wb11 charmed


wb11 charmed
-' , •
""*' r
A. . • • ;
. '
, ' ..
*—-\ '
, ..,.;..
.,-;,;•. - . . . . . - . . . ..... . . . . .
nf h««-ii.|t < i p l r e i l on Olt «dlh Jun«,
• mlirnictucilt III III* «i»ine, unit taken
N. SIIK.niKtm
' JVem Ike Kxiiihefn- Cktmkmm.
Another year ha* flown, '
Wilh all Its K.HX! or III, its hopes or fear.,
nay- bright with joy, or .wet with burning tears i
very of atniso or minrliirf, in Oio nynlnn
l» which the country li»« been *o long
•ecu<lomed, and under which U ba» attained to to Urge n measure of jiroi|iciily .
•.•—--:.--.-_-.'---.-.-.':-^-.;- It i* n« MC«mm*Ad««l by *<XMlJ«f*tlonr
Uoiia; like IbejmnlighV* motMnuurv gleam
of rconomy- the teedriiy of the pnlilic
Over Ihe rippling stream. .or iltn leuening of'flxteulive
What hast thou wllnFaacd here, - . . - . ,
. Ironaga. Nay, it it obooxioui lo Iht ol>-In-thy brief round npon the course of time.)
jeclibn, that Ihe txpehiei of the ,govp rn Sunn mi "mine ear Will thy last moment's chime,
in rnl woiilil tin thcrrliy' iiicrca«cd, (ho
. , , . , .,;.'
.... ,
t tell m.-, what hath liappM to mi. rial man public money r<:ri()rrc*-lcsi"80«urc, and
OnriM;- thy liitli: span? >
th« pMriinngc of Iho Kxuculivo greatly
<- (i,
I Wo'lllll i null r • trill Of It Kli'.rtlte,
.• l.o di'«li<iyeil. Hi.- iHiitmi-lilf.il In- .
IT lli«w mWdiXfcliiinn, •rciiml ttm
lain ii'iin-ilj lor tlio« fl.allnala ilii-
•hlch bate.' io i img baffled tf.e ik in
ttrrllirtrt of erery rVatrinflniO. p
ft anil I77«r« ofliitig standing.
n»i-». parlleulitlc .
I nun ii i in w it'.. irn '• l>ri' alia * Molt
In ulcerated eaneere.
-^ - ;
. ) i « t «on>« peBBle..k«i»w-Bj;. star '''•'•
oa'1iaiT»e>h Inimnn grief,
Like a dark inmblrd tide, Mill rushing on i
And bleeding hcarl«,p*er name beloved one gone,
Ileril like the
lonjcherish'd friends have pahM mid their team,
For sad ami lengthen'd years,
< '
" The widow's moan hath broke
The solemn sllllnesiof thy midtrhjhr hoars v
Enl Ilie lint rtmoiUci fur Jt'irrit »n<I
Earth's ilci'p despondency.
B. U. O.
BBivnS—Ileilcvlng II ripbt for tbe wepH tunV'rlug fi'om Injiirlt'B, lo make
11 IIWlnl III llllng Mln-plitrd'a V. 8.
•pmril bjTlC. llu klont, I nnw Inform
a'aon of mine waa thrown down and
man, and received a ««rry trrinnt In*
lit knen—he rnlirvly Inil Ihe ttae of
Dindni-nl — Ii) Vnnliiiuing llir •
I It made s prrfvrt cure.
. No. M, Snulk Sli «•!, Ibllimutr.
I'1'uprii.'lor uf Shepherd's
" ' ,"F:" '— ~~"
aflniirs, .On the other hand, public money
. t . ,,
TJluu ImM liccu wiliiesi \o Ihr iiiipnnl vovr,
When flowers nroundirome fair girl'apallid brow
Young siilcn twine ;
W h-n harp<tring!i wake,and music rich undcicar
Falls on .the charmed ear.
And to, mmq lonely hearth,
• __
- The long-lott wanderer thou him broU again i
Some mother's heart, that long hath throbb'd in
. For.hcr xole light on earth,
Halli,clasped her child, and deemed alt sorrow
; o'er,
Nor asked out blessing more.
And "'IT my path, old year,
How hast Ihou f>|jded in thy rapid flight ! •
To memory's eye, all smilingly bright,
Thy parted haurs appear .'. •
lirilliant, but fleeting, bright, Imt oh, how brief,
Fading like autnmii'it leaf.
The hand of care hath lain
Lightly, upon me, and my poises thrill
J l.rcn in Iheha.
ininu-ni pit'iiarcd bv-ion fnr a
». now* called Sin obi'i-il V I'a-ienl Oinl|y Jnillclni,)
itklni,) for
Wound* of.
of varl
nil cilia,
run, linn
I r n t t liiir,
Ulc, icaldk
icaldk and
and l.un...
II| lolo(MIbaviilnitlili',
vnlii:ible,I Ihave
bme nnnn
IHR il In llir public. 60 highlytig
•I naa geiiemtly tieen au Inmate In
In my
lhat .Mr. HcrMmia haa betn prenf-ittn-tr of Ibii Ointint hi fpr yvara
fcqucnllf rrcrivnl Ibf* uitii:1r ilin city
ii fHiiblei, AoriA fiired, Batllmtrt.
il. 6lh. IK.ir.
Il for lionet' sore buks »llh
I Ililr. nr I 'I..II.I.1 ... 1 li^trr. |,r-
When the public money i« placed in
Hanks to the crrdif i>f Hie £mcrnrr.i-nt nr
it* nxpntu, it in ntlenilrrl liy tin t-liiir|>«
nml there ii no other riik than the1 insolvency of Ihe corpork'tiont, whictv with ordinary circumipeclion, in (electing the
a-ritk at all, it ocif .which
Fiom Biifiafi Ifnugh.
fc, Mr. C. llcralotia m bo the prnprieS Uinlmi'iit for «I-M-I »l yean during
l Maryland, and the On.In,mi made
•men In mm Ii rrpiile. It haa been
In my own family while litlng In
iurlng roy residence in thia ellr.
n .• «/ 4 1 i . - i i
..~ llnnm, M n l l . r r r y - S t . , ?
k, May SUth, I8JI.
' • = ... PILES.
. jnoonibnro, I bad lieard mncb of
Sure Ibe putilic at proprietor, and of
• in tmei on |wra<ma with whom
til. Since my reaidenea In Halrformrd a cure on a frii-ml of mino
ilea. Hating m) telf been a tuflTarcr
I w i t h I l i i l l l i l l l filing lltleate, I DOW.
| i'1'nliri) your Oinlmrnt in' my own
illned Ihal 1 fun «*T it made ir pt-r-
J. A. UI.N IV..
Cniinlliig-nonm, l.uinbuiil tireet.
I'Vi-ilerick City, Mil. proprietor
(I , a. uiMiineni.
'Mil Talinfrrro, member af Cf
|K»tbx«, l^ivdi/rltk Cll,.
en my witb, fur a contidu-atdtj lime,
.- lo you Ibe K"'"l effect wild which I
O i n t i i i i - i i t i n v . ' i i l i il liy Mr. Juilkllll,
U'. I". S. O ) ainl wblcli I r.ow undtr1H(I told bl i-^.-ntu i.|i|ininlril bjr }ourliptied ibia Oiiitmi-nt, during the lull
ry t.pe,:ii-t of tumor and wounj,"
I I n produce a cure In every • i n ttylil c.
lit- mutt ilvuide.il and i Iflcienl icinedy
lumiiur. be Iti'e raae wli.t il may, and
Idllg ao gaud for wnniids of any deli be proper In add, Ihal ibc cure of
U'hiii- Swelling, given over by ibe
led iibytlctant at iii'cufablc, and
n-ided would, wiihoUl ampulatiun,
In- pali^lil^WMt under my i i n l n n i i a t u
'i; l l i e nt • of Hi 11 U i u l i n e i u , and ibu
•• In-!.till, b i a l i m b nlfci ti-il by tba In.
itiired In u ( i i ' i l i r l tlwle (T tannilnatt. '
li-U nt an a^eU man, wliicli bad been
e i l i i l i i l . il i.nr divitdful uli'cruled tur• In ll.i' I'll.a, nnd M li'urli for mure
i.tiad in-i-n cantidcrt'd incui-alilc, was
by Ilii; application uf Judklnl'a
lienlinn Ili-n- Inn catet \v li'uli fell un-
iMe iinli'-i; and ni.in.T^i'iiiL'nl, at a dcI of Ihe efficacy of lliia i tmic.dy in catea
|of ilkclt.. I.have •.^li.-in-in.i-il a»ileJ t IV. i-l of llllt rrmedjr in Ibe cure of
vi'ry • p e c b ' » n l ' l b . > b noiliut. Il ti rtnt
Inc wbo will obieiTe Iheoperaliona
.t| ' mini lie i»|iilied i
names. -From which it appears there
still axial* a deplorable, extent of' ignorance, and that in truth, it is hardly less
than it was twenty years ago, when Iho
school fundwii er««i«d, ~ fmt rtatbrftSriti;1
it w i l l be remembered," are partial,:'tiol
embracing quite1 all the Counties, and are
moreover confined to one' rox. The education of. female's, it'is to be feared, is in
n condition of nun-h urealor neglect. An
abttrcct of-these itAtBment* * ill b*:laid
before ypu._ With thi* mortifying «*b|;_
hition before us,"Tre ~we authorised 16 rely upon th* plan now in use, to supply
the .pressing"; dmnends of the gcnci alion
jutr rising into manhood? •
There are now-in tho Stale'tvfo Hundred thousand children between.the ages
ofiivo and fifteen. Forly thousand of
genenllv the plan wlilch I hive deemed
it my duty to luggMr, to which i have
only 10 ndil, that if it flmll.nllr.ict the lanoiirc of the' General :A"Qnib|y,'
th« details ol the •ystem »Ul.be most
cheerfully, communica'.ed. It wlll.be tememberrd t l m i on this interesting tulijpct,
il'js iinpiiriiini (o act .pfnmplly, M f acb
r i b r r has been appointed aRent for
Is Uliiverial Vegetable Fillt, of Ilia
ke of llealih. Having truth for.ilt
llnl m i l i p l n - i l y fur lit Klriie.lurr) It
f let! of time —bit triumphed over
loppoiilioii, ami hat bacune world•Tlii'ii: 1'iiN cure all Ulttates, and
i t u i n , ivim.iiiU''d gtiiuinn, noil a
Kyc Salre.
hai only been before Ibe
tie last S p r i n g ; and .If (t were ne" obtain a number of oertifioeles
•lify la Ita virtue. Peraans who
|rllb sur* ejei If they will call und
of this salve, will aoon eintrioflhe above nolle*,
awn. AUK 30, IR3R.
UIIOWN reipeclfully luvitea
ueit ana Ihe public in {oueiat, lo
II A AVint.-r
(,- Wlfkh is la>(. and eoiujil.te,
•ry variety and quality. '"'NT7:
»,•..«. »f,lM<
Stales, and It n i l ! be n e r e v n i y l i i d i r e c t I
l i ' t ' V t h e y ire tn lir. |.rr%errn! f
61 ac n v i ly a
law., ll'in pieaum'ed, Ihal such a plan
would'.001 i n v o l v e Ilii; necessity of (.iiitting ance, that would certainly be realized tin
or'-jiiunijit: and di-ci?iv»
tip &rVf 'birildih'iM. for (t(»^' nu«w*B»xi »*J _fl«*
' " t * " * » ' •*y""-« rp''i*'~''*~ . , - •
sources of our young ar^d vigorous country.
Tho ellect of tlio innovation, upon tlm
financial usages of the government |iroposed in the late session of Congress,
would most probably have been to poito tho period of recovery from
our lalo- executed.
•d *•>: ejirr««!T."i:"BT>'«reatlis«- te
discredit tho clrculatisn of the uTrilci; quirits l3dressBd"io"th«in,'»icartain thatwhile they/in order to provide for Ihe in- of those who applied for marriage licen•creased habilititr to which the measure ces, a large 'number wuro unable to write
would have exposoii them, must liavu their names. The years selected for this
proceeded to diminish tbeir discounts more inquiry were those of I8J7. the year beirapidly than would hay* been comiiloul fore our sy stem of popular instruction was
commenced ; and 18 !T and 1837, being
with the gnncral,interest.
I referred in my last annual commnuica at'intervals often ind Iwenly years afterlion to the scheme for collecting and wards. The • state me n is shew that the
keir , f -• I h e p u b l l c money, commonly applicants for marriage Jieenses in 1817,
own as the Sub-Treaiury, and tho opin- amounted to four thousand sil hundred
ion which I then held has bucn confirmed and eighty-two ; of whom eleven hun• .by suhieijueni nfleeUon and recent de- dred and twenty-seven were unable to
velopments. I regret, Ihereforc, to ob write ; five thousand and forty-tight;
•«ivb tblt it l« sgsin to be preiscd on the 1827, of whom llio uumber unable to
writ*, was eleven hundred and .inly-six ;
coasidaratlon of Congmi.
It it id milled to be M iuuovatlou OB and. in 1837. tb» applicant w.re four
the hllhartt) uniform financial usage* 01 thousand six hundred and fourteen ; and
the govetom.nl. It dote not appear to of th.se. tb« number of ona thousand and
been f»|gtst«d by the rte«iUi»eo. foHy-nreo *«• «n«Wt <o
such as ihe'r- ought to Induce an enquiry wheIhff Ibe 'fyslrm docs no( nceit rrforinnlinn. If
they. an* In I r. traced to the private rntnbinalina*j
and associations of settlers or "ptr.uIHtors,. which
ihcsc, combination" ami
yslem furnishes the ehoice lifnd»-»il the inimrntim priee, atich lr);M«"tl<ih' nin?ht bxvitw, a"ri<l"";
be lawn prohibiting intrusion, nnd requiring tbi»'.
of mlnulers, oughl to be rinidly «nr
iire.riL—and if tbe evil is loo" invclcralc forforrri'tlon by any of these reform:", let tbe m i n i m u m
iriee. of the land br-mideft.'
" — • Thi* subject j» one in which tltow Rinte*, *nrt
especially Vlrginin, by whttar erwionwln llir TJf
Stales mncb ibe largest portion of llio publio
ands were obtained, eicrnt ubai wereaci^uirnl
rider tlv Louiaiana treaty and Ihe purchase of
Florida, fitirjhl lo,feel a de.'p nnd lively interest,
have, in fomc sort, n peculiar n'Rlit to Idler"
erc. At Ihr clone of Ihr, Revoliiionary War,
Ihe whole of the domain, now roniprising tho
Slates of Alabama, Mississippi,IVnnrcsor, Kenlucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinoi.i, Michigan, and. thaTerritory of Wisconsin, were wiiuin tho rhar- .
lercd limil.1 nf nnd claimed by New York, Vlrp i n i a , Nnrth ('.irnlin.i, and Georgia, To ilmt tasi region, |bc ]V«nih,-«i;»)iH;ro. Terr,Jtnryr.Vir'right of eiiiii|in-st; for >hc in q n i i i i l the actual
posiirAsitm of so much of it as'bad b(,cn troit-tyj^,'*
th? fppLPf ,(hr Tvhite^man^ by coni|nest wjlb her
own Itro'p's, receiving no nvMMance in that ijuartcr from Ihe oibrr .Stnles during Ibe Itevolminniii )• WaK , And it m.i) m.l In- oat of plat* fo '
remark, that many of ibc gallnnt officers anil «ol-
UoUh'ty liiiliiN whicti wc'ra""
ind rvRoUilion.s contemplate, would br UII-IIII-Hthem "by Virginia for this iiervlre—-*
crit with an rniarjied wisdom nnd enlighloned even nt ibis moment, while project* are on foot
mlirv and incompatible u i t h the j i e t authniity fur Ibe surrender to Ibu Stales in which they lie,,
if Congress. The disptisitiuii ul' ibe public do- of the very. janiU ncquircd.by Iheir h.irdy/VftlDra—
nnin ill-Mint by Arl.;in-.;is upon principles which and out of which tbwc encngtmenla were to ba
pply with equal force I. all the Suites in which satisfied.
iiiblie lands are situated, goes to the ciliiiit of
Tbe SiuU-'i which I mentioned as elnimin^
•onlerring I'pon each of these States "the entire tbr.w lands, yielding to the natural apprehension* ,
right to, nnd lira-vxclutivu i-unin.l over all ilir and jcaluiuica.of some of .the other HiatesLof lh» :3l
nnds claimed by ibe Government of tbr United •oiifeili-racy, nml preferring harmony, union and,
Stairs which are within Ibeir borilers." The I,e- liberty, ho power, agreed to 5clilr Ibeic own con*
Ulaturc of ArUansas have inMriiclrd Iheir Svn- Hiding claims, ami lo i[iiirt all fears and Comtiirs and rei|ne.sied Ibrir Heprercntativcs "lo nlainu, by crdmg lo tbe United Stales all thcsu
iiinl il' n r r r ^ i i r i , In-bring fuiwurd in JatuU. Duuwbilu makiiuf t i n . t m n - i : inn tn H^iand in »pare no pains lo eflrcl Ibe mnny and union, Ihry «c£4>mpanie(l ibe surieni.i!isagc ni a bill" fur tin- accomplishment of der wnh cunditiont and rrservhiioDs, coiilaineit
IICM- objects.
in Ibc. Acts of Se^iion, which were ucct'plrd Uy.
I i.'iiteriiiin a solemn conviction tbr.t Ibe adop- Congress, and to Ibe ubnervamw of which llm
tioti of such a measure by Congress wonld be United fjuiie.'i Government is bo.tuid by Ihr high*
'i.uit'.ht with gical-mischief to the Irampiility of est obligations of public fatlb ; nnd for the perUnion, br productive of much injury to the formance of which, au far ".^'Virginia is conprosperity and inirrcstii of this Commonwealth, cerned, !hs_£(in{[ie» of the Confederacy, whoso
obligations, in Ibis re»prct, have devolved uport
is well as of all the other Slates having no pill
lie lands within their limits—involve a sncrillcc Ihi'Qovcnimcnt of the TJnioh, eipresvly'eiijtaguur*
of the rights reserved in their acts of cession by by Ibc Ordinance of 17h7, wliicli has ever since) .
Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Georgia been n'gnrdrd as a solemn national . oinpacl.
;iml diber .Siiiii-", nnd cotlMlllltc.u lircach.of tlic . After dc,yqliin{ 1'ji public hioi|» iajliepayme.nl
trfrfis •oto'whieh the-iro<it-was tbnfiilrd-fo Con*. t.1 llie National.-U«bt, created. by the. re voiu. ton;re$s (if disposing of the public lands. I derm rry war, and tu (bo reimbursement of the i j xl my duty, tbrrcfdrc. to call your particular ni- pen*e.s of Virginia In drfendinf; Ihe territory
Irntion lo llir e.xleni of tin: claims now madr.on rcdrd, Ibc acts of cession by Viniiuia, and Ihos'o
behalf of Ihe State* \\bcre Ihe public lands lie, 'f ibr other Stntrs.sab.'tantinlty provided, "That
ir lands ceded should~te considcrrd a coinmou
and to recommend to you the adoption uf such
means as you may consider brsi, fur interposing und for Ihr benclit of Mich cf Ihe United Slates
the aulhiinly oiui.iujlufncc uf tills Siaii- io pn-- s hove becoine, or ulialJI become members 6nha
vent the success of the measures contemplated. tonfe'ilcrscy
orTiaSNiPintBIiW Of t|it"W
The poliey lieictiiforctpniMicd in repard-lo Ihe ; ta|i s, Virginia iiiclusivr, nrcording to tln-ir
public lands, has been milucirnily hberul. Un- iMinl re,-peetivr prupoitions m tbe general cliargoij*
lid espelidlturr, ami .-bull I.e L u i l i l n l l y ami |i"(i:i
der its operation, the new Slates formed out of
tin-.Territory, have m u l t i p l i e d , gruwn nnd pros- :de disposed of for lb.it purpose, iitnl for in» '
IHU- u.«r or purpose wbalwiever." ~" '
pered in wealth, population and power, to an exlli ii- is an explicit stipulation, incorporatnl iu^
tent uncxamplrd in Ihe history of tlic world.—
The abundance and chrapn«s cf Ihnl^rirh do- lit* vny (-runl t» Ihc Umlrtl Ktates, nerrpted and"
by. (be Ordinance referred to, by whicU
main have invited acontinucd viiugrriltnn.which,
j i i i l i i i , . hunls wcie U> b<! held UM a fmnmcti'*
while il furnished nn industrious, hardy, and rnlcrpri*ing population to tbr new Stales, has been 'innl for the benefit of nil the-States, nnd i/ne|.
a pel-pelnr.l iliam upon llm II-MMIrrr... and pri'.'.- .n:li.f,illif anil buuajiiilt'"ilujpiiJeat nf fnr thttl i<i»fi>ir,...
nl t' f »t> oihrr purpose irfttifeiurii', Ibc* nolcUuieO4fR
peiiiy nf Ibe older Slalcs uf the I'limn. W h i l e
the new Stairs bare tilled up wilb astonishing '.H'/ n . i ' i i l , nl ibe Untied HtTtes will bo violated! •
rapidity, many of ihine oa mr Allamic, have — tbe e o i n l l l n l l l oil Which .ll.'ll" Vll",llll,l alnl llu*
been, if nut decreasing ia population, agriculiu-- oilier Slates agreed lo reliiu|ul>li .Jlieir lill», •
r.il improvement nnd wealth, eitbrr tilnlmnary, would be l.inl i-n, rind a v niuiufesl breach of tbr
r u - 1 confided tu the ('<u:"i "• of, Ihu Uuioa, .
or making very inconsiderable advancement.
The land syMrm ol llir United Stales, as esta- ommiilrd. A mure llagruut cue of such vio >
. ..
blished al nn early P.-II. nl 1 y tbe irenenil laws for .Itiiin l 'MiM Illrt In' lln;t;-lin-.|.
surveying the land;, offering
Ibrm fur sulr al
So fur from-acquiciUAK in such tlitpgsjiion_Bf..:
public .'uieiion', Bli!t'"lfnOtt<hiK_'!U(;h as"«rerr"not he public I.ui.|... I think that n proper compll*
Ions of ibem, or of )li» proeeeda of iheir Mien,
H'-il uf the utd U> Well .'I-, of Ibe nCW S l i i t e s .
opened c.ompetition in the purchase of tbe rhoiee .botild be made tu ibe other .Stale", ir. woutil"
laufls lo the citizen* of all the Stales. It p'robi. I!:H f ibrm upnii an e(]ual ((Kiting wjlh 'tlir
bited, under severe penalties, the 'settlement and Stales m wbii-e favor donations have.0bven atreacr.cupa lipn. uf , ib e pu bbi- land.-., ,b >• pe i M n.i . m - ly made, Itnimall.cjr 'i£l|.ijlu.rj'.,llWSfi .«ttr.e>sJ.ui«)
«tnlr» -irtitlifig fljwlh tlieirii"w{tl'iAit< "titV; Srrt'i« flerPi|t«c-•fri'in -tlifnic .'tif itmewppri''prnfh'd to tbrnrw
tiorr-nf Tho
- -it-wus calcti* .I'll I-: rr.'f. .) ;i-« M-b'-ri-l.^r piililn- j.trt'I an; >ih,;: tr.it,
nature, and finplyTfi^brru'w
ing the
of luniiing ^
the (|unn ^ ^
^^ u>
caution should be -ot>served to'fttiatil
t.;jin>t .uiii!i l ilidiiiii;..;inv nl (I'.iul'tlMl gi'rtil'ral[utility, and in.iiilrniliirv l l n - ' i n n a l ri^'iil
fcononVy into (In.-, l u n c l i ol tlic public
expenditure. "
prevent that ilepirc.t.-illt/n uf ilicvujue of landed
pr fii«rj u wb 11 -.h i« the .i ne nnfitl'u.Krfts.nirai tv'iiii'
inrn .'i. IIIK 11"- i j i K i n t i T y Jin i!v lieyvnd, Ibe lieman*), -.-. TtMr'^ysiem;
in •^u^/Yr^arnrd Uve.jf'ubbii
l.-in,N a i tlic: 1-1 .inini'M prtipwrty -"ftf-ib**"1
all Iho St.iii". a-, u cooimon fund, lii.be aithlied
~Tfie "Urge pnynn.nU requirtd '16' be (11 the eoniinoii tieiicfil ol all, ahd having bern
made from (lie Treasury to meet the in- acipiired and prriwrvcd by tbcir united exeriion,*
ih* itvenue to fall short of Ihc appropriations—
and'SUggiiid* the projirKCly ol an iiu rrunj
u f I Ii u *la ics, to -p rov i dc. lor • tb*. d o lie il,
and; To p>ev«nt^Iiff Jre«6»rfn«e'vih«Teoff
sury, MI In I e dltpotrd nf. n- would brtt pro
mule ibe common inifreu'of "sjH.,. Il raunot be
disguised, however, thai fiom some cause or
vf • hwnj"»f -t*i» objKM'of-'ih.yr wftiij I«I-T»>I«»IH|
equal ^y>.lelli-. tl'iu* lio>'li liiun'lu lune nuu'nl, r>ll,
inhabitant*, ascertained-and diitributctd Bave it completed, and its ackuo
among them a* tlte law nliall appoint, and importance, itand* first on the liila of our
made payable directly to: tbe leacber*.-*- public worki. The capital of ih* coinpiTo cnsurr. llie rel]tllllle iiuulificatinus ih ny charged with Ihi*. improvement, it
Ihe teachers, their diligence und fidelity leema to-be. undeisU>od,.is wholly inadelo Ihe undertaking; and the. <proin office, the systematic attendance of the quate
,»h^'for other points of |wlj£*jjj*li of 4he wolk wil * •o°n'.b»''« .'° jje
1 lay before you-acbmmunica^llon from
ihe Governor of Georgia^ transmitting (lie
i. poll mid resolution! of Ihe Logillalure
of that Slate" In' relation to an unsuccess^
ful demand
eman iftade
i a e liy
iy the
t e Executive
x e c u e thereereupon Ihe 'Executiv.it of) Maine'' hr tbe
lieenis lo huve been Ihede.vrr (if the government
tn bring mto the market almost unlnuiird (_
i n - , ul the-public bind-, p much w, that we are
iiifurined by a rrp'urt from the cominiuioner ol
Ihe General Land1 i iii,,... m Washiiii|lon, lhat
tbi'ie inii3i|i/ d nn. "M and '.nlij.-i i iii pin tit., entry (in ihr liuili "f M i - | i t . - n i l . - i , 1837, upwards ol
eighty-eirht million.'i of acre*, ri<iiwilh»landiru/;
g'made by' (Tie'Common wial'.b, it
literary fund under *uch
depend upon the extent to which it might aliuuld be remembered that it i* not probbe ihought'idviaabU to' cirry the co^lii- able that additional subseripliona can be
bution* by levy. An annual appropria- had from individual*. So that for any
tion of. two hundred thousand dollar* amount beyond what might ba paid by
would probably aniwer, ul )ea*l in the tba State upon a ranewed lubicHptiou,
commencement. That portion of ihe ia- the Company would have to r«ly upon
coino of tlie litfrary fund nuw applicable negoiialing a loan. Ami U letl* with you
.decide whether in that view of tbe
lo tha education of poor children, miy be lo
it bf not eipediaat for the St»t« to
e.liiuiled »l s*vonty thousaiiil dullar* i ca«o,
whatever addltionW *foi* way be
but it U wilhin tho power of Iho Legiila- lake
uece.sary, rather, Ibkn to permit
turo tp increaio it, by giving for the pr«- lier largo
iulrre.t lo ba undo retponiible
sent, that direction tft the inlare*t on llm
surplus revenue.derived .from the Dane-* for a loin lobe negotiated by the Comparal Goverome»t,.Mid in uihor i.ioJes.— ny.—The effect of 'surh a loan being to
the value of her slock, »nd lo
And thi* may be don* without iplerfrring depreciat*
ii to entities without any con*
with appropriation* for ttker obj«cU |n- 1 expos*
pensiting advantage.
tended by the Legi.latur*.
Thii brief ef Hint may suffice to explain
llnr (Jiwi-inor of Ihu State id deuidiul of
another State fugitives from ft* joslicr;
and Ilia necessity uf maintaining that au.tborily in Ibe instances of crimes agaiott
puipi'ily, f i i m i n i i i r i l by tecrelly and; feloniously carrying away slave*.,
No authority can ie»t on bellrr foundation, or be uf mure indisp iliiblv validity ;
and il* enforcajineDt (gainst 'jhi* p a i t i c u l»r clan uf culprils i* demanded by ion•iile.r»tioni
- "—which, no Souibcrn State-M
leail, Js at liberty to disregard. Tbe (illligations of obtdienrlo, on llie pall of tbe
Kxeculive addressed, i* placed \beyond
controversy by tb* Constitution wbitb
orund and legulale* Ihe Union.- Weh»ve recently M«n the Goveioor of Ohio
yield prompt compliance with Ibe de
mand of K*n»urky in a liiullti c»s«.—
' . ;; •
a m.irlict, js loo larjrr, let no more ( be ol
"would consfnt" or"n^i|l^'"£e
'loT "rnehl, which, by cdmiiiib'ii coii'sf'iif, are of
.r/...ionBdence in tho various lines of business. poVtionJo iheir white ^pb!pu)iitiont '.
in's-ifillflolheni 1o rejfnark.'iliatlfiey in pis»ioa'%ouia-"a)>fiear'"16"'be1opg^B
until after Ihe^jjieal works now
of ficliools four t h o u s a n d teachers
it^.tWtrlhB^ftlue of, lb.e tntiwjt.Wfil
;J»nd inprogrojiin
wi iuWiVll. it» 'thei.«iwii.'*
.:*l*tti»nt» tsf •w'jiutd
ptx»r^ Jit'
;"'/:!*•'- fitly tupfxxod the. reiuiBplioR would tkk« oin.1i
(u« otir Snullicrn, WjMtjfjfl.'aflij . .
limuf'^sijitnl, capli undeilalring '.lie
rfaTtf- 'i
(runIier ihalf*hire- bi^wi completed, and.
Iwo sclluols, and - d i v i d i n g lii.i t i m e
gorous'collections, which'might have oc ng to nnd,' in the co iinluiilly increasing of
t ween t he m us may liu ilirt'Cted l.y ! inv. the trade and bu.lnrss of Ihe cobhtry"_f»-_'
casloned gen.eral cmtarri*ment.-Onr cur
Icon the direction whicIFlhey are"Tnfrn»T~
evidence The compensation of the teachers, which cd 19 induce, we mustjjive u'p Ihe hope
reacy is now no lohzer depreciated and vrit'o ' lit .those who- could not;
» of tUaladapSslViij of JhMX&SB \9J\* ,«Mi.
of s'iicB1,V "plan',' YffWi»iaa"r'up 'Byr uf••aii.'acl/ft-"* bilher any cont..i!s:2llc-f'i--r-'
and exchange uppojilmost every point of It i* to be regretted Ilmtwu are not furiiisli- cbargfe
e d f o n i r i b n t i o t i s of the public and linn of tho commerce of any of our sister
the Union has approximated to tho cost of ed with better means than are readily.nci3lrii'.l»AvitIiin,\vliii'l\ Ilie sdiools Stales, and s^ubn^iljo the division of a
furitliai-. (ailed.
'' ''' ' - '
lion of specie pay meats, effected is it hai ro answer the '
'he; Jame^TRiver 'iriSl''K*ria'ifiii"• Im-'
from Ibu iiiroino nf tho Literary Fund;
been, wilhoot material incouvanience to
is rmitteroi _.,.„..
invite your atleolion. My own inquiries
Imvu led me to feir that but lilll* has
been done towards the education of poor
children, and that the plan which we have,
is very defective, B* well a. imperfectly
on rmigrnlion, pro<lucing a e. .n\innt drum r I nnr
p..|nii:iiniii, whu carry with ibrm tln'ir wealfli
and their labor, and catMing a general drprcelaliott of onr landed property,
' hr throwing Info Hia
of freaher >\ morr ii- 1 file lands In Inrse new citaln. .
Ai nnnther ton*oqueucc,-!b*. public lr«asur.r .
has realised little more ,'oti the ngurtgate of alt
Hie lands soM, than the minimum p'riee nf om! '
(dollar und twenty-five crnts per ncre,; and Ihst
fuel (jhe tonsrquenee of thcTIiSrileM and «rtyitefnrp«Iicy wHJcn Has brrh pnnnrd,V^< iiow~eaV'
tornlj hnrt pe/ix-inally urpnl as a m»j*» why Q» .
pricn ' l i n i i l i l lie still further diminished — thai thn
Buliluj Iftnal. *bouU cftm-to- 4* wanlol-a* -»-..
• iniri-e of' reveniir, and nhoulil, in i Heel, be snri
ii-mb-ri-il to the Nlatca in whieh the laftiW li.» !./
e made tn eonftirm to them.
t lay before you n eommiihieitlon from the A<1ilaill General, Bceompenled hy the annual reirn of the Militia, for Ihe year 1838 Al»o a
eport from the BunerlntendanI of the Armory,
n.t accompanying ilocumenli. t also transmit
report end rrtolutlons of llir l.rgijlnlurr of
onnectlcut—-returnaTrem teversl of Ihe Rmnki,
nd a communication from Ihe "Doard o f - A d inU'.ralors of Ihe Charity Hospital" at New
I have received from Ihe Govcnior of Arkani1-, n copy of a preamble and mntulinnt, nilnpt1 by the r.i';;islamrc of that State on llir subret of thi; rlr I I . I M I K H I of the land.i of the Uniirtl
'tuln within her luniis. .This document wn*.
auniiilled to me by.tlio Executive rf Arkani.n.1
i compliance with one of the resolution, by
•hich.hc was directed "In furnish Ihe Kxeuives of all Ihr Stairs at this Union with n eopj*
f the preamble nnd resolution*, hnd request
inn "to lay tJie mine bcfujc Ilivif. respccMl'«^L*T
' ' " '
As well from the prop,er rcsprcl for the wishes
f 'the I.e|;i-biiure of Arkansas, as from a «chsc
i.f^lh»"va»t magniiudc and impurlance.pf.^liic
uenlions prenrmed ill Ibem, I now lay before
on llie pieumble and .moluiion^, and earnestly
nvile yoiif Bllenliiili li> Ibf sulifecl. ' •
After till' «H»I careful cousideralinn, I am not
blc TO diVcst niysc'tr (if Ibc n, inii.n, ili.'it MU-.II a
lion ol th« uninruiiiberi-d revcnui: of the
fund lor Internal Improvement, and of
Certain dividends atid'iiilrirnl on loans towards the payment (hereof, there remain*
ihe-swm'ol'^l^.'S&s'ifMf ^alic "—!Er-'«-"j:
frjf "out"Sf-|h«i TrtfOTury."'—''-""
lespecliv* County Courts, under such re- cerried, and in which, any delay that maj
strictions and directions as lo territorial not be necessary to avoid immature ant
extent and population, (bat-shall be enli- inco'nsiderale conclusions, not only retied In ono. school, as, niity,be ordojijed by tards Ihe common advancement, but puts
I5nvernij"r orMainc, a« nil the facts of thr
case are not h r I o n - me, the subject matter
is one that admits of rto division Of opinion 1
in the South, and a* it Is to be, hoped, n'n
wlii-t': w i t h i n I l i i - t ' n i o n . ;..:v . ; ' . ' ! ".-,..
" ttia-My r »inful ilmy lo nnn'oV.nfc Hie fliitl, of
William Urgrkenborough, E«i).ton« of Ibe .lu.|,»«s of the Court of Appcsli. 'By his tlesllfthe
Commonwssllh l« deprived of an highly nlilr
• nd faithful public officer, nnJ toi-iely, on* of
izen; nnd Upon' us ai
and upon 'our moral and religious duties, Ibe one now in operation, venture to re
rests the title to Iho numeious and inesti- commend the system of common schools.
An interval of about twenty years has
mable blessings which a benignant Provi•elapsed since the «re*tu*n^: pf4he J.(l«rvy
.durine'.whicb' rwriody:J.fory/^fi»si
The BinUs have
retirncd' to_ specie •Fuud;
--..-_ _. Lf_.- • .±"'±ic__. IEI.J /"__ A r,,...
com pan ia cl w i th t h o
K'^nnttni' , ..
BV I'll' M Uighl, whole irrllirn Ug,
i llio ouitide wrapper uf cauli pui.
L.|ili.n.ti and Drungiatt can H i i il, u
f In M.iliimw .uf U. J, Uakcr, lliuj-
iinwortliy roncmioni lo a-Wicked spirit
of fanaticism and disorder, .unhesitating
obedien.ce must • attend every case of a
1'tiblir opinion, as W,ci| as th* n i U a n t a - proper di-maml. _ .While I decline to ex' h ^ c l o y closes thrt a v e n u e tiici|iic;iliiui gCI of'th8 I in pi .1 ve 111 en t, «l i nn |i| V i e( IHU - p'rcss an opinion upon Iliecou'rstV of ifce
be tilways insecure, and no severity of a large, number i» growing ujjYn'ighb" \Vortliy to_t>e regarded ar one ol tin- no- duels of Kai>l Tennessee, and of Upper
penal enactments "against defaulters will ranee .for want of schools' within conve- blest triumphs of ^successful invention,'is AtaKama and TS! i>si*sippi. Whereas, if
be likely materially to diminish Ihe hazard. nient distances. Of those at school,, ma- the.art, by which Iho treasures of reveal- the imprnterncnt be not made, .SouthIf, indeed, in the selection of public a- ny derive little or no instruction, owing ed wisdom, science and all Ihe attractive VVist Virginia, ns far as Wythe County,
gents, the appointing power was secure a- to the incapacity of Ihe teachers, as well accomplishment* are brought within the will be i i t n l r r Ihe nccctsily of looking to
gainsl misrepresentation and iuteiesled ap- it to their culpable .negligence and inat- grasp of the most destitute and helpless,, theSoulhi and its productions! along with
plications, there would be no difficulty in tention. Thus, the number likely to re- and for that reason, the most interesting those of the Stnlcs referred to, will find
an o u t l e t in that direction, l i n p r o v e m c n t i
finding in any part of our country compc- main uneducated, and to grow up without of the human family. An act was passed by both'branches of have been already projected in o t h e r
lenl and faithful officers:, but thai is not just perceptions of their duties, religious,
lo be expected, and there will alwaya be social and political, is really of Appalling the Legislature", making ample proiiilon States, 'which will forever deprive Virdanger that responsible trusts may be com- magnitude, and such as to appeal with for-t'school for t!iis class of unfortunates; ginia of t i i e invaluable trade Ihal would
mitted to individuals who have been led aflecling earnestness to a parental legisla- but the law remains inoperative, because lie o'liniiinndt'il liy tt Railroad lo (be Tenlo expect them in return forparty services. ture. Is nol a comprehensive and well of the failure, to designate a location for 'nessee line,, if iho smrenders to their su\V hilit the ancient and' familiar mode organized system, with careful and ample the School: I now respectfrily invite perior enterprise and energy, advantages
of -keeping the public money is recom- provisions to carry it successfully into your attention tb Ihe subject, in the hope so worthy ol calling into exercise her own.
mended by considerations of economy practice, demanded by the literary desti- lhat you may approve Ihe act of your To the u n d i s p u t e d utility and imporlaure
of the i m p r o i e i i i c n t in question, shnulil be
and security, it is not less so, for tho im- tution of so large- a portion of our people ? predecessors and supply the omission.
It is bcliei'e'd there are now in the added the impressive consideration, thai
It is not lo be expec'.ed iliat the npproportant reason that it avoids Ihe necessity
T ajte.lo.cntet such an in- l i t could, not f a i l - l o yield <lirerlly.au.adeof. enlarging I he pstran ago -of !ho ^Exe- pj-jali,oiv.no*,,outliori>ed bv law, ili»lribustrtutio'n, ri e*«tliih;ThtieehntiidrtDi arid ] iiale VeiUrn upon Ititi cajiilal in Vested 'In
cutive. Let the law perform iU proper
' Tho'-tmhih tutarye1;Tthntfr_
functions in'designal'mg the .Bank* to ..be. .made effectual iu accomplishing any ge- perhaps -more. If ~the sumo -number of onslruclion. That would item lobe the
THuTIoiifemy lot'shaTl Be.
neral reformation ; and it is I hat consideIhe agency, and in determining for what ration which tends to lessen the Interest ril, from which llio Commonwealth could lorlation, of which it would be tho avenue;
How richly, truly blesVd,
travel lo which it would -be difficult to
H wed liuiuclwM vuicu< yetsalute mine ear,
irregularities or abuses the privilege shall felt by the'CommiuioneraY.il-it does lo extricate t h e m , nhc could not ba p r c v r u t Familiar faces Mill are beaming near,
be forfeited, and there wilt be no occasion discourage others fiom acting in that ca- ed from going to their relief, by consider- s>ign a limit, as will bo peiccivnd .upon
With smiles of pleasure dress'd,
for executive appointments or the execu- pacity, 'whose-influence and intelligence ing -the-chargea that- would attend it.— eferring to lite ltne» of impro'itnipnt.now
tive authority. Hut it their agency iltjdl would render them efficient. 'The slim And shall a decision less gcurrous ..ind tndef way iii the South•Bmd"We«t, untl'to
In- Blooming infancys
be dispensed with, a troop of new officers, is not sufficient, in some of the counties, lust, prevail towards those who depend uch n< w works on thn part of other States,
Then, I-'alhirr, grant me still,
with salaries and influence, and the aujg-, to provide for Ihe poor living in Ihe vi- on Iheir morn fortunate fellow men, lor as it would unavoidably call into existence.
Hhcnild'siiirow wing.llie Aighinf future days,
Strongly impressed with these considmentation of Ibe already overgrown in- cinity of schools already established, still whatever can mitigate tho severity of
To bow with heart of lore and lip of praise,
Submissive to thy will,
llucnco'of the executive are unavoidable.' less, to establish them in situations in t h e i r condition, and open to them the •rations, 1 earnestly recommend again tlie
Ulcssing the Hand, with gratitude sincere, '
mprovrment lo br undettalien on Slate
—I respectfully submit, that these views which they are needed, and to .provide sources oi intelligence and usefulness?
That rules each passing year!
Similar institutions elsewhere, have ccounl.
furnisli strong, if not decisive objections Ihe means of preparing a sufficient number 6f competent instructors. At most, been, established, in .or near, tolarge citier. -The. .compleliblT..of works of Internal
to the proposed Innovations.
Tbe general Bank Law, which author- it is capable of affording only partial re- And when we remember, that such a lo- mprovement now in progress as well as
ized a renewal of the charter of our banks, lief * and there is too much reason, to fear cation is favorable lo the sale of Ihe arti- he construction of such as the General
i Stuale
and an addilion to their capitals, was sus- it is rendered yet more inefficient by the cles, of manufacture,.the product of the Assembly may desire lo undertake on
and llotut of Dtltgatn :
pended by an ncl of Iho lo»l General As- loose, irregular and injudicious manner woiLiliops attached to the school, to the Jlnlc account, involves the necessity of re
--The order, cheer I ulne is an
attendance of a discriimnalTng and remenl which happily prevail
throughout sembly. Tho eafly_day at which the in which it is sometimes applied.
A system of popular instruction, such spectable assembly upon Ihe repeated ex- will be so large as lo make il obviously'
the Commonwea
wealth, is a source oif the charters of Ihe two principal institutions
roost sincere congratulation. The agricul- will expire, 1842, suggest* Ihe expediency as is needed by Ihe Slate, and within its hibitions which il is found advisable lo irbpcr to attend lo Iho particulars w h i c h
tural products of the last season, though of considering whether any, and what means to provide, should look as well to encourage, thereby awakening-a feeling will secure the full benefit of the high and
aomowhst less in amount than usual, are additional legislation is called for by this NIC class whoso .revenues are insufficient of emulation in Ilia school, exerting a sa- mdoubted credit ol the Commonwealth.
greater limn it was at one limn apprehend- interesting branch of pur public policy. to educate their children without some as- lutary influence on the principles, nnd 3ur negotiations hitherto have not been
ed they would.be, and ample enough, not Myopinions on this subject I have had be- sistance from the State, as to that which diffusing a knowledge of the meant em-, conducted so as lo realize probably llmi
only for the supply of our .wants, but to fore occMioajrespectfully lo.siihtnit—they, is more indigent; nnd to Ihe gradual in- ployed, and their success ; and remember result. Inslead of rulying on Ihe sale ol
crease of the number of experienced and also lhat the persons duly qualified to lake certificates -of d«bl al Ihe Treasury oilier
leave a surplus, equal in value, probably, remain unchanged.
to the proceeds of former years. The . Banks of discount and circulation I qualified teachers, and of well organized charge of the institution must be looked it would, I think, be advisably lo offer
Benliincnt -of respect for the laws, and consider greatly useful, if nol indispensa- *.ft(W^-.--;A.t;v..P.fef.?.nlt. ..iHj. |Prme-r '.lasi for in the. cities, and'would probably be them in niarkctH where capilal is alum
' -submission to 1 (h*; constitutedauthorities) ble, agents In llio -actual condition of our may be-«aid tota w n'o'lty" iinprovlde'iPfciiv unwilling to go into tho country witlioiit Ian t , - a n d puldic MTOUiilica cou>;ht afli'i
Ihe order, regularity,' peaceable and dig- country, of advantage to nveiy descrip- consisting ofsni all landholders, and others, extravagant compensation,il would appear and to commit the negotiation to an agcn
fled deportment which have been always tion of interests, and in no sense discord- whose inconsiderable incomes will not advisable to follow the example of other cy that could be relied upon to brin;
the characteriities of our fellow-citizens, ant or at variance with Ibe spirit.and prin- admit of their taking .upon themselves Ihe States in this respect, .and select a city ra- them advanlageounly into notice': am!
have been as usual, conspicuous through ciples ol our institutions. They furnish whole charge of Iheir childicn's educa- ther than the country a* presenting Ihe furthermore, when the terms would justi
fy il, lo make (lie interests payable abroad
'lilies essential to the purebase of our tion ; but who are yet able, and might be most favorable, location.
the year.which lias jusl closed. ... Iftho recultural staples—contriliule to keep relied Upon,chevrfully to contribute to the — The reports of Ihe Second Auditor and and perhaps also'.the principal..... The ad.
ports which have reached us from other
places, of fearful- and lamentable disorder up their price—prevent tbe monopoly support ofajudicious and comprehensive Ihe Board of Public work*, which will be dilional price Ihal would be thereby obbefore you, 'will exhibit the stair of tained, would, I have no doubt, be more
and confusion, have been the occasion of which might grow out of large individual, system. Schools established and mnin- laid
painful regret, w* fortunately, liavo had wealth, and enable enterprise and pru- lained by private and public contributions, the fund for internal improvement-, llir (ban an equivalent lor any risk from Ibe
nothing of tho kind among us to complain dence the more readily to overcome.tlic would be belter, managed and belter at- revenue derived fiom such of the Public fluctuations in exchange. Tha most ample
of and lament. As it is essential to tbe obstacle resulting from the want of large tended, Jlian if they were exclusively on Works as are productive; arid the pro- provision, should, of course; be made In
preservation of our institutions, and of the means. Tbe additions proper lo be made State afccount-p-and''- Iheir^ advantages gress made in certain others that.aie now the payment of interest as it may accrue.
The Slate debt i*now:$5,25A,83tt, ti
: •—
national character which our country has to the existing bank capitals, the precau would not ho declined by any from reluct- being
The ti men are characterized by great which may be adod the sum uf $'148,31)0
ab'uies, and ance (o appear as applicants fur assistance.
liilhei to enjoyed, (bit reaped for the law* lions necessary lo prevent
and enterprize HI Ihe cause of in- tbot the Board of Public NVorks is icquir
and submission to it« authority, should' bo the lubject-generallyT. remain--with, you The system which I propose, for the inef- activity
ternal improvement-; and this spirit is es- cd to borrow, ami wliicli may be expectei
apoolaneous and universal, and as there- lo be disposed of asshaall seem best for the ficient one now in use, is recommended pecially
in several adjoining to be soon oh'iiined. To provide for sub
• . . ••• by the experience of several of our sjsJeL Stolen, wconspicuous
upon depends the '-continuance of the in- general goodr--—t.-fih i c h oru bunding Ihoir eiu'i(<icK scriplions. that are- authorised to be mad
valuable,-, civil and political privileges
to the construction of great lilies of im- to certain improvements, il they shall b
which we have hitherto poisesed, it should education, embracing' in it* comprehen- have tried it with distinguished success. piovijmont intended for the accommoda- made, a loan of $;),&!0,4);!0 will ba n«
be Ihe dclcnninalion of every citizen, in sive and benevolent design Ihe whole po- It would require not more than eight tion pi their own internal commerce, and cessnry, so that the aggregate of aclua
and out of office, lo permit no cause of pulation, cannot be loo frequently iccurr- thousand schools, in order lo place one. in to concentrate 'within Iheir borders, a large debt and tbe additions Iherrlo cuntcmplat
complaint, however just it may appear ed to. The jobligalion tojiroyid* such a every convenient' and proper location— portion of the commerce "of other State* rd by existing laws, amounts to $!),ll-;i
svrlent. -is
dutiejioTjIie the locations lo bo selected with reference Jt.consjst* jieit.hcr. with_ the retources ol
to excite a.(Deling of insubordination, and .syrlem,
is antonfe
among the
tlic .first.
to cierl his'
influence,r J on all (iccasions, I LegiilaVuro. In my.last
' - .«v> *'ff^Mi^" ^*.-- ^*'%^"-^^'^ - <'''r'-.^^^^--^^^yy^^-4^^-j-'"g^t.i.^Ai.*^^^Ti-^i'»^.*^LS'^t
bi<a— Sir: I bini;;lii an ui tide' In Ualllii. i.f.iur of Ju.lkiua* Ointment. 1
tli:.l wap returned lit me, luH.bfmc . .
- U awd feu yo»t . v<uB«Ltm tire )»» '
Nothing less would niVB comported w i t h
Ihe responsibilities oi his elerMed station;
ami wherever there is a proprr sense' of
olU'jinl oldi^nl'inn nnd a v i i l i i o u i n i i d i n l r l Tfgent publicup'ihibni'iTWrtfus'rs io
upon Ilic iiinltitudf n ho ycnriy suCcrt'rf li> l i i e n i l n l the. c n n i l r n i - l i u i v (il a l(.iil r.i.id
- ..T:'( . .-. .'..'" ..:. ,-.'»,
NO. 51.
Ilii to Ihe operations of the Company;
and it* future plkft't. for Ihe want of the
report of the Hoard of Public Works : and
(...leave the. inlrrailing
to you.
= • ~- JL*
'. -T'-TJ -ft .
'.withlAft- •-•••""••*•-•"<
Impi; t l i n l it may <-(itnport with your view*.of.public policy, to
devise the means of completing Ihe improvement wilhin art eatly period. ,....... i u i
the responsibilities and trials of active life. frotrt some proper terminus in the Kast to
An opportunity was afforded thn mem- the Ti-nnessee lino. Il must be regarded
bnr« ef the.lMl General Assembly lo wit- as all-.iinpprlant 16 enable the Slate to parnr»» llie*ucre«s (/f the Tiicnr.sAvli irli hiv« ticipate . in :ilro immf me ami - jjrowinjt
ttecn oir.|iloy«d for tlic ciluralinn ol llic trade if.'th'* • Smith'iyrfrt-.^lt -would TUT*
blind and of deaf mules. .None vtho wit- ni"li tn an extensive and fertile district of
nessed a spectacle that appealed with such Iho State, rich in min"ral as well oi fcrtouching interest' to the sympathies and tile, lhat is now cut nil' from tho.
W"i cp«ld.faiU_7!^,-<,,,wl<,rlI
that mi
leaf? '"'irmay''" b'i'''«i(V1f""ilsaWi'eS;''
fii' at'
that of those possessed of properly, ado- lainity tinetioraled and relieved by be- the same iiiti« command Ihe transportation
aaaaaaa "*•--•--
. '.
tar .»w»ti IliM Ihr iilhlniint Vnilli)
«, p f r r e t y il..atri|ition.
ll'r /'rtillt l.f IhejillnU.'
i ' .'•;
I uml llrniirl.nl m i j d c a r r l p t i o n nr
til klnilf. In tl.ii rnmplainl, Ihir
O'.BtnwM, mart.
fill I- (ilnwd In uixtrr.laml
, dlienttref oT-JnllMns' Oiatoient,
|«r of HIP |nuni from Sent fliW'
linn »i ilir nitir, hut hating conneM|I)r. J i i . l k l n i in Ihr rnmmenrdntnl,
|Omlmr*t In Irrnr lii« name. The
• .
i •
m^M'&MM^m&s^ ^&.ie3^Jitom&&&^M^: $& oiv>t!Vr«.V
eatitm. 'BoarfCT iHfir,' vrjy Uffie qnantllies l.a v« tifhiowed for objeclH tif inti'iiiul iui|irnv«-.
. i
f Ibe^e appropriations
cannot fall -short of leu
•i. v.:;:.. B •, - j' • L; .- 1 1 • • , ^ . ,j ,j -i „! .-;,i i.' v -{i .-.-••:;» i.-&-j: 1 1 .;-: '
WT»y uupHt tfot' tit- amnvffiittitai v^f'an.'iiou^l.'
I" n.lilj, f^^ffcowitW, br m»U>|«'|o;lb»llth«>r:' j
rtuirt- m ' prrp.-'i tini/i I'jini u n t -d lipn'n M.rhr i-»)iii'-" •
table rutiu (if ditlrilmlinn, and lu Us uaed by
them aufieir nwu iliscieiinn lor purpnirs. orVifu- •
ration, internal iinprovemeni, or iii whatever
ly be Itaum, bow i an Ihe (joverninenl of ibe
Si.ii.", iu, n I', n b l n l n N -I.'.-, acijun ilsclf (if i
duty of'm.lliijn; nn rijnal, i m p a i i i i i l , siid failhful '|
.ii ' l i i U ' . n "I llil-. " I ' v u i i i n i l i hu.il," uli
aiuui of Jtlo-ihc 1'ciK'Al. «(">!.«.. ftc-fl
..'•r I . > r an Iiiadci)uatf [".'-•
be di me by p*riisl and rxclu>rv<i privilege* eoufi-ned on particular fitairs oi thefr clUttn*. It
Cannot te aunt! by renliiiiff *. dlitribution of Ihe'
proceeds uf Ibe public landa, upon any l«rtn> nu.
mailer how ruuul, u u i i l (xunpensMuiB h*l bten
provided for ln« unequalan.tl pprtial dialribuliva
..Ii. .1.!; n.:i.J' , a>i-l especially,il CtlfiUvl be.doi)*,..
f.,_ . _
jjc.di.tribiiliiin, iiniiB lurme mil in- "
e.ini/iiry, iiu.l iiiiieb ol it worth from hv« Iu (ill)
dollars an ^ere, as soon as il is enirred, have r«alii4>4 l» the g«vernm«nj a pm* merely nominal compared with,tbe irai value. We know
lou, lhat within llw last un v-.u - suctceaaiv* ... i
have been paaeed, rraatiiiB |X(-ults.r|iulvaMla|iea
lo iii" .• who 'I'tilnl ii|."..| and occupied lh« public land iK'fore H was nurveyetl, atid ibn>u » iipri
ti; lh« roBpetltion of the. people ;. in.i.iilv, l\tu
tewtilidna iuanrad' 0( pnni-lun,' Iliuae Who b.ii
i l u l i i i n l Ihe l.iw, !•> i n l i i n l ' i . , ; upon the public
public lamli li.nr |.i;vii «raViuitoiuty bcstofrrV
or** Ike new Blair* fiu pnrptus* of rifucation
intern*! iinpiovi-im-nl aod otbei objects, i n Iu
aively UncfiKial lu Ib'-K 8tai««.
Having thusfrrclyand candi<i|y esprn>seil mjr
views uu ibii .subject, obviownly one nf great and
' • i " w in;; iiii|.,,n;ini - aiwl Aiwrupy, I • i i . i l l lea««
il to i.i- .n |" .. .i ' i as Hi- 1. 1.'. -I .nn.,, tu tiuur
wi.wlum, ibink brat. ' I ami* nu maiurin regard
to which tlii» .Cuinmoowfallh )i<u, andbughllu
i. • I a .r • ; i mi. i. . i. There ii nu (State .xtiich •
r a n have a I • D. i right to Ikkn the l*ad inurifin*;
ni... u the Cifugiess nf the IJuilcd Htalrs, Ibe funm
uf thfl ir*erv»li(>n» coiila.nrd in ih* icla of er»- '•
tien, ami ibe binding obligation in its .true spirit,
or of the ordinance vt 17*7, by wtu* h rt»e ccs,|.,nt w^rt» iMT^pM, »'•<! 'I" fvik ofvihr Umou .
I i.ni.d to i-(.ui).)/ M i i U Uwir atl|iuh>Uons uud •oi)..
(iiiivni. .
«^' \ •
1 Ml- . . U> b.-f. .. e you ri-Miluliuns i'1 llw a«ueThe l l i r v ' l l u b l e li'lidcnry ol. I h r Ii' * oi'ln-V 11** fnl A- i - i i i l . l v . I ('..nn' i in HI. "itlirtliig .lu Oin
of the public Uiid* iff. ibe Unilaii
'x-eu ui enhance UM piosiwriiy of (be rli»u-»
where ibe land* are aliuaten, »!• tbe e»|«-nar <• NI..II-*/' in which IM sain* view nf (hit unset.
r»ui aubircl ia Ukea which 1 hive t luln.t v>ir*.| tu
ihe old fclales —u, give an uoMlur*J ami
rial impetus 'to mnjiaiioiifmai U>» old Hi u>e new
Tib", IBM.
SutM,, having tue effeotof a a) »t*m of bouuues
H •• I fHH J ';.;.::•:; . : : ; :v s '-r-:.-:' 5 :'...:/•-.,
••- .-.
. • ".
'••'>*»,: --:,,.,». '
• '•
• - "
'I.1,.'. •',' .'_ '•' • •
toytei~---fm~-&VI^-'cmMHirt -lnK^$>*^
e , »«
•*• .
~ Tl
.1 . lluxlcy,mn Amnican re.idjno; there .and
, CiMhnnn &. Co\ wd
\ 'jury.- lcc.cu by Speaker IMk.i,
bribing I" "!tfit abuios. Tnis ii what i» meant <jf
pj ;i < M i i i i m . M - i :
•imFi'rnr t"jiiniiiiiieu —ui nit »• — —
Mft Cashmsn
>ay*, ••tppoinie.l i» ihe «i«.i" part of tfiff P»Wlol« who burned lh« promcrff,"-1-^ invcjiisato "(Ji>rointWi|"ibuunHtfiis.of per(y ol.«\cT*ral other wyalisls.
E-v- .«IK! <i\XTiMtfv •iVi>»Hlrwnlt—A:^
tnpnstriilwibal even llip Virginian's owh "D«-! S wanton and Misflimiuol Buy. aud Ihe
mflcTBfle-Rrpffl.liVim" rejvwwnlaliTi <Mf.>la- j military ii all in motion. Beportaayrthat
ROII) protests n^nlnsi Ii. " I/M ihe committee, {ihot* have already been exchanged across
(says Mr. M.)/(« nppoihied in «neh a way ihiU Jihe line, and lh»t a loyal, picket^ gdard
no Msjrtcioim eouM b» enicrialjaoclw-it>i »oycfl-,;| J8 vmR ventured 9Utlho wtotigaido-of 45,
l-.-u- -i t-.-c-iv.. h .<VT- a c.i.-^i MI!'!'-'-I.. 'I'J'e . Vi-.it n.ade priicmci-,' hut m j i - e i i u o n t l y re-WirVrn"'vWl*'Vn'»-l».'p1T)wetHiirttTa«arc of uV |e««ed.'
^....__......:~ ..<. . ^
The Mnnlrcal Herald nays that Sir John
"country frnm illlnpiilation. Il had been ninjl
tliflmcfuily s.i.uaml<TeJ for nliip yearYin suecrs- Colborno ha* demanded theinvaderslrom
»ion, nnd yet tln!,Trcasury machine*}- bad pfi>v- the Governor of Vermont, ort discharge
q| ' arson.
. Cln.i«i'N, of Mar/lain), in bis Inaugural
Ih^iriiy of llio jkjgbrsl fiscal officer of (tic ft^ivn'rnmf nl, ilic;'jScrclary of lt\c Trraj'ury lUmwlf.
' If IOCS wpro Ilic caw, it «il!eil IVr ilic imtnc-li<nn-
Hepublieiin" reI'nrpn ''IVm
ive from Iliis i sirii:t—ami here ii i<ailby the Virginian's own parly, rtiat the
of ilif country lias bccti "inosl hliamclully siiiiamlf rcil for thff IdjfMNn ynare'in s«c" tcraliin,™ —a prriml cmhracinn, it will bcolw^rv<-d, the wlmle of the Jackson Van Huron mlmini-MraiToti. " And'fn HIP Virginian sliir cmitcn.li
fi,rmnrc"wliitt-wa«hlnRp.oiniiiiitc«, 1 M.isimcp.
llii- Van
'('ho most painful July of tiro -Kxe.cu-
bombttdn)«u4.. Tim Mexican (Jenertl
Aliitt Wai taken prfnOnet bytlic l ^ ' i - n r h ,
and Ccnci.il Santa A n n n w« ia griefoiitly wimndrd »< t» r<-nilpr l i r r n m a i y Ihn
ampHtalion of a Irg.
. • ...^
Tlie Me*Jc«h goverhrtivnl, not willing
to recogni»« the treaty .entered iiito l>.-AdmlfaLlJaudinjand-Gcncrnl
con ,"iind ' ii i*Vii gr tfoclaf ed "war .upon' llio
I'Vcni'li ( • . i v i ' i m i i p i i t , ( J i - n c r s l S u n t i i Anna
placed 'liirii'i*l'f-»t lite hoail offl',000 nirn,
and entered Ve>a Crur.'ln >pil« of the
lic:ityi A d i n i i a l I t . i u d i n hiving Iciiriicil
ihnL.SanU. Anftk .\v :ii ad nui <-i 1.1 ;j . t.i w ai d <
the ciiyV lent a nnm'oer of boalu 'filled
with troopt, with ordrl-s to npilcfl t h p r u n nnn of llu- balUirio* at V cm Cur/.. \Vbilc.
they Were engaged in ilii* lubor, ih« McxiiMi'i i r.uui f- h poll t lir in , :ind >.!,ui|;lilri c,l M.
diert. The French- were compelled to
.retreat towards Ilie-iffiiadron, which opened a l i e . i v v lire upon Iho 'own, 'dislodged
ihe Mcxicuns, olid took pcrsaessipn of Ve-
nmsv T-ir*M,:-t>T ai ^f «••*.»•• r; y^j%Yr ;Ty* rl*B>*Tv..a*y-rt.i».4
unfinished b u « i
of vrMrnUy, tb* . Resolution /or
prlrttlng the Swartwtmt
m«nt« relative lo de Intention «. The rfre|iip«ti.ni wai ordered, (ltd the Aril-
"who have 10 cordialtv'tiated him," (to
or* the late word* of l he Alexandria G«stattc)—-whn>e rbnitiintional principle*
he cannot truit, fcnd who will not f infereiyr tru»Lb.rnj. .. : Eur.one. . we
t»Te Id «ar— here tmr'evpry
licly and. privately — that wo, the hum
On lliii oncni|lp.n,.iJ.;;.i»...nf.edlcM_ln «ay bleil of hi> f i i p n d ' i , would nillu-r fen him
his argument tgafniii the ph»dn*r», w»V "Spy"3'6'wH \lie .office wliich fie hold*;' with'
boldi »arct»tie,-iind -coBtinciii^-r fho wing, (In(jraci- J liiil In- onrc di-jd-iy -.
ji ia i M il Hnaturd'-by ' tticf n'rrty
»f spfraihg rd.jiiul wliiih he XVTI on I wo .\>lir-r "ix-iicounsel, or the \\call.li, sl»iniiii|; or. infill- tioni prepared to mftnifpii!— tbftn owe it
i-iii'c n[ t i n - i l i » i i i i ; { i i v l i i - d priNoneri. •
lo the vrilci of the. Whigi— in oppoiition
The di'pnitiiicnl of Judpc \ V i l k m « i n n n lo Ihe voicei of llio Republican*.
(rial, is i M i i i p n s c d , dignified and n-upcct
b u l b diiitingiiltlicd lawyer*. In behalf of
tile {rdmriionwcnllh;, thn rwe w»« argnrd
by the Prbtccuting Attorney, end Judge
H in-deft. Harden was. formerly - ' .
. ' .
the powrr and revcrily with-whietVheih*
I (|lc blockade was lo he raised immediate; i wilhin three feel of where lux honor was
i and '.ho rnotion
r rinl
era! Bank law,
ing limit;., nod thii
r . c n n e r . i l l y . lie r r l r |
yea. I ip, nay; 8fl.
The. lecond branoh of the- rtropniition
c«llln|f ofofl 'he Secretary of the TfeBillry for all corrcupondence concerning de.filcai!on< which fray have lafceji" plaro
•ince October.: IKIT. w»« »l»o igre'cil to,~
yeaa 18ft,
Mr. Jack«nri ro«
tioifvt-ntYit he had \
the 11.m .T t l n r l r r n j
th.it he ir.vd .MI
—'•^-Hfe -tr nrrmit? nt,"
i l l u happy
which Induced
I'l.m. l i e mean!.
from the T'slronajj
Ayti Jiaoree—that,
hopc<! lhat tin! p r i i
nil n-pre willing to i
• uhje.ci, ill a I c r i u |
i i l h e r liipic
j-:... oCjb.g.counfry \v .nj|
inelled l.-y llut ItttWJ
ly. Ho proponed l|
lowing resolution
Hrialt-eil, That th
nitmo bn iir ii m-lcil
At II o'clock, (lie Senate prginizcd l.>
life r>am>orn'mi'nt
fSTArroHOlK .P*nir'
Clerk :
L. \V» ALI.KN, Serjeant-nt-Amm;
Nei.SON, Poor-Kreperii.
'- ',r— :.7pro6/«:--ti-r
•i^i.ica.i-rf-^ -,,.•;...•,
i n a i i n c r in regard to the rriolutioni Iroin
Vermont. He wa« not only r.p|>o»od to
ptinTing, but connidrrrd iha^Reaokitiooi
na dangeroui and -Icktriiclivc l o t he Union
They fny, a n d ' i n f e r
whirh W**
upon such a committee b* ihould mfi«
certainly Itar* hii place to, vote against
Such, a bill and .ippote •!• "But M wuned
no place. Dfion the Srltct Committee.
An uijimportont but exciting- dubtte
<prutig>up to-day upon a motion t«x print
ociruk rmotulion* adopted by.the:Legij'
I n l i n e ..| Vermont, touching Ibe «nbject of
slavery »od the. •bpliliori ol iliVrrv. Mr.
Pr«nt|ii, ol Vermont, preienlcd Hie f*iolulioni. They embodied sentiment! ilronfrly. rip.ililototrtd'"ayitf *-ef nUt-c-ry.-w'drti.'
vorabU.to the abtlilliOfir at •nw«fy-l* t**
Di-.li ict of Columbia. •
Mr. I'renliH", in prt.ltnljng them, made
thf cuitomary motion lo print.
-Mr. Foiltr, of Term, objected.
. and the Court House has been
ffnt wn muslgo one Mrp further* 44
thronged'with cUlMn* during.\b»
owe his seal lo th* votei of I (iff
natioiii Fi!clinn«/nwchj inlrrcil ln;llie| hn tlionlil owe
cane., I a l i e n led during llio .arguih'enl, Whig*, he ought hot, «-r humbly t h i n k ,
which h.ai occtipird nll of.lo-day, and lo accnpl il. Mow r n i i l d Ilicll n ninn iifniiale with the Whig! ?. Far better would
wlnfh will
it he for. 'him Jo retire, to the i l i n d e n of
In behalf of the prboher*, Uie>Co'urt
feeling "n»n- private Ii feA a n d bide hi * pjrojw i t i i n i < , I h n 1 1
T" Atl-J' o cl»rk. "jMr" 'Wi'tion of Cun.Wrland, r . i l V - r l i l i c l l i . i i ' e to T i n i e r , .mil niovwhich w-ai
pil Ihe c l c i i i i . i i of a
agrred to.
lure, is depending ttfion i t ; n n d ' w h e n il
chnrnrler ha»' been n n i m - '• Mr. Riven will not follow inch friendly rnoru excited, and said if the mailer ernn n l i l now
"I.A'liUNA lit: T f n M t N O S , ?
bodied in Iho ri-solulions was dincnsird
js exprtcted t h a t oliiru! error* will bn
pcarlind. He ,\vaj to have been married ad vice i—'Jlltxnnilrla f'nztft'e.
Dec. IJWn-I^IS. .
ami considered, hn and his friends would
j r u a d i l y excu>ed, if they aro supposed to | By Ihe arrival of the Diilisb bnrc|tie Po- lo mi n n i i i i l i l i ! l a d y o f l h i t vicinity, a few
»pting fiuin Iccliug* ol h u m a n i t y . The , r S i (Yom Sacrificios. 1 have learned lhat days alter hU arrest. I l i n age is about ,'J5.
Messr?. Dnov.N nnd SmANflK have f o r t h w i t h leave tho Hall, and llio Union
power of pardbn M, bowcvor, t| public j,;,,„, Sintt) Anna had arrived at VeVa Miirdough ii a yoiing man* of H5f and a been- *i>dden!y sri/.e.d with a fit of more would lie dissolved.
Lumpkin, of Reo. was surpriicd
(rust, intended for eslnVordinnry casi-s, ^ ruj ,_ W j 1n ft.oilO men, nnd the French l a w y e r , I believe.
Hu dfporlmenl on (ban mini ohtineno" in connexion with t l l nMr.
which recently named
«'l'8 "notion to p.inlsbould be prr.-islwhich could neither be dislfnctly de<crlb- I(h 8 { WPro od shore s p i k i n g llio guns of . lii.il, excileo any thing but my sympathy. Iho
| p j i ,,nr prov,i»id for. in aDy.gcncr:i|-:)air..](n'-||i;a|(c-j:;5V
of North <?nri>liim. Ue--*1' '"• ""d moved lhat (he mution to print
" WMlMitit th'tnTlfmy!iTST;"A--Mien<»-«cettri'«d- iu-GoUit'^o'-day,
j|( O ii^lit, thcrefoie, to bo UMd in iuch ^fter lo>in« » Idfgn fiumber of horses and ' w h i c h I have ii«ver seen paralleled.— cciving (hem in advance of t h e i r official , I > B ln"' °" the table.
transmission, they havq addressed to Ihc ! iVr.Trf-ntis. suid that he a.kcd lor printLeffislnture, a very extraordinary letler, in '"B n « an acl ol c""rlesy lo (be S'.ale thai
Which Ihey say :
,h« represented, and he waa surprised that
••Tim rrsntiiltiins' <ln not npmily ln.inicl u«io the motion should bo objected lo.
earrr Inln rfll-t-i ilicopluiiAiaFipri-iiii.il ilirrilninnr
The yea« nnd nays were demanded,
guill of Ihe nccmoil. latioeoiicc would .'corn i« i (rom i,,j ur y and violence." .
following Msolutl
Jitinlvnl, That i
nor's Meiisg* at]
' of Ih* public Und
the Stain of Ark
action on l h i « .ubjrct. < He gav* notice
lo -.poilpone
lhat -h*
should mov«
consideralion of |h* .measure until the:
voice of Virginia, *bouttlo b* txpiassed
on Ilii, iMil.jrM, thonld hr heard.
'of a Commit,
, wn htve not done JV*' il< Speaker In 111*
_ TvtEXIC'O.—U'AU MB- crowd, deirjandinj lh» Mwi of the priOUWAafifl ONjTlUJ CANADA.
, hit fcclingi. i f * * have. Indeed, lee. but It cannot trwl—^v.™.
Mr Onrtand ««id h« hid L4j
tiorwlih to
-.rKBOa^WSlW.*....--''^:-.-,. - .
A party of Id patriot*, (lome of them
to co operate with our common irrvft Upon lh» Select CftBHniUee to be
America.**)' crossed o)r*r the V«rmo|it
p b.rg»in
metttiret,—«*c«»l' rt»*«pp«*it.d. M* would
"red to cqnctfialeSahn c»m i •
jtriporUnl (ntclligehtu from M.exiW. Th* i»*«irnjpif)r,, Th* MtiHntiihiittrot only -in
•»;. will''* Mirior,'...
*nd burned
four 1dwcllittg*n «uch.» Uomrniitlec.
Mr.- Oar.
. _ t
! i _
brig Kanawha, at Ola! port from Lajuna. this c'iiy,'bill throughout the Style, h*» p«HlthmlM»qo«tlon,-TW« thai! TrjcS«*^5 nerve Hpoi
•• Vlifc friHttb'of-the 8-x-rriar.r K ilw T/raj
n v
00 ll t correct our error. "%e honor hUibillliei. land laid farther lhat he wouWTeTI
j u r y ) bKW"rf0i1Ili'i17(t'-fW«\M^t'»«''fW'lti«' «W ^- |oVatVlrt't'l1li*d71(nH-1;m»|irsJd lho-b<»use.»nil. ir.ii, J)oc«mbor>, bri>m4.irt»,pUkCoc« .«|o,-. bi-en Iromondous, anil tf« li« to' _ «
U« had
BnntlerMKi from N*«••*... ,, Jb»l
who beadcd,.tbe ejrp>di. rived (rom Ihe Drittsh bartjna IWa, from ] rolled IIK« a tor"rrnt afcailiM ITitl prnwrert.
il ny •» inquirjr h*i been hat rendered; Most happy ahquld w* much rather b« h«T« to m*et bim *nd opKacrificios, then M L*gun*. ' From Ihii
pose him upon hii f*»orit« fioaocial measource wo learn that the town of Yen roeresiina In-fine Hit Honor . Jiidgo IIP to acktiowlcdgo the error of Our coo-
from thn absence ! »>« ~7, .noes 9.
n/'-llJiomnnrfnlotv tprmoJierr-lnfor^ used "
TJjc. Senate proceeded to Ihe orders pi
ninfrjct annuully wl
MHI or peroins Ui [
noliilioiis of the (1
print ih,! Journals!
II nun of Delegate
lli'pnrti and I(c.;olu]
J i l l l i e I hy e l i l l -r I I
m.inhly; »l«i, fur tlbl|
may bn found-tin
ill's O l l i i i - , also, 1'orj
ilentiary and l . - m a t j
l i l . i n l ; .- and other pi
ry lor the several wd
npcrtion of tobacco, 1
. « . - . i l i l i . ami .ill n'.licf
lound nei ci.'.,ii y lur
rnony In bi« qoalificationn for the oflire.
No oltirMiiiiiiinalinnii being miiTf, t h "
roll w n « callpd, a n d - l h e vote taken.
Tor THOMAS \V. (tii.sir.n— HM.
For OKIIAU M. CntTcnviEiJ-i—T.
For Josrnii S. 'WATKINS—'JFor A K T I I U R S M I T H — I .
Mr. (iilnu'r w n « conducted to ll;e (^Jiuir
by M M - « I :. W a l k i n « and M a y , nnd ri l u t n cd his l l r . i t . k > to the I l o u f c . '
Mr. Wilion rioniiiu>ied Major Ssmuel
Jordan Winston a> Sergeant-ttt-Armi,
and he was unanimously elected.
Mr. Wilnon n o m i n a t e d John Stubblefield and Itobert Urndlry, n> lir .-it ahd «•cond OnorkeepCM of I l i e l l n u . e .
_yestis»to "rtoreiiSWij" ihe affairs of ilni'e wlm I p rcv i;iil the carrying of concealed weo- ' n n d (ierliired war againnt 1'ruice. I be- sil'cncu and astonishment pervaded-the llierc'lrire, deilred to be correclcd, if tlie .miscellaneous bu<srne«.
appoint" hut one, arid authorize -th«? Set•fiavc "moilshamefully siiuanilcrotl" the public i p ons j, now belore llie LegUlature of |jp.vc it, ai, the garrison of Vcra Cruz was ' wholn assembly. At length Mr. H a r d e n oi.inion t h e y have rone "o, be erroneous. ! Tlle '''" for llle reduction of Iho price ( _ ' c ; m l - . , l - A n i , H to employ two buys lo
of 1>(llll :
ra )C
1 all(l
Ir Mftr
• We had always supposed it wa-> n part of
" k « " "I .
" ' w»il i.ni tin- Tiifuilicr.i.
»« somu length upon
BRHIrTrWiBofFStW May oppoFrd~Ttnr
gentlemen brlonited. to conf.irm io Ihe' »hc bill, and in oppo.<i'ion lo it. His pqulpoiifincut.. both concurring in tho
will of their consliluentB,, however,, a«cer Miceeh embraces a mass of valuable-sta- ii|iinion that t w o doorkeeper! were nemined. Hut profession and practice arc l'»li«1»l information.
epinory, bo.1 that a third might be dlipen*4*
' In
- '**--ff«..*.
Lord deliver us!
'1fie llcntsf - W
af - . Rejirnrhlaiirrf,—Mrj ed w i t h .
ried in a sheath and used as a weapon, foonibi into the barracks to dislodge the ' of Judge Wilkinson, at thii nnlorluiVaic d i•l l«e - i c n t things.
. •"
without fust obtaining a> licenio_ and pay- | roops> |t ja also Irue llmt Sanfa" Annn-|-*4M»UUinjui£MunloJ!RlS. The words went
The motion !o postpone wa< negatived,
The Senate, on hearing Ihn iMter rend, Bond took Ihc floor in Continuation and
Tlie WinoHc«t»r VlrgintaB.is anxioui It. know ing tho .-=11111 of two h u n d r e d dollars there drov« the French into their boats, nnd he ' t o Ills very soul. A l t e r a lew moments
Ihn "ptilillcal -tflinlmarks" of Ilic cililur of Ihu for; and impost's a line ul one h u n d r e d received n severe wound in-the engage- Murdough, sensible of his crior, apologised' promptly 1 passed the following resolution The Swarlwoul dcfalculion was the sub- nnd Messrs. Stnhhlelicld and Bradley Wfro
Iticlininml l-'mniiiiT—"whi-fln-r in mull lie i.-, dollars upon any pcr-ion selling such arti- m n n l , and hns sinrn hud bii leg a m p u t n - |'° tho-Courl, trt which the Court made no —OTto?- }—which was concurred by Ihc ject of his speech. Mr. Donil went into rc-nppuinled \\illiuiil opposition.
House, 6!) to 44. Tt is as coal and conAir. Pen life ton moved t h a t the I I o n « n
«-illi nr against the Dtmucrutic Party of Ihe cles w i t h o u t licun-,0. Th.it the owner of
a full explanation of Ihe -«ubj«cl—cr'po at once proceed to Ihe election of a i l u n '
led. Coiicral A i i i t a is a prisoner of tho !tcply.
t e m p t u o u s as need be:
' •
aiiy such weapon ("hall be bound to (jive French."
tl,i> cially of the otficial conduct ol the Secre- door-keeper, whose «ervicc> he comidorf The trial will terminate to-morrow.—
ftrnntrrrt. Tlinl llie Itennliilionft p'nsfteil
The editor of ilir Eniuircr is just where he it in aa other taxable pnperty. and pay
Another tfttter from Lagnnn, of same The prisoners arc operating favorably to (M-IH-IH! AcKrmlilv r.nil tnini'nilltt-il In our : '"'••j'lary of the Treasuiy, ond of the late Na- cd i i e c e ~ s . i i y lo the de.s|iatch ol l n i - i n c > . i .
has IIPOII all nlnn^—in suppcrt «f Ihe Ht««n an annual tax therefor of teg doHarsrr Irji- dale ray?—"NcVn i.t jusriecplved, 'con- jUieiUiofnw -oir^he people. Tho opinion
Mr Mi-C'ov deinaiidcil the nyeo and
Hank iSystem, nnd opp,is(-.| 10 ihc Sub-Treasury
a fino ol not le.is than filly, nor firming the report t h a t Mexico has de- ' of m a n y is, they will be liberated tin hail, ini-ilic-iniilmt «-elic-lli-r'eihi. rnminnnlciiiii.n iiuilcl- ' AlTnirs of the United Stales at the Court
K'licinc. Can Ibir Vinjiiiinn say as inncli in f.i- more than Ofic ihousand from the l i r - t of clared w n r against France. No doubt . Dee. 2i)th.—The trial cloned to-day.— riaiinK ihc recrpiiim nf auiilllc>oliitioiii«nilini<kini; of Naiilei. Mr. Bond, Broke nearly an noes on tlm motion, and the call vv.n
ist-SX-iS-SEP C'insiML'.Uiy.' The Emiuirei ii \larch nPXt^u J |)On any person who shall now remains but t h a t it ii true, as I have - Or. Wilkinson was liberated altogether. cnijnirv aitr>lln.-ir iiu-iicilnj;. U nnl in poijil fnilli, nitil 3our
The question being then taken by ayes
"iriih and ucnin.M" (he^ AiliniiMMniiioTi| SoTHT fts carry a sworij or dirt c'ahe, or weSfTOB-^ , the decree of Congress", ~nuiri6ri?ing 'no evidpnco appearingTigninst him lo sat- Ilinl il wnill.llic-iliC"n«i«U-:it wllh Ilic «-ir-te»|H-ilof
g( eft
and noes, was decided in the.negaliye^>lie Ailminisirniion is "\viili nnd against" Hfi'lf, ci-iiled about his per.'on, any of tho be- •!,«
p r e s j,lcnt. to do so, if the French com- ' s 'y'he Court of his having, designedly
IN SK.VA-TU.--ayen 2(1, noes 102. So a third door-keepand no farther. I: ha? linil for mice Iheli&fjKn- (oru desc..ibed weapon.; and mak«s il Ih.?,^'
(jlrcnm^tnncc* I ' - t n l force In Ihe following "Un,| hoslilifjics ; nlso the declaration paitlripited in llicnrtVay. Judge WiikinMr. Riven' KtsaluHon.1.—Mr. Rives' er was dispensed with.
ilrncr lt> be consistent. The Virginian has nut. duly of circuit judges, to givo this uct^Hi '" rlnence
ilili," w l i i t h u c fiiul in the HiOelflh l l » ' j ; i ^ l c r . ~ —
It is also true | son was held lo bail in The sum of gliO.OUO, Mr. l ' : i U t ! i u i i hnt pluceil liimti-lr in t i n - |irciHi:a- resolution* calling upon (bo President of
O w a r by »|,e |' re Mdent.
Or. molion of Mr. Crutch field, a resoIli-nce the "heavy fin:-*" ujinn I!IP Kmiuiror.— charge to the grand j u r i e s .
inrnl nf fiuiliiiir It nlrnost ri|iiitl1) dtfllctill to n<Knnrc the United Stales for tho term's of the a- lution w a i adopted, n i l t n i l l i n ; ; Ihe City
(hat Sania A n n n - ' d i o v e tho French; into and Murdongh in t h c B U m of $-5,000.
Thrre will bo no dilfliinlly to di-fme the "huiilIhoir boats—feceived_a. severe wnrind in i Previous, ^to the. decision of tho Cour.t, nr rcin-nl. The Uoiniin army . wnt in a aotnewhai greement between the.Secretary of War editors to Fcalfl within the bar of tho
inarki" uf the Virginian, 50 lunz as Ihcw nf the
liinilur ih-licnlc mi-nil at tlie "Caiiillne F»rt>."
VAI.LEV ROAD. —A lutge ami
fioin the Itnlrigh /tegi'tlcr.
, and tho Hunk of tho IT. States,-in relation House, lo feport tho proceedings.
Atbninistraiion are Knuvvn. Il i a faithful "In'- Ido meeting ol tlie citizens ul Mill Creek, the engagement, and has since had his f Judge Wilkinson staled that he was indifleg
to Ibe sale and payment of thn bonds of
• Till: M I : S S A ( . K .
lower in Ilie foolsli'p*," and wouKI chanq<- its D . u U e s v i l l e , and -the adjacent country,
'lie wished lobe tried by (he laws of I
- - The OovernOr'a A n n u a l CommunicaIt is rcrforted t h a t Mr. Culhoiin and Iho United Slates Hank, were taken up.
I imbnarks as often as the Moon, if the Ailniiuis- was held at Mill Creek, on the 2<jtl) tilt. soncr of Ihc Krenr.h."
country, and if he had done -wrong lo his friends arc di.ssatislied with lha PresiNo one offered lo speak on the subject, tion was then delivered lo the Speaker,
i H ' i i ^louldJiiUc Ilic Ivad. We judge cjf the fn-. in roUliim.lg thi; extension of the Valley
auflcr. , ,
.-(. .M.
•. Nit.ES having, on Saturday last, rcpli hy "Oapl. J. D. Ricbirdson, the Pfivalo
dent's ulns.sagc. They ev
turc by^ln.- prtst.
I u i i d c r t l i i n d the, young lady- tn..whom. h;ivc rc.-ommc, iirlud Ib^.Sjiecit ^ __
"•- Scrretnrv.
burg. The object oflhe m'ocfrng was e.V- [ '
lliis'Jifd(;n'li» bi'trollie'd'ijiri tlifi cHy'-^on*! (he Sub-Treasury bill, ta. w i t h o u t mui,
" Ii L-i riibniltej lhat Iho Treasury npiiarlmcni, plained by C. ^T-Paulkner, who conclud1
I.ofisvii.i.E. K Y . , DKO. 28. jdcclarrd, t h a t if discharged from-guilt, af- Mr. Calhoiin opposes it. Ucsidcs, thn in reply to his remarks which wasdeserv. printed.
dm in-.: Ilie pact yuar of cruliarras-meiHaiici mon- cd by subiiiitlins.lhe following resolutions,
This city has been, and is. still, in con- • ter a (air trial, she will be true lo her wholn composition is loo subdued to sal- ' inf of tho slightest notice. Hut he held
etary diiriciiltie^, lia's l»ccn ituiniicr-d \viih juxuliar
'The (pjcntion beine taken on p r i n t i n g
success on the pan of Mr. WooJbnry ai ils which among athers, were unanimously siderable cxcit«mcnt, from Ihe bloody .plighted l i i i l h .
itfy a m i n d which, in its calmest mo- I himself ready to defend and m a i n t a i n tins ."•OHO, was negatived t and being put ujion
hcail."— H'inchltlrr rirfiriiiiiT.
i tragedy which took place nl tho Gall
menta,, is like a boat upon the n u i u n l a i i i 'facts and views which he had already ad- 20(111, was carried.
Truly, u-ilh very "j^-cn/iar SIICCCM!" This
KesulrrJ, As ilic SCUM; of the meeting, lhal a House, last Saturday week. You have
On motion of Mr- Wilson, tha House
wave. A good deal wait expected,, too, vanced.
will Jiardly be deuu-^by any one. Even Heart- wi>caiid ju.licioui.aysiem of. iiilerniij jinjiroveUie^parliculars in the jianers. The
' The resolutions were then 'adopted.
wont ami Price will iiodoubt a^'ree. with Ihe Vit- incct-yigorm^y praser uled by IheKliitc ofV.rin liiit-f are as follows :
TUESDAV, Jan. &.
fellings''ogainA abolition, and in favorij Graduation Land Hill.—The Senatn re— r. Ihi! nnly nu'uns by which her vnnnd
• pinian. Il i>, tiowever, "ajinineil", by many lhal ::mia
um( 1
Judge W i l k i n m m arrived in Ibis city
iind ubiindani nyricitliural, nitneral, ojid inuuunoijsK
OF nEi.ms.iTKa.
Mr. W.'j "fteu/inr" KUCCPM has made him justly f.ieiunic.-. resources can be pfopeily devclopeil. and stopped at the Gait House, accompaOUT AT- LAST !
Mr. Clay, of Ky. oflered amendments
it is pretty evident, we learn, lhat there
Tho Speaker announced th« Standing
liable to impeachment, Wilh_wlml "ictmj pt/{ejo/rnf, Thai the cxIcn.Mon <if Ihe Vullcy nied by his brother, Dr. W. and a young
l-'iviii (Ac- Richmond Ktiijnirtr\
Committee* of the House.
is not the same 7.eal amonc the Van Ru- ,
tooliur" STiccejs lie has managed llie Tiea.sury Tin iijii'Ki- from AVinehe^ter Iu MaitiushurK, nt man named Murdough. They wore reSome of tho Whig piesses have run a- ren members from Ihc South,i a. formcrlv, ' l h a l no eclllcr ' htt " el)ler over did acies
Coitrli ofjutlice — MesiM. May. Soulhwhiuh taller place, it is expecicd to intersect ihc sidents of Vickiburgh, Miss., and the | head
particularly since it is l o G n d ' t h u l h ; 8 ' a t a lens price than $1.25 an acre; that 8» all, Tyler, Stuarl, Wooffolk. " Shandn.
I'hdudrlphm nnd liuliiinuiu Unit lluud, i s n n t m Jiidi;o
IM'nveinc-nl in Itii^ luuhesl dejilee ivorlhy of tho
"panv machinery" docs-not carry u,c . acres or km may bo eiitored by uclual set- Jackson, C h a p m a n , Pangcrfifld, Tunrlall,
' " Mosl of (hose defaulters VTlnij.s in uhe bar- p.iii. ii:r;f of the JSlale, the Mlpporl ul' Ihe eoilli day last lo a young lady in thin vicinity. ' Gazette is pleased lo say, that it is "on - - • * • • "
llers a t fifty cents; lhat IW* acrev o r less
1 1
, F^dmundf ot Halifax, und KutNorth
by acclamation.
ly, aiid uf ilic. cilizu-iu Kvucrully.., ....
JPn. last. Saturday week, Dr. Wilkinson j|je (ipipc pj cxp.cclalion"—and .assures
may be entered at scvrnty-fiv* cents an
. . . . .
.- -;-AVe ili;iijril. Wlfre's yoifr piouf > I
ttetvhttl. That the nnter made liy the eimniy' 'received from (bo tailor a coiit which ho 1 US| (|)nt i(« "curiosity"ia"ihare"o r "Jiy"ilie
acfe, and lliat 32tt siCrtfi orle»i may Vt enand Colleges — Mesur*. Tyler,
(-.inirt of r,erkeley, nl the Nuvcinber lerin,authu- had ordered.. The. gnrmenl not pleasing
'" geiieiolly." Our worthy
. friend
. of.
floode, Dorinan, Venable, l l a y l y of AcAi.r.x*jsnrn Kitiiiui:, a llistingui-*!ie>* riti/i-n of n/.in;' ,in fumhculion lo be inaile lo ihe general h i m , . ha sent it back, and in company
W A B I I I N U T O N , Jan. t>. .land shall be entered, at a reduced price, comack, MeConnell, Wasliiiiglon, C u n llaltimiire, ilied at hn resuk-ncd In thai cuy a a^:.t-inl>ly 01 Virgiiiia for jxjivcr lo subscribe fur with the Judge nnd Murdough, after- Ihc Fredetjickiiburg Arena says, lhat we
a number uf *h:ue.s in ihe Mode nf Haid ru;ul,
I which has not been in market fillccn ningham, Kobertxon, Southall, M c r i i t ,
have "gon'p into Ihe country—nnd thai
few iays iiflcc'.
nut c\r,.,..h,m in an. mini l.e.u ihunvind ilolliii-, wards called to 'soe him. Tho Judge folks are curious lo ~sca (our) comments • The reduction Land Bill came up. Mr. ! years or longer.
and thai nulely in ihr event of a fiiilnre of the abused the mechanic. Whoso name is upon Mr. llives's Speech." Thanks, Critlcndcn, Mr. Young and Mr. I'lay | The *rconr/amendment revives the pro- Walke7, and Flowers.
Rooilt nrtd fnltrnnl A«i'i#«Mfln — Mes*r».
antuuui of lUe jtrivato sii)>--c.ri|>liun, is Uc.ulmg, *ho rt;U>rlccl, and tfiey tcparai?
gentlemen, for yuiir.kindn-cm !—If a f6w worn on the floor most of the doy._ The jecl, offered by Mr. Clay some years ago, \Valkins, Criitclificld, Wilcllcr, Heard.
evening, juat bc- frank.
1 J
'- fgixefr'"'-*~E*S
f'.ft- ^*V-'i
.•:, Vi''^^.:
• - : ' • - • • . • ' • • . , • • _ _-•*. •-/^•>i^l"rf3^fetf*ra«5iaK.5Qw*
>Jr. Wool folk wai
i t e m . -i, in 1'iviir of d|
ll)«y -w<tul«l. extend n i l i p - r U ai well as J
\ v o u h l incliul.' tlie ]
Hu had thought ilie '
. majority iu Ihe . Hin
against an increase ;
.1^1 , b u t here u n i\ |
j i A i i o n v ; n- I r m i i
people 'to- tho KxeV
n o w ( l i < - doclino o l
their clamour, he i t j
' ii ue he had heard
m i'»e MI. h -i li.vii:leJ
Mr. J.ic.kiion deuil
intention toinc_rcasa]
It eould create no it|
thu fi'jvernor to ad«
do t h e p r i n t i n g by
coul'nr no |> ilroiiiijj
i ; i v e n to the lowest!
.. The question bc
lion w,n adopted
T i l l ! II SIM
A resolution
11 ,11-.' of
Select C i i i n n i i l l i !
resolution relative
adopted \ esteid.iy,
ing ;n t ' h i'n iii;in of
Tyler, Jackson,
kius, Smart, Tiillil
S l c p h r - n mi, Ol
Spinet ('ommitla!
der Mr. Veualilc'l
yenlerday.) 1
KobitrUo!!. Slierr;ii-J
May, S m i t h of
Goodiou, ( • i i n i i i i i ; . l i
in In-. laM j>;i|»:l' IliLiI llie - - ' i l . - r - i i | i i i . . i , I i .1 of (he
plea of obtaining the nomea of llio Mis- ,.
liatippi i x e n t l e m c i i , t h a t ho m i ^ h t c e t ! C n u r
warrants against thorn. Here llio f-ital o),j
a(Pray began in which twoo fBllow-hriiigs
fellow-brings 'ironi the vjiiiit of bis i-pccch. We sub- bill is intended lo e x t e n d tho act o f l i m i - t c r v c n i u ^ war with a foreign power. Mr.
\VlIrox, i j a - k i i i s , and Yeiby
•WWe'-^TfunCtoMl' -J«j
mcnced with wordu
ite/ti witlrbowie ^Sub-Treasury, arid tov^lliiB-'force 'of hwrabr-j ihe law -oi Jn*tn>wiwi, nllt>wiog-i^lO,OW>;-l.,xif/f
H'll-- ' •
-- "ler.Leyburn, Fli>fc-«r», Couwa.y. Cropper,
, -•
i - TI
ne-Af iheiiJ"h'6f '•%&
which however, was saved, t h r o u g h (he [on
('omuttllee "/ / rii'iAfi^f* witf f.iecftvnl—
Finn.—Tlio aUUlo, r - i r i i i;;<> house and
iolio house of Major James (.'ih.ion, in
Uoinney, Va. ami ue.-.r tin: centre of the
toivjii, WI-H; dcatroyed by liii: on t b u n i ^ h t
of tiitf 3J ;'iriJf;-l"Tne"irnoM libu'soTJfini'i''
l.n-i;i' <5nc, nod coutaihcd, at tho t i m e , l-l
• ,
, — -• • „•
• -- - |
-— i
•- T...J1J1 J •
^^^^lM'&^^Z'^t'^f''r ~'^ ''^.^~
Byiol.f^itMffiRr.';.^-!^-^11'8 '««n'iliint"tho'(5aU-Hou«fi,<ioai'.. W
Liiir.nAi..—The ciirznni of ftictim'orid,'
Va., have gonero'iikly madn up. a <um
which entirely reimburses tbo instructreis',
IWijir Ch-a-rrlir», ••*rraf«fri^ffm'e'iiDJou'rn'-''
\tig in the Ka,;lu hotel, lost all ln-r clolhun
and ]irupcity in the cul.imitout Cue.
: '
inlert-silng. The Wuielieslc-r Vu~;iuian Hunks it jtliat Meut. 5>ri;i>ilKN TlUlUTTS, of llio If.
Cu pi • r,it i vc lit! d < 111, • u i-1.1 • i
irtg-'bim n' J-liar,'•'
' contemptible. Mis»
To this Judge Wilkinison-rPpJtPd, 'Sir, 1
«)r*rP('_>ar?>'your-abuse,4)ul ifytftttSnttrj-lftir
1 will kill you.'
- Scciii;; Iho pass to \fhich things seemed
lo be approaching, tho landlord of the
lloiuij tuolc the-Joil-tv Uy ilic-aiii.',
Tho Judga und his ^parly complied, and
•-* "'_y-'9.1-J*i*'^-^
review'* of il. \Ve^i^&^^f^^^^^r^^^^^^^^^^^iiiffll
lu>jn- lie will |xiini oiil ilsye- R u t l i n g his Ihroat. . 'Ho ^liciliinlnedialoly.
.' ..-li:i,i in In . review, us «•« un- unuble Kulueu- Meul. TIDIIATTS wact-'ruised in this ciiy,
ver il. D-d . ine cj>nileainainin nl the !Suli-'i're:i- w h e r e hii parents now rrtide; was aii ofpnry Scheme, con->ii(:ile llie Jtdtrul feature «if itir licer of highly ruipectable standing, and
MuwaK' 1 ' Surely tlir Virftinian w i l l nul have the
'ho hud the
harxhliuuil to fuul lunll u i l h uny other jnulii.ii nl iilfaaurn of his acquaiiitancc. No cause
i s BS»Jjj n e d. forj he ujc t.
liivt an
| /.».< i n i j l u i i , ty.
l nl
ul llie
"£a»S.' -•' ti,*:-l'.'li£-''' \'lC~-'~*~.-''in*"J-l* flte.*W**iZ**
L. is iX.'jKt,i|iKa«u*nU . JW- *k
lb'"i«:f of his'
im lorvyit .of -ti .
Va.,asjud Mf.
or was not a L'on«ervalivu t The insinuImproper connection betu-ven (ho Kxecu- ation was unjust to lha coun'lry, for il it
|lho Judge's Iriends, and i said
l i v e and Ihc llunl. Tho Heport of Mr. was correct, Ibe people, would bo j u - lly
ono of the villains who drew a dirk at Woodbtirv ri'fuli;* any such supposition. charged with m a k i n g it a party (|U«»li9ii.
me in my shop." At this Murdough The negotiation w i t h the Hank for Ihe I The1 country would not ask lha potties of
( ( l e w a Spanith di:k, «nd i c p l i c . l in a me- sale of one of ils bond* was imposed upon I Ihe nun who bad been the peculator—:
regrerTheri, tlio "ijiiril of'Mr.
speech—and its "foregone conclusions"
against the Kxecutivc. It scums to us
10 manifest loo much disposition to find Cambrelenf; severuly,
fault—to K-I-U causes for attack, instead ed the unfair manner of attacking him.—
of u n i o n to iliu Republican
Carry ! He lnad,e a blow at Mr. Wite, for the p u r it out further, It ii calcula ted, lo rut oil pos* of hilllug him, (Mr- («a|rland.)
Mr. itivei entirely from the Administra insinuationt «c ic unjust.'-and htvrenillad
lion, and to throw him, tike Mr. Tall- them. The object ol Mr. O, wai >a|f rvinudge, into ihe'irm's of the Oppoiitiop. dant. l|e -wished to-make a. parly <|ues'^«^*^^;i:i*^-jix*«±ts.rac45wi(«iy£ifli«^;..««;*<»ii. lion of the def«lcations-of Mr. Swarlmout,
Our preirrit rnroarki are railed for by and to h»vo him coodamoed, not »» an
our position. ,.Wi- would have passed th* unfaithful public- servant, but a* a j i . i t i cup from our lip, if wa could. No. per' san wbo had opposed th* admiaistration.
son who knows any thing of our relatiqjii M r . t i d i l u n d upoku ol the a)i|.oinlii>«-iit ol a
toward* Mr. Hl'vei. wbo w i l l not do da* c.immiltee b« ballot. lir i.iicl t h a t Ilici »r
(He' justice to credit this sincere dcclaia- gumcnt of Mr.<;. iitbat (lie hyu«c c*u inut
><:' "''
• . - , -
' •• v • • "''
' •
, ' .
' - • ' • . .• '
HtiolvtJ, Tlut
w l n c . l i p.i.'-cil III
York m I*l9,^t|
rl«e the bininnsi'
copiiis ul certain
JcLQflauiii an'd"
-At.Jf'jni 'lu,J4'«i<v• V-JNauU'-vX
I V n c l i n , ; the pi
noun: remarks w*|
May ahd W.itkiu
thcintelVe/i the
of Vrc* liankinl
I V t i l i - i i n v,em j
By Mr. .Car«d
rick, Juiler.on a«
tension of lha l'i
nnii, had stood up b»r« as Ihe champioa an appropriaiion'for the racpval of tbe
of ihe old States—wllh a noble magou obstructions lo the navigation of Jamei
mini!)-, adopting the m a x i m of .
l l i v c r , below l l i i h m u i . n l
HoiWt: OK
There wan, in his view, * mural subW f l > N K * D A V , Jfll- 0,
limity in the spocticle which the. Senator
Mr, Dolls oil'eicd ihe follow ing
/ruin Ky-, presented—-entering i n t o this Uon :.
"V'" > .'. ",'•'"
cuuk>V. »• h« lud duue. «iiij{ly and i»10ue. . ./(r««/i<r</, Thnt Ibis ) Iou>u M ill, •> i>r.
and iu iippo^itiun li> bis own personkt tad the concur»«ne« 'oTToi Senile, prbcr*d
p o l i t i c a l intereil* and' Sympathies.
(Mi W e d n r n U y , Ibe Kill, i n . t a i . i , to the
j M r . Bive*. then took the floor tudipofc* •Uctioo o f » Judge of the Court of App«*ls,
With great power and ell'cct, in utter op- to lupply th* v a c a n c y occasioned by tbo
not only lo this m*aiur«, but to death oHb* lal* Judg* llroekeobrou'gb.
meu.u.v f« * prewatwo and rarli«l
"/'... IV
• ' ' ' ' ' ,
:.- i
lion, f . i i i i e i i i l t - i l to
in'f at-U o f ' I
:Tk» J)Ql>ojt l.'.iiil
" T«iitfr1^es"or 'nT«*'eojV»
" .
Mr. Preilon upoke m<;«t elFcrtively and | |,j, c-aio reslei) upon a simple point uf
eloquently agalimt the whole mcnure. — j l a w , w h i c h ' he fejt assured he could
In the c.iur-e of his remalks he took oo- UK o-itiaie. t'i be in his favor, ho would not
ration lo .illudu to (lie position of Mr.
j'ci seat a moment, if thu C o m m i t t e e
Clay do Ihia subject. The laboring oar of I'liviiegKi and*Ktections should, upon
had been thrown upon him in this ilr«(;- ihvrsligation.inlimate a doubt a* 10 his full
« l u i it ii M i p p u . i d admini«lered llie blow
of which N l c c k i .fi.'ll driul at his feel,—
In (hn infanllme one or two inor* had
kr.ocked dowrt Dr. Wilkinson, and were
beating him w i t h their fins bud with a
cane. At thii moreient the Judge advanced and rescued bis brother by giving
Rothwcll, the assailant, two'deadly gashes with 'his bowie knife, .both of Which
passed mta bit kidney , and on* compllete.
Iv aev«rinK hi.'tibs. Uoth» ell f«ll, an J
died m about ft4 hours. The Judge and
bit parly 1 then escaped to their -roqm,
» (.V, M
The tendency of things in Richmond wheie they wera arrasled t,y ib« police,
.-^ Mr. -T'idbiiri m»jrtrllyf"irould .have noio i* to a, union butween tbe.Wbigt andcarritd lo prison. Their removal wai
been n i u i h greater had oo local cauie* un.l < 'uiuci vuiivc* upon Mr. Riv«i for tb* ell'ecU-d ylaiidt-bliiic-1/, a« III* hoUii- was
i»p«i»ted upou tha election
in * few
fe fuiaulti ••troiMtded by • deu
Senate.—.//c i. Qattltt.
wealth," passed
The illusion uji
V-'i renoliition w«
mailvg wJ Lbuj.it i
ier lilte'Xfr". '
lltililli:'-, pDiupoii-: onil iuipuiK-itl iiiaiiilen-
w'is Vn"'i/i'tcrp^l'u;JfeiV
whol-' revenue of a.country iiinlrrhu conlrul—
Ilin Koyal W i l l i a m steam nhip lufl. The
-., l,J.,.:ii:M i>f llio firsl uuier.
Commercial Advertiser of to-day stairs
mail ri-Wlveitiueri' on Tui'mlay even- th.it he hat given theie a gland banquet
"in;; from \Y'a*hin£tmi, UalUmnre, and nichni'iud lo bis friends, American and Engliah, Iho
—.-en- -|u- c i i l y , mir il.iic-. from lluue |iluce> are cost of which was teven pound* tterling
not .1. l.i'.' 1 in-l:-y as usuul. Tlio «i>ow-»(urm nu to a man,' (over 31 dollars a head.) You
sec, what I often tell you, New Yorkers
doubt caused ihe falluie.
are Out to bu beaten Tn any thing. Mr.
' Couwrr KLKCTIOM—The Price had not ye) reach-td Liverpool. In
_)el;iil elccli-m lor .a deleR»tu ip tbo t;«- a f*w days ihw* would be the embrace
n'eral As.embly, hiu riiulwJ M follows : as pictured w '.he carfcalUrS'.
the ex|iccficvic"y
tiltud "an apt to si
LjU.IH.J»Jll4l. J.tf4t>.1l<?
'\ '
mttVultraraed. \^ qorhiii, Kdmimili oi'llahrax! Ta^joo"
l" into-Com.
- -..--.-...•. •- . -. .-•- - , . . . - . . r• " nm! ion. to rcf«r. mittee/r>r(he\iVri6li'cm tlie u t l l l e nl lite
TnB'8pR»tfe«r presfntc-d the- 4n>mbrinf
Wliole was lo Union (Mr. Hanks in the Cbair) upon!*• of Uobeit Andrrton, f-onti-sling the cl*c
" *
outt to jus
usti such n concluVioii.? Was ippoint a committee, by ballot.
«"« ^Ki!»->!iS>F"-:' -^•.•^T*a»uffalulBi!eattw&nil&tBia9it
; a proper wifnt'sS|
ArrTCaipbiercng s a i u a few words o f a
-A^^^^^^S^f^^P^lMr. T. was not"eligible at Ihc"time ol hi;
to inly on ? (and uven that paper has tincu party charatleff— rrplyiiifj to sormt of Mr.
to contliucl D i y Uotka at election.
come out to protest ajriin's! its own opin- l VVi,e remarks kpokrn the other day. and i l l l l e i e i i l ports.
M r T. immediately rose, and moved
ion J>eing considered; "as an authoritative •'aying that Mr. Swartwoul was u Con\ V A S I I I M . H I N , Jan. 11.
Ihe refeicace of the memorial. Ho »!•»-
/tir.U. is .a d-^fl Jur.'.',..jH .Jlu>n.- .wiu-d.f,
i, (\v.)-.-
S mule uf. Virviuia Trcrm the N'orthaidptrm;.dta>
tricl, I" till llio varnncy oeca^ionc<l by the H-MJJiiatifin bf^VespasrairEIIis, (WhJi;.) This alvra
Ihe Ailiiuni&triiliou
a ui.ijorily of Iwu
-,- ' v-"in••-'."•"
- ' . Li-suTiium• t ' ' ' - ™
••! affords
•., . annl])or
. - .
•".- ••,-i.illni
— and
reason fnr n union bet\ve<Mi the Whi^s and (Jiuiservalives in the etertinn of I'. S.
Kiih iiut., for tliH i"the Hoiitt 6f: App
.lud-e \ V m . llror
which was on molii
laid on the tjlilir. . ]
On molion of.
adjourned. — " *
. . HOIISP 01
The Chair non(t
l> / l . l l l I I I l l l ' a > | l l l j . l . ."
' ' • ' »r»mi.
• L t^
. ,
By Mr. T.yl
-l Fn4tnck. Cl
fait; for the r»ie'
road from Wi«c|
»y Mr. -
W l r k l i m - Arndnny.
.t WAM of
l» th. ClretiHBupoflor Court of l.atr
Itr. *Mr«l*» of tbli Institution will b* eon- f • KMAININO In th* Pint om«»'"OTV''
carv of J.n«rton
county, No?t«b*r SOW),
At IUir,»«M-P«ii*y. r
In. oMiiingv.r, under Ih* nn *nd; 1% r.rry, V... on ib. 31.1 D.*.,.IB^fcfcle*.
Ittdty of April n»t, QrntfR mbseribfr r»ap*elfully .nno'inres to
.. noltak.il out
_ _ befor*III.
TWO DOLLARS «c PITTY OBMTS manngrnwnt nf Mr. B. A. K»»W«, ,f*r »l..—
, 1^1. M<I
11 lhaT • publin
that. -, --• h.x- h«.
' jqualin^athmi.jiaja^^
-- - - ••*• •- • - . • "
"• •
rn-.nlly erected, ojkpmli* lh.
| Bt»M« Araanat, In th* town trf H»rp*r»-Frrry,
- ...I., ,
U^«y".P.'WiWii«C»Sn^:wflll«<»" *f"*'2"
" T.:,.'. A}.". ""
•4 ..a*ri-ftU*t<.sTp -AM- lower .lory of W4 t.me a« a
,n*»r .B«Ul«l*,tm y»,,*-#y *Vl- "'Mf*^' ***' lW.mAnd.Hnn
^ ^.«.to
Ihe i-xnirailrmonno year,intncatwill M timrgtut.' Ptlneipil Washington Acailemy, R> M tWWrirlf, j
••••' Jj-<
«*'** V I nr
i Mri K*»
jl'^-Siiliscriptions for »ix tnohO'n, |1 95, tube Dr. Djnitr Mosort ami H. O. Mofletl, KM)r,! Patrick Byrne,
F.vrry ailrntmn Rat been bettnwril upon lh*
III laU'aitrrt IT Skull, d*t>avn, and Eiita- \' [/."ean*^
U iUtttt
John H mg ..
f.lii.beth Hetk.Uy
paid iiiviuiahly in advance.
. :
I Washington, V*. | or lo lha high U.tlmonl.li' arrang'emanta, and ao*xp«nt* iptrad to make
VThVy Inc^WVh, ~\* of th. abaorb,,,,,. by
JTj. .11 ««btd mvtke are tJi«» ln«o theelreu' F.«t.hlt«limr-nl equal In point of tall*) and
Kn.ltttt K n n t t .
, .
iTJ.M^e.reav'er'^ who favor him .with * .n«it,
Mary C Butt
««y therefor* r*it
rtirpc' Insertion*.—largn onet In iht on •pplloalion loth, board r tt r u . t r . i .
.tr<ulati«n of Ik*
I r Court -l"lh adjudge, order and decree, poa.srhieh th.
A M KHamUljpr.
Mme^rrmoTtion. Each conthiitanw 9S cent* per
Thi* Inalllutlon I. loej\l»l on an •ralntnr*. Ball or OHIO R RCev
*stj>uted of being accommodated with lh* various fill
.E that M*tt«r Coramitsloner Worthlngton da lo.M
. I.
nnn iii-ii.-11'i™.
- ••
. .
wii»a.re, JtJ-AU advertisements not oitlrred for. nommaniling one *f the mo-l pieluretque viewt F C Buccy
TMMan the only mediclitta known In. wbieb
David l.nwry
DBI.IOACIB3 Or THE SEASON, 'rx.mln*, stain and. tattl* Ib* *tt*l* account of
In th. V.ll.y of Virginia. Il, titoalldn, (It Joseph Birch
allilotfi Mi«\a 'powerful and b*n«ne)«l,rlioii<i
Itrnjamln l.alrobe
t«r»«d to th.lr ord»r .1 th* ihorl*st nolln., on j O*or|i* W. Shutt, d rcaased, will, Michael Hen- nrfict
_ t " _L-__* aecardiarla
_ . . * j;^_Hi" , - —'—
»•—»• --r^**" •••-.'
:—L—• r—•4
; t being
about 6 *§*!!*2*<!t'i|!ffl§i**rtitjiWgl U i l l i e r l II Diydon
nf wbieh, InetlrenvieaMi, nnh rery Wge
Jjn.es l,ihK
pl.Hlng Urntt. Hi* B*r il furntobtd with aell.lh* admlnlttralolr of th* said deceased— that ii.- • niny
^™ " ^
_ l.-'i.-n '"- '•'"-'-•'"—) I* rellr*d, and In point of
be ailnlnlitcrrd fi-arl««lj Mid •llli|Yc>t• f,fQf/OllSt«lrcted in th» K*sl*rntVeV.ioa».cCOonlof the debts of th* said dnHttshrod U**)—r--•*
I A r/.V -J/^llfAffl. ' TVeallh, r*»p«ct«bllity and Ih.ollljenee, la ptr» Fontaine Becknatn
r Ine'n-atrd ailranl«|« t» the- pitlrnt,' -—-^
R J Lan*
John l.ambangh'
Tfcomlt l.rmmon .
%jTf*wl*s*oa*ofPenm.n.hlplnCharle.town, '
,„„ ih.nrit day of January.
1 Coin ail
y«w ^
in insert
Vl*- S - - t"' "' '
t inns for th« -information and «alitfei!liofi of the ! .Th« KB fbtTumonY pi»r ieJrilon «f 3 ntmsthtr t,awrefm«
eitltens previout lo my arrlttl
John N fartcn .
Languagta, • • • • • - .
Your oli'l lervanl, '
• Mbth.maliet, in all It* braaeli**,
r. • 14 Michael took* • •
High tad Elementary branch** of ib
J U Clayton '
J.n. 10JJB39-.
Rngliib,-. .«
,-...-. W - " 10 Jane Cochritn*"'*
.. :,v '-< ^-.-ir^-.i...-.
... ...
OIIDEH-OF;tllB' ttrcnit:nirnil{tti'n:*.
Dec. 97, 1838.—3t.
Mirhael Calleli
" I have Information talisfactury lo myte'lf,
(CT"Boarderi e'an g*l «ccommod*lion* on Michael Cauleri
that MB. Ciu»l.«» QUIKN, who tear.hct Writing, very liberal Urms In reaptclabl* families, con- MarfCoonro
i well qualifltid to perform that useful hranah venient lo the Inttilnllnn..
of Kducation lo advantage, and at such it my
Address D. A. EVANS, (po»! paid.) Ooltl*- John FDon»IJton ',
. I fen] it my duty to rrrnnitin-nil him In
llii.hinl IHillii bl
Rvbeces UemtiW '
ttiq pttrbnige of the public tn hls'peculla'r qftall- Tin- Sh:uiH<>«Hl:»IiWmDioV
firtllon* In tin art—and I.alto,refer pcr.ons to
Jonn I* Derry
his exhibitions of hit performance!, which bn
Hatch D'Hfion
ISH to eng.ig*, for the ensuing ' y'etir, n Wm IViti'
carries with him. .
Jl. M.
person eompnteril lo act nittehrriil Agiiiit
8, )e38."E:
^^'- ijn'der
Jam** Mirrick '
Michael Maotrliuiy
Mary Micmibon
Samuel M i l e h n l l
iV.iikttitifi. 'I'i ; rsum ImihK Midi prailiifu for
tall will do well by glvlnt Ul n f-aH.
A. HITE Ic CO.llarprrs Ferrv, Oel. 95, 1838.
; DavliVSrhrndn
( I'.yrus Sutherland
5 Jacob Hhough
J J I. Smith
5 Ann* Shirley
> Daniel Sullivan
> Charles C Blarbuck
J George Spring .
', Holieit T Rpenee .
' John Strider
c i v e t Flowers, Velvet and Satin Ribbons,
.cwis Dick
Velvets, Sallns, Silks, Mutlin nnd Mutlin de- Oeorgo W Dearing
Trinkets, Toyt, fee., and a variety pf other artiDie. 17/A, 1_839.
•let, all of the Ute>t New YorU Fashions.
Harriet 5
WISH lo parcliat* from throe to five hun^jt-Room at Mr. Cartel's hotel.
nl At Snyder
dred eurdt of good tl'ak'B'r.Hickory Wood,
Dec. 20, 1838. *-.*-—:..
— • ^Z,
Joseph Friend
, l u l i > e r c < : nl thil Armory. A p p l l c a l i u u to b*
J Faulkner
inado immediately.
Ll A B Fairfax
O -II '
HAVE in my possession a number
• -Deo. 90, 1838. • ; ' - «.„...->.--•-..*,- .
of Ordert from tbo County Court, lohn Grove . ——
for Sale.
llrecting the settlement of Eiceutorlal, Admin- Charles (irillilh ,
A ROUBLE tot of brass-mounted Hirnets, stration, and Guardianship accounts, which I Francis R llooff
j. u. miiild in the bctl stylo and of the betl should be pleased to. dispose of, if it suited the l.ucimla Hogkint
I c . i t l i c r , nearly now, will be sold low on appll- convenience of ihosn 'who are interested to at- John Hill
ond to them, before I enler upon my Chancery
cuilun at tho
Jocliot — which will iio'hllcr tho County Court Wm
J.n. 3, 1839.—tf
Kli/.nbcth Hibboni
In January, (next month.)
n. WORTHINOTON. Jamea Hurst1
Dec. 27, 18:18.
A\'1NL« now a good workman iu my'thop,
Abram Isler
I am prepared to accommodate. alL who
Henry J Johnion
m i y wont any thing in the wigon-making line,
Maria Jackson
nnd that loo at a sUaAt notice and upon favora- A BOUT the 10th of September l a s t , two I'him.as Johnson
Sheriff of Jeflenoo .
John or James Smool
George C Smoot
Catharine Slifer
Waller Shirley
Ann K Sbewalter
Daniel Snyder
John Taylor
'Julia Ter'rlll
Roselta Taylor
Lew-is D Tail*
Col J Trigg
Mary Taylor
Thoma* Thompson
B C Washington
J T A Washington
i b c i u l reward w i l t bo given for their recovery.
Hnlltown. Oct. 4, 1838.
a I Ji
thoi)ld Ve settled up by the .oloi* of Ihii year.
Pilot " do. with a T«'ri«tj of 'Drab
, Ololfel, and Clqtbi
C .»ui|.«jjle fo
('built.'* Moler
,..."' !i
Eflen rfeni)«r!
llctlet L Mql.r
i Jacob Mllei
Mary Noill
Lewlt Nell)
Jtmea Nixon
A K Ormo
r Q
date, earnr.lly request*.All thuse, who .know. William Crovo
—Jj.cob Rlgstlns
ihemsi-l ve« iinlebteil in l i l i l i ; ' t o puy their rrnpeu- Dennis Glattford
James 8h.ph.rd
. Over
Bolomon Stale;
Henry Slater
WV received, . i-,ii-ut v j i n
if Over Shoe
for I.'iiln s tuA (jentlem.J, nth a larg' Hit houte ii Hill npi-.n for llo.lltl>r.ltn, and ih« Abrahatt Hurak
Ed C Soulbwood
u.ual attention will b. paid lo those who hive I Margaret E Hen
Itock .of every kind*of liboe*, llii ind coarse.
.lumen Htevelit
patronised him heretofore.»nd other* who trity |jam«tHII*
: Dlfld K n i v e l y
F. M. & C. W.j
tbiuk proper lo board with him. Children going Wm J l l m i s r l l
Dee. SO, l*3tl
Oliver Mmwmi.li
Margaret Koarsley
Eliibelh Veil!
Jacob VunJiirsn
fa).t Edward I.ucaa 4
WLewit Lucia
3 Jacob Wai, h
C a t h a r i n e l.illl.
John Welch
Jan. l.ittlo
Wm Willlamaon
XX DAM VOUNCJ, Jr. wuul.l r*sp*olfully in- Jepiha Morgan
9 Wm Wllltoo
MUs form bit old frUbdi and ^utlomtr*, that Ml,. 8 Morctti
Philip Wlnlarmayer
h* n*i op*n*d •
AS be.n r*mQV*d to the old Tavern KlanJ,
•:.* '-. • .* -,.
oppoait* Ib* Anaaal, Main it., llirp«r*-' In thai rvom iinmeiliiilely in Ibo rear of his Dng
ami Mc.lieinal fllor*), wheie will be kept u gene~
•'' - D*». «, 1838.
for «ni|cral aisi>rim.t,i of Ftuil, CoofaaUaoary, tiweet,mcnl. A number of persons h*v. r.c.nlly
ia.aU, Kii. I), ha* alto aaad* »n arr*o|«iu*al
whereby ho H i l l bo kept In coinl.nl supply of c.llcd, sponl.n.ously, and paid off. »oa*a a part
S I I O H T lime s i m e , the S t ' U S I ' I I I I T I O N
and wma >l| thai was du*. few* p*r*oo* I call
J>M*J> Ar* th.re two. oth.ra aoioog Iboso for
HOOK for Hit Dtirchai* of tb. M.lbodUl
I**rion*g* In this Ittwu. Any lofornMlloa con> the Ballltton Maijiat ran asTordVoblcb will ba whom I b»v. labeled during Iba y.ai. Ih.l have
ctraU)| th. ulioi. kill b* thankfully r*c*iv(d aold by I b. can or smaller quantity at fair pr ic*l. hav*|oa*>byr
•I hi* N*w HUnd, oppoilt* iho Ai.cnal, Mil* il.
, L
«, 1838:
Cb.rl.tlown, J.B, 3, IB3!>.'
CbarlMtowa. Dec.. *7, 163ft.
from Monotigahala, ItaltW Aluiondi,
Ch.as. aud Crackers, Kugar Cr*bkcra, b.c.|
g. M. U C. W. AIStiUITII.
l)e*. 90. I H 3 H i .
Charleitown, Jan.. 3, Ib39
"•• : •
that by Ihe W i l l of Thomas Turner, dec'd,
all his l.udt have been umilo lubjecl to hii
debli—and a i.lilement of the account of the
aaid Executor i being neceuary, lo be inada on
proper principle! by a Commininner of this
Court, lo aicertain the amount of the pertonal
fund in hit handi, il it hereby accordingly adjudged, ordered and Jccieeil, Ihal Matter Cooimissioner Worlhiii^tuii do, before the next
Court, exa'mlur. Hate and selllo Iht execiilnrial
account of Conrad U i l l m y i - r , Executor of Thomas Turner, .deceaaad, tilling Ilierein all iu«h
tualtert ai'-tTo may lii-cm pertinent or c-ither of
III. parties may require him to (lite *--• '•••
Bi-plember.'ln the > em- of our Lord one Ihou.aml eight
Ihunnrrd ami thirty-seven, anil in the .jmy-«eeond
vcar of the Independence of Ihe saiil United State..
Every person pretending lo be a General Agent,
nr State Agent, for lhu sale of the above prepared
Medicines, who baa mil his appointment tiynetl by
himielf, publicly us.|»o»ed or suspended In bis reSlorc, Shop, or Oll'a-e, it an IMPOSTOR,
aud v.udur of a batu imitation.
i;F.tUU;i. TAYLOR,
13. CAomiei • el. A*, f.
Itut rotltl .n't. Ii r.i,'-|
Anil lip whnl Iti-.-ivcn
Throw iVnm ihy l
Kaeh i
.--. 10 lh;
r'nr .li-cm'it thiitaj
Her fun; untfi n eB
Prom i I n ' . | ! i - . . , , ! nil.
<'nil-mil.M| ifiih IH
Tin- \hi4m», (bat jiii
Tlu-n roiiM* thfr, ill
That f.-ttcrs nt>'_
Slinkn otl iln* Rliiom^
'Fo ; ; i ; « l r . i r l i do
Ami ih.itiuh ul pix-sol
The wishi-il-ior pml.1
Wilh prncrful rny «r
Until n-. i i i n i K t linun
Tb;ii i|u.-m hi.* ,s rnyj
1^ r.inj, u n l i v i n g , i
. P.»J!£PI!t,
rusurl to them must teriuinale "m confirmed
* '
II IstruB, that rol«<r(ic and aprrienl medlolAei
are often required, but the nicest discrimination
should e l - v a y s bo observed in the selection, and
if this be done nothing injurious can retult from
their uta.
To produce thlt much desired result, Dr IV
tert has made it his sludy for several yean, and
feels proud to say -he ban -at length succeeded,
larocvond bit expectation.. The object of hit
| Pills a're to superstd* the necessity of a frequent
; recourse lo injuriout .purgtktves, and to oiler a
in -it. opexa-
era*, that a Commissioner of Ibi. Courl proce
to execute the decree pronounced iu this cause
on th* Sill June, 1837, and' muke report.'
A. Copy— Test*.
ol Now Vork, Hi.-]
M - l bi-i-uiiii' en ilia
mtcli wan Ilia fuel, i
8 -U-Ps to take alt
K u r n p c , anil pay
pett^u it has bee
in tfttferhill i.Ala
meclini;, l l i u fullov
we, at aliolitianifij
having our colurcf
cuoiHly in ttH-t>t»r
as Ion;; UK .our'
w i t h Mile «cat« an
them, wo w i l l , -.n
our seals w i t h the
learn thin
for w h i c h Mr. \Vi1
i'il Drilcri (o fat
caul $S5,OIM»'. ' T«
K,iy.-i t h . i t h c v r n lot!
dcreil of l l i u Mm*
The . \ i i : ; i n l n i r ; ' j
lerint of praha ol' I
fof Mr. Nom.i'« la
him and forwarded
.CilAltt or
plaint ul the h«.aj;|
urtlinate !o
lo u M . i i n . It alias!
CD, ^ i - i n - r . i l l v l i i - l w d
ami t l i u t v s u i i i u F
have it at the ag«
a n d i n i i . i c ; ;;.i/ln:;
l i i i - i of ii|i)»'hlr, nil
in,; for nil
high; »Fii|in!ly «
'u.'.l .4.11 UiiiL«
* .^, ^ j, ~^^,..,^J. -.~szy*
am in i - . i i i , u| iii i
mi.I in .1 .| .
JOHN J. M. S T R A I T I I .
JAMKS •HltJTilNS, Ui,,,l,,i,l,i,,<i'it.
tin- r x j i i r M l i i l c i l l i
I H I I I M : eft K i j i i l l i l u j
Illl-ll- I
Nov.-IS, 1838 — l y .
, JsT,irtfi»iB.irf.
llH ( .'II 1 1 -llli:i-i
:iv.» *.
Shaker, Abi
John T. 'Conkus, StiL-|il'ii;i il
MHS cause' cam. on ar,.m to be heard Ihi*
. » a*U»il».ji:o.r,N«v»iBB*r,
forjierly read, *ud OO petition for a rr-lieurmi;,
and wat atgu*d by Couniel: Ou cousiderition
till l i ; i u i l ., and U
itnnL^.-^ - ,... % _ij,_.ii^..Jv,
i»>!*|jti..n, Ma»ou t:».
. fur ih. *u» »f |jef.V '
, Culpeprr Couft //juse,
K n l , Chronic Hh*umaliim, SyStevens h. Taylor. lj«liiiato,i.
[ m u n i , and
nii'i n
i v i v u i t a i i^iaoaa.a,
•« lino ,~
EJV J5:; u
n t
1838. 5
5C<"'rbo partirs to the •bovementionid lull,
»!.bm^ * '' *T' « ' Otat^s^ Kwpw*w.»e*-«4v»'»liiiii Whwi-WW^
Turner, deceated, unpaid, -are hereby not ified,
' Svies. Pain, in the Bonei, (icn.nl H e b i l i l y , and
that I ahall aiteml at my OOle. afortiald, on
Monday tht 38lk day if»rxl mania, (January.) at (Carolina and Tttnnessce,.n>iisl be nMn in il to II. .11 diseases requiring Ih* aid uf alleinlit* M" .
10 o'clutk, ,1. M, for iho purpose uf taking 111*
J.llv.'.'fi, IK I.H. — I,.
I/VKUIJ'i Compound Fluid Kxtrati of Bucntr,
account by Ib* above recited order directed,
for ih. cur. of ri.nniio jUoDorrhust, Obftruewb.n and where they are requested. to alleud
Ikopi ol Urtn., liUcti.of long .tuidiag, Diseatu
with- ib. Decenary Yu.uchccs, u i i i . e r t c n J e . v i 6Fthe.Bli.liUr, UMthr», c*.;.: ' '
-.Decvarr-isjcV.-';:-.--"... :.'.»•..-^^«,,. c«»i»v; -
A t>«SSJr
jj'Milli-i'n.iii, was
linn *oin«ll)iiiK
The boy ru|.li"tl
be. a n r | ir i -1 J 11
Iti-.t by giving «f
attend at my UtIIcc aforeiaiil.'iiH
day of n»l Moult, (January,} for Ih* purpota of
•nt*ring upon Ib* .l.cutioo pf the afore. uhl or- In the Circuit Superior 'Court of I,»w and Chaneery of J.ffenon County, Nov. aab, 1838 -.
der of Courl — when ami uboro th*y are requlr•d to attend with any evld.nc*, p*p*r**nd*l*t<- Bcar.il«n l( ttrtun, '1'nutttl ij H'm. fltrtl.mil,
menlt, that they ijiuy have lo pfftr oonn*cl*d
with lh. c*t*.
Du ii.niu 1 1,
OanM 8»ydir and uilim,
•Iton meet WTrjr»t'iro'el«k,Mr^*^
of making Insurance.on all propstly i Vo«(» farte, for »ri««luig and piev*»liug decay
• ubjcct to lo*. or datnago by r llli:, wlmtlier in T**lh and fcir dit***** uf Ib* Uuisvi—*|iee.a.ilbal.d In th.e (Uy or e»u»lry, such as bw.llmg ' bl* uml pl**t*|it remedies for |iie»ening ilmui
llousei. W m e - l l o u i e b , Store* and -Goods coo- I in a healthy condition.
lained (herein. Alto, Mill, and Manufaclori..,
/jWoraVi Kuwait 'I'autlt. Ackt Draft, warrant'
Birnt ami conicnti, ami illy and Urain IB ' ed a cur* for Tooth Ach*.
" ''
ll^tard'i nrmlfagt, «•*(• and «ff*clti*l Worm
• • A p p p l i r a l i 6 n a - i i , u s t t p e h l f y th.
ih for likely young WBOmOlM.O/bolh
, from ten lo twuiit y-ii.o years of ag» —
Perton* h a v i n g likely tenants 19 diipo** of,
w i l l do w.ll lo call on •• at uiy rvilaauc* In
Charlettowni and any eooimunicatlon iu wtltIng will b* promptly attended to.
T/wrojf ing ?nttaur~ —^~
nor distressing to retain, wtiU liny «« mo.t
Mil report. What reul «ituU *vu* loft-by ik». vt>. J
for Vil'Kim.i, N m l l i Carolina inni Ti nnc»»i r
In Ihe Circuit Mupttrior Court nf L.w *nd Ch*n. taid Thomas Turner, i^ annual rental, and full
value, and whether any disposition, ami w h a t , if
Sub-Jlgtnli— Virginia.
eery uf Jt-lfurton County, Nov. 34lh, Itf3b:
any, hat been tnado of the tame or any part
JAIVIE3 T IbTTTiTilTn Ch.rleiiown.
f-Vaiicjj Afoorl'i Exaular and otlien.
thereof.. Th'rrdly, be will asi-ei lain and report
F.llsba libeppi-i son. Riebominl.
what J e b l s of llio u>tule. j l i J l nimain mil.
C. //all, N u i l t i l k .
/..iri, AVIU, •atmlniilralor d* bonii non in'l/i Hit itanding and 'unpaid—and m order tir.il kucb fuluie order may be im.dc us Ihe Court shall deem
V V i l l m m . f c i . V i i t i n - , I.MI. b b i i r j .
. K i l l aniuxid r.f ll'alur Bakir, &ctmt4 Limit
' rj;. .the prayers 4>T 'the t'-nin|iV/»>i*»v>^ Sr«olotao. King. Wllrciilig.. ;
I of Thomas. Tnrnrr.^
. .
ElUaM .pwai
' • • • • M " r- ii - ;'i,-- ui.«i
f «ii
J6hn Clin* (eolor'd)
Nathaniel Drenner
Thomas Knllcr
George P.uilcr
ll.nry S Kntler . .
II it believed there are few pieeei of property
of llio same extent with lllll more valuable, but
Ihe residence of the tiihscriher make* other invetlmenU more agreeable to him. To save tin
trouble of inquiries he will itale that hit price it
140 per acre—one third cash ; Ihe mnoln-Ji-r in
one, two, three, and four yean, boaring interest.
Communications in relation to Ihe properly
can be made to his relative, Mr. J.C. R Taylor,
of .li'lfurtim. by whom, or by Mr. W. K. Jenkin.
on the premises, it will be shewn to persons desirous of purchasing.
thnnphi.s-, by
ower RrirO,
Ainl tviih Ihnr p
The l . i i K l m . i i |,> J
. are n w»e~
IB* General PoTIt pffie'e-a* d«jd-hrtt«r»r
M»rj W Morg.«
Come,.lDi»e i'.. i-, .!<
Tdlrl'lhr Kpi
.Thui darkly o'er, t
Llfr"* curnrnl I
A« hronksi .ui.|
. *•.. • M r j.-.-- - .
not" tuUen oni b'lVI'oro ' tbo Vst *i
/:0f(f*t|l/iir'Her,' '.' ' H a n i o l B j o r t '
Caiandar Bull
Ilarperi-F.rry, S.pt. SO, 183S.
t J I L I . r . l ' . f K would respectfully Inform
lh.ini*lv*i ind.btcd to
H •i thoi.'luiowlng
him, that U It- very deiir.blo ihal their accouoli
baniel Klino
» lii-ji j| ruivun). lit any perioi)
nll'.'iiil to t h e above. .
Deo. 20, I83B.
t n!,! I,, Irisi- f 'reheaJ - In: r
i"d» liigh—i! tolerablyItfrgemita*=-'fouf*y»aiii
old last May; hat a long-tall—.and ha* been /od*
iudi:bii-,l ii. u,u either b>- note "or
book ocooiinl, *r* reqtf.ited to *ttk* immediate payment, -at longer indu)R*nc. cannoi
Md. Beekute they *r*' compoted of simpler
which hnvn tbr pow*r to do good In *n imment*>
cumber of cites, without pott'*tiin| Ib* mean*-
w •iiiiii-lhinl
Mr*. Itobin.on, in Ih* county of Jefferson,
al tha mouth bf the Ilullskin Creek, containing
jy survey
Thi taint,
IN C H A N C E R Y .
Four hundred and tixty-tigfit and tftrte
upon argument,
yuarter Jtcris.
• M-At-II Thomptnh? •*»
Jonathan Waller*
Jnhn Wagely
Rebecca Lyoni
{ N G Officer! and MemKilty Little
\ bers Wildey Lodge
Ilins for Ih*.•,!»«.. ^uer, wjli
please >.y they ar* advertised.
h.out the m i d i l l u of June tail, • ' SUItltEL
'" Jan. 3. IH.19.
, -wiOt .»oshi ,.*\Jlft,'.)j>»i>
through »,*r body. 8h* bar
1 s t . Iti-cailsr ibpy nr» r « r < T i l i n g l y JiopiiUr.
which'vrovtt* tn*>* 16 b* «»e*edin«ly goce?.-;;
Lewit Weaver
I Benjamin Wiltshire
' Solomon Williams
Jacob Wigington
fj(. Wingnjan, Oc-
.**» '.twin*, - = - .
Dr. Ptttn'^Ctltbrattd Vtgttnblt PilL
I'OK S.1I,E.
Stephen Studad
- tn»to>nqn/• »ri«>»:w•*«»»>. " . . . - • ' • ' • . : - - - '•
.f Catalofne of Reason*.
Preparcdi by Jot. PrUttly Poicri, M l ) , No.
I ."J, I.ib.! tv Slreet, Na<r York. |K*eb box con-
USt rec«iv«il, a ftw quarter kegt of Du
pnnl't Itifle Powdtr, niuilo and put up en
prettly for itlfle shooting'
Withonl «n « xrr P ( ion. fa e«« «r country, n ..
medicine 'net apr««d with anell rapidity, ana1 gi-
.,• .,,,
.-»*. .M-.^4«jiij;.Mven.aiiu.(&rBirtnii. w).jiMU4.i*Hii/*^aia.iw'.ftefe.vy.1.. ,_ ... _ - * ' • • .-. •
, tr f
• i*.
^.--1 it^
|.|..jaih,.|Mi:jiii.e..lbejdiiIe.r ..from,the.
rommiltrd lo .Matter Commitsinner Worthing- ' 7/-(lratii> Sliophcard
««.%•«• from the ilwy nf the: of medicines in the fact thai the more thoy'a'ie
Oct. 9S, 1838.
ton, to state and aettle the alledgcd partnership ' rnt* benttflo l» tn *hy nnnnvr tlw Agonl ot ilil* •*><.'known the more they ore approved.
account between the defendant Belijamin W. Cnll.-^r, or of «•, tilt* •«i»l Morinoii, Mont kCo.—
I l i b Because, at IheR'applicalion produces
and Hamilton Jefferson, deceased, upno i l e l . i l i i j in- the. system, they may be,taken
JEFFERSON ZiAlsTD. Jefferson
of Lieil l.inn Sqn»rr.in tin-eminty of Mi.lon Ihe basis recognized in the order of reference
wjlhotil producing 'any hindrance lo business or
V virtue of a decree rendered ut tho No- made on the. I U l b day of November, 1836, lo dlesct, but about lo procerd lo New V t n l t , It, be tho usual pursuits Of ovary d.; life.
hvneeforlb Ihe Cieireml Agent of Ilia Mid llrlvnmbur lorm. 103U,of Ibe Circuit Superior w i t : that there did exttl a partnerihlp between from
1Mb. Because—and thit f.cl It of Ihe utmost
li.lt t'uII.-n« of 7/calth, foi-the purpose of selling and
Court of . Law nnd Chancery of the County of (l)d parlies—anil -the laid Commissioner
nlssioner is
IS diUl- j rflalribullirg; anil eautini; lo be Mild and ditlribulcd, importance—ladlet in a certain tilualion may
JelTcrton, Inthecauso of Ihe Wathington Coun-| reoted to title all mattert he m ay be required | throughout the Uiiilc.l St«lr« hrAmerie»,tbc rnetlr- title them, (not ntor* than two or three it a
ty B«npP*nd olliert, n. the adminUtralor and ( to ( i ( t e tpeeially by any of Ihe parties, and make I cine prrpmvil by the sniil C.,IU- K < -, .ml Known l.y lime however!) without in the slightest degree
heirs of Samuel D. Kngle. deceased, the u m l c i - ! report .to this Court ...'order lo further proceed- tbi: mime of Moristm1! I'lIU, or On- Vegetable I
Incurring Ibe hazard of abortion. Were the
versal Medicines of the Urilish ColU-gc of //.-Mill.
igned, at Special Commissioner* therein apA Copy—Tette,
And we do hereby declare mid give noliu, llul no virtues of Peters' Inestimable Pills, confined lo
pointed for the purpose, will proceed to tell, at
1'ills hereafter sold in Hie l i n i t i - i l .Simft w i l l be the ibis desirable end alone,'It would give them si
publio auction, to the highest bidder, before the
genuine' Morlson*t.l'ills,qr Vvgelabic Universul Me- decided advantage over the medicines of all comdoor of Carlnr't Hotel,In Charleitown, en t'/if
of the llritish College of //enltli, unless the petitor!, as in no casei is there more danger In
Jay the 951% day nf January, 1839, about
label on each boi containing such Pills, be signed be apprehended,.or for which, so few remedies
Chartittown, Dec. 2B/A. .1838.
of Mr. J.mcs Moriton, the II) gr- have been discovered, ai the one referred to.
{?n*-Tbc parties to the abovementioned tuit ilt's signature, nnd
also wilh afae-.inltle nf thr tig16th. And lastly, because they are acknowof the Tract of LAND, late the property of slid will please talce notice, that I shall altflnd at my milure nt the sail] George Taylor, as sueh General
ledged to be an almost infallible- remedy for
Samuel D. Engle, deceased, on'T.velt'a run, 3 Oflice on H'cilnriiliiy the 30lft ilaij of ntit month Agent as aforesaid.
Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Limiles wett-of-Charlejlown, embracing- all of
Il witnm. u-ln renf, \ve bnve biriem;ln «etoitr bnnil.
laid.farm on the South si.ic of Ihe Turnpike, duties required of me by the above recited de- i anil seal in London, the fifth tiny of Sept.mbvr, one ver Complaints, Juumlii-e, Asthma, Dropiy,
Rheumatifm, Enlargement of Spleen, I.ownesa
with about 140 acret tilualed adjoining Ihe cree, when and where they are hereby notified thousand eight Inlinb eil and Ibilly^sevvn.
of Spnls, Cholio, Heartburn, Nausal., Dislenlandt of W. T. Washington, Etq., and including lo attend with any evidence or papers connected
lion of Ihe Stpmaoh ami Bowel*, Flatulence-,
a proper proportion of Wood Land and Water with Ihe telUeraent directed to be made by Ihe
1, Thomas Samuel Uirdlcr, of London, Notary Habitual Coslivenesi v Lots of Appetite, Bfolehaforesaid decree.
privileges, tco.
I'nlilic by royal authority, di.ly admitted HIM) sworn, *d or Sallow Complexion, am) in all cases of
II being impracticable to (ie'icrlbe more dedo hereby certify and attest, unto all whom It may Torpor of the Boweli, where a mild but effecDec. 97, 1838.
finitely, the precise portion of taid farm designconcern, that on this day, before me the said notary, tive medicine may be.teqilUite.
ed to b. told, person* wishing, to purchase arc
and in Ihe prcx-nec of the . a i i l t w n tubtcribinK oilInvited to call at the Office of A. Hunter In
In short, the genaral voice of the community
nesses, personally .p|ieared Mr. Al'-iamb-r MorlVirginia, lo wit:
Charlestown, where they can see a.plat, and ob- In th* Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chan- •on, apurlnerio Ihe lionse of Mesara. Morlspn, Moat has decided Peters* Vegetable Pills are one-t/f—
tain full Information on the subject.
St Co. nuiiicil in flie foi-going deed of mnininlnu-nl, the happiest discover,!**of modern daj», am) alcery of JeOenon County, November 17th, who thvrtupon signed nod scaled the laid ilcetl in
Ttrmi ef Sati — Oi.e-third of the purchase, motogether u n r i v a l l e d a* a general toother of bo183S:
Ihe name ol hiaaaid (Inn. In lestimony whereof, I dily atUiclioui.
ney in hand—Ihe balance In equal paymontt at Gitrge
Ceff-ntttrgtr ami «ni/«.
Pi AIM un,
have hereunto ivl niy bad and iifTisvil roy notarial
one an'd two yean, without interest. The deteal In London, tho fifth I'.ny of September, dnelbouAGAINST
ferred payment! t» be secured by bonds, and a
fiiiuc.'.i uml Citir Heili urliVr A'osli HUM.
Comnil Dildnyrr, Eftcular rfThamiH Ttirnrr, dt- taud eight buudred anil thirty-seven.
dee.d of Irutt o'n the premitet.
Iu Fiilem.
The. unil.d Uttimony of Phytioiani, throughcinMil,
Bale to lake pla£e a t ' l oVIork, P. M., preT//OMA8
out Ihe United Stales, iiai fully proved the foci
Jtplka .Morgan; aild A'ulici/ Turner, triilmr, and
AVoru I'ufitic.
Ihal PKTI'.ltS 1 VECF.TABl.E I ' l l . I . S are tko
.liil/ionij Turner, Khuil, Robtrt, William, llisa
Jam, John, 'J'homat, and Jinn F. Ttinin, thr
Dec. 97. 1638.
Spicial Coinm'n.
o r x n i U s i T r . i l ? I, Thomas Atpin- only true Vegetable I'ills which aland th. test
lint tigkl kting iii/iiiid, ntln of laid Tliomai
r AManict, London. S w a l l , Consul uf lliu 'uf .7ii<i(i:ufio»i—hence the proprietor would mokt
Turner, dictated,
U.niled Slates of Amerleu for t.iiiiilnn, and Ihe de- earnestly urge them to the notice «<~ those who
pendeneiet thereof, do bcreby'raak. known and e.i-- have bi-on io the habit of'using at cmlhartiti ot
Jiicab riiiiifiirnn, Kxtcutor of Rain 'lludgcll, and lify, to all whom it may eoiSo'ern,.That Thomat ajKriinli, In* destructive and irritating
Samuel (iii-illrr, *ho hath ligncd the foregoing c.-rIIE ktibtcriber offer* fur solo Ihe FARM ol
o generally advertised, and which are at
at luck Exteuln of Jtitfh llainti,
Killc Powder.
n.Mi -
!l «-i-ll J know
U. Mnrch, trf)«cll. Mstt.
Virffinfn, to
:;.,:V:;:;.,.;,;^A' M'l. in
' "
IVtcrs' Vtiftilablt P i l l s aro now regarded by
those who k«ve had an /opportunity lo denlrie
upon lh«kr aurlti. as in hietllmablci public blest-
,'S fsitit of Letters
'• . * •
lll.e of Ihn mtny prr,,|i, r .ii (nra of lb« V » K r lalfiln T i l l s is, t h a t w h i l e , r r y powerful In their
rffern they ar* particularly mild and g*otl* In
Ihr.lr aetidA. Unlik* the grt,eialit"y of mrfl,
ein.t, their ipplieation )• never .llended with
In the Cin-iiil Superior Courl of Law and ChanW i l l i a m Vonnj;, l i u l i u n n | m l i v
3th. Because lh*y *r* recommended at •
M i e b n r l Foley
lil'.OIKiK. I V Y l . d l l ,
cery of JelTerion County, November -37ih,
ilandard medicine by Ihe regular facility.
Henry Florest .
It ClMmltft *., Hvlc <lcnir,il.1Sttil.
6. P.mite by keeping Ihe lystem in a natuNancy Fine
Cnarlei llulltr arid Richard Duffltld,
. PI.'ITI, 1 The tubteribcrltBvins; been appoltitcil Sole Agei.t ral stale of action, they cur* n l m n s t every dis-y
Frederick Flagg
which tha human fram* it llable'lo.
> til 11', undertlgned,-milling under the firm of Kiehanl ini/iniiK. "idiiiniilinlni- de honit non of
7th. Ili-eanse they are c h e a p . and portable,
iniuliinlili; Meiliclne, ii pn-pirnl <n eit-ciilc oriUrt
il Howland, HeOebower (t Co. will gl»e the
Hamilton. Jrflct'vn. il'ttai'd, ~'l»" S. JtJJtnm. for uuy i|u miiiy. A eonUinl iunpljr mill be deut for and.will retain all Ih.ir virtues in full vigor, tusaae Gray
highett market pricet for. any quantity.of grain
iriiloic, .not Maria Eliinbak, t'rtntti . I n n , and null, in mianiilici to mil purchmcri.
nny climate, and for any length of lime.
minis (Ireenwell
of all klndi. Ouf M i l l * art not* completed and
K I . I S I I A BIll'.IM'F.HSOX,
./mi f/iiinifl'in. rliil'litn and infant hcirt of laid
H l h . Bee.use,notwllhtlanuing their simplicity
lary Garrotl
under full operation, and are able lo make ISO
Salt .Ifcnl. and roildnets, they are one of the speediest purHamilton Jifftnon, d*ua<td; and Benjamin W.
barnliof flour per day. We will alro grind for | J'fftrmn ind.eii/un/ly, and al edmimttfalor of
gative medicine* which hai yet been diicovred.
9 J F.mantiel Trindry
Jeorgo Hagley
loll, and give the uiual facllitiet. Being iituated<
JUorl»on's M'itl*.
laid Hamilton Jrfftrion', dic'd, Francit Kiln-is,
Oth. Because they are an unfailing remedy
} Sarah Tibbet
oseph F. M Hobby
at Ilarpert-Ferry, and well known,we can.afTurd
NOW all Men by that. Pretentt, That we, for procuring a good appetite.
nlnnlim- Hill
to giro more for grain than any Mills nbovo UK.
IN C H A N C E R Y .
l O i h . Became In cases of ipleen or despon) Edmund Toben
t.ac Harper
Wo will receire grain at the different dnputi
of ll«th, in Hamilton I'laer.Klng't Croat, (Lnmloii) dency, by thiir h o i l i h y Influence on Ihe aieiieil
HIS caat* c»m* on again lo be heard Ihi* in the county
i William Turk
l a n n n b Hall
of Miibllvtci,
intlmt part ol thi UnltciV
along tho Rail Road, ni well at In Winchetter,
nty ot
t Merrlw'lherThompion and by boattdotvn the Shenandoahand Potomac
37lh d*y of November, 1S38, upon Ihe pa- I Kingdom of
ol Cirrittit Britain nnil Ircltml, r^llnl Rng- tlale of tha body; they have a notl happy ef.loses Harris
ritera—and dellter platter »nd other produce pen formerly read, the report of Mailer Com- l|lmr, //ysreists and ManagcrtofthetaidHrlllshCoi- fect in rc< l i r n i n j t nnd invigorating the mind.
do hvrcby revoke, annul, and make
11th. i:o-.auso they rffert t h e i r c i f i e s w i t h o u t
> J Hergishammer
In our line, at the tamo placea. Wo would be
Ibe'lppolnUnchl .ol" Mr. Horatio Shepbeunf the usual a t t e n d a n t s of other p i l l s , lickness and
J \\ & P U 1 Co'y
ohn R I'nyden
pleated (and are ture you will fiml it to your November, 1838, and certain books of account ' toid
3 ; Jemima Wilson
oseph G I l i y s
Interetl) if you would*gif e ut a call before you\ produced before Ihe Commissioner by Ihe defen- Slaieof "New York, as Iho CJtrnrr.1 Agent of the r
ftm, as well nt being an unrivalled
•hiltp Hnffmon— - } L AV-W.shinnlon .
dant Benjanjln W. Jefftrfon, which were cerll,.....,
• . , .•
i of Tot)r-gr»to
Jnhn.T-Hobklo"- '. - A --'j-Jolin-Willinnw ..
w.« i-:it-i'<» "
""V OtV»o"H'W«VrWtt«
p'ol hooKi'>ba'I)an;er!i','n and repair io his room 1and prices,
j Lewit Wernwag
Abraham Hoopt
nl lha corner of Washington and China ttreelt
Washington, Rob Hoy and Kentucky Jeant,
nmi ho w i l l rcil'ii-o your Irregular and d e f o r m e d
Rlai.k-et, Tippet, Wool and Fancy Shawls,
rnannscrjpl! lo lytlent. P r i n t e r s suil'er m u r e - Ulankcta, Couhlerphriei end ttnmfortablcs,
Jan. 3,
f r . i i n bad writing^than all other*, and wo therel l i u I ; « l ; i u , . K n l , Fur Lined & Woollen Glares,
fore feel an interest In'the i m p r o v e m e n t of the
Boott, Shoes and liats,
. r a l l l j j l a p l i j of the p u b l i c .
Fiirj Hair, and Woollen CAPS,
JvMjUNJJSftJn the Pott Offioo, CbarlotH i l k t , *'nlieoes, and McrTiioc's,
l o w n , Dec. 31, 1839."
' . F.ont Ihi ricksburg Ktgitler.
Muslin Delaiociand Challeys, (splendid,)
M ,
Su'lts, Bonk, ami M u l l Muiiins,
Mr. Charlct Quinn, a teacher of Writing, will
Abh/ Andrrton^
} Cntharine Myers
Striped and Plaid
remain in our city a few wcckt. Ho hai been
Henry Axtell
S David Moore
Black Wonted, Merino & Lainbt-wnol.IIose, Jamct All'spu
teaching at Memphis, and in olh.r part* of this
i Mary F. McCraryDumcslir-t, hlviiehcil mil DUblCaOhod,
' • t . i i , and from tpeclmens he >h.i shown.us, we
5 Frank Michel
Scotch, English and French Prints,
should suppote him lo bo a competent teacher.
.* John Moreland
H i r a m U Hi-own
Irish Linens am] Sbcelings,
5 Wm McDonald
Joshua Burton
Ready-made Clothing, (fine i<i<orlmer
From fine. Clark.
', Wm Miles
Francis Itrown
Groccriet, (iuecnswsre, Hardware, &c. fcc , I t u v Mr Brown
Mr. C h a r l e s Quinn hat been in t h i » place for
/l JJames M McCreory
mast-accpmmosnmA abort time, giving Icssont In writing. I
lucob Iliisnn
> Sally Ann McSh.rry
D A N ' I . G. I1ENKLE.
i snuot speak personally from any observations ating termi.
J Mary Jano Moore
Nalhanid Banks
Halllown, Dec. SO, 1838.
i.f my own at lo tho progrcis of his scholars. Ho
James Iltirr
hti however the reputation of hnvipg improved
\ Barny Oil
William Butler them much. Ho is considered a gentleman of
correct manners and of good deportment* and is
| Barnhard Oil
Jot. Brown
no ransldureil by those who aro acquainted with
» Mary Ann Packet
Wm Barrett
him In this place. JAS. CLARK.
J Colin Peter
RS, WEI.LER respectfully; informs Ihe
Frankfort. Oct. 1JJ, 1R38. .
; I'bifo & Peter*
Ladies of Charlcslown .nnd it! vicinity
ut she. w i l l v i s i t Ch-irlcstown early the coming Joseph M Cromwell 4 j Israel Philips
John Chamling
weak, with anolher supply of.
Edward Ranklna
Win Cameron
E aro just receiving on additional tupSamuel
ply ofSooionable GOODS, which, with °rom New Vork. The article* consist of a
Wm H Rojlina
our clock on lunJ, renders our asuortment verycom^ileio assortment o f > :
.'.;..-:-•: "le.nry
•Marjr Rlnggold '
P~C66Ve '
'aney Fun—siy Muffs, Bout, Cape), Tippets, Samuel Cameron
Mary C Rissler
Jan; 3, Ifl39.
Rufli, fee. &n.
Win Ruisell '.
'reneb Embroidery of splendid Capes, Collars, oseph Drew
i Samuel
Caps, Cliffs, Handkerchiefs, &e. •
' •
• .lobbn D liiely
James W Dorsey
il II inhtoribors ar* ju«t receiving anotther nglijli Pallentt, Leghorn and Florence Braid Sarah Daniels
tupply of H'inirr G'ooJi.
Wm B Suddath
Thomas Dotwell
/clvot. Willow, Marabout and other Ostrich Wm D u v u l l
Samuel Shallui
Doc. 30, 1939.
Win Stone
amca Danville
flour and Grocery store,
Bhnnnndonh •trc«l,
Jaiia Ann Russell
but a srifntlAc compound of ainplli, whlr-h h*t
btn'n Ih* reiult of manjriaara InUiiM applietIton to a prlife,simi In which ho *>ai"r*gul|tly
" and henre It i* n« popular with th* r*gtil«r
few»^^^h • m .<
. ^^ia!,pSji:-^«3
Alto, Flour, Cbrn, Rye, OkU, nnfi all kind* of p D a c . ST,-1*33;
Sarah RBv»*H*-.4"
bit Inttrnetjorr. '',''«tr. • httcr'diity
nil .mint ira«sc»«'lh» hlgVitordw,o^
pcctfil to retlile during tb«who1o year upon the
where cotriforfabte teeomtnoditlohs
tro provided.
J'. H I M
There huhi a small farm attached to the
WMITP:I) Scnnoi.. — Fur the infurmatinn of Springs it i ilcslrnblo ihal Iho agenl i>honld bo
Ihoie who are anxious to acquire a handsome totnewhat familiar willi farming operations-— and
nmi clcganl style of penmanship, we would on- a preference w i l l be given to tuch an applicant.
The Company expect to give an ample
nounco that Mr. Charles Qulnn, n gentleman
well r.rqiiniiitdl with 'writing In Us best modes, |'"npsation for tho tcrvices rrquired. ......
Apply by lotlbr or in person, to
is now in town and desirous of patronage. II.
ha* been tetthlng many year. In the United
JVf slifriil S, S. Company,
States, nnd from Ihe facility ami grace ivilh
Co., Va. f .
which ho itsci the pen; as exhibited In our preIlcc. 37, 1838.
•ence, we arc ratlsficd that ilongexperlence and
thorough acquaintance tvith tin- art could alone
have enabled him to reai h tho perfection h.
i i i - j . l u y s . Wo have no doubt but that Ihiro ore
HK.tibtcriber hat received another suphut 'few among thotb of our citizoni wha have
ply of WINTER GOODS, coniistlng, In
much writing to do Ihal would not be nrently pirt, of
henofttled by the iatlructlont which be prnpaiet
Cloth*, Cassimerr., Casilnets,
10 give.
Swansilowh and ValeiiVla Vcsllngs,
^~ ——""- -^ fiourtht ,r tctcivn^fr~fitittintir~-- -—• •
.BdinD-aWnes.'lilid Bo" '
V^.u.vM«iiir.~-I.oofcatMr. (iuinrvV3<l-V,-rli'-< < -.,
"IIF.HF. w« will keepa-eatxtantsupplj
t Pantilj,'•Sup.rBwi;.and Cooimmt
» *»h»
rlour, llroriries of the best quality, fnrn. Rye,
and Oats by' the bushel, bolted Corn tti*al| also,
' J u l i a A Farmer
all kindi of ground Peed, Irish andSweol Pola8 A Pilchrr toei. Bacon andLard^ Whiikey by tjie barrel and
v i l l A Triers'
half lurrel, some, of which It nld and of an ex; W m T . A Pollock
• ""- ffr-i v<ftii-«i*i' "—iB*JH«nt
. - - . ' , > h>'«.i ;
Mary Neui*
Oct. 17. 1838."
IlF. Imman.e Mtl Uereatlng popnU.it v ef
thnai rilla, I* anelber proof of the lafalllillity Of tax old •<•«•, t»»t " truth it r owfrf,il
M4 ttl)l ^•tan." Oth»r pllli are only/puM,
but Dr. relora' *ra puribuvd and prafttii and
ra'ioinmaWde* tfnttl th« dVtWMd TOT !»«» bM b(P
<omia almost un;rrraal.
The llrltlth Colleice of lleallli haTing rCTokri),
nnullrd «n«l «na"lf »uld lite npjiolntmckil of l>r. Mo.
>ili> Shfph'nl Mort,
>• h» •«««! to b» in any
rf Health,
<IM>MI VJTM* brhiimw awl h«iiorfo»«Mil ilm
report to thi* Cotlrl In order lo a final deer**— tolc arnrrtl aiwnt in lb« United Sulct, of i l . . Hri
ot lU.llh,
slating all mmllerw apaelallj by himself daemcd i.i.
.. tloll.B
, for l h « « of " M«rrl..«,'.
Mfillemrt ofnhn
pertinent, or which may b* required to b* itatcd Ml. ''or the Vrg««* * 'UMWcWrt
Irilith C<ill«RB of Hejlllu" no other p«rti>n but thr
by any of the parti**.
t.l,( Uiio*r«oT«jlor baa ant right or anlhorily l»
' ,.*.ROBERT T.
c e V - * i > l < r t - ) i a a n » : M * * * 1 ***"*•
the abnw medielata,
Tli- r..11n w,i, K Hi.ie and Uitlrict Agrntt hate l-rm
•ppiiiiitcil, «ilb |>ow«r lo appoint tob-agrntt in lb«Ir
Orricc, )
.-.|ii-rli"- l>g< nclcl -.
Charlttlvwn. Dtc. 20M, 1838. J
II ll,-,,,|.-r...n h. Son, rr*<lirlck>l»trir. I'a . Stale
. J^-Tbc parties lo Iheabovementionefl u n i t , a*
wnll as pBr'Otn liovlni; rUiun ii(;i<*"«t -tieorg*
W. ShilU, decoated, unpaid, nre bru'bj nntilieii ..... I t . l . l l ' V
Ihal/l ah*ll attend at my Oflke aforesaid en Sa- mery eounliet, N. York
turday thi 9Glh il.ii/ of ma I molt l/i, (January.) a
tlich'il Mdkititlry.
M.'Kinsirv, lliidion.ColamblaandDuleiiHi
10 oVInrtr ••'. -" , for Ihe purpote of taking the ess rnlllilii-., N > » Yl.lk.
vl'lnity, flass.
account! by Ihe above recited ords-r directed
l whrrc t b i - v . are .rr^irsK-^
hrcei.'irj'' votn~n*r«; jinpert
FBK8I1 OYSTERS now on hand, .,,,1
tlantly to b* had throughout the tenon;
Jamel Near
Susanna sNeer
li-inn II N l i - l i o l s •
/"•<-ir.i !•> he .i.Vorf dpccnt ccpl
"iinliliol at a teacher 'bf>lV-rilmR.
Cilita lij On* of Ihn bill jlldgt* In 11 in c o u n t r y , c*a**d, m e e r i a l n i n g Ihn eharietir nmi dignity
without r.gird to price, and which lor quality thereof, w h r l b e r binding Ih* hchri or not—ind
thit h* alto t*k* in' aecbunt of Ib* real ttlat*
cannot b* • iirpast.d. . . . .
pi)it rr.it nmi A i . r , *lih«r In' bottle* «r on desrrmi«d iTraJtwlh« naiil tirorgo VV K h n i t , ilcdraft, m»y ul.v»j« bn obtained,', of • abp*rk>r ee»«nl, anil of the nnntial taltt*. Iberrnf, nml to
----- - , . _ : _ ; ,_____WM. CROW, Jrt
?», 1838 _tf.
T-*;? - *,-«Pr T^.r^* T<-siT;.Tl.- .;
W I S I I Iu purchase at toon at poiiibl* FIFTY Ni:tinoi:s, for w h i c h nuuibur I will pay.
bigh«r prices ib rath than any p i i r c h . t e r in
ibi. mmlct. 1-onons who may bar* a'egroe*
for s»io. ar* Uiilad lo call and *•* me in'wioch.sler— or If iucunt.uicnl lo Jo so, aro ft
•jue.ted lo aJJi.it ma a lin«, iu w h i c h I will
glv. iwui.diale attention.
Wiuch.tler, B.pl. 37, I837._lf.
m$;&mwmximwi^iim&ffit!it. liaiftiuuii i^u....".^.;^;J/A««^T, ,
b* r e - c n i u i n i l l e i l to taid Commiitionar wilh in- and e o v e i n l , und bow ocoupled i .*. »Uo of Kat* a.q'itir*d inuth riputatiob, and lht> cbnli•Iruetlont lo audit aay claim that may be pr*»nted lo him. unJ report th* tarn* lo the. Court,
togalher with aay apeeial ilateBtal either or
any of tb*. parti., may nquir*.
A Copy — T..IC,
Ihui. aJJ.c.nl to t«* properly on which intu- deocoofm.uy Phytici.ot in vtriout p.rlt if'•«•»•«.
ranca il aikwl. Tk« tans* will be t l a t e J of c u u n i•r y . —
• • fc.,
.-.. iei|uinu^
. . .,^..rr-^>,n
m>il olkiri
building, in .which Ooodt ar* coqlaiaod, «vh*r« UM, ar* invited lo give tk.m a trial.
in sum n re I. do i ii. I nn .aid Uood*. ApplleaFr*pai*4 only at my rbarntacyv Wa*kln«lou
tioni by uml r*c*lv« ImaMdikU altiatlob.
IS A AC 'I V SON, I'.e.i Jonl.
, i •
Wei. U B,.Uy,
.S'urt >•></( i «/ lir. llayi, llatftn-ftrn.
Tho*. K, M a t t h e w s , .
lieu. W. ttichardaoo,
CterJutwm. .Ihe., *M> 163% 1 .
|O-p.r«»n. Inl. rotted m Ik. abov« r*cil.d John. Hopkins,
D. B u r n t ,
onl.r of Courl, ar* k*f*b> uuiifnd, that I .ball Chat. K. r*ar««.
-" •-•"-- attend «l any OAo* afoi***Hl, •*)
J. B A U R I N NOUIUJJ. *«r,4»r
. _ _ _ a i..iuii. .c.ui. ,f.
31il at.y ml ntilmtnik, (Janna'y.) fur tb. purION auii Affoctteo. uf lh.*LuBg>, and i*
pose, uf *a*culla( Ib* *for**»id or4*r of Coitft, JAMES
i M K H j: MILLER, Agaai, cb.ilc.iowu, v..
by Ib* ai*b (.u.rally. Thit Madiil** I.
wbm aud wbcro they at*> f*qu**ted, to alteait
August B, l8M._*Vaj.
lot sal. by '
with »uy papols, .<|Jcnc. auj tlilalucull that
th.y m.y bav« t* lubmll,. tonn.cl.d with tb.
Flub Oil
AUttUITfl, CaWfcW.tr.
JTUiT i.c.iv.d aud (or aal* at th. ,ior. of
Nov. 1, lbM.;
~ ft J. II STH A ITU.
' - > • • . '
, ,
,•'• —-.••I,; 1 -. f.flt-i*:y'
* «,..«,
' • •.,: Y '
lainj, lni'.v i n . i n y
wuuld It Ii i v i - ti'
c i i l i - r Ii mi tin: l«
yoar old |>u|>|>y
dull.ir fend twenll
Barbactio ?
tweTve IIH-II to I
iu l e n K t l i >
food home
lf«;biub«l of!
cents, bo*> |oO|
a ,l,.,lo*
would bo til* V
4th of July -