September 2014 - Friendship Christian School


September 2014 - Friendship Christian School
AFCS: acronym for Air Force Communications Service.
Military Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms
Meet the Military: Redgie Chambers (concl.)
2, 3
Here’s Why: Blue Star & Gold Star Families
2, 3
10 Tips: Caring for the Military Child (concl.)
Prayer Notes from Colonel Martin
NCO: acronym in all branches for
Non-Commissioned Officer
U2: designation a single-engine,
ultra-high altitude reconnaissance
aircraft operated by the USAF
Editor’s Note: The terms, abbreviations, and acronyms for this month
come from the Meet the Military
feature story on Redgie Chambers.
Note from Colonel (R) Martin: This is the first of a
two part series on the Six Day War in June 1967. A
large portion of the content came from an Air War
College paper I wrote in 2006. This will provide you
with some additional background concerning recent
events in Israel.
“They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from
being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no
more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against
Thee. O my God, make them like a wheel; as the
stubble before the wind. As the fire burneth a wood,
and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire; So
persecute them with Thy tempest, and make them
afraid with Thy storm. Fill their faces with shame;
that they may seek Thy name, O Lord. Let them be
confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be
put to shame, and perish: That men may know that
Thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most
High over all the earth.” (Psalm 83: 4-5, 13-18)
To the Jews, Israel is their sacred homeland.
Throughout their exile, Jews the world over ended
their prayers, “Next year in Jerusalem.” In the nineteenth century, Jews began to return to their homeland which was under Turkish rule. So hard was their
existence, that they were known as “children of
death.” Then the Zionist movement began in the late
nineteenth century, aimed at returning the Jews to
their native home in Palestine. In 1917, the Balfour
Declaration was signed by the British providing a national home for the Jewish people. The declaration
came out of the Zionist movement and was tied to the
“historical connection between the Jewish people and
The Balfour Declaration helped to provide Jews worldwide with the opportunity to immigrate to their home-
land and brought about an immediate conflict within
the Arab world. The Arabs claimed that an Independent Palestinian State had been promised by the
British in 1915 to the Sherif of Mecca, Sherif Hussein,
in exchange for Arab participation against the Turks in
World War I. A disagreement between the Arabs and
British over the omission of Palestine in Sherif Hussein’s agreement negated the formation of an independent Palestine in the wake of World War I, and set
the stage for the Balfour Declaration.
Israel had been in a state of war since its inception on
May 15, 1948. There had been a series of events
which the nation of Israel considered to be miracles in
and of themselves that had propelled their history and
had brought them to this point of conflict with their
neighbors in May 1967. Upon becoming an independent state, Israel immediately faced a coalition of Arab
States (Arab League) intent on destroying this young
nation at its inception. Israel survived the “War of
Independence” after a valiantly fought conflict against
their neighbors which left a bitter taste in the mouths
of the Arab nations who felt that Israel had stolen its
During the Israeli War of Independence, a problem
developed that continues to incite conflict today. As
Arab allies gathered to “push Israel into the sea,”
Arabs living in Palestine were caught between the two
armies. Many Palestinians left with promises from the
Arab armies that they would be able to return to their
homes after the war. Most fled out of the fear of an
Israeli victory, leaving them to either the mercy of the
Jews or to the mercy of victorious Arabs, who would
look upon them as “traitors.” An estimated 846,000
refugees fled Palestine to be scattered throughout the
Arab world and become pawns in a political chess
Page 2
Editor’s Note: Earlier this summer, my wife and I had the honor
of briefly meeting a couple whose
son had been killed in action
while serving in Afghanistan. We
noticed the gold star on their
license tag, which prompted us to
do a little research on what the
“Blue Star” and “Gold Star” are all
The Blue Star service flag has
been a symbol of American military service for nearly 100 years.
Families with members in the
service may display these flags,
which are part of a long history
of honor. The service flag was
originally created in 1917 by
Army Capt. Robert L. Queissner,
who had two children serving in
World War I. Later that year, it
was adopted by the governor of
Ohio as a symbol for parents
with children in the armed services.
The flag itself has a white field,
edged with red, and can hold up
to five blue stars, with one star
for each immediate family member serving in the armed forces
“during any period of war or
hostilities in which the armed
forces of the United States were
engaged” (both active duty and
reserve). The blue of those stars
symbolizes hope and pride for
the service of a family member.
The flags are displayed facing
out in a front window. Since
near the end of WWI, a Blue
Star flag flying in the window of
a home let passers-by know the
family inside had a loved one
serving overseas. The Department of Defense eventually authorized
the display of
the flags during times when
the country is
engaged in
hostilities or
Editor’s Note: And now the conclusion of Redgie’s story, as told to Don
School with Honor Graduate status,
he was further assigned to Sheppard
AFB, Wichita Falls, TX, to attend the
Electronic Communications & CryptoThe Career NCO
graphic Equipment Maintenance
Course. After again achieving Honor
After three years at Alconbury, durGraduate status, he remained there
ing which time he reenlisted and
interviewed and got the job.
as the school’s equipment maintesewed on another stripe, Staff SerEdith, his wife-to-be, was also atnance NCO.
geant Chambers
tending Neuse Baptist Church at this
received orders for
When he received
time. She was a widow with a
the 39th MMS,
his orders for Korea young son, Robert, about 8 years
306th Bomb Wing at
in May 1974, he
old. She and Redgie had gone to
McCoy AFB, Orlanmoved his family to high school at the same time, and
do, FL, and shortly
Raleigh and depart- she had known him (he was a senior
after arriving was
ed for Osan AFB
and her school bus driver; she was
sent TDY to attend
south of Seoul,
in the 8th grade), “but,” she said,
Air Force NCO Leadwhere he was as“he had grown up a lot since then,
ership School at
signed to the USAF
and I was impressed, and scared to
Barksdale AFB, near
death by his maturity and selfBossier City, LA.
Service (AFCS). In confidence.”
December he reIn the early 70’s,
Redgie & Edith in 2012
He introduced himself to her in the
turned to CONUS
the Air Force was
flying highly classified U2 flights over on emergency leave and was further church vestibule and she remembered his name (His
granted a family emerCuba from McCoy AFB. Redgie endaughter, LaDonna,
Seyjoyed watching them take off from
was a member of her
his unit’s location near the end of the mour-Johnson AFB,
Sunday School class.)
runway, and was amazed at how the Goldsboro, NC. A few
He tried to date her
U2 “would go nose up as soon as the months later, Redgie
and she declined but,
was honorably diswheels were off the runway and
finally, during a mischarged,
achieve 30,000 feet of altitude within
sions conference at
the decision that his
three miles.” When they landed,
Neuse Baptist in March
two young children;
having dropped the wing wheels on
she consented . . . they
take off, two Chevy El Caminos raced four year old LaDonna
talked . . . and were
to flank it and men in the back of the and Richie, age 1,
married in June 1975.
trucks would attach wheel assemHe was still officially in
the Air Force did.
blies to the ends of the wings to
the Air Force, but they
keep them from dragging the ground
A Civilian Once Again
moved to Greensboro
as the aircraft taxied into the hangar
after they married. He
and the doors immediately swung
Back in Wake Forest
was discharged at Seyshut.
and attending Neuse
mour-Johnson AFB in
Baptist once again, he
In March of 1972, after having sucOctober
found a company in Greensboro who
cessfully completed Leadership
needed a regional technician and he
The Sinai Campaign of 1956, also
known as the Suez War, began as a
result of Egyptian President Gamal
Abdel Nasser’s quest for power in
the Arab community. The selfproclaimed leader of the Arab
World, Nasser attempted a Cold
War power play pitting the United
States and Soviet Union against
each other. This ploy backfired
resulting in the United States withdrawing funding for Nasser’s Aswan
High Dam and leading to the nationalization of the Suez Canal.
Nasser denied the Israelis passage
through the Suez Canal and in October 1956, closed the Gulf of Aqaba
to Israeli shipping. This move
greatly impacted Israel’s economy,
and coupled with increased Fedayun
terrorist raids into Israel originating
from Egypt, prompted Israel to attack Egypt on October 29, 1956.
Egypt’s rejection of a British call for
a cease-fire brought an assault on
the Suez Canal by British and
French forces on November 1,
1956. The Egyptian forces were
completely routed by November 6,
as Israel captured the Sinai Peninsula and reached
the west bank
of the Suez
On January 19, 1964, the first Arab
summit meeting was held to determine the “Palestine Question.” Public pressure on Arab leaders dictated
that decisive action needed to be
taken to destroy Israel.
A two-part plan, outlined by Egyptian
President Abdul Nasser, was to first,
strengthen the Arab military might
and capabilities; and secondly, to
solidify Arab alliances and therefore
avoid going to war in a “piecemeal”
fashion. For his plan to be successful, outright war with Israel could not
be waged until both of these criteria
Page 3
Editor’s Note: We are featuring
part two of an article by Melba Newsome, award winning journalist and
contributing author for The
first five tips centered on dealing
with the situation before and during
the separation. This month we pick
up with tips 6 through 10.
eating habits. Older children may
complain about stomachaches or
headaches, have problems at school
or act out.
the daily routines so that everybody
can adjust to a new normal.
10. Go one-on-one
Try to schedule one-on-one time for
each child and the returning parent
Thanks to technology like email,
to reconnect. Let them share picFacebook and Skype, keeping the
tures, crafts, stories and memories
connection between child and the
to learn all you can about what hap6. Share Feelings
away parent is much easier than
pened in the child's life during the
Children often lack the vocabulary to decades ago. Use them regularly but separation.
express the very real frustration or
don't neglect the old-school touchanger brought on by parental abstones like sending photos and letsences. One of the best ways to help ters.
them communicate their feelings is
by talking about your own. Use simple, reassuring words to let your
9. Be patient
child know that even negative
thoughts and feelings are OK to ex- Reintegration can also cause stress
and unforeseen emotional challenges
and spark worries about future de7. Recognize red flags
ployments. It will take time to readjust the family roles and find a new
Watch for signs of distress in chilnormal says Armin Brott, author of
dren. Those in preschool or kinderFor more info, visit
"The Military Father: A Hands-on
garten may exhibit fearfulness,
Guide for Deployed Dads." Slowly
creased clinginess or changes in
reintegrate the returning parent into
8. Stay connected
Further harassment of Israel would
only hasten conflict. Nasser eventually yielded to regional pressure in
order to help stabilize Arab alliances,
agreeing to divert the tributaries of
the Jordan River in order to prevent
Israel from receiving water. He also
agreed to the establishment of the
Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO). Both of these measures led
to increased friction between Israel
and the Arabs, and the PLO’s increased terrorism and sabotage created an atmosphere of tension within
the region.
On April 7, 1967, after a series of
attacks on Israeli villages along the
northern border, Syrian artillery was
attacked by the Israeli Air Force
(IAF). Syria scrambled six Russianmade MiGs against Israel’s Frenchmade Mysteres. The result was six
Syrian MiGs shot down and a stern
warning from Major General Yitzhak
Rabin that further attacks against
Israel could endanger the Syrian
regime in Damascus. The Israeli
threat against Syria was in keeping
with its well-established policy of:
warn to deter and then, should deterrence fail, retaliate.
The Rest of the Story
settled. I was greatly influenced by
the preaching of Dr. Tom Ferrell at
a revival meeting; I had a long talk
with Jim Bandy and he helped me
to get it all worked out.”
For many years following his religious experience in the Wake Forest
church, Redgie thought he was
saved, but he had grown away from
the Lord during his Air Force years.
Following his premature departure
from the Air Force, Redgie worked
“I greatly regret the way I conducted
in a number of positions for Northmyself and how I failed the Lord
ern Telecom (NORTEL), finally retirduring that period, and I doubted my
ing as the Senior Marketing Managsalvation because of that experier in 1998. He then found a marence,” he said. It was after he and
keting position with CP&L, now ProEdith had married, they had moved
gress Energy, but left after about a
to Raleigh and were attending
year in order to attend to Edith,
Friendship that, “I finally got it all
who continues to suffer from Cervi-
Silver stars, which indicate a
family member wounded in action, symbolize gallantry, while
gold stars, added for family
members killed during active
duty, stand for sacrifice made for
honor and freedom. The gold or
silver stars are made slightly
smaller than the original, so that
a thin border of blue shows
around the addition. (NOTE: As
of this writing, blue and gold are
the only colors officially authorized for the stars, but the Silver
Star Families of America is an
organization attempting to encourage the U.S. Congress to
make the Silver Star service banner official for those wounded or
injured in a war zone.)
The surviving Families of fallen
Soldiers are known as Gold Star
Families. Each year, many military installations set aside a time
to honor these Families and
When Egypt’s President Nasser failed thank them for the sacrifices
to immediately come to the aid of
they have made, as well as for
Syria, he was accused of undermin- the ultimate sacrifice of their
ing a mutual defense pact signed
loved ones. The United States
with Syria in November of 1966, and
began observing Gold Star Mothhe was openly criticized by both
ers Day on the last Sunday of
Syria and Jordan. In an effort to
reestablish his self-proclaimed status September, in 1936. The Gold
Star Wives was formed before
as leader of the
Arab world, Nasthe end of World War II. The
ser began a stratGold Star Lapel Button was esegy of intimidation
tablished in August 1947.
against Israel.
As stated on the US Army’s website, “Today, the nation recognizCONTINUED ON PAGE 4
es the sacrifice that all Gold Star
Family members make when a
father, mother, brother, sister,
son, daughter, or other loved
cal Dystonia.
one dies in service to the nation.
One of Redgie’s favorite passages is The strength of our nation is our
Psalm 91, “He that dwelleth in the
Army. The strength of our Army
secret place of the most High shall
is our Soldiers. The strength of
abide under the shadow of the Alour Soldiers is our families. The
mighty. . .” And God responds,
“...Because he hath set his love upon Army recognizes that no one has
Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will given more for the nation than
set him on high, because he hath
the families of the fallen.”
known My Name.” Redgie’s, and
Sources: Adapted from articles
Edith’s, strong faith and certain
on by contributors
knowledge of the truth of these
Joseph Cohen & Pamela Martin;
words is obvious to every one
except from features on the US
around them, and we’re blessed by
their presence among us.
Army website (
Operation Moked (Part 1)
- continued from page 3
The Zahal’s mission was national
survival. The five precepts of its
foundation spoke to the methods by
which Israel’s strategy was largely
Phone: (919) 876-0585
based: Few Against Many – their
E-mail: [email protected]
neighbors, millions of Arabs, wanted
Web Site:
them destroyed; A War of Survival –
Arab strategies were aimed at the
annihilation of Israel; A Strategy of
Attrition – cripple the enemies ability
Phone: (919) 571-4378
to prosecute war by destroying the
[email protected]
On May 22, 1967, President Nasser
maximum amount of equipment, not
yielded to regional pressure and
necessarily personnel; Geographic
closed the Straits of Tiran, even
Joe Perez ([email protected])
Pressures – Israel lacked strategic
though he had been warned by Isradepth. It could not give up ground
Contributing Author:
el that this would be a precursor to
to gain advantage, and surprise atDon King ([email protected]) war. The next week, Nasser protack must be met by immediate
claimed, “This will be total war. Our
SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS: basic aim is the destruction of Isra- counterattack; A Short War – Israel
could not afford the economic impact
 Bob Shaut - 2
el.” With the Straits of Tiran closed,
of a protracted war or the loss of
 Andrew Perez - 9
the port of Eilat was blocked from
personnel and equipment. The obshipping into the Gulf of Aqaba
 Becky Reece - 12
jective of going to war was to prothereby stopping all trade with Asia
 Ken Folz, Teresa Ralph - 14
vide maximum destruction in the
and the import of oil from Israel’s
 Ashante Parchue - 18
shortest amount of time.
main supplier, Iran. In a region
 Shelly Dupree - 26
where tension was a close compan- Israel was in the untenable position
ion, a sense of abnormal tension had of being surrounded by its enemies
and being provoked into initiating
quickly developed.
 Shelly Dupree - 3
war against the Arab states. The
For Israel, a large standing military
rhetoric coming from Egypt was not
 Jamie & Jennifer Hughes - 15
was not possible with such a small
the main factor in considering war.
 Bob & Rita Shaut - 20
population, and the cost of maintainIt was, however, the first rule of
ing that military force would be exorwar, that,” an enemy must be
bitant. The “Zahal” was the Israeli
judged on a basis of his capabilities,
Defense Force (IDF) and was comand not on the basis of his intenprised mostly of reserve personnel
tions” that concerned the Israeli
that could be quickly called out to
leadership. With troops massed
increase the defense capability
against them, Israel could be facing
on short notice. The reserve
a three-front war at any time against
force consisted of male and
numbers far superior to their own.
female conscripts, who served
two years in the IDF and Israel attempted to exhaust all political options prior to resorting to a
then incurred a lifetime
commitment to be called military solution. By May 26, it was
apparent to the Israelis that the
up in the defense of
Israel. The Zahal was mobi- diplomatic approach would not work.
The large Egyptian force in the Sinai
lized annually for a month to
could not be ignored, and keeping
train in their branch of service,
Official Badge giving Israel a significant force multi- reserves on duty would quickly begin
to undermine the Israeli economy.
of the Zahal plier on short notice and at a miniAdditionally, from a credibility standmal cost to the government.
Friendship Baptist Church
5510 Falls of Neuse Road
Raleigh, NC 27609
When the Soviet Ambassador to
Cairo provided the Egyptians with a
fabricated intelligence report about
the massing of Israeli forces along
the Syrian border, it provided Nasser
with what he considered the perfect
opportunity to act on his ambitions
within the Arab World and to gain a
political victory at the expense of
Please keep SMSgt (R) Wilford Capps, Jr in
your prayers. I served with him for
many years and he has Stage IV Brain
Cancer. He only has a few months
left to live. Praise the Lord his salvation is secure! Justin Reece, Seth
Summey and Travis Nelson are in
Afghanistan and need our prayers
and support. We included their
mailing addresses in last month's
issue, so please drop Justin, Seth
Page 4
point, Israel had to demonstrate its
ability to deter any enemy.
Israel now faced limited political and
military options with no strategic
surprise capability.
Israel had to open the Straits of Tiran prior to the United Nations imposing a cease-fire. Israeli intelligence estimated this to be a fortyeight hour window of opportunity.
Two plans were now considered.
The first plan centered on a Zahal
break-through to Sharm el-Sheikh by
ground or by parachute drop. The
second plan involved the IAF destroying the Egyptian Air Force on
the ground and then joining the
Zahal in a move to capture the Suez
Canal. This would allow Israel to
make a deal with Egypt for the reopening of the Straits of Tiran. On
May 31, the newly appointed Defense Minister Moshe Dyan determined that the international complications of capturing the Suez Canal
were too great. He determined that
the final plan would be for the IAF to
destroy the Egyptian Air Force on the
ground and then provide air cover
for the Zahal moving into the Sinai to
open the Straits of Tiran.
The plan was set. In 1963, the Air
Force Commander Brigadier General
Ezer Weizman called for a plan
which would achieve air superiority through massive deployment of the IAF. This plan,
known as Moked, which stood
for “focus or sacrificial fire,”
became the blueprint for
Israel’s air strike against
Egypt on June 5, 1967.
During the years leading up
to 1967, Israel further refined the plan by developing
a comprehensive list of information on every Arab airfield
in order to keep it current.
and Travis a note of encouragement; I
know they will really appreciate it. Please
continue to keep Brian and Ivey Palmer in
your prayers as they minister to our service members in Fort Greely, Alaska.
~ Colonel Martin
 Part 2 of Operation Moked