Tri-Parish Reconciliation Service


Tri-Parish Reconciliation Service
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Third Sunday of Lent
February 28, 2016
Saturday, February 27
Mi 7: 14-15, 18-20/ Ps 103: 1-4, 9-12/ Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32
5:00 PM
Virginia Morris
Jeanne Doyle
Michael Clemente
Sunday, February 28
Ex 3: 1-8, 13-15/ Ps 103: 1-4, 6-8, 11/ 1 Cor 10: 1-6, 10-12/ Lk 13:1-9
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
6:30 PM
Joseph Clancy
Hilario Cotto
Magdalena Velez Jaque
Mary M. Traynor
John Gilbert
Monday, February 29
2 Kgs 5: 1-15/ Pss 42: 2-3; 43: 3-4/ Lk 4: 24-30
9:00 AM
Cesar Magtuba
7:00 PM
People of the Parish
Tuesday, March 1
Dn 3: 25, 34-43/ Ps 25: 4-9/ Mt 18: 21-35
9:00 AM
Steven Antaki
7:00 PM
Robert John Costanzo III
Wednesday, March 2
Dt 4: 1, 5-9/ Ps 147; 12-13, 15-16, 19-20/ Mt 5: 17-19
9:00 AM
Dominador G. Ayala
7:00 PM
Oliver Darcy
8:00 PM
Feligreses de la Parroquia
Thursday, March 3
Jer 7: 23-28/ Ps 95: 1-2, 6-9/ Lk 11: 14-23
9:00 AM
Patricia Welischar
7:00 PM
Savina Marotta
Friday, March 4
Hos 14: 2-10/ Ps 81: 6-11, 14, 17/ Mk 12: 28-34
9:00 AM
People of the Parish
Saturday, March 5
Hos 6: 1-6/ Ps 51: 3-4, 18-21/ Lk 18: 9-14
5:00 PM
Jenni Lee & James Mulé
Neil Sheridan
Sunday, March 6
Jos 5: 9, 10-12/ Ps 34: 2-7/ 2 Cor 5: 17-21/ Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32
8:00 AM
Linda Darcy
9:30 AM
Ines Fuentes
11:00 AM
Dominador G. Ayala
6:30 PM
Christopher Logan
Ana Bauman
Arleen Ercole
Baby Alexandra
Bill Healy
Blake Givargidze
Dorothy Boe
Frank Vacaro
Giovanni Alvarado
Gloria Ostendorf
Joan Yavorcik
John Enright
John Schwarz
Joseph B. Kellen
Joseph Ingraffia
Josephine Anne O’Keeffe
Laura Lilley Yavorcik
Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu
Lucille C. Horn
Marge Haggerty
Marie Pichichero
Mario Monti
Mary Curnyn
Mary Meyer
Nena Ayala
Patricia Connelly
Ralph Gagliano
Richard Webster
Robert Lilley
Robert Taaffe
Shari Morse
Sire Givargidze
Sharon Brunette
Tito Squeo
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Feb. 29 Altar Servers’ Meeting
March 1 Reconciliation Service, 7:30 pm
March 4 Stations of the Cross & Soup
Soup Supper &
Stations of the Cross
Fridays’ March 4 & 18
March 5 St. Patrick’s Day Dance
March 7 Altar Servers’ Meeting
March 10 Holy Hour
March 18 Stations of the Cross & Supper
March 19 Needlework Ministry, Hall
March 20 Palm Sunday
Parishioners of St. Mary's
As we travel together through the Season
of Lent, please consider those of our
community who are less fortunate.
All 4th graders and above
Anyone interested in becoming
a St. Mary’s Altar Server?
The Pantry is in need of the following
 Soup
 Cereal
 Peanut Butter
 Tuna
 Tomato Sauce
 Rice
1) Contact Mrs. Rosemary Macchia
@ 516-220-5635
2) Attend following meetings:
Feb. 29 & March 7
6:00 PM in the Church
Thank you for your generosity. May God
bless you as you grow closer to Christ
and prepare for his Resurrection.
Andrew Santos
Thanks, Fr. Brian
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Third Sunday of Lent
February 28, 2016
Tri-Parish Reconciliation Service
Our three parishes on the Long Beach Island are sponsoring a Reconciliation Service on
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 7:30 pm. This will include a brief prayer service, a homily,
and the opportunity for individual Confession. It will be held at St. Mary of the Isle Church.
When was the last time you went to Confession? Has it been several years? Not to worry,
God’s grace is abundant in this Year of Mercy. Do you think you have been so bad that you
can’t be forgiven? St. Paul reassures us that where sin has abounded, grace abounds even
more. Yes, the power of God’s love is greater than the power of evil and that love is available
to you. Come and experience the grace of the Sacrament and the peace of Jesus Christ so
you can grow in love.
This is a unique opportunity for the parishioners of Our Lady “DO NOT BE AFRAID
of the Miraculous Medal, St. Mary’s and St. Ignatius to join
together in prayer and to experience God’s love in this Year Pope Francis
of Mercy. In addition to the priests of these parishes, there
will be other priests available for Confession including
Spanish speaking. Let God’s graces flow! Let God’s love
wash over you!
Fr. Don Beckmann
Fr. Brian Barr
Fr. Jim McNamara
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma
28 de febrero de 2016
Servicio de Reconciliación de las Tres Parroquias
Nuestras tres parroquias en la Isla de Long Beach ofrecerán un Servicio de Reconciliación el
Martes, 1ero de marzo, 2016 a las 7:30 pm. Esto incluirá un breve servicio de oración,
una homilía, y la oportunidad para la confesión individual. Se llevará a cabo en la Iglesia Santa
María de la Isla.
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usted se Confesó? ¿Han pasado varios años? No hay que
preocuparse, la gracia de Dios es abundante en este Año de la Misericordia. ¿Usted cree haber
sido tan malo que no puede ser perdonado? San Pablo nos asegura que cuando el pecado
abundó, la gracia abunda aún más. Así es, el poder del amor de Dios es mayor que el poder
del mal y el amor está disponible para usted. Venga y experimente la gracia del Sacramento y
la paz de Jesucristo para que pueda crecer en el amor.
Esta es una oportunidad única para que los feligreses de Nuestra
Señora de la Medalla Milagrosa, Santa María y San Ignacio se
unan en la oración y experimenten el amor de Dios en este Año
de la Misericordia. Además de los sacerdotes de estas
parroquias, habrá otros sacerdotes disponibles para la confesión,
incluyendo de habla española. ¡Deje que la gracia de Dios fluya!
¡Deje que el amor de Dios lo limpie!
Rev. Don Beckmann
Rev. Brian Barr
Rev. Jim McNamara