Tampines Celebrates SG50 Art Competition, P3 Our Places, P4


Tampines Celebrates SG50 Art Competition, P3 Our Places, P4
MCI(P) 126/02/2014
A Caring Tampines
Tampines Celebrates SG50
Art Competition, P3
Our Places, P4
Heartland Stories, P10
october 2014
Chairman’s Message
Community Outreach
Tampines Celebrates SG50 Art Competition
8 Community
Cleaners’ Appreciation Movie Event
Tampines Primary Students Get Their Hands Dirty
to Learn Values
9 Community
Young Environmental Messengers Create
Tampines In Focus
A Thriving Tampines
Our Places - Part 1
Announcement & updates
Project Updates
Announcement & updates
Tampines Welcomes Peak Period Short Services
Can You Name the Different Fruit Trees
Commonly Found in Tampines?
in Tampines!
Café Corners
PSLE Success Seminar at Tampines Changkat
Community Club
in Tampines!
Our Celebrations at Home
Artistic Bins for Community
Distribution of Vouchers to the Needy
Recycling for a Cause at Tampines North
Community Partnerships
National Day Awards 2014 Recipients
Town Council Mailbox
Let’s Look Out for One Another by Building Strong15 Congratulations & feedback
in Tampines!
Upcoming Events
Tampines Enters Singapore Book of Records 16 Meet-the-People Session
Community Events
Chairman’s Message
Dear Residents,
We celebrated Singapore’s 49th birthday and paid tribute to over 450,000 pioneers for their
significant contributions in the early years of our nation-building. As part of the Pioneer Generation
Package (PGP), elderly residents were presented with a personalised red-and-white card which will
help with the costs of their healthcare needs.
Many exciting plans are also underway to celebrate the nation’s Golden Jubilee next year. In mid-July,
we launched the Tampines Celebrates SG50 art competition and encouraged residents to express
their feelings and emotions through art. More than 480 artworks were submitted.
I am deeply touched by the works of the artists and amazed by their artistic abilities and creativity.
Some of the artworks depicted our unique multiracial society, harmonious living, past achievements,
progress, pride and vision of the future. Thank you all for submitting your wonderful works of art.
Winning entries will be featured in our 2015 desktop calendar, so keep a lookout for it.
In this issue, we reminisce the fond memories of Tampines, and witness its transformation from a
village to a regional centre. We also promote the theme of “Caring Tampines” to reach out to the
You can read about the heartwarming stories of a good neighbour and collaborative work between
community partners and your Members of Parliament (MPs) to help residents. We also take the
opportunity to highlight an existing key service of the Town Council — Temporary Estate Inspection
Scheme (TEIS). This scheme employs eligible residents, who have difficulty paying service and
conservancy charges, as temporary inspectors to identify faulty lights or water leaks so as to help
them settle their arrears.
Let’s work hand-in-hand to build a stronger, healthier, happier and safer community. Stay active and
healthy by participating in our grassroots-organised events.
As the major exams are round the corner, I wish all students good luck and all the best. Remember to
stay positive, eat well, exercise and have adequate rest to stay alert.
Baey Yam Keng
Para Penduduk yang Dihormati,
Kita telah meraikan ulang tahun Singapura yang ke-49 dan memberikan penghormatan kepada lebih daripada
450,000 penduduk generasi perintis di atas sumbangan besar mereka dalam tahun-tahun awal pembangunan negara.
Sebagai sebahagian daripada Pakej Generasi Perintis (PGP), penduduk warga tua telah dihadiahkan dengan kad merah
dan putih peribadi yang akan membantu meringankan kos keperluan penjagaan kesihatan mereka.
Banyak rancangan yang menarik juga sedang dijalankan bagi menyambut Jubli Emas negara pada tahun depan. Pada
pertengahan bulan Julai, kami telah melancarkan pertandingan seni ‘Tampines Meraikan SG50’ dan menggalakkan
para penduduk untuk meluahkan perasaan dan emosi mereka melalui seni. Lebih daripada 480 karya seni telah
Saya amat terharu dengan karya-karya para artis dan kagum dengan kebolehan dan kreativiti seni mereka. Beberapa
daripada hasil karya tersebut menggambarkan masyarakat berbilang kaum kita yang unik, kehidupan yang harmoni,
pencapaian masa lalu, kemajuan, kebanggaan dan visi masa hadapan. Terima kasih kepada semua kerana telah
menyerahkan kerja-kerja seni anda yang menarik. Sebahagian daripada penyertaan ini akan dipaparkan dalam
kalendar meja 2015 kami, jadi nantikannya.
Dalam isu ini, kita mengimbas kembali kenangan lama dan manis mengeni Tampines, dan menyaksikan transformasinya
daripada sebuah kampung kepada sebuah pusat serantau. Walau bagaimanapun kita tidak harus lupa pada mereka
yang kurang bernasib baik dan yang memerlukan.
Anda boleh membaca kisah-kisah yang menyentuh perasaan tentang seorang jiran yang baik dan kerjasama antara
rakan kongsi masyarakat dan Anggota Parlimen (AP) anda untuk membantu para penduduk. Kami juga mengambil
kesempatan ini untuk mengetengahkan satu perkhidmatan utama yang sedia ada oleh Majlis Bandaran - Skim
Pemeriksaan Estet Sementara (TEIS). Skim ini menggajikan penduduk yang layak, yang mengalami kesukaran untuk
membayar yuran perkhidmatan dan penyelenggaraan, sebagai pegawai pemeriksa sementara untuk mengenal pasti
lampu-lampu yang rosak atau kebocoran air demi membantu mereka menjelaskan tunggakan mereka.
Mari kita bekerja berganding bahu untuk membina sebuah masyarakat yang lebih kukuh, lebih sihat, lebih bahagia dan
lebih selamat. Kekal aktif dan sihat dengan mengambil bahagian dalam acara-acara yang dianjurkan oleh akar umbi
Oleh kerana peperiksaan utama akan bermula tidak lama lagi, saya mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada semua
pelajar. Jangan lupa untuk kekal positif, jaga pemakanan, lakukan senaman dan dapatkan rehat yang secukupnya
untuk kekal cergas. Ibu bapa juga perlu ingat untuk meluangkan masa yang berkualiti dengan anak-anak anda dan
mengetepikan masa untuk bermain.
Yang ikhlas
Baey Yam Keng
md;ghHe;j FbapUg;ghsHfNs>
ehk; rpqf
; g;g+upd; 49 tJ gpwe;jehs; tpohitf; nfhz;lhb ekJ Njrj;ij njhlf;f Mz;Lfspy; fl;b
vOg;gpa 450>000-f;Fk; Nkw;gl;l Kd;Ndhb jiyKiwapdupd; Fwpgg; plj;jf;f gq;fspgG; fSf;F ekJ
ghuhl;Lfisj; njuptpjN; jhk;. Kd;Ndhb jiyKiwapdUf;fhdj; njhFg;Gj; jpll
; j;jpd(; GP )P xU gFjpahf
%j;j FbapUg;ghsHfSf;F xU jdpgg; l;l rptg;G kw;Wk; nts;is ml;il toq;fg;gl;lJ> ,J
mtHfSila cly;eyg;guhkupgG; j; NjitfSf;fhd nryitf; Fiwg;gjpy; cjtp nra;Ak;.
mLj;j Mz;L ekJ Njrj;jpd; nghd; tpohitf; nfhz;lhLtjw;fhf gutr%l;Lk; gy jpll
; q;fSk;
; kplg;gl;L tUfpdw
; d. [_iy khjj;jpd; kj;jpapy; ~SG50-Ij; njk;gdp]; nfhz;lhLfpwJ' vd;w
fiyg; Nghl;bia ehq;fs; njhlq;fp> FbapUg;ghsHfs; mtHfSila czHTfis fiyg;gilg;Gfspd;
thapyhf ntspgg; Lj;j mtHfis Cf;FtpjN; jhk;. 200-f;Fk; Nkw;gl;l fiyg;gilg;Gfs; mjpy;
; g;gl;ld.
fiyQHfspd; fiyg;gilg;Gfshy; ehd; kpfTk; ftug;gl;Nld; kw;Wk; mtHfSila fiyj;jpwd;fSk;>
gilg;Gj;jpwd;fSk; vd;id tpag;gpy; Mo;jj
; pd. fiyg;gilg;Gfspy; rpy ekJ jdpjJ
; tkpff
; gy;ypd
rKjhaj;ijAk;> xw;Wikahd tho;itAk;> fle;jfhy rhjidfisAk;> Kd;Ndw;wq;fisAk;>
ngUkpjj;ijAk;> vjpHfhyg; ghHitiaAk; tpsf;Ftjhf mike;jd. cq;fSila ,dpa
fiyg;gilg;Gfisr; rkHg;gpjj
; ikf;fhf cq;fs; midtUf;Fk; ehd; ed;wp njuptpjJ
; f;nfhs;fpNwd;.
,e;jf; fiyg;gilg;Gfspy; rpy ekJ 2015 Mk; Mz;Lf;fhd Nkir ehl;fhl;bapy; ntspaplg;gLk;>
vdNt mtw;iwf; fhz MtYld; fhj;jpUq;fs;.
,e;jg; gjpgg; py; ehq;fs; njk;gdp]-; d; gioa> cq;fSf;Fg; gpbj;jkhd fle;j fhy mDgtq;fis
ntspapLfpNwhk; kw;Wk; njk;gdp]; xU fpuhkj;jpypUe;J xU gpuhe;jpa ikakhf vt;thW cUkhw;wk;
mile;Js;sJ vd;gijAk; ePqf
; s; ,jpy; fhzyhk;. vdpDk; ehk; mjpH\;lkpyy
; hj kw;Wk; Njitfs;
nfhz;ltHfis kwe;Jtplf;$lhJ.
rpwe;j mf;fk;gf;fj;jpdH FwpjJ
; k;> FbapUg;ghsHfSf;F cjTk; rKjhag; gq;FjhuHfSf;Fk;>
cq;fSila ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdHfSf;Fk; (MPs) ,ilNaahd xUq;fpize;j gzp FwpjJ
; k;
ctif epiwe;j fijfis ePqf
; s; thrpff
; yhk;. efu kd;wj;jpy; jw;NghJs;s Kf;fpa Nritahd
jw;fhypfkhd Ngl;il Ma;Tj; jpll
; j;ijr; (TEIS) rpwg;gpjJ
$Wtjw;F ,ij ehq;fs; xU
tha;gg; hf gad;gLj;jpfn
; fhs;s tpUk;GfpNwhk;. Nrit kw;Wk; ghJfhg;Gf;fhd fl;lzq;fisr; nrYj;j
rpukg;gLk; jFjpahd FbapbUg;ghsHfs; jq;fs; epYitj; njhifia NeH nra;tjw;F cjtpLk;
nghUl;L mtHfis gOe;jile;j tpsf;Ffis my;yJ jz;zHP f; frpTfis milahsk; fhZk;
jw;fhypfkhd Ma;thsHfshf ,j;jpll
; k; epakpff
; pwJ.
xU typikahd> MNuhf;fpakhd> kfpor
; r
; pahd kw;Wk; ghJfhg;ghd rKjhaj;ij cUthf;f
ehk; midtUk; ifNfhHj;Jg; gzpahw;WNthk;. vq;fSila xUq;fpizf;fg;gl;l mbg;gilepiy
; pfspy; gq;Nfw;gjd; %yk; RWRWg;ghfTk;> MNuhf;fpakhfTk; ,Uq;fs;.
Kf;fpakhdj; NjHTfs; tpiutpy; tutpUg;gjhy;> midj;J khzt khztpfSf;Fk; vdJ
; f;fisj; njuptpjJ
; f;nfhs;fpNwd;. NeHkiwahd vz;zq;fSld;> ed;whf cz;L> clw;gapwr
; p
nra;J NghJkhd msTf;F Xa;ntLj;J vg;NghJk; tpopgG; ld; ,Uq;fs;. ngw;NwhHfs; jq;fSila
Foe;ijfSld; Neuj;ijr; nryT nra;a Ntz;Lk; vd;gijAk;> mtHfSld; tpisahLtjw;F Neuk;
xJf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gijAk; epidtpy; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.
jq;fs; cz;ikAs;s
Ng ahk; nfq;
Email: [email protected] | Facebook: Baey Yam Keng | Twitter: @yamkeng | Instagram: @baeyyamkeng
Community OUTREACH
October 2014
Overwhelming Response -- Thank You!
SG50 Art
Over 480 entries were received for the Tampines Celebrates SG50 Art Competition between July and September this year. Tampines residents and
art enthusiasts from all over Singapore sent in their best works to depict the theme based on Tampines and SG50. The art competition is organised
by the Tampines Town Council to celebrate the nation’s golden jubilee. Winning entries will be featured in the Tampines Town Council 2015
calendar to be distributed to all households in Tampines.
A panel of veteran judges from different art disciplines were invited to select the winning entries. Judging was conducted in end September. The
judging panel included established art teachers and practitioners from major art institutions in Singapore namely, LASALLE College of the Arts,
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Nanyang Technological University, School of the Arts (Singapore) and Singapore Watercolour Society.
The judges will be assessing the works based on aesthetics, intepretation and articulation of the theme, originality and creativity. The competition
is organised in three categories with prizes sponsored by PAssionArts, Millennium Partners, ISOTeam Ltd, Nestle Singapore, Popular and Raffles
Primary School
1st Prize - $300 + Premium Milo Hamper
2nd Prize - $200 + Premium Milo Hamper
3rd Prize - $100 + Premium Milo Hamper
Secondary School
1st Prize - $600 + Premium Milo Hamper
2nd Prize - $400 + Premium Milo Hamper
3rd Prize - $200 + Premium Milo Hamper
1st Prize - $1500 + Premium Milo Hamper
2nd Prize - $1000 + Premium Milo Hamper
3rd Prize - $500 + Premium Milo Hamper
• 12 Merit Prizes - Raffles Dental Package (worth $200, no minimum spending required)
• 10 Consolation Prizes - $90 + Premium Milo Hamper
• 2 Most Facebook Likes Prizes - 1 Pair of Universal Studios Singapore One Day Adult Passes
The winning entries will be announced in October. The public is invited to indicate their likes on the various submitted works which are
displayed on the Town Council’s Facebook page and website at www.tampines.org.sg. An exhibition and other opportunities to showcase the
creative and wonderful works are being planned.
october 2014
Tampines in Focus
A thriving tampines
OUR Places - Part 1
In preparation for our nation’s 50th birthday next year, we have started a three-part
series, SG50 Celebrations in Tampines, to introduce the lesser-known facts about our
neighbourhood. In our first instalment, we take a walk down memory lane to witness
how Tampines has transformed itself to a regional centre in Singapore the last 35 years.
Today, Tampines is a centre of residential and commercial activities with comprehensive
and wide-ranging amenities from banks, medical facilities, educational institutions
and leisure and sprawling malls. It is a one-stop shopping, dining, entertainment and
business destination.
A Caring Community
Beneath the vibrancy of the town, lies the
quaint memory of Tampines’s rich heritage
and history.
The town’s name, Tampines, was derived
from the name of a rare tree, Tempinis. It
is known for its hardiness and strength,
and used for building the foundation of
houses. Just like the Tempinis tree, Tampines
radiates warmth to its residents. It grew
rapidly from a kampong to one of the largest
Housing and Development Board (HDB)
residential area with an estimated 238,500
Several iconic landmarks in the community
provide a sense of belonging and familiarity
to our residents.
Tampines West Community Club
Tampines East Community Club
Tampines West and East Community Clubs are examples of the public facilities in
Tampines which have withstood the passage of time. Through various community
activities such as screening of local television programmes in the past to World
Cup matches in recent times, they are the perfect venues for residents to connect
with one another.
Finding the Missing Piece
Many Tampines residents have
fond childhood memories of
their neighbourhood. They recall
having fun at the fruit-themed
playgrounds at Tampines Central
Park, and the animal-themed
playground at Sun Plaza Park.
These playgrounds are still
in existence, and the younger
generation continues to explore
and experiences what their seniors
had enjoyed in the past.
Animal Playground,
Sun Plaza Park
Watermelon Playground,
Tampines Central Park
Mangosteen Playground,
Tampines Central Park
Tampines in Focus
October 2014
A Melting Pot of Cultures
Clock Tower,
Tampines Central Park
Miniature “Supertrees”,
Tampines West
Butterf ly Garden,
Tampines Changkat
There are many places in Tampines
where people from different cultures
meet. Examples include the clock
tower at Tampines Central Park, which
resembles the Big Ben in London, and
the miniature “Supertrees”, similar to
the ones at Gardens by the Bay, located
at the Cultural Hub in Tampines West.
Another is the tranquil butterfly garden
at Tampines Changkat where residents
spend many idyllic moments chatting
with their neighbours.
Moving Ahead into the Future
Tampines comes alive with
a blend of old and new
infrastructure which continues
to shape the town’s future,
bringing us closer to where our
ideal home is. One development
is the integrated community
lifestyle hub, Tampines Town
Hub, which houses sporting
facilities, eating places, a library,
recreational facilities and clinics
under one roof.
Sharing Our Common Past
Do you have photos from the early 1970s to 1990s which tell a story of your
Tampines? If you would like to see them featured in our second instalment in the
next issue, email your photos in digital format (scanned copies are accepted) to
[email protected] before 31 December 2014.
Relive our past as we commemorate Singapore’s 50th birthday in 2015!
Tampines Town is the first to be developed
on a precinct concept in 1979 which aimed to
promote neighbourliness.
Tampines Town also won the World Habitat
Award in 1992, which recognises Singapore’s
outstanding contribution towards human
settlement and development, and excellent
housing standards.
Do you know that Tampines Regional Library
is the first library to have four prototype selfservice check kiosks for the borrowing and
returning of books? After the successful trial,
these machines were installed in the other
libraries in Singapore.
october 2014
Announcement & Updates
Tampines North
Blks 408-417, 425-428
1Q 2015
Blks 201A-B, 201D-E,
1Q 2016
Blks 249-254, 255-256,
3Q 2015
Blks 280-286
Polling in October 2014
Tampines West
Blks 811-820
Polling in October 2014
Tampines East
Tampines North
Blks 426-431, 476, 477,
4Q 2014
Tampines Central
Covered Linkway
Repairs &
Repairs &
(Fitness Corner)
Senior Citizens’
Blks 827 & 829
4Q 2014
Blks 257, 268, 270, 390-391
3Q 2015
Tampines East
Blks 860 & 863
Blks 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 508, 509
Blks 371-374, 390-396
Tampines West
NRP Batch 1: Blks 902, 903, 906-916, 921, 922,
Between Blks 148-149
Between Blk 362 and pavilion
Blks 109-110, 230D&E,
441-442, 708-711, 728, 742,
2Q 2015
Blks 159, 230B, 340A
4Q 2014
Blks 207 & 209
2Q 2015
Blks 105, 236, 874
1Q 2015
Blk 811
4Q 2014
Blk 811
Blk 894
4Q 2014
2Q 2015
Blks 144, 147, 149, 150,
272-284, 286-289
Between Blk 366 and pavilion
Covered Linkway
Between Blk 419 and Tampines North CC
Between Blks 825-827A
Barrier Free Access (BFA)
Between Blks 497G & 497L (multi-storey
Drop-off Porch
Between Blk 888 and existing bus stop at
Tampines St 81
Blk 456 & In front of Blk 429
Repairs & Redecoration
4Q 2015
Between Blks 486B & 499 (multi-storey
Blks 101-114, 124-127, 137
Blks 201, 201A-E, 249-256, 258-266
Blks 504, 510, 513
Tampines North
NRP Batch 6: Blks 485A-450B
4Q 2016
NRP Batch 3: Blks 231-248, 501-506, 508-509, 512
1Q 2015
NRP Batch 5: Blks 201 ,201A-E, 211-214, 225-227
3Q 2016
Tampines East
Tampines Central
NRP Batch 3: Blks 830-841, 843, 845, 847, 849, 851, 853, 855, 858, 858A&B, 859, 859A, 860, 860A&B, 861 & 861A
NRP Batch 4: Blks 865-867, 867A, 868-871, 871A, 872-874, 874A, 880A, 881-886 & 886A
Artist’s Impression
New Village Green with Village Boardwalk,
Floating Pavilions & New 3G Terrace with Fitness
Pavilion - Blk 883 & 884
Artist’s Impression
Green Plaza & Canopy near Blk 201D & 201E
Artist’s Impression
New Sensory Garden with Trellis Seating Area,
Pebble Paths and Bird-singing Corner- Blk 885-885A
Artist’s Impression
New Drop-off Porch between Blk 837 & 839
1Q 2016
Artist’s Impression
New Trellis Walk with Roof Shelter Connecting Bus
Stop to Existing Linkway in front of Blk 882A MSCP
Artist’s Impression
New Tropical Garden at Open Space between
Blk 861 / 861A & Blk 859 / 859A
Announcement & Updates
October 2014
Bus 291P and Bus 293P operate during weekday peak hours
(excluding public holidays).
Below are the bus service routes:
Morning Peak
6.30am to 8.30am
5.00pm to 7.00pm
Commuters at Tampines bus interchange were greeted by Grassroots Advisers
Mr Mah Bow Tan and Mr Baey Yam Keng during the launch of Peak Period Short
Services (PPSS) 291P and 293P on 24 June 2014.
Residents can now look forward to shorter waiting times and more comfortable
rides during peak hours with the launch of the two new PPSSs.
Tampines residents felt that the additional buses would definitely help to improve
their travel experience and that the improvements were timely.
Morning Peak
Evening Peak
6.30am to 8.30am
5.30pm to 7.30pm
Overlaid on Service 291, Service 291P will ply between
Tampines Interchange / MRT Station and Tampines St 32
/ 33 via Tampines Ave 7, Ave 3, St 21 and St 23 to better
serve residents’ travelling needs.
BUS 293P
The 27-year-old bus interchange also underwent several key facelifts. Residents
can now enjoy a cooler atmosphere, wider walkways and barrier free access
within the interchange.
Since the launch of Bus Services Enhancement Programme (BSEP) in 3Q 2013,
Tampines residents now enjoy better frequencies of bus arrivals and more services
for better connectivity.
Come 4Q 2015, a new bus interchange will be constructed in the vicinity to
complement the existing interchange. An additional 12 bus lots will be provided at
the new interchange to enhance the bus services at Tampines in the future.
Moving ahead, to further enhance the travel experiences of Tampines residents,
Tampines GROs would like you to be a part of the Tampines Bus Ambassadors.
For more information, please email us at [email protected]
Morning Peak
Evening Peak
6.30am to 8.30am
5.00pm to 7.00pm
Overlaid on Service 293, Service 293P will ply between
Tampines Interchange / MRT Station and Tampines Ave 9 /
St 45 via Tampines Ave 7, St 41, 42 and 43 to better serve
residents’ travelling needs.
Can You Name the Different Fruit Trees
Commonly Found in Tampines?
There are seven types of fruit trees in our neighbourhood which have been around for a long time:
Assam, Coconut, Jackfruit, Mango, Mangosteen, Rambutan, and Starfruit.
Why Fruit Trees?
Growing fruit-bearing trees in public spaces is part of the town council’s commitment to make
better use of public land, beautify the environment and allow residents to enjoy these fruits of
labour. Many of these trees were planted in residential neighbourhoods during the 1970s and
1980s under tree-planting campaigns as part of the efforts to green the city.
Fruit Harvesting
A horticulture schedule is in place for harvesting of fruits. This is to prevent fruits when ripe from
falling and damaging vehicles or hitting pedestrians. It also curbs unwanted littering, which is
messy and attracts bees, ants, and flies.
Ripe fruits are distributed to PCF kindergartens and Resident Committees (RCs) in the
Personal Safety
We advise residents against picking fruits on their own for safety reasons. Some of the trees
branches may not be able to take the weight of climbers, and there may be bee hives or red ant nests
which may pose a danger.
Fruits for All to Enjoy
Residents who wish to harvest fruits from the trees can speak to representatives from their
respective RCs.
We hope this article provides residents with useful information on fruit trees in Tampines and
an appreciation of their presence in our urban landscape. The rate and size of harvests depend
largely on weather conditions. Write in to us at [email protected] if you have
any interesting stories about your neighbourhood to share.
october 2014
Cleaners’ Appreciation
movie event
This year, the Cleaners’ Appreciation Movie Event was organised
for the second time to thank our cleaners for their hard work.
More than 100 cleaners in Tampines were treated to an exclusive
weekend movie screening of X-Men: Days of Future Past in the
Shaw Movie theatre at Century Square shopping mall on 15 June.
Attendees received a goodie bag, popcorn and beverage. Each
of them received a $20 NTUC FairPrice gift voucher sponsored
by the Building Construction and Timber Industries Employees’
Union (BATU).
“I am very glad that we are able to do this as a way of
appreciating our cleaners’ hard work. I am also happy that we are
able to start the 6-month pilot of ‘No Cleaning Day’on every first
Sunday of the month. Hopefully, this will motivate our cleaners
to continue doing their work well. Maintaining the estate is not
only the responsibility of the Town Council and the cleaners,
but involves everyone’s effort,” said Mr Baey Yam Keng,
Grassroots Adviser for Tampines GRC and Chairman of
Tampines Town Council.
One of the cleaners invited for the event, Mr Noh, expressed his
gratitude for the event as it was more than 30 years ago since he
last watched a movie in a theatre. It makes his day when residents
show him small acts of appreciation such as offering him some
drinks or snacks.
We are grateful to all cleaners for keeping our neighbourhood
clean. Stay tuned for our next year’s event!
Tampines PrimARY Students Get their
As part of a community litter-picking project to care for the
environment, a group of 30 students from Tampines Primary
School volunteered to clean up the neighbourhood’s park.
The project aims to develop good environmental habits in the
students, and a sense of responsibility towards our common
A representative from Tampines Town Council gave an
educational talk to the student volunteers from Primary 4 to 6.
They learnt about the common types of litter found in the
environment and the effects of littering. Before the start of the
activity, students were given a safety briefing. Gloves, trash bags
and tongs were also distributed to the students. Several cleaners
were present to provide assistance for the disposal of litter
collected. Students were asked to separate the litter, such as those
made of plastic, paper, cardboard and glass, for recycling.
Principal of Tampines Primary School, Ms Veronica Tay said
that it was a rewarding day and all student volunteers enjoyed the
Allied Educator, Mdm Tuty said that students enjoyed the session
immensely and it was a fruitful experience. Most students agreed
the activity helped them to better understand what it means to
take care of the environment.
Let’s applaud the students on the job well done! We look forward
to more schools taking part in similar meaningful activities in
October 2014
Young environmental
messengers create
artistic bins for community
Through this activity,
the students hope to
increase the awareness
among the residents and
espouse the importance of
having a clean and green
-Ms Tan Shin Shin,
Subject Head of Art,
Tampines Secondary School
A group of 280 Secondary 1 students from Tampines Secondary School
took on the challenge to creatively transform rubbish bins into artistic
pieces which help to promote the message of keeping the environment
clean and green.
Using acrylic paint, they painted 21 bins based on the given themes
of “Clean and Green” and “Anti-littering”. A week was spent on
brainstorming the designs for the bins.
One of the students shared that the inspiration for their design came
from the movie, Monsters University. They painted the bin to look like a
monster, with the opening of the bin resembling the monster’s mouth, to
attract people to throw rubbish into it.
Subsequently, the bins were relocated to Tampines West division to
continue their educational mission.
The puzzle on our bin represents different
environments interacting with one another.
- Ms Ho Yan Ting, 1E4
We did some online research to see examples of
painted bins and adopted the ones with nice, sweet
and simple concepts. We used colours to attract
people to throw rubbish. - Ms Aquilah, 1N2
october 2014
Heart land Stories
Let’s Look Out for
One Another by
Building Strong
Tampines, My Home
Tampines has approximately 238,500 residents, the second largest town in the east of Singapore after Bedok, based on
information from the Singapore Department of Statistics in 2013. It is a vibrant and dynamic town with a substantial
number of young people, however, its overall population is ageing.
The town council has taken on a larger role in supporting these changes in our community by working together with
residents and community partners.
It is important to help residents come together, play an active role in improving their lives and shape our town to make
it a better place for all to live in.
Here are three stories of residents who met with some difficulties and received assistance from the town council.
Conquering Your Clutter
Have you ever come across such a scene? This could be
a sign of compulsive hoarding.
A person with compulsive hoarding collects and keeps
excessive amount of items which may appear useless or
of little value, cluttering their living spaces and causing
distress to others who live with them.
This was the state of one of our resident’s home when
Tampines Town Council, together with officers from
the Housing & Development Board (HDB), visited the
place to help clear the clutter he had accumulated.
We encourage residents to take good care of their belongings. Residents can call the town council for free
bulky refuse removal services for up to three moveable items instead of leaving them along the corridors
or in your house. This will create a safe and healthy environment that is pleasant for all.
Neighbourly Love
In August, a resident, Mr Paik was crossing the road near Tampines
Round Market when he noticed a wheelchair-bound elderly lady
having difficulty crossing the road. Instead of walking away, he
stopped to help her, and even wheeled her to the market to buy food
before wheeling her home.
“I hope Tampines Town Council can step in to see if any assistance
can be rendered to the elderly woman who is physically disabled,” said
Mr Paik who called in to seek the town council’s help to link up his
neighbour with social welfare agencies. Such simple acts of kindness
in our daily lives can help to brighten the days of others.
Heart land Stories
October 2014
Coping with Financial Difficulties
“Where can I find the money to feed us?” Mrs Lee thought when she received news
of her husband’s arrest, as this meant that there was no one left to provide for the
The news of the loss of household income was a
big blow for Mrs Lee, who was not working as she
was pregnant. Faced with growing debts, there
was just too much on her plate for her to manage.
Her main concern was providing for the children: her unborn baby and 22-month-old
toddler. Living from hand to mouth, it was a daily struggle for the family to put food on the
table. In addition, she had to cope with medical expenses incurred from check-ups, as her
unborn baby was diagnosed with medical conditions.
Yet, Mrs Lee did not give in to despair and drew strength from her children. She sought
help from her Member of Parliament (MP).
She was recommended to seek temporary
assistance from the town council to relieve her
financial burden, so that she could continue
with her pre-natal check-ups.
On receiving news of Mrs Lee’s plight, the
town council referred Mrs Lee to ComCare
which provides social economic assistance for low-income
individuals and families. The town council also helped to alleviate her anxieties by
waiving the late payment charges for her service and conservancy fee arrears.
Help Is at Hand
Many find themselves unprepared when faced with sudden job loss, especially if they are sole breadwinners in their households. Dealing
with the sudden loss of household income can be overwhelming and emotionally stressful.
Coping with financial difficulties may not be challenging if we know there is available help in our community. Are you aware of
Tampines Town Council’s temporary financial assistance scheme to help eligible residents?
Started in 2002, the Temporary Estate Inspection Scheme (TEIS) is a collaboration with Northeast Community Development Council
(NECDC) to encourage self-reliance among the eligible residents.
Eligible residents under this scheme help to keep their estate clean by taking on the position of Temporary Estate Inspector. Their role is to
inspect and report on the conditions of the surroundings in Tampines. This temporary employment helps them to pay off their service and
conservancy fee arrears while looking for a permanent job.
Since the start of this year, Tampines Town Council has helped a total of 150 residents, many of whom have successfully served their term
as estate inspectors, paid off their debts and found permanent work.
Are you aware that help is nearby?
If you need help or financial assistance, there are government initiatives to aid you:
Social Service Offices (SSO) are set up by the Ministry
of Social and Family Development (MSF) to bring social
assistance closer to needy residents. Working with the
community partners, they are here to help residents if they
(i) Need urgent financial assistance, (ii) Are low income and
looking for a job, (iii) Are unable to work.
How to approach the SSO for assistance?
Social Service Office @ Tampines is located at
NTUC Income Tampines Junction, 300 Tampines
Ave 5 #06-01 Singapore 529653.
Opening Hours:
Monday to Fri (9am to 5pm)
Saturday (9am to 1pm)
Sundays & Public Holidays (Closed)
Or you may call the 24-hour
ComCare Call Helpline
october 2014
HAPPENINGS in Tampines!
Tampines Enters
Singapore Book of Records
On 4 July, Tampines made history when we
nabbed ourselves a spot in the Singapore
Book of Records for having the largest
ensemble of 125 people playing the kompang
together. The rousing musical performance
took place at the open field at Tampines
Central Avenue 5.
The inaugural record-breaking activity was
part of the launch of the Hari Raya Bazaar
which marked the end of the fasting month of
Ramadan. Grassroots Advisers for Tampines
Group Representation Constituency (GRC),
Mr Heng Swee Keat, Ms Irene Ng,
Mr Baey Yam Keng, Mr Masagos Zulkifli
and Mr Mah Bow Tan joined residents in
this event.
The Rhythmic Sounds of Kompang
The kompang is a traditional hand drum usually played in
groups. Using a series of interlocking hand movements,
players hit on the instrument to produce various beats, an
essential in traditional Malay songs. Kompang performances
are common at community events such as weddings.
The festive spirit ran high and the
bazaar was buzzing with activities of
stalls selling a wide variety of products,
such as traditional Malay food, fashion
clothing and handicrafts.
HAPPENINGS in Tampines!
October 2014
Do you know there are 21 café corners in Tampines?
They can be found in selected senior citizen and resident’s
corners, community clubs, public spaces such as The
Wellness Room in Tampines North Community Club, and
senior citizen corners located at Blks 234, 306, 345, 364,
465, 730, 864A, and so on.
A joint initiative by North East Community Development Council
(NECDC) and grassroots organisations, these café corners provide
a platform for residents to bond and network while helping them
to learn about various local activities and events organised by the
Resident Committees (RCs). Those looking for employment can
seek NECDC’s help to work there as café assistants in the interim.
Currently, over 70 café corners in the North East District of Singapore have been set
up since their first launch at Compassvale Lodge RC in Sengkang in April 2013.
The next time you see a café corner, do drop by and grab some free drinks on the way
to work, or sit down and have a chat with your neighbours while sipping a cup of
beverage of your liking. You may wish to speak to your representatives from your RCs
to find out more.
psle success seminar
at tampines changkat CoMMuNITY CLuB
Tampines Changkat Malay Activities Executive
Committee (MAEC) collaborated with MENDAKI
to organise the Success in PSLE seminar for Primary
6 students from Tampines Changkat Study Café on
31 August 2014.
The seminar aimed to help and support PSLE
students to perform their best in the upcoming
exams and most importantly, to help the students
achieve the self-confidence and resilience to
overcome future challenges in their life.
Grassroots Adviser, Ms Irene Ng, MP for Tampines
GRC, graced the occasion to show her support
for the students who came from disadvantaged
backgrounds within Tampines Changkat division.
She also gave sound advice and words of
encouragement to the appreciative students.
october 2014
HAPPENINGS in Tampines!
Our Celebrations
at Home
On Singapore’s 49th National Day, while
many Singaporeans gathered at the Marina
Bay floating platform to watch the parade,
Tampines West residents joined in the
celebrations from their heartlands, with the
show broadcast live on large screens.
Grassroots Advisers, Mr Heng Swee Keat and
Mr Masagos Zulkifli joined in the partaking of
the festivities, watched the show with beautiful
display of fireworks, and participated in fun
activities. Videos were also screened to help
elderly citizens better understand the Pioneer
Generation Package and MediShield Life
schemes which are specially tailored to ensure
those eligible seniors who contributed towards
our nation-building meet their healthcare needs
in their golden years.
Distribution of Vouchers to the Needy
In the month of Ramadan, Grassroots
Adviser, Mr Mah Bow Tan, together
with grassroots leaders, joined our
Muslim residents in breaking fast.
In this annual event organised by
the committee of the Community
Development & Welfare Fund at
Tampines East Community Centre,
Mr Mah mingled with residents and their
families during the event.
Mr Mah also presented vouchers to
assist them in their preparations for
Hari Raya.
Recycling for a Cause
at Tampines North
Around 70 youths from Asia gathered in the morning of Sunday,
24 August at Tampines North to collect recyclables from residents and
to raise funds for needy families through the sale of recycled items.
The youths from 15 countries such as Hong Kong, the Maldives,
Mongolia, Japan are part of a community project of JCI Singapore
Leadership Training Camp by Asian Academy. They collected around
1,700kg of recyclables. The participants promoted recycling around
Tampines North by distributing storage boxes for collection of
recyclables and educational brochures. Grassroots Adviser,
Mr Baey Yam Keng thanked the volunteers for their hard work.
JCI Singapore has also indicated their intention to work with Tampines
grassroots organisations on such initiatives in the future. We certainly
look forward to it!
Congratulations & Feedback
October 2014
Congratulations To Our Recipients for
National Day Awards 2014
Mr Victor Chan Kwang Cheng
Mr Michael Chern Chiap Soon
Mr Soh Cheow Kang
Mdm Thangah Grace@ Koh Siew Kiang
Mr Joseph Lee Bong Wa
Ms Angeline Lim Ting
Mr Daniel Or Lay Huat
Mr Peh Thiam Heng
Mr Francis Ng Chin Fah, PBM
Mdm Phyllis Tng Pheck Lek, PBM
Mr Foo Suan Huat, PBM
Town Council MAILBOX
Dear Officer,
Dear Sir/Madam,
Recently, I have noticed my block was sparkling clean.
I would like to commend Ms Norshadah for being helpful. The
level of service extended was beyond my expectation.
I have started to pay attention to the cleaning process
around my block and noticed this cleaner, Mr Ng Boon Hok,
who is very hardworking. He really takes effort to clean
every corner and make sure he cleans them well. I wish
to compliment his good work attitude and I appreciate his
Two weeks ago, I informed her that I had dropped my keys into
the lift shaft.
As I was not available to collect the keys personally, she offered to
bring the keys to my house after office hours.
Her exemplary service is worth mentioning and I hope others can
emulate her. Once again, I want to thank her for her dedication to
her work and going an extra mile.
Thank you.
Cheong Family
Ong Thiam Ser
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
We would like to compliment Miss Suniyah for going the
extra mile to address our concerns when electricity supply
to our block was scheduled to be disrupted due to some
I am writing this letter to extend my heartfelt gratitude to your
team of dedicated and professional staff, Mr John Yeo, Miss
Suniyah, Mr Masud, Mr Woon Li Quan and all customer service
officers at Tampines Town Council, for doing their utmost
in rendering their assistance to resolve a water leakage and
common corridor dispute between my neighbours and me.
My wife and I were very concerned because our fridge
contained baby food and any prolonged electricity supply
disruption might cause the food to turn bad.
Miss Suniyah initiated checks with the technicians on how
long the disruption would be, and explained how the fridge
was able to maintain the temperature for up to an hour if no
one opens the fridge door. She made special arrangements
for my unit’s switchboard to be serviced when I was at home
to monitor the progress and yet be on time for work.
She also called me once electricity supply was restored.
Miss Suniyah has proven herself to be a good example of
a property officer with a passion to serve and help the
residents. She was not worried of the extra work she had to
do to ensure that our inconvenience is well taken care of.
Your team members have displayed exemplary service standards
and attitude.
I would like to commend them on their prompt response to
the situation. More importantly, they took the extra step to
make a trip down to our home after office hours to explain
the regulations to us passionately. They had been unflagging
and determined in their effort to resolve the issue in a calm,
composed and impartial manner. Additionally, details of this
act of sacrifice and excellent customer service should be
disseminated to other town councils to promote this positive
attitude and raise service standards as a whole.
Once again, thank you and your team for the assistance and keep
up the good work!
Best Regards,
Eugene Low, on behalf of Josephine Lee
Best Regards,
Jeffrey Poh
*Letters have been edited for brevity and clarity.
Call our HOTLINE for bulky item disposal
We want to hear from you!
Email us at [email protected]
Like our Facebook page
october 2014
Upcoming Events
Meet-the-People Session
Tampines Central
Mr Heng Swee Keat
Tampines West
Tampines East
Mr Masagos Zulkifli
Mr Mah Bow Tan
Tampines Changkat
Tampines North
Ms Irene Ng
Mr Baey Yam Keng
Minister for Education,
Adviser to Tampines Town Council
Minister of State for Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs,
Elected Member of Tampines Council
Elected Member of Tampines Town Council
Vice-Chairman of Tampines Town Council
Chairman of Tampines Town Council
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
MPS Venue: (From 7.30pm to 10pm)
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
MPS Venue: (From 8pm to 10pm)
Blocks in this Division:
Blocks in this Division:
Blk 140-151, 156-166, 801-823A, 824-826,
826A, 827/A, 828, 828A, 829, 887/A,
891/A-B, 892/A-899/A, 902-903, 906-916,
921-922, 924-946
Blk 201, 201A-E, 201G, 202, 202A, 203208/A, 209-230, 230A-H, 230J, 231-271,
352-354/A, 360-364, 364A, 365-366/A,
367/A, 368-374/A, 381-384/A, 385-390/A,
391-396, 501-510, 512-513, The Eden
Executive Condominium
Blk 856 Tampines Street 82 #01-279
Singapore 520856
Tel: 6783 3090
Blocks in this Division:
Blk 515/A-D, 518/A-D (The Premiere @
Tampines), 519/A-D, 520/A-C, 522/A-C,
523/A-D, 524/A-B, 701/A, 702-716/A, 717723/A, 724-727/A, 728-730/A, 731-742/A,
830-842/A-H, 843-856/A-F, 857/A-B,
858/A-B, 859/A, 860/A-B, 861/A, 862/A,
863/A-B, 864/A-B, 865, 866/A, 867/A,
868/A-D, 868-871/A,869/A-B, 872-874/A,
875-880/A, 881-882/A, 883-886/A,
Pinevale Executive Condominium
Blk 140 Tampines St 12 #01-426
Singapore 520140
Tel: 6782 1177
Blk 209 Tampines Street 21 #01-1347
Singapore 520209
Tel: 6783 5577
Blk 114 Tampines Street 11 #01-167
Singapore 521114
Tel: 6781 5329
Blk 444 Tampines Street 42 #01-136
Singapore 520444
Tel: 3782 5329
Blocks in this Division:
Blocks in this Division:
Blk 101-114, 117, 124-127, 136-139,
272-298, 299A-B, 301-307/A, 308-311/A,
312-316/A, 317-330/A, 331/A, 332-340/A,
341-343, 345-351/A, Tampines Court
Blk 401-450, 450A-G, 451-484, 485A-B,
486A-486C, 487A-487C, 488A-B, 489A489C, 490A-B, 491A-H, 492A-D, 493A-E,
494A-F, 495A-F, 496A-496G, 497A-497H,
498A-H, 498J-M, 499A-C
A team of 20 youths has decided to celebrate
Singapore’s 50th birthday in the most bombastic
way possible. With the aim to make this countdown
event the largest in the east of Singapore, it targets
to reach a crowd of 5,000 to 10,000 who will be
entertained by local and international artistes. A part
of the programme will be dedicated to recollecting our
memories of the past 50 years of Singapore’s history,
and celebrating the island’s achievements. This event
caters to residents of all ages.
Guest-of-Honour: To be advised
Date: 31 Dec. 2014
Time: 7pm -1am
Venue: Tampines Community Plaza
Organiser: Tampines GRC
Contact: 6785 0004
Spooktacular Halloween is an annual flagship event
of Tampines North Youth Executive Committee
(YEC). It adopts different horror themes every year
and transforms neighbourhoods’ void decks into a
horror house or a trail. A surprise lies in store, are
you ready for it?
Date: 01 Nov. 2014
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Courtyard, Blk 480 Tampines Ave. 9
Organiser: Tampines North Community Club
Contact: 6783 2900
Free movie screening for all on every last Saturday
of the month. Surprises await you!
Date: Every last Saturday of the month
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Tampines West Community Club
Organiser: Tampines West Community Club
Contact: 6788 1912
Through the help of resident volunteers, Tampines
Changkat Community Development and Welfare Fund
(CDWF) and Tampines Changkat PCF will pack and
distribute fruits to lower-income families on a monthly
Date: 3rd Saturday of every month Time: 8.30am -12pm
Venue: Tampines Changkat Community Club
Organiser: Tampines Changkat CDWF, Changkat PCF
Contact: 6781 1806
Discover the joy of planting your own seeds at
our annual tree planting day at various divisions
in Tampines. All residents are encouraged to
join in the fun with your families to get to know
your environment and community. Please refer to
Tampines Town Council’s notice board, website and
Facebook for more information.
Guest-of-Honour: Members of Parliament for
Tampines GRC
Date, Time, Venue: To be advised
Organiser: Tampines Town Council Contact: 6781 2222
A sit-down lunch with exciting performances and
lucky draw for all to enjoy!
Guest-of-Honour: Mr Mah Bow Tan
Date: 23 Nov. 2014
Time: 12pm - 3pm
Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall, Tampines East
Community Club
Organiser: Tampines East SCEC
Contact: 6787 3955
Tampines Tempo is a newsletter published by Tampines Town Council and delivered to the letterboxes
of all HDB households in Tampines GRC. Copies of the newsletter can also be collected from the Town
Council office and the five Community Clubs in Tampines. The Publisher makes every effort to ensure
the accuracy of information in Tampines Tempo but cannot be held responsible for any consequences
arising from errors or omissions.
Publicity Committee
Advisers: Mr Baey Yam Keng, Ms Irene Ng
Chairman: Ms Jeanne Cheng, PBM
Vice-Chairman: Mdm Kamisah Bte Mohd Shariff, PBM
Members: Mr Kwek Hong Lim, PBM;
Mr Kieu Li Chong Edgar; Mr Ng See San Ricky
Published by Tampines Town Council
Block 136 Tampines Street 11
Singapore 521136
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The Print Lodge Pte Ltd