their bios; Roger Bair, Milt Beebe, Jenny Beeker, Mary Lou Berg, and
Judith Stainbrook.
Annual Stewardship Campaign (October 30 – November 20) - We will be working in
conjunction with the National Stewardship calendar. Week one and two will feature
volunteer speakers at the 3 services. On week three, The Rev. Charles Cloughen will speak
on planned giving with a forum, and on week four we will hold Consecration Sunday with
a celebration brunch.
Ascend - The Ascend service will return this month and then be held on every third Sunday
at 5:00 pm. George Sterling will be spearheading the planning with the support of other
Christian Education - The Director of Children and Youth Ministries has met with the
teachers, and they are ready to begin classes.
Survey - A couple of glitches were found with the survey and the committee has made some
adjustments. The response to date has been low and the Vestry is encouraged to participate.
The survey will be re-sent with some instructions for how to bypass one of the glitches that
cannot be changed.
Wine & Paint Party/Fundraiser – The Fellowship Committee asked for permission to hold a
Wine and Paint Party in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, October 28, 2016. They are also
planning a Wine and Etching Party for February 10, 2017 and a Wine and Birdhouse Painting
Party for April 28, 2017. The events are BYOB (wine or sparkling cider). The Vestry approved
the events.
The meeting closed with a prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lynn Kirby, Registrar
Ascension Extension –October 2016* * 410-848-3251
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Worship & Parish Event Schedule
October 1
7:00 a.m. -11a.m.
Country Breakfast Buffet
All you can eat breakfast $8.00
October 1 & 2
8:30 – 12:30 p.m.
10:30 am
Middendorf Shoppe
Saturday Hours
Sunday Hours
October 2
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
H.E., Rite I - Stone Church
H.E. Rite II – Holy Cross Hall, Contemporary
Christian Education
H.E., Rite II – Stone Church, Ascension Choir
October 4
10:00 a.m.
Tuesday Bible Study
Bible Study – Guild Room
October 6
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Thursday Night Bible Study
Bible Study – Parlor
October 9
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Twenty First Sunday after Pentecost
H.E., Rite I - Stone Church
H.E., Rite II – Holy Cross Hall
Vestry Meeting - Parlor
October 13
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Thursday Night Bible Study
Bible Study – Parlor
October 15
9:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
“Resting in the Heart” Healing Mission
A Journey to Inner Peace – 3 hour seminar
healing of Negative Emotions and Memories – 2 hour seminar
October 16
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Twenty Second Sunday after Pentecost
H.E., Rite I - Healing Service - Stone Church
H.E., Rite II – Healing Service - Holy Cross Hall
Refreshments and Fellowship
October 18
10:00 a.m.
Tuesday Bible Sudy
Bible Study – Guild Room
October 20
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Thursday Night Bible Study
Bible Study – Parlor
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October 23
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Twenty Third Sunday after Pentecost
H.E., Rite I - Stone Church
H.E., Rite II – Holy Cross Hall
Christian Education
H.E. Rite II – Stone Church
October 27
7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Thursday Night Bible Study
Bible Study – Parlor
October 30
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Twenty Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
H.E., Rite I - Stone Church
H.E., Rite II – Holy Cross Hall
Christian Education
H.E. Rite II – Stone Church
Faithfully Departed
Mr. John L. Rooney, departed this life on September 3, 2016. Mr. Rooney was a
member of Ascension and the father of Roberta Gore (grandfather of Hannah,
Luke, and Sean Gore). Please pray for Roberta and her family during this time of
May Mr. Rooney's soul, with all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
From the Bishops' Office, Episcopal Diocese of Maryland:
The Rev. Charles Carroll Eads, the senior priest of the diocese, died on September 17. He was 92.
Father Eads was ordained in 1947 by Bishop Noble C. Powell. He served the first two years of Ordained
Ministry as Curate at The Church of the Ascension and Prince of Peace in Baltimore. For the next forty
years he was rector of both Christ Church, Forest Hill and Holy Cross, The Rocks, in Harford County.
He retired in 1989. In a letter to Father Eads, Bishop Ted Eastman wrote: “Although I knew your
retirement was in the works, it caused a wrench in the pit of my stomach to read your letter…It just
won’t be the same for the Diocese or for your two congregations after the end of January. You are
certainly due a change of scene and pace, but you will be missed in your role as senior active priest in
the Diocese.”
A celebration of life service will be held at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 4710 Route 24, Street, MD
21154, on Sunday, October 23 at 2:00 PM. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to
the educational scholarships Father Eads set up: The Wilson Scholarship at Holy Cross Episcopal
Church, P.O. Box 103 Street, Maryland 21154 or The Eads Scholarship at Emmanuel Episcopal Church,
301 South Mineral Street, Keyser, West Virginia 26726.
Rest eternal grant to him, O Lord; And let light perpetual shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the
departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Ascension Extension –October 2016* * 410-848-3251
pg. 16
From the Parish Administrator’s Desk
We will be publishing a NEW, UPDATED phone directory to supplement the
Pictorial Directory we did 2 years ago. We do not want to leave anyone out
or publish old information.
If you have moved, are new, switched carriers and have a new number,
PLEASE email your information to the office A.S.A.P. so that we can
include it. ([email protected])
Regards, Cheryl
Officers/Vestry Member
Liaison Affiliation
Buck Lyon-Vaiden, Sr. Warden
Helen Lang, Jr. Warden
Rick Reinders, Treasurer
Lynn Kirby, Registrar
Debbie Bargar
Patti McDonald
Nancy Barry
Mary Forbes
JoAnne Kreider
Brenda Bornt
Mary Beth Francis
Melissa Leahy
Stewardship/Buildings & Grounds
Discipleship/Christian Formation
Outreach/Independent Groups
Discipleship/Christian Formation
Ascension Extension –October 2016* * 410-848-3251
pg. 17
The Rev. Samuel Nsengiyumva, Rector
The Rev. Barbara Sears, Deacon
Cheryl Vecera, Parish Administrator
Mary Butler, Director of Music Ministries
Emily Ducane, Child Care-Nursery Attendant
Lynn Lyon-Vaiden, Handbell Choir Director
Donald Chepko, Night Sexton
Lynn Kirby, Extension Newsletter
Office Hours: 8:30-2:30 Mon- Wed & Fri, Thursday 10:00 – 3:00.
410-848-3251 or 410-876-0736
Church Office email: [email protected]
Newsletter email: [email protected]
Ascension Before and After School Care email: [email protected]
Church of the Ascension
23 North Court Street
Westminster, MD 21157
Ascension Extension –October 2016* * 410-848-3251
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