Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller


Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Some weeks ago
Wolfgang Gaube (a composer, musician and and sound designer) wrote me an
Prerequisites (what you need to get it working):
Bluetooth adapter (an adapter for using an open wireless protocol for exchanging data over short
Wii Remote (also known as a wiimote, the primary controller for Nintendo's Wii console)
Wii Nunchuck (Its appearance when attached to the Wii Remote resembles the nunchaku, hence
GlovePie (is a free Programmable Input Emulator, originally for the Essential Reality P5 Virtual Re
MIDI Yoke (allows you to connect the MIDI output from one program to the MIDI input of a differen
MIDI-OX (is a 32 bit multi-purpose tool: it is both a diagnostic tool and a System Exclusive libraria
ZynAddSubFX (is a open source software synthesizer capable of making a countless number of in
WiiNunChuck2Midi GlovePie script (a script that converts Nunchuck movements to MIDI controller
Let's get going:
Where possible I provided links to the necessary download locations.
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Download MIDI Yoke and install it.
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Press Close and REBOOT your computer.
Configuring MIDI ports in Windows Configure your MIDI ports in Windows by accessing the control panel (Start / Control Panel) and select "
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Go to the "Audio" TAB and select "Out to MIDI Yoke: 1" as MIDI music playback device and click "OK".
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Download MIDI-OX and install it.
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Configuring MIDI-OX
Now we have to configure MIDI-OX to pass the MIDI signal from MIDI Yoke: 1 to MIDI Yoke: 2
What is really happening:
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
GlovePie converts the Wii
Nunchuck movements>>
to MIDI Yoke:
1 >>information
and sends the MIDI
Start MIDI-OX go to "Options" and select ""MIDI devices".
Now select "In From MIDI Yoke: 1" as input and select "Out To MIDI Yoke: 2" as output and click OK.
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Download ZynAddSubFX and install it.
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Configuring MIDI ports in ZynAddSubFX
Go to "File" and select "Settings".
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
In the right bottom corner select "In From MIDI Yoke: 2" as MIDI-in device, and click "Close".
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Download GlovePie and install it. GlovePie doesn't come with an installer so you have to create a folde
Configuring GlovePie 23 / 30
Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
After the installation of GlovePie
we need a script
that script
it to
movements to
Check this update :
Wii2MIDI including NunChuck MIDI control
Connecting the Wii Remote to Windows
Connect WiiMote to Windows by accessing the control panel (Start / Control Panel) and select "Bluetoot
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Click the "Add" button.
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Select "My Device is set up and ready to be found", press 1+2 on your WiiMote and click "Next".
Select the found Nintendo device and click "Next".
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Select don't use passkey and click "Next" then click "Finish".
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Now let's Rock and Roll !
Start ZynAddSybFX select an instrument by going to "Instrument" and select "Show instrument ban
Connect your Wii Remote to Windows
Hookup your Wii Nunchuck to your Wii Remote
Start GlovePie
Load and start the WiiNunChuck2MIDI script
Play notes with you (virtual) keyboard and start controlling your sounds with Nunchuck movements
Have fun !!!
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Use the Wii Nunchuck as a MIDI controller
Suggestions for improving
a lineare
. welcome, please let me know and
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