950 câu trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh


950 câu trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh
(Biên soạn)
1....... every child in the school passed the swimming test.
a. N ear to
b. N ear of
c. N ext to
d. N early
— > d
2. She can look back on h er career w ith g re a t.......
a. satisfied
b. satisfaction
c. satisfactory
d. satisfactorily
~> b
3. T he cap tain as well as th e passengers.... frightened.
a. be
b. been
Q. was
d. were
—> c
4. Ann h as got two sisters. Both of th e m ........ m arried.
a. has
b. have
c. is
d. are
— >
5. Each lea rn e r of E n g lish ..............a good dictionary.
a. needs
b. need
c. is
d. are
—> a
6. Money, nor fame, nor w ealth ...................... brought
happiness to everybody.
-a. has
b. have
c. is
d. are
—> a
7. T hey .................................. a t this school before they
became interpreters.
a. have tau g h t
b. had tau g h t
c. tau g h t
d. were tau g h t
— > b
8. The salary of a bus driver is much h ig h e r.............
a. in com parison with the salary of a teacher
b. th an a teacher
c. th an th a t of a teacher
d. to com pare as a teacher
—> c
9. Professional people expect you to call them w hen it is
n e c e s s a ry ..............................an appointm ent.
a. to cancel
b. cancel
c. canceling
d. canceled
—> a
10. A computer is usually chosen because of Its simplicity
of operation and ease of m aintenance.......... Its
capacity to store inform ation.
a. th e sam e as
b. th e sam e
c. as well as
d. as well
"> c
11. In a new culture, m any e m b arrassin g situ atio n s
occur................. a m isu n d erstanding.
a. for
b. of
c. because of
d. because
~> c
12. N eptune is an extrem ely cold planet, a n d ................
a. so does U ran u s
b. so h as U ran u s
-c. so is U ran u s
d. U ran u s so
--> c
13.................. th a t gold was discovered a t S u tte r's Mill
and th a t th e California Gold R ush began.
a. Because in 1848
b. T h a t in 1848
c. In 1848 th a t it was
d. It w as in 1848
—> d
14. The job h as n o ......................
a. prospectively
b. prospects
c. prospector
d. prospective
— >
15. F rost occurs in valleys and on low g ro u n d s............on
adjacent hills.
a. more frequently as
b. as frequently than
c. more frequently than
d. frequently than
—> c
16. M ount Rushm ore can b e.......................... from more
th a n 100 kilom eters away.
a. see
b. saw
c. been seen
d. seen
17. I’d like you....................... my fam ily th is w eekend.
a. m eet
b. to m eet
c. m eeting
d. to m eeting
~> b
18. Cold objects e m it................ hot objects.
a. fewer th a n in frared ravs as
b. fewer in frared rays th a n
c. fewer infrared rays as
d. as fewer in frared ravs
--> b
19. Mr. G reen, along w ith his frie n d s...................
arriv in g here tonight.
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. were
—> a
20. The s ta te m e n t will be spoken ju s t one tim e;
therefore, you m u st listen v e r y ..................in order to
u n d erstan d w hat the speaker has said.
a. carefully
b. careful
c. care
d. careless
—> a
21. Gunpowder, in some ways the m ost effective of all
the explosive m a te ria ls,............. a m ixture of
potassium n itra te , charcoal, and sulfur.
a. w ere
b. h ad been
c. had
d. was
— >
22. In the relatively short history of in d u strial..... in the
United States, New York city has played a vital role.
a. developed
b. developm ent
c. developing
d. develop
23. As the dem and increases, m an u factu rers who
previously produced only a large, luxury c a r.....
compelled to m ake a sm aller model in order to
com pete in th e m arket.
a. is
b. are
c. will
d. should
—> b
24. She h a s .....the conditions for entry into the college.
a. satisfied
b. satisfaction
c. satisfactory
d. satisfactorily
—> a
25. For the first time in the history of the country, the
person..ửwas recommended bv the president to replace
a retirin g justice on the suprem e court is a woman.
a. which
b. whose
c. who
d. whom
—> c
26. Signor Risponso's fame rested on the b re a th of his
range, which w as...... any other tenor, living or dead.
a. g reater th a n th a t of
b. as large as
c. more greater
d. broader th a n the one of
—> a
27. New words are constantly being in v e n te d ............
new objects and concepts.
a. to describe
b. a description of
c. they describe
d. describe
28. You can’t ...................... to learn a foreign language in
a week.
a. ex p ectan t
b. expected
c. expect
d. expectation
—> c
29.................. ra in or snow th ere are alw ays m ore th a n
fifty tho u san d fans a t th e football games.
a. D espite V
b. In sp ite w ith
c. D espite of
d. D espite w ith
—> a
30. The prices of hom es a re ................ high in urban areas
th a t m ost young people cannot afford to buy them .
a. as
b. so
c. such
d. so as
—> b
31. To see th e s ta tu e of liberty a n d .....................pictures
from th e top of th e em pire sta te building are two
reasons for v isitin g New York city.
a. tak in g
b. tak e
c. ta k en
d. to tak e
— >
32. I can’t see th e ...................... of sittin g on the beach all
day. a. a ttra c t
b. a ttra c tiv e
c. attractiv en ess
d. attractively
—> c
33. Factoring is the process of finding two or more
expressions whose product is eq u al..... the given
a. to
b. as
c. with
d. by
—> a
34. Bricks baked in a kiln are much h a rd e r..............th a t
are dried in the sun.
a. those
b. th an do those
c. th a n those
d. ones
--> c
35. Since infection can cau se.......fever.......... pain, it is a
good idea to check a p atien t's te m p eratu re.
a. both / as well as
b. both / as good as
c. both / w ith
d. both / and
— >
36. Schizophrenia, a behavioral disorder typified by a
fu n d am en tal break w ith reality, ...................... by
genetic predisposition, stre ss, drugs, or infections.
a. may be triggered
b. may triggered
c. may trigger
d. may be trig g er